il TI1K DUNN ni'M.KTIN, IiKNU, WKDNKHDAY, JVNK !M, tOltl. "'' ' ,Iwmj ; as T?Tt??rTttyrr?rT'1 "???? rTr y - M'MAHAN TELLS ABOUT HIS PAST wttuft ItM "Si Wo DISCOUNT 0 v ('. A LETTER ON ALL INJUNCTIONS HAVE BEEN HIS FORTE NcwMinpenitnn-AttoriH'yN Letter (o Uildluw I.rnitue Kpro.w Mklti For Idinil of Two.HU Whiskey, Hut II KxplnlnM Hut IilttlOs (Special to Tho Bulletin) LA1D1.AW, Juno 24. Tho follow ing Is tho text of a letter received by Fred N. Wallace as secretory of tho Laldlaw Development league, from L. H. McMnhan, tho Salem attorney who Is attempting to block tho util ization of tho Columbia Southern appropriation. Those settlers who have read It do not seem to entertain any wnrm regards for t hewrlter of .tho commu nication than formerly, and a senti ment seoms general that tho "Injunc tion lawyer" gives more consideration to his personal interests and aspira tions that to the broaa merits of tho case. According to the writer, McMahan has labored long and hard In opposi tion to grafetlng omclals, but see his to have gone "broke" In'tno course of his multitudinous efforts. In the letter, which follows, he chronicles some of his legal controversies: "Fred N. Wallace, "Laldlaw, Oregon. "Dear Sir: 1 am Just In receipt of your courteous letter of Juno 8 in closing certain resolutions relative to the suit brought by me against the lr rlgatlng project In your county. "I have" been fully advised of tho situation there and I deeply symmpa- thlx with all who are concerned. In order that you may fully appreciate my viewpoint and .understand why I brought the suit I submit the follow inc statement: " In 1889 I esfnbliohed tho Wood- hum Independent In this county. At that time the county offices wero In control of what was known as the 'court house ring,' a gang of corrupt politicians' who plundered the tax payers In a way that would have made Ooss Tweed take notice. The fight I made on that gang is a matter of local history, and I won by forc ing legislation which corrected the abuses. In '92 I established In Sa lem the 'Dally Independent' and for the first time exposed the corrup tion existing in the office of tho State Printer, the Sec. of State, the State Treasurer and he Supt. of the Peni tentiary. I also exposed legislative clerk hire and the Hen and swamp land frauds. Finally 1 was boycotted out of business by state officials, who laid down the rule that no merchant who advertised with me could fur nish supplies to state Institutions. When the daily went under, I started an editorial weekly called 'McMa han's Wasp' and kept up the fight until I stopped many of the abuses of which I had complained. "After I quit the newspaper busi ness I brought suit against the Supt. of the Penitentiary for converting 13000 of public property to his own use. Then came the suit against F. I. Dunbar, ex-Sec. of State, against whom I obtained Judgment for over 1100,000. Later I enjoined the Cra ter Lake road and saved the taxpay ers $100,000. All of these cases you will find in Suprome Court reports of this state. I also found that the State Fair managers were giving out annually the the 'silk-stocking' brig, ade about 1800 passes and I stopped that. "I mention these things to show you that I have earnestly endeavored for more than 25 yoars to proteet the people against the mlschlevlous activities of corrupt politicians and that In this work I have shown no favor. The work is disagreeable and exceedingly expensive, but if no one else will undertake It I will keep It going. "I bollve the bill In which you are vitally interested Is violative of the constitution, and will if carried Into effect establish a dangerous preee dent, i am not opposed to the prin ciple, but to the method employed. "I direct your attention to a pro posed constitutional amandmont to be submitted at the next election, which If adopted will allow the state to equitably Irrigate all the arid lands. You will And It In the session lawB of 1913. "I sincerely trust that you will not believe I am actuated by other than good motives In this effort to defeat the law. I was born In t ehbunoh grass country when wiilsky was two- bits a drink and n pair of aces was worth all you could get o nthem be fore the draw. 1 have a kindly feel ing for It. "This note. Mr. Wallace, Is hastily written and more by way of courtesy than of explanation. My health at present forbids greater effort. "Should you or any of your friends come to Salem, please call on me, and we will discuss 'these matters at length and under conditions as pleas ant as I can make them to you. r $IjH-McMAITAN, - SalemJiSne'Sir"! " 'for aalo'1 ad in Tho some cowo for oale I told you to A while ago I put a Bulletin. I had run it twice. Well, the day after tho paper wao out I had enough applicationo for thoao cowo to sell them aeveral times over, and I did sell them all right away and had to tell you to stop the ad. These little ads in The Bulletin are read by They certainly pay. L. C. Young .everyone CLASSIFIED ADS COST ONLY ONE CENT A WORD-TRY ONE COUNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 23 Frrc Text Hooka Voted Down and .Street Lights Installed at I'rlncvlllc (Special to The Bulletin) PniNEVILLB, June 23. The county fair this year will be held September 23 to 27, for while au October date was desired by the management this was found to con flict with dates already arranged by other communities. Secretary Cadlo says that he expects this season's fair to be by far tho finest ever seen In the county and already merchants, stockmen and others are planning ex tensive prizes. The school meeting last week re sulted In tho unanimous reelection of T. II. Lafollette to tho board and J. I). Shlpp as clerk. The free text book proposition was voted down unanimously. On Juno trlct's cash balance was $2580, and Its Indebtedness $2,000. Twenty arc lights and 20 100-candfe-powcr incandescent electric lights have been Installed on the streets here.'.l i,i 1 I HI G tho dls-'stnrt made. She was getting on well, DIES FROHJEART FAILURE Aged Woman Suffer Attack While hi Wagon en Houtr to llonicxtcnil. While about 20 miles out on tho road from Uend, on tho way with her husband and son to their home steads, Mrs. F. O. Itood, aged 70 years, was stricken with heart fail ure last Thursday and died suddenly. Mrs. Itood had been In poor health hero but Insisted that she be taken out to the homestead. Accordingly, a cot was placed In n wagon and the apparently, being ablo to get out of tho wagon and In again without aid. Tho excitement of the trip, however, proved too much, bringing on lliu heart attack. The remains wero brought to Hem! Friday and taken to Portland Satur day fur Interment. PRINEVILLE PASTOR ARRESTED Itcv. William I'lmiU Not (Jullty to Cruelly to Animals Charge. (Special tn Tho Hulletln.) PHINEVILLK. Juno 23. Hev. J. E. Williams, who has been pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Prlnevlllo for the past year, was arrested by officer Wade Huston last Suits wLu UNTIL JULY 15 TH Suits range in price from $10 to Many to choose from. This is an exceptional op portunity to get exactly what you want, by com ing early. A. L. FRENCH top Paying Rent OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN KENWOOD JUST ACROSS THE RIVER KENWOOD is only 10 min. wulk from the business center of Bend KENWOOD is the bast view property on the market and is bound to be the most valuable residence property in Uend KENWOOD KENWOOD has sidewalks, electric lights water and prices and terms are best offered in Uend the Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to suit you. The money you tire paying for rent now will in a very short time make you the owner of a - HOME OF YOU II OWN. Oregon Land & Immigration Co. J. Ryan, Agent Wednesday on a chart; of cruelty to animals. According to tho police otneer, Itev. Williams was unmercl fully heating a horse that he was driving and refused to desist when ordered by the officer. Marshal Huston thcrotion placed Hev. Williams under arrest, lie was arraigned before Recorder A, It. bowman and pleaded not Kullty. Ho then engaged Myers & Wallace, at tornes, to defend hlui and will carry tho matter on writ of review to the Circuit Court and attempt to "bust" the city churler of Prlnevlllu before he will pay the fine. n'ewcomers should get the habit of going to Innes & Davidson's bar ber shop. Adv. NOTICi: FOII I'UIILH'ATIO.V. Department of the Interior, U, 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 1st. 1013. Nutlet) Is hereby Riven that John P. Vomit? of llend, Oregon, who, on May 27th, l'JOU. made desert entry .No. 0t!M&, for HKU8WU, NBWU sec. 3 and MfftHKH, sec. 4, town ship 17 south, range 12 oast, WIN lamette Meridian, tins film! notlco of Intention li make final proof, to es tablish claim to thi) land above des cribed, before II, C. Kills, If. 8. Com. uilHsloner, at his office at llend. Ore ;os. on the 2Mb day of June. 1913. Clnlmnnt n nines as witnesses. Karl II. Houston, Adelaldo I,. Alt. William J. Alt,' Albert Hurryinan, all of llend, Oregon. 12-1C C W. MOOUK. Heglster. I V Mt miw.'.'.w.WiW.ViW.w.s ...... 8S jSpIS 3lnJW "Cutt" SmS Our Reputation, Your SatUfaction We appreciate that our standing depends upon the satisfaction uiven by our work. This ncccnity for cood work is not all, however, for our pride in the quality of our plumbing installations it also a strong incentive to make your satisfaction the first consideration. Allow ui to inttall a 'Standard bathroom, kitchen sink or laundry tray and your satisfaction will be assured. J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating: Bend, Oregon " '.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.,.,.,.'...,.,. " .v. lYt'ivrri'i'ivrivriYiViYiViY,,; !;; The Best Buy in Crook County 80 ACRES, ALL FENCED Good House, Born, Tank; about 15 acres ready for ' crop. Seven and one-half miles east of Bend on Bear Creek road, and one-fourth mile from school. Improve ments easily worth $1200. C. O. I. Co. got $2457 for this land. All for $2200 Address Owner, care of TEt Bend Bulletin. .hA.'H'M i , , I Ii j Lr i iSrI HJWbA tnu it- l