The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 02, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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The sale now taking place at "LARA'S" old store has set a new mark for merchan
dising in Bend, .The first few days have proven conclusively that which we believed
to be true but which many tried to dissuade us from that the people of Bend know end
appreciate honest bargains, and without persuasion buy. merchandise which represents
value and at the same time economy.
We have found the impression prevalent that this sale is being held mrrely to get as much as possible from our pur
chase and then to discontinue in Bend. To thecontrary, it is our intention to remain in Bend, and with this in view wr
are standing behind every purchase and the consideration will be returned in case of dissatisfaction, every item is
jurknteed'as represented. YOU MUST BE" SATISFIED OR WE ARE NOT.
Notwithstanding the fact thatsales have bee nheavy, the bargains are just as numerous as at first, for, as you know,
"Lara's" carried by far the largest stock in Bend and one which was calculated for an ordinary year's business. New har
gains have been added and the sale will continue until the stock has been reduced to a point from which it may be correctly
balanced. Read carefully the prices below, come in and get acquainted and remember, you must be satisfied or we arc not.
Men's Underwear Men's Shirts, $1.25 O. N. T. Thread, Regular Embroidery Floss
40c grade grade 5c, at 3 skeins
19c ?9c 4c 5c
" Men's Sox, 15c Men's Flannel Shirts Spool Silk, Regular Burson Hosiery, 25c
grade all grades 1 0c, at grade
4 for 25c at, Cost ?c 19c
Men's, Neckwear Men's Hats, $2.00 All Laces now Nemo Corsets, $3.50 ;
now grade Reduced grade
1-2 Price 90c 1-2 $2.49 I
Men's Dress Sox Men's Hats, $3.00 Ladies' Underwear, $1.50 ' Children's Hosiery1
50c grade grade grade ' now
3 for 50c $1.90 98c at Cost,
Men's Shoes Boys Shoes Ladies' Shoes Children's Shoes
at at at at
Less than Cost, Less than Cost, Less than Cost, Less than Cost,
Men's Sweaters, $1.75 Boys' Underwear Ladies' Sweaters Pillows, $1.25
grade now . at grade
$1.19 at Cost, About, 1 -2 69c j
The above items were chosen at random and are just examples of the general cut that has been made throughout the stock.
OPEN JULY 3 UNTIL 9:30 P. M. ""
Open every week day until 6:30, m4 on Saturday until 9:30
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