The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 09, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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l'nge a.
iu:ni uriii.KTiN', bbnd, oiu:., vi:ixi:sdsv, .iri.v , hhii.
.-.- . - --------" --- - .
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. - ,
(Special to The ttoml Bulletin.)
POWELL. 1U1TTK, July ". Thoi
Fails Light & Tow or Co.. wns horo
Tho celebration horo Friday anil
Saturday was well attended. It be
ing estimated that thoro wero from
2000 to 4000 people here. Tho auto
wenthor has practically settled nnd no,'"p race va a tie hot ween Polu
nearly everyone hna Marled to cut! ?, V,1"1" m '"Vl"' "" .
his hay. The first cuttluK became Iniuml. On tho 4th Lnmontn do- v.t., ,...( i ti. .iinv rontol Culver In n hnsolw.ll gnmo hy n
.... i i. ii,n -oi.. scoro of 1 1 to 2 anil Redmond defoat-.
,. , ' , , , ., lod ljunonta hy score of S to 4. On
Yllllinui uueit'ri .u. nmi muiuw,,,,,. .... i1,1iiiiin.l liiit tml l.ninniit..
Artliur visited at the Ooorge Hobbs
place Monday, returning to their
home on the Deschutes Tuesday, tak-,
Ing a lead of potatoes with them.
Lelaud Casey hauled n load of po
tatoes from Boss Buseett'a Tuesday.
Prlnevllle defeated Hedmond yes
terday ly a score of 19 to 7, on the
Hedmond diamond.
Jim Tonev of the Barker Toney
auto line, who accidentally shot him-
t&1f 111 tlisk ! m fnu1 U'ilrn an t tills
Alvln Rlggs was replanting ' driving in automobile near Madras.
of his s inula last week
tho first planting
pits and ten acre of them failed to
come up.
Hoad Supervisor Muni Wlllcoxon
has beon doing some ery good work
on the roads the last feu days.
Last Wodneeday a few of the
neighbors gathered at the Vallae
Smith place for n house-raising. Thoy
succeeded in putting up the aides,
raftora and laying the sheeting. The
ladles served an excellent dinner,
which was ample reward for the
bnchtors present. Those assisting
Were Mrs. hereon, Mrs. Golden, Mrs.
Alley, Mrs. Truesdale, Mrs. McKnr
lano, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Morse. The
young ladles having n hnnd were
Edna Morse and Pauline Truosdnle.
The men Included Messrs. Alloy,
Truesdale, Iterson, McFarlane, Gold
en, Chapman, Van Dorn, Itico, Glenn
Mustard, Jones, Llndqulst and
Mr. McXoaly had a ioor stand
of potatoes on 12 acres and has seed
ed It to oats.
Fred Plerson took Mlse Kthel .Vnrd
to Prlnevlllo Sunday
Hill Parrlsh Is working for George
Hobbs this week.
Kd Plerson Is doing some carpen
ter work for the Morse girls on their
Mr. and Mrs. Van Morse spent the
Fourth with Mr. Morse's mother.
Among those who celebrated at Al
falfa were Walter Foster and wife.
Ilia Charlton, Olck Long and Fred
Nearly everyone from Powell Hutte
nlded Hedmond In the celebration, a
great many staying over for the 6th.
Those pessimistic people who have
predicted a crop falluro for the Pow
ell Dutte dry land farms are going to
bo sadly disappointed, for an aver
age crop at the least Is practically assured.
mi.- ....... l .
it t, IT m.1 1 l Improving and wvt return to Hod
nan neateu in me ,. i. n,. ,.,i.i,ii t i.i ...,)
Ml. (Ill nwt'lll IMF llllllllir III .111,. llllMllll
Tho doctors In The Dalles were nbl
birthday of America was celebrated
In tho usual manner here, many go
Ing to town, some to the picnic at
Alfalfa and some families enjoyed the
day visiting friends.
Powell Hutte has seldom onjoyed
gush rains at this time of year as
those during the past two weeks. Two
all-night rains, besides many heavy
showers, have soaked the ground
thoroughly. As a result spring grain
is showing a nne growth, also pota
toes. New potatoes have been used
here since about June 20. Many hun
dreds of acres of spuds are being
raised Here this year and news that
a contractor Is wanting them at a dol
lar a sack sounds good Indeed.
The alfalfj on the C. J. Cummlngs
40 In the old river Ud Is so heavy
that it is lodging. Lewis Hlalr Is
farming It this year.
A. B. Morrill Is suffering from an
attaok of sciatic rheumatism.
At a reeent school meeting here
Mrs. Karl Forrest was ongaged as
teaoher by the Shepherd district for
the oomlng year. Mlse Margaret Kim
inel will teach the Hutte Valley dis
trict school.
D. A. Patterson lost a fresh milk
cow the 4th, presumably from eat
ing something poisonous.
(Special to The lloud Bulletin.)
PLAl.VVIHW. Julv 7. -Tho chil
dren's day exorcises nt the Plulnlow
school house Sunday night wore u de
cided sureties.
Mr. Scoggln was selling some lino
t-eef In this iwlghhorhiMi 1 Monday.
James Hui of lleui wns In this
nolghltorhood Mtnilay i Mjnta luud
Br. Turlev of PendbKMt was u
this nolghnorhrur 'lm-.tty of lost
Mesdante Knickerbocker (tad John
Strahm calloJ on Mrs Futllli Ttis
a Miss Burklmrdt of Long Beach
ru1 In tuia U'tHl hut. tlMllllUI V
to o his leg and he will be able to ,,..,'.,,,,,..,,, !. .,v.i- ., mnmi.i
use It some. .. ... ...,.
It ti xrx? 'l fc
Mrs. Powelwm and V. V. Silvia uf
Heud spent the Poutth with Mr. atd
Mrs. KnlcRerhockor.
i ....... .
4 i ireu ituuie ami tamiiy ami .Mrs.
--- nua Chilton spent the Fourth with
(Special to The Ilend Bulletin.) .irs. Huble's folks. Mr. Strahm and
CLOVKHBALi:. July 7. Almost family. Mrs. Chilton will remain
all of the neighbors spent the Fourth! with her daughter some time.
at Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt called at Mr.
James Pray, John asd Clyde Lowe Knickerbocker's Friday evening.
sponl tho week-end fishing on the Most of the people of this nolgh-
Metollus. borhood went to Swalloj's bridge tho
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Grube woro In Fourth on a picnic, only h few from
Sisters Sunday. here going to Hedmond
In the Imll game between Clover
dale nnd Iowor Bridge Sunday, the
score was 17 to 0 In favor of Lower
While returning from the home of
A. F. Lowo the other ovenlng, tho
team driven by Krnia and Mabel Pray
gave a kicking exhibition that coni-
uletely demolished the harness. Two
very liadly scared girls liorrnwed har
ness and arrived home altout 1 1 p. m.
The team driven by Mr. and Mrs.
I lineman Friday ran away and gave
the vehicle a smashing.
Tom McAndrows returned to his
homestead last week.
Mr. Melvin came by wagon from
California to his ranch at Plalnvlew,
staying one night with W. F. Fryrear.
Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Fryrear have
moved to Bend.
Mrs. Melster and children of Cllne
Falls spent Sunday at Cloverdale.
Arthur Grube Is at Madras while
his sister Eleanor Is spending the
veek at Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burnslde ate
at Metollus on a finding trip.
Will Buckley of this placo won tho
chariot r-io at Hedtrosd the Fourttt.
The fsrmeis arc all ttusy haying.
Cord went to Odnll Litko Thiirsdny
to spend u few days.
(Spcclnl to The Bend Bulletin.)
CHKSCKNT. July 4. J. G. Hed
moud took J. L. Hlngo to Beaer
Marsh Saturday. Dr. Parsons, ore
specialist of Eugene, cau hack with
h'ni he hating had a breakdown with
hlj car The doctor has been work
ing a week repairing the auto, being
delaed by having to wait for re
pairs. F. M. Cleaves and J. L. Hlngo went
to Klamath Falls Tuesday night In
Mr. Bunam's car. They expect to re
turn after attending tho Hodeo.
Pearl Lnes wasMn from the Hoy
ranch Tuesday.
Four cars from Silver I.ske stopped
In Crescent Wednesday, being on
their way to Klamath Falls.
J. L. Howard brought In a load of
freight for E. G. Hourk Thursdny.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. Davis Jr.,
D. A. Jones and family spent the 4 th
at Lake Crescent
Mrs. E. G. Hourk and daughters
Gladys and Margaret nnd Tom Mc-
(Special to Tho Bend llullotln.)
MILLICAN. July 5. Mrs. Curry,
wife of a sottlor of tho valley and u
trained nurse, left for Bond Thurs
di) to tHke up the practice of lior
Wllllnm Todd camo homo from
Bend where he has been the pnst
week atteiid'ng to biistuesj matters.
Mrs. A. D. Norton lias entirely io
coverod fiom her recent Illness.
Mrs Ada B. Mllllrau has returned
to her ranch home after having spent
smeral weeks In I'rlnevillo.
P. B. Johnson left ror Bend Thurs
day for a load of groceilos unit for
the mall of the vhIIo.n, Tho settlers
hero will be able to get their mall
twice a week, commenting uot week.
Tho uuto fast freight will bring It
out to the (Mmlofflce, located In Mr.
Johnson's store.
A Mr. Heed came out with William'
Tml (I, looking for a suitable claim, j
Mrs. P. B. Johnson spent Ttiosdny
attoruiHiu at Mrs. Norton's.
The Fourth In this valley was a
very safe and suuo one, ultoKothorj
too much co, tho small Iki and girls,
George Mllllcnu lost a valuablo
horse Thursday. Ho was found dead
near W. II. Klgsr's ranch. j
. Mrs. Boesou Is helping Mrs. MIIII-'
can at the much for n few weeks.
Barry Morrison and Al Yancey
took a bunch uf seeu horses to Bear
creek the 4th.
Mrs. A. A. Gllmore called on Mrs.
P. II. Johnson Friday,
Eric llastelauil left fur Seattle to
work, expecting to be gone all sum
mer. Mrs. A. I). Norton visited with
Mrs. B. B. Ial Saturday !
DM you sny repairs? Wc have Ihcm for McCormlck
machines mower parts. Bliulcr parts; In facl, wc carry a
complete line for oltt McCormick machines s well a
new. Drop in. Let us fijlure with you on the repair
question. Make your wants Known. Wc will tell you
exactly what it will cost to repair your oiil machine, and
in case the expense would lie too jjicnt. wc will frankly
tell you so, thus placiu)' you in a position whore you can
tjet your new McCormick machine in time for harvest.
We linmltc n complete line of McCormick machines,
ntul will be glatl to sec you nt any time. If you arc not
ready to buy, call and jjet our catalogue:! anyway. They
will interest you. They will inform you as to exactly what
wc have, and then you will kuow exactly what you want
when you et ready to buy.
We also furnish repairs for Milwaukee, Buckeye
and Champion Mowers.
(Special to The Bend Biillstln.)
li'ihiiHltiiil III till' I iil'lt 111' bit-'
lux piiri Ii.ihimI llir ri Iiihiu'i hu lit "f
Mrs J V Mrt'liire
The I'linlc Jul 1 nt (' Hictn
ton's ranch east uf PrlnRle lists was
well attended A l.irxe tmwd (rum
HAMPTON Bl'TTIJ. July 7- The this section sent i r In i ,i auto
A- -
- - ---Q
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
TUMALO. July C Attorney Gen
eral Crawford, Project Engineer O.
l,SHrgard and W. Van Winkle, as
sistant secretary of the Desert Laud
Board, were callers at this plaee to
day. Mr. Crawford oxpreeees himself
as well pleased with the future out
look of this country and especially
'he project widen the state will com
plete. Charles Winter was hauling hay to
Sisters last week.
Crops of all kinds are doing well
especially the gralu crop. The eool
cloudy weather of the past two or
three weeks was not so favorable to
the growth of grasses but flneon the
small grain.
Project Engineer Laurgaard Is
very busy getting lined up the work
commencing construction on the proj
ect. Building of esuips aud survey
work are Utf order of the day at the
---- V -
$--- ----f -
(Special to The Bulletin)
REDMOND, July 7. V. II, Dufur,
eecrotary and manager of the Prlngle
Pilot Butte Hotel
Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists
(1001) DIMM KOOM.
(Special to The Bund Bulletin.)
reins of the past two weeks have In
creased the lisy crop and the farm
er are rejoicing. Muddy roads In
Jul are a nowlly In this see. Ion of
tho country,
llort M. Msk and J. M. Brkkey
rctiirntMl front llenu with supplies.
They rtMirt the wettost trip they
IllCNI). It. P. 1)., July S.-Tlio out made and thulr bwidlng and
Orungcrs' picnic tho fourth wns n ovoryililug on tho wugon was well
shining success. Thuro was a good sonkud.
attoudance aud cterynnu declnrml he
onjo)od hlnisoir. Tho drango deslros
to thank all those who helped iimkit
the program n success.
Boy l.owirlck of Albnuy Is visiting
his undo. O. C. Cnrdwtdl. Mr l.v.
orick Is more than ploanod with this
Haying Is In full blast nut here
as the long continued showors have
bmught several hay crops on at the
same time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Smith outer
talned Sunday. The guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Young ami Mrs. Ben
I lodgm.
Mrs. Klmer WorustatT sMnt 8un
dsy with Mr. and Mrs. Krncsl lae
manu. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Iloech ajwut
me rounn at Alfalfa.
Mr. Monroe of Bend has filed on a
trurk Mports and d nrlris nir ilu
main ffaiurcs. with the tr-iiini .if
the dinner.
Hay l.uwe and Hum I'lnnaii "f
Houth Dsknta are lulling Ibrt Mn-ks
and are much Impressed vith this
locality. They ma) Iik-sIk Ii r- '
Mrs IS. I.. Cook and M m Ii.-mI
Xueppard made a trip to ll.iinpton u
builness the past wtk
T ('. IIok Is In Bend "n t'uxi-
Practical Baking Lessons
Cooling In l' per llu, for niri, vrRtublr and
piittlrs Ii tcmnlK so popular Out itclp fur Ihli
method siegieaily In demand. MnyuUltiaie;irtly
lmptord by using M)r btRi. Oho can buy lb ripe
dally pieparrd tK at all giocert In aMOMrd Ur at a
very small cotu Below I will glvo you a few recipe
which I have found aie much liner In the bags than
baked in the open oven.
Hmen Cfoy
J. F. rAdOAUfj
p. r. Mo.iisS,,f"PfletnM
Headquarters for Commercial Men
lilectric Lighted Throughout
Speclul Attention to
Transient Truvcl
Good Rooms
Free burf to
and from trtilns
flood Meals
All nrrnngements made for persons
desiring to go south and cost of here
Our nursery is located on Powell Hutte, fourteen miles
eust of IJencl. Our trees are the kind we recommend
ufter over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will
please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nursery. Office address, Prineville. Ore.
Mrs llr Rhan.lM who h... i. ' I1 tusepoutifula K I IUlin
til I.' ,,l",, who ,MW About K m lcunmUk if nio
vlsltiug the last twu months With her Llohaioon or nuinuw Hu..r
daughter, Mrs. I.. C. Young, and fam-' , '"S'hrr, thr timra. tha flour, Uk
il . haa returned to her home ' Ins ioibr smI mit: w..rk in tt ii,.rtsning
Will and Klhard Benson of B- roll Into a iura sWt ouMlnid ln"i tltks
mile are spending their vacstlon sad sut Into lour wi . Uy it rocwl and
with their aunts tb MIhhw iuiu. ' 'ff' ,4" "." Jfh l,,"V iMthe eesin
mtir sums, me .Misses Menson. w,, mtur m d,,,,,,.,, t(l,n ,imw up th
Mrs. V K lUohlnlil ami M.n rri. iii ' dousll to cover Bin aiiitlai makaa.iinolK iul
Portland are Visltlus at tha buum nf Hu '".' Will-lmtlvrni pser lag, uivlna
V.,h- T!1 , u. L i , . .1 ' Hsnly of apars ill tl Ug'for the dumiMiiii.
I . J. 'Vouug. Mrs. Ilechtold's father. ; to rl In uaisg tU base, oil tin imiln.
from hla isner ail r I arc, lutve IIih aam M
'" I Pin mouth of tho Imu securely,
bait oa n shallow pan. llsvs a
2 laUaafwwinfula of Imtii.. t iA.MMitln!
S eupsMfUsl i(rv flour V tntatmonfol ndt,"! '' trsrt; lieown tine wuh n nU-
ing J'or
K .A. Dutt has returned
trip to the coast.
( Special to The Bend II- lletln.)
HAMPTON', July 1. 8aiu Bamsoii
of Dry l.ake wss a business visitor
here last week.
W. T. Harrison shi Burr Black are
on a trip to Iron Mountain after loads
of freight. They wer aeeomiiuuled
by Frit Anderson, who was formerly
a Crook county homesteader and Is
here at uroseut on a business trip.
O. Davidson of Barnes was a re
cent visitor here.
Miss Kthel Kogg, who hss beon In
Portland the past winter attending
school, returned to her home recent
I). Tho last week In Juno was coilaln
ly a blessing to lioniestesilors In ie
gsrd to crops as It rained nearly ev
ery day.
O. Drogsvold Is llxlug his residence.
Mrs. Hurley llogue Is visiting rela
tives In Bend for u weeg or two.
Mrs. Flske. who was recently bad
ly buuied, loft here for Bend Inst Fri
day to secure medical aid as the
burns were not properly healing.
A. 8. Fogg and wife made a busi
ness trip to Dry Uke atiirduy.
The gardens here are looking good
In splto of frost on June 111. Mirny
or the hardier vegetables wero out ho
ly unharmed.
Chicken hawks havo made tholr
appearance horo tignln HiIh miiiiinor
and are doing inuoli diuuago to tho
young chloks.
I .co Biggs Is n Powell Ilutto IiiihI
nosa visitor, going uftor a harvester.
iida up Slid
I'lace tlm
when tlm Inii! is tiJsred In tlis oven nml
inciesw lieat later. I find tlm moot frs
quent mU'aka In uatnie ! I to liv tli
oven too hot. It takMt much leoi heat to
bsK and
epmtttful of Hour, add 1 rupe l filil sralrr,
ealt and P'PPT to taa and r.ik tni mlnul'
U tahliwpooiifuU o( Itvrf fr)ins may li uxd
IiwIcmI o( tha butter fr itrnx ire. Atwsl I
u cold water to avoid lumping,
Ltfl 0t Stunt'
In V4f .,,
2ips e4lll Dour H tMpvnfid salt
.Milk or water t okrd eaiiaa
2 level ttaapoonluU K (' llaklns Powder
,.. 2 ' 4 jsWsapooniubi eliortenlng
Wit tosetber. thrra tiMee. tho Tour,
liekllia nowder atwl ealt. work in il .liort.
ridnii and sd( milk or watr to tnako a
dough, ltoll Into a tlun lir-t. rut lnt
niuarse or round4 aceordiiiK t. el.apn of
SUMS. IJlV Ilia nn l.,. ..a.-
of itouah, brueh the hIm with mil water
ami iwii 10 rover aaueaie, riarn In t in
III n pr Irng than in tlio oiii oven, t'1' '? 'V? ""' M "I'f'.1 dmnpliiiite
teimuiu when tl.H appla diiH.Jliig le J7rv". ""l wilh aravy madn I v browning
I, make n email hol In tlio top o( ll. Im'r In.ssussgfj fryinse ln.tfd ol buttrr or
nnd Int with a fork. You will find hf Wuis se in brown srsvy. J
smde dumiilintM lkl In Imgs srs (Miciotie,
tteat MMlry being very Dalit aud aoll. Kri
often RppUi dniiiJIH Iwked In t)w old way
In ll mum ovtn liuve it kiv imnl cruet.
iwrve duui(4ing4 with cissm or liurd
liar J Sauce
Ilt lislf a eup of Iruller to n nraam,
'111811 IwhI In omi rup of sucar nnd irs
jto a dotii kImimi on it slaw or rhlita plut.
urutu u littlu nutmeg ovr the top,
Dtf Roll In Paptr Dagt
3 our flour
M oupalHtrtcntng
2 Iwutdii uuss
3 level tffftepoonfilbi K (' lluklng Powder
1 testpoonful salt
nwc nunc
Urstlng if onion
1 eup oseli, rhoiipnl rookwl UimHl Ihiiii
1 tessiHMiiiful inIsmI inuetanl
U teaepooniul ( acli, salt and pepper
Broth or water
Ml a Idaciilt donah of the flour, mill.
IwkliiK powder, nliorti nlng and milk, iukI
roll into n iihet half mi iinh thick, hiving
tlio uiiila nvvii. Mix the othor inuri'illuiilH
by tlitinetlveti, iielng licpild ns liwilwl to
make n psetn. Hprcud the puete over tho
doiinh and roll like n Jolly roll.
Other cookt'd nirnta muy bo nwd In tlis
isiiiu way. Olti'ii wo havo wivcrul dllTitrviit
Llnils of rold musts loft, with not enough of
any ono kind for ii partlc ulur purpc w, Ono
can us tliieo ruivuru! IilndJ puttJiig thuii
tlirmish tho food choppor, luting two cuis
Genera Rulu for Puptr Dag Batynl
I. use iwny ug csiiocuiiy nmdo fof r
2. Always Rmue tho Mitlr.. Inside auf '
lace oi inn iMg lor uiuata and pastries.
3, Iy Iwg on tho pan si am sidn up,
i. iiinnvs inn ina month oi tim hi,.
. . - " " Tfl
ociirsiy. i
6. In n lifM OVrn tllaro tlin liner nn ti
Kalo of tho liro.lor jxui, plunng t
wlur iwii in tlm upper oven.
o. AiMive nil don't Imvo a hot ovtln:
it liuniH the Iwg ami nml.c.4 It, bnlllo nii.l
essiiy iiniKcn. Jiavu n slow even hoiit,
tir nag fooKing. jtsinsuiher rood cookl-l
In hags will oouk moru tpilckly nnil with
loss liuat.
7. All lilniU nf meat, full ntul fnul nm
excellent oookttl In hugs, nil tlm natural
uavor nnii iiiiki-s inxng rctiiltioil. rino ,
tho meat, liali or fowl in tho well ollml ma.
uing the own direr-lions above Allow
lo iiiiiuitos (.o out'li pound.
ft. Tor nil Kinds of pastry, I recom
mend the mo of K C I ink i ni inuilir
MiivDJally wiicro slow linking h rwinrel. t
K (i Is really n lilcml of two linking pow-
iifrs, sno or which win us soon in molx
turo is willed; the other ii iimetlt until
heat In applied; tho two together keep till
of this chopped moat, beusoning as desired. ' "' ' ruUKj until tho dough Is thor-
ror iMKing in ilie paper nag preparo tlio """.v .V""""'! ineiiiing ligiil, lino le- t
bag nn for niiplo diimpliiiKS mid )ku hyi turttl InsiuiitM, pastry ntul tuked ntul
samo rules. Servo with u brown truvy, eliminating all duiigcr of fulling.
CtpyrlgM mi Jaw Ma, Co, NOTICP '
So inuny roquoata uro blii miidn forlnnaoiie that Imvo boon inlssod. thut
wo Imvo bud tho oomplotu aorlou of luaroiu dumbly bound utid will soud It Iroo
It you Imvo missed uuy of tlla lossnns. or would lllio to havo thorn In ooii
yonlont form lor future use. or If you Imvo u f rlond to whom thoy wight fa" ,u Ii .
ful, drop us u postul uud u bound sot will bo promptly mullud VltUU.
X: C DAICING POWDER MFCS., loth and Canal Sts Chlcatfo, III. .