The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 02, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PORP H.
iu:ni ni i.i.r.Tiv, iu:i. oi:i; i:itsi, .11 i.v a, turn.
Attorney General Now Says Judge Did Not Give Him
Full Facts, and that Aloney Involved by En
joined Warrants Cannot bo Paid Out,
Contrary to Springer's Opinion.
(Special to The liulletln)
PKINKVHXK, July 1. Reciting
thnt ho had not boon glvon nil the
facts hy Judgo Springer, Attorney
General Crawford has rendered hn
opinion for County 'lrensnrer K. I
Jordnn to the oltcct thnt tho $40,000
to $50,000 enjoined in the various
suits Instituted aRnlnst tho county
cannot be expended to pay accruing
Indebtedness, contrnry to tho first
opinion Riven the JudRo nnd which
was printed In Tho liulletln lost
Tho warrants enjoined had been
registered by tho county treasurer
nnd were afterwards called In by him
at tho tlmo nil warrants wore adver
tised durlnR the montn of May, and
tho lncomltiR taxes had placed the
county on a cash basis again. The
act of calling In the warrants stopped
the running of Interest apalnst the
enjoined warrants from the date of
tho call and has saved tho county
much money.
The attorney Roneral holds that
slnco tho warrants wore called tho
money was set aside to pay them
whenever they should bo presented
nnd that that money must be hold In
readiness until the suit Is determined
either for or ngnlnst the county. Un
der the new deKsltory act, passed by
the 1913 Legislature, tho county Is
drawing 2 per cent interest on this
money and will continue to do so
as long as it is deemed neccssnry to
hold these funds In the treasury. All
warrants against the county are now
being paid as fast as thej aro present
ed but soon, probably durlnR July,
warrants will again begin to bo reg
istered for the want of funds and the
county will have to pay C per cent In
terest on all warrants registered un
til collection of taxes begins next
However, It Is likely that the total
sum of registered warrants for the
remainder of tho year will bo as great
as the sum enjoined by the suits now
pondtiiR and uh Ioiir ih the county
does not have to pay Interest on the
enjoined sum at fi per cent until that
suit Is determined, the county Is bet
ter oft, even If tho enjoined sum must
Ho In tho banks. Upon thnt sum the
county profits by 2 per cent per an
num credited monthly.
"Water Master Says J. X. QiillicrK In
terfered Willi Water Hlghta.
J. X. Qulberg of Sisters was ar
rested last week by Water Master
George Brewster for interfering with
lawfully decreed water rights of
others on Squaw creek by obstructing
a ditch. Tho arrest was a culmina
tion of a series of similar offences,
according to Water Master Brewster,
that have been committed by Mr.
He will be tried before Justice of
the Peace Kennedy at Prlnevllle
within a few days.
At tho office of C. S. Uenson Mon
day afternoon was tried the case of
John W. Moore vs. R. L. Reynolds,
ltefore Justice Coble, The action
grew out of a well drilling arrange
ment between the two parties and
about $200 was involved. A com
promise verdict that did not pleaso
the defendant was rendered and an
appeal will likely be taken by Reyn
olds to the Circuit Court, The de
fendant was represented by Mr. Ben
son and the plaintiff by V. A. Forbes.
Ernest Wagoner and H. 55. Griffith of
the Contral Oregon Well Drilling Co.,
Culver, were here as witnesses.
Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Epwnrth League at 7 p. m. Prayer
meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. Choir
praetiee Wednesday at 8 p. in.
Sunday school at 9:45, preaching
at 11 a. m. and S p. in. Brotherhood
at 3 p. m. Young people's meeting at
7 p. in. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. on
Wednesday. Choir practice Tnursday
evening at 7:30.
Services at the Dream Theatre on
Sunday, July C, at 11 a. in., conduct
ed by the pastor, Rev. I. I. Corby.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. This will
be tho last service at tho Dream, as
the new church will be ready to use
by the following Sunday.
Church of the llrethron.
There will be no services next Sun
day, July G.
On July 2, 3 and , the Oregon
Trunk Railway will sell round trip
tickets from Bond to any point on
the Oregon Trunk or S. P. & 8. Ry.
where the faro Is $C.OO or loss, at one
and one-third fares subject to 60
cents minimum. Tlokots good to re
turn till July C Adv. 17
If your Krocoryinaii does not have
RliiCHteni Blend Hour, phono uh. Bend
Milling At Waiehouso Co. Adv. lfitf
This Is what J ml go Springer wroto
Inst week; his statement wna follow
ed by Mr. Crawford's letter, which
Is contradicted by his later letter
printed above.
"Tho following letter from Attor
ney General Crawford confirms tho
opinion of the county Judge, viz: that
the $55,000. Is available for payment
of tho county Indebtedness. The
J12.S00 returned from the cruising
flirt it la luilrtt tin 11 nut titut t)a itiui
"' "f i-waie mv nr-vj ,. ., . ....... .. ..... ........
of tho $65,000 additional will put,""""""' ul "'" " BU,i" t,u''
tho county on a cash basis until fall.
The Judge urges the treasurer to pay
It out."
thin Carl V.. Palmer In filling tli.
The rain the past week have done
much Rood and utup pumped aie
Pnwtdeitt Pick and Secretary
Palmer wete In Port Rock Snttiiday
and report that there nru many
changes t iik Inn place our the valley.
I.. 13. Uomuu and I.. T. Murphy
returned Monday from tho meetlUR
of the school directors at Silver l.ako,
School will bo held hero eonuuuiiolng
In tho fall.
Klmor Krlekson :a on the mend
and will bo restored to health quick
ly by the strides ho In taking.
Several new settlera entiio In to
this part of the valley and most of
them secured homestead laud Inst
SaRehena promise to bo abundant
this fall.
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
MILLICAN, Juno 2tl. Heavy rnlim
have fallen almost continuously for
tho past week,' nnd the crops look
splendid; also,
aro doing well.
iMiiiui; i ut Hnu to ri"idi on Ihi'.n
The claims in this vulli't are neiU'h
all taken mid nil (he homesteadi'is
seem very well sutltflled.
George Mtlllenu and Harry Mori I
aon arrived home fiom.Mr. Mllll
ean'a Hear creek ranch lmro lliey
hail been Irrlitatlng for tho pawl week.
Mr. MeAdow has attain eomuieiireil
plowing and dealing more In ml . I In
has already planted a huge plooo,
and baa made extensive liupiuvu
iiieutH on hi ranuh.
Ml'H. I.Otlls (UltHH litis roiio to lUlltll
to 'pll with Mr. (Ham.
Mrs. HoauiH called on Mra. MeNoal
ono day last week.
Mrs. (Under spent a day at tho
1 tenuis homo last week.
Mrs. A. I). Norton has been 111
for several days, but Is greatly Im
proved now.
B. K. Davis and sou John P. lefti
for Prlnevllle ThurBdiiy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. KlRcr came up
Sunday and visited their daughter, I
Mrs. Norton.
Ill lid. Kill) lulu U I'MI' Ill-l
Mi h l(i( pmw (I In raoir a rnjal en
ii'i'Miluer and Hie children had a
tneiry time. A most IniiRliable pea
nut contest wiim engaged In, Orvllle
MhullM winning the pruti. At 1:110
the following luncheon wna nerved:
Peanut sandwiches, wafers, cliecait,
stuffed (iiiuiKt's, eako and cticcm.
Harold ami Orllia Mnltmy mid
Allen Uusiiiiisscn went roc a MhIiIiik
trip last Hnturdiiv and Hinulny nnd
Were iiilte successful.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker ami
children spent Sunday ut Laldlaw.
Mis. Dauberry was In tho poHlolllce
during their uhsonco.
Mr. Nlcolett Is hero getting hla
land In hIiiiiio to need.
Alfalfa will bo ready to cut soon
after the Itli.
Mrs. Ilit)il ami baby nnd Krvllln
Baker were vIhIHiik friends In Hem!
last week.
Lew Williams and John Killer have
leaned the Johnston laueh for the
I'l I'l'Il VUl't
d-lllini a II f"i Mr
Hum ni'.ir lull Km It
t'luirlev .lacamin Ims relurm l finm
the mill.
Mr. Pulllr-k, win-lii-law or Mr Oliu
stenil, ami Ills two dauglitei rime in
In Pm'IiiihiI IiisI Tliiirsday. Hum 'Hui
Nli'iiil went In Mend last Tuesday
HR Ejggaffisgi
iui- .U t'i- -I t ' l '"l
1 f717 .. - - ' -J-
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
DRY LAKK. June 23. - This part
the voiiiir orchards of the country was visited by the big
All 'the alfalfa that ', ",t . rR,n l,r ? )0Hr t""y "V,'1
Milium, miiiieiiiuiK over nu iiicii ian-
has been planted In the valley Is )K
growing rapidly and Rives every in-
,Tho United States forest service
has Just had printed 9000 flaring
yellow slRns. to be posted over Ore
The following new settlers have ar
rived In tlila community mid estate
Mesdamos A. A. Glliuore and P. '"""" Jj"" " .. ."...,. .I,u
II. Johnson called at the Morton hiiU ,Ihh:.,7 "" Ktioil. OIr r.Jnlin-
Davls liomua Sunday. !" AI'",r1,V; l '""'"""V ""V",1 Ml1.1"
litis, A. Hill, B. Garske, John I..
P. B. Johnson arrived homo from (huske. K. S. Puller. H. P. Puller.
Bend Wednesday with a load of gro-m. t'ox, Mrs. Sophia M. Pallen, Chna.
cerles. Ilia mother. Mrs. TorRen-i; Murnhv. William M. Pelser.
. j. i
son. camu with him for an ludullulte
C. A. HetiKtHon has started a store
at his residence, carrying groceries
(Special to The Bulletin)
PRKMONT. June ill. - Mrs. A. C
McCowau, diuiRhter of Mr. and Mr,
.lacoiwou, who live near Pteinnut.
eame In Inst Sunday from California
to vlttlt them.
Pred Williams Is working for L.
I). Bell.
K. P. Pearce received his llnul re.
eelpt for his hoimwtoac proof last
Mr. Mtlngley went nut to m Pine
Sunday but will return Tuesday.
John Cohert and Giovur Bell ate
"7IU'.N It rennet l icltcllnc pliiinb-
liiU fuliuc the muiuii vtio ln a
linliliy fur iitepiUte and itai cful lc
iij;il la all (iiinlililniji m hive a new
mid MuuitiinR Inlctft, fur die up-iiiUte
pliinililiig fuliuci lioiv ellrinl In an mtrli
lt e luimlifr nf iIciIkii fur licr nppiuviil
re all grjrrful, lirauliliil mid )ct cor
ifcily (jiliuiiinl fur (licit pmpoie
'l'lirtc fitluiri nf ?l(iiiJir iiuiiiiIjc
lute iul KiMiuntrc lirn intuited by ut.
nuke tlic mtliifitetory ripiiiinrtit.
Plumbing: and Mealing
Bend, Oregon
HB hsbe
gon and Washington In the vicinity!
of tho national forests, to warn trav- Cyrus Lonso came out from Bend anil general merchandise.
elers and campers against doing any- after Kd White's household effocta. i p, emi has fenced his homestead
thing that will start a forest fire. Tho, returning Tuesday
lirmuuK uh iiio siKns is so uisiiuci,
being In large black letters on a yel
low background, that It can be read
a long dlstanco off. This Is the first
time that the forest service has taken
this method of publicity. SlRns are
always kept posted on the national
forests warning against fire, but they
are small, indistinct posters. There
are nine different signs, 1000 of each
being printed.
(Continued from page two)
cause his wife could not spare him
away from home long enough to at
tend tho meetings of the organlza-
Mrs. A. D. Norton visited with her
mother, Mrs. W. B. Klger. Monday.
Mr. Roebecker, the storekeeper at
the 23 mllepost, expects his wife ami
son out fur a visit some time this
Mrs. B. K. Davis and little daugh
ter called on Mrs. MeAdow Sunday.
I. L. Owen and Horace White re
turned from Bend Saturday where
they had been for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. MeAdow called at the
Spencer ranch Tuesday.
Misses Sarah Davis and Haxel Nor
ton spent Wednesday afternoon at
the home of tho tatter's grandmother.
Mrs. W. B. Klger.
Several persons thnt filed on home'
and will start fencing the desert en
try of Mrs. Hess, on Prlngle Plats.
Bert l.outeiiM went to Bend last
week for a load of supplies.
The wool freighters are passing
here dally now on their way to Bend.
B. Hill of Hampton visited Sun
day with S. Samson.
N. A. Thomas Is In Spokane work
ing for the summer.
(Special to The Bulletin)
Alfalfa. June 28 -Mrs. Sam Boyd
entertained her Sundny school cIiism
and embroidery clsss Wednesday af
ternoon from 2 till 5 cr:ock In honor
Mends In tho valley this spring are of Nellie and George Grabenhorst of
Stop Paying Rent
WRTdVlfCb AH is oniy 10 """ walk ,Vo,m
&&-,lM TV WJUr the
business center of liuntl
KENWOOD ist!;e ;iewP7rty
h r on tiic market and is bound
to be the most valuable residence property in Dend
KENWOOD l"' w"te'' '
ICETlMVlnOFl P"ces aml terms ure the
rLim w wit best offcred in end
Buy it lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to
suit you. The money you are paying for rent now
will in a very short time make you the owner of a
Oregon Land & Immigration Co.
J. Ryan, Agent
A Cook Book Worth Having!
"Good Living"
Is a splendidly printed, strongly bound,
and well written up-to-date Cook Hook
by Sarah Van Huron. It contains 605
PAGES and a complete index. It is
bound with an OIL CLOTH COVER.
that can be washed when soiled in the
The Regular Price is $2.50
Our Price is $1.00
Will LE TI I EY LAST. We have only
a small number. Housekeepers
should hurry.
The Owl Pharmacy
Mlph I'olmlcxter.
First National Bank tlulldlnjr.
The Best Buy in
Crook County
Good Houso, Barn, Tank;
about 15 acres ready for
crop. Seven and one-half
miles east of Bend on Bear
Creek road, and one-fourth
milo from school. Improve
ments easily worth $1200.
C. O. I. Co. got $2457 for
this land. All for
$? &?
Address Owner, care of THb
Bend Bulletin.