The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 16, 1913, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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rco 10,
(Continued from Togo Eight)
gon Petition presented, continued.
In Iho mutter ot repairing culverts
on UcntMlurns rood Presentation of
the sttunUon was mndo by tho city
nglneer of llend and others. Order
ed that tho supervisors of tho road
districts In which tho samo are lo
catcd bo Instructed to glvo their lm
rnedlato attention to repairing tho
said culverts and to notify tho ditch
companies to repair such as It la
their duty to repair.
Statement of county clerk ns to
scalps received, read nnd approved.
In tho matter of tho Central Ore
gon Livestock and Agricultural Asso
ciation, on tho petition of J. P. Cadle,
ordered that tho Control Oregon Live
stock and Agricultural Association
bo officially recognized as tho Crook
County Fair.
In the matter ot tho experiment
farm, continued.
Petition of Tho Bend, Company to
use explosives In tho Deschutes river
referred to district attorney.
Court adjourned.
Tho following claims were allowed
by tho court:
C. P. Becker, grand Jury ...J 31.00
J. W. Berry, samo ........ 33.40
J. V. Livingston, samo 2C.tO
Isaac Martin, snmo 20.00
Jerry Achley, samo 28 20
C. It. Henry, samo 34. SO
V, C. Logan, samo 34.00
Geo. Dodd, witness fees .... 9.00
S. Leonard, samo 9.40
C. B. Oliver, samo 10.00
It. Foster, samo 10.0'
O. A. Pearce, same 9.00
II. W. Turner, same 9.00
If. L. Edmunds, samo 37.S'
II. J. Love, samo S.00
II. K. McClabln. samo 12.20
J. A. Blust, samo G2.-0
Hugh O'Kano, samo 21.00
C M. Dunham, samo 3.S.00
R. II. Brown, samo 1S.00
W. L. O'Donnell samo 9.00
J. L. CUngan, samo(dlsllov;ed)14.00
Frank Klssler, same 10.00
E. T. Stevens, samo 10.00
"W. A. Golden, samo( 10.00
V. II. Klrkham, same ".30
W. B. Snldor, samo C3.00
Earlo Benton, same G.40
C. W. Kemper, samo COO
It. 8. Dixon, same 18,00
Clem Brown, same . COO
E. S. Duggy, samo 14.00
O. V. Scagraves, Bamo .... 15.20
Win. A. West, samo 14.60
C. II. Llppo, samo 14.00
Fanny Llppo, same 14.00
Elvena Llppo, samo 14.00
Leona Llppe, samo 14.00
A. C. Barber, samo 23.00
Mlnnlo Weaver, samo 1S.00
Gld Weaver, samo 15.00
Minnie Weaver, samo 15.00
Frank Coffman, same COO
J. II. Stanley, samo 20.00
Ovid Riley, same 17.00
Nels Hagen, same 28. SO
Carl Anderson, samo 29.20
Ed -Hansen, samo 29.00
C. O. Short, samo 19.60
W. F. Barber, samo IO.iM
Thos. Marshall, samo 19.4J
Frank Doak, same 20.00
Chas. Swanson, samo , 20.00
MIIo Wood, same 20.0)
John Steldl, Bamo 13.00
J. H. Corbett, samo 10. 00
John Mattson, same S.4 3
M. 8. Mayfleld, same 15. JO
Mrs. C. L. Ream, samo 19.00
Maud Ream, samo 19.00
TJ. L. Ream, samo 19.00
S. S. Crawford, same 11.00
IL. L. Nichols, Bamo, U.00
T. L. Carney, same 12.00
Roy Summers, same 12,90
A, R. Bowman, same 12.00
V. A. Currier same . . . 47.00
Jos. Cram, samo 15.t I
Mrs. I. M. Vogel. same 12.00
J. W. Horlgan, same ...... 2.03
E. B. Powell, same 25.t0
Alonzo Weaver, same (disal'd) 21.00
Irwin Hogan, samo 10.00
Mrs. N. K. Powell, same . . lO.bO
S. J. Powell, samo lO.'ji
E. C. Kimmell, Bamo 18.00
Roy Mills, samo 28.00
W. H. Snook, samo 9.00
W. R. Cook Juror 10.00
C. W. Minna, Juror 10.40
Bruco Gray, Juror 2.00
G. W. Wiley, Juror 2.00
Walter Vandevert, Juror .... 2.00
Chas. Swanson, Juror ..... 2.00
L. L. Nichols, Juror 2.00
E. T. Slayton, Juror 4. CO
I. W. Spear, Juror 7.00
W. O. Ralston, Juror 10.00
Wm. A. West, Juror 10.00
J. E. Adamson, Juror 11.90
Joslah Williams, Juror .... 5.00
H. F. Mitchell, Juror 8.80
J. C. Sothman, Juror 15.00
W. II. Prose, Juror 7.20
Guy Lafollette, Juror, 8,00
John Mattson, Juror ....... 7.40
W. J. Johnson, Juror 2.00
J. L. Wonderly, Jurqr , . . , . 4.00
O. F. Wallenburg, Juror .... 2.00
Geo. Seater, Juror ........ 2.00
C. L. Roberts, Juror 2.00
T. J, Leach, Juror ., 43.20
A. W, Boyce, Juror ...,,.. 44.00
C. A. Nowblll, Juror 42.20
J. R. Knot, Juror 38. 00
A. T. Murtln, Juror 48.00
J. L. Campbotl, Juror 46.00
Wra. Marks, Juror 30.-0
John Kemmllng, Juror 41.20
D. W. Burnett, Juror ...... 4G.00
A. J. Anderson, Juror ..... 10.00
W. G. Loucks, Juror ...... 9.00
Douglas Hood, Juror , . 9.00
W. II. Ramsey, Juror 10.00
W. M. Farrell, Juror 10.20
R, T. Olson, Juror ...,..,, 9.00
O. W. WelU, Juror '. . 6.00
A. S. Collins. Juror 46.00
Anton Aune, Juror 46.00
T. S. Hamilton, Juror 7.00
P, II. Dencer, Juror 51.00
W. J. Vandevert, Juror ..... 2.00
C. J. Johnson, Juror ...... . 42,00
C. 11. Fry, Juror 13.00
C. V. Billing, Juror ....... . 1C.C0
John Ferguson, Juror ...... 16.00
I), A. Kendall, Juror 13.00
L. A. Nowblll, Juror 16.00
Orvnl Davis, Juror '. .. 51.00
0. II. Hatch, Juror 62.P0
C. R. McLnllon, Juror ...... 49.00
J. B. lleyburn, Juror 52.00
E. O. Luthy, Juror ........ 57,00
E. A. Bussett, Juror 9.00
A. J. Noble, Juror 17.00
Kaymond Calavan, Juror ... 2.00
Wm. Burgctt, witness 48.00
C. II. Fry, witness 20.00
F. A. Dillon, witness 58.00
F. H. Woods, witness 6.20
U L. Fox, witness 13.00
John Helfrlch, witness 6,00
Geo. Hamilton, witness .... 10.00
W. L. Itobertson, wit (dlsald) 62.00
J. M. Hayes, witness 27.40
It. II. Price, witness ...... 21.20
W. B. Young, witness 12.00
Henry Scehale, witness 18.60
Allen Wlllcoxeu, witness ... 21.00
Barney Lowell, witness ..... 15.00
J. W. Brady, witness 99.40
Harry Hackloman, witness . . 26.00
O. C. Moss, witness 20.00
Waltor Allen, witness 26.60
Bruco Gray, witness 27.00
A. W. Yancoy, witness 26.00
A. J. Holts, witness 41.20
W. S. Hall, witness 41.20
W. M. Kentnor, witness .... 41.20
D. R. Dunn, witness 37.00
W. C. Mooro, witness 27.00
A. II. Parker, witness 25.40
W. F. Hammer, witness .... 23,00
J. D. Symons, wltncsa 24.00
Bldwell Cram, witness 2S.00
tC. D. Gonser, wltncfs 18.00
Frank Grater, witness ..... 27.00
Tom Lewis, witness 25.00
S. S. Black, witness 15. i0
Lee Lawlcr, witness 2S.00
G. M. Tclfor, witness 1S.00
J. It. Bnyless, witness 41.20
11. L. Prlday, witness 2S.00
Jas. Lnwlor, witness 2S.00
John Jones, witness 2S.00
Dan Troben, witness 28.00
Bert Clark, witness 28.00
Milo Wood, witness 18.00
R. D. Clark, witness 28.00
Wm. Slnvens, witness ...... 20.00
F. L. Cram, witness 3.60
I. W. Ward, witness 10.00
E. M. Tobln, witness 3.20
G. W. Ramsey, witness 18.00
W. H. Burchtarf, witness . . . 4.00
O. W. Wlloy, witness 6.00
C. A. Woodward, wltnoss . . 56.00
Davo Dotson, witness 56.00
John Kolzman. witness 37.00
T. II. Sands, witness 36.00
H. W. Turner, witness .... 15.00
Perry Reed, witness 15.00
Oscar Morris, witness 1S.00
W. A. Hamloy, witness .... 15.60
Delia Hamloy, witness .... 15.60
Mrs. Aaron Pike, witness . . . 15.70
Maude Wilson; witness .... 15.C0
Geo. Slater, witness 15.20
Holllo Swingle, witness .... 44.00
J. C. Houston, witness .,... 28.60
J. 11. Garrett, witness 7.50
Logan McPherson, witness . 31.50
C. T. Palmer, witness 31.00
A. B. Schroder, witness .... 48.00
Ira Bradley, witness 48.00
L. E. Morgan, witness 36.00
R. C. Harris, witness 63.00
Harvey Wlnslow, witness . . . 28.00
Joe Mathews, witness .... 28.00
C. H. Langdon, wit (contd) 4.00
Louisa Becker, witness .... 26.40
Lavlna Jones, witness S.00
Dave Newman, witness .... 23.00
T. J, M. Rlggs, witness .... 26.00
John Mliliorn, witness 28.40
Abbie Woodward, witness .. 12.00
Geo. Brown, witness 30.00
C. S. Sundqulst, witness .... 18.20
Mrs. C. J. Sundqulst, witness 18,20
Mrs. W. It. Stacks, witness . . 8.40
Hobart D. uelknap, witness 2.00
John Maben, witness 4.40
R. H. Bayley, witness 20.00
W. W. Collins, witness .... 20.00
G. Welgolt, wltnoss 29.60
1,. B. Lafollotto. witness .... 10.80
Mrs. L. B. Lafollette wit ... . C.80
L. M. Bechtoll. witness .... 10.00
Ed C. White, witness 10.40
S. M. Scott, witness COO
W. A. Booth, wltne 14.00
J. R. Walklne, witness 9.40
J. C. Robinson, witness .... 37.00
E. O. Hyde, witness 4.00
N. M. Robertson, wit (disalld) 4.00
Josso Yaney, witness 10.00
Hilda Sundqulst, witness ... 12.60
Robert Brown, witness 28.60
Fannie I'och, witness 6.00
H. P. Belknap, witness 2.00
C. S. Edwards, witness 14.00
Raymond Calvin, witness . . 13.60
Mrs. Geo. Roberts, witness ., 14.60
E. T. Slayton, witness 4.60
Mrs. E. T. Slayton, witness 4.60
Ray McKInnon, witness ... 11.80
Remington Typ Co, ribbons 10.50
R. II, Deyarmond, gas, labor 4.95
Clinton Huston, book case . . 4.00
Madras Trading Co, mdse .. 12.45
E. D. Gonser, rebate llqu lie 100.00
Z. M. Brown, 30 days assesslng220.00
WenandyLlv Co, tm hre(dlsld)36.26
D. II. Peoples, wk sherif office 144.00
B. A. Sordal, samo 50.00
E. E. Gtllenwater, dep assessor 43.00
J. N. Hunter, same 40,00
J. F. Morris, board Stam ... 16.75
J. F. Cadle, guarding Jail , , . 15.00
C. A. Stevenson, const fees . . 35.46
II. D. Still, supplies 4,25
J. A. Saxon, work May term 16.65
J. C. Robinson, tires, etc ... 90.00
A. E. Bates, Justice fees .... 5.00
D. Q. Burdlck, atty fees .... 15.00
John Steldl, auto faro 5.00
Hugh O'Kane, auto fare . . . 5.00
M. S. Mayfleld, spl constable 20.00
O. D. Mills, euro of son .... 20.00
J. H. Wilson, work , 40.00
Barker & Toney, auto faro 13.00
Redmond L & P Co, gasoline,
disallowed 28,18
John Curtis, lunches for Jury 12.70
Jas. Green, dep stiff (dlsald) 21.85
Lee Lawlcr, dep sheriff .... 5.00
E. D. Gonser, same 5.00
F. W. Foster, samo , 2.50
W. Brown, certified copies , . 5.00
D. W. Harnett, dop assessor . 16.00
Jas. T. Robinson, samo ,.,, 150.00
A, C. Lndd, bnl on llconso . . 100,67
Tum-a-Lum Lbr Co. ...... 140,60
J. E, Fuller, dop assessor . . 62,00
J. J, Wilt, siuito ........... 214.53
Harry Hudson, coustnblo fees 4,00
,1ns, Wood, dep assessor . . . 316.90
Oregon Trunkf rent for It 35 5,00
It. L. Brewster,' dop wtrmstr 30,00
Frank Elklns, brdlng prsnora 131,40
Frank KlkliiB, stamps 21,60
Frank Elklns, cash to W. C. Hol-
llnshond 113.15
11. Belknap, nuto hlro ..... 27.50
II. J. Ovorturf, dop assessor 90.00
John Curtis, board Long . . . 28.80
Homo Hospital, enro of sick 205.00
Bond Bulletin, printing .... 77.74
Van M. Morse, frt 27.10
J. A, Kurmnn, wood ...... 180.50
A. 11. Kennedy, Justice tecs 30.90
Orron Jones, wlness fees . . , 1.50
Chas. Stoveuson, samo .... 1.50
Gilbert Simpson, samo .... 1.50
11. II. Clow, Janitor foes ... 180.00
Mrs. R. E. Gray, tench oxam 36.00
Victor Shaw, co sell supervisor 29,00
Chrlstabol Hubbard, 8th gdo ex 6.00
Theresa Cassldy, same .... 3.00
Lora and Norn Starns, work In
clerk's offico 51.00
11. II. Clow, laundry and stunts 9.35
Mrs. I. Michel, mdso 6.651
Crook Co. Journal, prtng . . 92.00
Prinevlllo Pinning Mill, lbr 13.N
Jourdnn & Son, express .... 15.67
Dee & Co., lbr nnd work .... 23.60
H. Grimes, hack hlro ...... 6.60
Clnronce Rice, 2 mos salary 150.00
Warren Brown, oxtra help . . 20.0 U0
II. P. Belknhp, sorvlces .... J7.25
F. A. Ilowoll, dop assessor . . 20 ) 00
C. P. Beckor, camu 120.00
Ada Morso, Bamo ......... l.U 00
F. A. Rico, work, etc 2 J? 50
Stntlrn Biggs, clerical work 21 So
W. F. Hammer, dop assossor 116.60
Halph Jordan, services, etc . . 77 ih
Deschutes Pr Co., water etc 101.15
Hates & Forsth, pine wood .. :.3.'io
J. C. Itobtnson. nuto hlro .. VI.Fb
Wennndy Llv Co, aid to Mrs.
Overton 2.60
Verna Smith, work co supt's
olllco 27.00
LI. E. Myers, stamps etc ... 21.23
T. N. Balfour, dep assessor 173.5)
W. M. Brownhlll, marker .. 4.00
G. H. White, chalnman .... 8.00
G. R. Long, ilngman 6.00
Ivan Ramlio, chalnman .... 8.00
M. A. Gullck, nxman 4.00
Harry Farnsworth, chimin . . 2.00
W. 11. Klrkham, samo .... 2.00
H. J. Chenowoth, samo COO
Christ Gnllcburg, samo .... 5 00
O. C. Bates, Bamo 2.t0
Glen Hendrlckson, flagman . 2.00
E. C. Klmmol, chalnman 2. CO
R. A. Hamilton, axmnn .... 6.00
O. W. Updike, flagman .... 4.00
O. B.'Chnpman. chalnman .. 2.00
J. W. Wilt, marker 2.00
Frank Rico, flagman 40.00
G. W. Wells, vlowcr 52.00
H. Grimes, vlowcr 52.00
J. W. Dennis, team hire ... 8.00
Gus Arncson, dep watrr.str . 9.00
Vincent Llv Co, tm hlro . . . 7.00
T. L. Qulnn, dep wtrmstr . . , 8.00
Geo. Browstcr, serv and oxp 201.70
Frank Maddox, dep wtunstr 100.00
The Schmeer Ranch For Sale
55 miles southeast of Bend. 280 acres. AH stock and
equipment. 100 acres in cultivation. About 100
horses. Milk cows, chickens, etc. See me if you mean
JOHN SCHMEER, Address Held, Oregon
Did you say repairs? Wc have them for McCormick
machines mower parts, binder parts; in fact, wc carry a
complete line for old McCormick machines as well as
new. Drop In. Let us figure with you on the repair
question. Make your wants known. We will tell you
exactly what it will cost to repair your old machine, and
in case the expense would be too great, we will frankly
tell you so, thus placing you in a position where you can
get your new McCormick machine in time for harvest.
. Wc handle a complete line of McCormick machines,
and will be glad to see you at any time. If you arc not
ready to buy, call and get our catalogues anyway. They
will interest you. They will inform you as fo exactly, whal
wc have, and then you will know exactly what you want
when you get ready to buy.
We also furnish repairs for Milwaukee, Buckej;el
and Champion Mowers.
T, G. Donncan, mvnio 44,00
8. A. Ellis, 'samo 0 00
Hotol Redmond, board .... 1)80
IlnrthOld'ltnrg Co, supplies 12.08
J. E. Whistler, woodwork , . 15.00
Plonoor T & T Co. services 224. .13
Dond Iltlwro Co., suppiloi . K0.f5
Patterson Drux Co., siinio . , U.O
U. C. Coe, snmo 14,00
O'Donnell Bros., mont S.00
L. B. Mtnouor, supplies .... 14.00
John Sothman, work , 11,25
Harry Hudson, coustnblo ,,. 1.60
Frank Porclvnlo, work 83.00
lloniur Ross, Prlnovlllo-V',li-ell
road .............. 'i, 024, GO
J. II, Wennndy, dep shorlft . . 8.60
Leo & Hughes, nuto spring 7.50
H. A. Foster, trvllng expenses 20.00
There is no use to
advertise the
as to its reliability,
promptness and
accuracy in pay- :
ing losses, but it
is necessary for
you to know that I
J. B. Miner
is the official agent
of this territory.
i (
Bend, Oregon.
John Hteldl, transportation of
(tood rund comr (dlinld) 80.00
W. Brown, expons nnd simps 11,65
Ltppmnii & Co,, mdso . . . 0.25
Olnroiico Utce, work 15:1,00
O, W. Klklns, mdHu 22,00
(llnsa & I'rmlhummo, sup ,.574,00
Tum-n-Luin Llir Co,, luntuor
continued t ,..,,,, . 257. HI)
Wndo Huston, witness ,,,,, 3,00
MmlniB IMoneor, puli prucdKiis 20.00
H. 11. .llnyloy, comr 66,00
W, W, Brown, comr .10.00
W. F. KIiik Co., rd sup ,...4:10,65
11. K. Muorea & Co., IcKnl blks 10.20
W, J. WrlKht, work 22.60
(1. A. Hnmsoy, work 14.40
J. Wesley Bmtth, work 21.00
Madras TrndliiK Co,, mdsu , . 1,20
Tuin-n-Luni Lbr Co (dlsld) 267,33
man BciiooL
J. W. Binltli, 1-12 yrly slry 100.00
Hammond A Stephens, d'pls 32,00
Remington Typo Co,, ribbons 34,60
C. W. Klklns, nulio (contd) ..5,06
Watts Mblo Wkv, 2 slabs . . 23.45
10. U Coo, slry $405.35 alwd 40,36
W. F. KltiK Co.. supplies . . 28.16
Kstes Short, onwlus wood .. 13.00
Ueschutes l'r Co., water eta 81,06
A. 11. Llppmnu, ubo of chnlrs 5,00
Ralph Jordan, work uti heaMnK
, - - -
Pilot Butte Hotel
Ideal Slopping Place for Summer Vacationists
(1001) DININd KOOM.
frgu Auro uurwnuN
Shingles Mouldings
Building Material
: The Miller Lumber Company
i Bend, Oregon. t
.. - - - - - - - -
Headquarters for Commercial Men
lilcctrlc Lighted Throughout
Oood Rooms
Tree bus to
and from trains
- - - - -
Ouv nursery is loented on Powell Butte, fourteen miles
cast of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend
lifter over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices und treutment will
please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nursery. Ofllce address, Prineville. Ore,
iluit , i i 326,00
(1, A. Oustnfson, Jnnllor work 140.0D
Crook Co. Journal, prttiK . 517,30'
13. L, Coo, Iml dun on imlry 126.02;
J. Hummers, club hnl 2 uIkIU 10,00
OruiiKci Jtulil Co., books for
IiIkIi school ........... 40.00.
Court lutjoiirnoil. '
Tliroa skilled harbors urn nt In
nos ft Davidson's barber shop to
servo you.-Adv,
T 'a
Vienna Cafe
i iiiiiiii1,ih
Wall Street
Good Mi'bU, Prepared with
CleunllncNM, nt Moderate
Lurifo Lonvi'nofWIioluHomo
Bread 5 c Each
A Trial Will Convince
- - - -
noruL and diipot.
- - - - -
Special Attention to
Trantlont Travel
OREGON (lood Meals J
All arrangements made for persons
deilrlnj: to go south and east of hero
- - - - - - - -