mad iiimi;tiy, iii;m), oiii:., wmknuhdav, .m i,v u, tutu. I'flKO 0. fc THEY COURT DEATH I i Thoso Wtjo Tnko Liberties With Fulminate of Mercury. PERILS OF BLASTING CAPS. TIim Dangerous and Sensitive "PUy toys," Often Picked Up Around Qunp. rli, Are Heiponilble For Hundred of Crlpplod Youngsters. liver CH) illinium hunt Ihtii hint or M'ihiim erlili'il fiir llfi In tint til Nt llo tivir from iiiuylnic with IiIiuIIiik 'nm. If IIiIn IihiI hiii)iemil lit nun limn what i Inn I winilil hnvo hoiio up nil over dm i'lW! Hilt IhtHIMHI Hi HwhltHltH Nlrt M'lfiid till over Him i'iiiiiiliyinl Imppi'ii ii t lit nilti ol only hIhiiiI li'ii h mouth MollillIK I diillO !' III" llUtbiilllltm. In- IMiJ. imtliliiK I'Mii lit il'inii ihi to oil in nli) til WllllH' MIlUllllltlU lO IttHllRt) 'nw iliiiwmiM lht'w Miii'tlluicly nt fni HiUnr hih when lln-.v rv out of i lull inM'r i'ihc. Ami Hhiil H ilrenil nn tliiiiK It U moIiik HinniKli life - 1 1 - ,il"ll ui' lilludml for H'MIlt llf It lllllt) I'HItt Mill tilHtWllllgl'. Iiu)) uritMi lt- In Mini annum iimr il.n mi Hiinday and wuntilliiie ilrk ii (ny inM nnil Mart to Invwdlmite Hii'in It I Hit run! thing that t ln' l IT (III till Wllllllllt Ut'ltlllff lllllt. riu-y HrlwM know tint)' are iliHmer n nnil Hint it HprirU or it blow will I'IinIv llii'in. lint the)' ito lint rift I lu ll" w uvimllhti limy nri. how lnlent Hit fili)liin or how thu plow of tup. imt ily. Kvi'ii tlu nn mi' In nilxliNiillim In I lilt nmHtl. Tim won! mihh" kiik Kftn tin Hiitr rii pi util with toy pl till, nml InvittiMH t titt lilimtlna riii nro Hllttl hy IhU intuit) It U nntur-Hl to think Unit t tit two itrtk-h IioIoiik to i ho muiio family. Thty limy, hut thoy Im'iii- hIniiii thu khiiii riwi'iuhhturn l ernli ntln-r t Mm t n hiitntry until vtitlui? llmr ilntxt to Iho Hi'iith pussy out. Thorn iini tut of wn of Kollluit itlpliltil liy ixiIihiii litunlliiu; chm li lilt hitting them with n hummer nml IHiitiiiK thitin In tint llrr. Itxlnictlug i tin timtt'iitN wltli it phi OUtrlhiittH mi tali I lliiKt'm; hnldlnu h IIkIiIciI iiiitlt'h iiihIit thi'iu or lhrutltiK tint ilauiliiK ml Into the fNp m'lit IninitHllrttu m Hon In Hit' iiiIiiimi nml ipmrrltx I'vcn, Hlifiv thu iiii'ii who hnvi to nt) Mast iik fHN otory tiny uueht f know lust ier, tlif r nnt plumy of iiwiikIi'iI linmU ivm iniiH'tiinsI hlihw h Hit rtxtult of I'litupliiK 'Mh on flint' vlth it Jink titilff. (Hilntetl imII or nny PmiI thttt'ri tin inly Mitny n inlm-r linn hlowii n hole ItiroiiKlt hit fiutr lit hltlnc tin np mi llm film-, mill olhtTH hnvit nihil Hi - ili- llh copHT or Imvt' Imi'H klllinl mtrliclil hy tin fHrk froiu their lint lititip or pi im ilruiiplm: In mi open Ihh nf cHpi. Iitu of HlHiter tiintlnnt' io hue iho (itM on thu fnif itml think tlmt tuTHiiKU they hint' wwr xplolttl tltmti they iiHVur will, hut wnnu ilny they will hlto thu tniliiii cud miiI .t IMlUlt'tlllUK lnllll'H tlH'ttl, It U innoli ihioIit mul lot Mtfor to imo tin crimper, it toot nntilo for thu (mrp'"'. Aerldcnliilly hltiiptUK on n tnp will iftnu mi n perftH'lly kimmI ftnit. J'pitrkK. tlHine, hmtl, l)Wn, frletlon II'm nil the mhih to thu VHp to whlfh tlu-y wr Mfillet1. A IdMotltlK t'Mp l H Hftmr Hhwil HlMtlt h ipmrttT of Hit Iwh In illnimier mul nn hull or two long. Imlf fHll of fnlml iintv t intiury. TbtM riitmliwlw In tin- iiHt 'Mttle nml hImhiI Hh iiMMt iiiiiiilhf pxiIiwIv In eiimitMtn h. It.iiktiuu iitH iiwtalii mtywlifr fnnn' flficu in twfttty RntliM of It. I'rlinttn fur rtri-Mriut ntrtrliltwi Mnunlly rottinlH not inure tlmu out untlti. 'I'lnttV whut tln ImmitiKr or tlrlnit pin of k or putol liltt to Unite tht Hiwilor In thu hlieil. A hlMDtlUK (ftp U iniMlit to work thu other wity. Tho powder fnm th fiio IcnltiM tln fllllUllHltll III till) MhmIIiiic omp. nnd It explode with tgr rlrte rjirtv ttiul ilnloiiHtixt the dynniullo. The ttvpliNlun of the fiilinlimte In no fxicttlliiuly ipilck Hint the tlylnc pnr thltM of t-opper will linhtil theiielvitt In Iron n fool ttwny. They will blow n holt tlemi through h nteel pinto oniv flxteenth of mi Invh thlik. A Ihix of 'Hw will blow h Intuit If ul HipiHro hole rlKht thrtiUKh n two Im-h ottk plunk. Oiih tup will blow n thllil'it hmul off with the utmoit certnluty nml din jmtih. MtiKU, one of tin CliUitiso nn HrelilitH, cotuinlttixt -Hiili'ldo by hltlin? n IdHNtliiK cup between lilt teeth. Tho Hilnt to bo remembered l Hint when ri bhtHtlnir twp noon off It doe uroitt ilitinnijo Inonlly. Thorn bt no oh fitpliiK ItH olTiH-tH. AinntiK nil tliw W or inoro hi'MoiiIh roportetl from phiyliiK with IiInnIIiik fHn there uro only two or throw In which KoinuUnly wnit not burl. Kloolrli' hhintliiK riif nro Jimt nit ntroiiK iih oiilliuiry bliiMtlm; rnw, hut tin tlu rnMiili or xhell U heiiletl up with a Miilphur pluu throiiKh wliloli thn wlron nro nirrletl ilown to the fulmlunto, not ho iiuiny nttldoni-t m-oiir In plnylnB with them. They nro penornlly dipped In dark colored vn mid nro not xuch ntlntellvo pliiylhliiBH iim tho hrlKht cop. per IdiiHtliijJ cupit. but "they isot tlmro jiiHt the wuno." Ainntour olootrlolniiH nro onrnontly iidvlsed to bury tho oluo lilo cup a foot or two In tho tmrtli bo foro trying to pmnh oleotrle currontu tlnoimli tho wlniM. nnd they hud hotter not do It then. lWt open It up to hoc whnt'H In It! KxploMlvo iniiiiiifiictiircni nro not hIviiii to liupmtlni: trudo Hwroti jiroinlHcuoiiHly. but they will Kindly toll whnt'H In tho cuM mid how thoy nro mmlo rnthcr tlmu linvo you blow your bunds off trying to find out for your nolf. Pon't enrry cnm nrnutid In your pock otn! Don't tnko thoin home with yout Pon't' leiivo thoin wlmru chlldron cuj rt nt thoin! Pmi't in,o)ikey.yl)lj tuow'. -Chli'iiKi) UiTojil-HiT'lU. USE AND FALL OF SAWBILL. The Cnd Cnrn Willi a llutli When th Oold Vein Vanltlmdi Pnr fi'iiui I ho iiilh'imd unit inure limn oily lulh'ft nwny froiu thu iitmrtMl hllit I'i'hIiIiiiiI, hlihleii In thu wIIiIn of ine of tho moil pliluii'Hipii) pililx of ho pinvluiu of Ouliiilo, Cnnuihi, pei' or 1 1 lu', Htnuibt Iho iIohoiIihI vIIIiiko of liiwblll. oiiio n IhihIIIiik iiiIiiIiik cuinp vlieiu Novornl hiiuilicil men went itin ilirjril Tim end ciiiiio Htiihlonly. TooIm worn lloppod wlutiik w'oi Idiioil woio limtiill UK n d.Minmoi iIMIiim mid fiiriiltiuo mil hounohiild kimmU woio left n thoy Aero when Iho won) eniuo Unit the nine hml cIimoiI. Tint hook end on Inly ni, IINil, Tint nIoio Him Inn with tit flock of kihmIi on tlm MlichoM, the llllol tllHM'll IIM lIlMIIII. ItH HlllllllllN III- net. And the piMlnlllio roriwil In Ih. )uly it wuti Iiiiiiiii wan loft. Huw bill mow out of It itold H I like, die lediro. roHiilil rithuloimly rich, pilikly kiim out wIihii tout iiiIiiIiik wim illomplotl. A i-imiI u InilU thiwuieh ho wlkleniMwi. h iwiwor Ihwik whk oft'litl. m forty NlHHip mill wont up ihniK wltli h Imtol. Mimo. hkiHIIi nnd niiny hulidlmw for the oindo)oon. on Vim. 15. IMHi. Iho oliH-trlc HkIiIm worn iiriiotl on. Tho loletihiHi lluo w IHUied. Tho witter limbed Ihroiiiih tin iiiko tliinio Hint lbt lak. th Klmit iirbluo lovoltotl, the il)iinino IiiiiiiiiiimI, mil thv power for ojiomtluK the iiiIiih'h iiMchlnory wnit Hi IwihI. Hut the ifiH per Inn output of tho Kilo mill llrxt IihiIhIImI pmol to ho inly it doctipllvo line for nil the dol itm Hint woio ponied Into llio outer irlne. When (ho Mk mill did run tho irentit inuuiiui of cold obtnlnotl per on wiim wild uovor to Imvo oxcceiliil 1 1. Si, Tho nllHflM oro mink deepor. low (11104 ttcro oiMiil. but tho whlo 'flint of ore with h hIiohciI on or near ho hiirfiico iinrrowoil to thin illihoui ir to iinlhliiK nt nil. Tho cold oh 'lined could not ImikIii to Hty Iho opor- . Illtf OXpOllltM. Tin mill mul IIh lUHchluory. tho mw tr pluut i-tinl tin iipilpuifiit, htHiut hn IioiikIi witltliiK for Iho whittle nn muni'luK tho IkiuIuuIiik of h duy'it ork. Ihoimh the ImrI orldonroti or tho iHlf iiiIIIIuii Npoul nt KuwWII nro dlit iplMitrlnit bofon' liietnhte tlptny hihI ho cm Irvlliue hihI einroHchlnic foronl. tuliert i: I'lnkortnii In Ontnrlu Clnbo. A CITY IN A GORGE. The Flret View of La Pai le Startling to the Touriit. Jniiiwt Hryco In lilt book "Boulh Vinerlcrt'' kIvihi it plcturotipio ihwcrlp Ion of tho itpprottch to Im Pitx. ItollvU. Ito toltt how tho tntu'lor who neurit U 1'Ht hut n nitrprUo In front of him f ho It comliiK fniin ltko Tltkiivn. ho umml route from tlio count. At n olut H.I1XI foot mImivo kiwi Iom'I tho nllwny from (liiiiympill incotn the roll vny froiu AutofiiKnntii. IIM inllon nwny ,o tho aoiith. "From thlt miIiiI, cnllol VIhcIiii. Iho route limit tsmtWHril Io .viiril tho Conllllem. tho lluo cIIiiiMiib iloHly In wldo nHfopt orer tho tlutty Hid HhriihloN plntMii on whoto thin rntt Hhoop nro brownlm;. Thorn U lot n hiuiKO vltllilo. nnd Iho Miuooth iIok) Koouit to rui: rluht up huh I imt Iho inouiititlt'i wull beyond. Whom ettn Ijt Pitx Ihi? nkt tho tntvolor. "Prwontly, howovor. Im pereolvon ttriiiR of IIh mat met doukoytt itnd nfroni oh fteit bmivIw: mIwiikMh &h toHnul h HlHt wlwru tlnjy nil ttHldetlly VMWWl Htttl KM Wl HHftl Mttl. rtottt M aHit h rtHtiboil whetw tb rail w$ It If arottia Io olid lfloon H fW fHNU. Ho jrott nut mmI WHlkn n few rnnln Io the e mihI Hhh NiidileNly toillt up, with h Mtnrt. tMt thtt ttljre of H imhuIimc nbyiM. "ItlKht beiHNtth him. jm feut In., low. it Ktny. rtl riMifoil city till the txiitniu of Hie K'trto mid clluibt up lit ililet on Imtli Iih nk t of tin- torrent thnt ' folium through It, Kvory ntroot and AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 1 2 2 P.M. Wenandy Feed Yard, Bend. 12 Horses 2 Mules ALL BROKE. One Team, Wt. about 2800 lbs. 6 and 8 years old. One team, Wt. about 2600 lbs. 5 and 6 years old. One team, Wt. about 2550 lbs. 3 and 4 years old. One team, Wt. about 2700, 6 and 8 years old. Mules weigh about 2200, 6 years old. One small team, Wt. about 1 800, lbs. 5 years' old. Also saddle ponies. STERLIE FRYREAR. J. M. JUDD, Auctioneer iiiiiiro, every .Mini mid Kiinlt'ii. ft luhl nit innler tho iy iih If on n limp, innl )tio iilmimt Heeint to lienr Iho nil tie of ri'hlfh'N imoi" ninny piivniui'iittt coiiiIiik fnlnlly iii throiiKh the thin ulr." Oeotchmnn'a Oad Lom, "An Urn wnller lull) duwil (II V flvo- potico cIiiiiko," wrllox C. .M. In tho HIiink'iw Nown, "I noticed tlmt tho top tnott coin wiu not of HiIIIhIi currency. It wiin, lifnel. ii I'rcnch penny. I ill (moled hit iitlentlnn. therefore, with n mullon nf my forelliiKor mill inuicntou Him ntlo nt enlfiM wllll II WIIVO of III' hum!, which wmh mount to mi.v 'Whnt It tlilt you liiivii jtlvtm mo? I no whii- k. Imiil urie,,rnllf fii-M-Hlil. wooiKil till my clntiiKo wlili h pritctlcttl IwimI nnd with h pniiio i tiiHtiK yoti, wr, inovi'ii wlfllr itwnv. Next time I'll glvtt tho Imiikuiiko of mIkuk h iiiIim," Sympathetic "linii't yon oror find It Imnl t he froiikrnnkitl ihoMoiiUMli.tlnhlU' lli'o! woninii who lout ctofifHhl ti( tpfirtfiw with the fnt Mil)-. ' "No. not h lilt." wnn the nl)y, "I nfleii foel worry for hoiih of yof! ilo who Mi'in ( Mini Ii w Imnl imt to Im froitka.-l'hlirtiiii Itiionl'llunild. Mined Up. A womnii ntntitl nt n rocitnt ln(intt tlmt hvr hutbnmrK Clirlntleiii iimnoH worn .Initio .limntlwii or .IimmIImh .Ininit. tdio did not Iiimiw for nuro wlihdi "Von fo." Mil tixplaltiod, "lit1 wnn oiiH.of twliw mid thtty not mlxwl Up it hlt."-!.midnii Htmulnrd, A Trade Union. ICIln initofnllyi-Tlielr iiinrrlnj:o wnn notliliiK hut n trndo union, Hophlo-.V tmdo union? Kiln-Von: nlin traded her inoiioy for hit tltlo, I.oiidoti Tolo Bntph. Worry, whntorer tnny l,t !tn notircc. wiHikeiin, iHkon uwny co'Jnn;o nnd aliortons lift. Threa hklllod hnrhora nro nt In lion &. DavldJton'B barber hop to norvo you. Adv. HIv liMttfi if frt-h lirviul for '."Ve, II button of Aliilo broiid for lllr, chick, on bn-nil ntlc n Mick, .Aiiicrlrnn link. vry, Wull Hired. New More-. Ail Hlf Fisherman's Lunch Put up nently in boxes , that urc. light and etusily carried. INDIVIDUAL LUNCHES 25c or 50c AKlffc- aqmII- Hlinrn xhlncil nt (Jeoruc'n but Imt xIiiiji, Oic(in Mreot. J.'tf Mot rollt nml Incnd nt the Anicrl enn I Ink cry it cry if(oiiiMiu nt n o'clock, .Vow nloifi on Wull ulrcct.lOlf I'HATKIt.VAIi KOCfliTIKH. I. (). O. V. Ilcuil I-odKO No. iMM ItoKiilnr MeotlnKH ovory Monday nlnlit Vltltore wolcotne. V. L. Win U.'S. Iloffrnnn, X. 0. kVtry. l. V. Ol' A. Pilot Ilutttt Onmp Nw, 979 1 Mootn ovory Tiiomliiy In Hnthor Hull. VImHIdk XolKliNoni' nUnyn wolsome. V. W. Orcntt, Ctintml. Mnrtln It. Knutaon, Clerk. IHttiClirj'KH uhhsk s o. i (i :t K. of P. MeoU rry Wednw day eVttnlng Ht S p. III. In CdMtlti Hull. K. A. Hather llldR. VlaltliiK KnlKhtn welcome. Jon I linen, C. C. I., Al. McKeynoldn,, K. & 8. IIKM) i,oik;i no, JilO A. P. K A. .M. Meets on Thurnday on or ho. foro tho full moon of cacti month. Visiting brothers nlwnyn wolooino. J. U. Davidson, A. M. Itra, W. M. Socrotnry rUATKU.VAL imOTIH.'ltllOOD. ItoK.ilar inootltiKs hold hy I!cud I)dKo No. 897 In Sathor's Hall on tho tlmt and third Thursday evening oaoh month. Visiting monihors of order nlwnyn wrlcome. Mm. (J. W. Shrlner, Pro. Margaret Schroder. Secy. HKIIItKAIIS. Pond Iodgo No. 208 meets every nooond and fourth Friday evening, uther'n Hall. Visiting brothers and nlsters welcomed. Mrs. I.ucy Prench, N. 0. Mhs Lois V. Force, Itec. Secy. ItOYAI. NHK.'llltOUS Ilogular meeting on first and third Friday evenings at Sathor's Hall. Mrs. Margarot Hates, Oracle. Mrs. Alfaretta Orcutt, Recorder. Oltmm OK KASTKUN KTAU. ilond lodgo meets In regular ses sion on the Second and Fourth Mon day livening each month. In Masonic Hall. Fannie Fnrrls, W. M.. Arrle Illaok. Secy. DIHKCTOItY OF OFFICIALS. United State.. President Woodrow Wilson Vleo President. .Thomas It. Marshall Secretary of State W. J. Uryan Secretary of Nuvy . . Jowjihus Daniels Secretary of War ... .1.. M. Garrison SoereUry of Inteclor . . . .F. K. Lane Secretary Agriculture I). F. Houston Secretary of Treasury .W. F. McAdno Sretary Commerce . . W. C. Hedfleld Secretary of lilior . . . . W. II. Vilsni Attorney Uenwal . .Jan. MeKeynolds Poalniaaiwr General . Albert iiurlfsuti Sunt. Governor Oswald West Secretary of State .... II. W. Olcott ' TrtMHror Tho. 11. Ka I Atty Geueral A. M. Crawford Suiwrlntandent Public Instruction . . 1 J. A. Churchill ' State Printer U. S. Uunlu.t) Conunlwloner Uilior Statistics .... eeatcct Ve llOEl Ganio Warden r . . W, U. Flnley State Knglneor John II. Low It United Stutw Senators Goorco B. Chamberlain Harry W. Lain CongroMmeu .......A. W, Lntforty N. S. Sinnott W. A. Ilawley Soveiitli Judicial District. Judgo W. L. Ilradshaw Attorney W. II. Uoll Crook County. Judge G. Springer Clork Warren Drown Sheriff Frank Klklu Treasurer .,. . Ilalnh Jordan Assesnor II. A. Foster Sohool Sunt J. K. Myers Coroner P. II. Polndoxter Surveyor Fred A. Hlce Conunlsfilonera It. H. Ilayley Willis W. Urown llio Cmirth. Circuit Mcota flrst Monday In Sontomhor nnd Docemtier and second Monday In March. Prohate Meets first Monday In each mouth. Commissioners' Meets first Wed nesday In January, March, May, July, Sontomhor and November. llouil School District No. J2. Directum F. M. Hay. Cluun J. N. Huntor Clydo M. MoKny Clork H. J. Ovorturf City of Ilond. Mnvor G. P. Futntuu Itocordor H. C. Bills Treasurer H. J. Overturf Chlof of Pollco S. B. Roberts City Englneor ....Oeorge S. Young Councilman .....H. B. Alien .A. L, French .A. S, Collins itei II. II. Ford John Stoldl v.,- , . . ....... B, A. Sather - Jntlcts of tho Pence HbiuP'Procinct J. A. Eafetes Deschutes Precinct . , . W, W. Orcutt l Farm Machinery I A CARLOAD IS JUST IN I Reapers : Mowers Binders Rakes Wagons SEE THEM AT OUR MILL We Also Carry The Purest and Bend Milling & pimipi We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at .lowest prices. The Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX NIGHT TRAIN SERVICE DAILY THROUGH BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND BEGINNING SUNDAY, JUNE 2 2ND, 1913 3M5&X flnrpnuTniilltf UV ewB 5 Imt II 111 I u nn ItY Kaaaj TOUR.IST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS COACHES This son-ice is in lieu of the day trains run heretofore. The train will leave Bend 8:30 P. M., Deschutes 8:48 P. M., Red mond 9:10 P. M., Terrebonne 9:24 P. M., Culver 10:02 P. M Metolius 10:20 P. M.. Madras 10:30 P. M., Mecca 11:08 P. M., Maupin 12:40 A. M., Sherar 1:08 A. M., arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Leave Portland 7:00 P. M., Arrive Sherar 3:08 A. M Maupin 3:2G A. M.. Mecca 5:18 A. M., Madras 0:00 A. M., Metolius 6:13 A. M., Cul ver G:28 A. M Terrebonne 7:08 A. M Kedmond 7:23 A. MM Deschutes 7:43 A. M., Bond 8:00 A. M. Connections are made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley and Pugct Sound Points. Fares and schedulos and details will be furnished on application or by letter. W. C. WILKES, J. H. CORBETT, Agent. Asst. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Bond, Oregon. R. Jl. CROZIER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. H. G. FARRIS Auto Trucks Operating Regularly Between BEND AND BURNS PROMPT SERVICE I lc A WORD Binder Twine- Best Always at Warehouse Co. CENTRAL OREGON LINE IS ALL A LITrLG WANT AD WILL COST YOU J V