iii:ni iiim,i:tin, iu;ni, oiii:,, vi;i)i:hiav, .m'iv , mmji, I'nKc a. I Tj1 i fin -T MAKING A UNIFORM It Was For tho Czar, and Ho Wanted It In a Hurry. A SCARED CRIMEAN TAILOR. When Counted Upon by Mil Majtity'a QMrnl, Who Cloaked HU Million In Myitery, (lin ftiilulil of (lis Olitnri Tltouglit Mil Tim H(l Com. Ity Hicclnl ih'iiiiImmIiiii of Hid court aiiIIkiiHIi'm mi iimimliitf iitTiiiint la pub iIInIihI (if Hut I'lri'iiiimtiiiicKH iiltumlliiK the tinlcrliiK of n iiilllliiry iiiifonn by (llio I'unr fiuiii n lllllii Hillor In (lin I'llnii'ti, KIiiiIiii Kiirlcliki by iminc, who llvnl lit Hlinfi'mpol. Hit licMiliiiiir 'li'iH of Hut (.'rlinciiii itrnuooiiN. Whi-n tin liiiurliil fniiilly rniiio to Ivliiyil, mill hiiimt (iin iM'funi tho n it mini fcic of the CiIiihmiii (lriiKoonx. (ho wwr loht tint I'oliuiul Hint ho IihiI In .toro a ulft fur him nnd tho regiment--Hid I'Mirlini IhhI cmiiiiiIikI In bcoitiiij llitlr clihir. HI iniijittly inlilixl: "I Mini! Imi (hurt' when yon nnd your of Wvrn urn pntn'iilnl to lln I'liipn-tx Nml (.hull iHr your iiiilform. Tho 1 1 1 iIiIiik In. I liclli'M' I hiivmi't Hut iiiiifurin of tho rt'Klini'ht. Hill tlmt hx-Mii't iiiHlicr, tliiire lit Hiiio. If you hiliry. to tmvo ono nimbi. Yoll M'nlil to liuio mi t'Xrt'llHit tullor. Vimr mil lot in flu iMwiitlfully. Who nwilo Itr' Tln roloiifl mm ln iihiiii) of ICtirlrli- kvon. wlllrillHi IllH IIIHjl-at) MMkotI 111 III Mo Mrrmiiiti that Kiirl-ili Hlmiihl Itoike h uniform for hliuMf, midline. MIiIIIiik, 'Toll lillil to tin hi Ixmt Mini to I urn It nut hn oll hm yoiirH." TIhto In next clvcn a ntnliMtunlc t- 'rt'rtptliin of tho iiliirm ih'chnIoiiciI anionic tho Kiirk'liltONH IiouniiIiuIiI, eon- .Mtllinr of fnthiT. niolliiT nml nine chll droit, when n IiiiiiiNoiiio iimturrnr atop lil oiiihIiIo thi'lr door mid u cloaked Konoral mlli'iT dcioi'iiiUil. , Tho Koucral wild In atacrnto urn-ti-iH'iMi'. "Von iniit coiiio with mo. ' Don't Imi frlrhiHiml, You'll know tutor where I'm taklm; you. I oh n't , leave without jou. WVw liwt iniii'li Hiho already (lot iIivmhhI pili Uly." Tho iNllnr iIh')iI, went Willi HU enp- .lor mid wnn Hlxoiit fur four day. Mini'. Kiirlt-hLe whh doubtful wheth or nho 'mn it wife or m wldiiw. ' Itteiilually tho Ulhir turned up wife a,inl reemniled IiIn adventure. Tho . drlut ultli the (.'oiuthI Itad laaletl two tMHtrx hih! i LMlf. Jntrlnic llw whole Jwirncy tin Koiiornl did iwt addre a inttiKh' word In hint. When they reach nl thi'lr ilotlinjlltw. Yntln. nil ho Mid , "Klwlm KurlchkixiN, eel out and ' MIW IHO." Ilo wnn nwHinil I hut ho need not l .alarmed; ho would ho provided with IhIkIiik mimI Willi fiMHl. nihI Hio licit day ho would ho liMd why ho Iwd Ihimi ItfoMKhl lo YhIIh Mini Wlml ho liMd to d'l. Ilo WHN tohl ho lioisl linL try lo , i-r(ii', m ho would ho WNlrhiil. Ills rMr wvro dltti'd wlintt a , c4mii outorod Ihe rHiin. hihI Iho "koii- orwl of (.'I'lmrMN" mill rowed him to (ho filt.t littf I'tTiHl: "CriHtt kmhI forlmio Iih fNlloii iimiii yu. Ill iiMjoty tho omicrr wIhIioh )mh In iimko for hi in m uniform of tho ' CrlmoMii ilmifHin. Hut It inut ho h im-l nn tlwt of iho (idonol of iho rovl- i Ht'Mt. I iHlfH tlll WOll't INMko N llll" itf ll. I will mho you Ht onto to Iho I , (Mlwo. WU4TV )MI will Ih' Mdmltliil In lb rMrM Minly t two Mm iwihmI)'n ' .Whom Iho "iwuoiwl of oHniNM look Kurkhktwt to iho imr'n niwly til ihmJ- i ( wmn nuihllM( roMillue h iliH-innoMt i with hi ImcU to Iho door. Jhiiio uiln , UIoh iImhhI hofoto ho turned Mnoilid I In Hio ihomiiIIiiio KiirlrhUo- whh nnit til u iho Iti-ir. ( Tho cMir on n I Inline hi pri-eiuo fHritl him hihI hmi1: "(Hi. j oil m hero MlriNtdy! Vihi Hro KIimIiii KillleliUe, I tho tMlhir. I wmiiI oii to umko mo h ilMlforio of tho ('rluiortii dr(HMiiN. lo yvnr litfil Mini fee llmt II I it iiimmI lit. (lot in work Ml tlllil'" Kurli'hkoN went mi to ili-M'illio how (IihI Imd lielnil lilui In hU work mid how Mtlxllotl iho fMtr ImiI Ioii with tho iinlforiu hihI thmikrd him for II. UiirliliUo rofutl to Mtt'opt Hiiy- Ihlmt In 1'nyinent. hut "IiIh" hoiiitmI In- hted tllHt. HottinllllK lo luw. ho WIIN iiihunl n ris'olve Hi milled for hU vpeiiiiOM MoriHivor. tho Meiierl HildttK lie mliilNlor of Iho I'outi whh MWHru ivjmi Kurh'likiwM whh In ilnlit, hiiiI ho irLne Hio tullor mii oiivoloiio 'hiImIiIuk ;nli riililt fro in iho mlnUtor to ill tltiiriio 1 1 In ohllVHtlollN. VUiirlehkotM wmn driven iNiek In n in! iior to Slinforopol. Mini miiiio iIii.vn lil er hii Imporhil uioNMiiiHor ImiiiKlit tui IiIh ithop H OHNO rolitHlllllIK H Kuld W'.teh hihI clmln. Tho dunlije ohkIu t oimrHvod nu tho wnti'li. which hIho 0 Iho liwrlptlou. "To KIiiiIiii Ku ikmwi for ZomI."-Aihoi. Prlmroi Curcti Tim prliiirv of old wnn cn'illtcil wllli n iiii'dli'liiiil im woll iin n Ntiiei'- HtltlllllN VIllllO, IlVl'tl IIIIW III NIMIIII t'OIIII- try piirln of Knulnud 11 dococtluii if pi'liiiiiHo louvt'N In HiippoNi'd In roNloro it fnllliitf inoiiKiry. mid In 1(151, when Clllpopiir WHlle IllN "lymiloil DlNpoliNii. lory." Iho irliuioNo wiim roKiirdod iin mi iiliunol iiulvorNiil iiuiiiciii, ciirliiK "ciiiiviiInIiiiin. fiillliiK hIi'Iiiiiwh, piilnloK, eh',." nml NlielmtllelllliK "Hio til n III. ni'Iinoh mid iiii'inoi'y ovi'i't'illiiKly," And oioii iho li -ii 1 1 ti - did not dlNilnln to out It, for irliiii'ONo mty uim onco n piiuilnr IjiihiinIiIio ilolltHcy. - Innlun Hiniutiiiil, "PlemuiJ to Meet You." Tlio Aliliillciili Imvo ii polllo linhlt on Ih'Iiik ptoNi'iiloil to n now ii('iiinlut niK'o of iillerlnx Iho word. "IMohhciI to meet you," iiIIIiiiukIi llpnll whilt Iho pleiiNiiro ciin riftt.'nr how they know Hint It In ii plitiNiiro. or why mii mill miry Int'ldi'iil which In mil iho fullllt incut uf ii li y iiullclpiillou mid which limy turn out to ho very dlinurceiililc, nIiiiiiIiI ho pioiiouiici'd nl olwlil to he phiiNiiul I liiive never I icon nlilo to im iliirlHiid. -London Hiilunhty Itovlow. A "Lmly'' It Defined, lie dolliilllou of H KelitlciDMIl linn r.led nmiiy, hut whnl of the Indy? dopoxlltir on opoului; nu nccmiut rllicd lic!clf hh it fiiclory Iniiid. inn withdniwiim' inniioy hiio kmvo tlcNcrlptloii iin "ludy." Thu pott tor w'iin linked to lie cnrcfiil iin to Idpitlty before puyliif; iho money. IIIh reply wiih. ho whh ipillo Hiitlxlled-lt wi)n Iho deposltoi'N wiiy of wi.vIiik nIio wiih out of worli.-l.oiidon Hpcctntor, Two Cltttet. "Tho htiiiuiu iiico In dlvldod Into two (iIiihnoh-Hioho wild co nliiyid mid do Hiynetlilni; nnd Hiono who nit mid In Utilro, 'Why wnNii't It dono tho other w!y?M' Oliver Woiidoll Iloluit'a. Ho Ih tho frccmnn whom tho truth inijkoM free, nml all nru nlnvea betldo. -Cmvior. Tnking Thtlr Turn. "Why nIhIIoii n Mileomuii boldo till pnrk ht'iichV' it I nowly iNiliiled" ilo chii'I kfi'p pooplo from tontltiK frrh iNtlnt." "No: bill ho ohii kotm "oiii In llno."--Kmiimn City .loin imi. IiIh receipt of tho copy, hIiowIiik thu ditto of Hn rocolpt, oi thu nllldnvlt of tlio porHon by whom tho dollvnry wiih niiulo HtatltiK wlimi mid wliuro tlio copy wiih ilcllveroil; If tintdii by roKlNioiud moll, proof of hiicIi Hor vlcn iiniHt coiihIhI of tlio nllldnvlt of Hid pornon by whom thu copy wiih iiiiiIIoiI HlntliiK whnii mid thu poitt (illlco to which It whh mulled, mid tlllH lllllllHVlt IIIIIMt ho HCCOIIIpmillMl I y tlio poNtmiiHtor'H receipt for tho ll'ller. You hIioiiIiI HtHto In your nnnwor N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. ICHtirnnk'n on Wnll I'npcr nt application I'ortlnnd 1'rlccfl ChonpoHt nnd Host Wall I'nper Samples In Uim county. ' (Jot My Price. Hhoji on Oirumi Mini, llflX M Hrar of PrHhuIri IMnk IIHNi , (JKItOON tho iiamo uf tlio pout olllco to which you dcHlro futiiro notlccN to bo Hunt to you. C. W. MOOItK, IloRlHter. Onto of brut publication Junu 'IT,, HMii. Dull! Of HIKIOIIil putillcRtlon July ;', I OKI. I)Hto of third publication July 9, WWW. Ibtfo of fourth ptitillcHllon July lfl, i o i :i. I Clover Leaf Dairy PUREMILK AND CREAM TUIJJPMONU nd we will deliver . S. L. STAATS, Prop. So It It. 'Top. In hii Hhy HH.vthlmr NlcepyV "Of coiirno mit. child. WhHt put Hint lulo your hoHdr "Woll. ItV nlWHyn ynwnliitf."-Hiltl- inoro Amerlcflii. X(TI('H OI' COXTIWT. Ddpartmoiit of tho Intorlor, Unllotl KlatoN l.und OMIcc, Tho UhIIuh, OroKou, Juno H, 1UU. To HolrH of JpmeN I., Ilnncoak, do- roaiiod, of Onkvlllo, Wanh., Con liHtlfo: You nro horoby notified Hint 0. W. IIIH, who kIvoh HoiiiI, Ori'iion, hn IiIn itott-otHi'H Hdilroim, did on May H. I tin, lllo In thU olllco hU duly corrolMirnti'd Application lo contwtt and nM)iir,thM cuneollutlon of your hoinoHtoHil, Knlry No. . HorUI No. OlOluK. iiindo April 3. IU1I. for NWVi. NVk KWV4. Hoc. 1 HHU NKU. NKU KICU. Hoctlon Z, Town- Hblp 20. 8., Hhhkh 1C, It.. Wlllniuotto .MitIiIIhii, nnd hh KroundN fur IiIh eon- ItHtt ho hIIokoh (lint mhIiI Jhiiioh I.. Ilwnrock Ih doHd mid I miii Informed nnd IimIIovo thut ho died on or alto til Hio Xfith day of Oct., 1112, In Clio IihIIh County, WHtliliiKton; that ho loft a known holr. (Monti Hancock, who rouble at Wnlnrvlllo, Mnlno; routoHtaut further hIIokoh (hat Mid ontryuuin novor oHtnhlUhod reel deiico iihiii hhIiI land: (hat ho never Improved or cultivated tho titmo; that IiIh holrn Iihvi novor rtmldod on aid Imiil nor Improved or oultlvattMt the iMtuio within hIx uioutliM aftor tho iloath of Hld onto man nor at any other tltno or at all. You are, thoroforo, furthor notl Hod that tho hmIiI alloKntloiiH will ho (akoii by (IiIh olllco hh IirvIuk bvn eoufiHwod by you, and your aald entry will Imi rmicolod thorountlor without your furthor rUht to bo hoard Ihorfln. oithor hoforo thU of- llco or on aMal. If yon fall lo UU In lUlt otttrw within twouty dat fifr ihn I'ot'KTM pMl.llcaib.n of thU noib'o, an Hhown bolow, your anawnr, uiitlur oath, niiflcully iiiooilnK ami rMHiMimlliiK to ihi-tw allvKatlona of ronloHt. or If you fall within that limn lo till In thlM oHIck duo pHMif that vou huvo nerved a copy of your Nimwor on thu nald routotant olthor In pornon or by rKltorod mall. If I IiIn Norviro Ih hihiIo by Iho delivery of a copy of your aiitwor to tho con ttmtant In porwin. proof of hmcIi Niirvlcu inniU bo olthor tho Mild pon ttHttant'a wrltton aeknowlediciHont ef ITT tTl f I rtTT 1 I. . Ii TT-J BEND VIEW is at nn average elevation 100 feet above the city of JJend. Commands a charming view of the city of IJcntl and the surrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Lots 50x110. BEND VIEW CO. Bend, Ore. A tiflNidilf-O ml In The llullctlri I rcml by liumlrcdN and orlnjN the ad vertiser K'xxl rctoriit for Hie money You Will have no Irritated face If oil have your liavluK dono at In net & Davldaon'M barbr ahop.- Adv. THE WHITE IS KING It's free uu ImH. A M Uk "Cheerful Hornet." TVUll.l IU mxti UiuM.I W..kt. CMn. AM ftff UmMM.1 WMlic You cannot get a good weather and waterproof roof for your building from a poor roofing. The roof of your building is the mokt important part of it and unless your roofing is right, there will be no peace of mind for thoic who live under it. A roof that leaks causes no end of trouble, besides a lot of damage. The best way to protect yourself from these unnecessary troubles, is to Uic Malthoid Roofing. Mnlthoid Roofing is made in the largest and best equipped roofing factory in the world. The men who make it have been making roofings for twenty-six years and they understand what is necessary to make a roofing which will give perfect satisfaction, no matter how it is used, where it is used or v under what conditions. The makers of Malthoid Roofing guarantee it to be a perfect roofing to give perfect satisfaction and to. last as long as the building it covers, provided it is properly laid and ordinary care is taken of it. Twenty-six years of experience enables the makers to guarantee Malthoid Roofing under these conditions. To be absolutely sure that you have no roofing troubles, buy Malthoid and lay it properly. Hade by The Paraffine Paint Co. SKUSH hardware co. Sip ffiadsco aid tfrabtft Renewing Your Soles IS MY BUSINESS. When your SHOES need REPAIRING take them to R.H.LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore W. E. PARKER & CO. SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating We carry the largest stock of (roods in Cen tra! Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to -- The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and ClIAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 1460 Market Street San Francisco, California Hcnd, Oregon READ That CMSSII'IHI) COI.l'.M.V an ruse 6. It will jwy you. It will hIiki iy yon to I'SK IT. Why ot? If you nro A' llor.SKKKUI'Ult, .V lWHMItlt iir A 1'ltOI'KUTV OWNHK you wrtnlnly linv souk tlilim that you wnnt to SKI.I. K.('IIA.(5H or IU' VV Why not upend a few cntn hikI nt your wriiIh before llulUtlu rMUtrH? You limit want to soil, or to buy or to xchune potato liny ehlekoiiH Kmln-'-liorswii- noun ciiwb vhhi sunn Uml relln (UlMhiiumtH town property furniture iIoks teuta or oven a hu Imiul, wife or iiiotliitr-ln-lRW, Hy iulviirtltii(? you may utrlko a ImrRttln. HumlroiU of pooplo hnva uim Tho llullutln'u clnaiilllml niU and obtalnod UKSULTS. Tho Uullatln now roauhtHi MOItK THAN 1060 KAMIMItS. This la a (iunrnntot-.l Clrtu liillim. It inoatiH thut tho papor la rond by NOT I.RSS THAN IKMIO I'HO I'l.lv. In tho cIubhIHwiI column It coata only Ont Out n Word to ndvurtlHii, and that word la noon by every reader. I'llONK ': your ad nt once, or w.rlte ub. One trial It will coat but a dime or bo will con vince you that It'a n good investment. The Bend Bulletin The United Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon -a i i i LJ STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster. MEATS Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. The United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET t. I --4t040 ---" -'---4