The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 25, 1913, Image 2

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    TltK tlKNO nUIiI.KTlS, rtRfTO, WKDNKSOAY, JUNH 2.1, l0IR
" t"
--"----'' f
The Htiltcllii linn n large supply of tliln valuable nml lnterttlng book,
let, which I written It)' O. li. ("Farmer") Hmltli nnd published by the.
Oregon-Washington rnllmnil. Tlicw lxokletN will lie sent to nny
farmer who nxka for them, unit may lie had by calling nt The llnllctln
The following articles nreMncIuded In the booklet: TheSninll Kitriii,
Building Vl' ,,n,ry l,crt, To Cheapen I'ork Production, ami The
Future lleer Supply. The material l alt linnl, common sense, ami
may be studied io advantage by nny rancher. The conic are I'Ulii:,
.,.---.-- --
(Special to Tho Ilend Bulletin.)
LA1DLAW, Juno 23. Mra. Mock
was in Uond last Friday.
Mra. Corking and Miss Fay were
trading hure last week.
Leonard Harr Is out of town hunt
lug horses.
Earl Updike was over from tho Me
tonus early last week.
Mrs. J. I Couch and daughter
have gono to Washington stnto to
spend tho summer.
F. E. Dayton had tho misfortune
to lose a flno cow recently.
Miss Myrtle Stewart has returned
from tho Metoltus,
Mr. and Mrs. Dlckerson passed
through town Saturday en .route to
Lnldlaw Is a busy place In the
morning when tho farmers bring In
their milk to the chceso fnctory.
Mrs. Delia Nichols, son and daugh
ter left last week for Washington
state to bo absent a year and ler
haps longer.
Mr. Glllett of Gist passed through
last Friday on his way to Bend.
Services are held at the church
both morning and evening Sunday.
Kverylwdy Is Invited.
The hall storm last Thursday was
destructive of alfalfa and gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are enjoying
a visit from their son from Idaho,
who thinks of making his home here.
J. C. Thorp and son have lumber
on the ground, to build a new pool
hall and bowling alley.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Horner and
children hive returned from their
outing on the Metolius and were trad
ing la town Thursday.
Members of the Deschntes survey
party arc camped at the Swalley
Mr. and Mr. Frank Murk will be
home In a few days on a visit only.
They will go to Sweet Home to spend
the summer.
Hugh O'Kano of Bend was In town
over Sunday.
.(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
MILLICAN, June 23. George
Mllllcan spent a few days In Bend
last week on business, returning Sat
urday. Eric Hasteland painted Mrs. Gil
more's bungalow last week, making
n decided improvement. He also
cleared several acres of sagebrush on
her ranch.
Mra. Edd Konper and children left
for Salem to visit with relatives nnd
friends. Thoy expect to be absent
several months.
The annual school election was
hold here Juno 1G, at P. B. John
son's and the following were elected:
Directors, P. II. Johnson. Mr. Dyer
and A. D. Norton; clerk, B. E. Davis.
The voters decided for free textbooks.
Eric Hasteland and P. B, Johnson
left for Bead Tuesday. Mr Johnson
taking In his cow to dispose of.
Mrs. I. L. Owen, Mrs. Owen. Mrs.
Beesen and, Mrs. II. E. Davis spent n
very enjoyable afternoon with Sirs.
J. II. Johnson Tuesday.
Mrs. W. B. Klger and Mrs. Louis
Oless spent Tuesday afternoon at A.
D. Norton's.
The derrick on the Klger & N'ortou
drill brake last Monday, nearly onus
ing serious Injury to F. G. Klger.
Mrs. Curry, the wife of a home
steader east or Mllllcan, is keeping
housa for George Mllllcan during
Mrs. Million's absence at Prlnevllle.
Thomas MoSet and family left for
Canada Mondnv to be gone n couple
-of months attaadlng to business.
Harold IS. Davis loft for Bend to
day a ad Is expocted home tomorrow.
William Speneer has eroded a
vary tvtee bungalow on his homestead
and I' painted It white.
Anne and Gertrude Market suont
wnara! dayH last woek on tholr
IwuMtead In the oaBt end of the
valley making arrangements to have
tha fencing on their claim comploted.
Mis. A. D. Norton spent Thursday
Villi Mrs. P. B. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. McAdow wont In
Bend Wednesday to attend to some
jiuslnesa mailers, roturnlng Friday
evening to their ranch homo,
I. L. Owen drove to Bend Wednes
day and will bo home again in a few
Soveral of the families in tho val
Je itjre planning a big picnic to be
hold on tho 4th of July.
George Mllllcan and Harry Morri
son hve R'Pe to Pear Creek to Irrl
gato tho MU'.lcati ranch there.
- - - - - - . - - -
--- ----
(Special to Tho llend llullctln.)
HAMPTON, June 17 Mrs. Louis
Miller returned to her homo recently
after an absence of two months, dur
ing which tlmo she underwent an
operation at a Salem hospital. Mrs.
Miller Is much improved In health..
Miss Whlttakcr of Barnes mado a
business trip here last week.
Lee Miller left for llend Sunday
to bring In a load for Mr. Hunting,
Sr. Ho was accompanied by Alvlu
Hunting. . I
A. T. Shaver's well drill outfit en
countered water at a depth of 160
feet on 1. Zlerolf'a and J. Whltlaker'a
homesteads recently. This Is nexti
to tho shallowest drilled well In
Hampton valley.
Miss Dunn of Last Chauco was a
business visitor here the 5th.
Burr Black Is harrowing the acre
age recently plowed on his plnco.
Miss Kuth Hunting and father
arrived here from Itathdrum, Idaho, for coming year as follows: J. N.
on tho 7th. Miss Hunting expects Crow, chnlrmnn; K. M. Peck, 2 yenrs;
to visit her sister. Miss Florence, Hev. C. A, llurrls, 3 years. Warren
who is homesteadlng here, until tho McConnell was. elected clerk. It
latter lmrt of July. was voted In favor of free taxt hooka
AV. T. Harrison, with the assist- and a S-inlH I" was assewod for
nnco of Messrs. Mac nnd Phillips, same. A C-iiionth school whb do
recently pulled JO acres of brush and elu" on for the coming year.
Is at present plowing the same. I Mr nIng recently left for Portland
Victor Schroder and wife of where he has employment for n few
Rolyat drove down last Thursday to
have some notary work dona.
Miss Frances Lnngford of Dry
Uke visited with Mrs. L. C. Peck
Mr. Kcllar left for Bend two weeks
ago to work for a few months.
Guy Glllam spent n few days with
Harold Fogg the pnBt week.
Mrs. Flske was severely burned
around the face and right arm Inst
Monday night. In putting out tho
light after taking medicine, the bed
ding in some way caught Are nnd be
fore help could be summoned she
was painfully burned.
Fischer Logan of Barnes rode over
Pilot Butte Hotel
Ideal Slopping Place for Summer Vacationists
- - -
. - - - - - -
Itcadquarttr for Commercial Men ,
Electric Lighted Throughout
Good Rooms
Frc bu to
nnd from trains
4---- --
Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles
east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend
after over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood, Our prices and treatment will
please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see
our orchards and nursery. Office address, Prineville. Ore.
- -
I last Friday and while hero tho lo
cation committee of tho settlers pic
nic held a meeting nml decided to
hold tho celebration nt Stevenson's
ranch nt Prlnglo Flats, A speaker
from tho O. A. C. will bo present and
address tho settlors on soil, crops,
etc., of this section. Other oujer
tntiuncnt Is also being planned.
Mr. McCarthy, teacher from Crin
gle Flats, visited hero last Sunday.
Mrs. Sltogg 1ms sold the rolluiiilsh
ment to her homestead on l.lxnrd
creek and left hero th's morning for
(tend, en route to Chicago to lill
n daughter In that city.
Mr. (Itlhnnt returned from Prlne
vllle Sunday, bringing In a gang disc
plow, He was accompanied by II.
A lengthy session of tho II. V. 0.
C. was held nt Hampton storo the
Gth. One visitor wna ettterlnlnod.
A. T. Frame moved his houso one
half mllo to his new windmill, last
Mr. Hezonn assisted L. C. Feck
clear IS acres last week.
Her. C. A. llurrls made n trip to
Uond last week, bringing In his wife
and small sons to their homestead
Ilurr Black and Peck Bros, loft for
Bend today to bring In loads. Mrs.
M. L. Peck accompanied her sons en
rou(0 , portlnncI on a visit.
Whllo greasing his wagon last Frl-
day, It, In somo unexplalnable way,
slipped and foil on Mr. lloioim's
hnnd. one bolt running clear through
tho right hand.
Tho annual school meeting for
district No. "S was held at Hampton
storo June 1G, nt 2 p. m. directors
Mrs. I iicluda Black, mother of
Burr Bluek of this place, has Mad on
a splendid homestead on Llsard
creek, on the southwest slope of
Hampton Unites.
, w.ww.. , ,
4- - -
(Special to Tho Bend llullctln.)
CBEhCENT, Juno 20. E. G.
ltourk made a trip to his ranch north
of La Pino Friday, returning Sunday.
J. S. Howard brought In a load of
. .
- ''"
- -
Sprclal Attention to
Trnlent Travel
Quod Meals
All arrangement made for persons
lirilrliifr to trn smith anil east of here
freight (or E, (1, ltourk Monday.
J. L, Bingo mul F, M, Cleaves
mude a business trip to La Pino
Tuesday, returning the snmo day,
Chester and Cecil llollluHhend of
La Pino wore Crescent vlnltotH Tues
day, going south Wednesday morn
ing. Mr. Oldeiiberg, who has been run
ning the llsh hatchery nt Odelt hike,
left for Portland Tuesdny. He took
with him one of the largest trout
ever caught. It measured 2l Inches
nnd weighed 1 1 pounds.
J. 1). Itcdmoml came up from Lit
Pine on the stage Wednesday. Ho
expects to spend n week lioro.
Charles How on loft Thursday for
Maiden Peak whore ho will bo
stationed for the summer.
H. C. Ilenrd returned from Mos
cow, Idaho, Friday, going on through
to I.onroth.
Clydu McKny nnd J. C. Khodes
passed through to Klamath Falls
Tuesday. E. (1. ltourk went to
Klamath Falls with them.
(Special to The llend Bulletin.)
HELD. Juno 17. Warren l.lbbey
made n t rip to tho store at Harney
Holes Monday.
Tho school election Monday, June
1G, was well attended. Martin Hall
meycr was elected for three years as
director and Harry Evans as clerk
for una year.
Tho ladles of Prlnglc Flats hnvc
organized nn Embroidery Club, They
meet every Thursday afternoon.
Martin llallmeyer'a daughter nnd
son-in-law arrived here Tuesdny.
Thoy Intend to take up a homestead
and start h store.
Charles Mills left for Han Fran
cisco last weok. He wilt be gone a
few months.
Mlaa Mhii'Ih Whllt. him no 111 linr r,.
NHqulahuient and left for her home
In Indiana.
Willi driving to the springs yon.
tarday. Mrs. John Xebmeer's team
ran away. They ran to Mr. Cutting
ham's ltafore thay wore enught. Mra.
Schmeer was not hurt, but the
wagon was broken.
C. A. Stevenson's rye looks line.
He thinks he will have quite a crop
of hay.
Mr. Carpenter nnd brother are dig
ging a well on tholr iomestend.
Mr. Bcnbq has ten acres grubbed
ready for plowing.
.Mtb. Charles Marrln was expected
home last night from her trip to
Seattle, whore alio visited her mother.
The pooplo of Prlnglo Flats are
making preparations for n Fourth of
July picnic, Thoy nro putting a Moor
In tho old barn nt Stevenson's so
that they can dance.
a.- .-
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
Sorosls Club mot with Mrs. 1 1 nil on
Wednesday. Besldos a large number
of mombers, aevornl visitors attended.
Tho afternoon was spont in making
quilts for Mrs. Wallace Smith, who
lest everything In n fire a short tlmo
Iteoves Wllcoxou was trying to sell
or trndo his single buggy Inst weak ;
and had a deal nearly completed
when, at the Inst moment, the other
party decided that n hack or spring
wagon would suit his purposes bol
ter,. nnd so "backed out." I
Considerable oxcllcmont was stir
red up among the nog raisers when
Allen Lnndfare had 13 hofs get
dek and die and about IK more down.
They rested onslor after It was de
cided Hint the causo was poison from
mating young Alsace clover nnd that
It wan not a contaubitis dliaasn. i
Doc" Morgan snent Saturday
night with Iteoves Wllooxnn,
Miss Kdna Morse and mother were
'.aldluw callers on Tuesday.
Choir, practice was held at tho
homo of Mrs. Allen Wllooxon last
Thursday evening.
A. W. Bnyn mndo a trip to Band
A'lth n load of hoy, tho (Irst of tlio
Jack Perry was a Prlnevllle vIhI
or Ism weuk.
IJIof Bursntt tins rnturnod from
"orter Heath whero ho ban lion for
wmo time working.
Tho rnln of tho hint few dnya hna
'.ooro, Mm tutor n th dV land
fnrmora for things woro gottlng very
lry. ,
Munz Wllcoxou, tho rond auper
visor, mndo u trip to Iledmond after I
lumber Tuesday and It Is expected '
that ho will put In those two much
needed hrldgoH along (ho Hlotz plnco
- (JeorRo and Loo Ilohbs woro busi
ness visitors ut Bend tho first of this
Bill Parrlsh mndo n trip to Bend
Monduy for u load of lumber for Leu
Dowoy Johnson had tho mlsfortuno
to loso his pony Bunday whllo at Al
fred .lohnnson'H and had to walk to
his homo.
Itov, J. M. Crenshnw of tho Red
mond Methodist church preached nt
tho Shepurd uchpol Iiouho Sunday.
Did you flay repairs? Wc lmvc them for McCorinlck
machines mower parts, binder parts In fact, we carry a
conjplctc line for old McCorinlck machines as well na
new. Drop in. Let us figure with you on the repair
question. Make your wants known. We will tell you
exactly what it will cost to repair your old machine, and
in case the expense would be too great, we will frankly
tell you so, thus placing you in a position where you can
get your new McCorinlck machine in time for harvest.
We handle a complete Hue of McCormlck machines,
nnd Will be glad to see you nt any time. If you are not
ready to buy, call and get our catalogues anyway. They
will interest you. They will inform you as to exactly what
we have, and then you will know exactly what you want
when you get ready to buy,
Wo also furnish repairs for Milwaukee, Buckeye
and Cluiii p'.on Mowers.
iHiiec'nl to The Bend Bulletin.)
PINEIH'IIST. June 11 Mr and
Mrs. Darter called at the home of
t). W. Snyder Muuday evening.
Mra. Mioder and Mrs. Malwl Jack
son went to Bend Monduy.
Mis. Charles Johnnou mid mother.
Mrs. L. 11. Boot, were calling In
t.aldlaw Thursday.
A. McnlUter Is now hauling his
milk to the cheese factory.
Mr. (Ircon, who purchased the Me
Dermolt place, Is now working for
II. A, Johnson.
0. W. Snyder went to llend on
Practical Baking Lessons
ZltauUrrj S!torlcat
Tor small famlilos, bnl( of thta nelpi
W..I 1. 1 l..H'iflt.
2H cup !. I poatry flnur
2!( level tMffMMflfuU K C Halting IVtmlrr
li taa)oon(ul silt )i rup liurtnlu
Atwutjf cupmtlk Ibitirr
'2 lu.vket a'.rawlirrriM
Datwean 1 and '.' ou.u sranubttrd sugar
1 cup or mora dim la mum
ITuIt, wah nnd drain III b rir! rr-srvt
a faw cbolra Urrloa to tua I ,,i cl
lio eai; cut the rt In IwlV'-i b..1 tn'i
WTh i'j wizar. Bant Itta r.-vam a.i I l
aid' to chid. E.ft totaib-r, liw tin,
th fliur, baLin ikiwi! r o i I m' , wr k In
1 ho shsrtenlng; tV-n r..ix t n sift du-;li
with tho tnllk. tiprwid I'll nlxturn iu t'm
layer ca'-o pana. lktka n'joul twenty min
ute. Turn one raka out on a hut plate,
spread llborally rri:H Imtter. pMir r.n part
of tin berri: rover with the orirxl ool,
aUu s.-irmd with butUr, ixmr over Ilia real
of Ctu berrlni and put tho wlilppnl cream
above, with tlio wliolo lerris horn ntwl
there. Other fruits, such n.1 plneapplo rut
in email hlu, banana. pmcliM or nny kind
cf Ix-rrlw may bo unotl with Hit lMtry. To
Inmro a flaky iHtalr Itava ail tngredlontt
cold and mix vary lightly.
flaipltrry Shcricafa
2 cup (Ifled n'.ry flour If taaipnonful salt
'1 level teaeiMtouiul K C BaLliig Powder
)i cup butter Vol It nf 1 t'tx
)i cup milk or tnoro a nl xl
1 cup raapbema Jf teajpounful att
I J cup uaar
TLuiiUrry Suum.
) cup ImtU-r 1 rup ri.rar
1 cup raapW-rry pulp V h.ia of 1 etm
fjlft togetlier, tbrea tlmr-i, tlio (lour, oalt
nnd Iwklng Kwd r. and wirk in tha butter.
Beet tlio yolk; add the milk nnd stir to a
dough, uafng mora milk If needed. Dhldo
Into two parte; knead tho larger part Mlglilly
nml rr.ll In fit a nan: arirund aver It tho
Iwrrlee, salt nnd augur: kti-ed tlio soroi
plciv und plnra nn tup u tl.J h-rrlea. Iliil.w
nliout half nn hour, Uerv lut wl'U the
tauee. lor tlio enure, rrenni tho ritt r;
mJil the ujai tlivtf gradually tlio inn-liml-nnd-flfiixl
brry pulp; und luttly, llu while
of exit, beaten dry. Ihls iruKiii n light,
flu fly Mtueo. Try Oil poetry nnd enu-e mUIi
piaehea, blaeUburrlwe, plnuapple cr apple.
Jliparagut Shoitcat
SH cupi aifted paitry flour
i teaipooiitul ealt )i oup hortnhig
'Hi levi I teatpooiifula K O Baking Powder
bwcet mill; Jiuucr
1 largo bunch aaparagu H cup butter
H cup flour )i traapoouftil ealt
Si cup butter (another) Aaparagu liimld
i Imrd-citokwl egg
Mnko dough a for Htrawbcrry Short Cako
Knead eliahtly and roll to fit a layer cuka
nan. Bako iilMiut twenty mluutee Hplit
tho rako and spread Imlf with buttur.
Have tho tendir portion of tho niimragu
cut in Inch lengtha, cooked tender Maka u
drawn butter eauru of tlio flour, suit, butler
and aapuragus huul, li wit lug In tho laat
f jurth cup of butter after the eauco Id taken
from tho lire, and add tho ujpurugua, Pour
part ol tlio uaparugu nnd auuro over ono
layer of tlio cake) ot tho second layer In
Cmright IIU iu Ji'iuti ilfg. Co,
Next Lenon; DARING
biiNluess Wedneada) .
Mlsa Mnr D'etrlch. who bat turn
working for Ml ltan of Bend. Mu
lled home folks a few daa lam Meek. '
Mra. 0. W. Iletner railed on Mrs.
Mabl Jackaon Thursday ,
Violet and Myrllv Bpaugh pnl
Htinila) at the girder home
Hawind Wlmar, Hthel Ivy and
Nellie Snyder spent Thursday at the
llaylay home.
Juste JiihniHiii lulled Myrtle and'
Violet Kpaugh the day last waek
Leatar Unxler spent FHdny with,
lleglnnld and Basil Itayle)
Mrs. JucltMn and It til It Barley
cnllml nt llin Kn)der home Frith)
Mr. ami Mra. J. J. I'oeu and Mr
nnd Mrs. Jsckseu and family went ,
to Laldlnw Haturda) evening.
Prom th opening of lh stiawtxiry ton uni.l
pchi ate gon, lh ft U no dtitrtt that kms l) At
cvtry occilonorli mora etntrlly liked than lb ihort
ck. Tho rest of lb yrar ill r'" i f'd vrry ac,t
ably by Iht a-l dumpllnc. Thr nclp 1 have
tultd many, nanv llmca, and I can cuaranti uecu
If dlrictloni arc followtd clouly.
U.r-tLJUl-. UD-cO-Z.
Jeee pml tMMir or r tSi r-t rf the Mtr
PH. IlitUli wl'h l"i lrd-ed ttt, t '
arpiarter. hVrve very hul. CaaiMrapr'
ata umy m ii".. T li aitry la aUo rx
rrltenl with greefi lwun er peoa. ,
Ai(f (( ljmpllnxi
A SVe If
JH cup tilled tiaatry flmir
Jf cup ahortealaj Jit. mH
!l Intel leBiJHMKtluU K ( Baking J'uw.l.r ,
AIilJ cuplnllk AmA
l-'ill thanii .anta tmttpru,! tmiflifi fn wlfh
fmrxl ami r)led npidei, epriukln xiili ealt
a:hI Mmr two or three lablnmiifuW of
water inio ecu curi. rut iHt"ihur, I'irr
lllii'-a. the lluur, lt nud baking xjwder;
work III 1'ie ehorteiiinir. nnd mix tri n unit .
iIourIi wl'li lite milk. Drop thn dmigh from
a IMKiti uhmi tin s:iei In tlm ui, e-nootlf
ltitf tin tmtt. IIAm AV,.it tnlfi.
ule. invert lut i.iin i i a !iro xrving dlili..
Ilit i.n i i a hrga rving dlili. ,
il N Utl etura v-r the applf
ilhii and flileh with a pratlLr
Olwr fruit, n wnelie ori
rui n eimoHiui e
In oath dumpllii
nf nuimeir. O
cherrlee, may be uemj In ihi eniuo wy,
acnriag wnu cream or mm aauee.
HarJJiutt WHh ;t
Best II cup of b'lt'er, ' eupi piweriN
auger and I e- until creaaiy and weotb,
flavor nnd serve at a lauee.
Helpful lllnli on 3)at(tng
For mixing tuutry for fihort Cako ami,
Apple Dumpllnii, ni'x vary lightly, onl
enough to mix tlio moUtum Willi (hi ilr'it
flour, lining n knife or fork for mlxlnU
nuvtr n sjioon, for n mmkui pank nnl
iiuuIkm thn Ixitter. I'astrim aliould In
Iomo ami (laky mul to iiunro tliLi. koeji
tlio hitter looenln mlxlnii! It klioulil hava
a rough iiwimraneo hrforo Iwiklng.
Tor iMkng aVirt ime'ry liavo n
iwxl.'mto oven o atirt, giving t'm p.utry
iimn io mown nnu rrs ixioro inumg.
A'"My8 spread with Imttur aj unon ai
taken fom tlio ovon. '
Naver put fruit on riaatry until reidy
lo serve to nvold Hnnklng with fruit Juices.
In u!l luking In luauireil of miicohim every
tlmo by e-irofu'ly moinuring oanh in
rodlunt. No kuiwii rook ever siiccredd
every tlmo. It r.u!re,i u cortnln amount1
of every article named In n reoipo, nml
an over or under incuauru i uuru to makj
n fiiiluro of tho reolpe,
JC O Hiking Powder U a wonderful aid (
InaiiccoAMfiiUiiiklng, It is ntwnya uniform
In strength and notion, giving uniformly' I
perfect reaults. Usu K 0 Hiking I'owilor
according to direction never mora than
I ho rucina directs. K f! will Loon mr.
(cctly for year, the I.ut spoonful lioinjt
as strong u tlio first. I h.wo Used K C
Baking l'omlur for yearn iiiulcr nil clr- ,
cuuutunces in both high und I iw nltitudiM.
In hlcli ultitudjd there i.i gre.itcr tnniiU
with cukes faling, but wirrd u ibulifn- i
mine jinking powder such m K O U used v
t litre U ubeolut oly no danger of food f alltna .