i nr:n in m,i:tiv, mi;xi, oiti:., vi;ii,hiav, ji i,y m, iuiji. riitfo n. I I' HEREDITY ANOJHE EYES. Ulna or Qrny Cyoil Pnrentt Cannot I lava Drown Kyed Clilltlron. 1 ' lliiti mill iimliiililv uriiv iivwl i li ic no In iiwi) iiIkiiiimiI In llm ' i ii r tin- Ii'In I In-)' I'liiiuut ' n i.i.iuu to Hint Mirilnii of itiiiii' in ii iiiN. Till nliMtilll rhiii'Ni'U'i'- I Ki.i tin Mini Unit Ihim tiiHiit IumI ur ' ' ih'mt Imvt) lun HDitilriM. II II 'V II III lll'll'tlll)' IflllKtlHHtl MM II t()' Ili'lUti, III liHill, IWO ItH'IW i"liiii lii ilii'lr iiI1'mii1iik only i i-.-Uii'riiliillllnll. 1 iii ii nitiii)' IkiiiiIiiI' nf Ihowii vya i imiwiii', in vt'ij iiinfiTinii. in ii m I'M nrllllll ilKIMIil( IHTIII14 III ' ' i ii lli'io Ilium Im iuiiiii'IIiIiik iir ii 'illllril In llllllll llll lIlMVII tU NIllHMt l I t'l'llllllllllllH. 'I'llO Hllllllllll HlMt i '' tlllllHIIlllllHl, llllWIUlT, lilllU iiwn liiiri'illliiry lilatury hm wiill 1 '"' Hi it nf hiiii'm t'liliwirl. If IhiIIi (if iiiiii h iiiriitiiN IhiIhiik in drown 1 ''l-'llli. tlinu Klllllll (till Iihvh iinly i 'n p)iim Ami Mlnrti Hinltli Iihm lii'i'ii I'll) HH It Wl'ril, II lllllllllll lIlNII nf ' H IiIh i'vhm win Im inrk liruwii. iii.n.i ulil IimU'. In liN liirn. imly ' i'iii rlillilrcii, wIihIiivit limy Im " ii..r of IiIm Hlfii'M nyim. In llm Imii- ri -f lurislliiiry, Kinllli' limn n c) it . i ilnllilniiliiM HVtT llllllt ur HrH)'.Y v t . ii siiiIHi'm tirtiwii (yn riilnr Iihm 1 -ii itiiiM-il frimi nun inuciit only, -it.. .. n ii)m will Ifinl in Im lljtlit- ' r iiml only lilt If nf III Kuril! i im m tin Ki!tiiilnllty fnrirmk- ii i-i'M. llHiMti, If Im timrtiim it i ii i-ci wlf only llllIC nf III ' i HI Imvn limwii iiywi, mihI ii ' '11 'I l'l, iMHItllMtl llf IWll KI'll- .r iliiiitluii. In i'tiii Hmltli'H linn liruHii ii(im iIitImhI finiii t In r luiri'iilM only, limit llirmt out ' ui .if tliflr I'lillilri'ii will limn r n iii', I ui t only mm of tin (linm . t ii ilmihlii iIimhi nf lirtiwn; ln'iuii Hi' nil n lirnttll tijtil I'lillitriill will tint o iruiHimt limvtn In tint Mmiiii lUikTi'ii. Iin it it iiii fur n tirmvti ijel I'lrmt in inn (inn half or oiuwiinrior of tii i liliilrcii lilmt or Knty vyttl. Hut t N ihit tlilit for two liliin or trrni iij tul jmri'iilM to hnvu brown i.)il lniilriii liiiliiM'inluut. FREEZING WATER. Condition! Tltat Cauaa tlw Bursting or Cracklno of lea. Til tuner ImmtM from frtwclriK. A atx'ii iim tlm lliulil of wlil Ii It Im colli. h m m fr..nli holkl uxmiiliill ftWMHi. ( iilliklHK or iMtt l lltIC of In I r .wilt ii i. ui In UiIm u), When i u miiIi ih inl in iitirttiim ii i til litt rhi,iN uiil Krmlutilly form on lln mir ' i- until I lie Miim nrn tiivurtMl with n ". i. .I of wlwtt HppwirM ttt Im wit mi. in In 'in lliU mttiir itmllni; of Irn y, riNl.iln Mil lllHlltiil frriHtlllK Kt'tt : wanl. llm li tlilrkmiliiK Hcttuil. to Hie iIi'KTeii of oikl Tint wnlr u ,i i u Im'Iiiic I'oiiwrtitl Into Uti imw IV.IT.N III l'XMIIHl, ITHMlllIt; H iriHMlirtt i llm iinfrimm wnlcr luikiw. ThW ix-.surn Im ImiIIi itownwnrtt Mini out wtr.l mill In ihxii tlm WHtxr timliir oil- M 1 lllll'l IM III It WMI'I till' HllllHt nml U'llniii of tlm rit'tiptHClit Mtiiily lint rm r inuro ... i. . ...... ! i... I t ii r iritKiiiK inotiw!. tTtiiiiiiiiint inn I riiniirii iiKin tlii cHiiilmtl whIit nml i ir in tlm Interior nf tint Imlk IncrtwtM'i i til miiiu'IIiIih: jliihlM. If tin vismuI W (.triiiiKiT Until tin Ire tttrattim Hint t it fnrniiil mer tlm Murfm'i' llm Inyer f t c will U Imnt upwunl hi tlm turn ti it'iil Ik'Iiik tlm wttMkmit Mlnt, on i t of Hit' furl llml tlm miter il' f tlie Hiu'ealnl iiimmm Mre frmmtl ' ti tlm hI'Ii'm of I lie ve-M'l In t lilrli i- i iiierliimnt Im Im'Iiiic not'lo. In UiIm i, .1.11 mi Hit' i .'titer of llio Ice coin lu ll ! r or iHilHt' 1 1 tit II It lmru "fr, m t!ii ri'ililtllici' of tint WHIIT IwltlW. j 'it I I lie ti-Mil Im Imi(hm frtiltl lielow j i .I Hie uhIit ilrnwn olT ho Niimtllit of '."ink' uiiiiiil Im NtHllekml lo iriti u r !' u tin' Ii t' lnyitr ow llm Mitrfunt. At a Dliadvantagc. iiimiv iniirtleil man hIwhjm Iihm (.n t I'tihileme III tlm Mllirttir hU-.- or lil Mlfe." . ir i ij " nuillwl MImm fnymitm. ii n lei Im iMjfi'H mrUMtimttMl to mill iilulH kill lea. forkMabl ' I. hi. nlv li. t.1 fkrull.' llUIMlkll. t y tm i till Im U ImhtK liiMtrttrN , r. iie nf nil tlm ullverwurv tlut i'i i im weOUlnu pruMuU." , . ..ii stun A TIRE H0USER0MANCE. IT i .1 Horaa Dial Itli Part, but Ilia GUI Chiaf Wkand. ... ii ilie holm' u hroltullt , i tin- rurui. h ImrMi tlilrly-klx I Hint liml imt liml ii liurtitMM , ,, i nit fin eleett yenrw Thin I i hm' I to pull tlm i-hlcfM wmhoii Ho i il tlm fm tilt) of KeltlUK lllliler iH -1, ifti iiii kur limn ttvor tiny lmtm n,i I ih.it Hionil on lour fee l. lie inner I .mile umtl.ike. noer ti fulait iniivu. Ily the lime llm ilrUer wiih lit dm will,' 'uti the Imihit wmm tunily to i;o, nml uhen he went he went mi tlm IiIkIi (iliecil hi'lmhl llm ohl lmii Ititniltlit 'in fiotn tlm country wIIiuimhIiik iihuIii llm frilH nml filvnU of tint clly. The Inirtm wiih luii'tifooleil, IiIm inn lie, lull nml fetlocliM Krowii nut Ioiik tl alitiKk')' ''"'' 1,ro l'"l'"w w'"t ,0 woll ili'itnliiK "im up with IiivIiik vjiritHS. The nlil reil wniroti of tlm chief wmm hroiiKl't 0,lt 'l''11' l"r,M WiW ,,'',-', '" Vio i ir with I Im Imruomt luiniiluk'. 'l'lm done win HlithillliK, lotu. '-"O ft tuwity , , At ii mIkiuiI the k'uiiK wiih Kiiiiiiileil, mill like it IIuhIi of IlKlit th nlil vultirmi hmpi'il fur tin' HliuflH A lliiiuiiin wiiiip peil Ih"1 imriie In 1 1 a phicu. The nlil i in..r uiitclieil the wholu nurfiii'iU' iinie. uiii'iiilliiK to wpilHK Into tlm win f nt .iol(U'il tint Iioi-ho liml nut forKol it, n in i ue. I"ii imrM' knew Imw to il It; hut. l ue wm i.ih'e ilili!", now tjrown t limy, ineiel mIiiiiiIiIihI nml ImiiiIiIiiI fur wiil'il, llitew li 1(4 ill'ltiM nrnlliiil llm nlil Iiui'mu'n tii'i-k, liiit'Mt lulu (mi im nml crlitl like it liitliy.-llliickMiiillli tinil WIhuI- Wl'ltflll. PUDDLES OF SILVER. Cniilo Mclliodt Tltnt Ara Utod nt tlla Minia In MciiHo, II wiik hI I'lii'liiiiii. Alitxli'o. Hint tlm pnllo MHii'tii or M'mrnilnK Hlher liml Hm orluln I'IiIh m)hIi'IM Im hIIII follow ill eMeiiMhiily nl tilt nlUer t lit ticrt lliroiinimttt linlcii 'I'lii' oie lit crtiMli ihI nml mirkinl down lo it Mtnle nf ninl- I la. Il la lliell Mill'itl out lo It ileilll of imi or threi' reel over llm imwhI ItiHir ol tlie iiiiiiiyHiil. or iniIIh To UiIm tllHMM miiIiiIiiiIi' of i'oiier In inlileil III liiinili'l. nlioill lirirell ImiiiiiiIm of Mil I imiii to .'t.tMMi ioiiihIm of imililli' Till Im IHmIiIi'Ii ImIh Ilie pililille liy Imrxi'M Seveinl i!iimH of olil, unlit out Inn him or nnilcM. iiIhiiii twelve In n uiinu. lire Meeii In vnrloiiM nirlM or Ilie iHlln. In" Inu ilrheii roiiml In (.'ItclitM to treiil In Ilie Miililmtn (in Hie next tiny il per cent of coiti' mull milt Im iiililnl mihI III two limn iImm Iiki cr cent of pure iillclHlver or hm iiiiii'Ii iim llm iikmh.v if tlm nre mIiowm Im required TIiIm itiitiM Im tlieii IriHlilen up liy linrneM for llflcell i)hm II Im lliell Hlieeleil lo n Ittrtti' IHlik tliroiitflt w lildi iHtmieM it rfiplil Mtnitin of wtiler TIiIm wiiIii- HHMy llm tiny. Ii'iiUiik llm llter hihI ipilrk-llver TIiIm relilliuni Im Milireil Into com' MliHpeil emit mm Ihii(m llininuh wlidli mu.t or Die unlrkilher run- mil nml Mliul reliiiiltiM Hllli llm wilier l m eil olf ttllll Hie lHHir liy IIUMIIMor lienleil relorlM Notie of llm ipilikMllver Im lot. nml eien tlie VMlMir Im linniulit li.v colli 'ii ler to Km otlKlmtl xlille Hti'l il"i"l HKilIU HitO himIii The ipilikMllver mimiii rotn the liiMifa of the tmrrM nml the intileM. hut the Mexlitttm tlti'inaelviw tin not neem Iii Im lllticli the worae for It. even ttmiiKti tlmy witiltt nroiltnl In the pint ilie for ilitya at n tlmi?. Hnnwr'" Weekly. Juit Llka an ImmlQrant. "Phnrley l wi mmUchII When I no rrpletl him he "nlil he felt llku an llm tiilKrnnt eiilerlnic it imw worlil." "Well, he tvnnnu liniiilcrniiU" "Wlml ilu )uit ineHii?" WnMti't Im Jual Inudiii" Atlantn Comrtltntluu. NOTIt'K Ol' COXTKST. Depnrtitieitt of tint Interior. Pnltwl KlMle Un.l OIIIch. Tlm I)hIIn, ureMon, Jiiiih ii, iyn. To Helm of JmniM I.. lUnwK-k. ilo rtnail, of Onkvllln, Wnah . Con- iHHttm: Von tint lierchy iioIIIUmI that (I. V. Hill, who kUom IUiiiiI, Oremm. Ma IiIm imwi-oIIIch nililntw, illil on Mh)' It. 1!. IS. (lie In UiIm olllci IiIm duly corrolHirHtHil nppllcntlou to coutiwt Mini imciiro llio ciuiroiliitloii of )our lioiiieHteHil, Kntry No. , Serial No. 0 101 OS. Iiinile April 3. 11112. for NWVt. N'i HWli. Sec. 1 8KU SKY. SKY HK'4. Huctlon r. Town- alllp 20. H. IUiiko '. K.. WlllHtuettti MerlillHii, mill im KroiiinlH for IiIm con teal he nllcKea t lint mild Jhiiiiih I.. Ilaticork In iloa.il mill I am Informed mid hollevo that lie died on or nhoul the xr.Hi day of Oct., lll 2. In Cluv IihIIm C'numy, WnMhliiKton; that Im left n known hulr. tltetin llHiieock. who realilwi ut WHtorvllle, Maine; ciiiiteMtMiit further hIIhkhn that tmld etittyitmu tmer eamlillalifd thuI ile ii re upon an III land, that he tmver Itnproied or cttlthalml the Miim; that IiIm lielra have never readied on nalil land nor Improved or cultivated (he a me Hlthln alx niontha after th death of mhIiI ontr) immh nor at any other time or nt nil. You tiro, therefore, further notl fled that thu iwld Hlli'KJllolia will lm tukiiu liy thlH olllcu mh havltiK Inteii cMiufiHHtml by you, and our nald entry will Im canceled threimdr without your further right to Im hoard therein, either hefore thla of READ rffraarryraraairMrggggi Urn or on iippiml. If you full lo Ilie In UiIm ollldf wllhlu Iwiiity iln)M nfler llm I'UIJIITII ptihllcntloii or thla iioili'ii, aa alinwit Inihiw, your answer, iiliilot' until, apitclflciilly timtttltiK and iitHioiidliiK lo th can nllnKOllona of eoiileal, ot If you full within (hat lime to Ilie III thla iidlco dim proof that you liitv anrred n copy of yom iiiiNWi-r on lint mhIiI cotitoatmtt i.tln-r In pftraoii ur hy ielaittreil mull. If I Ilia am vl en la niailu liy tlm dellvnry of n copy of vour anawer to the con tithimil In peiKon, pioof or audi aervlre miiat Im either I he aitld con teatant'a wrlltcn ackuowlndKiimnt of Ilia ncilpl of tlie ropy, ahowliiK llm dale or Ita receipt, or tlm ttftlilNilt. of llm ptuiMiii hy whom llm delivery I wna made atnlluic when and wheie -the copy wna delivered; If in tide liy j teglalHiod mall, proof or auch aei- vice lutiat cotialal of llm Hlltdnvll or i tint jmiaon hy wlmin tlm copy wna mailed atalliiK Imii and tlm intal iiIIIch lo which It whm mailed, and (IiIm allldnvll iitiiat he accompanied hy tlio poatiiiHHter'H rwcelpt for tlm lot I ur. You alioiild Htato In vour anawnr tlm iihiiio of tlm poat olllcu to which you tlealru future notice to Im aent to you. ('. W. MOOIIK, ItHMlHler. Unto of Ural piihlloHtlon Jmm lt. mm:. Oate of aerond liuhllcatloii .Inly DhIh of third puhltcHtloH July 'J. 101.1. Mti. of fiMirth itiilpitlon July ll. I '.) 1 .1 Most roofing guarantees arc a joke. Experience teaches the longer a roofing is guaranteed to last, the poorer it is. Manufacturers inexperienced in making roofings without knowledge as to their dependability without responsibility as to their own financial standing, will very often guarantee their roofing for any number of years simply to get the order. The roofing generally fails and so docs the firm that makes it and they never live to make good their guarantee. Malthoid Roofing is made to make good and while its manufacturers guarantee it, their guarantee is unnecessary because the roofing in itself is sufficient to do all that is claimed for it. For twenty-six years, the makers of Malthoid Roofing have made and guaranteed their roofing and not one single purchaser can ever say that this Company has failed to make good a guarantee. You can depend upon the responsibility of the makers of Malthoid Roofing, and you will never have to bother about guarantees if you use Malthoid Roofing. Made by The Paraffine Paint Co. s :use hardware co. San francwo a&4 vHyntat That riS8IIMMIt COMJ.M.V oh ln 6. It will )Miy you. It will alao pay you to I'SIC IT. Why not? If you are A llonwiClilil'KIt, A I'AII.MICU or A I'lUH'KUTV OW.VItlt you ccrtnlulv haw fnni. tliliiK th.it you want lo SKI,!., liXCUAXOK or Ill'V.' Why not upend a few ctuta and got your want before Uulletla radra? Yi.u man want to acll, or to buy or to xchaum uataUMe hy ohloktma uruln home lioga wtwa-c-wagona iuiik land relltt tiulnhniiuita town jMopHrty furnlturu dog tout or even a liun Iminl, wlfH or motlior-liflnw. Ily advcrtlaltiK you may atrlko n bargain, llundrod of iHoplo ltav lined Tlio lltillutln'H cUohIIUhI nda nml obtained UUSUl.TS. Tha llullatlu now roauliiw MOUU THAN 1060 KA.MIMU8, TIiIh la n CunranHvd Clmi Inl Ion. It tiumtiH tlmt tho impor la rand hy NOT l.ltSS THAN (10(1(1 1'KO 1'liK. In tho clntwlllud column It cobIm only Ono (.Vnt u Word to ndvortlHo, mid that word Ih booh hy ovury roaiUr. 1'IIONK nour ad nt onuu, or wrllo ub. Ono trial It will coat hut a dlnio or so will con vlncu you that It'n a good Invostmunt. The Bend Bulletin ""- --- t If )olir Klnci'i-Jinnii lines uol liuiti Hliiealeiu Itlenil Hour, plume iim. Mend MilllUK A UnieliMln.il Co. Ailv. Mir Clover Leaf Dairy PUKIMII.K AND CRf:AM nji.ni'iioMj nnilwii will deliver S. L. STAATS, Prop. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. KatlmaloH on Wall I'hjkt nt application Portland 1'ricex ChuaK)Ht and Hunt Wall I'aHjr HmnploH in the county. (Sot My I'ricoa. Mtlo) on Olrj.'ii Mtrrt, HOX H Kt.l of tHKliuln Ni.iiV. ID'ND uhl.l.OK It's free A M Wk M "Cheerful Homca." TMUlll MklHf.W. MB I llTMMt U-ieiUI Va(iil Cktml. A U nor a im.. Mllt. Hcnd, Oregon BEND VIEW i ut an avcTHc flcvatlon 100 feet above Uiu city ol' Bund. Commands a charming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding Country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Lots 50x1 10. BEND VIEW CO. Bend, Ore. AWTIOX HAI.H, On Saturday. July .1, at the A. W Wlllard ranch 1 1 mll" eaat of Mend near Alfaira. the folio in will lei aold at piiidlr auction' 1 c iw, ?, Mile. 1 Kfldlwjr. rHw. chlrvena tiirkevH. KC'CMe. ducka, all lioiifi' IioM furniture and farmiiiK Iniplr nienta. It. 17. Renewing1 Your Soles IS MY BUSINESS. Whun your SHOES need REPAIRING take them to R.H.LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore . -- W. E. PARKER & CO. I SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating t We carry the largest stock of goods in Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to The Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon i I W fcWamiHIHIIl iaC39BSBTDICS. IBfluaWBrBtRXXBUaaOTSXJBB ag-iwMa-iirrigniBBirainaijaiaVgtCBgaaavcfciiBiiii ananiaiai a a STORAGE AND FORWARDING Genera! Commission S Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster. MEATS Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard.' liTo United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon CS33S3! O'DONNELL UNION vi T,irrrrTTTnrnT'mi,i,"'n"" THE WHITE IS KING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 14C0 Market Street San Francisco, California BROTHERS MARKET - ,im II iA