iii'j.VM iirii.KTi.v, iiijni), 0111:., wi:m:hiay, jplv a, tout. I'ngo 7. li Take a KODAK with you IIKADQIMKTISHS FOR KODAKS ANDSL'IMM.IKS Patterson Drug Co. Tho pa Store LOCAL NEWS ITRA1S ImIih T Whlnthr of Portland w I i t 'ml Mondny. v Tori went (n PrlnnvlIlH IikIhv mi litlalNPM. trunk Mny rode mil to III Powell limif ranch Htinilay. I'urii. Monday, to Mr. mid Mr. J'tli in Knrltimn. a hoy. M H Miller of llnrper went In !' Miami Sumlin night. I MlN I'' A HIlllllllllPHl WIIH III til f 1 I'llul Mulie lliMcl HmLii rilny . I). I!. Iliiuii'i' iciiinioil yesterday friini it week's slay In I'oiIImihI. M. A, Dull li'fl IiimI Tliuradny niorii IllK on it hualiioa trip to Hi const. 0. V. Arnold iiiliirimd Insl wuek Minn n vlNll with lil fniully In Port liiiul. Ml Plonuirn Young, who linn been In Haleiu, loliilliuil homo yes terday. Mis H. I. tllle. reroiUly of IIih Tlllniook mini try, In now Willi .Mhiiii lielnier'. Itos Kninliuiii loft for Valley City, N. I)., ytenlny in b H""H until July 20. Mih, .1. A. Ilrlhkloy will hIiik h hoIo Hi tlin PrntliyU'rliin chinch fciirvliMi Hominy morning. I). I.. MelCny ennui In yesterday morning from I'ot llnittl to vlilt IiIm mm, Clyde Mi'Kny. Juliii Cuinioily returned to lltuul Ihmi week from it tup to The DhIIim mill other ihiIiiIm. HhorllT Prtmk lklii. lU'eompHiiIsd hy ',. M, llrifwn, wan over from tliu county sent Maiultty. I5ddt llroaleilioii t now local do livery tiny fur IIib Western Union Telegraph Company. Prml Horell arrived liTimida)li morning with Ida bride. They will lie m hi.uiM In Itedmond. Th I.. M. MrKerHoliI family moved Insl week Into their new home In lienrhute Addition. .1, I. linger, superintendent of I Im Oregon Trunk, came in Mondsy with party to try tho fishing. MIm Ijhihh Caritenter of Keedler. Citl.. In vUlllug the Misses Klein. Hhu will Im hero for a mouth or more. t'lvilt McKay ami family made a trip Hunday NlHiut ft mile up river where ihey IihiI very good Halting. i:. It. Post hiiiI It. It. Mlntcr have IIIOVHil lllHlr llttlce (O III!' llrilWII l.llllllllIK lie! to CMrllllll "4 pool llNll. Thorns Hawthorn, who Id Hi r USprague Flour. IS IN TOWN AGAIN. ALSO SNOW WHITE AND BEND BLUE STEM. i A NEW DEPARTMENT: Crockery, Tin Ware, Kimme! Wittv, C.luss. Slirtim ami Ciildcii State Mason Kit l' IT .IAHS--I'mts, (tmits and Half (Gallon1., E. A. Sather fec,fee'7n0te -C4l6lXf&mZ&?U. feB1 r 7" -"". .'- (" iv 'i., 'INT f Pjllf- :hm&&c W T liMHK . jriklWfAKa .. 7 WSa&WBr mmt AStKn Lr.,ry yfcaA wsvmaBk i .-jau& wj mm h.!?ll M . k " - .i- . I I i'llX kkiHI CI nVi.-r l x 5w cliiirxo of tho Di'Mi liutiH nwr mirviy crowM, wuh In town tho II rut of tlio Wl'l'lf. Tim fiim from Henri lo Ponliiml Iiiim liemi uiiliiuuil liy tliw rnllromU : cult In, utfecllVM July J, mihkIiik li im 17.10. ' Mr. hiiiI Mra, 0. H. IIihU'Mi nml Mr nml AIlM. A, M. I'rlriKln miit Hiiinr iIh)' hiiiI Hiintluy al IIoIrIiir , on tin- ' Miitollim. I II. 1.. Mnurol Iihk vlaltlnc lilm IiIh 'fittinr, J. It. Mut0t, hiiiI ula looilicr. J. K. Mtnnol, Mini HlfM from NcIumn- kh. Tlicy will Imi liar for nix M'k or IoiiMir. Hoy, IS. (J. XhwIihiii Hcnt lo I'ori- ImiiiI MoiiiIh)' nlKlit to Htli'iid the m-n- hIoiim of tun VVorlil h CUIziuihIiIii Con fHrHiicH tlinro. Tli IIdiiiI Wator, I.Uht & I'owit Co. Ih InyhiK H UimIii on Ohio Mirc-t to coinii'-'t Him iiihIiii oh Wall hikI OritKoii HlrwlK, iiroimrHlory to imi IIii'k In vhIvuh. Tim liimvy rnliiK of lnt wi'k ntlMDii tho water In tli rlvt-r wthI lurlic. On ThtiriMlHy, John Hh-I.ll Httyn, It whm lilKhfr than h h fvi-r Hutin ll lioforo. Mr. ami Mm. W. I. Mayh'r mcl Mm Rayti-r !tr. Mlaa Zftm Mirknv, wwr In lkH(l yMiwnUv, Mr. Havlt-r rcluriiln front I'wwiI'mom wln-r- ulii' vlHllml nl Imr otil home. A. II. Horn or the Hfti.l llrlr-k $, Lumlior o., any that i ttwY Mom oinl thplr flrat kiln of i.rlrk ihn' W(rr li'irnml thin amnion, uh'r'i. In hi wnrilp. I "a dandy." It r'nuitiim 250,000 l.rlrk. It. A. Iwtw and ft. 8. Kuriniiii ' Itolotti. N. I)., wurtt In town Im' wiwa on thlr way out to look or land In i iiKlahiKirhooii of lliumi lon. U'hlln thrH fhwy ftpwi to vin UiPlr old frlnil Iterl M'ka. 1,. D. Wlt-al Iim wild tin houiK In which Im now llvi'H to II. II. Hifr John Yoiihk'h MMt-ln-law, and It will Im iiiommI off tho olio an th Krouni) Ih not Ini'luili'd In th ileal. Tin- WlotltH Mill ntOVH lO IIDI nf ihi-lr cot- taKcM on Ulalith nini'i BEND WILL HAVE QUIET INDEPBIOEHGE DAY I'iiiiiiIi to ll OIwitwiI In N'cnrli) Tomii Itriliiintiil I'Iiiiih IIIk t'i'h' lirntloii Sunn' (Jo in Ktiiiiuitli. j Thfro Hill li no oinrlat onnr.viiv ' of tin I'oiirth of Jul) In lii-nd. i.ui the IiihiiiihoiIp will Iibv- Miniilf oi iHtri ttnlt to .inoy IIih yiiHtoniurt rcli-liratloii at varlouti t iwhh nfnri-' itfilinoiitl haa tdauni'd an flaloraif proarMm rovirlinc iMith I'rUlnv and Haiiirilay and Inrludlnic land ron iitIk. paradm. tiall KAiiira, ilanrlnK. hora raclna; and ithr aMirta. W. William or I'orrat (trovo will do llvir an oration. It I xtHtd that many will ko down from her for the flrat dav of the rpira:;on, ir not fur imili. IfAvliiK on th monilna train and ri-niriilnx In th f-Vfnlna. An Alfalfa th entertain nifiit will tit limited to Prlday alm. nut the il will ! parke.l with 1 1 ntrnv HiMiri and rarliiK and thrt will In a dance In thn uven'.-irj. :;verythlnK la advHrtled to lie free. At the OraKtt ball et or town, a told tdewhrtt In thin iwtue, there will tie a picnic. AltlioiiKh not a rlo4 at hand, a n li m I wr plan to ko down to the ICIku Kodeii at Klamath Pall which will Im held on the 4th. 5m and th. The trip will he made hy auto, the party leavliin on Thurdav evenliiK If pre eiil pIhhh are carried out. I'leiilrkliiK and tlHhltiK on the river will claim tunny partlc who have had their plan all made to apund the dnv quietly In tho pountrv. I'tewllily the laraeat imrty will Im made up of tho Itleliardftou and Arnold Sunday acliimU, which have arranged for an outlnx at "Dutch John'" place four mile up the river. Thorn will h HimrlH and nam, with prla for the wlnnvra. and a picnic lunch will lie nervml. Church tiliMrvanc of the nnnlver ary Include atectal ervlrrn at the MehodUt ehurch at S o'clock 8uiidu Hvenlns. ' Beginning Monday, July ?th, and Continuing Until July 19th. A CLEARANCE OF SUMMER MER CHANDISE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN PRICES ---HER.E ARE BARGAINS THAT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE: 5c SIMPSON VVU. COUNT BEST GKA0K CALICO, for thiaMlu OUR FAMOUS YORK WAc fJING- "B f HAM, m larKi.1 vnrit-ty of twllurna . A js UIIM'KI.LI.'ITK-th. Mugh dry fabric 1 7 '. c rfnular, thU aale 5c NATURAL LINKN SUITINGS. 2 J Krade, r-iiil viilu', rwlucil t a O :. (JRADK, now 25c Joe GItADK, now 29c )ea r flmy;- Xldett a woman fiai a (iandAamey fuA niiUcd Aojmc, J Ac is fAcc and independent Mom the "cAiiiciJm" oy? thoie utia come lo Ac A AouJc. She can feel that jic li vociatty tiee, because she can aik anyone o come lo ice her, ?6eA AxiJand'j Lus inc&A ilandiny, too, Li judaed Lf the uny he keefti ifi hii home, a!f tell you, fl)ny, It ftayi fai more than it coiti to have your Aome lookina LAcicntatic, Clicvcr, jCoxt, (P. S,-detl yottA friendi to yain fAeedam -by luuina new fuAniiuAe, 3elt them they'll get Ihe Leil and save money if Aey buy it fAom O. v-t. Uiompson Wliero Your Dollur Does Its Duty, itAXKCit ittn'XD rem paisi.hv. 13. It. Corner. thn caahlor of the new national hank at Palaley, left for that town thi iiiirnln. There la IwiHK fiellitt In from ur nonio T000 pound of hank euulpment, In cludlnK iMfu and vault door. A eon emte vault I already conatructed In the liauk'H IuiIIiIIiik. Mr. ('oncer ha lin with the Serurllv Savluan h TriiHt Co. of Portland for a niimhnr or yoarH, nud Ih n lirothor-lnlaw of J. I (Imilt, ciiHhler of tho Klrnt Nation ul Hunk of HiiriiH. Mr. Coiihcr wivs ho hope to luivo hU hunk open for IiuhIuuhh hy tho middle or July. LAWKS' $1 m WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.45 LAMfS'SX M WALK-OVEROXFORDS $3.15 CHILDREN'S IJAREFOOT SANDALS flfl ll.WJ tiunllty Z7Js CHILDREN'S HAREFOOT SANDAIJS f tf W)e iiunlity C Men' $3.50 Hlack Chrome Work j, w Show, hettvy doublu wlc, $'.i.Ti0 Hk A I luulity. thla Ic 4wrar EXTRA SPECIAL-Men's fi oz. gf Mruwn Duck Overalln, while they w f hint, at ... . J JPS 2Q(c Off on balance of our White Dresses HOUSE DRLSmES, values up to fl f fjf si. 50. now ty&3J All Our LADIES' SUITS Some that sold up to $25.00, special for thin sale 11.75 c ! 35c RATINE CREFE. All our 1214 and 15c EMBROIDERIES now LADIES' 35c SUMMER WEIGHT UNION SUITS, a rare value, re duced to RUBEN'S COTTON INFANTS' VESTS special ...25c !0c rDC 25c The absolute newness of our merchandise will be an additional satisfaction, in making your selections here. There is not a person in Bend who can afford r i llrntln Oinllty I ovvrM Price to miss this important event. MANNHEIM iTJPC ( The Store for 1) HV, j) All the People JJ u'JiFoeuEsnraED Tn ('(iiiiinK-loiier (inlloHay Coiupll liienl AnoeHoor Toxter on Work. i Special to The Hullellut PI5INKVII.I.K. Juh 1. Charlea V. Calloway, atate tax eommlwdoiier. ar rlvMl In l'rliievllle Sunday. havlHK come from Uiirmi via (lend for the purpoiie of aeelHR what proicre had iieun made - far with the aaaeawment roll for 1913. Mr. Oalloway matt-d while here that a uniform HtHwntement wa a more dtwlralde attainment In Crook county rltckt al prwwnt than a full raah valuattin and that a full raah valtiRtlou could mine later when uniformity had Iih reached. Pur the purpose or aitlng the Mtate luMird of tax commlMionwrR In HiiortlotiliiK the aMttMiment fairly amonK the counties, T. A. Ithlnehart will ho Mit to OriMik county within a woe or mi for the purpoae of tak Iiik traiiKcrlptH from the revord of tranafer Ih the county of the valua tion et forth In the trauefer. Mr. Calloway complimented Anaeor II. A. Koater on th work accomplished hy him o far. ItAISKS VI(iKT.UI,lS TOO. Homo weekH nno The llullotln told nliout tho HiiereHB Mr. 0. W. Shrlner Imd hnd In ralHliiK ohlckoiiH. Appar outly clilckoiiH nro not tho only thluK Unit Mm. Hhrlnor enn nilse, for yon tordny uho hroiiKht to Tho llullotln olllco u luiHkot of vegetithloH from her Kitriloii that woro nhond of nuythliiK won front nny other local wmlon (IiIh uiiniuuir. There woro pen, rd IhIich, youuK onlniiB, while turnip, Hplnnch, three vnrtotlo of lettuce, atrnwhemo, ami m tho llouor Una u Ioiik Htalk of puuHla. Tho garden wan pliintd In April nud haa not heen truublod hy frost, Mrs, Shrlner uld. DEFENDANTJWINS CSSE Piutlaiul Compouy leos In Action Hi ought Aitalnst I.ocmI Pliiinlior. In ihe enw "f the IVorle Parlflr Compnuv, n pIuuiiiliiR Miipplv houM of PortUud, agnlnat J. J. Hvan. tiled Pi J.nttlce Orcutl oiurt Saturday, the Jury after a few mouieut' dellh eratlon brought In a verdict In favor of tho defendant and agalnut the ptulnttff In the sum of $47, which will hIhi require tho plaintiff to pay the coMta of tho caso. Thn action originally hrought to rocovur tho sum of $200, which amount wiih Hiilisoquontly reduced to $137. was contested hy Mr. Kyan on tho ground Hint tho phitntlft had agreed to look to J. J. Klein for pay ment, and that tho plaintiff was in fact Indehted to him on account of credits which had novor boon allow ed, nml judgment wits asitod against plnlntlff for tho amount of these credits, Tho vordlct Is for tho full amount claimed hy Mr. Ilyan. An nttachniout was Iseuod when tho act Ion whs tlrst tiled and this Is tho samo proceeding under which Mr. Ryan's stock of plumhlnK supplies and fixture was advertised at sher iff's salo some weeks ago. Tho plaintiff was represutd hy C. S. Ilouson and tho defendant by It os Parnham. STOCKIIOLDIillK' .Mitirrixu Tim annual meeting nf tho Arnold Irrigation Company stoekholdors will ho hold at '2 p. m, on Tuosdiiy, July 15, ! i.. U. Wlesfs yard. If IS L. I). WIHST, Secy. Ford Named Postmaster (Coutlnuod from Pago Ono). tho ruiulttnnco nud tho total amount to ho collected, After Its arrival at tho olllco aiUlroBse.il, whore, on pay- iiKiit f all charges, It will ii deliv ered to the addressee or, unle otherwise directed '' the addressee, to the Arm, person or corHratlon in whoite care It Is addressed, or to any reicnslll person to whom the ad dressee's ordinary mall Is customari ly delivered. Addresseo will lie re quired to reeelpt for the iwrcel on the accompanying tag. A receipt signed by a person other than the addreesee must show the name of the addroseee as well a that or the person signing It. No return receipt will be fur nished the sender aa the money or der serve that purpose. Tho addretwee will not be permit ted to examine the contents of a C. O. I), parcel until it has lieen receipt ed for and all charge paid. A par cel may be refused when it is ten dertd ror delivery; but after deliv ery has been effected, It cannot be returned or account of dissatisfac tion with the contents or the amount collected. The poatoiflee department ; will not be responsible for errors made hy senders in stating the col- j lection charges or for any misunder standing between senders and ad dressee regarding the character or contents of parcel. Use $200,000 This Season (Continued from Page One) tremendous expenditure in labor in this district. Another Item of real Importance, both to the landowners Involved and to others. Is that some JJ0.000 Is to be paid out for land for the reservoir, etc., all of which, It ia understood, will remain In the country and so bo placed in circulation CARPENTERS ft BUILDERS" rojfwfta? i Q2) rr EVERYTHING TOR Building l and the BEST r vS ft ? r t r'f;; J. fS9, W M1 & IF YOU USE THE RIGHT BUILDERS' HARDWARE WHEN YOU PUT UP A BARN OR nUILD A HOME IT WON'T HAVE TO BE "FIXED" EVERY WEEK IF YOU USE GOOD, STRONG. DURABLE BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CHEAP HARDWARE IS NOT CHEAP, BUT "HIGH." THE BEST HARDWARE IS NOT "HIGH." BUT CHEAP. WE SELL THE BEST. We will give a $5 casting rod lor the largest trout caught this season. Sktjse Hardware Company. We Repair duns of All Kinds.