The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 09, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    nr.M) bulletin, bend, ore., Wednesday, .iri.v i, tntii.
PflRO 0.
Offer to travelers tlie most comfortable
and modern rooms in Bend.
Steam heat, baths, hot and cold water,
new furniture.
Beautiful location on the banks of the
Deschutes River.
Free bus to and from depot.
Special Sunday Dinner served from 5:i0
to 7: HO P.M. Plates 50 cents.
Spend Sunday afternoon on our green
lawns and cool verandah watching the clouds,
the river and the mountains. Then step in
to dinner. ,
V. D. CURSEY, Prop.
W. D. Newlon enmc In yesterday
from Seattle.
Georgo M. Meyer was over from
rrlnerllle Saturday.
J. W. Rlohardson of Gist was a
Bend visitor Saturday.
George Brewster of 'PrlBevllle
spent the Fourth here.
Frank Bogue and wife of La I'Ine
were Bend visitors Sunday.
Ralph Caldwell was down Monday
from his ranch near La Pine.
H. H. DcArmond was la Prlnevllle
Saturday on professional business.
II. A. Miller returned last week
from bis home at Hlcksvlllo, Wis.
The Musical Club has a program
meeting at Mls Ruth Caldwell's to
day. C. W. Jensen came up last night
from Desohutos, registering at thc
Hotel Bond.
Miss Lottie DeArmond of Portland
1b visiting her brother, It. H. DeAr
mond, and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Palmer have
returned from their outing trip to
Southern Crtgon.
"V. W. Brown, the well known
stockman of Fife, is In Bend, a guest
at tbo Pilot Butte.
Miss Edith Bastes, who recenth
returned from Portland, has gone
out to MIjs Serin's.
T. C. Bwlng, a hoatesteader In the
Hampton Buue country, was In town
Sunday and Monday.
W. C. and Cecil Holllnshead and
Claude Benson were down from La
Pine Friday and Saturday.
Charles Powelson was In from his
Turaalo ranch last week, spending
the week-end with bis wife.
Mrs. E. M. Thompson and Margr
ret returned last week from Port
land where they spent a month.
Cort B. Allen was down from the
ranch Thurfcday and John Bloss re
turned with him for a Ashing trip.
Mrs. E. J. Herring has given up
her store and hereafter will do hair
dressing for her customers at their
Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Gould, Mr. and
Mrs. kilmer Ward and Mltw Eva
Graves spent the week-end up river
on an outing.
A board sidewalk has been built
on the north and east sides of the
building In which McCuhuon's store
was formerly located.
A. W. Orton, register of the land
office at Lakevlexv, and Sirs. Orton
were here Monday, driving through
to The Dalles by auto.
J. A. Brlnkley returned last week
from the Pine mountain district and
after spending the week-end here has
gone back on forest cutles.
W. S. Gardner, who was Injured
by a fall from a scaffold In the Ker-
mott building, Is recovering and is
able to get around again.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, with
Mrs. Bell, Morris Lara and Donald
Hudson, motored to Crater Lake,
leaving here on the morning of tho
Grant Mays and wife, Mrs. E.
Horry and B. C. Bollnger of Tho
Dalles were hero Monday, returning
from Klamath FallH wbero they at
tended the Elka Rodeo.
M. L. Morrltt and Clyde McKay
were up at Lava Butte Saturday. The
timber interests are planning to run
n telephone lino to tho summit nd
keep a fire lookout tbero during the
Attorney General A. M. Crawford,
O, Laurgaard and Walton Van Win
kle; assistant secretary of the Desert
Land Board, were here Monday, at '
the Hotel Bond, having been looking
over the Tumalo project.
George W. Krsklne, who graduated
this year from the Willamette Uni
versity law school, at Salem, has
come to Bend and will be In the olllco
of Vernon A. Forbes for some time.
Mr. Krsklne served as clerk to the
committee on law revision during the
legislative session.
Mrs. Nellie Tansey caught Sunday
the biggest Dolly Varden Mali so far
reported locally. It weighed 11
pounds and measured 31 Inches,
showing that the women, since they
have learned to vote and have to buy
a fishing license, can teach the men a
few things In the angling art.
J. W. DImlck. A. K. Edwards and
J. C. Withers, foreman of the Stand
ard Oil construction here, spent Sun
day at Crane Prairie and as a result
of a short Ashing brought back some
200 vory large rcdsltie trout, mostly
caught with a spoon Just below the
forks of tho Cultas. Mr. Withers took
the honors, landing one 20 Inches
Straw lints at half price at It.
Smith ClotlilfiK Co. Atlv.
Arrives S a. m. -
- Loaves 8:30 p. in.
o.-w. It. At X. CO.
- Arrives S: 15 p. m.
Leaves 6:45 a. in.
Arrives 7;S0 p. m.
Leaves 10 -.. m.
Cars dally to Burns and points
bouth and southeast.
Goneral delivery open dally 10
a. in. to 6:30 p. m.
General delivery open Sunday -
10:30 a. m. to 11 a. in.
Railway mall closes 7 p. m.
Stage mall G p. m. --
Western Union dally C-12;
1-G; 7-10.
Western Union Sunday S-10 and
Pioneer Co. dally 7 a. m. to 9 p.
Pioneer Co. Sunday 8-12: 5-8 .
Charltf Sumntr Woeful Lack of a
Sent of Humor,
It wus n rainy afternoon, and Mr.
Longfellow was obliged to go out. leav
ing Sumner stretched on the sofa read
ing Lowell's volume. When lie re
turned he asked Sumner bow lio liked
the poems, and Sumner replied: "They
are admirable, very good Indeed. But
why dues tie spell his words so badly?"
Longfellow ild that bo attempted to
explain that the poems were purposely
writteu In the New England dialect,
but Sumner could nut understand.
One summer at Niiliunt I dined at
Mr. Longfellow's xvlili Mr. Sumner and
some others. Sumner wiim n collector
of china, ubuut which be knew n great
deal, us he did about many other
things. Hu told un a utory about
going to see Lord Exmouth'x collection
and how One It wus. When be was
taking bis leave Lord Exmuuth gave
him two rare plutea uud offered to send
them to his lodgings, but Sumner
would not be parted from bis prize and
Insisted oil taking them home with him
lu bin cub. When be hud concluded
his story, which was Interesting, but
long In narration, Tom Appletou, Mr
Longfellow's brother-in-law. who was
present, said. "A pleusibg tale. Illus
truted with two plates." Everybody
laughed, and Sumner, looking ubout
most good uuturedly, nald: "What are
you all laughing at? I suppose Apple
tou is up to uome mischief, but iny
story Is quite true." From "Some Ear
ly MemurlcM." by Senutor U. O, Lodge.
lu Scrlbucr'a Muguzlue,
luud, Climate anil Intention Rec
ommended I'm' Immigrants Seek
In lHiilltlcN In Agricultural
Districts of T l I n Stat t.
As a result of the favorable Im
pression mndo by this country on
Waliop Charles J. O'llullly of tho
Catholic church, there Hccma excel
lent promise of a substantial Inter
est on the part of Cuthollca In Its
Last week Bishop O'llullly xxaa In
Bend again, with Father J. B. Wand.
In company with Mr. ami Mra. .lohn
llynu and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Kaue.
the bishop made another tour of In
spection of the surrounding countr.x.
It xx 1 11 be remembered that he aa
here mime weeks ago and spoke
warmly of hit high opinion of what
ho xv. A retutlt of this trip Is the
following signed statement which he
left here with Father Luke Sheehan
asil Mr. O'Kane:
"In my opinion the country adja
cent to the city of Bend in Crook
county offers good advantaged to the
homeseeker. The land controlled by
the Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany offers exceptional openings for
tho settler. The soil seems to be pro
ductive, the climate Is good and
there Is abundance of water fur Ir
rigation. The price of the land
seems reasonable and the term sat
isfactory to persons of limited means
I think tho conditions would 'Justify
an assuranct of prosperous homes
for Catholics seeking to letter their
condition In agricultural dlstrlctti.
(Signed I Charles J. O'ltollly, Bishop
of Baker City."
Mr. O'Kane and others believe that
thin endorsement will be of great
force In getting Catholics Interested
In this portion of Central Oregon, and
special effort Is to Ih devoted to
this end. Next week Father Sheo
ban leave for Ireland for a brief
visit and to attend meetings there,
and it Is understood that a side mis
sion will be that of Interesting Im
migration from the old country to
Central Oregon.
Dr. A. B. Cropp of Portland, Ore.,
druglesH physician (diagnosis free),
will be In Bend a short time only,
at G. W. Shrlnor's, Park Addition.
Advertisement. ISp
Bath Installed In our new quarters
In Kcrmiitt building on Bond street.
The Welcome Barber Shop. ISp
They Wert Patterned AfUr th An
cient Symbol ot tho Caesars.
Eagle IhMcO only tr.iin lui to
Waterloo llefufe tlieli It iMd tHfll tbv
ciiKtoio III smile to oirr Hum- mi
wleldy tlauM mounted on Mle which
while they arioriled a nillxint: h.ii foi
their cur. hImi drew the euemj's Hre
It remained for NaMiieon to n-xixe Hie
ancient symlK)l of the C'ners.
At flrnt an eagle was precentnl to
every battalion of mruiitry and every
squadron or tiorM-. Hut owing to the
number or eugles t-nptured this allow
a nee xvns cut down. All battalion
eagliit xxere xxltbdraxvu uud one eagle
wus carried by each regiment of foot
and cavalry, lu M- a Mtlll further
reduction wiih iiinde and In some case
Hue regiments were ordered to leave
their eagles In their urseiinl. These
standards were mo taken from nil
regiments or lluht ravuiry and one
eagle fcultlccd oicuslouully for un In
fantry brigade.
The eagle ItM'lf was eight InnboH In
lielgbt mid nine liulien ticrot the
ivlugs. It hIimmI on a braiHt block three
tucho square and weighed three uud a
hair pounds.
Modern color, cumbrous ns they nre.
are us nothing couqwred to the old
mum. wlileli were iih dlltlcillt to hide lis
the big drirn Thux there existed a
regular system for wiving eaglen
Soiuetliues. when tlie tide of war ran
udtcn-clj. tliey xvere itiiscrewed and
put Into hMxerxiicUH or great coat
po'ketH. At other times they xvere
biirlHt. thrown Into pomtM or river
broken up. -hidden in boiioxv trees, and
iiionc liiiuillliitliig or all, stuffed Into
ho me dead horn-, to im bullied
nubkcqueiitly.' Harper's Weekly.
Romuvlng Paint Stains.
Pulnt Is one or the most usual of the
unuxolduhlf stain xvhUh ullllct the
skirt xvoru out or doors. "Fresh pulut'
signs are ull very well If they are seen
In time, but they have an Inconvenient
wuy of appearing boldly before the
ejerf after damage has been done. Tho
Kooner u mint stain Is removed the
easier the tusk of removal will be
Spread a little dry laundry or corn
starch around the spot to keep the
pulnt when moistened from spreading
Then wet the stain xvlth turpentine.
After a few minutes moisten ugulu.
Scrape the pulnt up with a dull knife
or a spoon bundle and xvet again with
turpentine. When there Is no trace
left of the pnlnt rub the spot dry xvlth
a clean cloth and brush off the starch
-Wusblugtou Star.
(Continued front l'nge One).
ell and it minx place. The commit
tee, appointed on motion, ooiuptlsvm
the major and Council men Allen ami
To Investigate tho feasibility or
contributing to tho support of a Car
negie library hete, u committee was
ordered appointed, French and Col
lins being Hie appoluttes to act with
the major and to report Its MndliiKs
to the council at Its next meeting.
The Immediate put chase of a lire
bell and tho passage of two Important
ordluiuu'CM relative to plumbing and
sewer Inspection mutters were rec
ommended, and probably will be
acted on at the meeting next Tues
day, when a street numbering h li
tem will t'otiio up for consideration.
The customary blvs were paid. Pe
titions for sidewalks to lot 1 In block
II In Park addition and In Wlestorla
were read ami referred to the Htreets
committee. A petition from II. I).
Ilroxxn. requesting that a portion of
Uxergreen nxontio be regularly wa
tered was also referred to the same
Statement of Cllj's I'.xpeiulltuics and
Other Information Glxcn.
According to the remrt of II. C
Ellis. ett recorder, for the six
months ending July 1, the oxpenmM
of the clt as shown by warrants
drawn on the general fund amounted
to :t I 1 1.23. divided an follows:
Street light $33.70
Fire protection Xifi. I &
Police protection 7&7.S3
Street Improvements 4 12.07
Salary and expenses of
treasurer, recorder, city
engineer and city attorney 701.10
Contagious disease 89R.S3
Printing 100.20
Public library rtO.OO
Rent of council room .... 60.00
Refund DuRon license ... 100.00
Sundries U2.S5
The report of Chief of Police 8. .
Roberts for the year 1911 shows that
there were 101 arrttstM and 9S con
victions, with fines Imposed amount
ing to $1311.25.
A report from Chief of Police 8.
E. Roberts for June showed receipts
In his department of $215. divided as
Fines $70.00
Licenses 4S.00
Pound fees ....'. 25.00
Dog tax 102.00
The report of George 8. Young.
city engineer, covered the progress of
the street work to July 1. According
to It, Nevada strwt has lnrn practi
cally miiehed, and the'gutter trench
and final Hiirfaclng remalii to bo done '
on Wall street. Following tho Bond '
stret work, Oreaon utreet will be
nnlkhed and Dually Greenwood ave-'
nue. The amount due the eon true-!
tor for work to July 1 Is $1151.10. I
The reMtrt on the sanitary sewer
construction for June was rendered
and approved. It showed that much
of the tip-town work was completed
In June, there remalnlMK within the
city limits only about .' 0 cubic yards
of rock excavation. The lateral
sewers are entirely completed and
ready for service. Work on the out-of-town
line will be undertaken about
August 1. '
The report of the treasurer, which
w-as especially expected as ttont has
Ikioii tiresented since the first of the
ear, was not forthcoiulng as regard
ed general city funds. The follow
ing report of sewor fun dtlnaiices wus
submitted and approved:
Sale of bonds JC1.S69.00
I Per cent Int. mo. bluees 890.9R
Total .. $2,749.!6
Engineering, Including origi
nal plans and spec .. 6,723.12
Expense of sale of bonds 167.1 ft
Right of way bought .... 1KB. 00
Sewer pipe bought fl.019.42
Disposal plant! 40 acres) 1,600.00
Amt advanced const, ung and
So. Portland Cr'd Roek Co.
for payroll 46,484.20
1st semi-annual lut, pd on
bonds 1.800.00
Bal on hand and In nank 1,8X0.70
$02.7 10. U6
Adti'itlM-iiiciitH liihcrted under tills
heading at the ine of one cent n
xxord for each Insertion, Discount on
extended Insertions. ChargcN are
payable In advance except for aifver-tlsci-N
havlnu a regular account xith
Tho Bulletin, All paid advertise
iiientN will bo posted lu Tho Bulletin
olllco at (ho time of receipt.
For Rent.
FOR RENT Furnished cabin $D
n month. W. 11. Losh, lot 11, blk 1C,
Center Addition. 12tf
FOR RENT Two room cabin, well
furnished, free water, $7. CO u month.
W. B. Leah, Bend Grocery. 18tf
FOR RENT Three comfortablo
rooms centrally located. Hultnlilu for
family. Running wider and nluutrlu
llghtn. Very moderate. Imiulte at
llitltetlu olllco. Ktf
WANTED (llii for mineral house
wotk. Apply l'attomm Drug Co. 17lf
FOR RENT- -Largo store, modern
front. Ootid lotmtlou. Apply to l'ost
liuiaW. 12
WANTED -Girl for general Iioiiho
xvofk lu hiiiiiII family. Light house
work. Write or telephone J. ('.
Thorp, Lnldlaw, Ore. IK. I Up
WANTED -OITvrH for lots No. I-1-3-1,
block 10, Kenwood addition,
llmul, Oregon. Carilo Dana, :UI1
IlJtli Axe. W., Seattle Wash. INp
""WANTED" lliieh"aniri4 Inch
California Pine and Sugar I'Ine,
common and upper grades. Perma
nent supply desired. Cluirloa W.
Trumbull. LS12-7J West Adnma St.,
Chicago. 15-22p
Lost and Found.
I.O.ST horrell mare, no brand,
:i white pointed log, right hind leg
spavined. Finder please notify the
Bulletin. IS-20p
To leliatige.
TO KXCHAXaU i.ut for it cow.
Inquire "M," care of Bulletin. IMf
For Sale,
FOR SALIC or Iran fur hay, mare
wt. 1050. NIseoh. 17tr
FOR HALE cheap or trade for tun
mare, wt 1050. Nixon. 1 7 1 r
FOR 8AI.K -t'Hhln near ReudTu"
mill. Inquire at Bulletin olllco tr.if
FOR SALE-Good Ford auto, two
IMSsetiHer, $225. Alfred lloxe, Box
3 Hi'.. lCtf
FOR SALE -The Altamont Hotel
building and furniture, all noxv ami
llrst vUim. J. A. Kastes. 4tf
FOR SALIC Baled cloxer hay at
Anderson brothers' ranch three miles
from lnldlaw on Tumalo road. Tele
phone, loif
FOR SALE Good property on
Wall and I to nil streets, also lu Ken
wood. For particulars apply to II
O. Ellis. 17tf
calf.- Inquire of Mrs. M. II. Howe, at
tent near Orcutl wiHHlworklng shop
on Band street. ISp
FOR MAI. Id Rough lumber, at
Anderson brothers' sawmill half way
between Bend and lnldlaw, on old
Tumalo road. ReatMinable price, lutf
FOR SALE -One acre. 2 two-room
houses, iMirn, woodshed, water. Clone
In on 7th street. $1000. $200 down,
bal. monthly. Jones It Renshnw. 7tf
WE STILL have a large quaiitlt)
of cloxer ami timothy hay on hand at
$11 tier ton at the ranch. Haled In
flue shape. Star Ranch Co., Tumalo.
Oregon. lutf
FOR SALE All kinds of common
lumber at McNaught & (lertsou's
Low Round Trip Fares
From All Stations on the
Sale Dates July
Seattle and Return
Everything for Fun
Information cheerfully given by Agent
0-V. H. it N.
A. L. Hunter's
mill, on lleiid-llurmi mail. AIho, wo
cut any kind of oidina on iilim't
iiotli'o. Wille or call tin ua for
pilcoM. IMP
FOR MALE- I ill) acres, M nilleV
inn III of lloud, with wnlor tight and
MOOt llUllllltIMM, $.iti an Hl'1'0. AIM,
boiiMo and lot In l.Jtlo for J'iIH
I'eniiH can bo niiaiiKeil. Addresa
Fmiilt lliisl, It. F. I).. Htuylun, )rr
moii, lll-lXp
FOR HALE- Four lino tola In
Park Addition In block III. Water,
light and sidewalks; attractive
housoa occupy adjoining pioporty.
Same prices xou pay for uiiliiiprovnit
lots far out. "luquiro "Bargain", at
llullotln olllco. Ut
FOR SALE Flue kitchen range,
aa good as noxv. Steel malluahhv.
Only leasoii for soiling Is Installation
of an electric range. Hum had light
Use and Is as good na noxv. For saU
at a bin gain. .May bo mum at llenit
Water. Light R Power Co. olllro, or
Inquire at llullotln olllco. 17(f
i'OR HALE Ranch of 120 ncrea
situated t miles southeast of llend
on llenil-lluriiH road. I'laco Is well
Improved with bullillngs and grain,
cloxer. alfalfa and root crops. Is lit
good shape to carry cows and hogs
lias lltl acres of water under Arnold
ditch. Stock and tools complete to
ron Mm iiImi'ii ICmrx ( tllHlf UOCN Ml
reasonable llgure. This will apestf
to you. See It before tMlxlllK olse-
whero. Selling on account of sick-
nees. See owner on ranch. A. ('.'
Armstrong. 1G-I0p
We are going to
give a fine leather
bound $8 basket
to the person presenting
tilt liirfjcst rctlsitlt; caught
between June 1 and Sep
tember 1, with tackle
botjijlit at otir .store. Call
and inspect it.
July 21