The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 16, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 10
.' UvSfVmtUvy of (). A. O. Points Out
Wimtrd Opportunity Por Diiihhi-
' Mll'lttilttl Woilt UlllltH' Sl'W liHW.
Itinerary (if thu 1'nrty.
To arouse Interest In tho onuven
41ii f (lis Central OreK'Ui Develop-
',iilnt I .wi k u (i, to li liulit ill ICIaiiiath
lnlls Ottobor 10-X1. party or Port
land mini In tourliiK tlui Interior unit
1 Incidentally InyltiK special strim tition
the linMirtHiicH of scloutUle tiRrlcul-
, tural development.
I'lill IliitM, rtiproMiiitlnK MunnKur
C. 0. Chapman uf thu Portland Com
' inorelal Club, I loader. With lilni Is
A. II, Cordluy, iloiui of tha itfjrloiiltur-
, Ml department of the Oroxon Aitrlotil
tiifHl College; It. II. Cron-r, assist
mil general pnssoiiKer agent of thu
' X. 1'. & M. Hy.i J. M. Komi ot tho 0.-
( W. It. &. S. Uo. mill J. C. I.eedy, sup-
, atrliitoiidont ot tho agricultural do
(NirtHKtiit or tho II ii rim IIIkIi Jkliool.
.After n complete olrelu tliroiiKh Com
i trnl Oregon the party wilt return to
IU elilof purpose, npnrently, In to
' -drum up Interest In tho development
i;ivewtWtn. .Mr. Cordley IihiI some
, practical mtvle to offer, hiiiI It huh in
probable that In thu course of IiIn
Journey thmuKh Crook county he
tony he able to arouse mime apprecia
tion of IIih Importance or the opor
UiHlty which the county la letting slip
mm regards nicrlcultiirnl upbuilding
Dhhh Cordlev smike with enutt
athuidRm of the postlbMltles of th,m,,,lM' HI-HdlnK bs well out on the
hhw law whereby tho state will inatc,li,,rpni I" canoe when his atteu
county appropriations for aurloul. ' ,,on wn" "Uraclml by tho puppy, who,
tural demonstration work. That In,!" barkliiR and JumpInK In the wa
if Crook county will put up from tnr nvldontly trylnis In his dumb way
lf)00 to H000, tho state will coif-:'' ",vo n "'arm of trouble. The
tribute an equal amount, tho sum '"'" churned up hy the dog made
to be spent iiundor tho supervision of
A thu Orscou Aurlciiltursl CollnKe 'was (Kilutml out to him
thnt thus far Crook county's court
' had taken no action reftardlnit oven
those demonstration farms that wero
4Kratod last year, Dean Cordloy ex
pressed some astonishment that
economy" should bo ntttmplod lu
this dlrootlon.
"If wo win Ret tho peoplo Inter-
oslod In this matter and swuro the
necessary nppioprlallnn," he said,
. "we would Hltempt to waltur the
iMMaflis as widely as powiltiUi. That
la. iHstaad of onductliiK a couple or
MWtlH Stations, we would have a terttat
(May aowllar one, simply rentlHR
wmall tracts from ranchers and
Khar having the owner operate them
MBder our direction or cnrliiK for
them ourselves. In this way the les-
ietM of Mloutifle farming would be
More readily seen and used by peo-'lug.
ltle throughout the country."
The schedule or the trip or this
"flying sfjuadron" is plniiRud as fol
laws: Monday. July II llond, Prlno
vtlle, Madras.
Tueaday Motollus, Culver, Terro
i , i-,
A.B.A." Cheques, used by tourists In all foreign countries;
nlso arc the safest, most convenient funds for travel In the
United States and Canada. Not good till you sign them;
safe as your own blank check. More handy than your
personal checkbook, for your signature identifies you.
mum av
TS Doschutos Banking Sb Trust Co.
B, l'HRRIJLL, President
It. M. LA'RA,
lion no, lloilmoiid, Dnlilluw,.
Wednesday - ICn route to Minis,
will iiiiuit hoiiDwtuHdura at llrook
liigs', Itolyat, lhuiiituu Hutto.
Tnnmilny Ilnritfi, Ilnr(iy, Mnr
iliimn, l.ttumi, HuriiH.
Ktldny llurns, Narrow,
Hnturdny "I'" rnnah, Cntlow vul
lo'y. Monday Itoarlng Miirlnsn, Pliish,
Ailfl, Dnliuvlow,
Monday l.ukovlow, Now Pino
Criiok, l.akovlnw.
Tuesday Illy, Itonanza, Dairy,
Klamath Palls.
Wednesday Klamath I'd I In, Mer
rill. Kliunntli Palls.
Thursday llarrlnim Dodge, Pll
oiin liny,
I'rlday Port Klamath, Ctfrral
Mprlngs, CroKAiit, l.n Pino.
RutunlNy U IMHh, Wlver Daka,
Xuiiuimr likn, Paisley.
Miindny- Paisley, ImV P. 0.
(Christmas Lake), Viewpoint, Part
Monday. July 21 KrntMORt. I
Pine: supper and ovehlng wwetlng
nt lliiiul.
Owrlurf rhllil ltoriifd IVoiu llron.
lux hy Itonnlil lllnoilliiK, "Orlrrt"
Mm Inn (iltrii Illtia Vnrnln(,
A miinll and fat white untlor pup
flKuriHl prominently In it Hfo-navlm;
oplnodii whloh ondd happily lato
Thuriliy nfturnoon wlion tho 2-yonr-old
win or .Mr. and Mrn. II. J. Over-
turf wan riwviinil from ilrownliiR In
the IJoMlnitwi river liiiinmllately lu
front of the old Drnko Ihwii. Donald
HlaudliiK umh the actual rewiuer. but
hml It not Itevii for tho hiiIIcm of thu
puppy, (lullttrt hy naine, UlmidlBi?
mi)H he would nnvvr love notlvfld the
plillil In I Ilia Lnlttr
The yoiiHMtur. who In a Jr..M iw
cNpml from home and wauderftd to
the river front. Oelyrt playlmc nlouu
with his youthful master. Apparent-
'r he sllppinl Into the water. At all
the hoy's clothliiR visible to lllund
InR, who paddled lu as f.nut as he
con in ami jumping into tne water
oarled the child nut. When plckud
up Junior was about IK feet from
shore. In water some four feet deep,
and floatliiR face down. Tho experi
ence did tho boy no harm, for tho
next day ho was out rgnln, halo and
And In tho meantime tho rotund
flelert nil unaware that ho Is a horn,
Is enjoyltiR his meals and his puppy
play as enthusiastically as ever. Ills
name Is that of a doe famous In n
Welsh leteand who waved hU maatar'n.'
imi.r I rem tUe attack of wolf, at thu
xMne of Ul own f.
A cafeteria supper will tte rIvh
tomorrow evMiitng (Thursda)) !,
kIiihIiik at 6 30. In theTrlutett build
formerly the postntU? building,
under the ntisplcva of the I. a die1 Aid
Koelety or the Methodist Cliuroli. it
Is understood that n good menu Is
bolng proparod, and thu ladles hope
that the public will render tholr as
sistance In making the supper a suo
cess by their patronago.
il-' I T ' WyVlTJ.l.T'TTn
. vTL . . """' i
.s . jMtz:,
i im ..'"a
V. O. MINOR, Secretary'
i 1
Wouiiui Willi Clilldicn Under 10
Vciim of Age Dqwiiilnnt Um
1 Ih-iii (Jet .Monthly Alloivnoco
I'mmii llio County Court.
Tnking ndrnnlaRe of n Uu mmw1
liy the Im( IRhilalure, Crook eouiily
In now mbhIhiiIiik widows who have
children under If, ysflrs of ok depsn
dent upon them for mipport. The
County Court fit lti July mmIou
iKNintod iippllctttloHi for thee pen
mIoii. Tile Uw provider thnt "Kvery wo
niun, who hem one or more children
under the ago of 16 yearn and whote
htiMlHiud In eliner dead or Is an In
mate of rii OreROti ntnto liutltutlon,
or r reaiwn of phynlcal or mental
iIIbohuh In wholly unable to work,
and wliono nuppnrt and tho support of
whoiio child or children Is dopundoul
wholly or partly upon her labor,
shall Ito outltled to the nsHlstauco as
provided for In this not for tho sup
port of herself and of her child or
The amount allowable Is $10 a
month for one child and 17.80 a
month for xich additional child
under 15. provided tho child or chil
dren rtMldo with tholr mother and
I do not have property sutltclent for
AladhlBff a at Hail.i.nai A H U lallnlUllhaH
' "w.r OWH "u ,,H,ru
i II J
?.all cease wheavver a widow mar
.. .i ,. ,... .
, ,tinu(iK iHe wn unw iimu Hi
lowed ihmsIohs under this act are:
(Jraee M. Ilassett, Hampton, $10;
Kminit J. Marlon, lildlaw, $32. SO;
Johanna M. ffatiden, Ilend, $31. 10;
Mary C. Ilonuey, $J6.
CtiiMxo Wi-xt Dank liOttrr
Crane l'rnlrie Now Flooded.
Aulomoblllats Iniund for Crano
I'ralrlo hato oxccllent chances or be
Inc liORgcd, nccordlnR to thoso who
made tho trip recently.' Tho bad
place Is on tho road Immediately west
or tho county brldRo crosslnR the
Doschutos below Cart Allen's ranch.
I'or a hundred yards or so tho road Is
afloat; while the expendlturo of a
few dollars for corduroyliiR would
make h safely passable. Apparently
nothing at all lias been dene with It
to date, fa til there has Wen some
' I Rood ilrylnR weather heavy cars are
rvIhr up the wast side of the river.
On tha uniMjr ten miles of tha road. '
leading to the foot of the prairie, a1
H miter of treea are down, having ob
structed the road for several months.
It Is possible to get around these,
but tho matter has been called to the
attention ot the forestry office and no
doubt the road will be cl nrod. Just
now the lower portion of tho prairie
Is Hooded, so that anyono fishing be
low tho mouth of tho Cultas should
be prepared, for n walBt-deop soaking.
We have just added to our stock of
goods ti full Hue of high grade Automo
bile Oils, Cylinder Oil, Castor Oil and
Axle Grease. We handle the famous
Wolfs Head Auto Oil, which is recom
mended by 112 car manufacturers. Once
you try the oils we sell you will buy no
Builders Supplies a Specialty.
N., P-TiMIf H
Bond, Oregon '
v Fy
AMMmcnt I'or Hrvter Will Ilo Irfws
I'tv l,ot Tliun Orlitlnitlly Ksllinat-
imI. Tiwoiiimt'x ItcjMirt Sub-
iiiltlrd Othirr I'rt)CifiUiit.
At the eounD mcetluR last night
two ordfnaHseM were iased, one
"regulntJiiK the eonstruetloii, altera
Uuu and retwlr ot sewers and house
drains" and the other "creating the
olllce of superintendent of sewers and
proscribing rules and regulations gov
erning plumbing and draluago ot
buildings." Tho text ot both ordi
nances, which go Into effect Immedi
ately, appear elsewhere In this paper.
The mayor'a appointment of (Jeorgo
8. Young as superintendent ot suw
ore will be presented to the 'council
for ratification this afternoon.
On petition of llond street prop
erty owners, a oemont sidewalk was
ordered laid In front of lota 8 nndlO
of block 11. Tho ham now on Wall
street towards I.ytle was ordered re
moved. The fire and police commit
tee was Instructed to Investigate the
purchase or a tire bell.
The following report of the treas
urer was presented, showing a hai
aaoe of $8763.04, reckoning the
amount advanced the street improve
ment work as being returned to the
general fund as It will be after the
assessments are collected.
ItccrUril From
Hal on hand per last report $2,479.02
Finos and pound fees .... 192.20
Dog tax 106.00
Licenses C.S00.S0
Crook county taxes 3,816.88
Miscellaneous 573.91
Disbursed For
Police protection $ 934.66
Fire protection 286.74
Street improvement 623.43
Light and water 1.162.36
Int registered warrants . . 24.SG
Miscellaneous 4.621.34
Dalance on hand C.11J.0C
Total $13,668.44
At a meeting thin evening tha coun
cil will consider the matter of spec
ial swr aeeMMit. As stated in
ICngtneer Kooa'a rwpojt. the 'method
of -I riving at tha apportionment la
a follows:
"One-half or the total assessment
has Iteen made on tho front foot lm
als. the remainder has been calcu
lated on the area of the property. n
the business district the assessment
Is $1 por front foot plus $7 por thous
and square feet of area and in the
outlying district theso figures are re
duced by BO per cent.
The general average of the assess-
merit Is less than tho original esti
mate submitted to the Common Coun
cil nt the time the bond Issue was un
dertaken, by nbo'ut 10 er cent. The
estimate nt that time was $2.18 per
front foot or $109 for n 60-foot lot
or average depth."
The Stale Dwcrt Iand Hoard has
authorized the purchase of about
1100 acres of land In tho reservoir
site In connection with the Tmnnlo
project. The prices range rrom $11
to $79 an acre. This completes the
reservoir alte with the exception or
two small parcels. Most of the right
of way can be obtained by paying a
reasonable price for tne timber on the
h. D. Wlrst'a frfiwii Scene of Social'
ftnllirrlng Followed by Hnilnr-M
Region Dailies Korto I.uncli. he unsatisfactory so far an tho mat-
An Innovation in corporation meeU.Ur ot nd'nK d rook Is oonoerned,
Ings was made by th0 stockholders !aecor,,,nK " Jnn T. Whlstlor ot
of tho Arnold Irrigation Company at
their annual meeting yesterday. In
stead of the formal aesembly in a hall
tho session was hold on L. D. Wlest' fect wth no obnngo , tho ohar.
lunii, iiiiu nun iiiu luillllien Oi IIIO
stockholders attending the affair
mndo a social gathering of much In
terest and enjoyment. Tables wcro
set under the trees near tho house
and spread with all kinds of good
things to cat which had been pre
pared by tho ladles.
At tho business meeting which fol
lowed tho luncheon, tho quostlon was
discussed of building about 1000 feet
of flume near the intake nt the com
pany's ditch made necessary by a
sink In Uie land which has recently
developed. The matter was Anally
left for tho directors to settle and
also the question as to whether the
flume when built should be ot con
crete or timber.
The board or directors who have
served tho comtwny for tho past year
was continued In office. They are D.
D. Wlest. Glenn Slack. K. P. Droster
house, W. F. MeNaught and Charles
Man Found Hanging by licit Strap
Near Wlincr Place.
"(Special to The Bulletin)
DAIDDAW, July 15. When engi
neers on tho Tumalo pToJcct cntersd
one ot tho now camp buildings nsar
the Wlmcr place this morning th-ly
were greeted by tho sight ot a man's
body hanging from a rafter, his own
bolt strap having formed tho uormo
with which, ho took his life. The
man Is a stranger, about 45 years old
..,,) u-n. fnlrU- nail ,i.-.n,..i in. I.,:,
was gray and he wore o.short mui -
tache. In his pockets was one nickel
and some tobacco.
Coroner Pol n dexter, accompanied
by Dr. C. 8. Rd wards, came to the
sceno. A coroners Jury constating of
A. C. Ducfls. O. Laurgaard. M. S. Dm!
lard. Charles Wtmer. J. C. Thorp iitd
J. M. Slry declared death a result of
The camp whore tie bodv
wrb found has Just bcon complete.! j day from Cheney, Wash., accompani
ed had never beeu occupied. Tl'0( ed hy E. S. Jordan, and took "harga
doad man, It Is understood, had been , of the remains of her son. Tho ia
" round Dend for about n week At i torment was mado In ' Pilot Dutto
Laldlaw -he had asked J. C. Thorp Cemetery, services being conducted
how to reach tho camps,( sajlng ho by Dev. E. Q. Judd. Mrs. Wllco re
wanted work. ' turned to her home Friday evening.
;' uS'
Ihe First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOC. E A SATHCR. Vlc PrtiUUnt
O. 8 HUDSON. Chl.r
Capital fully paid . . . IS.000
Btockholdart-liability S 2 6. 000
Burplu .... . CI2.600
HpHIS BAISIK is the busi-
ness barometer of the
Bend country. The fact
that our deposits are $1Q0
000 more today than this
date last year, shows pros
WlilMfcr Tli Inks Htuto Dcst Able to
Do Declamation Work licoauso of
Mootl Credit TumaV) Project
Ought to SucccimI, Ho Says.
The work of the DshutM currey
i Party at Bertham Plta oentlnues to
Portland, In charge of the eurrcy. Ad
ditional holes have been drilled unit
the first ones put down to a, depth oE
acter of tho formation.
Tho other work of tha survoy is
now being done from camps abovo
Itojlmond and between Opal City and
Culver. At a later date work may
be begun on other Central Oregon
rlvors as provided in tho law making
the appropriations.
Commenting on the Tumalo proj
ect, Mr. Whistler said that ho waa
greatly pleased to have the Supremo
Court decide as it did In favor of tho
appropriation. If carried to a suc
cessful conclusion, as ought to bo tha
case with O. Laurgaard In charge,
the undertaking, he thinks, will bo
merely a preliminary to others of
equal Importance to the settlers and
the state. In Mr. Whistler's opin
ion, for tho state to do the work a3
In the present case Is the solution of
the Irrigation problem. Tha rates of
Interest which private oonipanlea
must pay for money tor such enter
prises are so high that their charges
tor the developed land in turn must
le put at a point which is hard for
the ordinary settler to reach. Tho
state paying a low- rate ot interest
can do the work most economically.
In respect to the participation by
tho reclamation service in tho Tum
alo project which newspaper articles
have recently spoken or as having
been arranged, Mr. Whistler said ha
understood the situation to bo that
Secretary Lane had said ho vu
ready to direct that a sum should bo
set asldo from the reclamatios fund
if, or when, tho officials ot the recla
mation servlco had recommended tho
ljvci ior kv urnuieni participation.
,. - .. .,..
1 nolh,n '! be,n5 don. hr tha
""?" ,a" i'""""" w suwi reeom-
mendatlon. according to Mr. Whist
ler. AVII.CD DCmitD llDltK.
Mrs. Aania Wilee. mother of Dieh
ard Wllce. who died last Wodaesdar
of Injuries received as a result of a
, sewer blast, arrived here last Thure-
ffl 1