The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 02, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    iiia'd iuu.itin, mind, om:., wkdmihday, jii,v a, mm.
VUa 0.
Clover TrleU n Dnrlnu Uneolt Played
U)un ii ti (inuliiliiiiun.
It HUM .M'lll'H HMD Ml Hlll'lUII 'I'll
KiihIImIi Hi'ti'i'iiiiit'iit wim Imtliirt H'HI'
l.le with ii leilulii primely ifiMli'lli'iiiil
mimed ituii Tiili, "i In 1 1 1 1 m t tliiiliiK mill
uiei pristine (if Urn Diu'iiIIm." A lii'Hvy
rn n I ut (1 Ihm'Ii i'I iimi tin lebt'l'M
Ill-Mil. Illlt Mill) Hull 'I'll 1 1 WIIH iMIIIMlllKly
a i iui. imf.i unwed, thifi 'run tried
it new tilelj IIh ttillhiil Mlnlillll lllltl
Ihe oillee of tin- iiiiiiiiil.miii-r.
I mhi ilitli Tiili." he wild -Imply. "I
iiiitf mine In miriender "
I.titelly wluil li Iiml ciiuiiieil mi liuw
iii.niiiuHi luiirixtxi leum' nerlenn
ttiih'rii "iilitlHy (iihI liilrmiw IihiI Mm nt Nntllli for ii pmiiiriiiMMi iii
tiiiiulit ilii' iiiiiiiiillniii'i In he ttury. ii "I'tllliy Htiinihinl" If thl lumk In
-Tliiink )im. ' lio wild. MVu will initv I irHnirwl ! iirmtlfiil iMHiiirymcn nnd .
ih.hwmI to dliivtr tviio im Hiilly mu!i:d it u niwiinlitv trliu It ttlll Unti
nnd w lint you ri-ully wn'in. 'It'll urn. 1 1 lmiintit will'
vt lint (In jnii I'iiiti i to act tint of llilr Tlw Jnwlali Imlldny trade iiibmii 8
"'It'll UlUllMUIll niH'lM," WMllI tliti Hull
Tin' ('"imnlw'liiiM'r. iiIIIiimiuIi ii rool
litilll. Willi II llllll' HtiiUHiTltl "I dim t
iilii' follow." Iu iimriniiri'il.
i ic- ii. .llinn.. . whiNtiiTi'il ilii
Jl'ili "Tlii Kiiti'iuiui'iit ii"inlM Hi.. )
turn niN'i In tlii iiimi wlni lirliiKi .vim
flu' tn.iit .if Hull Toll. I ulv.i II III ion."
Ciililtnl," tvna Ilii' wury niiHWcr MJii. riiiifi-Mil m Ntiiiilmt l.ui tilfk
"llut h jnii liMf ymir Iniid wliHt KiMil rii In iliii'i- inuiittii mid mnkiiiK ovit
iIihh (lir niiiiu-y do )iiiiH" : FI" nr iihuiIIi thmniili llii'lr mhId
"My ttlfu mid t'lilliliHii Ki't the mini-i rifi.v clili ki'iu m ofli'ii n nlKlit'a
"I'r.'lly bihhI, my mmi, hut not iiltii
ltit i'iioiikIi. 'I'i'N thoiiMilid riliKiM will
lif liutlilliK to Ihill Toll."
"If It ttiTf not I Hliould not hit Iiitu.
I hat'f I ! 1 1 diiTtfil mid rohhttl I
iiiii Miirt' to Im mptiirril, .My filially
uilatil im wt'ii hit ti tlio inoiu-y wlilif l
t'MII "till I'llllllllillltl It."
"Hut ttliy hIiiiiiiiIii'I I ki't'ti tin moil'
it I finiiil your Intiil otiT. you know."
"Himhiink .ton mt Mil IIiikII'Ii Kl'llllt
iiihii. I t'liot' my iiihii. you mi'."
The c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r iiiiimiI n while
'I lieu he hroke ullrliu'. "I.imiU here I
l.lmw ou lire tint the Hull. Thn I l
tiilte flttir. I il"ii't PHru who you Hru.
Hut tell nil' franklt tt nut .ton wiiut"
The lliiruiMii Ih-IImIiiI nwtille Then
Ih- Mhi- "Von Hfi- rlxlit. It tit my life n
Worth hi little Mt the Hull
Iwiniyetl him Mini rulittfd him
I Imvw
lie iwa
HHorn revenae. llti me Hit i'ori H4
far MHudalay. Here, laiie tlie.
le.iiM for l.ui niif.M"-he had MM
ttiKiit mi the tM lilt-- ii ml Hi-ep nii'in If
In iHeiie tiny.' time I tin not tHI you
Ih, nml when you ran mpture the
11,'h Keep them till the lloli la eMiight
If ""i prefer"
Ihe oHiniltal'Hier tleeicht Imnl ami
lu lU'iee ft tpilte two minute
' I nittee." -aid Ml lenaili
H i he Iddi wan -ttfeir iwenHeil In
Mniiliiay l.aier the eotnmlltiiier re-
null ii teller rr.Mii hint
- t.'ii inn keep tmwe ntpte" It ran.
'.i h I. Iton Tort. M-ft with m twelve
li nun I liiiil you ltfe trnttt. tou
tv.. ii ntl Hollevii me Tnt ICoglUli
i-'oriiincnt like truth, nnd it like
i....ney. hut IbfV inner want latU. 1 ,
thnk. at Ih mum ttioti"-VtHtlh't ,
rl. ... ....J.i Ka..,
I'" "" "'"" o.
The ...,r,..m' m-i.iCI.m. .,t New York't
. ... :,:.:rm . :l""L" .
- .
in Ti1
"'titH "'ii aai" . trrj
I- i .i l. i ulrvet lu th worltl
i" i utreef- la a U.'ht nut to Im lor-
, .iit'ii Coaiainal In thla. an uptown
i roimiiriirw of vrtiwdeil iiihldle eiaiw
i- hi tl.e t.Mu einuitry la an iniill
iil'nl .teneri: The aivliltei'tiire welil
I to iniiiiaiiify at ever) wuuli.w
t il'H.r The t-dviit'H wete often
i' Tlw thoMght or Dm nhl
.-n waa lerrlftlng lieleetl.
i iii.M-.ti initTHMN wimihI imt tear
hi ni.iiitf niHiiit i'tie limey sbuiitietl
i '.in n itiitileni imt lu lie oellletl l.y
ii'',ii niuiiii'iHi miri'tM, iHit itnly tiy
I,- .''Mu ut KeneratloMH, - llar(iers
m i.tnie.
Herolim of n Indian.
A few .tear ago lu northern Metlen
- -'-';' -
ii nsi, iii ii tnltie tvae Middeiily ill-Mtif-,
. I t in- mi tire hi it tlllajie HtHtlmi.
u, rixk win liuiuliieiit. w, the driver
. ' i tiNi live enuliie plrki'tl the Iruek
,i mil mil it iiwii.t Int.. the rnutitry hi
ii ' Hie nieiti lie tiiiiin tilt nil lie Itnilti
.. iiniLxiiiiiti ilium nir nml kiii him.
i .a as
.Miieriiii." hy .liiiuea llryie
A twnyeiiMtld White lloek hen In
He MlHHtiurlM'KK iniiti'Ht hihl elKhty
two firi-'M III elvlity'ltvo t'titiiteeiitlvti
1 M mill up to dnte of report with her
I "'.I eyi-H tt iim nhentl of the whole hunch
eliK-h iniitiiltusl uiiiiiy pullelM, It lm
neeii denioiiHtriiled Unit lietm vary in
lie time or their lop noti-li peirurui
nice, collie ilnlim the trhlt lu their pill
i't yeur mid olherH wnltlim tu Unit pe
riod when Dr. Outer would ho It In
HteryhiHly lu the neelt.
One thlUK thu e In.vliiK cnnli'Htn
ieinnuHlriite-vl.. that iiieuihtirM of the
mine luvitl differ In In.vluu i'liimclty.
At niu phue n breed lend, nnd nt nn
other competition the amnn hreiMl Is
Iho tnllonder. Thin It doe nut deHind
an the breed iitiiuo. hut Ihe atriiln of
Hint breed, for u Kod iiH-ord.
FrnftiMMor I.lpplncott of Iho Kiitmns
fxperlinent atntlnii Im heon conduct
ItlK I'KK cniidllliK aclinola thnniBlioiit
tho Htntu fur the limtrwtlou of nil pnr
inn deiillni: lu ew. Uy the old plun
(ho wholesaler only candled WW and
thu rtiHtoiner eventually pnld fnr the
rntH. All the Htntea Hliould ulvo thla
Smile hotel reftine- In buy ducltH tin
Ii' triinriiiiteed n't In hnve been fed
on llhA llmv dirfeiunt from thu day
M-r lllltllllK. "I Hl til IIIV tlllllll" Wht'll ," " " '" '"'" V""!" "'"' '""" l""1 mr mmi n .'.-,n, m-r ,i ,-rrBi-ii
i., I.,., i L...I it mil,. ,. v in.. .i..i,.iiiii.. yu" have ported n wipy of your an- or by rog'stered mall. If this aervlce
III' llllll Kl'l H Ullie llttll,V IIIV liyillllllllll .. ., ... ... M , liv Ilia .Inllvnrv .if n iwmv ,f
.iinili'il Hverv tvliidntv III the vlllnue tw"r "u, H"1' twil8lit "Ithor III W , " ,,,e IUor or n Ctii or
:;!.,,! V,'. v,!'';:: h.n!vux " "i 'rr"1 ,r v Tr!. -ft. ,f mrprrrBUuorrttoBn.,n.nHt,,i!o
'"" - -ere nved. Z your'l na Sir iE'E Z "&& 2wUSnis.TlIS
He wiih ii mire lihKideil luillnti. -SotilU ,r " '" ' "r 0,lr "' "w?r :.!.'f. w " ncknowledKiiient of hla receipt of the
nlicn llio iniililli' ilni'k wiw III viwtlc!
It lit hI mi mullet, tinliioliw. friw iiml
wilier shipper iiml tvim iiiiisliluii'il mi
jplcuiean perfect".
'I'hete In ii mitiked illffereine III the
ippcnninie iiml llni'i'i' r ckh pieserv
id wlili lime mill water kIhss. The wil
ier mIhmh i'kuh mi' almost llho new. mill
then 0 l Hi"'"'' nl,,r ''d "i""'
pleiimint fur ln npt'fMlr llinn Ihy old,
(lUimrefiililit diiiiliy llim lupltind.
The ulil hens iiml pullet slnmM Ih
penned neitiiriitely
'I'll!' pIllll'tM mIHIIIIII
IN- letl IHMTiiiiy. n. n7 mi"' "t "'
Ilnlnwl riill nn.wtli. Iml a in-
H" f"r "Id hen menus uviirfiit. few
I KK nnd (IIihiw.
' rite tliiiilmiil il.illnr wna vulMl flt
Htt Aiiieriemi I'miiiry naara-liiliii mmhM-
Mil I'tit into I Hi' Hii'K Hiiiiniiiui. inn
; MHIIt rillllH'MS Will lllltll "II tH lllM t
Wlttl I III" flllW IlltXI I Hill tlHTI I III''
'in ilii'iu Ht TlimikmilvliiK Thi'y IIiih
iiiiiDt I'xiii'Mil two tmititlii' iniiM' liilxir
mill fi'iHl. "fii'ii mint i'il fir h-w Mini
ill. imt 't tin ilinU .viiriln lulu ry- It)
ri'iii'tv tlii'in fur tin- next h.-hwiii
il..nrv Ilii Imn imiii. H liiiiro of Hoitii'.
Klioe ulilueil nt (!eore'n Imt Imt
.Imp, (lii'Hoii Hlreel. I"'"'
Hot roll mid liniiil nt the Aineil.
, . llnkfry eteiy nflfitiiM,., t fl
oVIotl.. Xett mure on Will I Mreel.lOtf
l)PftrtMieut of the Interior
U. M. Und Oiriru at The Dalle. Ore
gon. May IMth, liM.1.
Xotlca la hertthy given that WII-
0I ) t f ijiidlnw, Oregon. Alio
,, DuceuilHir 28IM, lJo7. made homa-
HttMil entry No. l'.X33. Berlal No
tmsil. Tor HWV4NWV.. am. 1;
;iXVi and XKKNKM, a. II,
lottnahip IK aonth. rangn 11 eal,
Mllnnielte Mierldlaa, haa tiled nolle-
of Intention to make hnnl rtva-ytM?
iitteif. lo eataidiah claim lo the laid
.a i ! d'tacrllwd. iwfi.'i iieorg" I?
AlOten. IV M. Comnil.'!oiier. at hla
office at Htatvra. Oregon, or tha UtU
) day of July. 1913.
Claimant name wlttKaaea'
Jarry Itlchardwm of (Hat. Oregon:
tlforga Itell. J. 1'. Ilalty and WII
Hum Hall, all of Ial4lt, Oregon
13-17 C. W. MOJita!. IlagUiiei.
xoricK oi' tnjxTKtrr.
ixpartwant of tto iaMttor. tflt4
buh ud 'omi. Th UmImm.
Oregon, J una 7, 1813.
ilUrryA.ltaiMwUof Itosd. Oragoa.
t oniaalte.
.... ... I..b..I.u ,IIJ .t... r. w
inn r iiwiwiiy nfinuvu ttw u. i.
IIIII. who gives Ilend. Orrgt.n. aa hla
'??,?": : .TTzrzrz?
,T. i Vii ii j T
'V3' ."'! 'tt tn,".?m. hU d.U,X. "t
rolMiraled a.plleallon to con teat and
aecuie the cancellation of your home Kmry Xo. - - Herlnl No,
('7U7J. mad" January 14. 1K11. tor
Wl itWlf Oftt 1 ?m it vtit 4SIJI1
J? r iiVh u V ki. ii'
Sec. S, T. 10. . It. 111. h.. HKH ee-
Hon 35. Tiitntirhlp 19, 8., Itange It:,
i:., Wlllai telle Meridian, a'td aa
grounda for hla contest he alleges
that aald en'rjntan Una natnT estah-
llahed realdence uiion aald land: that
lie haa never luitirotcd or cultivated
Ihe aitlue.
Ylu are, therefore, further notl
fled that the aald ullt gallons wilt be
laken by Ihla cttlce as having been
rouf eased l.y you. and your aald ent i y
H l ranceled thereunder without '
our fanher right to lie heaid Ibete-
ir'ru:';:.". Twit .m1"
m.. it you lau lo me i)i tnw omie
within twenty days after the
foritTH imldlcatlon of this notice,
aa ehnwn Iwlow. your anatter. under
oath. ajKH-llUally meeting and re-
-i"""""" " ....--....-....."." -.-..-
,0'' "r ,r '(,u fH'' within Unit time
tiHitnni in terwin. pr.oi tu kiicii aer-
vice niiiHt ho ulthor tho mild omitest-
aiifa written ncknowledgeiuent of
hU receipt of the copy, showing the
date of Uh receipt, or the nttldntit of
the iitiraou by wliiiin the ilellvory wna
made statliiK when nnd where the
copy was delivered: If made by rge-
Utered ...nil. proof of mien Hen-Ire
must conslHt of the alll.latlt r the
person hy whom the copy was mailed
HtatltiK tvhon nnd tho postollloe to
. . a m .1. u
which It was mulled, and this nllldnv
It must I hi HciMHiip'tnltMl hy tha iat-
miiHter'H receipt for the letter.
, You ahoiild ntnto lu your ntiHwor
tha iiiiiuo of thu podtolllco to which
you dealro future notlccm to hu Hunt
to you.
1 1-1 S 0. W. MOOUK. Koglaler.
Onto of first puhllcatlon Juno 11,
.. ill.. I.. 1. 1.. ..IU... .!.. .. it,i ,L.. i.l . us..aa.a ..IsV.. .. ......
10i:i. il!13.
Unto of Hccond pulillcutlon Juno,
18, 1913.
Onto of third puhllcatlon Juno 25,
Onto of fourth publication July 3,
Danprtmoiit of tho Interior, Unltod
HtatoH 1 and onico. Tho Dnlloa,
Oregon, Mat- 20, 1013,
To Dnlnh Mu'hev of I.uldlatv, Oro-
g n, OontcFtee-
Vi.u nielicii'.t nPtllUil tint Kdwln
Holmes, who lvea Howl. OruKuti, as
hla ioi-(iillfii address, itlil on May
23, 111 J a, IIIm In thlM olllca IiIm duly
oorioboraloil application to contest
and riira tliti cancellation of your
homi-sii-ad, ICnuy No. , Herlal
No. OH720. Ttind Mux H, 19H. for
NV4 NIC'4. Hoc. 12, WVt HM14. Btt
NICK. ImjIn 1, 2, Baclloit 1, Township
20 Hmitli, It.itiKa 18 13., Willamette
Meridian, nnd an ground for hla
ronteat li alien's that ha In Informed
nnd vnrllv believe that. Mid ontry
inan hita failed to establish and maln
Uiln hi rabid' itco upon aald tract;
that aald entryman fcM failed to
cultivate aald tract or any part lhnrn
of h requlrtd by law: that aald alniv
failure waa not due to ntryman'
oiiiiiloymetit In thn army, nnvy or
murine corps of tha t'nltsd Htntea
in Hitio of war or otboi'wiaa.
you an, tlicrntora, further notl-
,,, y,ilt (nu iH, anatloiia will l
talcn hy tlita offlp a havlna; Iiwh
ionrad ly you, and your aald antry
will Ih. ennraled Iharcondflr without
your rif-thHr light to ut litHril thHiw-
lii, tdthT lnrr thla ofHc or on m-
ial If yon fall to Ilia In thla officii
I within twenty lnyn aft?r thn
KOritTII i iiiilleatlon of thla noilcn.
a aliowu llow, )oiir anawtir. tindr
(mtli. awlflrlly imwtliiK and r-
il"n"i" ' "iw uoi,iniuii . c...
tmit, or If )oii full within that limit
to III In thin olllce dun proof that
)oti have anrvitd a )' of oiir an
awer on the aald oontwitHiit idthur In
peraou or hy niKlntiirnd iniill. If
thla iwrtlro la iiiaiIh hy the dallvnry
of h ropy of your aiiawer to the con
tnatmit In perron, proof of audi nor
vlre tuiiHt he elthttr the mild contiiRt
anl'a written ncknowludKtiniuut of
hla receipt of the ropy. ahowltiK the
date ol Ita receipt, or the iitndnvlt of
the periHin hy whom thn delivery wna
niHile MtittliiK when nnd where the
ropy ttaa ilHllvorml: If made, hy w
7 ""; 'rf "f, ' Mfrv'M
itiiiait milialut nt tlin fftilnvll tit t Ilii
H,riHl ,. whom ,he po,,y WBH ,n(,ed
atatltiK whan nnd thn ptwtotnce to
whlch It wna mulled, and thla affidav
it miiat he arromiHinletl l.y the KMit
inaatar'a receipt for tne letter.
You almuld atate In your anawnr
the name of the hhU!!Ic to which
you tlaalre future notlcea to lie aeni
i you.
C. W. MOOItC, lleglater.
Iate of drat imhllcatlon June 11,
Ihile of (hmohiI pnbllcatlon June
Oat of third pnl.llentloH June 31 6,
twte of fouilH pubHcaUoa July .
xrmt'i; of foxnT.
Dcpartmant of tb Intarlor, Unltad
8UIM I .and Office. Til Unites,
Orgon. Mav 1I, lin.
To Dan M bmiih of Hand. Oragon,
Y'U ar beratiy notified that Karl
h. i'owara, who glvea Hand, Crook
tstaa t naMnli aa lalaa lutal.nllljLa atil.
drB- 'dd ,, M g 9j3 .,,. M
, this office hla duly eorrotmratad anpll
'aatlnli ft JMMflataf stMil aaMiiSA Km
,, of yoiir home,lMd. ,Jlltry
'. o.rt.t V mill w .J
,. wrwi v,-is .w. .-., M.WW
rB, i i.i. Vli Hart Inn T
Townahlp SO 8.. Hug 16K.7 WIN
- M.rtdi.n. .d .. gtoda for
lemette Meridian, and aa grounda for
" " ' that aald Di
umUk hap fo,(.d to nUkuU,h his
residence up n aald trrct: that aald
ectrnan haa not rralded on aald
ls4( . loHMfcAaaaaaf ti I aa a.ek a ejk.n
"" ' ifif "-m m giiaiiaiivi
alnee making hla entry therefor: that
. . ,-..,. h. .i.,ar.nj ..l.l
aald entryman has ahindoned aald
trnel for tititnarda of aJv tunnths last
l.aat and that such absence wag not
due to hla eninloymejat in tha army,
navy or marine rorpa of the United
Htntea duilng time ot war or other
wise. 1 You are. therefore, further notl-
f.ed that the su.J allegations will be
U;l,u ,y this office r harlng been
eon.eHt.eti by yuu. and your aald entry
will ih canceled tl.ereucder withnut
four furthr right to he heard there-
. "''' S!& ft, I?
a "-"" & .ffir-tK
,-oPltTH .ul.!lcatlon of thla notice.
M BnWi tK.,-w. your answer, uudor
0(.h -H.,.niCny meetlna; and re-
hlMlll,illir . ,h niu.'.tir.n. ,f ..
t..,i or If ion fall wUhlu that time to
HI.. ( U 111 lllllnn lltSa, !! V llllll
m, , . .im ,,. ,. . ,,lln ,.nl ,...,
have vervt d a coiy of your anawor on
lltnilllKIVIIMIIVIIt Wt iiid loweti
w,,,y slu)WIlK to llBto ot Ug roottiin,
r ,,0 Hm,lntlt of tho iierwn bv
wlmtn dallvored: If nmdo by roKlstor-
,i mrt, proof of such service niiiHt
conshtt of the nttldavlt of the pewm
bv whom tho copy wnh mailed stating
when and tho iwstoiilco to which It
" NH "tlted. utl tiili altldavlt must
'1 ",TKl -'l.tLr ,K,B,n,n8,or 8
r"X-Vii .lioul.l tto Hi your anawor
, mim ,,, lha HH,u,mcii to whleh
you dealro futuru notices to he sent
to you
C. W. MOOUK, lloglstor.
Data of fUbt publication Juno 11,
Date of Barond publication Juno
IS, 1013.
D.ttu of third publication Juno -5,
Pnto of fourth publication July 2,
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
l.nnd Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 29th, 1913.
Notlco la hereby given that Alhort
Harry man, of Hond, Orognn, who, on
Juno 21th, 1900, tnndn Desert l.fuul
Kntry, No. OBOltl. for 8KW SUVi,
socton C, Township 17 South, Itange
u jnt. Willamette Morldlan, has
n0lj 0tpe of Intention to make Una'
m.0( fi t oatui.l'uU c'alm to the Hud
above descilb.d, bforo II. C, K'Hb.
I', H, Cntnitilaaloner, at hla olflca at
Hcnd, OiHgoii, on tha 12tli day of
.Inly, iaia.
(Jlnltnant natnim aa wltnoaaea:
.John V. Ynnnw, William Alt, William
Pack ami John 1. Moore, all of Hand,
Oregon. ,
13-17 0. W. MOOHK, Heglator.
I. (. O. K.
Itfitti Inline Xo. It I I
lingular Mti'tltiKa every Monday nltthi
Vlaltora wclcotna.
W. U Wing. L. X. Hoffman.
X. U. Bcy.
t. W. UI' A.
Pilot null Camp No. 979 1
Meet vary Tueaday In Sttlher Hall.
Vlalllng Nslghbora alwaya waleoraa.
W. W. Orcutl, Conaul.
Martin It. Knutaon, Clark.
M)i)i;i no. nut
k. or i.
Meeta every Wndtiaa
day evening at 8 p. m.
in Cattle Hall, K. A.
Bather Hid. VUlting
KulKhta welcome.
Joe lime, C. C.
I,. M. Mcltuynoldfl,,
K. of II. & 8.
iiiixn i.oikh: xo. i:ii)
A. I'. H A. 31.
Meets on Thuraday on or he.
foro the full moon of each
month. Vlaltlac brothers
alwnya welcome.
J. I). Davidfton, A. M. Iira,
W. M. Secretary
I'ltATltltXAl, ItltOTIIIMtllOOl).
ItfKdlar Meeting held by l!ud
I-oiIrh .No. 8'J7 In Xathur'a Hall on
the firm and third Thursday evening
each month. Visiting members ol
order alwaya welcome.
Mrs. 0. W. Shrlner. I'rea.
Margaret Schretler, Socy.
Ilend Ixnlga Xo. 2(18 meeta over)
letsond and fourth Friday evening
ather'a Hall. Vlalllng brother
and alatyra ttelcotiud.
Mrs. Lucy French. X. (3.
Mlaa 1mI V. Force, Hac. Sey.
Itagular meeting on first and
tnlnl Friday etentnga at Bather.
I Mrs. Margaret Hates. Oracle.
Mm. Alfaretta Orcutt. Kecorder.
Ilend lodge meeta tu tegular turn
alon on tho Second and Fourth Mon
day livening each month, la Masonic
Hall FaonU Farrla, W. M..
Arrle Black, Secy.
t'nltetl Slates.
I'resldent oodrow Wllaon
Vice I'rtaldent. .Thomas K. Marshall
Secretary of State W. J. Uryan
Secretary of Xavy . . Joaephua Daniels
Secretary of War ,.,,UM. dai-rison
Secretary of Interior . . . . F. K. Lane
Secretary Agriculture I). F. Houston
Secretary of Treasury . W. F. McAdoo
Secretary Co mine ice . .W. C. KedOeld
Secretary of l-bor . . . . W. 11. Wilson
Attorney ueneral . . Jaa. Mclioynolds
i'osti..aater Ueneral .AlUart llurleson
i Oovernor Oswald Weat
SecrvtMry of Sun ....11. W. Olcott
Trjisuier Thoa. H. Kay
Ally Qenetal A. M. CrawforO
Superintendent rubitc Inatrueticn . .
I It. Alderman
State Printer W. S. Duulwuj
Cwiurotaalonei liooi sutlatics ....
O. 1. Hon
Oama urden W. 1 Flnley
State Sngiuevr John II. l.ett
United Stules Senators
George 1. Chamberlain
Harry W. Lane
Con green men A. W. Ifforiy
X. S. Slnnott
W. A. Hawloy
M'tentli JiiilUliil DUtilrt.
Judge W. L. Itrndshatt
Attorney W, II. Hell
Crook County.
Judge Q. Sprlngei
Clerk Warron Brown
Sheriff Frank Hlklut
Troasuror Italph Jordan
Asaehaor II. A. l'otttoi
School Sunt J. K. Myerv
Coroner l II. Polndextei
Survoyiir Fred A. HIef
Connnlhalonern .... It. II Hat-lot
Wlllla W. llrotvu
'Ihe Courts.
Circuit Meeta - tlrbt Monday In
May and third Monday In October.
Fruhato Moot a 11 rat Monday In
onch mouth.
Commlbtdonors' Moots first Wed
nesday In January, March, May, July.
j( it'iiiiiur aim i.nuiuur.
Iteud .School District Xo. 1U.
Mrectora II. J. Ovorturf, Chnu
F. M. Ita
Clyde M. McKa
Clerk H. K, Allen
City of Ilend.
Mavor G. P. Putnam
Kecorder II. 0. Kills
Treasurer 11. J. Overtarf
Chief of Police S. B. Roberta
City Knglnoor ....Oeorge S. Young
Counollmon .......... H. 13. Allen
A. L. French
A, S. Colllne
II. 11. Ford
John Steldl
H. A. Sathor
.lust Ice of tho Pence
Mend Precinct Ward II. Coble
Deschutes Precinct ...W. V. Orcutt
One delayed car of special cutting ma
chinery arrives on or about the 25th of June.
If you want the bet, see us before buying.
built to do your work, at a less cost than
other makes. Wc also carry binder twine.
The Purest and
1 Bend Milling &
We Deliver the Goods
Hay, Barley, Onta, Wheat
The Largoet Barn
S hA
w-f ..w iTN
" -'iiu tiili?
. 85af83f5
i Xil.n
This service is in lieu of the day train run heretofore.
The train will leuveBend 8:30 P .M., Deschutes" 8:48 P. M Red
mom! 9:10 I. M., 'ItrreUonne U:21 1. M , Culver 10:02 I. M., Metolius
10:0 I. M., Madia 10: P. M., Mecca 11:08 P. M., Muupm 12:40 A.
M., Sherar l:iS A. M , nrriv Portland 8:10 A. M.
lavo Purtlantl 7:00 P. M Arrive Shorar 8:0S A. M.. Maupln 3:2G
A. M., Mecca 5:18 A. M., Madras 0:u0 A. M., Metolius 0:18 A. M., Cu
vor C:28 A. Al., Terrebonne 7:0S A. M., Hedii.imd 7:2a A. M., Doschuus
7:13 A. M., Ilend 8:00 A. M.
Connections are made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley
and PuRUt Sound Points.
Fares and schedules nnd details will be furnished on application
or by letter.
W. C. WILKES, J. H. COPvBETT, Auent.
Asst. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. bend, Oregon.
Asst. Gun. Pass. Agent.
Ant Tracks
Operating Regularly Between
uimmlini'mmmmBT-wnwm!Wwrriunii1fmmmBuB&mTnimrir &r
ic a word:;::
and Rakes
Best Always at
Warehouse Co.
and Bran at lowost prices.
in Contra! Orogon.
Viti7H KagtOtrajaVB U 13 IS XW&a I3DU UBS
- rn etx c-inrrmnj t inr
iflHL unnuun li.ii: