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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1913)
I L R if I PTI1Y HP XI. r nT ViI.. XI. FIRST TO SEAR FORD IS INED SUPREME COURT SHEEP II BEND AS POSTMASTER, OLIA SOU THE JO 0 T.I lUTl ON BUINOINOIN I JAN I) OP 2000 N'liniiim I'iii nml I)IiiIhk Vm Ate limn hi Muck Velds 'tlwHK to I'..- Dime Itftpltll) MhHJ' TJhiIIM stiti iii I'limd Sow. t - ml linn had thousands of sheep , . 'in. i ii nil on their way in and in' aummer rang. I'll i It dm ...... liatln will lake place at Ih ' . ,i , f tin wtk when Thomas Hut i i nml fiiun Wsgontlie will bring n . ii uool Iii Mini 1imv It here tmfote i i : ..iik on the range. Mi notion has about J9IO sheep . mI ik following Dim oltl Central Ore- ii nil of having thm bring their ii. i 1. 1 market ih thlr own feet. ' T i ' urn expected in arrive Friday. - Hint inii and a dipping val , iiik hulli on the Meeher tract . .' in hip Block yards, sud If shear , i hi i.e engaged In tint shearing m iwgua at once. Th wstlt i .lit. two cUv to finish. w ' . n tin. shearing and dipping ' llii I he SUMP Will go OUt ' " . i .iKf on Ih Mueller Lumlier ir. l.tud betweta Paulina ami i . i ' tiiuiiiinnda ut sheep hsv at ' .. !,, mil tu the sutnruvr feed- . i i ! According to the rec- ..r tin rllrails. over SM.ooti ' l . 1 1 . l has oy rati the at i m. K aad tt. Iiinton Ulna )' largss onlpprrs. Accord- I i-.i Supervisor sterritt. till i... oihe 41,000 en the hid Jurisdiction. While ti ! ran covering fmir . i i .fill there wtll be about I .n of thee will rui r. rough llend and part i t m ilFE PAT R 0 L ASSOC WK8H I. i.. iniimii Ik Deerhute VssVty .ii I ... I'lolrclluN f I'ondjp. i . .ii .i t.wnr of tluilw r NaMd . liliuia alley ar f nulng ''Ion for the preservation I'luii In the dlatrttt from i' ! A constitution and ' i ' i.n drawn, up gfutldlng ..'I .f five directors wh shall i" l i.f Hi aasoclatlon. Ac i. .. !' ut will be In ih hand , ii.. i l manager and a seen- . ''! i.y I he directors. .' - 1 1 t tg lie patrolled ly i i .Hi run from the XUu- 'i ii It.aenatlon rn th aouth M. '..llu tlvar in th u ih 1 , rixiut 800. 000 arrixi. it h'.t owur In lh dlairlrt la ,. ti innniKTahlp. It la ci i . l tho Initial awmommni . ir ,i ."U fi.r Haoti Hera owned in ifli. id ruvar tti m'punn . i ii wnrk. . . .M.iniinn Ik lo Im rallari I he i' .i'n '1U') l'lr I'atrol Aa-- ii.) I'm hfaduuarti ra will Ik ' 1 nil BANK DRAFT3 auiBHBaaaaac aaaaaaiaaaHBBataBaaaaaaBaaK Arc the cheapest ami hest way to remit money, and are payable in any part of the United States or Canada, unlike Post OHice Orders which are payable only at the oiliee they are drawn upop. They cost much less than Post OHice or Express Orders, ami it' lost can lie duplicated without delay or extra charge. This bank keeps all paitl drafts on file in their vaults, making u perfect receipt subject to your exami nation at any time. TlTe DESCHUTES BANKING (8b TRUST CO. OF I1ENU, OREGON II. lMIKKIH.L, l'rwMent It M. LVKA Tt. IMCKKItl i i A.INOR TO STEP OUT AI-TER POUk YEARS I Mil we In lt((i'li of CBM llii Past Vw Hwli . to t'nitw HnUtty to Jk llcienit-il PsHHt I'arciiJi. Now Uo , V. (). I). TtiiHNRli tlw Mall. Tha nomination of II. It. Tnrd to Ih postmaata r at Itnd was anitouHrftl from Washington. D. ('., Thuiaday, I If will ancpMd I'. tJ. Minor. Itapuii llran. who has had tha orttnt lne M) 13. 10(!t. Ii la understood that Mr. Kord will take rhar sa anon as hit) IhiihI la Npprovtrt. Ilr la h lHnio erat. Th urowih of Iti-ml U HtriklnKly nhitHn by thi rtM'olpta of tho wtnf flf during tho pawl jwar, th jtoat niaair'a aalary tl'is Inrroaafd from flflHO h to loo with Ih ! ginning of thu hkw fiaral iir yuatfr djr. Th Jtroa rTflplM or th nfflc fnim inttf 1. j:. to Juna 1. 1013. wr aiiroilmatfily $600. Tha nt:urf for the yrnr ending Monda? will l.o avallalil for piii.llcallnn net wMh. showing In mora detail thi Rrowth In the I'cal Ituatutso dm In t'nrhf Ham. for rink htm the of Rrn la now atlosrd b'khM l'i? tt ut. In ail.l'tl. n to 'he iMmtmastor'a (diary. It la iindoratnnd hrt Put tha of at lrlnrti Is rstsrd f l0. from lltno lo I1K00. Tha iMMtmaaior hi-ra has mslgnod. hrroialng tt rt of tha Irksnm dutlra. II la .indrtd. Ho far no rhsngs haa Ixnn ordT4 In tha at arhadnla to th south, fir mall still lying over her trurn i n m. till about that hour In thjMsyoB-lit-4 All KMtsrn mall for CiMral onion polnia. now lit of r la Port fi ariith Fal8e Cosst aad wostsm raf u tmlnta. no wiles over In tori Innd for annul 1? hmira, owing lo tha ri'reul rhangtt In n-btdulr of tha Ore gon Trunh iratn. Can Mc-Md I'sirda ('. U. n. Bfrertlv rastfrdsv, It iM-rmnr oos llile io and parwla iv mall V. O. D. The sndr of a msllsht vaikaii on whlrh the xtaage Is fnlly pre imtd msv hn the price of 4o r Jde and the rbarsea Ihsrsoa col lated frtm the sddressee on i) nient of a fiwt of lo rents In parcel lat stsmiis alTlied, provided the mount In he rttleted dnea not rrd tloo. Biirh a parrel will ' Inxurfd asiinrt !". without add! ll.nal rhargra. In an amount wiulva Irnt to Ha artoal value, hut not to exreed 10. The tender of a col lect on detlverv pnrrl will he given a recalm showing the office nod date of mulling, the nunihor of tha parcl and tha amount due him. A C. O. 1) parcel Mill e accepted for mill ing onlv at a inonev order office and when addried to a monev ordfr of fire. A dlalliiitlve ( (). H. laf will he altarhcd to the parrel ahvwlng the amount il'iw the seiular, the liioiifx outer fee iifctaaary to make (t'ontliiiiiil on Paco Sen) V, O. MINOR, Secretary . Cathlcr IM H KOTO K Si ,.. 1. O. MINOR. It. M. I.ARA, ) ninni-ntti-irnnirrmiTl ,t 1 -iinunii num, ,,,-. . HBN1). OUWJON. WKUNKSDAY. .H'l.Y 2 101a. Unnulmous ntul Porciblc lum's Ohj'.'ctions, Removing Last Possible II. tch in Uliliation of IMiiednl to The llnllelliil HA'.MM. Jut) 1. II) uiuiiliii'iim deotsion of th Court, lh validity of the ('i.tiii.iu'a Xoullicrn or Tuinalo prt'jttct ftr.o.OOO approinlii tU u was upheld tr.oav mid th Mr Muhan Injunction suit dismissed. With this ejdorseinsnl from Oregon's night at court all Kmslhlllty of furthor oiwtructltxi of Crook county's irri gation onterptlse Is passed snd the rapid development of th project Is assured. (mniedlsttly fr (loving the decis ion the Desert ljd Hoard mat and again alarted the wheels morlng on the project . which, mamlwrM of the hosrd ssaerted with assurance, would fiom now on revolve with th grust l tosllil ispldlty. Cvery objection Bled by McMahan Is answered In th opinion handed down, which wsm written by Justice Charlea McNiry. one of the Hew sp pnlntees. Justice llurnlt wrote s separate opinion "concurring aiveclal ly." this lielng also signed by Justice Ramsey, it holding In even more forc ible language the entire validity and worth of the act. The court's opin ion. In the lowest eiustlon, is that the appropriation Is for th public iwneflt. but that even if cUss?d ss local or s eclal Inglalallon, It would lie e;al. The case. H will lie remembered. h'nt d on the injunrtlcn suit brought M I.. II MiMahin agatnat the aecre tnry of unto and the state trssaurer, ria'raliilni them from lavlngoul Ihe amount npproi rlstrd. In Ih de mit four! Judge Oill''my upheld tho tslldlt) of the art. and hla decision la Affirmed. "I'nUts xal!lve prnhl'ilttrin ov ists in the f'indanirntrl liw. I he lr Istalure has an alinort unllnild field frr cpsratlon'. ten though the law may we special or local In Ita charac ter. ssrs Juslies MeNarr's oidaion. On the asm print Justice llnrnett says: "At th argument, the ptlnttfr contended thst the law In question was s local and special law In th In terest of residents of th communi ty In which the Innd mentioned is sit ustcd. The kglstatlv assembly. In Ita discretion, may ease: laws of that nnture, unless forbidden by th state constitution." The next objection made by Mc Mshnn wnb that the act was antago nistic to section 7 of snide 1 1 of th eonatllutlon. which asya th esawtn bl ahalt not loan the credit of th slut la escMB rf f ..0,000. "We are unable to see that this act In any manner loans th credit of th stale." aiys Justice Mr Nary. "It Is true that a large appropriation of public funds has been made for the completion of s project to Irrigate sud thereby reclaim certain land, but It la purely a stnte enterprise. "Ko credit is extended to private sourcca to promote private scheme aud Ihe act directs the state to pro tect He title to the ploieiy Inrluded In the prrject, sud to make all ar rangements necessary frr the proier ci tint run Ion mill completion of the Are You AH aV lY jGr jfil anr irrfr " " '--- ,w "!" r 1 1 i Tlio tujui ibt'Ht tliHt urn ni'Oil to Kut.p your jiutl in (-.Ncullfitt con illtlun fulil liuro the b'8t trriulo at tho host iirtcos MOWERS, SPKINKLKRS, HOSE, till kinds of GARDEN TOOLS', etc. Also, boar in mind that we curry n full lino of BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. N. P. SMI DISMISSES Opinion Fquclclics McAln- A))ropriation. irrigation works to reclaim th lands The Mate, thtotirli tho Ixaert !and I ion Hi, Uvea tho price lo lie paid for water righte and from ine dnt of re clamation of any tract valid Hen is CMMtfd in favor of the state." ttegjrdlng McMahsn's contention that "The act la without the purrksw of legislative authority to lay a tax upon all the people and to exiiend the money for the benefit of th few," Juatlce Mr Nary says: "We think thla point Introduces the most serious sspecis of the esse. 1'lslntlff with much earneatness eon-tf-nda that th u t afforda undue ad vantges to a favored few In Crook county at the expense of all other taxpayers In ln -'(. "The facta stipulated by counsel show that about 13,000 screw have Immh deeded to private parties. Yet the statute provide mat the Desert li nil Hosnl shall make neceasar) coHtracts for the sale and delivery of water to lands of sab private parties. White the iiersons holding prior con tractual lights have a call upon th slate for the allowance of credits upon nil money paid to defaulting companies under the original contract 'yet thy must enter Into a contract : with the state and otherwise conform to the rulra nrcrllxd hv the Desert I Land Hoard. Th s It will be aeen all persons who have a prior contract n treattd alike and that as a class no aprclsl privilege sr granted to one ;and withheld from notither, but thst all coming within the prt-rrli-d class enjoy the itum privilege itnd Immu nities." The opinion goes further and holda that the ai; nprlation la for public purposes. : SCHOOL ELECTION MY 28 (load Iwiir of SCil.lMMi I'or (iratle Hrhool to lie Vwled (m. ' At a meeting of the school lioard last night Ihe tctltlun recently pre sented -jsklng f ir en election on the prom alilon for a $28,000 bond Issue 1 for district It, for th erection of u eight- r tea-room grade school, wai acted ob gad an election ordered for July SO. Th sit to o voted on. as es'tco for h the retitioncr. It In block II of Park Addition. Mr. McKay of th schorl hoard sa that be already baa communicated with architects felling them what Is wanted, no that In th event Ihe election carrlee no time need ie loat In the erection of tha building. WANT KAII.WAV ilFTtTtilCO. The commercial bodies of Portland have lieen asked by th Klamath Kails Chamir of Commerce to uae their Influence tu ecu re speedy con ' htructlt n of ihe Hill line from (tend to th eruthern Oregon city. It Is stated thst the producers of that sec tion can neither buy nor sell to Port Itnder. The c'rcultous route that freight muat lake makes It prohibi tive to ship to Portland or from that city. For-Lawn? 7 f th m OSE $200,000 THIS SEASON -LAIDLAW IS AG A I N' HAPPY TOWN KiiJo'ttHHI Tor Mime, MarM For PlfHlNCO hsh r)i 1st (IrtltlMifoSl Ahiohr; ImrtteitMt HeMof)) i,( lha THnssln Prttjeci SWrfc, f Special to Th tluiletlo) LAIDLAW. July 1. When ws reached bare thla afternoon that the Supreme Court had knocked Obstruc tionist McMahsn's Injunction null sgainst th Columbia Southern appro priation higher than Ollderoy's kite, enthusiasm and optimism, two char actorhttlcfl that have been keepiHg under cover in Ijildlaw for some time, came out in the aun again. In fact, now that the last hitch In the Irrigation enterprise has been so satisfactorily disposed of. everybody's wearing that f ItO.OOO appropriation amlle. Which la acme smile, lie It re marked. Even Engineer Laurgaard Is guilty, not to mention those SO en gineers who thought tbemselvea out of a Job, and th scores of settlers who were Just about ready lo begm cussing the stale again. "I expected It." said Laurataard Ilut- oh. well, everybody says. "I told you oo," afterward, no matter how blue atiout th gills they may asve been while the trouble was on! Wot la Outlined. Mr, Uurgaard tcld The Dulletln something of what will le done now that be ran put hia forces to work and keep them on the Job. The 30 engineers, reinforced by about the same number of laborers, start in at once. The clearing of the feed canal la the first work. Supplies and other freight that have been held up dur ing the MM:ikn affair have been or dered shipped. "About IS00.00 will he spent this year." said Mr. Lab.gaard. "If we proceed oo force account I expe.-t there will tie at least 100 men on the Job by August. If we give out small contracts there will h some de lay In advertising for bids. The method of the work la for the Iniard to decide." Ilfwenlt. Are Mjuq. The great brunt of the work wilt nrt tie undertaken until next year. Xwy little will be done with the big dam this sessnn, and that la by far the most expensive snd largest por tion of the whole enterprise. How ever, the work of the next six months means steady and prcniahl employ ment for all residents of the country. Isltor for others, a good market for all farm produce and th positive as surance net only of the satisfactory completion of this project, with the watering of atiout 30,000 acres of splendid land within a doten miles of 1 Id law and (tend, but also that for the comlug two yecrs there will be a (t'tii'tmucd on Page Sektuit va. ..! it 2. ie . I MIMJ5lAMJKIMA)C I 1 TJTe First National Bank S ftf OF BEND, BEND, OREGON i UfO Or U C. OOE. I A. SATHER. Vic Prildnl O S HUDSON. CathUr Capital fully paid ... S25.O00 aiockheldar liability . . S15.000 Surplut .... . s.3 600 npHIS BANK is the ms- ness bprjmtter of the Bend country. The fact that our deposits are 100, 000 more today than this date last year, shows prosperity. THe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND 1) I R K C T 0 R S: V. C. COW K A SATHJ R C. S. UPtWON Q M. PATTHReON It C KI.I.IS ( ,3,CSi?,,,TSiS?'",,SP'"2RJ?J' ' 4ajf-' 'Ki5f"'?3f "ettwvs NO. 17 0001 0 T STARTS TODAY LIVELY SESSION IS AN- TICIPATED Omelet e treat h Prokwhte HetHeeii CVftHS)lslosers untl .lajdeje Sr- rsrli Ctonrt ICsrme Pnt Ountj- Ih liol Pnr AwrtJur Viwr. ( Special. lo The Bulletin) PKI.VKVILLe, inly J. The Cotw ty Court opened the July term today, with a mass of road matters ami bills pertaining mostly to the cost of tn May term of tho Circuit Cottrt, which was on of the moat expensive sessions held In thla county for a great number of yc snd which will pnt th county back In debt again until next tsx collection tltno arrive. There will probably be other nat ters reqwlrlng the attention of the County Court which wtll keep It in session for th ria:nor of the week or longer. Owing to un fact thst this Is the Srst session since Judge Springer publlabed bla sensa tions letter. It practically ac cusing Commissioner Bayley of re ceiving too much commission oat of th bridge deals, tbe session la llkelv to lie an Interesting one and tho work before tbe court Is likely to become congested or to be don by tho com missioners slone and by iisjtsj Igg the -- , ip, . , w ..... hat the uibJMIiiIod to MKttqptswos- Judge. - vr It Is reported that era have decided rapber to act as special clerk, dic tating their action tn all matters com ing before thetn to tbe clerk and di recting the entries to be made In dis regard of the Judge or bis presence. PiCHIG ATJBRAHGE HALL PH,t.itlori Msde to Uave Jattr Kit tertalnncRt Prloai Tbe folks living ecst of town are going to have a big picnic Friday aad have sent cut the fonwltul an nouncement regarding It: "Th Grange will has a plendn at their hall Fourth of July. Brer on Is cordially Invited. No td to lie a Orsnger to come and kayo a good time. A splendid progvaas has been prepared, part of which will lie given In the morning at 10: SO and the remainder at S In tbe afternoon. There will be a dance ha tho even ing, with the best of most. Cons early and bring yonr lunch, then stay for tbe dance. There wilt be Ice cream, lemonade, nuts, eandy aad clgsrs served at tbe ground, alee a o'clock dinner. Wt tutv a ladles' dressing rorm whore you can primp for the evening." Next Sunday evening at tbe Meth odist church there will be a patriotic service, with an address delivered by iter. U. C. Newham on "The Indepen dence of An-erlca." There will tie ap propriate slng'nj; by the children. G i 2 iP. . 5;