PflRO 0. iici.i.ktin, iiknd, out:., vi:ini:siiav, .it'i.v a, miii. THE ALTAMONT AND MOUNTAIN VIEW MOTEL sii:ciai. sixdav dix.i:u .Inly il, .1::to m 7::to p. in. Cracked Crtii In MayonalM Moek Soup r Smothered Chicken, Ovrntan Neodlas I'rline Roast It Iba of lhiuf HU Jua Hulled O'Dotuiell Premium HhIU Kruncli MttHtard Mashed Potatoes Sliced CtiotlMhera , Cherry Punch Dot Huns Itaspberry Short Cake a In Made NIGHT TIN IS I BOON WILKES 1lui'ltiuoo,'r nil c iniiKwd nuiT plnjul by Air. Callow R.P.M Hi id.- At 1 1 I'll I'HMil tilt put till' Nut m ilny i:tMiln.x Kiinsw. .r tin- UtMiit Hotel TRAVEL TO BEND INCREASED IS New Sen Ice .iihi'h Inti'M'si or riutliunl'l'lslu'rnu'ii Who I'lim U- t'lir-loiis in (Vntiul Oiopiii Diir- ItiK the Sitinini'i' Mouths. Cafe Nolr Plates I-'irty Centa Music Hy Forrest's Klvo Orchestra. PI LOCAL NEWS ITEA1S It. U. Gould la In I'rinevllle today on bualneee. J. Kdward Laraon upent yestertfay In Redmond. Mr. and Air. II. C. IZIIla went to Prlnevllte today. T. II. Daniel. 'Sr., arrived last week from Seattle. II. J. Overturf went to Prluevllle Saturday an buslne. Jowe Kirkland of Fort Rock has beon a Ilond visitor this week. A new pnp edger was set up In ' The Head Company's mill last Sun day. Dr. A. S. Williams arrived from Portland Monday and may locate in Heud. Mrs. Ada It. Mllllcan was In town Saturday, registered at the Hotel Wright. The First National Hank has In- j J. I), llettman of Ontario. Cul., pasted through iteiid yesterday on hi way to look over the houietftend ; country to the aotith. , The Kpteeopal Oulld will meet on ! Thurida;'4 afternoon at S:Su with Air. Naomi Trlplett. All member l and friend are urged to attend. After the meeting of the Woodmen j laat night a dance waa given In Sath- ler'a hall by the Itoyal Neighbors, and a large crowd eujojed dancing until midnight. The opening of the Daniels store la the old I.ara location last Satur day was largely attended by bargain seekers, ml the new tlrm Is much pleased with their beginning here. Mrs. John S. Young of San Fran cisco arrived last evening to visit her son. George S. Young, and fami ly. Mr. Young's father Is motoring down from Seattle and will be here later. The heavy rains of the past week creased Its surplus from $10,000 to did considerable damage to the roads $12,500. Mr. nnd Mrs. John K. Ityan came down yesterday from the ranch and are in town today. The Rehekahs are arranging a nek-! tle and apron social to be given the last of the month. between here and Hums. Automo bile drivers report a hard time get ting through win of the softest places. The building on Wall street for merly occupied by AtoCnhtton's gro cery and the Homeseekera' Land Co. Prediction of a greatly Increased travel to lleud wan the subetauce of eomment on the new night train ser vice to Central Oregon made by W. C. Wilkes, assistant freight ami paewon ger agent of the S. P. & S. Itullwa) when here last week. Mr. Wilkes stated that already travel from Portland waa showing considerable stimulation as a result of the night service, and II la hi be lief thai hundreds of people will now "take a lock" at llend who never !. .'ore felt aide to take the two ila previously consumed by the journey He also imlnted out the ad vantage of the new wirvU'e for Im mlgiauta. as now when they wake up after a comfortable, cool night on the sleeper they will look out upon the level country, where hitherto they have sweltered for 12 bourn up the desolate can) on, many of them get ting discouraged because; they thought that the land they saw waa typical of all the Interior. "You would be surprised to know how many Imiulrlee we are reerltl Ing from Portland fishermen," said Mr. Wilkes. "Already I know of A who are planning to take a week end trip to llend. :.y leaving Port land Friday night, riey get two en tire daya at llend or a'ong the Des chutes, ami get back for buslueaa on Monday morning. We shall pay spec Ha attention to this i aase of your at tractions In our publications and other publicity hereafter." In at N.l'i in. Huturd't.x. II. P. Mlnter mid Mrs. Mnr Hunt weie utilled In umrriaite. Hr. I. I. tlorbv oilli'intttig. The rnly witnesses preaeut weie Ml', and Mrs. Hugh O'Knue. The bible ai lived on the evening train from Chntitile, Katiaaa, lU'ivim patiled by her I l-yoitr-old son. She waa met by Mr. Mlnter and they pro ceeded to the hotel, where the cere- I Oil SM.i: llnliil clover liny nt Anderson brotliera' much three mlleii from l.iildluw on Tumiilo rond. Tele- pho-o. KOU KAMC -CttHMl properly on Wall and llotnl streelM, ill so In Kin wootl. For particular apply In II. ('. Hllla. ITlf I'OU SA1.M Four full blooded Jersey cows, nil giving milk, Cow will be nt Anne's burn Wedueiobn, July U. M. M. Streamer. ITp I'OU 8A1.K -lila 1MH, block B. Wloatorlu, nr would trade for JJo attle or it Oeorge properly. A. A. Ujar, lloge llldg. Hettttle. 17p I'OU SALIC- ItoiiHh l.uuber, lit inuiiy fillowed Iinniedlately. The'I" "" , " """ im mur way "knot had been tied" and the newly "" Uend and Ulilluu. mi old weds driven to Kenwood, where they! "",l rwul lleuaoiiiiblo pilcea. lUtf w'lll reside, before ninny of tho bible-1 I'OU SAI.I-J One acre, 2 two-room groom'H friends learned of the event, 'housed, burn, womlahml, wuter. Close Some of them had planned churl-I'm on 7th atreot. Ilouo, lino down, vail for Sunday evening, ami con. i hal. monthly. Jones Itenahnw. 7tf IuIm fur out, "liniulie "lliiriiiiln", nt llullellu oIIIck. air FOIt tfAl.i: Flue lilU-hen rntiui . lOtfm Hooil iih new. Htoel lllllllllllili tfiil iiMinuu iih ni'iiuiM in iiipiuiuiiiiiii of mi elect rle rniiHe. Una lmi ii'in UMe nnd Is in good na ws l'.t . , i at a In t'Hiilii, May lm h'iii hi i i Water, Light ,v Powir i'u inu . .. Iuiiilre at Itullelln ollli'e 1 ,n FOIl MM.Ii Itaneh or I'.'o , r. Mltiiateit tib tnllea Houlbi'iiKt or Hi ud oil IIhimI-IIumih toad, l'liu" In will Improved Willi butlillnga iiu, miii. clover, alfalfa ami mot tuim. ! ii good Mliupe lo cuny cows uiul Imi i IIhh I lit hi' i oh of water iiudor iinoit ditch. Mloi'K mill IiioIh rnliipbti in tun the place, KvhiwiIiImk goi-a nt reiiHoniiblu llgure. Thla will mi'il to you. tieo II bilfoie liulnK ilse whoie. Hulling on m mil or slilc- llesa. Men owner oil much A (' Armstrong 1 tlin senuenlly "got left.' .Mr. Mlnter la malinger of thn llomeacckcra' Land Co. NOTICK OF I'l.V.Mi SlflTI.KMUXT. Notice Is hereby given bti the un dersigned that he tins made and tiled with the clerk of the County Court of Crook County. Oregon, Ida llual account as administrator of the es tate or P,til O. VeUtad, deceased, and that aald court lias act Monday, the I tit day or August. IS 1.1. at lu o'clock a. m. at the County Court room lu Prlnevttle. Oregon, as the I time and place for the hearing and! settlement or said final account, at which time nnd place any iieraon In terested may appear and object said settlement. Dated this 2d day of July. 1013. JOHN STIC1DI. Aa the Administrator or the (state or Paul O. Yelstad, Deceased. C. S. Henson, Attorney ror the Adnilu Istrntor. 17-20 ir you expert uimmI hicnil, you inii-t iii lllucMcm llleiiil Hour. Your gro cer villi have It. Adv. I.ltf 1 FOIl HAI.Ii- One good young work horse, wt 1000 Iba. Also one douiile dleO plow. C. Yoiiiik, r. miles N IC. of lluiid. Hi-lip UK .STII.I. have a large iiiautlt tt rititl'llM ULIll II.,,.., I... l.u. .... l.u.. .. ,,, ,ti wi nil, I iiiiuiiiij iinj mi unllll ni ill per ton at the ranch. Haled In line shape. Slur Itanuli Co., Tumabi. Oregon. loir FOIt 8AI.K A section or two or hoiuaalHRd clalma, with liupiov.e. menu in Milllcnu valley. Apply to A. Ii. Norton, llend. c-o Mllllcnn P O. Kit rjh I'OU 8.U.F. All kinds of common lumlter at McNaught k Oertson's mill, on Hend-Uurna road. Aleo. w. cul any kind or orders an short i to; notice. Write or call on us ror prlcea. FOIl ft.VI.K- l0 acres. .1 miles north of llend, with water right and good buildings. $30 an acre. Also, III l.ytle ror $too arranged. Address F. 1).. Htaylott. Ore.! H-I.sp; 1 ! Rshermen II. W. Skuse went to Portland on'! bo,"R ",,?(1 ! !,e . grade of MUSICAL PROGRAM PLEASANT tht. the street. I.. A. llrandenburg the contract. c Superintendent Honors of the Ore- K. business Thursday, returning by night train Sunday. Mrs. Ft. AI. Smith and Mrs. J Innea spent Sunday with Airs. J. Hyatt at the Tullos. C. AI. Davis, who was In the real estate business here two years ago, Is now living in Seattle. It. F. Averlll, formerly manager or the llend Company nere, has moved from Portland to Florence, Ore. Dr. A. II. Cropp or Portland is vis- lung .Mr. anu .Mrs. u. v . annner, gvallable to thoee who wnnt to get having arrived last W'ednaaday oven- In to the lake. In addition the ser ins. I vice la now at work on a new road K. R. Post left this morning for lietween Paulina and Kast lakes, the Harney and CatUiw valley conn- The horse which Poundnmster try with a party of five on a 530-mlle Koberta had advertised waa not locating trip. claimed and waa sold at public auc- W. D. Cursey has received word , tlou Friday in front of the MtoIHce. that about 30 members of a United It was "knocked down" to I,. A. W. i:. gon Trunk expressed the oidnlou. j while here Monday, that there Is a 1 strong possibility 'hat a standard i Pullman sleeper will be put on the night run Instead of the tourist car now used. i The road from I.a Pine to Paulina Lake which the forest service has , been at work on ror some time Is now completed and a good highway Is has, Club Met Ijist WcilncMlay ut Mrs It. Picf. The third fortnightly meeting or the Wednesday Musical Club huh held last week at the liome or Mrs. i:. It. Poat. The program ror the af ternoon waa made up entirely or the compositions or Central Oregon mu sicians, two or whom were preae'it to Interpret their work lu person. The numbers, which were much ap preciated by the club, were: Song. "What Will the Answer He?" comKsed by Chester Cntlow an. I aung by Mrs. Powelson. String duet, with piano accompani ment, "Hinimnu," composed by O. AI. Ouptlll and played by Mrs. Ward, Air. Ouptlll and Allsa Craves. Piano solo, "Frolic or the Fairies, i m I Classified i hAvpxiWma i house and Terms can Frank I las I gon. FOIt JJAI.U lot lie It. Comrortable three- room house lu good shape, woodshed, i ouibtilldliiga ami chicken park: frnei water: three blocks south or depot. on east bank or canal, ror ".' uu rash ir taken In-fore July IS. Ilex ivi.l city. 7p FOIl JSAI.K Four Ana lots In I Park Addition In block 13. Water, j light and sidewalks; attractive, houses occupy adjoining property. 8anie prlcea yon pay ror unimproved , Wc arc going to give a fine leather bound $8 basket to the person prfsriitiujr the litrjjcsl rt'tlsitlt'tiiiilit lictwct'ii .lout 1 nnd Sop tt.'iiilc'i' 1, with tackle liOuirht nt otir store. Cull uiul inspect it. I OWL PHARMACY " Presbyterian land colony will meet in Uend In the next few days, com ing from all parts of the country. The party will be In charge or T. A. Ale Comb of Piano, III. Nixon for $23. Mr. Itobertai la this week advertising tnree other ani mals that are In the city pound and ir they are not claimed by the owners will also be sold at auction. Ail'itli'ini'iitH liiM'ttcil under llil IiciiiIIiik nt the ir.-e or ne cent a' word ror cmii lnei'ilon. IHm'oiiiiI on extended Iiii'iiIoii. t'luirge me IMiyable lu nihaiiii except ror mlwr-tKri-s tin Ilia ii re.ubir in count wltb The Itullelln. All wld iidtertlot liienti ultl Im Mitcd In The llnlli'llii ,'illlie M tbo time or rrceliii. THE For Kent. FOk KKNT Kurnlahet cabin $' a month. W. It. Leah, lot 11, blk 15. Center Addition. lltf FOIt HUNT C-rtHim houae with light, water and sanitary conveni ences. It. At. Smith. FOIt It KNT Three comrortable riHims centrally located. Suitable ror comiHwed by Mr. (iuptlll and playeil family. Itunnlug wator and letrlc by Mlsa Oravoa. ' lights. Very moderate. Inquire at Piano solo "Mexleall." eomMSPil by I Hulletln olUoe. Jitf Chester Springer and played by Allsa Graves. Piano Coach." solos, "To the Old Stage To a Sand l.lly." and "Tho Wanted, y 6JA i4"V.r i - ' v-v ' . y sxm x& &" .1 Lll U RESOURCES OF 'xxy,oy ij .as- L.R PINE. r&VisTr Tf VFrZxsM ZL&'Zmz ,., K ?- SZ JJ i x-i'o V.-S1X r-i f.V'"' Xi 1 " tt t fiXx. I r ( " M . . W- 19' 4 : ii m ' . rf i y?nvt THIS - TVi HJ vv ; i ! srnxrecic uomtiom rjC,MH TO PmURMO TlnBeR WSTER POWtlK eiRviwa JrcKKPAlJiMCf Pewirn Waou wocsrmp mguto SanlMHiNlMPMVi HOTSPftlf'M PTlCMl. 1uto?outc WHICH r1&PM nuTRituTine, cLurm LSMfira MlULi Pi.mHi MILLS BoMCTOli . WANTKD Itaneh cook. Tele phone Jouea Dairy. 17p WANTKD Olrl ror general house work. Apply Patterson Drug Co. 17tf FOIl ItKNT Iirge store, modern front. Oood location. Apply lo Past master. I- WANTKD Dishwasher and din lug room girl. Airs. Kesllng, Pilot Untie Hotel. 17 WANTKD Offers for lot No. 1-3-3-1, block 18, Kenwood addition, Uend, Oregon. Cartle Dana, S3 11 31th Ave. W., Seattle Wash. Up WANTKD 1 Inch and 1 Vi Inch California Pine and Sugar Pine, common and uptier grade. Perma nent supply desired. Charlea W. Trumbull, 1813-72 West Adams St., Chicago. 15-31p ottviarwraut MflPSffUDY JTJNVESTIGflTE -m rjHDtfiiimti woooPulPMiUS vmjouh MIU3 ciccritic vawtn iTMimXTW't HrawTH PBoipmcrv You Should See La Pine mm imturruuiKiniK country Tlie land Uu rich, deep volcanic ah forma. tlou, im rocw. u Uvci, h good drainavr and tttlkiil drlnkhiK waMr nrvtr tibtr than joficl. TliclrrignUil land III xrtual water rllit can be purcbatedat iy'00 pcracrcoii eaty trrrrt The aHrrounduiK pi. covered mountain are full of iiMural w.nler and juat Ihe place for a vaiation. I.a I'uie l only about two year old, but growing rabidly. It ha a tilrihoiie nrni. two h(ahI holcU, two big general werchauuixat, rea. a Cr-t clautivery and ld -t.' caciieiii uMM;r (th La 1'iue Inltr-Mounuiu). oc of 'he iiiont progreMivc cvmiiierciai ciuu in iiir Maie -aua iniciuo i) ine y, na iuowm proutriy aim Kit il year errcitd in. reou an auracioc cuio iii.ii-. There are three nwall taw iiiiIU in the viciuil) uf lt l'nie. wnl h lajiM ih lkiuuing ol the Ug lumUriug anil milling bu.incM that will l done here a Un-acrc Ihia tpring, and olhtr church are planum There are good opnlu In luauufuctuilug awl irtlicr hu.iur. tine- here TH4 iinir I owner have cuiiiuienttd to develop and which alone woukl build a gooil it city ua awl other iiuMiir line- here In euucational luaiura l-i I'm I oiuiireMive. it na a Un-acrc Khoo! wrk lu the htart olilie re.Mleiue mtcIiom, and now teacheauu to le twellth grade. A Laiholic -hun h will m built hero ' lo rtiaoil-u iiienixive aloue build and maintain a auai aired tilv. coming of Ihe two big railnil .y.ttiu. to I.a i'iue, which will lx uu.i La line haa over doom unliable eltrtric hortc xjwtr which Ihe A iat citv Tm bin aiea of farna laud tributary to Ui I'lne wouul Tlie vat tract of umber tilbuiary tu I.a I'inc would aloue build a good tzd city. With in , - ..i.. i i. ...i.. i - i i.. a . . ..i . ....,., 'IM. I.a 1'iue ilevctouujeiit 111 and arounu La l'lue will he rfttiUl. can be reached via Or. Nor . N. 1 : O. W- K dN.aiKlU 1'. Kv. You can make iiiouev bv buviui; oroiwrtv at I.a Piur III advance of Ihe railroad. Other are doing it, why not YOU' VVAKIi Ul'to the fact that a oIhI, welMocattd town in one uf Ihe iitwu.t and ljwt MtJiltm of the NnrlhwMt I bound to grow rapidly and that property value will climb accordingly. Price now from u w up. The term are y, ouly a few dollar per mouth on each lot You don't ml the money, but you oou acquire valuable property, w'rite today fur plat, prim aud unu to LA PINE TOWNSITS COMPANY, La Pine, Oregon. KclUblc agent), with good bank rcfc'cuc, wauled in all part of the United Male. l.ot and Pound, OT'KAYED Dark gray horse, brandeil 31. and horseshoe on right shoulder, 0. !,. Ferguaou, Kink, Oregon. 15-17p MTUAYKD .May IK. two bay mares, branded on Isft atllles, one I) and other HA (Joined. Tholr fore tojat reached. Weight 101,0 Iba oaoh. $1$ reward for liiforiiiatlon that will lend to recovery or same. S, OrKler, llund, Oregon, lluiustad Vnlely. 17p MKci'llancoiiN, Ixik ror the new burlier shop In the Kennott liulldliiK. Ilouil htreel. KIiimo inc. Adv. ' 17p Klv loati'H of fresh hreiul for "He, it louvo of Mule blend for Kit', t-hlck-eu liM'tid .".lie it nick. . AiihtIciiii llak eiy, Willi Hticet. Neiv htore, Ad Hlf For Suit. KOU SA1.K or trace lor liny, mare wt. 1060. Nixon. 17tr KOU 8AI.K Cabin nenr Uend Co. mill, liuiulro at UullatlifoltU'e. lGtf KOU SAl.MCnod Knrd auto, two pHHsongur, 335. Alfred Gove, llox 300. ICtf KOU 8AI.H The Altnmont Hotel building and furniture, nil now uiul ilrat (il'iia!., J. A. Kastoa, Hf KOU AI.IS IIoiiHolitiltl gondii mid garden toola. Two IdkH north nnd oim oust or depot. .Mrs. I.uue. 17p BIG SHOW OP TIMS NORTHWEST Low Round Trip Fares Prom All Stations on the Sale l)ates'".luly I3-N-I6-I8 iqJDi) PINAI. LIMIT July 21 lo Seattle and Return AEROPLANE PLIOIITS BOAT RACES GREAT STREET PARADE Everything for Pun Inforiimtioii flictMi'tilly jiven hy Agonl O-W. H. iVc N. 4 SEE A. I. HUNTER FOR YOUR Furniture K I TC HEN W A R El with a 10c counter of all tho vjiIuoh you find in InrKts cltioa. "Sqimre Deal ibr Every Custoniur." Next tloor to Iiend Hnrdwaro Co., HON!) STKKOT, HKND.