rKc s. hi:xi hi'i.i.ktix, iu:ni, oiu:., w kdnksd.w, .in.v i, hi hi. ' i TREASURER TO ITT CHANGE IS EFFECTIVE JANUARY I Tliercnftcr SlicrilT Will Devote Him self Inclusively (o Criminal Oiteli lii(i niul Incentive Hullo Oili er Arc to lie Heinodolled. (Special to Tho llullctln) PIUNEVlhLH, July 7. Owing to tho fact that nn act of tho 1913 leg- Islntlvo assembly has transferred tho task of tax collection from tho sher iff's to tho treasurers of tho several counties effectlvo January 1, an al teration of the court house has been ordered by the county court In order to provldo ndequato quarters for tho treasuror. Tht prosont otllce occu pied by Treasurer Jordan is alto gether too small. Tho treasurer will occupy tho rooms on tho first floor at the north east corner of tho building, which arc now used by the sheriff. Quarters for tho sheriff will be constructed be neath the present office In the base ment and Immediately In front of the present ofllce in tho basement and immediately in front of tho Jail, En trance to the Jail will then only bo possible through the sheriff's ofllce and entrance to the ofllce will be made through one of tho present win dows of the basement, level with the ground. After January 1, 1914, the sher iff's duties will be confined to run ning down criminals, serving civil and criminal process for the courts of tho county and the administration of his' executive duties pertaining to the law enforcement. POSTAGE ST1P CHANGE Ordinary Kind Now Good on Parcels As Well As For letters. The days of the parcel post stamp are numbered, for when thoce now printed are used up they w'.ll go out of existence. They are replaced by the ordinary stamps, which are now good on parcels as well as letters. If yon have a package to mall and do not have parcel post strmne at hand to use, stick any old kind on nnd It will do, accord lug to an order Issued by Postmaster General Durloson, ef fective July 1. Thla order says: "On and after July 1, ordinary postage stamps. Including commemo rative Irsues, shall be valid for post age and for insurance and collect on dolivery fees on fourth chfe mall, and distinctive parcel post stamps shall bo valid for all purposes for which ordinary stamps aro vclid." Tho distinctive parcel post stamp Issue was made so that tho govern ment might keep track of the use of the parcel post which was Inaugurat ed on January 1, 1913. SEATTLE EXCURSION BIG ONE This Year Solid Pullman Truln Will Como on August 17. This year's Seattle excursion prom ises to be the biggest thing of tho kind pulled off In the Northwest and certainly far the most notable ever attempted by a town of several times the size of Dead. The train will bo composed of six Btandard Pullman ' sleepers, two dining cars, an obser vation car and a baggago car. Leaving Seattle at 11 p. m. on Saturday, August 10, it will roach Uend Sunday at -I p. m., and will leave here Monday at midnight. This year It will come over tho Oregon Trunk Railway. LA HTCPUHS MEET Good Heads Ilnrbcciic Scheduled For Augtiit I). LA PINK, July 8. La Pine Is to have a good roads barbecue and a general good time on August 9. While the Important work of the gathering will be discussion of good roads, there will be much entertain ment bj well. The announcement sent out by the Commercial Club contains these para graphs: Col. Chas. W. Thatcher, the unique 'Apostle of Good Roads,' will be hero and will toll of his wondorful experi ences In all parts of the country and of his plans for tho future. This alone would Justify a Journey of many miles. v "Judge W. 8. Worden, tho famous 'Good Roads Judge,' of Klamath county, will attend tho meeting and toll of his work. "Many other men prominent In tho good roads movement will bo pres ent. AH organizations m the state or elsewhere Interested in the great question of good roads are urged to send representatives, The time and money spent will prove to be a good Investment." M'KENZIE PASS ROAD PUT INjOJO CONDITION Letter From mw County Judge Say That Autos .May Now Take the Trip Safely Crudes to Ho Cut. Tho following letter, received by County Commissioner llayley from the judgo of !nno county, shows that tho McKonzle pass route Is now In excellent Hhnpe: "Our foroman, who hntt boon In charge of our gang on the McKemlo road from the pass west, came down to town yesterday and Informs mo that the road Is entirely practicable for automobiles. I wrlto you this as you probably have numerous in quiries from people b to whether they can get through or not. Ho In forms mo that the snow is entirely oft from the pass. "Yesterday wo sent our engineers up the McKonzle to set tho grade stakes for tho work of reducing tho 25 per cent hills, near tho summit, to a grade of 10 per cent or bettor. "I think you need have no hselta tion now In recommending tourlsta to cross on tho McKenzIo pass. Of course, the old grades aro steep but they nro entirely practicable for au tomobiles. "Wo aro doing a good deal of work on tho McKonzie road, below Mc Konzle bridge, and In n few years, If we conttnno at the present rate, the road across tho mountains from our county Into your county will bo n scenic highway of which tho state will havo reason to be proud. The Forest Sorvlco Is materially assist ing us In doing tho work. HKLMUS W. THOMPSON. Eugene, Juno IS, 1913." WORK SHOULD BE PERMANENT HIQHWAY EXPERT COME MERE TO llonlliy Favors Houd Kvpendlttue For Permanent Hoads In Counties Pro- Posing to Act I'nder Law Passed lty tho IIMit l.elslnture. NEW STORE AMI POSTOFFICE. Martin Hallmoyor nnd J. R. Rivers of tho Prlneglo Flats country south east of Hcnd wero In town Thursday getting supplies for a store which Mr. Rivers will establish thore about the 15th. A petition for n postottlcc for that community has been granted by tho government nnd it will bo locat ed In Mr. Rivers' store, which will be about three-fourths of a mile, west of tho warm spring In section 33-19-19. The name of the ofllce wilt be High land. Tactful. Dotoon had Just bought a new type writing machine. "Now. what color ribbon do yon want for this machine" asked the salesman. "Oh. Mncfc. by all means!" said Dob son. "You see. my typewriter Is a wld-off."-Judge. fie that fears not the future can en Joy the present. (Oregon Jouruul) Major James Howlby, highway commissioner for Oregon, Is giving tho first attention of his recently or ganized olllco to the roadH plans of Jackson and Crook counties. Jack sou county people are having a cam paign for a bond Issue of $700,000 with which to mnko tho Jackson county unit of the Pacific highway. Crook county, under tho law passed by the last Legislature. Is ag itating a bond Issuu of $200,000, for the construction of two trunk high ways, one north nnd south, tho other oast and wost through tho county. Major I low I by, who was In Portland Saturday evening, said that some time this week ho will visit Crook county. Thu stnto highway depart ment, on request from the County Court of n county, wilt take charge of nnd direct highway construction, do lug the surveying and other prelimi nary work. "I think I am warranted In In sisting," said Major Howlby. "that when roads aro built out of tho pro ceeds of long-time bonds, they should bo built so permanently ns still to bo good and In sorvlco when tho money for the bonds falls due. I do not be lieve that temporary roads should I built from the proceeds of bond Issues." Epworth Lenguo nt 7 p. m. I'rnyor meeting Thursday nt S p. in. Choir lrnctlcu Wednesday at 8 p. in. Prcftliylci'lun. Owing to tho tvbseuco of Rev. I, I, Gorby. tho pastor, there will bo no Presbyterian orvlcH this Sunday, ex cept Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Tho first survleett In tho now ehureh build ing an) planned for Sunday, July 20, Haptlst. Sunday school at !: IR, preaching at 1 1 a. in. and 8 p. m. Hrotherhond at 3 p, in. Voting pimple' meeting nt 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at S p. m. on Wednesday. Choir practice Tiiurmtay evening at 7:30. Clum-li of the llrethreu, Services next Sunday at 3 p. tit. In tho Methodist church. Mih. Mile DiiiiIuIhoii culled on Miu A. II. Taylor Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carpenter visited nt V, A. Stov eiiHon'ii liiMt week where lie oxpeclM to buy u number of turkeya this fall. Mr. Stevenson him over a iiinidied. Warren Llhby will timlio final proof on his claim In a few weelis, at I'rlnovlllo. Catholic. There will bu no services Sunday. WITIIOI'T U'AIKIt FOI'lt MONTHS. Tho Pulled HtatoH fores sorvlco re porta that sheep on the Nebo Nat ional Forest In Utah go four and a niiir mouths without water except for Mtieli miilntur,. as they got from the dew and the Juice of forage pliuitM. Tho grazing season Is Horn Juno in to Oetobsr 31. In one urea on thu Targheo forest lu Idaho sheep gut wa ter only twice durl'ig tho four-mouth Nonsuit. Ih not very hroud and any hIzo ro rolplH eloHii II. Html yeiulliiKH I. .'Ill to 1.75, old wutliorn l.afi o l.fil) and prliun (Hilling oweii 3.75 to l.iifi worn oxtintiiii top hldH. The limili miir let Ih iiIioiiI sternly, with a hIimiIo bet ter demand Hum for sheep. Cliolctt stuck sold at 0,50 to 11.75, :j:;:::j itftwiwiiiitiTOriUiiiiiiaiMiiiiiiiiiiitiwiiwi $ is'owcomera should get tho habit of going to Innes & Davidson's bar ber shop. Adv. REAL ESTATETRANSFERS Deed That Havo Hern Filed For Record at Prliiexllle. (Special to Tho Ilulletlu) PRINEVII.LK. July 7. Among tho deeds which have been recorded recently by tho county clerk nro tho following: P. II. Illossom to S. J. Spencer, wVtjawVi, sec. 8-18-11. Houd Park Co, to Oustnf Porssoti, It '. blk 105. First add., llend Park $110. Archie T. Powoll to KM White, tho wViawtti bwUswVj, hoc. liJ-18-13. George W. Wimer to Charles L. Wlmer. oV4e'4swVi and undivided Interest In oHoVtiiwU, ttwVnoU, nwiHoVi. sec. 32-lii-ll. $7000. Deschutes Townslto Company to Deadlines school district No. 30, Its 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. il. blk 20, Centralo. Ilend Park Company to A. W. Mo dell. It 3. blk 111, First add., Iloiiil Park. $150. M. J. Kelley to J. S. Smith, undi vided one-fourth Interest In w',i seVi, sec. 7: soVinwH, wViiioVi. nwseVi. sec. 1S-20-11. WEEIvl.V MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND. July 5. Recelpta for the week havo been as follows: Cattle 1027. calves 7L sheep 5372, hogs 378 I, horses 21. Tho cattle market was steady lu low er this week. Killers havo not been In tho market for any largo supply of beef and bidding was consequently very slow. Prime grass steers lu ear lots aro selling around 8 cents. Med ium grade steers quarter to a half cent lower. Hotelier stock havo U'en steady do weaker, Prlmo cows at I..50 to tl.75. choice bulls nt 5.50 to fl and calves 0.50 to 9 aro prices at the toil of tho various classes. This week's hog market has been a very strong one. Prices reached 9.15 Wednesday, but tho market weakened at the close, the top being 9 cents. Liquidation hss been com. paratlvoly littoral. Trade lu the sheep house slowed up considerable this week, due to tho poor demand for mutton. The outlet .LJT xfx. Lighten tho Housework" A plain iron sink returns very little (or tho cflort spent upon it. A (cvv minutes spent in clewline n 'otlttliuNl" white enameled sink nnd you have a veritable beauty spot of radiance. Our catalogue of sinks is very intcrcstinit with its wall liaiigmi!, corner and recess patterns. It is free to all interested in uood plumbing and cmmI fixtures. J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating Bend, Oregon - t PRJNGLE FLATS CHURCH NOTICES MrthodUt. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. (Special to The Hcnd Hulletln.) PRINOLi: FLATS. Juno 30 Mr. Nelson Is busy plowing ten acres for Mr. lleebe. Tho crops and gardens are looking flue since a week of heavy rain. Ted Hoerste made a trip to Mr. Winters' where ho bought 33 little chickens Stop Payin gRent OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN KENWOOD JUST ACROSS THE RIVER KENWOOD I. on,,y ? min ;val ron! fl-M vv wj tne business center of Bend ifirwwrrri isthe ,,est view prpert' inng vv jjis on the miiY.t nm is bound to be the most valuable residence property in Bend KENWOOD 2$ ter "n" kenwood !ir:fir;;:r t"c Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to suit you. The money you are paying for rent now will in a very short time make you the owner of a HOME OF YOU II. OWN. Oregon land & Immigration Co. J. Ryan, Agent A Cook Book Worth Having! THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. "Good Living" Is a splendidly printed, strongly bound, and well written up-to-date Cook Hook by Sarah Van Huron. It contains 605 PAGES and a complete index. It is bound with an OIL CLOTH COVER, that can be washed when soiled in the kitchen. The Regular Price is $2.50 Our Price is $1.00 WH I LE TI I EY LAST. We have only a small number. Housekeepers should hurry. The Owl Pharmacy m Kslph I'olniicxtrr. First National Hank Hulldlng. 1 The Best Buy in Crook County 80 ACRS, ALL FENCED Good House, Barn, Tank; about 15 acres ready for crop. Seven and one-half miles east of Bend on Bear Creek road, and one-fourth . . mile from school. Improve ments easily worth $1200. C. O. I. Co. got $245? for this land. All for $2200 Address Owner, care of THb Bend Bulletin. J