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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1913)
iii;si mi i.i.ctin, in;Ni, oiti;., wkdnkhdav, .hxv u, u., lngo II. TROOPS GUARD ITS GOLD. Cvery Nluhl tho Unk of Cnulnnd Has a Military Display. I'nr lit!) Jt'illH ll coinpilliy uf Kllilldrf niuii III cluugo r mi olllier iimu-heil every evening front tin CIiiiInimi or llio Wellington Imiiiiilm In llui Hunk nf CiikIiiiiiI. Kur llio lust few Jiiil". nw- Illg 0 lllll KMtlt llll'll'IIMO Of ntll'l'l triillle, the Hiitillm-H liuvit Kiiiin liy tint underground inllwiiy, Mini IiowihIiijh din nightly uiiiini In ill"" ii rioui iiio troop Ntiilloncil III tliu Timer of l.on ilon. If tilt visitor In I.0111I1111 whIIh liy lln Imnk iiny owning 11 1 Imlf lumt (lo'clnrk In) will see iiIhiiiI llilrly nn'ii In the clini-Mi) of 11 lleiili'iinul hihI two kit iiiilM iimri'liwl iii In mrmli tin with llxed Iwjoiii'Ih hikI liwiliil inn iiiiinllliin hell. Tlmm me tint nnly trtHttM Hint limy march through the rfr$ of l.oinloii nllh Hmn liiijoni'tN. Tilt) ini'il IIii'IiihoIvoh II ko thin ilnty. "When they nmrcli hack to tpiHiler. nlMiiit 7 o'clock In lln HHimlng. they Hlfty lln Htt lliey pti'llfto fur the lent of t It iiny, Mini tin-)' iihoIvo Hit oxiru uhlllltiic n iiny frniii tin Imnk until Her KhiIi limn also Iihh h pair of Hiw lilmikclM wherein to wrap hlinwlf Hlilln ho walls Tor lilt (urn to mo 011 guard, Mini In wittier big Htt nm Uahl n! for llioiu. They Iihm nhiihuihh ie-rri-ahineiit iroiltil for them, and tin oillrer In itminmiHl Iimh h dinner for lllllll'lf Mllil tWn Mi'IhIh In tint daytime' iiiMilher curious stir vIvmI of lln' pnM I to be nlmened AN tlwilHll delect It 1 guard nil lln doom. llietiM iintrnruieit beadle are hI mi for the mtrvlco. I'mni llio HtHinloliit of (iifincy. Ilufi' oiiirliiU wro very much In Hit' WHy. lint as Ioiik hh tint Ikttik of ICnglaihl Iihh Imii In existence the heillt batn Hkllrtl II. ('nne liieiitly llio homlle Hru allowed to re main. Tin custom of providing n III lit gar rlnu for Hit' Imnk date iMrk lo 171. when mi HllMi'k was made iihui lln Itunk liy m iihiIi ilnrliiK the onlnii rliilM. plrliiremiioly dewrllMil In "llttr imliy llmlKi'" It W "hM Hint In lln fllit llt i'iinii Ih'Iwih'ii lit rliili-rn him I lk rliTkii of tti tank Htf Ullrr iiifltnt tlinlr iiikIhI IiiUmim fur mih munlllitn nflor llii'lr Hiipuly of IhiIIkIn IikiI kIvkii tint. Vnuttrn CoiniMiilon. INDEPENDENT AUTO LIVERY TO ALI- I'LACKS IN CHNTKAL. OKUCION Uil'int' f 1.00 .Silver Ijiko $10.00 Kort Hock 8.f.0 I'nlnley 1B.00 ijtku 10.00 ukcvicw ao.oo VluwM)lnt 11. (N) HtirnH lii.OO OTIIKIl VLliVKS AT I'KOI'OIITIONATK KATKS. Olllco In Confectionery Storo, WriKht Hotel HIiIk.. Hend, OrvKon. (T The Schmeer r' miles .sotithuust oi Hcnd. 'JKO ncics. All stock and equipment. 100 acres in cultivation. About 100 horses. Milk cows, chickens, etc. Sec me if you mean business. JOHN SCIIMI-I:R, Address Held, Oregon ABE YOU SNSUfffiD jCgy a' ';,j. W' Insure your property with a reliable company so that.when the fire comes you will be absolutely pro tected. Let us write your policies. M. S. LATTIN BEND, HAZARDOUS MAIL ROUTES. Pottmen In Oomo Coiintrlot Are Nover Ours of Their Live. Tint nmicl iiimtniMti III (lilt Hnlinrii liiiKii't liny I'lmli- Hint In, If hit Iimh 11 fiiinlly Iic'n iiiixIoiin lo llvo fur or hni pciiM tn Int IimiiIIiik 11 euro fti'it liiiclii'l'ir ikInIoiii'I'. for hit ini'il nil tint imrvn Hint Int run nilhly hiiiiiiiiimi on iviry trip Hint ho million, for tin ulhl Irltn icKiiiil III fit iin llii'lr imrtli'ulnr proy. mill ho iii'Vit ilmtH liiiow wlii'ii lii'NlnrlM out U'licilii'r or not lio In koIiik lo ii-iich IiIniIiwIIiiiiIIoii. NcllhiT Iiiin tint tiiMtinmi In Konin pflitN or HWllITlllllll llltt Hit f cut J0I1 III tint woiM. In furl. In hovithI plnt'tm In Unit country It U foiiHltlDrt'tl JiinI iiIhiiU lint iiionI tlHiiMi'roiiN pnifiMtHlun Unit 11 IIIHII ('Mil IMltOI' Von wo wiini' of llio iHwtnilli'i writ MllllUl'll lit II lll'lKlllof".MM)fct.t. TIlHIO Ik i'mmi 11 It'llor Ihix nt Hut Hiimmlt of IjititfiiHril. wlil'li In nti ! KMMH) feel hImivm llio wn It'uO. Iloro nil Mtrlii of tllwiNlroiiM II1I11KN Imto linpH'itiHl to tun forliiiiwlH fitnliTN of ihmII TlirH Iimvm Ihtii 1 iimliitl tn iIphIIi liy hvmIhiii'Iihn hiiiI m InrMt' iiiiiiiImt nwiMipotl tlown llHin Hint klllfil liy llnlt'o HHlllmt. Tlit'ii In Imlki Hi IhmIhimii hIwhj'm Iinm lo Ih on tlo lookout for hiihMim. It Ik t'litlini'il Hint wlililn lln- lnl ytwr M wtitK klllixl liy Hiinko IiIIkk iiml Imiiij wvmi iiilfit liy tliior. (jiimir. Iftirt II. wlii'ii In lliU country tin lniMinnut of Irt'liiK m iMmtnmii hiiiih hIhiiiI Hit' niiwt liHriiilimit himI liftMt tlnn (ti'roiiN of mty 11 limn cotilil pick out? In pttrlt of KIIhtIii tlmy Intvo only tun iiihII iIiIIviiIim 11 yi'Hr. while In tint Interior of Cliltiit they Imve no roKtilnr tlolhcry or roxulnr iKHtiimn.-ClilcwKO Trllniiit'. Plenty ot CHanye, Pntililonntiii' I'liyficiiin - U'luit you nitlly in-ill In u I'liimuit or rllnmto. Tint I'nlli'iit- mutii' of cllinnto! Why, I'm iittror I1111I ituylhliiK i'Iro! I'vu IItihI In Nuw YorK nil my lirit. Lire. Oeflneil. "I'ii. whnt In h rwclvcrT" "A rwi'hiT. iny mui. I n iimiii who hIihU up 11 lHiluoi nftiT It bin run iuwii,"IIimiiii TrmnK-ript. Aflir n ichihIiiI kcIn ulnrtiil tin hmkrH niwmvw rcttiiu tu wort Chi- HKO Itnilfll UlTHllI J Ranch For Sale Jf & CO., Agents OREGON GENERAL PICKETT. Tho Friendship Between Him and Lincoln and Grant. A NOVEL BATTLEFIELD SCENE Vhen tho Dlue nntl the Orny Joined In Dlrthday Celebration A Meetinu With Grant In Waihlnolon Lln celo'e Vult to Mre. Plekett. Ill Slrn. I'lckflfn liilmiliictory cluip lor lo "Tim lli'itil nf 11 rtohllfr. Am Hi toMliil In I hi' lulliiittlt' l.t'llurM or (ion iTitl (itiro I;. I'likt'll. (.'. H. A." Iheio I nii (xtioiiit'l) liiluioitliiK Mtory. It tlplM'Htrt Unit while Nt Illl'hlllOllll. jllKt iirit-i' tlM MinrHiMli-r. ih wnm Hitniiiiiiii 11I lo tint tliMir hy n nlmri rap. Hlie UlM'H H I'lMnillHK HW'OIIIlt Of WllHt fill- lowml: Willi my Imliy on my Hnn I mmwer ih t tut kiH'k. oH'ii(til tho tlooi' ml loiikHl up nt it lllll. KHUIll, Mill fnIH IIMIII III III DttlllK I'lotlMK. Who. Willi the NM'ont of tho north, mtkinl: "l I hl (Iixjiiw I'lckBtfM pliiceV" "Yw. lr." I MMHerwI. "It lie In not hure." "I know Unit, iiw'mih." ho rcpllwl. "hut I Juet wiuiIihI to hcu tho (iluie. I inn Ahrtilmm MtK'oln." "The prtIii'iitS" I Nlictl. Tho HtrNiiKcr nhfok hU hcttil ntt! Mhl-. "No. iiih'hih; no. iiw'hiii. Jtlot AhraliNiii l.lucolii; (leorKe'H ohl frlontl." "I nm (Jcorjoi PlilH'tl'K wire, nntl lliU In IiIh Imliy," whn nil I cotilil Niy. My iMhy ptitluil uwny rrotu me nml reHchiil hi" IihihU lo Mr. I.liicolii. who tmik him In IiIn Hriini. An he tlhl nil expremilou or THpt. lllimmt illvlnc tciHlitriutM hih! loe HkIiUhI up the Mil ruce. II hum h liHik llmt I Imto never wen on nny other fce. My Iwhy opelHxl hlN lliotitll H liltt mnl IlinUtitl Uhui kIImk IiIn fnlliif'n frlewl n tlewy. Illfmillle Uvi Am Mr. Mlieoln Kitve the little one Imek lo me, hlmklliK liU tinner Ht him plnyfnlly. he wihl: "Tell your rather, lite nwiil. Mmt I fnrirlvo him ror Hie Mke or tlmt kltw nml tlKtwe lirlKht iyeN." Mrs I'lrkelt explnlim the Intercut I.lliroln MtetHtM In her IiumImihI hy NtHtltiK tlmt It whn throiiKh Mr. Mil miIh'n liiiliieiiee tlmt her IiiinIhumI re ri'lv.1 IiIn HiNillitliieiit to W'fMt 1'ollit. One liiipreMKloii the Inxik conveyN In tlmt or I lie kltitlly himI KenerotiN reellnic llmt exUtetl Iwtween ConfiHUrtN mnl I'iiIiuiIhIn Knnltmteil from Went I'olut who Imil Iteeit frli'inlH hefore the wur An exhlhltloii or UiIn feeling win iiiNtle nt the time or the birth of Ceil eral t'lrkctr llntt Iwhy. Mm. Pickett, tellliu; the ntory. wiyN: On tho occaNlnii or my hoii'h birth tMiittlren were tlehtttl In celchratlon nil nlmiK Plrkett'N Hue. tlrant hw them ! met wtit M-oiitK to learn the en me. I When they retorteil he mIiI to fieiteral IiikhIIn: "llHen't we kiiiio klnilllm: un tliU hlile or the line? Why don't 1 we utrlke n IlKht ror the younic Pick- ettr I In n little while Utnflnw were ttmii- Ins rnuii the IVreml line. A few tlnyN In I it there wh Ukou thnHmti the IIium m Imtty'M Nlher wrvlce eitumvcl. "To Ceorne i: I'lckclt, .tr. from hU fitiliiT" frli-il. f K Crnut. IturuN In un IK Ceoriie Siiekley." iJi-n.nil Iketl. In n letter from Wimliluctiiu. rehiteH niiotlMT luciileut In win. h thlH Miue klwlly rMllut( wm in.inlfetn- After luvitkfmit we went, mm ht muci'.l. to ee Omul. I can't J not tell tn. my itttrllrif. nltout tlmt vMt. ..nil nne to nll till I Me you to tell ..ii how the wnrtn lienrtwl. moileNt old warrior nml loynl frleml met me: how he t'Mik In IiIn the Imml of your licrtft iie wthller - teor. hrokeu. ilefeutiM. profcMHlnii none ami. looking Ht hint fur 11 moment without MHiNkliiK. hhI1 Nlnwly, "Pickett, ir there In miythltiK oil the top or (iimI'n Kreell eurth I enn tin rr itii. wiy ho." When I HtNrteil to o rSrant piillcd ilnwii 11 checklMMik himI Haiti, "Ph-kett. It xeeiiH runny. ilixu't It, tlmt I hIiouM hne miy money to offer, hut how nim li 1I0 ,ou liewlT" "Nut nny. ohl rellow: iit cent, lluiiik joii." 1 Htihl. "I have plenty." "Mitt KufiiH tulln me tlmt you httvo heituii to tnillil h In now to tHke the plitce or the one ohl Itutler huruiHl. mut how- enn .Mm tiullil It wIIImuU money? You tin utHtl mime." "I Iihvc will! Mime tlniher to m for It." I I nll him. mnl to nloiw my uppre clMtloll nml Kl-HtltlHlc, unolnerveti. I Mffeetlomitely miueeaeil Ills lit, whon he chIIihI nut: "Itufiw, It's the mime oltl tiiMiruc Pickett. IiihIihuI or pullliiK my Iitji, he'H hiUcIiik It." Sugar Tor the Heart. .Stititir U 11 Nploifilhl metlli'lue ror the lumrt In cerlnlit ilUeneM or thli orxnn In other, mich iin oeilemu, It Iihh 110 eifect. In the IjiiiiIhii Ijincut U re purtiHl the euro or h woiimu or xoveiity .even with "niphl. IrretftilHr. rechle pulNe. eymionlN nml ntlitckn or pniMX Miitul lirmithliiK" hy the lulinlnUtiH tlmi or four ouucoH or lump Miitnr every twelve liouru, Krnilunlly illmln InIiIiik the ihMie. for ieverHl weeks. A New Vy of Finance. Proprietor -If lumUiuie offera to pity for the hut ilou't show her the hill, nml I will liuTouKc It. Homclioily him to (my our ImiiI iUiIiIm, MemiiUiiier Hut If she ilnoHii't olTcr to my? Pitiprlotor Then IiHiik Iho hut hack. We enn't mM to our hinl ilt'htH.--I'lluRomlo Hluttui. Souie people lieiir three kinds of trou-hle-nll they hud, nil they httvo now nml nil I hey expect to Imve.lMwiird I'.verett Hide. BASEBALL STRATEGY. A Oame That Wae Won hy Two Play era and a Live Snake, Tommy Tucker lont 11 kiiiiio for WiinIiIiikioii lo (.'hlciiKo once nml Nlnrt ci I 11 hiittle till licciMini) of 11 trick lllll Dnhlfii mnl t'lll ICverelt put up on him. Tom never tlltl like amikeii. Indeed, he held them In nhliorreiico. nntl In tome wny Mnhlcii (lliwovcrcd thin WimliltiKtou wiih to piny C'lilctiKo tlnti nftiTiiiMiii. mid ilnrliiK the moniliiK pmcllce on the ntfll Hide KlnlltliU Dull leu mnl Kverett illM-uvercil 11 hiiihII Kiirtenmnlto mnl ireNnunil It up AIoiik lit the fourth liming ICverctt CIHcllI'll OUt II lilt. Illlll UN MIOII HH III' iNittletl 011 Mrnt imxe I in h Ion. luuorliiK IiIn iiniinI cimtoin. run out to conch, anil 11 moment later ho Mllpie(l the lot nil Icm little reptile to Kverelt. who droppetl It Into Tticker'N hip nM'ket. Tommy illwiiverttl the aim be Jnat hn the pitcher whh tlidlterliiK the liall and. with h yelp, he tleaerteil Oral lae The halter had lilt to the ahorlMtop. who khiIhtwI up the Imll on the run nntl HtartiHl lo throw to wcotid. hut whh Iimi iHto h till threw Inward first Tommy whn twenty feet off the Imne. JiiiniiliiK up mid down himI IiuiiUiik lor Moitii'thliiK with which to kill that MtiHke, hiiiI the Iwll went to the MtaiuU mid CIiIchko aiirH four ruiia heforo the IiiiiIiik etidttl. Tucker protected wildly, tmt tho utn. plre couldn't Iiml nuythluK nlout auitkea In tliu rule houk 11 lid let It (,'o nt thut. GET IN THE SUNSHINE. Then Profit by the Ohadowe In Which You Have Lingered. If you nru In 11 hurry don't get lKlilnd n Imiiv mtiu "Illtcli your chariot to n atnr." Ilevvitru of the aticcrcr nml tho acofTer. Heek the iiihii who Ix-llevea In thliiKN Hint nnt kooiI mid who la trying to make everythliiK elae better hy dectla hihI words. Come Into the aunihlne fur n little while. It In 11 pood world nftcr nil. You have Iiml hard luck. III health nml hard hloWN, hut open your ledger nm! aee If the credit doe n't overtMlntice tho dchlt aide. lie rrank with yotiiTeir nml ace how much or the dehlta ran ho charged to your own rmilt n lack of forealKht. truntlnic the iiutruMtworthy. overreach IliK Helflaliiiewi. Ktiiildlty. extruvaBance. rnllure to h-htii hy exjicrlenco or re fuwl to tirutlt hy ndvlce. Take n few precious momenta for aeir examination Don't mourn becnuso some one who Marled In life with few er advantage tlntii you had has done no ninth U'ltcr. Think of thoao you have left behind In the race. Voura inut be 11 hupeleiui cno If you ore last In Hue. IlapptncnN la from within, not from without No greater hnpplneaa enn he round than thut which come; rrom the aweet cnuteiit or right thinking, right lit lug himI 11 kikhI ctiiiclem-e. Try It. See how warm mid Inviting Un nuu mIiIiio la.-John A. Slelcher In Leslie's. Applied Legal Taetlce. A gray liHlntl lawyer enjoyetl n Inugh Ht the exHme or Ida friend, nn uptown IMiik cMaliler. the other day. The joum:et iiiemher or the law firm. hIw known to the m-diler. Ibluk. ItMC ixwKlhly IA make Itle latter the iMitt nf a prni-tlcnl ke. had attwaptf I without ii' i' I" chitnae h iieiuter rlt ll fly etit plee Ht the window TitMl or the lieiiUtit hii taiur later the .klTlv lawyf retielml Into hW (Mh-ket awl drew oMt h MumlMr uf eoln. Vheu ym are wiiik mi y om iwtllit," he "Hid iih ti u iwl $1 .Tit fM'iu tli' liiii.lfnl 'tr ImrviiiL' it on 1 r :M?4i ness along many different lines. INVESTIGATE THIS OPPORTUNITY AT ONCE. Vc have no cheap cars but a comprehensive assortment of high grade cars traded in for new White touring cars on which we will allow you 10fe special discount from our net price on these cars in return for the missionary work they will naturally do -for us--providing we receive your order within 10 days from this date. You can select from the largest and finest assortment of used cars in the city of Portland. The White Company E. W. HILL, Itfgr. PORTLAND, - OREGON The Dairy Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED Dairy IJuttcr full weight given in ounces and the name and address of the maker. Do yours comply with the law? If not, have some printed THE BEND BULLETIN tier na much other evidence na mny lx Hiljiulgi'd relevant In abort, let me have that Imi Imlf conftme the ques tion 'at Innuo. Here, Jlmmlc." calling nn olllce Iwy. "take thin chnngo down to Mr. . tho cashier, and get n two dolUr bill." And the boy did. Now York Sua. Wudna Suit the Kilt. In the early dnya of tho tcrrltorlnl nrmy there wna n boom In rccnilllng ror IL In one part of the hlghlanda al luoMt every man In the dUtrlct Joined the loenl battalion or "kilties." nntl the men were algniil nn without medical exmutnatlon. It being quite usual In some country tllMrlct tn wait until tho nnniml camp iH-fore medically examin ing recruits On nrrlval In camp It was noticed that one innn wns wearing the trews at drill limtend or the regulaUon kit., and. being nuked tho reason, he explnlneil Unit he had left hbi kilt at Imtne. "Why on earth dhl you do that?" Imiulretl hi romimny officer. "Weel. ye ae', sir." replied tho recrulL "I'm a f ntld I wudmt suit the kilt verra wed. aa I've got n wooden leg." :iagovr News. Synonymous. It was Sprlutfer'a afternoon off. nnd he thotieht he would take the children for n little uutlng. "My dear." ho said, approaching his wire. "HtipHvo we take tho children to the o today." "Why. Will, yon promised to take them tn mother's." "All right. If It's nil the same to the cblldren."-l.lpplncotfs. An Exception. "When people whm aome quiet. rt. rut tuple they nlwnys mention the weather." "Not In the department of agricul ture." Washington Star. Hit Instrument. "TliHt etifutor in very energetic In Hrrvlmc out tin VHrhrn provMons nt the te-tatiir" "lie i i'.mii to t w.trfcliiK wltbr will" llalttiuorv Aoiert-HM. Difflewltiee of the Naturalist. At one eiel c the nthr of erery ant mnl hV m iIiiout tt'hh-h maketi the t'lttM.t lnri"-tlimlWn Iitit"i4be. To kttHly the hoi It- wv inii-t h"UI him hy the heml. but to rtwly the tmll we mii-t Iinvi' a tall In ltt no a runtago IHlllt.-St l.oult i:ioiH-)ciiMM-rHt. $7.50 A DAY Net Profit TPHAT'S THE RECORD of just one man who. bought a second hand automobile and is now operating a stage line. YOU too can make good money with an automobileand build up a nice busi HAH KI.KCTIIIO MOHTS, (Madraa I'loneor) JIadraa is nuw olectrlc lighted. Tho city atret llghta are 100 watt tungs tens and thoy fill tho bill admirably. Nearly all huslnoM housoa nro wiring for olectrlclty and a great many of the residences nro taking tho now light. It la cheopor than any other light and much choapor and handler that thoro Is no comparison. NOTK'K OI' I'INAIi SinTI.KMKXT. In tho County Court of the State of Orogon, for tho County of Crook. In tho matter ot tho estate of Mabel liobbfl, Deceased. Notice is horehy given by the un deralgned, the duly appointed, quail fled and acting administrator of the estate of Mahol Hobos, deceased, that he has mado and filed with the coun ty clerk of Crook county, Oregon, his final account aa administrator of tho estate of Mabel Hobba, deceased, ask ing that said final account he settled and allowed and the administrator and hla bondsmen released; and said County Court has set Monday, tho 11th day ot August, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the court room In Prinevllle, Oregon, ai the time and place at which any person Interested In Bald cstato may appoar and object to the allowanco of said final ac count. GEORGE HOUUS. Administrator of the Kstato ot Mabel Hohbs, Deceased. Voraon A. Forbes, Attornoy for Ad ministrator. 1S-S2 I'OUND.MASTKIfS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have In my possession, pursuant to tho provisions of ordinance No. 32 of tho City of Hend the following: Ono bay horso branded T. J. K. (connected) on loft shoulder, weight about 1200 lbs. One drown mare, lame In right hind log, branded I). II. ou loft stllle, weight about 1000 lite. One black 2-year-old horse, brand ad V A on left stifle, weight about S00 ll. No claimant have appeared for the animals and unleM claimed by the owner within on day after two publication of thla notice, I will wll him to the klgkeet Wilder pttreuant Mi the provisions of ordi nance No. IS. Dated July, 2. 11S. Ilend. Oro. S. K. HOMKHTS, 17-1S Pouiidmastor. COUPON (Pill out this coupon If you went a special offer.) Anower these questions ftnukly, You are not obllg uilmr yourself In nny wny but it will jrlve us n ohunee tu save ,ou time, ueunue we uun tell you about just tli cm-you wuut. What nuiko our do you nrefor? Whnt nmount of monoy do you want to Invest? What htxe In power? How many passengers?.... Name , Atlilre-n, ,,,,.,... ,