The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 09, 1913, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    PflRO 10.
1IKND Ill'M.KTIN, ItKNI), OHK WKDNKHDAV, .H'liY I), tlllll.
JIUk Kmlly fcclueder Klcclotl Teacher
in Cuher School.
News wna received hero Inat wcelc
that Miss Hmlly Schroder Unit been
elected teacher In uio primary de
partment of the Culver schools at n
salary of $7S a mouth. MIm Schro
der Is uno of tho ablest inuilla cvor
Kradnatod from tho Ho ml IIIrIi School
ami for the past er haa been stu
dent at the University of Oregon at
KiiReno whero she won n aoholnrMilp
uorth $200 In competition with Grad
uates from all the high schools of
Mow Schreder tins remained at tho
university this summer attending the
BUtnmor school. Sho has been offer
ed n position In tho Krenah depart
ment there, hut It I- understood will
accept tho Culver position.
Miss Schreder Is the dnughter of
Victor Schreder of Rotynt. She was
employed in clerical work In The
Bulletin office last summer.
Portland Paper ItcMrt IS Families
I.hinK Near l'ort Hock.
(Portland Jewish Tribune)
Tho success of the first Jewish
agricultural colony established In
Oregon haa been exceedingly good
during the first few months of organ
ization. J.ess than it year ngo the
colony consisting of 20 fnmlltos from
Portland, was ostablisned nt Fort
Hock, about CO miles from liond.
Fifteen of 'those families are now
permanently estnbllsheu on tholr
fnnns In that section. Credit tins
been extended them by tho banks of
Bend nnd they have stocked their
farms and are now well launched Into
their first, and what now n pears to
be n prosperous year. Five of tho
famillcls in the original colony are
now settled near llend.
The society which established this
colony organized and raised a fund
of several thousand dollars for the
purpose of planting this first Jewish
agricultural colony and other colo
nies will be organized mid planted as
rapidly na organization and funds
can be completed.
Many colonists are established by
the national organization In other
states and a comniltteo is coming
from St. Louis in July to look over
the field In Oregon with n view to se
curing 3000 acres upon which to
placo a colony of 15u Jewish farm
era who will bo broubht from the
East. Oregon haa been recommended
by the national organization as one
of tho best states In the Union for
the purpose of establishing agricul
tural colonies.
Mrs. Nhihier of Uend Heir of Woman
'Ih U'ft .Million.
Mrs. (1. Shrlnor of Bond, who
la a dlruct heir of Anlkn Jnhns of
Now York City, belloves thnt 8ho will
soon come Into possession of her
sharo of this estate which haa been 'n
tlt'.itntlon for yours. If she does, It
will moan n fortune to her as the es
tate la worth many millions.
Anlkn Jahiis came to Amertcn In
17 1 G and In 1783 got poseelon of a
large amount of property which is
now In the heart of New York City.
IHtrt of this waa leased to Trln'ty
church corporation tor OU years, and
since tho lease expired has boon In
the courts. The litigation now seems
near settlement nnd the proceeds
from the estate of being apportioned
to the heirs.
Mrs. Shrlnor'a grandmother was
Anne Julius, her grandfather Mer
chant B. itogors nnd her father Cnl
vln I). Itogors. She haa an aunt
Mrs. J. II. Mcllrlde of 4711 Alder
street, Portland, who will sharo also
in tho estate when the final settle
ment is made.
Deeds That Have Been Tiled For
1 toco iil at Prluellle.
(Special to The Bulletin.)
PRINBVIM.K. July 7. Among the
deeds filed tho past weok with the
county clerk for record are the fol
Tho Bond Company to Julia K. An
thony, It IB, blk 3ti, Center Add.,
Bond. $228.
The Bond Compnny to Julia K. An
thony. Its 15 and 10, blk 101, First
Add., Bend Park. $300.
II. C. Brown to Frank I;. Shaw,
scM, section 4-15-10.
H. B. Sammy to Louise I. Kormott,
It 6, blk 13, Bond. 115,000.
D. E. Hunter Healty Co. to Loulso
I. Kormott, It C and 7, blk 13, Bend.
V. C. Coe, trustee, to D. K. Hunter
Healty Co., swnoU. sec. 28-17-21
and Iota 11 nnd 12 roplat of blk 4,
F. O. Minor to Louie H. Minor,
ncUswU, eHseU and soUseVl.
Bcctlon 17-19-11.
John Stcldl, administrator of tho
estate of Paul Yelstad. to Clyde Mo
Kay, sett sec. 2S-1S-12.
La Pine Townslto Co. to Fred C.
Dunhnm, It 9, blk 19, First Add. to
La Pine.
Articles of Incorporation have
been, filed as follows:
Cascade Realty Company by C. N.
Owen, J. H. Corbett, A. 11. Mcsher,
A. Meshcr, Bend.
Owl Phnrmacy by Ralph V. Po'n
dexter, If. C. Ellis, Vernon A. Forbes,
Propose to Install Bridge Over In
dian Ford.
(Sisters ltorald)
County Surveyor Fred A, Rice,
George V. Wells and II. Urlinoa ennui
over. from Prlnevlllo the llrst of tho
week and went to tho head of the
Metollua where they were tho guesta
of (1. W. Updike for several days.
Tltey were out as road viewers, the
principal object of the trip being to
go over the roads leading from Sis
ters to tho head of the Metollua with
iv view to having tho Indian ford
road a county road.
Aa It Is, the old road on tho weal
side of Black llutte Is the establish
ed county road nnd is very seldom
used owing to there being unite a
heavy grade on that route. The In
dian ford road is excellent and will
be very little expense to keep In re
palr. There Is ouo Improvement on
this road that ta badly needed, that
being tho bridging of Indian ford, as
the water is of such depth that It is
dangerous for nutoa to attempt to
crow It.
feet. Tho building wlU be fitted with
modern plumbing nnd furnished in
tin elaborate manner.
NOT t'OAL iaN'l.
Depaitmeut of the Interior, 11, H,
Laud Olllce, Tho Halloa Oregon,
Juno 10, 111 1.1.
Notice Is hereby given that draco
M. Stephens, of I .on AiikoIoh. Cali
fornia, one of the heirs and for tfie
heirs of Jnmea A. Mltuhell, uoocimod,
There is no use to
I advertise the
Change In Low Took UlTeet l-'liM of
Lii-t Mouth.
A law enacted by the last logls-,
lature or special Interest to this sec
tion of the state was the change made
In tho recording of brands. The law.
which went Into effect the llrst of
June, Is as follows:
"Section RS2G. When a brand has
been recorded In any county, no other
person, compnny or corporation can
record the same brand or brand simi
lar thereto, except with the written
consent of the owner of tho brand so
recorded with the county clerk; and
It shall be the duty of all persons,
linns or corporations now having
brands upon record to renew the
same by oral or written roqneat of the
owner of record of said brand to the
county clerk within one yenr from
the passago of this amendment. The
county clerk shnll make a memoran
dum of said renewal with tho date
thereof on tho margin of tho record
of said brand. All brands, tho record
of which shall not be renewed as
above provided, shall bo cancelled
and may be appropriated and record
ed by the person llrst applying therefor."
: as to its reliability,
promptness and
accuracy in pay-
1 i
mg losses, duc k
is necessary for
t you to know that
cohiiktt mii.ns lodci:.
(Sisters Herald) .
H. J.. Corbett of Portland has Just
completed n commodious hunting
lodge on the Tone place, alout seven
miles from Sisters. The cabin Is
built of logs, the main building bolng
20 by 40 feot. with a veranda extend
ing the full length and an L IS by 20
J.B.Miner j
is the official agent
of this territory. I
Bend, Oregon.
who on. October 17. lt)00. inmlu
homestead entry No. Ifiiltll, Horlal
No, 04(101), for South Weal quarter
(HWU ) South West quarter (HWU)
See. 17, North Kast quarter, North
Kind quarter (NKU NKtt) See. ID
mid North Half, North West quarter
(NUi NWW) Hue, 20, Tp, 10 H., It.
11 10., W. M him llled iiotleo or In
tention to make live year proof lo
establish claim to the laud above de
scribed, claimant and ouo witness,
Uoolhitf of nil klnilH. ' Kopnlrlntf
promptly ilono.
Pumnce Contractor
Cluttering", Spouting,
CornicoH and .SkyllgiitH.
hofnro II. t1. Kill, t'nllod Hluto
('iimiiilHHliiner, at llend, Oregon, anil
one wltiimm before llin Register tt,
Receiver of the I'lllted States Laiul
Ollli'ii at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on tho
1Mb day of July. 11MB.
Clalinillit names na wUiuimhph:
John I, West, of Tho llallfii, Oregon.
Frank 0. Minor, Heorgn W. Onto
anil Levi I). WioMt. all of llend, Ore.
gnu. I Sinned) C. V. MOORIO,
? Vienna Cafe
i -
Wall Street
Good Meals Prepared Willi
lieiinlliio. at Moderate
Iryo lMVeiof Wholesome
Bread 5 c Each
A Trial Will Coulnro.
Shingles Mouldings
Building Material
The Miller Lumber Company
Bund, Oregon.
Fr-H ............. - -- P'
-" --- fete
tit Hi
ii tti
. t t
- i. n .
::: is
T w
We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent small houses,
which we cannot furnish them, that in order to encourage building to
meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our
inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on
very easy terms of payment:
20 Lots in Park Addition at $150.00 Each
20 Lots in Center Addition at $200.00 Each
These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them
140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are
all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come
and see us about these lots if you want a bargain.
The Bend Company
D. E HUNTER, Real Estate Manager
M '
. .
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