The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 25, 1913, Image 6

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r J
V .1
Offer to traveller the most comfortable
and modern rooms in lk-nd.
Steam heat, baths, hot and cold water,
new furniture.
Beautiful location on the banks ot the
Deschutes River.
Free bus to and from depot. .
Special Sunday Dinner served from 5:30
to 7:H0 P. M. Plates 50 cents.
Spend Sunday afternoon on our preen
lawns and cool verandah watching the clouds,
the river and the mountains. Then step in to
W. D. CURSEY, Prop.
MIm Lola Force Is violtlng friends
Bt Tumalo.
E. R. Hill was down from La Pine
Mra. OMtt.CIo of La'Prne vraa In
Bend Friday.-
w" v
entered the forestry tervtce here,
The musical club holds wiirogrnm
meeting at Mr. E. It.- VotVii today."
for Pomeroy,
Born, to Mr. and Mra. FItk. who,
live east of town, last Friday, a girl.
Born, .Sdndaynlght, to Mr. and
Mrs. O. IT, kaitrson, an SU -pound
. mu A '
W. F. McXaught left Friday
oeroy, W'afih.', & vlafTreUUxe".
Mrs. D. V. Wilson returned Mon
day night from The Unites where she
hns been visiting for several months.
The Presbyterian Ladles' Oulld
will meet with Mrs. (love Wednesday
afternoon, July 2, at 2:30 o'clock.
, J. .'A.- llrlnkley went out to Pine
Mountain yesterday and will be there
for about ten days on forestry busl-
William Crosby of . Tacoma baTbes.
'Mlis Violet McKlnney of Sitters
and Miss Florence Waldron of Walla,
Wnlln, Wash., hav been vliltlngi In
Bend. .. . . ;-. -
A reek ago Sunday JacVSta'ufeyC
,of the Stanley-Davenport ranch, had
his left arm broken when he was
thrown "from a horse.
Children's day exercises were held
fit (ha flnnf lf "nhliroh Riimlnv tnnrn
t . A ? Sfrfttf M M aw m 41 I a A sm at.iAll a
Postmaster 1 nornnounce. that ',, and bc, ,
the outgoing railway mall will close
at 7 p. m. J MIB Edith Kastec Is expected In
' ntnt frnrn Pnrflnnt! nnrl will pn In
H. D. Wellmanof Seattle arrived ,,, ,, ,,.. ,,,, ,,,.
Powell Butte country to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eastcs,
Club httil planned n picnic for yester
day, but had. to postpone It on ac
count of the rnln. They spent the
day with Mrs. O'Knno.
Tho hniuinl mooting or tlio Arnold
Irrigation Company will bo held on
July ift, In connection with which
thoro will be n picnic on tho lawn ut
tltu homo of L. I). WloHt,
(leorgo Vnmluvort roturnod yoMor
dn.v morning from Wlllnmutto Uni
versity whom ho linH been lit coIIoko.
Mr. Vitudeveit xxns elected nuninger
of tho baseball team fur nest your.
Thoro will bo nn orgitnUiUtou
meeting of tho Luynl Toniponuiro Le
gion nt tho llnptlst church Thursdty
inornlng at '. o'clock. All children
of Hchgnl ngu xro itHked to nttoiid.
KM Hnnxllk of tho Portland for
estry olllco, who hns been making n
study or lodgopolo pluo In tho Ochoco
reserve, spent Sunday lii'licnd, vis
iting J. A. Ilrlakley, ni( old college
ft lend,
. L. C. Young, who Iiiib n big- ranch
five miles northeast of (own, xxns In
Monday. Ho snys tho fifi ncren ho hns
In ciiltlvntlun nrc looking splendidly
and that this year will bring tho fin
est kind of crops.
When a blast was set off Friday
to blow out a stump In the street lit
front of tho Catholic church a big
piece of tho stump wua hurled ngnlnst
the church building, tearing it hole
In It nhovn tho door.
Fred lluey and W. L. Wing, who
nro working with the Deschutes river
survey party, spent Sunday In llend.
Tho Lnldlnw camp bn now been
divided, ipnrt of tho men going on
down tho river to Cllno Fnlls.
Tho Wenandy Livery Company Is
building corrals between Sixth street
nnd the railroad track, on the south
side of Greenwood avenue, to serve
as an extension to Its prevent feed
yard on Greenwood. This' addition
will double tho capacity of Hie yard.
L. C. Huberts, who lives 8 miles
out on the Hums .roiul, recently, sold
four thojgughurcd Angus calves and
yearlings for 2f ft, .They were pur
chased M.y elx)'gaii &- Davidson. wh6
are stock raisers tn the eastern Jjart.
nt IhWrhlirtlv " - ' ' "A r
The. treasurer of the IjdlV LI;
brary'Cluh iaa:made a roporj pf .the.
iiuiuv.' oi io citui jor jAprii. auq
Ma'. as. follows: AJijJi , -elpts,
$G3.T0A and xicpdltu.rr. $32. H;
May redeJfrW 933,23, and, expendi
tures, leaving a. .halnuco on hand jon
June 1 of U8-7. , ,
.. . '
AdeitleiiieiitN liiseited tiitilei' till
litwllun at the ine of one tent n
woul for eucli liikei'tloii, DUcotuit on
extended litoertloiii, ('liurgt's mo
iNijitble In advance except for mixer-tNei-s
Max Inn it i outline iiccpiiut xtltli
t'tio Itiilletlit. All paid mlxetllxe
meiilN xx III Ih iHttel In The Bulletin
itlU-c nt tho time of ivcclpt.
Wo havo only ono price that's tho RIGHT prlco.
References ,
Strawberries, Honey, Flour, Coffee
and a hundred other articles.
Wo want your business.
For Kent,
FOU IlKNT FuritUhed rotiitf.
Call nt Lara's residence. lOp
FOU KKNT Furnished room. See
A. L. Hunter at furniture store, 1S-1G
FOU UKNT Furnlihed mom lit
modern house, private family. Mrs.
A. M. Lara. lOlf
FOU UKNT Furnished cabin $6
a mouth. W. II. Lesh, lot 11, blk 15,
Center Addition. 12tt
FOU UKXT6-room house xh
light, water nnd snnltary couxettl
eitces. See It. M. Smith,
FOU UKNT Ti-room bungHloxv In
Deschutes addition. Klectrlc lights
and water. Iuiiilrn ot S. K. Hob
ertH, l&lf
FOU UKNT Three comfortable
rooms centrally located. Suitable fur
family. Hunnlug water mid electric
lights. Very moderate, luqulru nt
llulletln otllce. Stf
FOU UKNT J.argo store, modern
Goouiuuallon. Apply to Post-
iDd ,or
, 1'
In Bend last week:' He' expects to
locate here. - -' - - -
J. U. Stlllwell arrived Monday
morning . from Seattle to visit his
family here.
Miss Anne Market was out at her
homeste'ad last week to see about
some fencing.
M. L. Morrltt returned Friday from
Portland and went up rJer yesterday
on forestry business.
Mrs. C. D. Brown, who has been
visiting relatives at Antelope, re
turned home Sunday night.
Archie Ede, a settler at Butte, la
have been living on their homestead,
moved to town last week. They are
located In the old Bulletin building.
W. V. Cryder, supervisor of the
Paulina National Forest, with head
quarters at Crescent, returned Mon
day morning from a trip to Portland.
O. C. llenkle, tho locator, sayB the
rains of the past few dayB have ex
tended over all the southeast home
stead country and done a great deal
of good.
. While crossing tho tracks near the
Lake county, was a Bend visitor this , warehouse yesterday morning, S. C.
week, coming In Sunday. i Caldwell stumbled, fell and hit his
H. Z. Grlfflth of Culver was in Bend ld n one of the rails, sustaining
on business Monday, being aecoiw- " M,lnIul cuu
panled by bis wife und son. ' The ladles of the Afternoon 600
The Central Oregon' country has
been blessed 'with more fine rains the!
past week. At Jlend the nrcclplta
tlon, was around-n Inchnnd-all of
It went Into the ground."
Notice Is hereby glviJn that I have
In my possession, ptirsuiint to the
provisions of ordlnancu No, .32 of the
City of Bend, ono sorrel marc, no
brand, right hind foot xTil(e, left
hock xvlro cut, weight about 1100
pounds. Xo claimant hns appeared
for this anlmnl nnd unless claimed
by owner within ono day after two
publications of thin notice, I will sell
same to the highest bidder pursuant
to tho provisions or ordlnancu Xo.
Dated June 17. 1912, Bend, Oro
gon. S. K. HOHKHTS.
15-10 Pbundmaster.
Shoes Milncil nt George'
fchop, Oregon MifH.
-( IS JV'Z WT f S wtHPoreA J
I xvctHcolt- I ri)ttrf O wieanoN
l"U. I CVVl'-tSlt JroCHIlIIIMr
2Jo ? iy'f V "W wMTiwrnHiwe.
luSl fitSsAilfS 'tP which fvigPxr4
I "y.; ' A i .:. C AMo- " tuMBrn Mitut I
m i .z. . :zi ? !" nnv rmni3
tiiaJi::ri 3 V
master. for lota No. U
2-3-4, block 16, Kenwood addition,
Bend. Oregon, Carrie Dana", 3211
a 4th Ave. W., Seattle .Wash. Up
iVAXTED 1 Inch and 1 U Inch
California Pine and Sugar Plnu.
common and upper grades. Perma
nent supply desired. Charles W.
Trumbull, 1812-72 West Adams St.,
Chicago. 15-23p
WANTED liy man and wife
who have one boy 8 xeara old, osl
tlon on stock ranch.' Steady 'reli
able, competent to tnko'-full charge,
Can.fumlsh good, references. Address
Box S3, Matipln, Oregon. ICp
To Kx change.
WE HAVK Portland property to
exchange for Bend .real estate. Bend
Hcalty & Investment Co,, 022 Cham
ber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. 4tf
'l,i nnd Found.
STHAYED Dark gray horse,
branded 2L nnd horseshou on right
shoulder. O. L. Fergunon, Sink,
Oregon. 15-17
8THAYKD One chestnut eorrel
mare, branded with horseshoe mid an
II on left shoulder. Came to my
iilflnn nluiilt tho tlh uf ilaV. A. W.
Wlllard, 14 miles east of llend, on
Hoar Crejk road. 3tp
LOST On Max. 25th. one small.
Hunt brown, muley-hoaded Jersey
eow, live years old, no brand. Was
giving two gallons or milk per day
when ht left home, II miles east ol
Mllllcnn's. Five dollars reward for
Information that will lead to recover)
sf same. K. J. Moore llend, Or. icp
ctA.ieiwJ icm JI TAtnfjtf
cite Mic fovefl vmienXTMW
mmma imm-mm
,0' Cl"kll Ci f Q!nn "' l ufiouiminu cwiitry. Tht Uud U rich, deep volcanic aih formn
1 Kjl OllOlilVl OCb L3 rlUC rock, it level, haa good drainage, and excellent drinking walir
never deeper than to feel. The Irrigated land wtlh a perpetual water right
can be purchased at co per acre on ey lerma, The lurroundlng pine covered roounlalna are full ol nMurat wonder -and Juit the place
for s vacation. La Wne la only about two ycara old, but growing rapidly It haa telephone ayttcm, two good hoteU, two big general
merchaudlae aturea, a orttclaM livery audited auble, an excellent neuipaper lihv La I'ntc luter-MounUln), one of the moat progrewive
commercial duba In the ttateaudlhU club by tnc way, haa lit own prbpeityand the patt tear creeled III, r ton an attractive club himae.
There are three amall uw mllla In the viciuUy of La Pine, wnl. b la jun the bcglnulug of the big lumbering and milling bu.iutM that will U
douc here There arc good openlniia In mauufuCtui lug aud other bu.iucM line, here In educational matter Im I'luc la progressive. II haa
ten-acre school parkin the heart of the re.idciae aection, and now tt.chr. up to tie Iwclltli grade. A Catholic church will be bulll here
thUaprlng, and other churcbea are planuliiglo etabl(li theiu-clvce La fine haa oter l.coo available electric borae power which the
owncrahuye commenced to develop and which alone would build a good ailed dly The big area of Uriu land tributary to La 1'lne would
alone build and malntalu a good aired city The vaat tracts of timbtr tributary lo La Pine would alone build a good alaed dly. XVilh the
coming of the two big railroad system to L Pine, which will be soon, development In and around La I'lne will be rapid. La Pine
can be reached via Gr. Nor , N.P, O. WK ft N. and V. I. Kys. You can make money by buying property at La l'lnr in advance of the
railroad. Others are dolne it. whvnot YOUf XVAKH UPtolhr fart lhal uiliH. urrll.lnml.H lnn In ,,r nf Ihr nranl anil lw.l wrtlnna
of the Northwest is bound to grow rapidly.aud that prdpirily values will climb accordingly. Prices now from Jyioo up. The term are easy.
vuij m .- wwm, yM m,ww,w vu ma ui sou uut4i miss me money, out you soon acquire Vi
bo terms to
Slv I mixes of freli breml for l!.V.
t iinxt of atrilp bread for Kir, rltirk-
en brcnil ,(( it Mttk. .Amerlciin link
er)'. Wall Si reel. Xexv ktort. ,tl Htf
For Sale.
betwtjgit Dotal and l.iiltltuw, on olil
Tuinntjr roiul. Itiiisuiinblo prices, 10tr
I'OOAI.i: Ono acre, 2
housuMif hint, xxuotlslitid, xvnter. CIoho
In o!l,th street. $1000, $200 iliiwn,
bill, intithly. Jones & HoiihIiuw, 7tf
bOrtr, one M'nr old, xvelght iibout 330
pounds. Kil IliilVorson, llniid. otf
FOU SALW- SO mircH Irrigated
I I.'. , .1.11 Ill.l-l ....llu I...-
IRIIU III 1,11111111" lliatlli:!, I'hiiij iimv
proved. $2100. Address A-tl4, care
Bulletin. Mfbcp,
FOU HALK- -Ono good young work
horse, wt 1000 lbs. Also one double
disc plow, L, C. You UK, ft miles X.
K. or llend. Ifi-ltp
FOB 8AM. An Idenl milk cow,
Inrgo Jersey, Just rresh. Has been
giving fi gulloiis a day on pnsturu
alone. Third cair. M. (1. Con. It. F.
I). ifitr
U'K STILL havo it largo tnmiitlty
jf cldx'er and ttmuthy liny on hiuitl nt
$11 er ton nt the much. Hilled In
line shape. Stnr Haneh Co., Tiiiunlo,
Oregon. 10tr
FOU SALK A section or two or
homusteitd claims, with Improve
ments In Mllllrnn valley. Apply to
A. 1), Xorton, Bend, o-o Mllllrnn P.
O. Utrjh
Wlnchriter. 32-40 Winchester, 10 by
12 tent, all practically new, camp
stoxcVhlnnkets. etc. Will sell cheap
or trade. Harry Wyie. lotf
FOU HALE --All kinds or common
lumbar-nt McXaught tt (Jertson's
mill, on Beiid-lltirns'rbad. Also, n
cut any kind ot orders on short
notice. Write or- call on us for
prices, l&tr
FOB SALE lilO acrts. 3 miles
north or llend, with water right and
good buildings, $30 an acre. Also,
hous,r .and lot In .Lytln for $500
Terms cun bo arranged. Address
Frank llasl, II. F. D Btaytun, Ore
gon. . sO-iH.I
FOU 8ALE Four fine lots In
Park Addition In block 13. Water,
light and sidewalks: attractive
houses occupy adjoining property.
Sumo prices you pay for unimproved
lols'rnr out. "Inquire "Bargain", at
Bulletin otllce. 2tr
FOU HA LB Hanch or 120 acres'
situated fit, miles southeast or Bend
.. . a. ..I .... I. ..!
on lientl-liuriis num. men "m
Improved with biilldlngH nnd grain,
clover, nirnlfa mid root crops. Is In
good shape to carry rows and hogs
Has IKJ'ncrea or wnler under Arnold
ditch. - Stock mid tools complete to
run the place. Everything goes nt
rriiMiruililH ngure. This will itprul
to )ou. See It before Mixing elite-
where. KellliiK on iirrount or slcli
iitiss. See owner mi rimiili. A. O.
AriiiMlroiiK, ltUllli
fOH 8ALH iNmv rnliioflnt, clump,
for boy 14 to 20 xduis old. P. O. Hox
21111, llend. H
We are going to
give a fine leather
bound $8 basket
Li',LJi!t'Mj'yil pi't-'scntini:
thcjiirgcst rcdsitlc cuulit
between June 1 and Hep
ttmher 1, w i t htuckle
hotight nt our store. Call
and inspect it.
Business Directory
A Directory o( aeh City, Town and
Village, slvlnc dssstlpllv aaslcli of
arh place, lucatlon. population, !!
trash. sMpplna; s.nj basiklaa p)lnt
also Ctasalfled Dlreelorf, compiled by
business arxl prsfssalon.
n. t. roue co kkattlb
fcwMTmTrmmmi i'wyjrni
r v
I sM im
: mooey, but you soon acquire raluable property, Write today (or plat, prices
FOU MALE Majestic rang. Call
at lira's residence. Itip
FOB SALE Two doin buns, 50e
tweh. (lend Orocery. 10
FOR StAI.E Cabin nwar Bend Co.
mill. Iiuiulrtr at llulletln oinctt. ltltr
FOB 8A LB Good Kurd aula, two
pawrtuiKnr, f225. AUretl Oovtr, Hox
c. lqtr
FOB SALK I'roHto eaweru. 1
by 'tt, ooinplute. Call at Bltte Stu
dio, , iotr
FOU SALIC Cabbage plants, ISc
pur liundrod. II. F. Hawthorn, on II.
C. Kills' ranch. . IStf
heavy with foal. Weight about 1200.
Call American Bakery. IS
FOU HALK Tho Altamont Ilotul
building and furniture, all now uud
tlrst class, J. A. Kustos. 4tf
FOU HALK At n bargain, Kmptro
Cream Hepnrutor. Almost now.
Orovur O. Uerklug, Lnldlaxv, lCp
High grade dairy cows Unit are
accllmuted, for sale at all tlmsu. Blx
lur ranch, Vj mllu south or 10 Bar
ranch. lfi-lGp
FOB HALE Baled clover hay nt
Aiidurson brothers' ranch three miles
rrom Laldlaw on Tumnlo roud. Tele
phone, iotr
FOB BALE Two combination
pool and billiard tables, at a bargain.
Terms, Mrs. A. B, Sparks, Bed
mond, Oro. lGtf
FOB SALE Lots 12-13, block, 6,
Wieslorlu, or would trade, for He
uttle or Fort Qeorge property.. A,
A. llyer, Jlpgo Jlld, Seattje, , l,7p
,.i FOB BALB-rrRougn. lumber, at
(OU CAN reduce.
the cost of liv-
I ing by buying
your Groceries here.
Our line is fresh, our profit small, with tho
advantage yours. ...At the same close prices
wo are soliing DRY COODS. Come In and
see our line. Special bargains for tho ladies.
E. A. Sather
i' with a 10c counter
of all tho values you find In larjro cjtlea.
''' "Square Deal for Every Customer." -
NeJft door to Bend Hardware Co;, BOND STJtEET, ilEND.
. I ' "
Anflerson.brpHiersV sawmill hair wd
t . i
..." ,..,nfUi .. . ' v V
I rwm- -,--.---
Uplted Stater.