The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 16, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    Faro IS
ItHXIf niM.KTI.V, IIKNI), OIIK., V KDNT.MDAV, .11 I. V in, 11) 111.
Merchant Predicts (Irrnl riilura niut
Says Ho Will Stny Willi Town.
That Iteml Is nil right and will bo
fnr hotter In the nonr future Is tuo
opinion of T. II. Danlols Jr., the mer
chant who recently onmo horo from
Sonttlo, taking over the it.urn busl-
"During tlio weeka that I havo
boon horo I havo hail Bome opportun
ity to look around, unld.JIr. pan
iols rpriUrdtiy, nnd the moro I sco of
the town nml tlio more 1-Investigate
Its resources the moro tun I convinced
that a big future lies In store for It.
In faot, I and those with whom I nm
associated feel bo sure that liond will
mako a goodly city Hint wo nro pre
pared to stay with It and bank hoar
lly upon 1U"
Tiro Patrol Association to Guard
Against Possible l'lrcs.
Tho first action tnkon by tho Dea
ohutos Valley Flro Patrol Associa
tion will bo tho placing of a flro look
out at tho top of Itvn Untie. K. T.
Oorrish has been employed and prob
ably tomorrow will go to tho butto.
He will camp near the baso on tho
river and have n horso to rldo to the
summit daily. A phone lino will bo
installed next week.
Tho association Is Composed of
practloally all tho timber' owners In
this section excepting the Johnson
interests, represented locally by John
K. Ilyan.
Deed That Have lleon Filed For
Kecnnl at Prlnctllle.
PRINBVIIiLG. July 15. Among
the deeds died for record with tho
county clerk tho past weo kare the
B. R. Post to Mrs. Jonnlo I. Hush,
parcel In Contor addition. Rend.
Kenwood Promotion Co. to Chas.
Slpohen, correction deed to parcel in
sec, 32-17-12.
Mrs. M. A. Duffy to Geo. C. Tnios
dale, settswVi, sec. 22-16-H. J2C00
A classified nd In The Ilullctln Is
read by hundreds and tiring tho ad
vertiser good returns fur the money
You will havo no Irritated faco If
you have your shaving done at In
lies & Davidson's barber shop. Adr.
A. Nerve Trying Climb Up the Face of
a Steep Precipice.
In his boot., "Trailing and Camping
til AtnsKn," A. M. Powell, a govern,
uient surveyor, tolls how one of IiIh
party was led Into a most luuurdotis
predlenmeiit. lloauys:
We lauded on n grassy nook at the
foot of u precipitous motmtnlu spur.
After Miipper one of the ttlo tried to
stlinli to a ledge of while spur Hint
ould bo plainly seen from the camp.
After an hour's hard work he reached
the ledge, but It proved disappointing.
He then saw that he could not do
seem! without eywt In Ills tow. If he'
could nsceud n few hundred feet ho
might lower himself down n draw by
tho help of scattering alder brush. He
pont another hour In getting to that
place only to discover a precipice In
the path lie had expevtisl to descend.
There wis another chance eft; he
might climb to tho top or the spur rar
above. No living man could havo
clung to the face of that precipice n
minute if It had not been for the moss"
that was rooted In the small crevices.
He continued climbing until about
10 o'clock, when he paused to took
down on the oampllro nnd the water,
more than a thousand feet K'low him.
He folt a tdckuNM come over hint, so
he turned his pize to the rock wall, a
foot from his faco.
When near the summit be found Mm
solf faco to face with a perioiidlciilir
wall about twelve feet high. There
appeared to bo a smalt Itottch on tup
of this wall, on which he might rent
if ho could reach It. He sat for a few
moments on n large rock that lay at
tho foot of the wall: then with his
knife he cut niches for linger and too
holds. Holding on by these ho climbed
up and dug a sort of trench through
the moM on tho rlm above, through
which ho might draw his liody. Then
he descended to the rock for a long
rest before mnklng the Hunt effort.
Ho finally nerved himself to the task,
put bis fingers In Hie niches nnd drew
himself from the rock whleli. with the
pressure of tho departing foot, said
goodby and went bumping down, down,
down. The man was left clinging to
his niches-hope nnd life above, sure
death below.
Rig drops of sweat stood on bis fore
head as he steadily worked up, up, nml
held with one hand while ho dug
the other Into the moss nhovo. Half
of bis ldy finally rested on tho edge,
while the other half hung In space
without a foothold. It seemed Impos
sible to move from that sltlon until
he saw an alder stem, an Inch In diam
eter, that had grown on the little tint
bench. Ho tried Its strength, it en
abled him to pull himself up nnd llo
on tho narrow Ikh.1 of moss, where he
thought of friends far away and tits
own folly.
There was but one way out and that
was along n hI;c Inch shelf nhout 100
feet to the westward that ended on
the sloplne rtdce. Along this a man.
could edge his body by holding on to
the Jagged places In tho rock wall. He
took off his shues ami set off along
that sloping path, but he had to be
careful not to look down from his
dlxxy height to the distant enmpllre.
The feat was neeompllshed safoly
nnd a thankful mortal lay on the green,
grassy ridge In complete- collapse. Ills
anendd Immmcter recorded -.1 ID feet
nbove the mini, nnd his watch told him
tlmt It was h:tlfMst I'-1 In the morning.
The Ennllth Drtekfait.
Kiiiilaud Im.s known many changes
during recent .vears. Caste linos have
boon obliterated, the silk hat Is no
longer an objint of reverential wor
ship, actors have been knighted and
ttatids Introdm-cd Into ivstuuniuts. Hut
the breakfast table Is the last ditch of
Urltlsli conservatism. The Hngllsliinan
eats Imtun and eggs :ttt5 mornings In
the yenr and welcome leap your be
cause It enable hint to Indulge In that
delightful dish !ltH! (lutes. The mom
art'h.v may lie abolished and the house
of lords deprived of Its prerogative,
but the Kngllsti breakfast will remain
as It was tu the days of th vouipturur.
New York Herald.
Not Mysticism, but Mathematics.
Sirs Madison, whoso latest hobby Is
the sycholoey and the esoteric Influ
ence of colors, wus deeply gratified
when her husband admitted without
urging that there might be sumethtug
In her theory nfter nil.
"Dawson put me on to It today at
the farm." Mr Madison continued.
"Dawson?" questioned Mrs. Madison,
ntnnzml. for Oiiwson Is the maiiaucr
of her husband's stables nud unknown
among psychologists,
Mr Madison nodded. "He says Hi"
bays eat more than the grays."
"Really r It was a humble victory,
tint Mrs. Madison's face glowed with
trlumplu "How does Dawson account
for ttr
There nro ten more bays than
grays," said Mr. Madison. Youth's
Golno In For Methuselah's Record.
An nuibltlous new eltften, with the
hnblt of taking literally, tho every day
expressions of Americans, obtained a
position as train caller at tho Union
One day he had Just called. "All-M
aboar-r-rd for Kansas City, Den-ver.
Salt Lake, New Or-rleans. Chlnchln
nntl. Uuffa-lo, RalU-moro nnd Nu
A man ran up to him nnd nlmoat
breathlessly asked. "I want tho last
train out for Cleveland!"
The perplexed caller exclaimed,
"What, you shotjld llvo no longl" 8t
LouU Post-Dispatch.
Tried a Dlulf.
Wife fancrlly-ThU Is n nice time
to come home!
Htiti Cluil to hear you say no. my
dear I was nfrald you mlaht think It
rather inte.- Ronton Tnincrltit.
' I lSQr vS vi7 tw s wstBrowa J
i wcoM xvVsf,-y6' saifiKSS
I tits qW&ws'Z mu
V fa VOI ? V I ' 3 III iQ .t . nuiuAMiLLI 1
-. fW -Jl .. WWi-i .taiu moos. furen.'U
HtlkTH -" "'rV
s'- CJ11JI C- I & nS rtdiiMriimiiHcwHtry. The Uml H a iKh. (Iwp nknle h fim
I Oli OflOlllCl 06G LU V 111 tt. noiW.l. Ul. xl .tn.lni. l lltit ilnUln wl-.
miti tic xr thin m ft Tlmltt Igilnl Ust with a K'sul wlr tin tit
enn bt tmtclnw.l t JySnrcton y Ifttin. Th iittmimllii Wir oi-kmI inwintxlgi tf IhIIbI tulutnl wmhIh ami Ju the It
forvNtlon La I'lntli only about tnojt otit. IwtiironlHg llly It bat a Utrheiit nytttm. Iwh kxI Iwttl. I mi lHg stnetat
ntcrchamtlx totca. a fltt etM lUcry ant lrl tatilc. nrtcttlrtit nwiwiKr (tlif l.a I'lnf Inter Muunlaln). lint nf ttir iihmI MirMi
minitietetal dutiv In ttiettiitp mt ihlirtuh Uv thr wiv. Iiaii uwn mt.tMiiv himI Ik uAki r rtMliwt ItiriMMi an attractive iluti hauas
There ate Hurt amatt mw inltla In llierktnlty ufjja I'ltic, whi.h lajual the t.rnlHnliii! ul th Nk iHmtwitiif ami illtln( MtilnrM Dial wilt I
done sue
There are ruutt unetlluem In maiiufuftiiilue ami oilier ttutlnrM lliira here In ntHCatUillal Hlaltef a tjl line la lltttHleaattf
a ttn-aere Khunt liarkin the hrait iifthe ir.Mtuce aeiiH, anil now teclie mi Im the twelllh araile A Caltwilk cHurtli will I twill here
thla pim. ami ulher churchta ate iIimiIii lu ealabtlah ihtmuliM l.a line haa otr it ma eralkntle elertik hmae Mwtr whteh the
owner hatecuimurnceit lodelni ami which atone wvnhl tmlM a ! alie.1 etty The til area af (arm laml trltMilary l l.a line wiSihl
aluuebiilkl ami matntaina tnal alretlrlly Thea.t Uactanf limUr tillmlary to l.a line wmiiM atene ImlH a oml alied itly With the
rumln oflhe twolHe rallinail ayaiema ti M fine, whieh will tie ma, ilelHnienl In ami armimt l.a line will tie ral la fine
can tie leached via C.i Nf , N. I . u V- K a. N and V. I' Ky Vii can nuke tiiuney hy ImIiir Mtieily at l.a line Ik alrHc nf the
raltroada. Other are deliif It. why not Vol'1 WAKK Ul'lirlhe fact thai a .IhI welMueatcd lnwn In une of the Heweit and beat aestlona
oflhe Northwtat It twuii.i tu grow rapully and that Kieity values will rllmh aeenJltity l'rle imw funn mmh Thelerma artraty
orily a few daltar er month on each M Yoitduti'l tnitaihe mency. Ihii yw atmn anjiilrc valuable ftti,fty. Write llay tor Hal. HHa
ami termttu
Kellabte ajtHlt, with t" bank refe'cuvee, waHle.1 In all atlaif Ike United Walet.
CSpecInl to The ntilletlu)
ing Is In full blast here now. This
drat cutting is yielding a ItMvy crop
nnd Is being cut n lit t to earlier than
usual. This will insure an tntrly soo-
otttl cutting. Timothy will bo put up
Just aftor tho alfalfa.
A flno shower foil here Monday,
nnd whllo It caught many Itaystaokn
open, and much liny in shock and
windrow, It was wonderfully refresh
ing to potatoes nnd spring sown
Hay baling will soon begin nnd
with one or tuo moro Imlwrs In tho
ttelghlriirhood this Reason, farmers1
Mill he able to bale thtdr hay us soon ,
as road).
It. P. Arcltsr ml oho nf his host,
dairy etiwa last week. Upon making (
examination, ho found the opening '
between the second nnd third stout
aetls clogged with a fttinrt or moro of i
sand. This Is Ntipposodly enusnd by
drinking water from shallow ditches,
tho light ptimtco sand shifting nnd
Hooting In the water making It easy
for stock large iiuantitles of santl.
As therq havo been several valuable
cows dying suddenly nntl from soma
ttnoxplnlnahla came lately, it might
bo well to look alter Hi odrlnklng '
J, P. Itowmati returned Monday ,
from k trip to Psnillelon.
A man from Itolmrlri, Ore., n ex.
pMtsl here In n week or two to buv '
tip soiiim dairy siiwk. having already
ImrKnlned for wvernl cows. ,
Lewis Ulslr bought a ItorM of Mrs.
Mary Klltutt Inst week.
A party of young people from tlio
Hhephnrd district woro up to seo tho
sUvo fttiiuo Ktiuday. .
Hchool will commenro In district
72 on Heptemltor S this year nn nr
count of tlio county fair being earlier'
than usual, thus giving Hi teacher
and pupils moro time to propra exhibits.
---....-, ----'.-- 4 -
-- ---..,..--
Real Estate
Real Estate
ft P
For Close-in Acreage
Let us show you the property ?,
conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment
The Bend Company
f ,(
Office corner Wall and Ohio Sts.
D. E. HUNTER. Real Estate Manaw
Ifcte- eeeee-ee ---- ---- -- -a---4.4.. JlnlS
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