SMALLEST BEAST OF PREY. I li a Tru Waaasl, but It Only About Olx noliss Long. Tlio NiiiultnMt curiilomiiH iinlmnl In (ho world In mi Aini'rlcim wymol which U niiiiiuritiirf In inn Ih Went (Jiiiiiiiln niul AIiihI(ii niul Ih oui'iiHloiinlly Hi'itii nliniit Hid incut lnlii'H, It In ii lliiii wiMiHdl, hut only hI. Inclii'H Iiiiiu, with a lull only iiiii' hull In li'imth, All lid Upper mirfiicii Ih In Hiniiiiii'i' Min iiiuliiir In own. hut Hut thiuiit, iiliihiuii'ii niul IiinIiIh uf tint li'UH ii n) uiiy v lillc, mill, iinlll.ii iiny nthi'i' wimihi'I, It hi mi hhiolt ut lint niul or tln lull: Ih-ilh. iillhoimh tin iiiiliniil luriw ulillo hi tlui iiiirih In winter. It iIimm not hIihw thu hliU'lt tlixil lull which rliurm-lcrlxcH mi t!r- it 1 ii ili. niul wt It I nut Mouxlit liy lini'lM'i'M niul fur IiiiiIcih. Till Met. with ItM Hiiiull rliy 'mil t ri'ilvi lire, linn iiiiiiht Iih ImiIiIIh vi'iy Utile liiutuii, hut t lii'.v hi'imii In hi) inut'li libit timet1 or oilier wciihcIh It f Ik oil lumi'U. whli It It IIihN iilhc In mini hut Hud III wlntci iIIkn mil or lolli'ii Iiijm; iihiii hiiiiIII IiIhIm, I'll., hut 1 1 Vim iiiiihiiy on win'. TIii-i' It mn follow Into thi'lr lunrowiMt IihImh niul run wham, fur It Ih wtiri'i'ly Iririicr thmi n Hi. hi uiiiuxv ItHi'ir. or. ntiikliitf ilu t nil t if unit. It Hill (nil It llll IN NMIMtl'MlUM tlllll IIH Wtllll HH It Itlll'lllw'ulKllI Of llH iny will irliiK iiMit It with munxluu niul fMinl rviplillt.v II Ih rri'MiiiMiily I'liiiKht h- iiHiiirillat In tliiilr iiioiihi- iniw. An old liidluii Htld V II. UhkimkI of thu IiIiiIukUiiI mmoy. wliiitliuHciiiliir'(l one In nouHi tii AIiihIhi. Hint It wiih ii iiroinUi) of mrc kimnI foriuiu'. Ill limthcr.liit n ImIimI, hud tiikcii oni" wIiimi ii Iniy mid Inn) In ioiiHi'cia'iiri' Imvoiiio ii lilu I'lilof. A koimI inline fur thin Ii'iihi of lint enr niton would Ixt "iiiou-i' hunter." It U known in mli'iui) iih I'liturlim rlxo nil. JlnrjwrV ; r SCIENTIFIC PUZZLES. Soma Quesr Thing On Lsarne In th Stud of Cnsrolslry. Itvury mil' Known Hint llto dliiiiund l only cliilliiwl i OhIiiIIIxiiI, hut tlii'lt urn ii KriHit itiuity ntltttr UiIiimh In tin I urn Uml. iliuuuh imhhxhmIuu whltdy illffxii'iit irHiiirlhH. Hre i iuiimimsI of 'nrlly ihiiuI itiHHllthM of I la mime 4tlHHlltN. 'tlw ttlilli- uf mi i'K Mint rnttlwiiHl.1' IHtlwiu Hto formed if hhuh'Mliy Hit hmuk' MmountM or the Mtmt tUmimtl. 'I'Uv oil of roDM Mrl nmiHMtu owl km me MH'h fiMiiml Mllkti. li Ih'Ihk twin Mwl of fiHir hIiiioh uf hjilroai'ii uml four HtouiM of inrUtn. Hitowr Htttl km in Hmhlo nri llki-ivlno lnnlhur of thu mum wvlKlit uml tvx tuttt All tin' hyilriHiirlMitiH, kuowii to xrh 4'IHi MH II ItlUlhlUHllllll of olMnHi iiIoiiih of h)drni'U mid tru iiioiiM or nirlHiii. lire nllKc In thi'lr i'oiummIoIi. To ii ii tjiritl t hiiiiii oil of orniiuc. Iviuon. I'l.ivi-, (.'hiKiT mid lilni'k m'iht. 'I'lif hiikui-IihI ixilminthiu of tlirro MH'iilUrlthn Ih Uml Hit iiIoiiih iiiv filiiiv il ilirTt'ii'iiily (ottiinl oiu iiiioiIiit In tlu iimliH-nli'H of the ilirrcront Niih-ntmn-'H. OtluT IhliiKH JuhI iih iMH-iillnr nrr crl (lent wlifii ivrluln Hlilwtniui-H nrv mill et I rlii'lillrnlly. ThllH Itydroei'll Kit, which Ih inlorlcK. mid idlmui'ii K. which Ih iiIkii iMtitrli'M. when uultiil k In inula- muiiioiihi. which hnn u very Htnnii; iMlur. Coimt. which hnn no odor, mid xlur, which nhto hnn none, when melleil mid inUcil to kIvu tia linii. priMlnce n HiiltHtmice with n very I'luirui li'ilHtlc one. Chliii ko Itcoonl Herald. An Cat Tonguo For Pott, lliiniH. or coiitfe. Ih iiutrmiHhitnhle, for when he Hllcuiiled loiiunou Kutt lMh he wiih roinnioliiliii e. Hut he took IiIh oiM.rl unity tlth the Hrotvh mmIh wliu lime the delluhtful liinuiiiiKe Hint Iiiih no coiiHiiihiutH. You emi rime miyihlnu with iiuythlui:. S-oich U iho hiuuiiiiKu for rime. Aiiioiik tlio lllimt heilUllflll of lltiriiv' hh'UIH U "MMry MorlHoii," wlih- Ytren wlirn In ih irmllln lrlnt Tli lUtiff urnl llirouiili Ilia llRhlwl ha' To ihu my fmipy IimiK lu wlnici I mi, liut nellhrr lirarii nr aaw, Hut hiiw ilmMii't rime with hull tin lenH .miii hx'iiU Scotch mid omit the iniiMiuiiniH. Von will M'ntle Hint n Kioichiiuin niiiuot help writing xeiry when he emi uuike miyihluc rlmu with unythliiu.-I.onilou Chnuililo. Qurd Hlmitlf. The ilclcitlM' hud JuM eoiiKrntiilnted the luuiHewiru for hrliiKluu iiIhiiU thu urrenl or ii noted Hiiciik thief. "Oil, I knew he wiih ii crook the inluutu ho opened IiIh uiotith." nhu rvilled mull InKly. "How did you Kpot him ho ipileklyt" "Why, he (old me the mm couipmiy hud Mtut him to itxmnliie our utelvr uml hee If we were nut entitled to rehiite'-ArKuiuiut. Th "Inthtmli." "Well, .lumen Henry Wllllinn, did you enjoy .Mimi'lf ul Hie neiiHldeV "Vi'H, teiieher. very iniich I lllail tho ieii, hui I ciiiililn'l llud the InthuiulH." The wluit, .ImneH Henry Wlllluiul" The lulheiulH, icm hers where It hiijm In the lllhle. 'The xeu mid nil thut lu them Ih,,,,-I.oihIiiii Chronicle. Unfair ComparUon. Tn. when Ih ii iiiiiii well to do?' "When he inn afford to spend n much lu ii year fur his clot hen as' his wife deea In n month for hera'-Chl" cuco Itivordllurnld. LuoWly It la No Wont. If tiiilf the exceptionally niunrt hn hlea wore to develop Into Htnart men uml women there would ho sharper coiiipetltluii In every walk of life. lujlo. , --aMPMMtP It Is fur. better to grow noblo than to be hum noble. - v OUIKiON THUNK. ArrlvcH 8 n. in, - - LnuvuH ........... ,H:30 p, in. O..W. II. A S. (!). ArrlvcH .......... .8: in p. in. i.eiivi'H 0: -i r a. in. H'VMiK MM') HOUTII. Arrlvim ...,r u, in. 1 ,011 Vim .,..,,,.. . H.IIO p, in. AI'TO I.IXHH, Ciith dully to I In run mid polnlH iioiith mill KiiiitheiiHt. POSTOI'I'ICH IHM'IIH. (lumiriil ilollvery iitimi dully 10 ii, in. to 0 : :i 0 p, in, (Iciieinl ilcllvnry upon Huiiilny Id:. til u, in. to 11 n. in. Itiillwuy tuiill iildiii'H 7 p.m. HIiiko mull i'Iiihiih 'I p, in. THI.KtHIAI'll llontH, WoHii'in Union dully IMS; Ml: 7-10. Wi'Mliitii Union Huiiilny fc-10 mid Ml. TICI.KI'IKINK IIOritH. I'loitettr Co. dully 7 w. to. (u 0 t. in. I'lnnetir Co. Huiiilny H-li; 5-8 . . A cln-Hllled ml III The llllllillll Ih rend liy hiiuilriiU mid iiiIiikh the ml (food iiiiuii fr Iho moiie) luvt'Nlt'd. NOTICH I'Olt I'l'III.K'ATION. I)o.nrtinont uf the Inturlor U. H. I.hihI Olllrn ut The DiiIIuh, Ore Ken. May 28th, l!i:i. Not leu Im horoliy kIvoii thut WIN Until I). Hull of Kuldhiw, UriiKon, .vlto on Dcceiiiher Xdtli, 11)07. lumlii homo Nloiid entry No. ItiHXU, Hcrlnl No. 012KI!. for HWV4NWU. m'O. 13: K'iNIC't mid Nlt'tUK't, (too. It, towiiHhlp 10 Mouth, rnnco 11 nntt, Wlllniiuitltt inurldliin, hnn filed uotlt'i of Intoutlon to make fliml nvityiM.' pio'if, to cMnhlnh clnlin to tho In id a. i vi" dvnorlhed, hofai) tlroriff '. Altkun, V. H. CommUiiIoiiflr, nl lilu olllre nt HlnterH. OrvKou, on tho lith iluy of July, liiin. Clulniiint nainiw i wIIiim' Jerry Itlohiirdwin of (lUt, (iriiunn: (InorKo Hull. .1. I'. Huley mid WIN Haiti IIhII, nil of lihlliv, Oreniin 13.17 C. V. .MOOitri. Itoidomi. XOTICK III' CtlXTItST. Dfltwrlincul of the Interior, CnlUxl Htalmi lnil Ollloe. The l)nm, OrMV'. "'nil 7 191S To Hurry A. lUnwtlor lionil, ()reoH, Contett: You tire herehy null fled thut tl. V. IIIII, who kIvihi llrnil, Ori'Kon. nr IiIh ImwI-oIUco HildroMi. did on Mny 2, 1113, (He lu thin nnieu lilu duly cr rolKtmloil nppllcnilon to eoutoMt mid neriiio the ciMicllwtlon of your hoinv nl odd, Kntry No. MerlHl Ne. 07U73. iimiln Jununry IB. 1'Jll. fur N V4 NIC U . KV Vi NK V, . NV Vi 8IC V, . Ke. 2, T. 20, H. It. 10. K KKV4 KeC" Hon Xft, TowiiHhlp lU, H ItniiKO 1, K., Wlllniuelli) Meridian, niul mm KroiiudH for hi coulevt he hIIokhi Hint nnld entryiunii h:m never otnh Killed renldence upon nnld land; that he haa nnvor linttrued or cultivated thu antiie. You nre, therefore, further noti fied Hint thu nil I ii iilleKitloiitt will ho taken hy this olllco a huvlng heen coufcMieil hy you, niul your nld entry will he canceled thereunder without your f.itlher rlKht to he heard there. Inv either hefore till office or on np penl,, It you full to file In thin ufllco within twenty day nflor tho I'OCUTII iiulillcntluii of thin notice, km. nIiowii helow, your unawer, under oath, Hpeclflcolly uieetliiR and re HHiiidliiK t" themt iiHeRntlona of con tent, or If you fall within Hint tltiiu to file lu thin ofllce due proof Hint you have nerved it oopy of your mi awer on thu nld contealmit either In peraon or hy reitUtereil mall. If thla aarvleo lit niaile hy the delivery of n copy of your ntmwer to thu con teatnnt In puron, troof of auch ser vice uiiiat he either the nnld content aut'M written acknowledgement of IiIh rocolpt of the copy, hIiowIdk tlio dnto of Its receipt, or tho nflldnvlt of tho pomon hy whom thu dollvory wna tunde ntntlnK when nnd where the copy wnt delivered: If mndo hy tru latered innll, proof of auch Horvlco inuat conalat of tho nflldnvlt of tho pemoti hy whom tho copy wan mailed ttlnlliK when nnd tho poHtolllce to which It wbh innllod, nnd thla nflldnv lt imiHt hn nccoiupiiuled hy thu pout innHler'n receipt for tho lottnr. You Hhottld ntnto In your unawer tlio iinine of tho pt.torilco to which you dcnlro future nottcen to ho sent to you. 14-18 C. V, MOOUK, Itaclitvr. Dnto of flint puhllcntlon Juno 11, 1913. Unto of Hccond puhllontlon June 18. 1913. Onto of third puhllontlon Juno 2D, 1913. Dnto of fourth puhllontlon July 2, 1913, I NOTICI". Oh' CONTIiST. Dupnrtiuent or Iho Intorlor, United I HUilCH I.nml Oirtco. Tlio Dalles, 1 Oiokoii. Mny lfl, 101 a. To Dan M, Smith of llond, Oregon, CnuteHtee; You uro herohy notified that Hurl I.. Powors, who Klvea llend, Cnmk County, OroKon, na his pont-olllce ad dress, did on May 8, 1913, file In thla ofllco hla duly corroborated appli cation to contest nnd soetiro tho can cellation of your humoatoad, Kntry No, 090nc, Setlnl No, 09950, made Kelt. 12, 1012. for NV4 8cctlon 7, Township 20 H ltnuo 10 K.. WIN Inmottu Meridian, nnd na Rrnundu for lila contest ho alleges that anld Dan M. Hmlth lmH fntlod tQ oatahllah Ills residence upon nnld tract; that snld . untryiuan has not rcHtdod on aald land' or Improved It In any uinimor aliico innkliiK lila entry, therefor; that anld outrymtni hua ahimdnncd anld tract for upwnnU of six mniitha laat piiHt nnd that mich nliMiicn wna not duo to hli oiiiployinont In tlio Army, nnvy or mnrlno corps of thu I'nltod HtutoH durliiK tlino of war or othor vlso, You nro, thoroforn, further noti fied thut tho nnld alienation will he tiiltnn hy thin oflleo m hnvlim heen iioufeNsud hy you, nnd your nnld entry will he uniiueled thereunder without vnur further rlKht to ho heard there in, (tllhor Iteforo thin ofllco or on np penl, If you roll to file In thin olllee within twenty duyn nflor the I'OI'HTII puhllcntlon of thla notice, iih hIiiiwii helow, your ntmwor. under onlh, Hpecfllcnlly meetliiK mid re HpoudliiK to (1100 nlluKHllnnH of con Jeat or If you full within llutl lime to lilt In I IiIh olllco due proof H.Ht you hitvo nerved u copy of your minwer on the Hld fontitttfiiit either lu iwrnou or hy ii-Klnterod innll. If HiIh nrvlce In mndo hy the delivery of n copy of your mmwer lo tho coiitiwtmit In per- hiiii, proof of mich nervlco imint he either the nnld contenunt' written ; iickiiowUdKiiioiit of IiIh ruoolpt of the copy, nhowInK the dHto of Km riMMlpt, or the HllldHVlt of tho pernoii hy whuin dollvered; If tnndo hy reenter ed iiiitll. proof or mich nervlce imml UonnUt of the iiflldiivlt of the pernon I hy whom the copy wna innllod atnllni: I when Mini thu pontofllco to which It WM4 iiihIIbiI. nnd thin allliUvIt tmint he Hccompniiled hy thu poHtlilKster'n receipt for the letter. You nhould ntnto In your answer Iho mono of tho iwistofTIco lo which you ilenlru future notices to ho sent to you. 0. V. MOOItK, HiiKlslor. Dnto of first puhlloutlun June 11, 101.1. Dnle of necoud puhllcntlon June 18, 1913. Datu of third puhllontlon Juno 2C, 191.1. Date or fourth puhllontlon July 2, 1913. xotici: I'oit I'unucATiox. Doimrtuiuiil of tho Intorlor, U. H. .Lund Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Mny 29th, 1913. Notice Is hurcliy rIvoii that Alhort llarryiumt, of Demi, OroKon, who, on June Sltli, 1909, made Desert Land Kutry. No. OS010, for HKVi HKVi, Keotlon C, Towimhlp 17 Houth, HniiKe 112 KasL, Willamette Meridian, hnn filed notice or Intention to make Dual jprw.f. to estnhllsh clnlin to Hie hind MlMivtt ilmcrlhd, heforo II. C. Kllln, V. 8. ComiiiliHilomir, at his ofllce nl Itend, OrtHtoii, on tho 12th dny of July. 1913. ClMliHHNt names an wltnoaoen: John K. Yuhik, William All. William Peek nnd John I. Mooro, all of llend, OrvHon. 13-17 C. W. MOOHK, HeKlster. XOTICK Ol' COXTHKT. Dppnrtineiit of the Intorlor, Cnlted Htwles IhikI OfTlce. Tho Dnlles, H Your cream separator WHKiflD7BBH If will operate at full MnN8' Rrlir Uv IHH H efficiency if it is HH lHtk ijH H lubricated with wfeSLBMWTfll arsa vKaaaBMaavsrv I a"r"iTaTaH I Standard HandHKTfflM I Separator Oil HPM ' H H Specially prepared for cream W : lB H separators. Sold by dealers II UH H everywhere and tho I ISSw.1 m I'OKILHM 5A rKAN.-i.SCO M MBiaHaaaaaMraaaaaawvBrv93HfjaBai HHIHHHHBHHMHBHyHBnwHBBHHIHHHHbaHHMBHIBHHi "Such shipments mean Studebaker has the confidence of the farmer' Every year over one hundred thousand horse driven vehicles nro sold by Studebaker. Over n million Studebaker vehicles nro always in use Stop and think what that means. This enormous output means that Farmers the men who know depend upon StuJcbal(cr wagons to do their work. And a Studebaker wacon never fails. It is always rsady to do a big day'o work and to keep on doinc it. Thcro nro thoucands cf Studebaker wacons that l.avo been in oervice from 20 to 40 years, A StuJchakr wagon is n leal butlnes asset. Vhe!, bedy, frame, ulea and running gear have been tested and relcsled by cipctts. You can buy cheaper wagons but thoy'ro not S!uJcbart, nor will they but liko Studebaker wagons. Whether in city, town or country, for business or pleasure, there Is StuJcbabtr vehicle to meet your requirements. Farm wagons, trucks, contractors' wanons, bucgies, surreys, runabouts. Eon carriages, business and delivery wagons each tholiest otits hid. Studebaker harness alio, ol every description. Sea our Dealer or urlta vu STUDEBAKER South Eend, Ind. . NEW YORK C1IICA0O IIAliM KANSAS CITY iMNVM UINNBArOU3 SALTLAKK CITY SAN HtANCISCO PORTLAND, ORK, Orofjon, May 20, 1013, To Dalph Mulkoy of Laldlaw, Ore gon, Contented, You uro herohy notified that Kdwln Holmes, who Klvcn Hond, OreKon, an his post-ofDco nildresn, did on Mny 23, 191,1, fllo lu thin office his duly corroborated application to contest uml secure the cancellation of your hoiiientcnd, Kntry No, , Herlnl No. 00720, mndo Mny 9, 1910, for NV4 NHVi, H"c 12, WV4 HKVi, HVz NI5 ' , -iMtn 1, 2, Hectlon 1, Township 20 Houth, Itmixi) 18 E.i Wlllnmetto Meridian, mid nn KrotmdH for IiIh content ho hIIiikoh Hint he Is luforinod uml verily hellevon Hint mild entry man linn failed to untuhllsli nnd iiimIii Utlu IiIh resldenco upon nnld tract: Hint nnld entiyinau han failed to cultivate hi I d tract or any part there of mm required hy law; that nnld ahov failure wan not due to ontrjmati'H employment In the army, navy or iiiHilne corpM or tho I'nltctd fltats In time or war or otherwise. Yoti are, therefore, further noti fied that thu nnld allegations will he (akeu hy thin olllre as IihvIiik heon eonfwMeil hy you, and your said entry will he canceled thereunder without your further rlKht to he heard Ihoro In, either hefore this ofllce or on ap peal,. If you rail to file In this office within twenty days after tho I'OintTII publication of this notice, an shown helow, your answer, under oath, speelflcnlly meetltifC and re sponding to thoBo alleKntlonn of con test, or If you fall within that time to file lu thin ofllce duo proof that you have nerved u copy of your an awer on tho nnld contestant either In person or hy registered mall. If this service Is made hy the dollvcry of n copy of your niiHwer to Uic con testant In jiereon, proof of such ser vice must he either tho nnld contest ant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of thu copy, nhowlng tho dnto of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the pernon hy whom the delivery was mndo statins when nnd whero the copy wnn delivered: If made hy trc Interod mall, proor of such norvlco must consist of the affidavit or tho person hy whom the copy was mailed slatlHK when and the pontofllco to which It wnn mailed, and thin affidav it must he accompnled hy the posU master's receipt for tne letter. You should state lu your answor the name of the poetoulce lo which you desire future notices to be sent to you. C. W. MOOltK. Register. Date of first tmhlloatlon June 11, 1913. Date of neoond publication June 18, 1913. Dnto of third publication June 2fi, 1913. Date of fourth publication July 2, 1913, HW MgCTBflS SJNE MmmmmmpimMAmimmmMmmmAmmPiM LOOK! I 9 r Si g One delayed car of special cutting ma- 1 chlnery arrives on or about the 25th of June. 21 If you want the best, see us before buying. 31 Si Si 1 rA I Si Si 31 i Si s Reapers Mowers Binders built to do your work, at a less cost than other makes. We also carry binder twine. The Purest and Bend Milling & 3 We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Dnrlcy, Oata, Wheat Tiic Largest Darn WENANDY Bend, J. H. WENANDY NIGHT TRAIN SERVICE DAILY- THROUGH BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND BEGINNING SUNDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1913 (AOmTH. & in. tttf TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS COACHES This service Is In lieu of the day trains run heretofore. The train will leave Bend 8:30 P. M.. Deschutes 8:48 P. M Red mond 9:10 P. M Terrebonne 9:24 P. M , Culver 10:02 P. M., Metoliua 10:20 P. M Madras 10:30 P. M Mecca 11:08 P. M Maupin 12:40 A. M Sherar 1:08 A. M , arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Leave Portland 7:00 P. M Arrive Sherar 3:03 A. M Maupin 3:20 A. M Mecca 5:18 A. M., Madras 0:00 A. M., Metulius G:13 A. M., Cul ver G:28 A. M., Terrebonne 7:08 A. M Kediuond 7:23 A. M Deschutes 7:43 A. M Bend 8:00 A. M. Connections are made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley and Puget Sound Points. Fares and schedules and details will he furnished on application or hy letter. V. C. WILKES. J. H. CORBETT, Agent. Asst. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Apt. Bend, Oregon. It. H. CROZIER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. r H. G. FARRIS Auto Trucks Operating Regularly Between BEND AND BURNS PROMPT SERVICE lc A WORD and Rakes Best Always at Warehouse Co. and Bran at lowest prices. In Central Oregon. LIVERY CO. Oregon. LON L. FOX CENTRAL OREGON LINE !SAl.LALJTrLB WANT AD WILL COST YOU