hum) 111 ,m:tiv, iii:vd, our,., ui iim hiv. .11 i,v a, iihsi. I'iiro ft. i: SOU IT 1 AUTO LAND RHODES MAKES LONG TRIP IN PORD Hplt'inlld CiniilllliiM of ItiiniU Inn ir-Ki'i 'I'iiiIm'm SK llllllilirtl mill Hi-M'iil) .Mile .Mnilc WIIIiimiI Any .Mlluii In (Im .MikIiIiic. Hi'iiirnliiK IiinI m'o( from n 070 iiillo trip Koiitlnsnnl from Unml, .1, ('. Klnxll'H H I'lltllllHlllMtlC I'lllll'HrillllK Hill IHIMMlllllltlUN (if (til t tl OIltlllltH III fl'lllllll Ori'KOII Hllll H IHIMI(!llllly VMt r II I III IllH t'OllllnuUllHtltlll of tlm k'iimI rouiU nf KIhiiihIIi count. y 'I'licy nrnn't rimci, lint linuln nriU," hit hhIiI, In iIIhimimmIiik tin IiIkIihhvm In .IiiiIhh WuriltMi'M Imlll ii h Nii(r Iwfortt ntmi I Imuiii wi 1 111 . 'HHI'tl Willi (lilt KH'Ht lllll(irllllll'tt 'f hihmI ihhiIm. "Why, tlmy iiii'hii wrtiliiiiK In h ifiiiiitry. Vnrjr up- IMll.hl ri'KllIlM HTH IlirTHMMHtl IiiikIiihum f"i i lii hiiii'lM Htiii tlmt iiHiirl)' mtiry- "I.i llllH HII Ulltll. VNlllch III 111 til IIIOMIIM 'inllli'HM fur KHCHMMtf Hllll IIIMri'llHIIlM iii inirH, tlmt Hiilli'rt only tn tint ' 'Hint llllll tint IHU1M till of KIHIll r...i. hIiIIh tllnlr Kti'lltml liollnllt In tlm runner " 'I lii Iiiiik trli whh iiimiIh In Mr Hii.. din ronl car, t'lyilti McKay hp i in.,iii Iiik liliii. On tin Jotiriii') Mr it In tili'H Hiiyn tlmt thnrii uhk not m Mii.p iiimiIii for repaint of any kind TIim HiltitN vIhIiihI ITtt'lllilud m I'iik' t'ri'ni'fiit. I'url Klamath, KIhiii o'ti iiIIm. Mitrrlll. I.nk.nw, I'IiinIi, .lil Sew IMmh Creek. I'hInIu)-. HII--r Luke hiiiI Tort Hock. Wvr) hurt tin IrinrliTK report irilllllttlllK mIkiih r di iiinii'iit, Imili In iIih country (llxl tnHllH 'CAREFUL OF THEIR COWS." Itlt of Jty Otta to It Thai tin Oratd ' I Ktpt Abioluttl? I'urt, I mt.Mil.tiilly tin little Mriliil of NT n ti im iHt-ti curl' linl i tin1 imHi of It .XI HmhUtII (lit t M (HllMllI ml In u mill fruit iiillure Iiimc ln'lnil, tint It I t tit oiilht ituitlutlill prnHt of tin utile Hint ti inn ilr llii InIhimI rlrh K iinfiilly iln Hum- tend tlium there I and m rtnmtl nre they of waale lit' It. Hllll l IMIftllllH. nr llnr IHllllll A til' j i.i i. Hint ttify m tint liy tether their I (I'l'miia. mid tin- ihlldreu or ImliMir ' m" 'lit Hhift them Ht iiiurii. noun tun) IHkllt i-ii't " It tliflr nip In Imnillltia I he rnif w liliii. after it due of moth r milk. Iiiin t he t'onli'iit with kUIiii it i k or nklllfitHli'0 She U haltered and fi liy IiiihI hiiiI In-come iIih'IIp mil Keiille hi.iI when w jean oli) j i. ni in.liMirx iir out tier iMiiuitlfii! I. nkt'ifnl of frothy, rich ntllk to thr i'iui M'iniMi fnik Mho milk Iiit. 'I !n Ji-rf.r litci'il I kiipt ptirp l tr liUftlt Im'h HMMltl't till llllirtHtl'itl of f iri'tun ti" k 'I'Im- hiiiiiiiht wtur nw it MTy ri It, hiiiI rHllle riMimln out from .Mn till OcIhIht. hut iliirliic thf uuicr they Hti Hhvitjx coinfortithl) lu"irtl I In milk l tlnl nlHlnt Prllirt'lj In tunkltiK liHltir A imm .Icr-i'j Mill iiiukp mi tniTHKc of n iHiiiiul tif liiitti'i rt-ry ilny In tin (r Tln Jcli'.v It U'ltiitlful In form. hiiiI her hIhhiihIIiiu d.i:r iiriMtnrtM iinikc Iiit n tHMirllf Hith Iln- linii-i'li'tlil, mii oriiHt'ii'iil in mi) f ii rm nr t-lulc mill it mmht of irolli to her owner. WHERE THE OCEAN BOILS. Unhtavala That May Da Cauttd ty Submarin Earthquake!, Mirliiclh iiy Hint III the UiIiIhI or the Ati.uitl'. nlMiitt where the tweutyllfth 1111 ruli.iii went froiu Greenwich criHMtH tin c iiiiitiir, thele IIhm 11 rtucluli of im ti r It In on the line tlmt mUIm 1 i;. 1 kiih MmlelrH to Hmxll Only e .. me piiHt hiilf century Iiiim It . iiiiuited himI IIm HtrHtige pin 1 a 1 1 leHirtiN i.i 11 tenilKiilur ilci'lurtHl ttiHl he , i 11 --i 11 iiIhiui hHir 11 iniitt fitiin hU 1 1 Hiidilenly ilkturln! I'nr about M . uiiiiiiteH It ImiIUmI up xliileutly hi rr .111 11 Hillili'inilieMIl Hprlllg ThroiiKh' eut the day there were nliMined grettl i' 1. inn nf iliKculnrcil witter which hitd ex"!')' tint iippiHtivncu or uxtumdvo hh mIm Huso nml Hltnlhir plii'iiomenn nre ireiiiii'titly olMU'ru'il In t IiIh pnrt of tin) ntfiiii. Often 11 Hhlp reporlH tlmt hlie Iihh experienced 11 vlulent shock nlinliiir to Hint which Ih felt when 11 null Ih Htrutk. SotuetluieM 11 grout rutiibituK lx licunl. like that or 11 hcuvy . imili riiiiiilnu through the hnwao plpi. mid the ipilvum llku 11 icir in the wind At uimther time, In hii .mill witter. 11 eiwcl tin heun Kin. wti to heel over Hiiddeuly, 11 a If nIiii Ii ui inn on 11 wind ImuU. Iiefiue HiIm pint of the ocean wim im lli.iimulil.v miiiiiiIihI iiiiiI Miirve.M'd im It I Hi.w tlii'Me pheiioiuunu were uttrlle 11I11I tn the pri'Mcnce or uniuiirked hiiiiiI i:inli end lucky hIiiiiiIh, iiiiiI the old , hurls were initil.etl iiivorillngly. Hut It iniiHt lutve iiHtoulxhed the imtrluer Hiiiiiewhnt to Mud tlmt he got no sound Ingx with IiIh deep mm lend liumcdhite y nfter uxperleuclug ouu of theuo hIhicIi. It In now geiiernlly liolleved tlmt Hill) iimilue eiirHiiiiuilii'H nre the true ciiuno of Ihesu coiivuImIouh. Yotith's Com-piuilou. WOMEN AS GAMBLERS. Hiiiy Arn Nolifil at Monto Curio Tor Cuulnatt mid LuoW. Tin' uiiiiii'li itiinihli'iH nt Mnnli' t'Mtln , nrc In mi iiiimiiih the I'Vlhililn, t i.v h t fit I mi mill iiiihi t iiiiiiiniiH iIiii'Ih Unit lnii lii'i'll lli'ni lllll'll In IIH. ,lllll IIIO llll hi'iiiiiIiiiin iiiiiI iIIhImhii'hI. hut they llle iiKinilly riilinur lliiiti tlm tiii'ii. Thru inn woini'ii wiin will int'k iii mi r win nlliUH uiiih'r ;oiir wy iiiimii, iiuhi'Hm tliu I.11111I1111 Chrmilrlu. ninl If you no ifiil tlm riiniilir will iirohiihly my thu iiiiiiicy iiKiiln rntlnir Ihiin luuu 11 (IN tiirhniiio 'J'hi'ti' urn olhor women who will nit Im'hIiIo m 1111111 ninl openly elnlm it pnrt or IiIh wlniiltiUH. 11111I If the mini In wIkh he will Hiirreiiilfr to the extor tion hither tlm 11 illNtnrh the itnmeHtlc IiIIm lint, mm 11 rule, the women kuiii hie with eiiiiiinliiilly. mill how extnnir (llniirll.v lucky they lire, to he Hiire! Women liuve womlerrul link While men work out elnlmriite "MjNteiu ' ninl hU friiwnlint over lluuic. the mHierlc of which wonlil take 11 cry .NiihiIc.hi of llnmire to elm lilnle. ninl then piny I unit hme. women Hluiply plunk money on the ntnnher they tire "mii 10 i koihk ! to win." ninl they tin win! II Im not nt nil 1111 uncommon thltiK to Nee 11 wiiluiin Hi 1 1 III 1: iik'nlliitt the Willi, her IiiihIiiiihI by her Hhle. wiiltlin: to put pIcccM on tit her i'oiiiiuhiiiI While lie triil to ninl from the lulilc, telllliK her whnt iiiiiiiIiitm luriieil up Inxt. fu ItiK "nil rtimlni; unit worry Iiik wlmt to do next. NlieiHlmly MiirteyM the IlKiireM nhe Iiiim Jolteil ihiwii. k'Iww hllll Htiolher "pl(Mi" Ht the im; ImiIiikIchI liniuielit to put oil. Hint her lilK lehel eiuhrolileriHl lw kmiun wliler In circumference ev ery hour Tin' the frmip "pi " In een hen vler iiiiiI ciimier in curry thnti our "1 tow 11" piece Hut hlie In mi Ihor ' ninthly iimiiI to It in iiiiintllle Unit hIiv , due nut 111 1 in t At nil. hut niyi, 'The heHVler the tietterl" The k'nitieN nt the rimlnii nre porfiit ly fnir. h)m the writer When there In Irolllile. 11 ml Iniuhlo I turv rnre It 1 In tine to the phtyern nml not to the ' KHinit. "mill I nin norry to uny t lint when there In nnylhliik' wrolik' It Ukvii- roily h ene of 'cherchex In feiuuiu.' " I'AUMS tilt Xtl I'AUMS? W. I.. I'liwem, of tho OreKon Arl rnlturHl f'olliiKe. who IihiI cltNrKH of the (Vntrnl OreKon nKrleulturHl ilem oiiHtrHtlott HtntlotiH lHt ytmr, whn here iHNt week. It III lllliierttiMid tllHt nil (lint I10I1U up rimumptluii of tlm work thin )enr In the fnllurii of the County Court to HppniprlKtn money. When Crook coutity'H $ 1 0011 In pro ilui'tnl, tlm I'ttrtlnuil Comtuerrlnl Cluh Hint tlm O A. C. It ntHteil, mImiuI roHily to contrlltutH their rliHre. l're minHhly, whether the county In or In not to Iih the furiHN In the future, will Ik, ilochteil nt ITIuevllle Dt the County Conn ineetlUK thU week. !00D ROADS 1ES m STATI2 ENOINfiFSR WILL LEND AID AknoiIiiIIoii Mope 'If ml County Conit Will I'roililo IVriiiiiiient llonil HIkii Cmefiil ImetlKiilloii or ItoiltfM Hun Keen I'linilieil. While nothliiK dullnlto linn htieu nc roinpllHtieil hy tint recently nrKHulred Crook County Ootid Honda AhhocIh Hon nliico their tour of roml ItiMuec tin made more than 11 month hko, olllrera of the orKaulxtUloii vxplalu that now the next tttep Ih to Kt tlm exact plmiH for tint proponed trunk roailH onlalillnhed, after which the liotnl Imhiio will Im lirouclii'jl. ThroiiKh the County Court, Mate Itimil Coinmlmtloner II. I.. Ilowlnhy Iihh liei'ti reiUentei to ilium hure, Mini with I1I111 Mtiothor tour of In flection will he iiihiIh. Mr. HowlHhy, Hfter lookltiK oter the territory and KntherltiK all nmillile datn, will then make rei'ommeinlatlonM, hiiiI upon thece, to H KreHt extent, will depend the further ilevetopnieiitH of the pro poned road hulldliiK. He will, for IllHtHllce. i;o over the tentHtlvo rotlten for the north and koii.ii mid eaHt ami went romlM laid out hy the HHftoelatloii olllrera, and perhniw, with IiIh expert roail rotiHt ruction experience and knowleilKe, he ahlo to HiiKKettt mater ial cIihiiki'M. which would letuteii the iiiht nml Itniirove the tiiallty of the proponed niHilM. Alter .Mr HowIhIi) h exauilnHtlon an atitluirltHtlve eMit matn of the ciwt if the iroHiiwd con ntructlou would he avallulile anil on HiIm the n mount of the horn! laaue would he lianed. .Mn 1 11 lllitlitn)N Olijert. In iIIhciiihiIiik Hh plana, W. It KIhk of I'rluevllle, aecretary of the aaocla Hon, itimle a Ntatniunnt IncltidlnK the rollowliiK paraKraphn: "The main object or the Crook County Hood ItontlH Aanoclatlun Ih to roriiiiilnle n in Hln hlichwuv throtivh Crimk county north ami no nth and eaat and went whlcli hIihII form a link In tint ntiite highway north and uiiiilli ati.t ! .nil tL'.uif u'lilnli uliiill -"'" ..', .'mo. .. v. ... .-. t ho HUhmltted to the M4iple for vote IhrotiKh the County Court, which In the channel authorized tiy the act. "It Ih the further olilect of the Crook County Hood IIohiIh AhooIh- 0 GET 801 "A woman's work is never done" unless 'tis done the Eledric way light cook iron heat EledricaS!y I J How? I I ask I Bend Water Light & Power Co. THE GUARANTEE IS ON OUR GOODS ttjiiti to luki etii'H fir tin- cjiiipllln ll ml h IV d I'miiT Hhop, nit well i,f HiHiiiirt a hidi ill i.e rm i1hii 'I .ih tlm ohl'-Nt. Ih InrieH & jjavulxon'ii, lo On ciuntv ruiirt for the uiirp'iMe on Oregon ntreel Air. ut iii'iiMinu Mi'iiiim ; ! 1 7 nml h'- not. '1.12 : of th, urMHittt Htnt ronil) sim'tV IHM vmM.UWTUtS. iiwm rehilliiu In flm plHdnn or Hmthlimnmtnl of the Interior, II. B. imiirilH Ihroimlioiil Uih county nt nil iidkh romlM hiiiI forkH of niHilH, nml for Ih" lirlilxliix of Irrlxntlon illtcheN nml tiitttirHl wnlerwnyii whlcli re. itilro UililKen niiiI which umy croim tllH OXlMtlllK fllljlt J HHIIM. "It In hopwtl Hint ir the rnrlotm nMt 2ti, 1HU0. rnniln tlmwrt Innd en foiniiiiinltloH furnlMli tint liifortiiH.' try No. 06l!8. for HKViNKW. hh llon to tint Cniuity Court KrntlH, (Imltinii 7. towiiHhln 17 nonth. rntiKn 12 , court will Hiithorlo the iioeennHry ex- penillttiro ror provliIltiK Indimtrucllhli) i)tr or Intention to mnko final nietHl hIkii honnlH wliti-h will h of I proof, to imtuhllnli cIhIiii to the land KreHt hiimtllt, hiiiI It Ih HritlclpHtod Bhov dencrlhed, hoforo II. C. KIIIh, hy 1 ho olllclalH or tint Crook County (;. . Commltwloner, at llond. Oro (lood ItoMtlH AhhopIhIIiiii Hint their I Kon, on the. 0th day or AiiKunt. 1 91 3. itfrorlH will recolvo the hearty eo-op-l Claimant namea hh wltnomi: eratlon of all road miporvlwirn and Alhert Harrrtnan. AtiKitnt HallherK. cltlxeun of Crook county In the effort to hotter thu road condltloim hh they now oxlnt. "It In n well known fart that the oHHtcrn HtntcH nre HpcndltiK liuiidreila of tlioiiHHinlH of dollara In the re-lo-catlon and cotiHtriictloti of their main hlKhwaya, and It la hoped that liy proper thoiiKht ami InvoHtlKatlon Crook county will he enabled to lo cate Km permanent hlKhwayn no that ... .,, mn i,w iirivmrni; n nuj 1 11 iui .j time durhiK Hie ilevelopirietit or the l U'lll ....I 1... n.....u.M . u..w ...,.... lime iinrniK till) oeTeiiiiineui Ol llie I country to chntiKe the main hlmh- Iwhvh ronneclInK the vnrloim locall- Men, no (hat all work done may he of a permanent nature. ' .'ew content ahntild Ket the habit of koIiik to Iniien ft DhUiInoii'h bar ber nhop Adv. TELL US OVER THE PHONE WHO L0E3 MUHDRY Thtn iptli ntxt wrk"a with Comrmrf our half with th othtr ftuow't Tht' alL LOW PRICES, BETTOR SFRVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Duds In Our Suds' as-Q MiftyouR WWwBE.4? VUMBlVr.. !-.- W.T -r - -l mmm I.tintl OrflcH nt Thf) DhIiuh, Ureicon. .llllH 21th, 1013. Notlc In Imrehy kIwii that I'nt- 1 rick .Moduli, NMtlKnw of M nil rice I. Cnnliiimii, nnnlKntio of ICnrl II. Iloup- Um. or IIhiiiI. OreMon. Who on Aiik HNt, Wlllntiuitto McrltllHn, Imn filed IIiiKh II. Harmon and Maurlco I'. CaMimari, all of llend, OroKon. II. PUANK WOODCOCK. 17-21 ItoKlator. sTyrmil'im vvYiuicATios'. Department or the Interior, U. B. Land Ofllce at The Dallea, Oregon, .May Int. 1913. Notice In hereby Klven that John I'. VoutiK ol llend, Oregon, who, on May 27th, 1909, made desert entry t .. .J,..r ULIJ ttllM ., ; ,-ii. viriii, iir nriYiRll y , Vi nee. 3 and SKVtHKVt. nee. -I, town- w. a hiiii .tr.y4nn.y4, ne I''P 17 houHi. nume 12 lmette Meridian. Iiaa flln emit. Wll- Died notice or Intention to mnko final proof, to en- tabllnh claim to the land above den crlbed. before II. C KIIIh. V. S. Com mltdloner. nt hln oHlce at llend. Ore Kon. on the 2feth day of June, 1913. Claimant namea an witneaeea: Karl II. MoiiHton, Adelaide I.. Alt, William J. Alt, Albert Harryman, all of llend, Oregon. 12-1S C. W. MOOHH. HoRlator. NOTICi: I'OK I'llll.ICATIO.V. Department of the Interior. IT. 8. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, June 20th, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Fletch er Kdwards or llend, Oregon, who, on Juno ICth, 1910. made homestead entry No. 07030. ror SKViSWVt and H48KV4. section 2.'.. township 18 south, range 12 eai. and lot 4. sec- t t j : 1 1 See Us for Photo Portrnits Copying Enlarging and all-around COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY We nre located here and guarantee our work. Elite Studio ( - 4 DEPOT HOTEL RIGHT AT THE PAS SENGER STATION. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESEEK1.RS. I tat os Reasonable. L C. FLEAllNa, Prop. ----------- I R. H. DEVARMOND j Machine Shop and Garage We know how to do nil klnda of Mnchine Work. TRY US AND SEE. -X Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. Points without bath, $1.00 per day'nnd up. Rooms with bath, $2,00 per day and up, N. K. CLARKR, Asst. Mgr. Q. J. KAUFMANN, Manager H"ii .in, tovwmliip 1a Minfii. rnne 13 cunt. Wllliitin tie Merlillun, him Med noflre or Inicniinn to make Hunt threo year proof, to entatillali claim to tht land a bore iltncrllMjtl, before II. C. 18111a, IT. C. CommlMlonr, nt llnd, Orenon, on the lAth day of AiiRiiat, 1913. Claimant nmtt"i at wltnmMea. John fCRley. Itnlph A. Dunn, Itay Dutin and Mllo Wlliton, all of Item. Oregon. II. KHANK WOODCOCK, 1C-20 IloRlnter. IIUHI.VHHS AM) I'UOI'KKHIO.VAIi. Civil ft En jf inter N Bend OreKon C. I'. NI8WONOBII. Hond. Oro. U.VDHKTAKKIU Ucenned Kiiibnluier, l'tincrnl Director. Phono. Lady AialaUnt ItOHS KAU Ml AM Attorney nt Inwr Omco la old Firm National Dank llulldlns. Dietetic, Hygienic, Natural Thorn- pontics. Chronic DlnorderH a Speclwlty UK. It. I), K HTOII UM DrtiKletiN I'lij-klclAii Hours 9 to C Sathcr HIJb mi: J. II. IIANHK AlkSTIUOT CO., iiicorixiriitcil. Complete tract Indexes and photo- , graphic oopleti of all Crook County records. Prlnevlllo, Oregon. W. W. FAUI.KNEIt. V. M. D. I) K.VTIST Offleo Over I'ogtofflco llend, Orogon Wll.iaitl) If. wiur I. A W V K It I'ilncille. OrrKon v. c. coi:, m. i). I liyalclnn anil HurReon ODlco over First National Dank Offlce Hours: 10 to 12 a. nt.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. tn. BEND. :-: OREGON C. S. IIH.S'HON Attorney At Ii a w Offlce in old First National Dank Building Bend, Oregon VKIt.NON A. I'OIMIKS LAWYER First National Banlc Building. Dond, -..--- Oregon GL'OIIGi: S. YOOJJU Civil, MlnliiK nml IrrlRatlon KiiKlnecr. Offlce at Room S, First National Bank Building. H. 11. I)K A It MOM) Ii.VVYKK Sathcr Building; Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN X O T A It Y I lr II Ii I ft Bulletin Ofllce, Bond, Oregon. ii. c. i: i.i. is Attorncy-nt-Ijiv United Stales CoiiimiMilnner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON . DR. J. H. CONNARN I) K X T I S T Over Deschutes Banking & Trust Co. Hours 9 to IS, 1 to 5. Sundays and ovo- nlngs by uiiuolntmunt. New PALACE MARKET Charles BoU, Crop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. tianQTramou? Hotel Mad for the Excellence; of ii5 Cuisine. European pfan It OK HUT II. OO U M) V mmmv