The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 09, 1913, Image 1

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    the bend bulletin.
NO. 18
No Moiii'y .Ippropihitcil I'or O, . C.
Ilrmoimlttilliui I'm in Wotk Until-
ihI Ivdiiiiiiny Halit In I In I'nrtitiil.
No MiimiIIiio I'or County Auto.
(Hpcrlnl to Tho llulletln)
IMUNKVIM.K, July 7. Knoh huc
t'esslvu Mfnliiu of Din County Court
HwiMiiltiKly grows mom iiuimtlHfactory
to Its iniimhois ami to th it public af
fiM'tii owing to tin) (net tliut II up-
'pear IiupuhhIIiIo for tho court to
work together hnrmouluuidy. Lack
if hnriuoiiy minting Imlwucn the
JiiiIk. who In tlm head of tint Imily.
Hint tlio roimiilimloiuirH, nml n slight
friction ImtvuMiii tlin coiiiiiilKMloMi'rn
at tlm schMou Jimt llnlnlioil dlnrloiio
Hllunlloit fur from excellent no fur
hm eltlclotit nilinlnlntratlon of county
HffnlrM Ih coticorui'il.
' CoiiunlMiloiiiir May ley wont homo
to (.nldlHW lifter tlio flrnt two days
,f the session, leaving Commliwloiiiir
Hrown to wriMlo with th problems
iirwntn to tlio court. He said It
,im imiMMwliilH for III iii to agre with
lhi Hillry of the wiurt anil tliut It
voulil w of no uh for lilm to remain.
Thrn has trt no nutd work ac
(ompllshed since the prsnt rglm
nut Inaugurated CommlMlonr Hay
l. who formerly had rhargn of nil
mad Improvement unit repair, linn
ix-fii depose 1 and Judge Springer ha
tnkn upon himself tho repair Mini
i mi mtl-'n ' the roads, which, othei
'ttiilnU uastMl. hr li unable to ha t
lie becausi cf It I'lperlelire NHll the
, nmii) nthi t utle h- has ansumed.
liioniilll)" Itltllllllcil.
t'nimlderahlt' criticism of tile pre-
administration U being Indulged
In the t-harge htdng advanced that
whrreHH It MlitHiltnreil Ho ke stone mm
ii'iiiK i-riiiiomy, the mcIumI facta of
Hie lut threw month Indicate In rue
i MMnlltnre unit emMll results. While
tiie May term of Circuit Court was m
ririird breaker. m far m expeMm In
itiirneil. Its outlay ihhm mom
, Hi m luatlned by the actual reeult
i . . miipllNhetl li) th prosecuting uMl
. i-rn
i A mutter that haa excited comment
t no money haa l-n approprl
i.i..i in h the Oregon Agricultural
.-li. . ami the rallroaiia In local
r triu ili'iiioiiBtratlon work, while the
i ronk County Knlr la to le cut ahort
in ita allowance from th county.
Thla rurtallment of what baa beM
regarded aa an extrtmialr progrmwlve
i m milium will. It la M!ril, inet
with the condemnation of farmer,
fur the tmnenta wf the demnnstra
tluit work have Imen widely felt, both
to old itinera miii! newcomer). It itleo
places the county In the poatlon of
' rc'icgglng on Ita part of a tentative
bargain with the O. A. C. and the
, r.illronda: both these have paid their
t Ilia. alilltiK Crook county, and now
tiu rotinty refuitea further aupport to
the t'literprlite and If the refuaal
Arc the flicapt'sl and best wiiy to remit
money, nnd are payable in any part of
the United States or Canada, unlike
Post Olliee Orders which are payable
only at the olliee they are drawn upon.
They cost much less than Post Olliee
or Express Orders, and if lost can he
duplicated without delay or extra
charge. This bank keeps all paitl
drafts on file in their vaults, making a
perfect receipt subject to your exami
nation at any time.
OF BEND, oukgon
11, iMtUUlflJo President lf. O. MINOR, Secretory
It. M. IVKA, Cnihler
I) t u k c T o r s:
MtlckH lio iloilbt will Ket tin lunch illH
cruillt on t In "(itilMldi)" tin Um ui'
Iiiiim ofTi'iH of Htipiiort to tho furiiiH
won criullt.
,iito Cmi'i I tut ti Nlint.
The county Hilloinolilli', which Jti
dlrloiiHly IimiiiIIkiI Mhotild him bei-n i
IIiiiiiuIhI hhvIiik, In miotl KolliK to he
a while iduphNiil and n Monrco of
I'Hin ixp4iiiae, mccoiiIIIik lo preaeut
liiitlciitloiiM. Tlio court Jital niljourii
n tillowed h bill HiiiouulliiK lo
t"M Ml fur uiitfiitiiilitte title In liaiil
I In, Imluu In I'miiIIiim III MV lo III-
api'ct n roHd Hint, ticcordliiK to to
Hiil, iii'ihIimI tnpalr. At tho haiiih
Hiiim It rmtiMiMl to my khhoiiiio niiiit liv lliu xlii.rlff. who HHVa ho
cHiinot it im the machine without Km
mh It In not ti Htritw-huriHir.
Acconlltit: to Hhrlff I'mnk Klklna.
who, with Wlllnrd It. Wlrtx, wna hurt)
vcHtnrdity. (!ounty Court In yet In hub-
mIoii, llrowu nnd Kprlnccr Krlnilltm
nwny nt tlm work which formerly
took n fow diiyn nnd which now prom
Ikcn to tiiko iim inimy witoka. Thut
Commlaaloner Drown In KotlttiK nhout
iin wi'tiry of tho proccdtirn ita did
lliiylny ncdiiih nppttrnnt from roporu
that come from I'rlncvllln.
"It lookH iin If the rourt would ho
In hcnnIoii till Hummer." anld ICIklna,
I'nriy lUitinil I'or CmIIihv Vnllcy ln
iluili'M Hcpn'ociitJilhcn of Kctcriil
Trnilcs ('( ipiTiitlm Colony.
I'nder tho leailcrahlp if T. A Mc
Coinii of I'lNtio, III., h party of colo
nlatw loft )eatnrilny moruliiK for the
Callow talley whete they plan to
(take up land. The meuilwrH of the
parly, IS alloitelher, all Iwhihk to the
fulled I'reahyterlan church and It In
their plan to take up miIJoIiiIiik clalma
and thered) Kln the Hilvantaaea of h
ro-oeratle community from the be
bl n it I tm. VMrloiiM trHilea are repre
rfintHil. IticludlnK carHnleni, mechaii
lea, inaaona and practical farmera,
and at a later dale a cIvrKyman and a
phyalclan are cxiHtcted lo Jttln the
Tho work of IocmIIiik the iwrty In
htilnic done hy (). C. Ilenkle and IC. it.
I'tMt. Three autwmohll art belli
uaed on the trip, II. II. I'onl drlvliiK
one of them.
AlHiut 30 were Xtectel In nrrlvu
here hut only rIkiiiI half the num
Iht koi In, thoae In the party llm-.
Karl It. Ituaaell, I'riwaer. Waah.;
It. I. KaHdolph. Ml. Iiula; 1'. (I.
Komkm. IH. III.; Harvey It. I'orter,
Vahlnton. Iowa: I). Maurice Hun
ter, llktomlugtnn, I ml ; J. C. Umltli.
ItlHotiiltiRioii. Mtanley Kmlth, HliHim
Inttton: H. (I. Moore. New CaatW, I'a.;
William A. Ilarrla. Oakland, Cal.:
It. tl Koaaell. Oakland, Cat.: .1. M.
O'Neal. Ohio; C. It. Ulll.
Oakland. William I'ott. Oakland, and
T. A. McComli. the colony orajanlMr.
The MUiJflre departmtmt haa
taken notice of the ilnlav In tkti mall
aervlce to the wmth cnummI hy the
i ...... ... . .i . ... .. i i
cnnriae in ine man train ami iihm or
dered a new Mcltedule hy which the
atae will leate llend on receipt of
the mall from the mornlnic train, de
partluR at 10 a. in. and dun lo nr
rhe at Mllver like In IS hour. On
Ita return the atax will leave Silver
Lake dally at 3:30 p. in., arriving In
llend the next day by 7:30 p. m. Tho
rural delivery from the local olllce la
hUo chmiKed, IoavIiik hero at 9 a. in.
mid mturnlUK hy p. in.
. v
Nm .lull Mil) He Ktcclcil nml Cur
licKle Miliary Hupimrt In CoiitiMii-
phitiMl I'lro Hill Itccommctiil-
imI HoIiik of City Council.
I'roNiintntlon of offlenrn' rnporU,
hIiowIiik n very Manufactory condi
tion of city nffiilrN, adoption of a plan
to end tho rnllrond hrldKO dlfucultlfcN
on (SrtM'iiwood nvunuo, nnd considera
tion of hovomI Important muiilolpnl
iindertakiiiKH woro tho Itcmn of chlof
Intercut nt a Ioiir mcvtliiK of tlio
Common Council Iiihi nlKht.
With it chhIi Imliiuco of nhout
$7100. city flnunccN wuro novcr In
HtroiiKcr mIiiiimi, for cxpondlturcn
with tho fxcoplloti of nn $1800 newer
bond Inturi'Ht pnyment for tho com
Iiik luilf iir will tm llnht; Mtiltlclcntly
ao, accordltiK to tho mnyor'a KNtlmnto,
to nan ii re n comfortnhlu hnlnuce nt tlio
end of 111 13. which may menu n
allKhlly lower tax ruto next year. The
trimaurer'N mid coiiHtriictlon oiikI
neer'a reHirla mIiow h comhlucd caah
Imlmice of about $6600 of the now or
fund, which, with the Hiwomiment to
be levied Immediately, utteiirea the
completion of the entire Job, with all
contlniieut extHiuaiw, within the oatl
niMte and ao that rmmethlnK will Ihi
left oter for Initial operatlnK -PmaM.
iHttalla of the aewer fluiireM and r
MiiltM thua far are prlntwl olaewhere.
In the mayor'a and conatritctlon en
gineer 'a retorta, hm aro alao p.'luted
au miliar lea of the rojiorta of Hie var
Ioiin olflcera.
Ilrliluo linn Approtnl.
The plan for the HriMtiiwood ave
iiiic railroad hrldge, n workod up by
an Oregon Trunk representative. W.
K. Ilurkhalter and City ICiiglmwr
Young, waa approved hy the council.
It Involtea the conatructlon of a
bride 72 feet In tun clear, with a
atreet width of 66 feet, the tutme aa
the curh-to-curli ineaaurement of all
OreetlwiMMl. and wltn aldewalka each
of eight feet. There will lie Hire
apana, the center of 26 feet, the two
aide oiiea of IS. A earn. Ample clear
ance for trolley earn la arranged, and
patlng and drainage of tha atreet at
the bridge are required. It la Iwllered
that the pmiMMltlon offered hy the
council. ImmmmI on the railroad' map
auhmltled, will I Hwpttl and Im
mediately act ad upon by th Oregon
New .lull Conteiiiphitcil,
It wmn de eloped that the preaent
city Jail la hoth lnadeuat and Ille
gal, aa the law mucINmi that Jalla
muat Ih tlrepriMif and meet cartaln
other itHiulremeiita. The mayor'a re
port recommended the appointment
of a committer to Inveatlgate the
matter, with a view to erecting a per
manent building on city property, to
houae both a modern Jail and alao
provide a meeting dac for the roun-
t Continued on Tage Six)
IXIIEN you buy
I m
I B f .. i.jT 'N.
" be sure thut it is
Hack of every article y
be the dealer's reliab
are protected. In buy
only get the best qualii
the best price. Wo 1
sell for cash- the gain
Builders' Supplies
C A 01
Crtmili (.'nllicr From All Aroiiuil nnd
All Are (Jlwn (imxl Time Old
Koldlcr llcllvcra Atlilrcx Itnccti
mill HitHclxill Are Amiulux.
Ilotid people who attended tho 4th
or July celebration Friday nt Alfalfa
report that It wan a grunt mucccrn, a a
rogardN both tho nttendanco and tho
proKrnm. Tho crowd catno from all
around, Mend hoitiK tcprcaontod by a
largo delegation.
In tho morning thoro wcro oxor
cIhcm npproprlato to tho day, chief of
thi'xo being an nddrcNH delivered hy
TIioiiiiih II. Dyer of 1'oit 21, Depart
ment of Pennaylvanla, O. A. It., who
In Hpendlng tho bummer with tho
Mr. Dyer npoko of tho gradital
Hprcnd of tho ropublloan form of go
urntiient alnco America gained ItH
Indepondence and prodlctod that la
r.O year a there would not he left a
crowned head. In tho course of hla
apeech he aald:
"I wiah to call your attention to
a fact which la not generally known
and which ema to illuatrate the per
il and dangera of foreign Interfer
ence during our atruggle to maintain
the t'nlon. Rome yeara prior to the
Civil War there occurred a war be
tween Turkey nnd Ituaala. known In1
hlatory aa the Crimean War. Kng-i
laud and France wore alllea of Tur-!
key In that war. nnd naturally on that ,
account had provoked the enmity of
Ituaala. Ho It happened that when1
tho Civil War broke out and the ac
ceding atatea apiiealiet to the Kuro
lean natloim for recognition, all but
Ituaala recognlied them, hut were1
afraid to go any further In the mat-1
ter without the conaent of Ituaala.
Had that nation followed the exam
ple of the real of them, theae United
atatea would have I men only a mem
ory and the cauae of liberty from
HHtnnrchlal rule would, In all prob
ability, have been deferred for eon
turlea. Following the addreaa the Declara
tion of Independence waa read and
"America" aung.
The aKrta program waa an In
teteatlng feature and Included all
aorta of amusing race, participated
in hy a large numbor of persona, both
young and old. There waa a baa
ImII game tietwen teama represent
ing the east and the west aide of the
The lunch that waa spread at noon
was a moat ample and delightful on
and every appetite ho matter how
enormous It waa was satisfied.
A. I., hhulta was chairman of the
arrangements committee and K.
liarnda master of ceremonlee.
Among the Head delegation were
about a tloien business men. includ
ing Maunhelmer Hroa.. C. W. Thorn
thwalte. . C. Caldwell, John Hiking,
J. II. Wenaudy. K. I). Mcintosh and
W. K. Parker.
are you should )
ot inierior goods. c
t purchase should c
ity. Then you
ig here, you not I
, but get it at i
y tor cash nnd
yours. ?
i Specialty.
m L
Tho I.adloa Library Club already
Im maturing pinna for tlilit Mummer'
Mower show, and overy Indication I
for nn oven more aticceaaful event
than that of last year. While tho
'xact dnto of the show a yet hn not
tieen fixed, It very probably will tie
held at tho time of the Seattle ex
cursion, Auguat 18, mi that the vial
tors who will then he here may have
an opportunity to see what llend pro
duces In thla direction. However,
ahiMild the season not tm sufficiently
far advanced for best result lo be
exhlblti'd at that time, a later date
will be selected
(Jrowcr Hnc Not Vet Cot All Their
Clip In Hutton Hand of Khccp
Hbenrctl nt J-ocnl Block VnnLi.
Owing to tho fact that tho clip I
not all in yet, tho wool sale scheduled
for today at llend hac been postponed
until next Tuesday. J. T. Hardy,
traveling freight nnd passenger
agont of tho O. T.. wn hero yester
day and announced that ho had ar
ranged with tho buyers to have tho
aalo put off. Tho wcathor has de
layed tho growers In getting their
wool hauled to market, and there I
a considerable amount to cotno ycL
Had tho sale been hold today, what
arrived later would havo been de
posed of with tnoro difficulty to tho
growers than hy tho iwstponcmcnt.
It I expectod that thoro will ho about
250.000 or 300,000 pounds to bo
sold here.
Some 2000 sheep lost their winter
aoolen underclothing or, rather,
their ovorclothlng at the stockyards
during the last three days, when
Thomas Hutton's band from the Wag
entire country waa sheared
These were the first sheep to lie
sheared In llend, and Sunday after
noon the novel sight proved quite a
drawing card, many local people look
ing on. Shearing pons and a dipping
vat had been constructed, and here
after not only theo nueep hut many
other bands are expected to shear lo
cally. According to one of the men
who had come the 200 or so miles
from Wagontlre. the saving In trans
porting the wool on the sheepe' backs
Instead of hy team was in excess of
Sheop arc now being taken up into
the forest reserves In the mountains.
The season Is about two weeks laterever ,,enK n the oranIfly, ,t ,8 un.
than last yoar. owing to the snow lr-j,,etooJ of tho Spokane Orchard Do
ing on late. There is still Mine on
the higher range territory. The
counting In hy forest rangers is be
ing done this season at Swamp I.ake.
where there is a new corral. Instead
of st Sparks lake as formerly. 8un-:f ." ,r, ," VTul r
day J. K. Hilton of Shaulko .hipped," obulnlng W "" Wprj.
tu ooo aheeti and ha also is taking " A lYn ae-rr sentence,
in .uvu sneep ana lie siso ib isaing , .... . ,. ..v.- , hm. i m.
two hands serosa toe mountains by
u.- ai.. . ivai n is.
way of Suiters to pasture them on me,
-, J. .m. f .fc- n.-j- I
I'p to noon today some 15?. 606
tMiund of wool have come to the.
United Warehouse. This year Man
ager Pringle I keeping samples, so
far aa possible, of all the various
clips, labeling each with the owner's
K."!i lLL
amount paid by buyer. It Is believed
that this Information will be of value .
later, tabulating, as it will, exactly j
what wool Is handled here.
,,,,"".. . .ii,.,i
The lilgheit temiierature registered
tUU summer at the local weather
station was 91 degrees yesterday.
The First National Bank
B -
Dr. U. 0. OOE Prctldent
Capital fullr paid
StackhaldtrC lUbltlt
qpHIS BANK is the busi-
ness bnroineter of the
Bend country. The fact
thnt our deposits nre $100,
1)00 more todny than this
date last year, shows prosperity.
Sheriff Hnydcr of fuketlcw Itccog
nizcft "Van Kant" an Heron rd Sitz,
Near-Convict of Hakersfleld,
Cnl 11b PusAcd Check Here.
Hecausc an auto got stuck In tho
mud and becauso a matt with a
"record" and a man with a morn
ory happened to Ixj eating dinner at
tho same tlmo at tho Mountain View
Hotel on Monday, a Spoknne realty
firm lost Its representative hero and
tho prison officials at San Quentln,
Cal., will gain a now hoarder.
Sheriff W. II. Snider of Lakevlew
was the man with tho momory. On
his way Lo The Dalles ho had stopped
at the Mountain View for dinner.
There ho noticed a young man who
has been known locally as I). O. Van
Bant hut whom ho thought ho re
membered as Ilornard Sltz, wanted In
California as an escaped convict. Ho
informed tho local authorities of his
suspicions and Van Sant was arrested
and confessed his Identity. Later in
the afternoon Sheriff Snider proeeed
ed on his way to Tho Dalles In an
auto, taking his prisoner along, welt
Sheriff Snider was going to Tho
Dalles to get an auto and was due
to reach llend from Lakevlew Sun
day night. However, the auto which
was carrying him and other passen
gers got stuck in the mud at 3 p. m.
and remained stalled until 8 that
evening, and as a result did not get
here until Monday noon. Had suek an
untoward thing not oecurred. Van
Sant would no doubt still bo free.
Van Sant, or Sltz, came to llend
about three months ago with a big
Wlnton automobile and engaged In
the business of locating settlers In
Itta nrvuntrt- tfl Ilia ttjilllhanilt. IfA
1 , . ,.,,-iMtuu, , i,imir !,-.
velopment Company. He had Just
returned from a trip to Burns when
Sheriff Snider found him.
It was stated that a year and a half
ago Sltz ws courlcted in California
- "" ," , ,
capl and hs since he t large.
. . . . .-..
re In llend Sltz has passed a aum-
tear of worthless checks and It may
b that when California Is through
with him he will lie given aa oppor
tunity to observe the changes that
have taken place In town la tho
Interval. Thla will surely be so if
' 'W' as'long
the desire for reparation la thoso
whom he has "stung Is
Sheriff Solder's memory.
The school bond oleetlon. orlgl-
nallv Planned for the 28th, has been
postponed untlM ednesday, July 30.
t Notices calling It were posted today.
T5W Jt sr!&. rtv
e A BATHER. Vlca Prildnt
S25 000
- SI2.S00
fa Sj)
mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmimt S
.11 r wc .li 5 .if.s; .it ; -;
7 Z. f Zf Wiikl ff AW
JM wtfxt &13X& wvi &W