1 W.K.ft 6-iWWW ! I. IIKNI III l.l.l HI X, IlKXIi, ohi:., vi:inkhiav, ,t I.V I), 11)111. I THE BEND BULLETIN GKOllOH I'Al.MKU PUTNAM Editor nnd Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN MnnnRliiR Kdltor. ItOllKUT V. SAWYKll Associate Kdltor. ia An lmloponilcnt nnwapapor Btnnd Ing for tlio Bqiiaro donl, clean husl new, clean politics nml the boat In terests o( Hontl nnd Central Oregon. uno year $1.60 Six months S0 Threo months 80 Alt aulwflrlptlons arc due nnd 1'AYAM'tt IN ADVANCB. Nottoo of aspiration will bo malted sulworl Hr nnd If rwwwnl l ml made with m rMtiMble time the jwpr will be discontinued. TlMse notify us promptly of any ohnng of mlilrws. or of failure to re ceive the paper retmlarly Make all checks and ortters pay able to llend llulUtln. Tlio lttilletln lifl IntMi ibKlcnnted by the County Court of Crook County o pnlilNh olllclally nil the proceed liiK" of tbo court. there Is no doubt In tlio world that It did not Include oven GO per cent of tlio local population nt tho time. It Is also absurd that authorities like Mrndntroat should use tho llRuros unless tholr cotupnrntlvo nutlqulty and probable Inaccuracy are well In dented. And. furthermore, those who road these census figures In re gard to Western towns will do well to remember that a population mark even an accurate one thnt holds good for today may Iks vastly too small In six months. then Btoptntthough It must ho con fessed that the construction of a road to llend making It even n tem porary terminus tends to refute tho reasoning )." WMDNBSDAY, JULY 9, 19 It. In THE HOUSE DIVIDED. a recent magazine nrtlolo ex- Senator Heerldgo points out the reasons why any merger of tho Pro gressive and Republican parties such as recently was dlscuseod at the Chi cago conference Is Impossible. If pross reports of the enrollment of voters at various elections through out the country are to be believed tho Impossible Is bolng accomplished without the aid of conferences.. Nev ertheless, It Is true tnat the new par ty Is perfecting Its organization Id many states and will take an active part In coming national elections. Whether or not It will endure re mains to bo seen. Undoubtedly tho coming polltieal cleavage of the coun try will be liberal and conservative and possibly the Progressives will be tho party of tho liberals. If an advanced program of social and Industrial reform were all that wore needed, the party would b'e se cure; but unfortunately for It there romalns tho question of the tariff wnlah will not be called liberal or conservative. Mr. Ueveridgc says his Is the liberal party and that It wnnts an old-fashioned Republican protective tariff. In England today it is a branch of the conservative IKtrty that seoks the same thing. And surely the most conservative claw in the United States Is that whleh this same old protective tariff created. lint Um Prosreaslvea, the writer aajrs. would change the method of tariff making, putting the wsrk In the hands of a commHwIon In the "way that other protective tariff countries handle their tariffs." There the trouhla comes. For it presup poses a eommhteioB pledged to the theory of a protective tariff and how over Impartial in other roapeots such a commission might be , It could not make tariffs for the United States un til tho whole country agreed in want ing protection. That agreement is hardly attainable. The results of the proeent Democratic experiment may be such that the country will return In relief to a policy of protection, but that seems unlikely. If It does the Progressives, or the liberals of thaw tlmt, may come Into imwer. The future of the new party does not detiend on its own program of reform. It Is not in the hands of Its own members today so much as In thus of the older iiartlee. The Pro greetvs are less likely to win sup port than to have it driven to them by the shortcomings of their opponents. nitAYl.VO AGAIN. With characteristic Hastiness, tho Harney County News prints the fol lowing, tivldently the sane busluees men of Munis can't restrain Editor Davey from hurting hMnself and their town; or iierhupa It's Just a result of an effort to drown the sting of toe ing the I'. S. tattil OlMee job. "With tholr usual perverse and jealous mallanlty, the bust ml boosters of ItNtl are telling every stranger who reaches that Jumping off place In the desert that work has !een sus pended on the railroad coming west ward from Valo nnd that nothing fur ther will be done for two years. Of course, there Is no truth In It. The News last week told of the sub-contractors who came to Crane creek gap In this county to select their por tions of that cut with a view of pro ceeding with the work this summer, and any person with nn Iota of reas oning power would know that a rail road comiKtny would not build a sec tion of finely-constructed continental railroad out 90 miles to now hero nnd Settlors along tho Ice Ctxvo rond u ro agitating Improvement of the route from Itond to this tutui-ostlng natural nttrnctlou. While probably they are notunted by a doslro to get nn Improved road for themselves, thuro Is no doubt but that somu at tention to this route would bo of honotlt to lleud In making ncress to tho oaves more convenient, nn well, of course, aa In making the town more readily Mctothls for farmers there about. Certainly the proposal to ostahllsh a. legal roml to the cttcn seems u reasonable one. and In this connection the placing of guide signs would be a good starter and would do away with the present dlltlculthvt of road navigation for those not fa miliar with the locality. When one remembers, ms an ex change, that In an ordinary column there are 10,000 pieces of typo, that there are seven wrong positions vnch letter may 1m put In, nd there are 70,000 chances to make errors, he aide millions of chance for trans positions, he will not be too critical. In tho sentence, "To be or not to be," by transposition nlono It Is possible to mnko 1,769,022 errors. So ou see tho perils that beset a printer. Rice f Toe ether day a city official re calved a letter from a lady In Mich igan. She had invested $8000 In llewl sower bonds. She writes, In )wrt: "It was represented to me that nliw has now about 2000 Inhabi tants. In looking over Hrad st reefs Commercial Hook I find Head's population only 600." It Is n worried letter, seeking Informa tion. Of course, tho Investor had nothing at all misrepresented to her, nnd no doubt tho information she re oalpd in reply will reassure liar, for tlfe town's population today Is cer tainly well In excess of 000. The paint offered hero Is the uselessnose of the otnsus result -glial GQ0 ' whiah crons un from 'time tb time4 census. Tt was an ausurd census; Cntiti 19 t OiKt AJrtrtiiUj CT7v!f July 9, 1913 Dear friend: The Japanese lived on rice when they had a war with the Rus sians. It must have made them strong. Rice is good for breakfast. I eat it three times a day. I don't have the! heart burns. Do you? If you do, try making a dinner off of rice. I paid 25 cents for 3 pounds of rice. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. Our grocer i3 McCUISTON'S GROCERY NOTICE OF FI.VAI, Sirrn.EMHNT. Notlco Is hereby given bu the un dersigned that he has made and llleil with the clerk of the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, his Until account as administrator of tlio os Ute of Paul O. Yelstad, deceased, and that said court has sot Monday, the 4th day of August, 1913. at 10 o'clock a. in. at the County Court room In Prlnellle, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing nnd settlement of said final account, at which time and place any person In terested may appoar and object to said settlement. Dated this 2d day of July. 1913. JOHN STKlDl, As the Administrator of the Estate of Paul O. Vclstnd, Deceased. C. S. Henson, Attorney for the Admin Istrator. 17-20 nbovo described, before II. V Ellis, V, 8. Commissioner, nt llend, Oio gou, on the tlth day of Aumist, 111 HI, , Claimant names as witnesses: Albeit llarrymau, August llallberg, Hugh It. Harmon and Maurice 1. Citshmau, nil of lleud, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 17-Ul lleglstur. HTOfKIIOI.DKItN MEKTINH Tho annual meeting of the Arnold Irrigation Company stockholders will bo held nt 'i p. Hi. on Tuesday, July 1. 1-1 l U. Wlesl'a yard. 1 1 IS I.. I). W1EST, Hecy. POLK'S' OREGON nnd WASHINGTON Business Directory A lllm'tory of h City, Town unit Villa, siting i1iicrlllvi) kMrh ot Mill Uc UkMIoii, I'OiuiUttiMl, 'irlo crnpti, ihtpi'liiir ami banking hIiiIi kIki ClA"tnJ tlritory, compiled by builnMi niut rofton. It. I. Itll.K CO.. RR.TTI.i: Sash and Doors Wo huve now u full line of Sash and Doors in slock. Brin w '' )(M s,cs' c mcut coast prices. Doors $ 1 .60, $ 1 .75 and up Scrcon Doors and Windows. Let us figure with you. Bend Sash and Door Co. NOTICK FOlt I'CIH.KUTIO.V. Detriment of tho Interior, U. H. hand Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Juno 2Hh, 1913. Notice Is horoby given that Pat rick Mogan, assignee of Maurice P. Cashman, asslgneo ot Karl II. Hous ton, of llend, Oregon, who on Aug ust 2Sth, 1909, made desert land en try No. 05198, for SKViNKVi. sec tion 7. township 17 south, range 12 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnko final proof, to establish claim to tho laud OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS ' 'on v fifth school year Mf'Mucrt is DEGREE COURSES ninarn jihnwnf aamcuirunt tfoiNicisa homc economics MiNina OHit,inr. Com- mcrcc PMARMACV TWO-YEAR COURSES 1" ao"-oi. rune homc Fconomics mechanic arts roatsTnr Commibcc Pharmacy TEACHER S COURSES In nuntwl training, agriculture, domettic Mience anil mt MUSIC. Including piano, t ring, band inlritmMiU mid voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL DOOKUET cntitl-d "Tllg ItSKtrilMRNT UK KUHAI. I, IKK" and CaTaI.oc.uk will tic nulled free on application Ad.ltr 1. M Tknnakt. RfjUtrar. nm'-iiio-ti) C-fvilliii. Oxeuou INSIST UPON Clean Plastering: Sand Whon tho small parti cloa of sand nre coated with dirt or other foroijjn matter, the lime cannot come Into intimate contact with the sand par ticlos, thus reducing the cohesive strength and making a weak plaster Bolton, Ruetenik and May Washed Sand and Screened Gravel, Jiend, .Oregon s . f 'AOM-J . - .psmi Katmmui c I Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary BSSSj Utick is absolutely (ire proof in any ordinary conllagration. Brick Huildings never btirn, althotigh they arc .sometimes injured by ialling timbers or combustible interior woodwork. A brick building is absolutely lire proof it' wire glass is used in the windows and if burned clay tloors are used. An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in which it originates; no outside lire can attack it. The proportion of burned clay in a building construction measures its fire proof qualities. Hurned clay is the only building material that has been through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it wilt resist lire. All combustible matetial is burned out of the brick before you get it. WHEN YOU HUILD USK HHICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. For residence property or factory sites, write or call on the BEND PARK COMPANY, owners of RIVERSIDE LYTLE BEND PARK For Descriptive Literature, etc., address BEND PARK COMPANY "io Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. First National 'Hank Building, Bend, Oregon. w . a i