IM.SU III liMJTIV, IIK.NI), OHI-J., WIliJ.VKMIlAV, JULY id, JBIH. Pngo II. v Central Oregon Will Be Pictured In Movies Deschutes Canyon and Harney County. Views to Have World Wide Audience on Pathe Films jawnb shall be drawn throiiKlt tho , pipe itH laying jirogroeaea to clonn tint mortar JolritM nml oxcluds oiJoctlon Hblo material from entering tit sew or. The awab ilmll be removed from thu pipe by the drain layer at the completion uf tli work of sewer com -t-,...-. Timiiaiim Ifi WF-WV I H aww aw -- flflD leM"l"vy Vffi W. "- w ' WWfWBPy J MJ ae-era or his lurpector shall o cause for temporary suspension of tho lloariHo of (he offender by tha city engineer pending final suspension l.y tho Common Council, In addition to any other penalties that may he Im nosed under this ordinance, anil inch paction. VHrlflHd pipes ahall not mo. penalties are paid and until llama proarh within lire feat of any build- suspension, ahall operate until snrh lug, roller, raull, or nraaway, from U restored b Hie Common Count!!: which K)lnt eaat Iron pipes ahall Im nor ahall each suspension give tiro ; Approval by the mntor ue-. in case sou pipe naa been pre-i offending party the right to h- re-i Hand first time Julv lr., 1913. vlously luld lo said point by the ( turn of any money paid for auch II-' Hulas suspended by aaanlmoua plumh-r, the drain layer ahall con-, cenea. (vote and naesed to Immediate Meond latlon to regulate tho construction or alteration and repair of sowora and house drain In the city of llond, Oregon. In ordar to promote tho health and welfare or tho citizens of Hatid and to protect the public prop erty of said city of Hand, an emer gency la hereby rirelared and thin or dinance ahall lie In full force and ef fect from and nricr M paeango nnd Oregon will bo set In motion nil over tliu world na n result of n visit to the state by Itnlpli II. Maris, repre senting Patlm'a weakly, n motion pic ture reeorii of oventa whlel. I seen hack wk in picture Imaaaa through out tho United Ktatee nml European countries by mora than 94,000,000 people. It wna with the cooperation of Louis W. Kill, ahalrwon of (be hoard of director ortho Oreat Northern rail way nml William Hanley. of ilurna, Oregon, that the motion picture man wna enabled to secure some vary re markable vlowa of Central Oregon agricultural nnd Industrial scenes. Makltif tho trip Into llnnd over tho Oration Trunk railroad, tho Hill lino ttmt hna npoued up the ureal Control OioKoti country, the motion picture mnn wna taken to Ilurnr, In Hnrncy county, by nutomoblla n dlatnnco of ISO mile. 1'or it weok the I'athe re preaetiUitlve toured Harney county eavarlMff mora than 1,000 mlla by nu tomoblla to Meare Alma - that will how to the wadd the openlnia for homeeknra (Ml the frea novammeut landa of Oregon. Whllo h vial tor on the Double O ranch, owned by Hanley, mora than 2,000 head of cattlo were rounded up for the picture. Motion picture pano rama will ahow the oxltmt of the treat vallaya of Central Oregon nml tho Illltaen canal, Juat completed by Hanley through tha Illltan vnlley. Thla IiIk Irrigation ditch, formiHl 1 the water of the Illltieu river, drain more than 1Q0.0OO norea of land and la forty mlloa lonR. Tho plcturea will ahow tha hog and aheep Indui- uort J.U two plpaa In a careful and workniaiJIko manner. Separate connection: Kvrry building ahall l aeparnlely hiiiI Indeiwndently connected with th- aewrr; provided, however, that ( whi-n, In the opinion of tbtau-'crlnu-ndvnl of aaworv It la deem jl advlaable to coonect two or ,inor Imildlnga or a Una of tent- incnta witii in,, aame aevrar, the main (i ruin or lateral ahall terminate in a man-holn not leva than two and on- luiir feet in diameter at tha bottom uid two feet at the top; the tnvorta i. hull b carefully-fornid In tha con "if foundation and the top ahall ii.iw a tight coal Iron cover. Mart ion 10. Cea poola: Ceaa pooia ahall wot be coaatruclad on property abutting on aanltary aawara, and the uae of old ca pool ahall to dlwontlnued when public aowara are nnairu'(d. Where caaa ixwia are i-ritilttd I hey ahall not be located w It hln twenty-five ftwt or any dwell' lux. and alull not be leaa than alx (() ft aquare and eight () rt deep, Mind toji and bottom and aide mi na tti form a IIkIH chamber with a vent rcichiiiK alx (0 feat Hbore tho aur- raro. No ceaa jkioI or other aewago ro fiiacH ahall b eooatrncUMl upon public property, atreota or a I Icy a ux i'it upon wrltton pormlaaton of tha nup4rli)tendent of aowera nutliorlzcd thf Common Council. RUon 1C. Mtorm water: Whor rain water leadara are eonnectod with the ftewera provlalou mint be mode to M-cure ncalnat the entrance or any objnctlonablo material into the aewer. o atorm water conneottona will be action 10. A ordlmincw and parU of ordinance In con Slot with tha provialOHa of thia ordinance are hereby repealed. Whereaa'thara la Immediate nead and demand for tha naaeaHa of Itfgia- rtadlHK. Head aaeond lima Jnly 16, 1913. 1'aaatd July 16. 19 IS. Attaat: Approved : II. C. Bllla, O. P. Putnam. Bacorder. Mayor. Practical Baking Lessons FRITTERS AND DOUOHNUTS I am pleated to submit to you choice recipes for doughrmia and fihtera. Theao few recipes 1 have aelectwl from my hwge coltection with a view of Rtvjng yon the meat ptMtteal, at wait as the very beat. Ifibese miet with year favor, 1 am greatly pleased. try, homritcokers comlne Into the country, tha saga brush land hefora permitted except upon written per- nd after the arrival of tho home- aoaker nnd generally give a truthful picture of the opportunities, and po? albllltlea of Central Oregon. Louie V, 11111,1a ono of the fore moat of Northwest devolopera and be lieves In the motion picture to give miteion or the superintendent rf aawera nnd aubjsct to his restrlethma. Section 17. Improper uae; Kn trannc Into the man-bolaa or o-kiiIhk tha aam for any purpoea whatever except by the' engineer or other iier- wlde-apread publicity to what Oregon I ."f ''"'r thorlad. la ntrictly pro- haa to offer to newcomers. I ,I,"- o ana ahall throw or de- The Patha people have also secured ' I"""- or caaae or parmlt to l. thrown n reel nhowina the sconerv of tha Daa!r denoalted In any veeeel or reet. chutaa canyon where the Hill linos 'lacle connected with the public aawer. I leap nUud p4ry hour H expended an anormoua aum of money I garbage, hair, aahas, fruit, vegeta-! 1 "F j?,.tn "e"1, , ,- Ji to build the Oreaon Trunk railroad I i.w nn.. --1 1 .... 1 level teawoofulK C Ii into the Central part of tha state. Tht cinnt or a; other matter or thing ploturea secured by tha Patha peoplo wi,i,ivr int ,.,.... ..J11-. nr M.u nr.l f Ihn lcln.J nvnr InVon In WM BXCept hUUMU OXCrement. "w ."W ...v ... .w ....... w. .....w. ... MMMU ,1... m..A..HM u.a ,.. M,,fif, ,4,Q iiTCormrj cioeei Cermm Deultmult 4 eape lour ' K taapooafnl aait 1 cup laillc 1 sup aaa 4 level leaafifioafule K C Ileking I'Atrder K teeefKXHittil or maee or nutmeg 2 uh or 1 w ntl '1 Btldlttanal volka httt loartlxr, threo time. Hour, K C, nalt and ntU. Heat tlte tgait very llelit, uioe tlte rotary etts beAtnr, tlien cradnnily beat in the sugar, makiBK n very Ilalit creamy mixture of the ten and euaar: leat In the milk and tlr into tlte flour. Make a eft itiwili. rail into a abeet. cut Into round. plneb o ltol in the center with the fiaser and fry in deep fat. Pat for frylnn iltould not 1k Iiot vooueIi to brown tbi douzliaut until it baa rUen. When tho douRhnut U dropped into the fat it lnk to thn bottom. As eoon M it mm up it should be turnod and turned a sitmlier of times whits eookins. This reeitw is exeelleot n they do not take tho fat in fryine sod will tay moist for aay. Potato DoughrmU WW remain mobt fer days 3H cups fluur M teaepoopful salt 2 & K tsaipetoful mo 1 eup susar 1 sup eeld mashed potato 4 level teaepoonful K C UoUhr Towder eup muk. er more, u needed Silt three times, tits flour, salt, tpiee aal bakina nemler. Iieat eaas with ratary bnater, tben still using rotary beater, crau uaHy add Htgar, then wotk m the maehed potato wiMi a spoon and ailernately add raflk sod Hour mixture, fry as German Doughnuts. Pineapple Soatt i eup rnesr I tsaspoaafal flour 1 tablespooaful lamoa jalas Cook until smooth wHh Hoeapple Ibjuxl and water, ueimt cmnuah water added to the pineapple liquid to make 1H eups. Otitic and Hie Frllttn 1 cup boiled rice, grains 'distinct 2 tableepoonfuls milk or melted Imtler M cup uraleil cbeeso 1 ec. Iwitcn llcht 1 level teoepoooful K C IJakiog 1'owder if tesspoonful salt 2 level tablupoorifubi poetry flour. nift iocrlhrr. thrxl lima Ida (1xi bakins powder and rait. To tho viz, odd tho riee. Iwlter or milk, cheeee nndlaitly the flour mixture.. Drop by spoonfuls Into butter melted in the Lbur f n rhiAmr dUh (or Irj-ing paD). Let cook until a delicate brown color, then turn to cook tho other side. Servo with White Sauce 2 taUeepooufuU rounded or butt 1 taUefpeoDfal rmsded or flour . 1H eup mNk Salt Ktvl lianur n ..,. Rub butter nml flour toeether. add milk asd eoek uatfl seooetk Oregon and will bo shown In tho lend Ing motion picture theaters all over tno world. (More and After, mill ...ii- it..., i . ' '" '" """ """ """J """ l"nr i iu 1 1... ...... iu... i ii .iit wr IIu.immI w,,.H I... .ittHo iHr I ,aoOi. which lK.d ahall ta npprov. -V.w iiiitliiMi nl.i tiow.iirlskljr Im I , ,, , ,. .... ..',,.. out Mft.-r ...... Im,I Klryn l.lm j llty Pon,mtflIimi ,He rotot!. tin- (jtwrivr." Imli. be Isstiwl, tho applicant or applicants ad with a sower built by prl shall tile with tho olty cferk n Itondlvula parties, or to pass through property not owned by the nppUmtit. tho written oonient of tho owner must be p rooo rod und filed with tho application before the permit la is- I tlou of the olty of Hoiiit against nil sued. If It Is not rlahl tin not do It If It Is not Irtiu do not ray It Murtius An-Mill. OltlH.VANt'll NO, 7. Ar ordlgaaaa to ragtilah tha eoa. Mlruelloa, alteration and repair of aewer and houee dralaa Im tha city of IkHil. Oregoa. lie It ordain ail by tha Common Council of the city of I land: action 1. SnprVlalon: The eon MtntctlnH, ranalr and mnlntenwnca rf all aawara, drains and ceaa pools wkethar. public or piivute shall bo MBdar the aupervlnlon and ooutrol of the aiiperlnteHdHnt of aewcra. Saetion t. I.Iooiihh: No parson. Urm or eorporatlon ahull engage In or ooutluat tho bualnoaa or sewor win ttectltiK nnd hoitso draining, or ox nnvata any trenchos for sewor plpo or open, uueovor or In ttny tiinnitur mnko !. , tho streets or ulleya or with any prl m4' vate aewer or drain In the city of llend without holding the proper II- CMMisa for suoh work frtnn the City I Council ut the city of Hand, Oregon, excepting only persons operating under apeolnl contract with the olty for sueli work. j , Section 3. Application for license: I The application for lloansn nhnll be presented to tho City Council and on- 4oreeri by tho Htiperlntendunt of aew. , ara; nnd no ponton, linn or oorpom- tlon ahull rocolvo auoh llonnse who ' does not hnve nu eatnbllHhed place or hualneau within tho corporato limits . the oily of llond, nnd who shall Hot 11 rot huvo furnished tho Blip- orlnteiubmL of sowors Hntlsfnotory ovlilenoo of his or tholr rospon- nlblllty nnd iiiiillfloatlaiiB to ply tholr trade In Accordance with tho roiiulro- inents uf this ordlimnoo nnd tho mm- orliitendunt of sowers ' ruloa for tha .(jonduot of suoh work. Suction I. llond: Aftor fnvornblo notion by the City Council Kriuitlnir i lluuima, und boforo the hiiiiio ulntll j loss gr ilamnge which may occur on neaouiit or much uconse tiirougu nny eareleaanuaa or iiegllgenca In olthor the execution or protection of this work, or by reason of any unfaithful or Inadequate work done by such uerauM, firm or corporation, or by his or their umproyws. and that said tlcanssa an audi will itlao conform to tha eoHHttloHa and taqulramenU or tha city for hla or their government, or In default thereof will etibmlt to such paHaltiaa na ara or may be pre scribed by tha city engineer. Meclion A. License fee: The II conee lea or a drain layer shall be twenlyuve dollars (1S) par hhhuhi IMahle In aHvnnca. and no license grouted under the provisions or this ordinance ahall be for ji greater or n Iihhi (rorlod thnu ono year. Hcotlon f. re of license: No parson, linn or corporation engaged In tho hustnuk of sownr connecting nnd drain Inylng shall allow hla or their names to bo usod by nny other porson directly or Indirectly, olthor otinnectluu with, or Iny nny sowor In , the streets or alleys or with nny prl-! to obtain a permit or to do anywork under his or their license or bond Section 7. Permit: Ilnfnro com mouolng the oonstructltui,- modllloa tlou or repclr of any sewor, drain or cesspool the drain layer ahall first obtain n written permit from tho niiierlntendcnt of sewers, a'nd auoh permit shall be upon the ground it all times during tho progress or won: and mast be howt, any olllcer In au thority on deiutipd. Section 8. Application for permit: All applications for porniitsNnuit bo made in writing upon tho proper blanks for that pitrposo, and signed by tho owner or hla nutliorlxud agent, and whon It Is required they shall he m-ooinimnlud Iiy n plan showing tho whole course1 of tho drain which In to bo constructed, togethur with tho Section 9. Koe for connection: A foe or Ave dollars ($a.00) will be charged and collected by the super lutenoent at sowers lor oaett eon sec tion, to -cover the cost of eeUtuf grade and Ming in tha aHpertntenJ eat of aawera' offlca a plan of collecUd for aawer conuactloaa ahall le turned into the olty txaaaury to the credit of the aewer maintenance fund. Section 10. Barricades: Bxcava- '" m-I 1v aoch iiaraon shall con nauar. Ibiuld aloiw, and drainaga of such character. Section 18. Inspection: The sup erintendent or sewers may adopt such rules as he mav deem neoassarv to provide ror the proper Inspetclon of tne work, nnd no work shall bo cja ri. has bean approved by tie Htrintoni!.nt or sowars, who will endorse a certificate of final In epoctlon upon the permit' lesnod for that particular work or connection. Section 19. Penalty: Any person, firm or corporation, who shall be found guilty of violating any of tha provision of thia ordinance, or who yiull fall nr neglect to comply with any such provisions, ahall. on convic tion thereor. lie fined not leaa than five dollars (li.OO).nor mora than one hundred dollars . I $100.00) for each offence, and ten dollars U10. SO) Helpful Hints Never 1st the fat be hot oaough to brown before the doothsula and fritters rise ami expand. Often soggy fritters anil tough doughisuta ara made by bavins the fat too hot K C Hairing Powder a osneokdlr adao- ted for doughnuts as one cannot fry all at once, and with IC C the food can bo mixed and stand for hours before cooking. tlon in streeta and allays ahall lie made In auch maifoer aa to Impede tiaval aa little na iwsalble, and the aapatintendant of sawara may de termine and limit tha time audi excavation nmy remuin oiien. n: i when unnecoasarlly delayed he may d:ect that the number of workmen lie increased to husten tho work to such an oxtuut as he may deem necessary. Hcd lights shall be inulntHlnod upon nil unfinished work nt night, from dark to sunrise, and aufllclent barrlcndus cball bo In plare nt nil times until the work Is com pleted. Bed Ion 11. Itefllllng or trenches All tronche shall be refilled In a careful anil workmanlike manner, nnd tamped or puddled so aa to re place as nearly as possible nil exca vated malarial, and leave the surface in na good condition as before tha oommenoement or tho work. Soecial carj shall bo obaarved with trendies wlthjn streets and alleys, und nil surplus material must be re moved when work, Is complotad. and any refilling of trenches neoaaaarv to maintain tha highway in good oondl-' tlon ror a period or one yecr shall bo done by Iho drain layor. Section IS. Size of drains: No drain or sower pipe ahull be less than 'six (9 J Inches Internal diameter, and tlnue tn violation thereof. Uf ul violation of aald Vegula ti na of the superintendent f Appie Fritltrt taasfMymfulsaltl eunmuK lakioa Powder - ..- mm iw 1 lVi tAfOOfUUl pOWtMltKl MMCr 2 ftmir, parwl And out la t.ll vhem UflAAjli.e Ikeuillnu (l.fli Kt,r.rtl pemler, Mgar and salt Add tho milk to thoTliai b an advantage over tho old fash beaten egg and stir in the dry lflrredlent.:.i .jr , . Tbeaitt7ln the blu of apple. Drop baUerlKWd e-actkn baking iwdew. cram Uto hot ft Iiy fpnonfuli ftml lt fry until Jell-.of tartar and soda or sour milk and soda, oately brews, and spslo is tender. Drain on T . , soft raoer. Serve with rowdired ur or l "HP every iKiujckeepor to try a coa Jelly jauee. Unan, proohes, frejh or.of K C Baking Powder. The case with which it can bo ued U very gratifj-ing. eanneJ, and other fruit taay be Used In tho aame way. Jelly Sauce K cup sugar 14 rIois JHy 1 table(Minful flour IK oupe cold water 1 tableepooaful lesson jutco - Mix all together and cook until smooth. Pineapple Ftitten 1 eup Sour i teajpoonful salt eaa UK ;jLr vt teastteealal It C Making loIer I teaspaoaiw pa-awmi auaar Mix a sppU fritters and fry in deep fat, serve with Pineapple Sanaa. M sap chapped er nsW pine sppi 1 wv Ono can mix any amount of battrt- and cook it na needed. For instance a largo amount of biscuits can be mixed and cut out ready for tho ovm and baked as wanted through several hours. This U due to tha double action of K C, which also makes it iropawtbi fer ca!;j to fall. Purchase a oaa of IC C ami be convinced for yo-rsslf Just what it will do. Follow tha direetiaas oarefuhty and auecess is sura lo follow. OtrHmUWiMm4 3tyt. a. NOTICE Sornuny rotfoost nro bring mado forleisant that havo been mtasnd, that we have had the ooaptate oorie ot loeions durably bound and will aond It treo on ra;ueet. It yen have mimed any of the Ieiions or would Ilkn to havo them In con venient torn for iulur uo. or II you have a friond to whom the- might bo help ful, Uropus apottnland u. bound aet will bo promptly mailed FUEE. K C EAIdNG POVDER MFGS IGth and Canal Sts Chicago. III. slxu of tho Hnmn, tho locution of nil branches, depth of drain holow tho Moor of tho building, nnd suoh other Information ua tuny be rotiulrotl by tho Htiporliitoudont of nevern for tho propor direction of the work. If tho fe INDEPENDENT AUTO LIVERY TO ALL PLACES IN CBNTRAL, ORUQON Ul'lno $ 4.00 SllvorLnko $10.00 ii VJ v. I i FortKock 8.C0 l4ko 10.00 Viewpoint 11.00 OTHER PLACES AT PROPORTIONATE RATES, Ofllco In Confectionary Store, Wright Hotel Bldg,, BentJ, Oregon. nil sewers and drains shall bo df suf. ncioni sizo to nccominotinto tno prop erty they nre luteftdotl to eorvo. Section IS. Pipes: AH pipes ahall lie first quality, salt glaxod, thorough ly vltrltlod earthonware, sound nnd drain Is to bo coiuioot-i woU,burnei, 8't" thorough- i) kiikuii u.MDiiur iiiiu iiuuuor sur- fweua. All oonnootlons shall bo-laid to n uniform grade. Changos In the dlrootlon of tho Howor shall be made lii- bettda and sultnblo lHtlngs. Pipua shall not bo out or chipped oxoept by pormlsstou of tho suporlntoud ont of sewers nnd shall ho dono In accordance with auoh rules us ho may proscrlho . Kaoh plpo shnll bo carofully boddod as laid, tho jjolnt nilotl with fresh mortar oom ,)paod of ono part Portland cement and two parts of cltmn sharp sand. Tho plpo shall bo covered with lino aarth or sand, frco from rooks, and thoroughly paoked to provont tho sllghtost sottlomout of tho dlaln. A' Paisley 15.00 Lnkovlow 20.00 Rurna 13.00 $7.50 A DAY Net Profit HpHAT'S THE RECORD of just one - man who bought a second hand automobile and is now operating a stage line. YOU -too can make good money with I .an automobile and build up a nice busi ness along many different lines. INVESTIGATE THIS OPPORTUNITY AT ONCE. We have no cheap cars bu a comprehensive assortment of high grade cars traded in for new White touring cars on which we will allow you I09t special discount from our net price on these cars in return for the missionary work they will naturally do for us -providing we receive your order within 10 days from this date. You can select from the largest and finest assortment of used cars in the city of Portland. The White Company E. W. HILL, Mgr. PORTLAND, - OREGON OOUPON (Pill out this coupon If you want a special offer.) Answer theo nuestlons frnnklv. You aro not obllj,' ntlnj; yourself In any way but It will give us u chanco to save you time, because wo can tell yqu about just tho car you want. What make oar do you prafor? , . , What amount of money do you want to in voslV. . , , What slid in power?.. ' many jassenors?..,. Najue.,,'.'. , Add ress , , . . . .