IMro 10. nnxn nri.i.rTiv, nnxn, oiti:., wi:dni:siy, .11 l a, umi. A QUEEn VIEW OF NEW" YORK. Hi Dollcatrmon Llfa i an englishman Observed It. You have to pay JO cents In Now Vorli for n chicken mitidwlch. nnl then It Is mtually mmlt of turkey. Von wy n cents for 11 limn aandwleh, nnl then j on Iihvc 110 Idea what It In mado of I wan In tliu !olUiilitMHti trade In Now Yolk for three week-, nml I Imvo tny hUHililoiiH. I'or U5 cents yon eau have n cluh sandwich. Tlmt I made of toant mnl chicken turkey nml bacon, nil not ii ml very jjood. It M well worth th extra expeiem, lieenut the swell of the bncon dlHRttlww that of the chicken good. It Is merUiin bacon In not nearly always mild In la(s bottle, as we sell Jnin. which prevents Its Rett I UK is way Personally I prefer ltd flavor to tlmt of their chicken, becamte I wa In n hospital once, unit 1 tmte being re minded of It There are ns tunny delleateven stores Jn New York n there ntv wine shops In Paris or tailors In the city of Urn ilon. To millions of pood New Yorkers the most dazzling kliul of orgy Is to cpoml the evening In n cinema thenter. which costs S rents, nml then go to n delicatessen utore and have n hnm sandwich. Kor the rest of the week they live upon dill pickles. Dill pickles nro whnt we cnll gherkins, nnd they nre fnr nnd nwny the most popular nrttcle of food In New York. You can tret one for it cent. A rosily big nml Juicy one. which will do you for break fast, with n tilt over for lunch, costs 2 rents. The people of New York are nunple nnd long suffering The emin ence of the dellcntesxeu store l .1 . ( proof of It. In imi other trade In the world enn yon mnke so largo n profit i with so little truth. London Truth. A STORY OF MANSFIELD. The Great Actor Was Peculiar and Rather Inconsistent. Itlchnrd Mnnsfleld was peculiar If wr believe half the things we have henrd nbout htm. but be was appreciative of favors, though he bad a queer way of showing It. "One bad to be careful about help ing htm." said an actor who hnd play ed with Mnnsfleld for years and who greatly admired him. "When I Joined bis company the etago manager told me to get up in Mansflcld'a lines, so to be able to prompt him if ho forgot lie did one night In 'Cyrano,' and 1 gavo blm the word wben ho was floun dering around. Ho took It and went on. But when be came off be gavo me a terrible scolding. Never in bis life had he been so Insulted. Was I an nctor? Did I know the ethics of the business that I, a mere support, should give tbo word to tho star) "I said nothing, but waited. Tho very next night in the snmo play and almost the samo scene bo went up again. I stood stllL Ho looked, at me, but I said nothing. In somo way bo t . I ImmI WSd BVk-BVBVBVft'fekW4fV-BVftVBVttW4.lSkBBVsfe-4.4feaSSB -sfc-SsV-4sfc-ssV-B4ssVBVsVl sfc-K sft s-4-S-s-S A-sfWs-sV-k-4sft M M SI S SI S A-S-SV tes .- - - --- N 3 HUBil t .-.1 got through, nml when lie eume off I got It again. Never had he heen so In sulted. One of his actors let him flounder nnd never eamo to his rescue. Old I cnll myself nn nctorl Did I know nnd ho forth? Then I gently re minded him tlmt he had forhlddeu me ever to help him again. Ho looked nt me. grunti! three times nnd turned nnd went to his tlroatdng room." New York Tolagraph. Not So Far WronOi After All. Mntd Marion, approaching her fourth birthday. Imin nn Imaginary wtirltl of her own. In which the prim lml permit iiu Mtiius to he Mar.v. her oldest child ' l""r Mme weeks she tnlketl also of n ".Mr .Mary, nut n tew uay-t uico sue announced tlmt "Mr. Mary" luul "died mi the oonsMniptlotw." A few evening Ister when she whs tolling her fnther of mime of Mary's exploits he asked her wlmt Imd become of "Mr Mary" "Oh. he died." ntul her golden curls dhooK very sadly. "Why dhl lie tlleV "Well, you see. Mr. Mnry was tny hnstmnd. nml one tiny 1 nsked him for some iiHiney. nml he illed.' "I fancy her conception of nintrlmony Is not so fur wrong at tlmt." remarked her mother, who wns INtotiltig to the conversation. ludlnuaHtta News. FEET USED TO' BE M&W. A Modern No. 6 Shoe Would Hav Fitted an Aneient Greek Belle. Artists HMiure us that no Ureek !culptur would have ever dreamed of ...... i... .. ..I.... i.... i. ?... .... .. t.... .....i HIIUUK unit: linn nml mi it ut- nuw oiie-iutu iooi Mtiiiinu. i ne ijpoi mr the vktaalc timrtite tlgurtw were taken from the moat iwrfovt forms of living iIHTsoiks. L'uiiuestltiimhly the human foot, ns represent it I by the undent sculptors, was larger thati the modern one; nnd. In fact, tho primitive foot of all peoples whereof we huve any rec ord, either of statuary or otherwise, wns considerably Inrger than tho re stricted foot of later times. The masculine foot, forming an ap proximate average of four different countries, was about twelve Inches long. This would require nt least a No. 10 shoe to cover It comfortably. The average masculine foot today Is easily flttcd with a No. 8W shoe and Is therefore not above ten and seven-sixteenths Inches. Now, by tho old sculp tural rule of proortlon, a man live feet nine Inches In height should have a foot eleven nnd one-half lucbes long, or oue-slxth his height. It wns of no great consequence whnt size sandal be wore, but he would huve required a modern shoe of at lenst u No. 10& for a minimum tit or a No. 11 for real comfort For women, allowing for the differ ence In the relative size of the sexes, which wns about the same then ns now. a worann of Ave feet threo Inches In height would have bad n foot ten Inches long, requiring a modern shoe of HOUSES We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent small houses, which we cannot furnish them, that in order to encourage building to meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on very easy terms of payment: 11 J 20 Lots in "Nl 20 Lots in I mtmi inmii w wnsm if mMmm These are all - -, .WW -j. all available to city and see us about The Bend . ! -- -- 1 the slue .No it its the uioM lomfortiilile. or u No. .Vj ns the limit of eomfoit. Harper's Weekly. SALLY'S MISTAKE. It Cost Her a Rlh Hiubsml and Gnve Louden Guy's Haaoital. That ifqiieMs In Individuals and to public Itoiicvoloiifiw are fieipieutl.v the result of a mere whim or of caprice tins no Ik-Hit llliiMrtitloti perhaps limn the ease of Thomas tiu.v. who hullt ami endowed the great ISiiy's hospital of London at a cost of UtVN.'.nij nearly AH) .oin air i. tiu.v had a maid servant of strictly frugal habits, wlai iiinile 111- wMio her careful study. He tifmlvotl tu make her his wife The iii'ce-siir.i prtMiratltiiia were made for the wsl ill i nt. ami among others tunny little re pairs were unlcted li.v Mr. tiny In nml alsuit his hnue. I he latter liiclmli-l the In.iliig or a new pavement oppo site the street door. It so happened tlmt Sully, the bride elect, ulieorictl a piece of pavement be yond her uni-ier'a house that required memllug. ami of her own accord she gave orders to the workmen to do this. This wns done III the absence of Mr tiny, who on Hcclitg more work done than he hml ordered was Informed that the additional work had been done by the iiilstresx orders. Thereupon tJny tuld Sully she had forgotten her iiw tlou ami added: "If .urn take Uhui yolitself In order nmtters contrary to my Instructions before we are married what will .ton imt tlo after? I re nounce my matrimonial Intentions to ward you." So Sally lost a rich nnd grouchy bus Iwiml ami London gained u noble Insti tution for the KHir. Yt'KKKIA' MAlfUKT-HKl'OUT. NOItTII PORTLAND. Juno 28. Itccelpta for the week Imvo been: tlu 1525. calves 2TS, hugs 2TS0, sheep 4S96, horses 23. Cnttle market wan steady to strong nil week. Tho gen eral run of steers bus been above the average In quality, the bulk sell ing at J 7.7 5 to JS.25. cevernl loads of California grnss cnttle sold at a higher price. The steers In this ship ment brought IS.75, tho heifers $S nnd the calves $9. Outlet has been very good and the market seems to be on very sound baa-s. Thero Is n poor demand for Rtocaers and feed ers on account of tno high water, which condition will he eliminated in the near future. Tho hog trade surpassed all records i'.ico 1910 for n single week. Prices made a sheer gain of SOc In seven days. Market opened strong Monday at IS. 00. a gain of SOc over tho previous week, and by Friday top quality light swine wero selling strong at $9. Re ceipts hnvo been very liberal but buying has been on a large scale, and the supply was quickly absorbed. In tho sheep houso transactions hnvo been vsry few duo to tho light re ceipts nnd slow doinana for mutton. Park Addition at Center Addition at miiiiiiiriinii I. n -. .. ..u. nice large lots 50 foot frontage 0 W-.J W. W. water and electric these lots it you want a bargain. D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager .- -- . - - - - - - - NOT COAL LAND. Kxtva choice eni'lliins nro worth $l.7 to $8 and owes Jl.r.o. Tho Ininb trade la In very fair shape and prime fat spring stock has had a irood millet, pi teen running (turn $0 to $rt.7ft. "NOTION Itlll' I'UllLK'ATION'r Department of Him lutmlor, V. 8. Uittl Office. Tliu Dalles Otsittin, .lun 10, 1913. Notice ia hereby glvsn that Grace M. StHiilicus, of I .os AniMaa, Cali fornia, ouo of the helm and for the hairs of Jntiua A. Mitchell, ilecoitsed, . ierc is no use to lie orticultural no t-r lt-o valinKi liHr 1 I promptness and! t accuracy m pay- : pay- ing losses, Uuir i fori is necessary you to know that j J.B.Miner is the official agent J of this territory. Bend, Oregon. i --- Tl advertise tl W Bf u 4 M '' ! JL JL i: 1 F , Relief it t WANTED $ 1 50.00 Each IL $200.00 Each Mni..-..r py . y- -.- .. - W - ...W ... JW-M. 0 light and close to Company - - - - - - i who on October 17. lliOtl. inmlo homestead entry Nn, 15:1(11, Hinlnl No. 010011. for South West quarter (8WV4 ) Houth Woal Quarler (SW M ) Ht'O. 17. North Kaat (Junrlnr, Ninth Kant l)uailer (NIIH NI'JVl) Hoc. Ill nnd North 1 lair. North West t)tiailnr (N4 NWH) Hee. atl. Tp. Il H.. It. 1 1 10., W. M has Illed initlee of In tmitlun to timko flve year pitif In establish claim to the land alaivn de scribed, clalmnnt nnd one witness, J UonlliU: of nil kinds. I!eialiing roniitly tl-ini . J. A. AlacCLOSKEY 'I'lNNINQ AND Piirnacc Contractor liiittoritiif, Spouting, Cornices nml Skyllulit.s. t Shingles CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company Bund, amtommn and most of them W-- - - -- J sidewalks. Come ir - ..- tefcl - - - - hefoio II. C ICIIIs, Uullml Htntim Commissioner, al Mend, Oranoii, Mini ouo witness htiiore. tho llnglsler deceiver of tho Hulled Hlaloa Lund (MtU'tt at Tho Dalles, OlnKiin, nil tho l.Mli day or July, llMit. Clalmaiil namos as vvllnosses, John I. Wosl. of The Dalles. OiHgon. Frank O. Minor. Uhhwh W. tlnleK and IrfiVl D. Wleal. all or Hand, On Ron. IHImied) C. W. MOOitM. ll-leic Register. Vienna Cafe Wall Street tliHsl Meals, I'leitaied with i li'Miilluens, at Slisleiaio iiutos I strife loaesol Wholevimo Urcad 5c Ench A Trial Will Com luce. Mouldings Oregon. I - - - - t t t t 1 : : : J-