The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 02, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Potto si.
Itl.NI) III l.t.l.TIN, I1I:M, Oltl, VI.IIM.HI.U, .11 li tf, tlllit.
- --
"IKHNTNUS l-'Olt IMtAtn'll'Ali lWUMKHS."
of Seattle.
Mini Urnro Van TumoI returned on
The Bulletin hits n large supply of tills valuable nml IntonMlng book
let, which Is written Ity C. I. ("Parmer") Sinllli ami puhlMii'd by the
Oregon-Washington railroad. Three Imnklr-t. will lio miiI to any
farmer who niks for them, and nmy Ito hml by railing at The llutlotln
The following; nrtlclrt art' Included In the tiooklct. The Small l'nriti,
Building I'p n Dairy llcnl, To Cliwipcn Pork Puntm'tlnn, ami The
I'll I uro Itoef Supply. The ninterliil N all limtl. rummon sense, anil
may Ik studied to advantage by any rancher. The coplc are t'MU-.K,
Tluirdn to her Itouio at Opal City
where alio will lemnln till after the
fourth. Iler tuotliur Ik now horo on
a vllt at the homo of I'rhio Vim Tan
eel. The children' day exercises given
nt the Plnln View hcIiooI Iioiibo wer
u sticcoty, a line program being ren
dered. Thole was n largo tittundtince.
--- -- i SJlYlrtlVJ
'up will start work a soon us the , t
ueatner feme.
. i
1 Crl Slots made a trip to Prlnevllle
Saturday afternoon.
I Krod Poreeou took a ride Into the
. -
(Special to The Hend Bulletin.) loehoco country above Prlnevllle on
LAIDLAW. June 30. Will San- Sunday.
die wa In town Saturday. j a California man na lietrn offer-
George fisher and .1. N. B. Gerk- Ing to contract for potatoes front the
Ing were In Hend last week. farmers In thl locality at $20 a ton.
Mrs. Harper and mother were vis- "at bring Joy to some heart all
ltlng and trading In Hend Friday
Allen Wllccxon o: a line year
ling lllly laet week from what was
thought to le lung fever.
Henry Tweet loel u valuable niaro
J. L. Couch and Jay Nichols wore ""' norm,, irom ooie uu
,. i v.1.1 ...,i,., known rtouble.
The school meeting north of town
has been postponed.
K. K. Dayton and Ml Uuth are
expected home to spend the Fourth.
in Hand Friday on business
The cheeee factory Is running all
tho time now and cheese Is going up
In price.
A. F. Hamsay has gone to a hospi-
( Special to The Hend Hulletlu.)
Tr.MAI.O. June XU.--Ve are still
havlnt? nice showers occuslounlly,
which have done a great ileal or
State Kttgltieer l.owt and Project
Kngineer Iurgaard were inspecting
the nromuted datu alt for the rfteer-
' viitr fit iht lnilfiv.
!'. A. Woolley and rawilly have left
this place.
Chnrlc Winter was delivering hay
to Bend yeeterdey. i still Iihh on
hand eotitdderahlo iiiautlty of baled
hay at the Star ranch.
A good many sheep are now mm
lug here on their way to the summer
tnl In The Dalles for treatment. Ho tll8 countrv
Nearly all of Powell Huttes ox
poet to turn out to help I'edmond r,n''
celebrate the Fourth. There Is con-' 0. VY. Horner ntul family are at
slderabl- talk of having one. If not present camping at this place. Mr.
tro. Iloats In the wrnde to represent Homer seem to enjoy the ramp lire
was accompanied by J. M. Slry, who
has returned.
O. H. Nrrcott's fruit trees are filled
to the top with fruit He has apples,
pears, prunes and cherries.
J. C. Thorp was in Portland last
week buying pool tallies and other
equipment for his mki hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Fllcklnger were vis-
Ling one day last week at the How-ard-VitOH
It is reported tha: Mrs. Swafford
has tost hew appeal In the content
bi-oHght against her homestead.
Kay Oerklug has returned home
after upending her vacation of about
tt Month with friend at Walla Walla
Wrfch., and Pendleton. Ore.
A large number gathered on the
island after morning service Sunday
and had a picnic dinner.
John T. Whistler of Portland and
State Kngineer John H. Lewis of Sa
lem were here Sunday.
There will be a Urge number from
this community who will go to the
Iledmond celebration.
Mia Hemlce Umpnlett of Portland
is vielUng her slater, Mrs. JohnH.
Ctmrles Carson of Sisters was here
last week, selling horee.
Last Sunday morning while Mrs.
G. W. Snyder and her two daughters
were bringing milk to ;Ue cheese fac
tory the korte became frightened,
just Inside the city limits, and ran,
throwing them all out. Mn. Snvder
received several bruree. but none of
them serious. Mrs. Fred Wallao
took the Snyders to her home and
cared for them until Monday.
Several ot the ueiKHhor have been
Loland Carey attemntod to break ' ' lelv picking the large crop of
a mule from Italklng and overdid the gooseberries on lite atar ranch
job, the toflm running away and tear
ing things up generally.
I Is rcKrted that the engagement
f Krncst YAarjl to Cace Cannon if
IVin'ition has Ueii announced, the
marriage to take place soon.
Mr. and Mr. Kay D-inn of Hend
are visiting relative at Powell Kutte.
unit Misses ICmmnltuo Meado nuil
Dotothy Auilersnn.
i:. Austin went to lloud Monday to
Moot W. W. (.'rydor. who Hpnnt u
week In Potllnuil on business.
J. L. HIuko nnd Mrs. t'lmrtuH
Graves went to La Pine Monday.
They visited the Mnsten family, re
turning Wednesday.
Dr. Cnlllus was In from IiIh taueh
J. (1. Iteiltnoud, with his uhhUI
ant. V. ('. Ilaudolph ,ias been mir
ve.lng Mr. Lufollettu'H hniuestoitil the
past week.
Dr. Wright and ramtly or Klamath
Falls were gueeta at the Crcereni on
Weilnesilay night.
Mm. Charlea Gravea waa mihIiIpu
ly railed home on ariM.iut of tli Ill
nee of her husband. Mie left hero
Thursday . going down t Dr. Wright's
Charle Tlionuis made a trip to
Heuil. leturnlnK Saturday.
Lnwrrmv I'rlttell of Fort ltoek
was a Crescent visitor Wednesday.
Did you say repairs? Wc Imvo them for McCormlck
machines mower parts, bimlcr parts; in fact, wc carry n
complete line for olil McCormick machines as well ns
new. Drop in, Let us figure with you on the repair
question. Make your wants known. We will tell you
exactly what it will cost to repair your old machine, and
in case the expense would he too, we will frankly
tell you so, thus placing you in a position where you can
ct your new McCormick machine in time for harvest.
We handle a complete line of McCormick machines,
nnd will he jjliul to see you at any time. If you arc not
ready to buy, call and jjet our catalogues anyway. They
wilt interest you. They will inform you as to exactly what
wc have, nnd then you will know exactly what you want
when you j'et ready to buy.
Haying will soon begin In tho al
falfa Held.
Stock of all kinds are doing llnely
on the range. Tho rain of late have
lieen good on the bunchgrat.
Charle Winter ha had the misfor
tune to have a valuabl mare hot on
the range with a shotgun by wime
careles pereon. several shot having
lenetrated the head Just under the
ear. The mare I yet In bad condition
but It 1 thought she will recover.
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
POWKiX Hl'TTE. June 10. The
c nt'"ed rn has -rought Joy to
the dry farmer and ditch land man
alike. Crop th it we.- conoid"
lost are beginning to shoot up and
Insure a very fair yield. Many of
those who had stopped plowing sum
mer fallow on account of drynea
have resumed their work.
Choir practice was held at the
'nine "f J. L. Fotr Thursday even
ing. Owing to the rain, the attend
i.tice was small.
Horn Uueeett was a Prlnevllle vis
itor on Thursday.
IUevee Wilcoxon and Henry Tweet
Bpqgt the week-end rn the Deschutes
and report a very good catch of fish.
Th,e farmers of this section are
vary thankful for the little book,
"Pointers F r Practical Farmers,"
by C. L. Smith, the agriculturist who
spoke at rjio Landfare place last
week and for the handy bookkeeping
for farmers, both of w:ilch were sent
out by the First National Hank of
Ileud and which are being given
nway at the Powoll Eutte postolflce.
Alvln Illgga killed a beef last week
and had little trouble In dlHjiowIiig
ot It among neighbors. They aro
wishing someone would do this every
Fred Hrown of Kent, Ore., I here
visiting hi sister-in-law, Mr. Hrown.
(Special to The Hend Bulletin.)
PLAINVIEW. June 30.--Mr. Jno.
Strabm went to Sister Tuesday, re
turning home Thursday. She visited
with her daughter, Mr. Ruble.
Hobert Davis i negotiating for a
larger boiler for hi sawmill.
McCalllsters are working about
2! men on their dltcn.
Mr. Smith's health ha been quite
poor lately.
Mr. Brown and family, who have return to work at Chllwjuln again.
mad Sister their no me for some The Pioneer Sewing Club wa en-
their tertalncd by Mrs. Ituutk Saturday.
g sold Th up prifent were ..Ufilumes lllligo.
their plac In Sis'ers to F. L. Shaw .Jones. Ung. Cleaus, Grave. DdVl
(Special to The Hend Bulletin.)
CRIMCKNT. June 17. K. 0.
Kourk returned from Klamath Fall
Sunday. He came t rail a far aa
Kirk where J. L. King.) met him.
Klmer Trier la atwudlng a few
days with hi family. He Intend to
time. paed here Thursday on
wav to Kedlinds. Cal., havlog
Pilot Butte Siote
II ! I. II ! ' ' '"" " '
Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists
I). T.
PRiiG auto uarvvuuN iioriJL ad oucor.
Vu also furnish repairs for Milwntikcc, litiflvcyc
nnd C'liuiupion Mowers.
(Special to The Hulletlu)
KKDMOND. July 1.- Lamouta de
feated Itedtuoml at baseball on the
local diamond Sunday by n score of
1 1 to !.
The Ids In the tire last week that
destroyed K. G. Sherwood's store was
In the voting contest to elect a
GiHldee of Liberty to ride In the
Fourth of July parade, which elimed
at 8 p. m.. Saturday, Marie Austin
was chneen. with oer 2000 Mite.
Terrelionne defeated Cither Sun- . :
day by a score of .V t , The game ,tti,y nrH ,MK nl,el).
im played nt Culler.
Vernon Clcvenger of Bend iMit
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and
Mr. It. M. Klder.
Charlie Hwrh and Hay Moor
went up the river Monday to get ole
.or r natrurtlng a hay derrick.
11. ai.,l Un Itiisoh Hun.
IMUIHPnV lll'WB t... I " -" ..- -,..- .....
Rain for more than a week, with over "' n' ' U,B ,f Mt ",,a Mri' l'- u. J" ..?.'.'". ""., ''"V '
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
Concluded on .mk' i'l n i
I'ir'KHIll'Rd rrn V i i -
3H. The detcb'piiii in ili pi. i
famine that the iil,- nr r r
three ln-he of precipitation, will :n-'N- I'- Vlnyard.
here, were at mui'.i r . i n
tualiaa akl liltMlsial am ..- . . . I
sure a gd hay crop In this vicinity.! MrH. Vratl mud u. uiii.M . ...,...,. k.v " ... ...
Bert M. Meeka returned frrm not da called at the C. U. Smith home Rn tho "rh together" m..- i '..
Bend today wltl' a load or aupp'i.. Sunday afternoon. ,,-d nnd will attend tin- ( iu n
William O'Held brought In a -on 1 1 iBi,j itodBMi. who ha. in festivities.
of wire an 1 baa been busy telis -... ,. . .. . u Hackett has re.u... I
hla daughter' i claim. :"' ""'- r.tllfy of ,B d,imr
Several a.i'o true have !ni The UdU-s Junliwr Club will meet .
in I red In the mud. The heavy ralna'wlth Mr. R M Lldi-r Juuly lo. ) (Cuntlnued on I've ;:.;'.
have made '.ho roads quite toft li i' -
few place.
J. M. Brickcy rame in from 1. 1
today with -j load supplle.
Over 36o ruitM Iimb reglsi ,.
at the Hotel Brooklngi t irng J ..
Two men com Snutn Dakxa u
visiting wPh Bert Mt. a and ''
Ing over the cnuntry.
S. Nye of Spokane vlriilt nl
frlenda at Hampton Buttt. Mr. v,.
It agent for the caterpillar engL.ii.
Babrlel Batontl eam out to hli
cialm and is plowing and gru iIuk
J. M. Brlckey, Horace Brmiklngs
and T. C. Kwlng made a trip to the,
county seat on business.
The school iectlo.i June ! re- MI4 bt-'Md-1: C fUknMp..wdrr
suited as follows: B,rt Meok. dlrec- jj l7u',.u m vt VX,u ehop
tor for two year. J. M. Brlckey dl- rstUr fine) Icunudlk
mhIiip for lliru. um. ....! f ... i(. a ,1. .1.. il ,1.. .. I Hilt fJT BfOirnOl tugi
... ,, .H,vrv jvmtm mnwt I. w. I I ir mil KaiUHT. vur " vmi"ts ii-v whm. ,k,. .ni. ...1 !.,.. a.. !.. ..
W.,1 l-. I, I..,. .w..l... .. ...I ..-li ..I.I " '" " "! " - .
H.KIDH ClVm. i.a.aaat .-.-.., PU.-I "". """V..-. iXU IdIM
Victor Johnson has gone to Bend
for a live month' vacation
Practical Baking Lessons
nliing PowiUr lliml Iwiv Huh tbiiiRi In thtir
fvor whtcb uic making llwtr. ino bihI ihoic popular.
Tbey me mi ciit)l change ftom yt lurnJ, thry
me quickly and c4ly md ami bin eepcitally uwful In
emergencies, ami they me eftrn in rectlbed by p!) ib Un
when yMt bieal continue in fitment In the ilittilve
tract. Baking Powder llread rimy te made in almoet
efitUea variety. A few of the irxakt opuUr ici,ci me
L-lvenUluw. y f ,
h'ul lifJ
aX enn wwlo Hour m t-ip wsr
(aVtmen Cm Cafj
St nine elflnl fliur 1 rr
S lv.( taaiiiiifuU K f ' lUki:..' powilef
1 ievW la aafMHinlid aalt Mi ;
2 UJibixxWibiU l ittT. tt.' It' '1
9 Ublxatmnululi tji ir
81ft 'rjf InaradirnU i Owt. I at tin cri.
I r ln wilT .r. u I kail a.I,t rl IImW ,nU" '"', '"'"r 0 tllO fft llilla ' (.1 I
lata tha dry InwdieiiL. mUing tolv,tei,lTmi'JL?5 -t".?'' i, i, t'r
to uiaka a Mi dro battrr. (ires! a amall TTI ' IT.? ?.L"P7.1I. 'vt,L-.. V 'j'i.' 1
. .,.,,, , , 1 res.1 fan, dtiip tba laiilflr Inu. ttda. turn a 1 3"' SuuTbU m.V li 1 alaii
H auto collision occurred near' IW, of the aanii sl over tU top ami lMdri?rS' 'l,,', "P. Uaw ia
i Ciook and ljia county lino. The1 cne Iujut. Ibe first half f tha time i4MVrW"1wvn..
Headquarter for Commercial Men
lilectrlc Llchted Throughout
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
Lee Hobl made a trip to Bend on
Saturday after a load of lumber. I J
Wallace Smith, who lot hla house '
ny nre some time ago, naa uwn uaui
ing lumber aud making preparations
for a ho use-raining which will take
place Wednesday, July -. The neigh
lie m Jisve all been Invited to attend
thlBa thu ladlea to ftitnlah a big foed
ut noon.
"Spud" Hbbs and "Doc" Morgan
made a huBiness trip to Ilodmond on
Jake Wolfer, who no been spend
ing the winter with hi brothor John,
has re turn otl to the Willamette vat
loy. Mr. Burson and family have loft
for the Willamette valloy.
0. X. Oliarltou wmb a Ilodmond
caller Saturday.
Almost everyone with hay to put
Good Nonius
Free bun to
and from trains
Guild Meiils
AH orringemenl made for pennies
dcalrlng to go south and eust of here
Our nursery is located on Powell Hutte, fourteen miles
east of Bend. Our trees nre the kind we recommend
after over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will
please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nurserv. Office address, IVineville. Ore.
.-.... . ... ... i at... ...... h .. I..u. Il ' - - - ai. 1..,
un-a or jonn uomn unit ueorge 1.ST" .7 "I i ." ,""-"' "i ","'
ItiKivxr .-...a. L.ihaar iih -ru. I W -J cxselleOt wbcu seveful dayt
force, but the fact tnat Mr. Collin'
nuto wa tiiiiil at the time prob
ably saved hi passenger from In
Jury. Mr. I It over passenger were
cut about the face, one man bruled
mil cit about the kueir. The lamna
on Mr. HiHiver'a car were mnhed
and the radiator damaged. Prom ro
IKirt It seem that Mr. Hoover wa
to blanm. a Mr. Collin' car waa nt
a MtandHtlll and to one hIiIh ot tho
(Spoclal to Tho Bend Bullotln.)
Lund and Mart'n Johnson left for
Prlnevllle lat Wednesday, JunelK.
Mr. II. Kvan Iihh some Irl In
bloom, the Unit on Prlnglo Plat.
I'lord lloustnu and Paul Hold have
Just Unbilled riding for tlmlr horse.
Il has been ralnlug for the hint
three days here. The garden and
fields arH looking fine.
Mr. A. II. Taylor spent Iho day
at tho ICvans homo lat Humlay. Mra.
Martin nnd her won alo called on
Mr. Kviiiih Kiiuilny afternoon.
Mr. Iloebo nnd Mr. Bonrato nro dig
ging it woll for CharluH II. Gi'inung.
Tho potato crop on Prlngbi Plata
nro looking fine alncu tho rain,
Tkl bread can In liakwl in nay empty
run that liavo cloeollttlng ll-U. To bakn
in n can f!l the rroaaed ran ln.lf full nf the
batUr. (ait nu tha lid niwl akaka Imttxr to
I ha aide ut tSa ran. lav it cm it aide 111 thr
oven. Baku (lowly the Aret Iwitf Itour. turn
I he ean to tbn otber r4de and bake Ixjt loll
Lour d.u u butter oveo.
Plain Whlit DttaJ
4 rtir rifted fkur 1 tftniponnfid wit
i lovel tewpoonluU K C ItakbiK l'owcl.r
'J lalileefMwrifuU mar (If dwired)
V mum milk (ur untur)
CKt toicetiier. tliren timea, tin flmir, Ink
Ing towditr. aalt (ami atntnr If uwll. atir In
tho milk or water to mako u douuli. I!h
crnntly .i.iio baking dlreetldim in for Nut
Litvui, Luuua in cans or a utaux pan.
Colonial Loaf
2H cupa of flour
M eup cIiiiMd nuts
1 eiit mill:
1 teaipoonful aalt
1 (gg
1 i mit Miaar
: C liaklia Powdir
3 level taHMMMirifida 7
H eon clupiwl mUiiMi, (AirruuU or ultrou na
Uu bud buke m dlreeted fur Nut llrwul.
- - -'
fSpno'nl to Tho Bond llullntln.)
BU.Vn. H. P. I)., July 1. -Horn, to
Mr. nnd .Mr. Colo JS. Smith, Juno
-3, an R,i-i.tJijnd g!rl. mid
? DrtoJ
1 cms nf white flour 2 ip id rvn flour
3 lovil taip(H4ifiiU Zl V Buking I owdi r
" tuwiKfiiifiil mii'ar I t'aHKiiifi.l mlt
'i tubltt)ooiifiiUi f raraway wciU (,f iloelruUj
1 viij cf (ivvtut mill;
To mix, rlft flour, laking ixiwdur, milt nml
euiur, tliri'U tluii', mid rarawiiy mihU iuhI
milk and mix nnd bako bv rulwi for otlmr
lircada. I'LL) U excellent for eaudilcln.
Grahatn'Nut Brtwi
Mi rupa wblto flour 1H ip graliam flour
ii tuuapoonfuU ini.vr I teuiK)0ifiil uult
H cup chopped nuti or rul.lm
4 level tcoii)ooufulii K C Balling Powder
Hi cuixi sweet Rill Ic
To mix, elf t wliltu flour, baking powder,
unit and euinr, tlirco times, add (lie arabam
nd nut. Htlr to utlff batter with tlio milk
nnd Imko um nut bruud ulxivn. This U nu
'veellont bread for tboau who cauuot cut
bitu liretul or Tnatn.
W'.ll, t,jju,alltu, Co
' No;ct Vcok: Paper Butf Coolcory
Ctrn tli tod
1 mp wheat fleer 2 repe jrrlliw rorn meal
!l level taanpueflfule K V. Iiaklnif Powder
1 (WSJ, iMMteo lltflit g UllmMMiifuU sugar
1 twwfMMifit'ul Mil In ci. p m i lit
2 labteeiwamfula maltail Imtliir or lard
gift Kaletkar, threo tlmea, the meal, thl
flour, basliiK (mwdxr. regar and raH In ar- cximlrlne tne ee, milH and nieltct
iMtter; atlr In ttui meal ami flour prenarni ti
ibuve. iMMtlng raiiklly Until the dmii'li 11
eratti oven.
Helpful I llnls on Dread Making
Have material njl nt hand
Bl.'t tliroo time, Hour, null nrul tiaklnR
jiowdca-, mix tlioroiiRliIy.
IkJte rJowly ennui;!, to nllow tho hrctul
to rise hefore It onuU over, ii-tlng n nov
wed tain to :eo tlio Miirfnco Hoft. Ro
mcmler that iMklng powder hmuLi h
llie creater iwrt of the riling In tho ovt;i
ami tlmt hakul bread oua not rieo. Let
It rLo ltc'oro !okUi(.
II C Baling; I'owdor U partlnihrly
A.Lptxl to lire a. I hullnn on n ' o(
It- long ausUliuxI Action. It W, ;n ta
i'lue as oon b.1 moLluru Ih ti'ldc 1, nnd
timliir t!ie influence of n i;mtlo h 'it. it
iiontlnucij lo kUo off ltd leuvunlni; i (ot
fully half nn Jiour. Yon cannot expect
thu nntnu rostiltj from old trwhlon xlnnlc!
uothiK liaUliiK powdcrj. With K C I)ul:
liiK Powder you uxu luaurcu of a light,
palatahlu loaf.
Kovor, Jiovcr kncail baking iiowdct
broad aa ono dom yoajt brouil. Turn
from tho mlxltiK bowl Into tho baking pan.
Follow mixing nnd baking directions
oarefully. Ilemembcr failures nro not.
olmply bail luck, but bad way. Then i)
U u correct, Bolentifio way for building
baked fpod tho namo na for building
hotnica, nnd unlotw thuso mica nro followcu,
roeultu cunnot bo pcrfoct,