The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 16, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    11KND m'l.I.KTIN', IIKNI), OllK., UI.ONKHIIAV, .11' I, Y 10, Mitt.
rKo a.
.-..- -t ,-.-.....--. 4 - -4.
You Need Insurance
- - - --
-- - ---
1 .,'.
(Sntotti. to The Hand Uulletln.)
CKItBCKNT, Julr 11. Dr. ft'sr
eons, who noeitt a week here rtiwtlr
iiiK his unto. Wt Monday for Bmd.
F M OlMtvae and J. U ltlwiti, who
Attended the Hodeo at KUmaUi
Full, returnod Monday.
Mr nmi Airs. V. It. Ilolllnshead
nml on Dean vrtjnt through Crescent
Tuesday on llietr vvny u the Ukee.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlae Ornvw came
ui from KlnmaUi Falls 1h their car
TneaUr Mr. Graves will vWt ur
(laughter. Mrs. IUuto, (or the rest
of the anmmer.
Charles Urarts. Kd Santry. Mrs.
J. I.. Klngo and Dorothy Anderson
went to Fort Kock Wednesday, re
turning the same dar.
Mr. and Mrs. Clde Ingle and
daughter cam hi fnm Bend Thurs
day. They will vlflt their vonsln,
.1. I., ltlugo, and family for a few
Mrs Welah sod son of Bearer
Marsh went through Crescent Friday
on their way to La Pine where they
will visit Mrs. Welsh's daughter, Mrs.
f Tho Pioneer Sewing Club wet with
Mrs. Stevens at the home of Mrs.
Anderses. Friday afternoon.
J. II. Harrteen of Fort Itoek was n
UrOscont vlsltorThursdiiy.
Clmrles Ornvos re tu reed homo to
Klamath Falls Thursday.
buM1.v ot everything. The nlmndiutee
of moisture has inndo a crun failure
S. Samson Wrought a load of poo
pie tu llufk Creek for the (leisure.'
tloit on the Fonrth, It wa a lively
Mr. l.audfnrd and daughter, Ml
Frances, went to Uend last week.
(Sueeial to Tho Uend Uulletln.)
DRY LAKH, July 10. Over two
inshes ot rein foil hero tho it two
Oonsldorahle plowing Is now done
In Uije 1elnlty.
nRfeX 'wtTnt to Bend after n load
of frefcht for C. A. Itangston's store.
A. Huntsman had the misfortune
to cut his foot badly, and It la feared
that he will he .laid up for some
time. Dr. Hess Is attending Hi to.
llert Southern and A. M. Vaeeke
are forking at the Maury mountain
C. A. Bengston is opening a road In
the center or section 14-20-20 to con
nect with the main roads front Camp
Creek and Hampton.
All kinds of crops are looking well
and prospects are good for an ample
.---- -
(Spechtl to. The Ilend Uulletln.)
POWKLL 1IVTTR. Jnl.v 1 l.-Jack
Perry has leeu plowing for the Fos
ter hoys the past week.
Choir practice was held Thursday
evening at the home of the leader,
Mr. Viola Trueedale.
The Titus hoys returned Wednes
day from an extended fishing trip
on the Deschutes. They left for La Id
law the next dy, where they plan
to work on the Turaalo project.
"Doe" Morgan la over from "Itah
btt Heaven" to help Muni WUtcoxon
with his haying.
Powell Butte had the honor ot hav
ing the fattest woman at the Ited
mond celebration. Mrs. Ulbeon car
ried off the prise, with weight to
The wind blew ao hard here Sat
urday that It was very Inconvenient
for thoee attempt lux to put up hay.
Several crows had to He off in the af
ternoon. The Powell liutte "Mght Foots"
are talking of having n big dunee at
the end of haying. The Inat dnnce
wrb hUch a atiocese that no doubt a
good orawd will turn out for another
one. -
A nttnit-or ot the farmors here hnvo
received from the First Nntlonnl
Dank of Ileiul a hook called "Soli
Culture." It will no doubt bo n big
help to thosj who study It.
Mrs. A. W. llayn has been very 111
for the past week. The doctor from
Redmond has made several twits.
Lee Hohbs le building a new gran
ary on hie ditch land. Thla hi to lie
SO by 14 feet, with a eorrogated steel
George Hobbs made a trip to Red
mond for feed Wednesday.
B. L. lieell, who has been staying
with Kdward William, has left for
the Turn to country.
Jessie Moen, who has been em
ployed at tho Lee Hohbe ranch, left
for her homo near Ilend Wednesday, i
Mlea I'hoelie Heath celebrated her
16th birthday Sunday by giving a,
dinner for a few of her young friends. ,
Among thoee present woro MImum
Alum Johnson, Yloln Trueeditlo. nnd
Mosars. Itoss UubsoU nnd Porter
Mis. Henry Young of Uedmond
pnnt the week-end with Iter mother.
Mrs. llrtjwii.
lid Ploreon tnade n trip to the
Juhuaon rntteh Similar.
Mr. Dougherty of nilnioiul and
Utlwartl Williams lonk dinner ut the
Wfllemoit home Sunday.
- -4v
(Special to The Uend Uulletln.)
TUMALO. July 13. Charles wi
nter of the Star ranch lately sold the
state 100 tons of hay which will lie
used at the- different cam its of the
Turaalo project. Thla clean tip the
11 8 crop on the Star place.
Crops of all kinds will be good In
these parte, and haying has already
Mrs. Carolyn F. Wlmer nnd sister,
Berulre Umphlett, of Lnldtaw, wore
callers at this place Friday.
Several camps are being establish
ed on the project end already the
clearing ot the right ut way on tho
big canal has begun. -
(Special to Tho Uend lluUotln.)
Stovonsou started for Prlnuvlllo to
day. The Indies on the west side of the
warm spring are forming n sowing
clrelo. They will meet nt Mm. Cun
ninghams July 23 for tho llrnl time.
C. A. Stovonsou will start to cut his
hay tho last of this week. He thinks
he will huve n large nmonnt.
Wnrron Llbboy made a trip to
Prlnuvtlle Inst week.
Mr. Martin and hla two sons. Cash
and Woes, Joe Hallmeyor and Clyde
Italsley left for Summit' Prairie on
July 7.
---- -
(Special to .The Uulletln)
LOST CltKKIC. July 5. Qardeaa
and fields are looking nice since the
rain. There was over two Inches dur
ing the past week.
lien DeWIt has gone to Ilend to got
lumber to build n limine.
.11 tn Rntltlu uml noil Aolile, Don
and Vent Yeck hnvo gouo to lfomtent
Oregon to work during Imrveet. They
Intend to go up Into Itnstont Wmih
Ittgtott Imfore reluming homo.
Mr. Myers and children of Hullo
hnvo moved Into tho vnlley for the
lion lthoilee Iiiih Iiouh on tho nick
Hhi for the imit two weeks, but hits
so far recovered na to be nhle In go
to ltontl.
Mrs. Itlietles and children uro sluy
lug wltli Mrs. J. Perry during Mr.
Rhodes' absence,
George Mehrer has relumed to
hie home here nftae an abeeuce of
seven weeks tn Portland and other
Mrs. Overall la having uu attack
ot the rheumatism.
Uobert Whiteside has gone i
l.!eTlew to trsnsect, business In
connection with tho new ecbool dis
trict. C. J. Stauffw and Jack Smith
trMHeacted business In Bend the past
Jamil Llek Mt Oeed His Doatt
When Seerned a a Suitor,
The Hiorj t "Llek'N Folly, or the
.MHhosMiiy Mill.' Iimh to do with the
ruiimiire tit tile life of .Ihiiihh l.k'k, (lie
loner or the l.h-k tdHorvnlory.
In etirly lUe .tonpg l.lek rill In love
A-tth the dmiKbter or it well to do
ulller fur wlmiii he worketl When he
untile known hi lute, which mw re
cIprtH-Hteil liy the jtirl. the miller wns
nitgry and 1m mmIU to liuve rtiiihil:
"Out. )oii neiotur: Dart yon think
of my dniiehter. who will Inherit my
rlchf! llmo you u mill like thleY
liuve you it slucle penny l:t your
purse V
To this Urk reilleil that he had
uothlnu us jet. Ihii one dHy be wouttl
lieve a mill Inside, which thl one
wenld Ihm( pigsty.
In ISM tm uhIi-L. patplmniihitts
Jswe Lick siiriiret eerylMly by
imlMtitK H nwgnimvnt Hour mill m-nr
Huh Jih. The mill wei tlnfilull with
In In Mtltd inalHHtmiy. lihehly tlhliert.
ami h'ko rorm-ilieil with the lsi ma
rblnery -"IMe. He made iltesnuindH
alMiiit the mill very altreetlre ami In
gnu arly t Ht out tre Isitb fer
fruit ami ornMimeit.
Lick raiied lite Wivgent mill to be
phiitograpbeil wltlemt ami within nml
sent the pictured to the miller who bad
scorned hliixfu hU youth.
Miiettfii yearn after Mr. Lick built
bs tplllJgn. I'L ls73t hj- norni-l-ed thjt
Insuro your property with a rcliablo company so '
that when tho firo comes you will be absolutely pro- t
tcctcd. Lob us write your policies.
M. S. LATTIN b CO., Agents
people uf Shu .ln hkhIii by Klvfuu It
to the I'nlue MetnorlHl society of lb-
ton. hrtlf the pnieeedii of sale to lie
used for n inemortiit hull ami hiitf to i
austuln a lecture imre.-r.jclituii;e.
Easy to Put tht Dig Orutts to Flight If '
On Knows tht Trick,
The vlllHge doge of Arabia arc n real
danger to traiunTi. nloim lby attack
en sight without iimrtMStloH. Ily
straugers I mean auv now except thilr
mwh Imieetllate ohihhs. Mbetber oa
th m or ma. write Udy llamaey In
the HiiMlay Ht'litsil Timet Tbey are.
km a rule, greet, powerful brtiitw. often
very hamlixmie. ntremely Hirt'e and
capable of defemliiig the rttM'Uw fmw
tvolv.- ami tHti.-f ninruiMler I bate
often htu tuld tint obeli tillat-ked l
tht-e ferH-i.m HHlimtls the .niirr
tiling to d.i is to sit dwii i'Hrbl uu
(he groitml, when they will nt once de
tint far toy srt I never lind tlie
courage tn Iry this plan mimI bail never'
h It doae during all my years of
travel till last esr. We bad stopM,
to rest ami eat wir lunch In a village
mla. ami I was bMietng out from it'i
(Hieti balcony ami sew an eblerly Tnr1..
coming along between some iHrtw up
Smldenly two tinge dew. barking tn '
rtouely. dasbetl at blm fnoti an on tt
gateway. Inetsnttv he'l to t' ,
ground In a alltlmf Hdt"U I'or a
moment I thought be had fallen ai.1
eiieetrl to see the iloge on lp ft
him To my slnlhment tbev turii.-l
and lleil. their lall lietweeti their le.-.
Itefirre they .iMikl return, if lb. t
would have il"W m H enoplw of
laaern apiwufe.!. beiMtl itn ih f-H'vs
to llW feet Mini HiiiimiWUIed 111 Ul u .1
of tho range of my vision.
merchandise as the merchant does where it may be obtained for the least
ave Money?
The saving of a few cents on a five, ten or twenty-five cent item; fifteen to fifty cents on a dollar item and one to two
dollars on a five dollar item, while they may not seem very great on single purchases, mean a saving of hundreds of dollars
during an extended period. THE MERCHANT will figure at length to save from two to five per cent on his purchases
and it is as important that an individual should also be sure that his buying is done where good dependable merchan
dise may be secured at a saving. A careful note of the prices quoted below may be convincing but a purchase will be
doubly so. We solicit your business from a deserving standpoint: Your money is cheerfully refunded in any case of dis
satisfaction because we have located in Bend to make good. YOU MUST BE SATISFIED OR WE ARE NOT.
Oteuillw, regular 91.0(1 value, hero nt ,S
t'mlerueur, ictiliir 10c talue, hero ut
Undent mi, rcKiilur ."Of talue, hero nt
Arrow Collar, ieiilnr t! for "3c value, here lit II for. . . ,
Nuteen ShlriN, lobular 50c jalue, here ut
Cotton Hov, tcKiilur 10c iilue, here ut 'I for
Ileuty HiiicnilcrM, irnlae "ioc value, hero ut
Mon'x Ktraw Huts, ieular IjCi.OO value, hero at
Itojh Ktraw llutx, regular 7.1c value, hero at
(). .N. T. Tin cail, ieulai- fie Millie, hero ut ff ,1)1
(), X, T, DarnlriK Cotton, regular (or Be vnliie, hero !i for .S
Cailhiiii Currier Hllk, roKuhu IOc talue, hero at . . , 117
Clillilien's Hoke HiipKrteiN, rvKuhii' l!.1c value, heie at 11 for ..."
Couimoii I'Jiih, regular fie value heio ut 1! for 1)5
Needles, lobular !iv value, hero ut - for on
HiioliH and K)eH, regular ." value, here at (lit
Warren's Collar Hone, regular lllc value, hero at 07
Mercorled Hhlrt llrahl, leunlar IHe value, hero at 01)
HiMitaclie Hrald, regular iilio value, hero at i;i
lluttoiiN, regular Hv value, hero at - for ,05
ilottoiiM, uvular I0e value, heio at , 05
AM riatl'l'.MHH AT OMMIAI-K I'ltlCK.
(tiiKhaiiiM, regular He to lllc values, heio at 8
fiiiuilinm, tegular 10c to Hie vulilos, heio ut'
Iluisoit Hohv, rebuild' t!3e value, heio at
liui'Miii Hose, ii'KUlae nile value, heio at
Clillilren'M Hose, ieular U0e value, hero nt
CIiIIiIicii'm Hone, leKiilar l!.1c value, hero nt
Chlldieii'a llohe, icuiilar ilOc value, hero nt
Iiilles' Kid (llovos, toKiihir '-.()( value, heio ut . . .
IjuiIIcm' Kid (lloves, ivKuhii' HI.50 value, heio ut
rillovvH. reutilar HI. -5 value, hero at
(julltN, rcKiilar HI. 10 value, heio ut 05
IoiiIIcm' and ChihlreirN HIioch ut Mailufaeturor'N Cost,
Ladles' and CJilldieu'h tiidertteni' nt .Manufattui'er'H Cont.
.00 U
! .np,!
he regular prices quoted above are those existing
in anv other locality and are less than those which seem to have prevailed in the past in Uend, therefore you can readily
the great reductions at which these and all other articles in the store are being sold.