ih;ni iu'm,i:ti.v, iiiind, omi:., wi:i.vi:hiav, .in,v , ihj.i. I'flRO 7. f V 4- Take a KODAK with you WE A HE IIEADQUAKTEltS FOR KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Patterson Drug Co. The 5teaC(L Store LOCAL NI2WS ITI2A1S 1C. It. Hill of I.H I'ltlH WMN It llotlll Visitor Monday. M. M. I.Mtttn wont to Portland IhnI week mi n buslnea trip. Horn, this morning, to Mr. nml Mm. I.ullitir Metko. n tioy. Millard Trlplett was In town lat week from liU Tomato ranch. N. K. (IlliHTt returned last nlk'lit fruiii Vancouver, II (' . Mini I'ortlaud MIhh Mlliltod Ki'HN Iiiih Iwmhi visit-! V. V. CoIIIiim of Long llencli, C'hI , lug lior mint, Mm, J'owoIhoii, thlH Wl'lllt, MrH. II. I. MiiiiIoii luft IhhI night for Him I tin wlnuo Mliu will vIhII for HllOlll mIx wiihIin. Mim. I). 0. llmildM luft Monday for Hid Willamette vulloy to visit riilu tlVl'H Mini frluiulM. Tim MlnMifM Klein will miluilHln on TliniHiliiy evening III honor of thulrl guest. MImm Curpoiilor. Tim l(oliiiliiliH will linvri tholr rK itlur ItiMtiilliitlon Friday iiIkIiI. Light rnfri'MliiiiiiiitH will In) Kiirvuil. Mr. Mini MrH. John Itlls ciiino ilown from IHk lllvor ranger station Mum ilny, MnnnlliiK yesterday hero. Mrn, ICnrl II. lloiiMton, who has liimn vlhlilni: rolntlvos at Wooillnirn, On1., will mtiirii hoiiin next week. MrH, (I. W. Arnold nml mod or I'ort Imul Iikmi Jollied Mr. Arnold liitnt for tho slimmer. They are Ml the Alta tnont. Tlmro urn iinrliilineii niosMagoa l llin Western Union Telegraph olllco for J. 1), McCoy nml Herbert h. Frank. MIhh Winifred A lilio t of Portland nrrlviHl IhhI iilxht for n month'M visit with Iiit old school frluiul, Mm. II. IJ. Allmi. A. J. Abornnlhy luft Monday night for tllft llOIHH Hi ItlllllVOII, Iowa, hollIK railed tliniH by tliH aerlutiH lllne of liU fHihnr. The Fraternal Urol lierli mid In lay Iiik out I.Ik plans for h danee on tho I Tth, Mini oxtHiut it good cruwil mid m glHIll time. ('. II. Adams of the United Btate forest service came In Monday from the south, spending yesterday ut the local olllco. A parly of young people aro arras Iiik to go on n caiuplug trip of h week or inn days up river. NlurtltiK prob ultly next Monday. Mr, Mini Mm. V. II. Heed hiiiI son of Welhnllle. Mo. arrived Innt even ItiK for h short Mult with Mr. nml Mm It. M Hmlth. Sprague Flour IS IN TOWN AGAIN. ALSO SNOW WHITE AND BEND BLUE STEM. T A NEW DEPARTMENT: Crockery. Tin Ware, Enamel Ware, CJIavs. Shram and C.'olilvn State Mason FRUIT .IARS--Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons. rot-mil ly mrlvml In lliind to spend moiiiii Hum look I ni lifter hln Umber I Interests on thu Molollim. , llond sent u large delegation to llin rolnlirntloii lit Hodiiiond Friday Nimrly nil Hln business Iioiihiih closed nml tlm HlnmtH looked deserted. MimdittiieM A. II. Horn and Tlu-o-doro Twiiol will oiiturtHlii tho Hiti llMt Woiniin'H Union on tho ThiiihIo noxt Viiilnt)ilHy ufluiiiooii, July 10. K. I.. Ilolton nitiiriii'il HiIh inorn ItiK from ii Mhort lniMtintH trip. Ii. I. Kinitnnlk, who Iiiih Imtm In KIhiiiiiIIi KhIIh for Hoiiin tlimi, rntiiniml with him. .1. (!. ItliodiiH left (IiIh mornltiK for HHttln In IiIh I'on! enr, hopltiK to iiiiilin tlm throiiKh run In tlmo for tho I'otlittch noxt wnok. Mm. A. M. I.arn uucoinpHiiluil him. It. K, Knoll wnnt to Cortland lHHt wi'i'k, ri'tiirnliiK yoHtuniay mornltiK llo wan Hcroinimnliiil by Mm. Moru hoiimi, IiIh NlMtnr, who will Hpnd a week or iniiro In thu ltou City. I Tho work of cuttliiK down llond Htri-i't liiitwi't'ii OroKon and Novudu, ' to Km Ih, huh lii'Kim Monday. Tlm IiiuIitIhI ri'inoviHl la liidiiK "Ht'd to mako Hid till on Himii Mtrvut aouth of OroKon. i TIih Udlwi' Aid RoclMy of tlm .Mcihoilim chnreh wtii lo a rafi torla miiifr In tlm Trlplott ImlldlnK Thnmday of noxl wm'k, IickIiiiiIiik at 6.30 p. in. Thu patronmi) of tho piilillr la aollclted. Tho Kormott IhiIIiIIiik on Hond Direct la I'oiiiplotftil and ti'iianta an-: movliiK I"- It WIU ho occupied ly II. I.. HliH'koy'a tmrl)r aliop. the Pilot HiltlH Caah (Irorvry and tho Ort'Kon Invoatiiitiiit Company. Tlmra will hi) a apuclal inoutltiK of tho I.hiIIom' Aid Socloty or tho M K. I church at IIih lioino of Mm. It. M. , .Smith noxt Monday afternoon at 2:10. All oieiiiliiim aro tirftod to he prnt aa liiialiiottd of Importanco la , to ho traiiMtctod, I A haaki't picnic wilt lie held on I. I). U'lent'H Ihwii In roniDK-tlon ultoj th) annual nieetliiK of tho Arnold lr-' rlKntliui Company from 10 a in. to; I m next Tuesday. All who are j Interested In the rompan) are Invited to attend with their famlllca. I Mannheimer's E. A. Sather -J )euA flmy;- alt Ami Lnio a iielydLoAA iArotai he LnckwiWf the oihcA clay. 771 y af iJ aiocA. iny to Jcc the. ojtel, buttcAccl ice Lox ihe had, off of dlrln'i have anything eite oVd have a new t ft-to-clute ice .tiaxi foA a ianitaAxf, ciean ice Lox menni a heaiihy family, "Uouicl you uie a Autty ice -box if you ucAc able to uy a neu one? Hot for vie, ii n l( John's viiik vixiit te property kept, Qn un&aniJtaAy ice -box endanpeAA the health of the whole family, (sood-bye, jCoxi, 5L S,'"'ott fct tie most reason a file totes, and the Kind from RICHARD yiLCE DIES Man IiiJiimmI In Seui-i Work III May Sniriiliilieil Tlili Morning. Itlihard 0. U'llce, who waa Injured on the newer ronatructlon work on Mat 1. died tlila tiiornlnK at 11 40 ii rliH-k an a riitult or eollaiatti, which Urn waa notHl attout U a. in. tiunda) IiIh left leK waa amputatxd lietween thu hip and kntw, and In thu accident h loat IiIh rticut eye and auatalnnl other aorlntiH Injiirlw). lie Ih Hiirvlved by a mother and an Ins alld alater at Chancy. WmhIi.. who were untitled Immediately ly City 1'hvi.lriun foe. What dUpoaltlon will t made of the body di'twndH upon their limtructlona. Since tlia end of Mas lire haa hean kept III the Mliiliell lioiiM) back of the UapUat rlmrih. attended by ICd Chamberlain a mime. It wkh while flrtHK ahota In the aewer uinnel In I.ytle that ha waa raiiKht liv th lilaala which he hail Jnt tnt off. I la waa heroically recuei from a awmlnaly rerlaln death l Nela Olander. who hauled him out of the tuiinl while ahota wore Koinic on. Wlli't) waa foreman of thla lairtlon of tho work. I'nwiti; mi:.v iiHitit. W. II. II. On fur. president, and C. W. Itlddell, eiiKlneer. ot tho I'rlnclo Fall Klectrlc I'owor & Wntnr Co.. aro In toun today. They Hay thuy oxptH3t to Htnrt dovolopmont of tholr properly ahurtly and aro now avok Iiik mnrkuta. JULY SALE? A noteworthy feature of this sale is the great amount of desirable merchandise. A clearance of SUMMER. MER CHANDISE SWEEPINREDUCTIONS IN PRICES HERE ARE BARGAINS THAT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE: SIMPSON FL'LL COUNT BEST GRADE CALICO, for thin wile OUR FAMOUS YORK 12tfc GING HAM, it InrKc variety of patterns.. RIITELLKTrE-tho rouKh Jry fabric ITic rt'Kular, this wile NATURAL LINEN SUITINGS. KThiIc, H.ocial value, rwlucwl to... nficGKADE. now 45c GRADE, now 25c 5c 10c 15c 21c 25c 29c LADIES' SI.00 WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.45 IADIES t:J.60 WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3. 15 CHILDREN'S UAREF00T SANDALS ffrs $1.00 ciuality 17KJC CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS 9L lWc(uality fc JC MEN'S STRAW HATS AT HALF $2.00 Straws $ 1 .00 $2.50 Straws $ 1 .25 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's 8 oz. Brown Duck Overalls, while they last, nt 65c 20 -c off jonbalance of our White Dresses $1.05 AH Our LADIES' SUITS HOUSE DRESSES, values up to $1.50, now Some that sold up to S25.00, special for this sale $11.75 35c RATINE CREPE 25c All our 12c and 15c EMBROIDERIES 1 LADIES' 36c SUMMER WEIGHT gf UNION SUITS, a rare value, re- y f duced to WW 0 S RUBEN'S COTTON INFANTS' VESTS C special mtC Tho absolute newness of our merchandise will be an additional satisfaction in making your selections here. There is not a person in Bend who can afford to miss this important event. Kent In Quality Lowest I'rlcc r S:: MANNHEIMER'S The Store for All the People an In hand It lias taken han sum-! lotto of the I-afollette Nursery Com-; Kivon by Judge Springer that tho pe lently far to make It certain of belDK lutny. which haa extensive fru t or- tltlon which waa preaented, anklnR far better than the 44-page apclal of charda at Powell Ilutte. Tnls glvea by the appointment of J. A. Bastes, laat July. far the beat description ot just what would be granted Immediately. Amturanre waa received from Gov- can lie done In Crook county with Hut yesterday when two urgent ar ernor Oswald Weat this morning that 1 fruit that ever haa boen published, rest cases came up for a Jtietlee to he will preimre an article dealing with the Columbia Southern enter prise, which will be. In effect, a mea sage from the state's executive to the fcettlers of the segregation, telling them and othera what "Oregon's first Irrigation enterprise" really means. A n.oHt excellent article haa also been receUed from Guy Lafol- C, M. n.WIS MAItltlltl). Word haa been received ho re that C. M. Davis and Mlaa Dora Camp bell, both formerly of llond, wore married Juno 20 and aro now living In Seattle. Mr. Davis wna formerly connected with the llomeaeekerri' 1-hiiiI Company, and Mlsa Campbell had a homestead In the aouthoast vouutry. prices on ice ho res, t t find amwnere else, ! on can njto &JlJk zompson Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. W. .1. NICHOLS Dial). Continuation of reports of the death of W. J. Nlchola waa received at the local forestry otllco today. Mr. N'lcholH, who was a forest rnnger, wna well known here and to the south. For aevornl youra ho worked In tho I'nulliiu country. According to roHirt, ho mot dtmtli whllo sonllng Iohh for it timber aalo on the Wind river, In the Columbia reserve, Wash ington, lust woek. QAit,tvfc.6a,a.vt ODD FKM.OWS INSTALL. The Installntlou of olllcors wna hold Monday night by the Odd Follows, tho following being tho corps of new olllclnla: J. Ii. Kngolirotsou, N. (.; M. A. Pnlnior. V. 0.; U. N. Hoffninn, secretary ; Ilert Shtioy, troaaurer; 13. MelHtad, warden: Cluudo Mann helnier, It. S. S.; K, C. Cook. iL. S. H.i ltoy Allgood, chnplnln; W. A. Hates. It. S. V. .; L. C. Flomlng. L. a. N. 0.; N. V. Woldor, It S. V. Q.; Cluronco Maunliulmor, L. S. V, a. GOVERNOR W WILL WRITE Hm-coAsfiil Fruit firomr Also Con. tributes Valunblo Article. Work on Tho Hullotln'a Dovolop mont Numbor, which will bo Issued July 30, la progressing rapidly, aud with much of the uiatorlal for tho is- Arrow COLLARS Represent in style, material and make the last word in collardom. Every style that's worth while, made in n way that leaves nothing to he desired, either in the fashion, finish or service. Quarter sizes and notches wherever they're better than buttonholes. 15c each, 8 for 25c and coming from an authority who act ujion. It was discovered that no has made a success himself, It Is of appointment had been made and. ap speclai value. In addition to these ' pareutly. that Judge Springer Intend there are more than a doten other' el making none for some time. When special articles of importance. ES5TES JUSTICE OF PEACE I'rontKci! Appointment Held mocking- Ipil Procedure. up, telephoned to. he announced that he had "received several applications," wished to investigate, etc. Finally, after Deputy District Attorney Wlrtz at Prlnevllla hail n?iitiu! liltunolf trying to get acUon, without which HU lOfttll BIUW VUUIU HO IHKOH, UUUI- mlssloners Haley aud Drown woro called upon for aid, the upshot of tho Ward H. Coble tendered bis reslg-i ensuing telephone condaba belnc that nation last week as local Justlco of tho appointment of .Mr. Bastes waa the peu.0 to tho County Court. It finally made as Justlco of tho peaco was accepted, and file assurance was for Hond precinct. R. M. SMITH Clothing Co. "Everything to Wear for Men .Who Cave." --jr' s "SU.4 WE SHAVE DOWN OUR PRICES WHEN WE FIRST MARK OUR GOODS. EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE RUNS SMOOTHLY. DECAUSE WE ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING A FIRST-CLASS HARDWARE STORE SHOULD CARRY. WE STAND BEHIND EVERYTHING WE SELL AND "MAKE GOOD" ON EVERY DEAL. OUR VALUES ARE PLAIN TO SEE. 01' ii We will give a $5 casting rod for the largest trout caught this soason. Skuse Hardware Company. We Repair Otitis of All Kinds.