The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 09, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    1HR0 It
' iu:m) ui'i.i.r.Tiv, iu:.i, om: vi:im:siav, .iriiV i, tout.
Mayor's Report Reviews
City Work of the Year
Recommendations Include Purchase of Fire Bell,
Erection of Jail and Financial Assistance
for Carnegie Library Here.
ltelow i the full report tendered
by Mayer Putnam Wwt night tu the
To the Common Council of the City
of llond:
Pursuant to provisions of tho char
ter (sec. 1. chan. IX) I have the
honor herewith to submit tho follow
hie report and recom
I-'l nance.
With a balauco on hand of about
JS000 and no heavy Imminent ex
penses, tho city Is, 1 believe, In ox
extremely satisfactory condition, fi
nancially. Estimating tho current
oxpensos for tho next six months at
approximately tho same amount as
for tho last about $35001 be
llevo that by tho end of tho year
there will bo a very comfortablo bal
ance. One Interest payment on the
sower bonds will be duo during tho
noxt six months, of $1300, and there
will bo no furthor Incomo from oa
loon licenses. However, October
taxes will bring In probably about
$1000 and the other Incomes, from
fines, minor licenses, etc., may bo ex
pected to bring at least $500. In
other words, It would seem that there
la a very fair likelihood of a lowor
tnx levy being possible In 1914, pro
vided tho prcsont income of tho city
remains about the same.
The city's most Important present
activity is the sewer construction.
Its general operation Is too well
known to require commont. Sufllco
to state that tho results of the coun
cil's action In taking over tho work
seem to have amply Justified that ac
tion. The work has now reached
Buch a stage about SO per cent be
ing comploted that it Is a practical
certainty it will be completed within
the engineer's original oslmate of
$79,131.15. While tho contract,
which was annulled by mutual con
sent of the city and the contractors,
If It had been lived up to would havo
completed the work for a less figure,
it is now quite apparent that it tho
company had been compelled to con
tinue It would have become insolvent
long before this time, which would
have meant vndtaw delay, the consid
erable expense of litigation and the
certainty that In caw of re-advertlte-meut
for bids figure higher than
thoeo of tho estimate which now
mean the actual cost of the job
would havo been submitted. It would
also havo involved even more embar
rassment for the council that 1ms the
method pursued: and In this connec
tion It may bo woll to state that
every member of tho council has am
ply earned his salary. Tho estimate
as you know, did not Include pur
chase of tho disposal plant site, or
of tho othor right of way. Kven In
cluding these Items, amounting to ap
proximately $6000, wo aro now as
sured that tho completed Job, real
estate and all, will not cost over
$79,000. The present balance of the
sewer fund, In tho hands of the treas
urer and tho construction engineer,
is about $6400; this, plus tho amount
to bo raised by assessment, will gtvo
a comfortablo lee-way for operation
expenses. All tho accounts and
books of tho engineer aro now In tho
hands of a Portland nccountnnt, and
his report will bo In your hands by
next week. A similar audit Is
planned upon the completion of tho
Job, so that thero may bo no possi
bility of irregularity In tho expendi
ture of tho funds. I wish to express
my gratification at the work nnd the
methods employed by our construc
tion engineer, who. In my opinion,
has made a notnblo record for elllc
lent handling of a it I 111 cult and deli
cate undertaking, and conducted him
self so as to win the confidence of
those with whom he has come In con
tact, officially and otherwise.
Street Work.
During the year the city has under
taken more substantial Improvements
than ever In Its history. The street
grading now under way will add
much to the town's appearanco and
materially enhance property values.
The outlay for the present work Is
$549S.23, all borne by specially bene
fitted property.
Herewith Is tho recorder's report
of expenditures for the half year Just
closed. Its detailed classification
of expenditures Is now possible
through n reform nffeeteil In the
make-up of the wuituuIh; these hue
noon so printed nnd arranged that
every expenditure Is cIiikhUUmI under
Ita particular head. In the pnst It
has been entirely ImposslMo to keep
any ndequnlo track of this Impor
tant phase of city llnnnrcH, tin would
be IiihIkUuI upon In any private busi
ness. With this h.vhUmu In use, thorn
la no reason why tho council Bhould
not receive as occasion may require
detailed roportH showing the exact na
ture of expenditures, Just as similar
roHrts of receipts are called for by
the charter from the treasurer. With
this data on file, estimating future
expense and receipts will be it com
paratively Dimple matter.
Work la progreaalng by the city at
torney and recorder upon the codifi
cation of all preaout ordluancHa.
There la a tnaaw of 77. some of them
conflicting, many coerlug the mimu
ground, anil at best taking up far
more imce than Is required ami mak
ing accurate Information difficult to
obtain. The codification will "boll
down" this mnsa to a common sense
basis. With this done, and with the
charter, the city will bave a simple,
woll tabulated an deaslly understood
set of laws.
Practically no complaluta are now
received concerning local moral con
ditions. In this connection tho re
cent passage of the model blacklist
ordinance seems to have met general
approval nnd accomplished good. It
seems Justifiable to add that Chief
Itoborts merits commendation for his
administration of his office.
Material Improvements In the city's
lighting has been effected. The In
stallation of siunllcr lights In rest
donco districts, giving a far greater
and hotter distributed service than
could bo nffordod with tho more ex
pensive arc lights. While nil credit
Is of course due tho focal water com
pany for lowering its rates. It may
not bo out of placo to state that the
Investigation which led up to this re
duction of nlKHit 25 per cent was
Inaugurated at tho rcquoot of the
I bog to submit the following rec
ommendations: (1) The purchase of a tire bell.
Aftor all our experiments, llond con
tinues to have no adequate tiro alarm
system. The expenditure of atxiiit
$300 would Install a bell, which
might be placed on the high kj1 near
the Hend Hardware Company store.
It la likely that Its service at one tiro
would repay Its cost to the taxpayer.
(2) The erection of a Jail with
room attached for council meeting,
election, etc. The proeeut jail is not
only entirely Inadequate, but It Is
absolutely Illegal. Any grand Jury
could make trouble for city oltlclala
as the law speclne that a fireproof
structure must be maintained. The
city now pays $1'.'0 a yeBr rent for
a meeting place. On city property a
(if N3-"&'&. ?-' JjR AtVKl' 0 RESOURCES PP
I o v&? ? i In I t-w s waunrowtfv J
"I CucrMf-n iff S-n - 1? . O wwuntiCN I
0 CVllJzX&t. JnxMM'l'Nfa
of $J ivV- ?a,,tt
T . ilia f$&?Tf
i. utr .. jh:zj ' vsr:. which
r t r in
a -. VV7r
AfliMltli Mill
OJMTtlH lAti
kvMarn Mm
r.AMiMd nikki ...
ijm i)ooa ratrH'r
waa ItULD Mult
efcenne "JAa irrxct, '
jMMMa risot
V... CIM..alJI C. f n: nillniimMimliiunnlir Tin tml I 1Kb. ilfi lwnlf ili ftU
I Ol( OIIOhIQ OC6 Li! Jrln6 noiwk.K lfrl. ! I1 n.l ritTltrnl ililuWIni
nrtri ilrt Ihan w fr Thrlifl(ltil Uml with wtlMl wtff llhl
cn lif putchtiol l lyi.oo xrctoii rijr Ittnn, Th urroumllni (.Inrcmtrr.! inmniUlin lc ('ill l iiIuiI wi.ii.lrtt m Ju.l (In 4m
for cllon I. Tlue It only iiliout tromt oM, tiul gtuoliiK ui(iy It li liUi)ionr ijr.lrm, two ol liulrl. I Mg gfntttl
mrrchamll toic. ftrt cla llvrrjr mutlcrj tulilf. inrmllciil iu..irr iln I.a I'lne tutrr MbuiiUIii). iiiic of the ml inirMltt
rummcidalclutM III lhrllr anil Ihtactuli, y the way, ln.ll.imu (noiwity ami Ihr al trar rirctnt Ihrirun an alliatlltr rluli turn
Thcicatclhrrcimall m mllU In Ih vicinity of t.a I'nir. wlilrh l)ul llir trilnnlii otlhr ll IiiiiiIm-iIiu ant mllllm ImiliifM lhal -ill I
ilonr ktir. Thttr arr gut uwnluia In manufactuilns ami oilier l.u.liif llnra hrir III nturallnnal malltla I.a I'lnr i H II hat
a tcn-acrc kIhI parW in Ihf hratl of the rctl.ttnc actlnn. anil mm Irachra hi tulhr twrlllli railr. A CalrmOcchnKb will lr IhiIII brr
lhlaprlii(, anil other churcho arr ianiilni luralalillth tnrmwltr I.a I'lnr hat ntrr hum avaltalilr rlnllk hwae rr ohlrh th
nwnrra harcmniiiirnml tuitrvrloi ami w tilth alonr nmiVI ImlM a ol alinlrOy Thr W aira af faim laml trilMtary li I.a llnr inM
alone build ami maintain iwnI alrt city Thr at tracttnf liuilxr UllAilary t t.a I'lnr miiiiM atunr IhiIUI a icl .lint rlly With Ihr
coming of Ihr Iwol.lf rallrnait yilrint In I.a I'lnr, whk'h will li xmiii. ilrelinirnl III ami aiiramt I.a llnr will - tat! I.a llnr
can tir reachr.1 via Or NaT . N I . O W K KN ami I' 1' Kya Vim ran tuakr iminry liy Imylni "iwlty at I.a llna In a4n nf Ihr
rallroaila. Othrtaarnloliic II. whv not Ylll'l U'AKIt UP In Ihr fact lhal a anlkl wrtl-iwalt.1 town III our f thr nrr.l anJ ) utlMni
ofthr Notthwrat la IkHtml lo mow raptttly ami that iin-lly alura will climb arvottllHily lfki Imw fiMH wiui Thr Irima air oaay.
only a frw iluUaia (r moiilh on rach lot Von ilon'l uil IHr inoney Iml you aoon aulir valuaMr fiiity v nl tolay Iik r4at, ct(a
ami letHii lo
Krllablr aienla. with kmI bank rrfr'encra. wanlnl In all Milanf Ihr t'Htlr.1 Male
suitable building could be erected, of
brick or stime. for not more than
$3000, and could be mi arranged aa
to be a unit of a larger later build
ing. The Hppoltttmeiii of a commit
tee to atart this work aeema dealr
able. 13) The expenditure of a reason
able Him, aa mooii as the preetit
street work Is completed, In crowning
all the principal street and placing
them In a fair condition. This doea
not mean grading, nut a temporary
Improvement that should Inst until
the city carea to undertake perma
nent hard surfacing.
I 1 1 That the city pledge an annual
appropriation, to be made by special
tax. for the support of a t'arnegle
llirar. If b so lining niie ran lie
oalabllnhi'd here. Hald annunl ap
propriation lo be $"..0, on the under
Miandlng Hint Much a emit rl bill Ion
would be reciprocated by tilt fame
I gle t'oriMtratlmi with H glfi of at
leaet $7'u0 for the t-rwllon and
equipment of a building. It Is ur
gently recommended that a commit
tee be appointed with authority to
care for tbla matter, and that nectfs
1 sary reeolutloim be paaned at this
, meeting The eetabllshuient of such
an Institution here Mould be of In
calculable bi' n flit lo the town, and
Investigation shows that there Is u
ci'lli'lit chalirt' of securing It. i
I.M That the two ordlaarea rela
live to pluniblng ami twawr-conner
linn and nlhnr newer matters, here
with present!!, anil already paeit
upon by tin rwr commlttew and the
construction and rliy englners, im
puiMHi ami placed In force a sooti
aa prartleabl.
() It la further auggeated that aa
an expert accountant will bo her thla
WHrk, In connection with the rtewer
audit, an otHrlal audit be made of
tliH iHHika and aecounla of the record.
er and the treasurer, none hatloK
been made for several year.
IteainTiftilh siibiuiiipil.
at the
Famous Battreall Jomo
G inch, Regular $5, now $3.45
14 inch, Regular $7.50, now 5.45
14 inch, Regular $8.00, now 6.45
10 inch; Regular $0.75, now 4.85
1(5 inch, Regular $8.00, now 6.95
$4.00 Oxfords. $1.50
$5.00 Oxfords 2.50
$4.50 Shoes 2.45
$5.00 Shoes - 2.95
Nemo Corsets, regular S5J.50, now $1 .98
Nemo Corsets, regular $2.00, now 98c
Black and brown Serges, regular 75c, now 39c
Ladies' Summer Hosiery, regular 50c, now 29c
Ladies' Summer I Iosiery, regular JJOc, now 1 7c
Single Red Quilts, regular $1.10, now . . 59c
All Laces and Ribbons now HALF PRICE
All Embroideries now HALF PRICE
Men's Sox, regular 50c, now 4 for 50c
Men's Summer Underwear, regular 50c, Qf
now -C
Men's Cooper Union Suits, regular $.',50 (f C
now p 4&4&3
Men's Porosknit Union Suits, regular $1.00 IQ
Men's R. V. D. Underwear, regular 50c, now 35c
Ladies' Oxfords, Reg. $3.50, $2.45
Ladies' Pumps, Reg. $3.75 now 2.45
Ladies' Shoes, Reg. $4.00, now 1 .95
Ladies' Shoes, Reg. $3.00, now 1 .75
Ladies' Comforts, Reg. $2.50, 1.45
Ladies' Comforts, Reg. $2.75, 1.75
Children's Ladies' and
Men's TENNIS Shoes
Regular $ 1 .00, now
This is not a housecleaning or a periodical sale at which old style, out of date or unseason
able merchandise is sold at bargain (?) prices.