The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 25, 1913, Image 11

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    THH lKNI nWthttWi, !KNI, Wf3NKtAY, H'NK 20, 1910.
lttircMiilitl(o of I. lability ItiNiir
mi ic ('otiiinii' Aiii'iirN I If foi Hid
(,'lly (.'(iiincll lloK'inllnK lt' John
l.liiHtpr A en I il n t Milder.
An nulhorUml nt tlin Iiml nwnlnr
iuiutliiK of (lit Ully Council, tlin iro
liil sownr coiiiinllti'ii mut ytmlnnluy
iiml look notion towuril MxnirliiK
ihoroiiKti uxportliiK of tlin hunk it ml
nocotintN of I ho Hiiwiir ooiiNtriiottou
minimum ThU nctlou wnn nicoui
uiuniloil lo tint council !" tho commit
ti0 11 ii hiiiiu tMialiionn irncmilloii, and
wan uUo, In n iiiMimurO) ruiiurslnd by
KtiRltiHiir Koon hltiunlf, to proatuila
tho iolilllty of any futurn crltlcUm.
Tho ooiiiinlttt'it In In coimiiunlcn
Hon with n firm or cnrtWod Recount
it nt In I'ortlnml. Thny will olthur
tiiiiil n Minn hern or, If It prove nlln
fnctory an II will lm inoro icononOcal,
nil tho book, utc., will ho sunt to
I'ortlnml for iixniiiliiHtlon. Thu work
lirolmhly will ho iloiui ImiIwmjii now
iiml Jul)' 10, no Hint thu ticrotintutit'M
niiort will Inuliiili) tho (tnyroll for
thl month.
I.liihllil)' ('Miiiniiy AlUM-ntM.
At n iiimitliiK of l.'io council l(t
vmik I'mnk II. TIiaiiiinmii ninnroil
hh h rinfimtnllvn n( tho l'lilillty &
DepiiHlt Coniiny of r.;urylnuil, thu
llHltltlty liiaurniir coiniiy with
which tho city lnurml iii to tho tiinn
of tho John MnnHir ncIiIhiiI, IiiiiiimiII
Moly ftr which tho roniixwiy with
ilrww from tho Held. ThouiHHiu
litw froiti l.lnlw h Kttin'iit Hint
li won hi NCrHiit $100(1 In r'iiiiptiin
tton for hi loot rlKht hiinil. nml no
I mm, ''M irnMHiltlon whn
IbMl hi Himti) woiilil put up 11000
If 1nh elty would rwntrliMita lltn bl
nnr of tli nmount ioiunuilil. IIh
tiMtk tliH k round tlmt tho compiiny
inlKht ! h)I to pruvM Itaelf not II
hIiIh for thu Injury, u !.lntr wuh
worklUK for Ailnnm. n contructor. Ho
iitHlntnliitHl Hint If l.limti'r hiiihI tlin
city ho Ih)IIivoi tho city coutil nblft
tho nmponHlhlllty on Ailnnm. How
,vir, AilniiiH Iiml pnld hi pro rntn
of tho iHKtirnnco oom up to tho tlmu
of tho BBolilf nt.
Tho eoiinclliiH'ii, nftor tho tunctlnK,
In no unrortnln torui txprMid their
opinion of tho company which woiilil
Htlompt, mm they aliened Thoiupon'n
llil. to (IoiIrii n lUMIIty, nftor Rlnilly
nnciiptliiK tho IhirIiivmi nml proiulutini.
It I unilAMtnoil Hint tiio rnthnr com
pllcntnd iiiuttur mny ho nuttM with
out rcciiumn ti.lnw, In wry cmo, tlin
city oiinnot Imi "mIiiiik" iIiiUinh tho
roiiijiotiMittlon xnintcil hy n Jury
nlioultl hit In iixcch of jr.OOO, tho
maximum vovnruil hy tho liimirnucu,
for If tho city In found lluhhi It In
prolDcttnl hy tin policy.
l.n I'lnc Teiiilier, Clinreil Willi In
lotlriilliuii Iincn Cerllllriite.
(I'ortlnml Joiirniil.)
HAI.I5M. Juno IK. Tho ntati)
lonelier' IIciiiihii held hy J, (I. Ituil.
iiinnil of l.n I'lue wnn ruvokad todny
hy Htntn Hchool Huporlutcuduiit Ij. It.
Aldnriiinii, Tho iindlipuli'd chnrK"
nKnliiNt Iti'dinoml, inndo hy Victor I..
Hluiwo, Hchool Hiipcrvliior of Crook
county, nml other In Hint ha fre
quently hvcniiio Intoxlcntml whllo
KmchliiR school nt l.n rluo and linn
other hulilt iinhucomliiit a teuchnr.
Hiitiorliitemlent Alderiunn nont notiro
to Itcdinoiid to nppcnr Mondny If hn
wUhod to ho henrd, nnd ha did not
nppunr, lie hold n one year certifi
cate. Uuilcr tho law 'ho I not oil
Klhlo to receive another certlftcato
for n yenr.
Ilcud'n Hint llnrhcr Hliop, an well
n tlio oldct, I Inncn & Davldioii's,
on Oregon Rtrvot. Adv.
Hot roll nml lirrnil nt the Aincrl-
rmi linker every nftrniotui nt n
o'clock. New Mora on Wnll
koi wfjyr
Ttitn illl nil rl mh Conitnr
our half wllb lt oilin (oIjw Tlml
Bend Steam Laundry.
I'ut Your UuUk
In Our Suds"
Lul'lno $ 4.00 Silver Lake $10.00
Kurt Rock 8.C0 I'aWcy 16.00
Uko 1000 Ukoviow 20.00
Viewpoint 11.00 Hums 13.00
Ofllcc In Confoctlonory Storo, Wrluhl Hotel HliU .. Bcml, Oregon.
The Schmeer Ranch For Sale
Mi miles southeast of Hentl. 280 neres. All stock nnd
c(uipment. 100 acres in cultivation. About 100
horses. Milk cows, chickens, etc. See ir.e if you mean
JOHN SCHMEER, Address Helc Oregon
WHiIa Dinrrinn
ihlSSll the Alarm
is no lime to wonder if
your insurance is all right.
You should know now.
Don't put it off for a
day. Look up your
If you arc insured
in the Hartford Fire
Insurance Company,
of Hartford, Conn.,
you need not worry.
For 100 years it
has promptly paid
every honest loss. The" Hartford" insures all classes of property.
It also serves property owners by telling them how to guard
against tho dangers cf fire. It has published a book on the
subject, with separate chapters for householders, merchants, and
manufacturers, that will be sent free to those who apply
If you arc not now insured in the "Hartford," see to it when next
Jou insure that you get a "Hartford" policy.
M. S. LATTIN (Sb CO., Agents
ii i t:1 ii iu "
! pol -IBS
v,i. x x.iiii -. 'jEmz
if Wr2&?&k
No WoncUr Llnooln Always Mad e
Fund of Stonai on Hand.
Moiitiiimiit Diivlil II. I'nrkiT, niitlmr
of "A t'liiiiiliiuiim Hoy of '01." hIiwI
iuiiiic Huht mi tin iiiillon of tvhi-ru
l.llll'OllI Kill IllH HllM'k of Hlollt'K. I.ll'tl-
Iniiniil PiirkiT wiih In Urn olllru of thu
proviwi nmrKliiil ill City Point when
mi Irlrtliiiiuii pri'MiMiti'il hliiiHvlf for a
piiHH ilironuli tin I'iiIimi HiifH.
Tin' Irlxlimiin wiih In rordn
ro)K, with lioliimlliil nliix'H. Hi IiiiiI n
hiiiimroiirf, nnlily fn-. nml IiIh vy
Hpiirklfil wllli fun, I If InimHI out n
nml, Imt liclil on to oiit iiimiT or It.
Tin' niril n-iiii: "ln ihi' iM-iiri-r,
, lo Oi'iii-ml MriiKlii'r'n lirlirmlo In
tin Army of tin I'ntuniiir and r-tiirn
to U'lixlilimtuii, wllli frw lriiiiHKjrtn
linn. A. MM'Ol.N."
"All rlttht." nlil Mnjor HwUwIlh. ,l
will kIio yoii ii piiNd, Imt I wmit yon
lo It'll mi' Iinw you ipil thn niril."
TIih IrUliniNti hiiIiI! "I Iiml lhtwoim
In thU loiintliry wim wiro In Ihr nr
my. Om wuh killed. Tin othrw wnl
in inony to limn" over mikI rlxlt
tln'ni. Tlit-r told nit" In mini" t W'flKi"
Imrliiii nml I wnlil Kit n iiih. I nun"
f U'liHlilnttloii. Inil I iimiIiI ult no pitM.
I wln Ivt-rywlirrt" I imihIihI nn wur
In to Unit old Turk In Hi' toir ilutrt
nifiit. nnd I tlioiiMhl for n mlniit ht
would pill inr in prlxon for plltln' Into
hh room, Tln-n I Iiiiiik around thtt
Whlti" llniiw nnd wt-nt Into tin irnr
dfii mid tnlked with thi" Kardciifr. who
win n kind fi-llali. find told him nif
filory. Me wild. Coin' Ininurrow morn
Inir t'lirly. nnd I will put you nt work
hen". When lr. Mnwln i-ome to
wnlk In the Kiinlen oii ran n"iiW to
"Ho In the mornln' I wlnt then" nnd
nmiil wld iiiie plnii'N niniii; the
wnlk. Pretty wii I vuw the iiint"r
nmilu. A he rnve me he atopHd nnd
Hnil(r, lie mIi
""New lllilll lirref
"I nnld. 'I tint helpln the cnrdi-ner
IIUlu.' And he Mild:
"Vre mi ii ivioleiierV
"I'mjiixi win fmiii Irelnnd' n1i' .
'"Hill lire jnn n Kinleliery trnlil he
"I Mm." xwld I. Imt Hint wnn n IV.
Tr I'm n i.-n'iii
Th"ll lie liHiieil there mid tnlked
tit me. nml I told Dim mi wtnry. 'Cinne
llltit Ihe itlllei". he nKH "mill I "'III 1x
rim mt ' Si lt'' unrdeiier told me
a Imi diMir in m in mid whnt to tell
lm. nml I n Ik H pnxt ttioe fellnlm h
:t I mm lied the pnli-e.
"When wiiit" in. Mr t.lni-oln unlil.
MHte h nHt. nlr. inil wHriu your tee
i.v the lire" Me il wrliln mnl n limn
.vn ohovln' ixt liefure htm. mnl he
uniild Nliiii them. Me Mild. 'You inui
ktiiiw IiiIk tit Ir1li utorlex. mnl I xhhI:
M'l know iMiuie,' nnd he iwilil:
"'All rlKht: Inlk In me. tnlk to me."
"Well. I miild iil'enj-x tnlli ir I iniin't
nuiili in iwiy. Imt I krp' tiilkln' mu Otik.
In, mid ii limn i-iifte In to civ lui on
hii-dutf"-. mid liexMid. "Never yon inlnil:
dt nhert" you nre. nnd he kep' me
there When dinner lime mine hetmd
the iiiiiii to take me down mid ee Hint
I hud Hime dinner Then I mine Imi-k
ncilii. I Mtiiytil with him duy nfther
ilny I wn ulteii n dinner of turkey
Mid lvtrlhlui. Imt therv wua no will
ky rinnlly he wild. 'It U time forymi
to ko to the Ixiyx. nnd I will let yon co.'
Hut he Iiml pumpeil Irery vlury out ut
me Hint I hud her UtunL"
Th Appla.
Kcnnillnnrlnn IpkimiiIh flfnrm Hint tho
tipple wnn thu fnrnrlle food of tho uodx.
It twin one of tho find fruit grown hy
tho lloumnMi It wnn curly Introduced
into i:iilinid nnd hrmiKht from thoro to
Atiirrk'M. It In rnidly cultlrntod, Icnrn
fruit fnrlher north thnn nlmit nny
other, nml hy mc-nnn of Knifllnir nltnont
WW) vnrli'lk'ri Imvo Ireen (irwlucwl.
'I'Ik-xo fiu-tn hIkhv In part why tho np
plo Htnudx nt tho liond of nil fniltn.
WomL-u'a llnmo Companion.
What Thty Stolt.
To Wnllor UiiuiroKL'li nt the ond of
otio of lilx coiici-rlx nt Aeollnn lifill. In
New Vork, mi ndmlrer nhowiil u piece
of iniulc- that had been (mlpnhly plnxln
rlrtd friuii one of tho uuinhvra In 'TIim
lve of I'eni'o."
Hut Mr. Diimroxrn took tho plnpln-rl-iu
with stood humor.
They've only atoluu a march on mo,"
ho km Id,
Fqyptian Juitlc.
In anrlent Kirypt nil ruiirt tnixnex
whm mrrletl mi In Mrlllrnr In order tliM
the det-lxlou llllclll led he IlltlU'llivil UT
onitury or perxnnnl jpnl. The mw
liy hefnre the Judiri m iimhi ii inhie, hih!
the mi-iiM-r dei-lnreil III wrttlin: Imw lie
had Ixi'ii luliiml. whereiiixiu the tie.
feiidnnt xtnlixl In rlilnu wiuit he innl
to Miy Then mine a rejuimier ftum
meli Mrty to the me. after whh-h M'e
Jllduen delllieniletl IIIIOUU theii.elVei
until tlie.v had lilt Uhiii Hie priier ie
enl x-ii(ilt.v fur the Nirty who had In
the illeatitluie lieell ndjlldueil utility.
I'ldx Mlnt Ih'Iiiu reaeheil. the prelitfiit
if the judp'x tiuifhed with mi lliuiue
of Thniel the (iHleM or Truth.'' the
miiiiu-rlpl of the u'lillty plemler, mnl
the, en e wui over. "-New Vork Ameri
ca ii,
What a Mango Taatta Llhti,
The llrxt Hiiiiu to do when you renrh
Ceylmi x in en i a niauoi Will It
ii x Ji"il ax imi are pud II I tex. It ix
heller Tint "ii Hunk It'x an npn
ot. and iheii i'il I Mink II'm a Imiiiiiiiii;
no. frt-'her -a peaeti. a xtniwlierry and
IIimII iiilliex a delleliiiiH xlltirp. fre'll.
Hi unit lc after taxt xlluhtly tliu:"il
with turK'iitlie. hut not hitter. Then
vim uei all Hie taxte. nt nine, anil vim
Know that lhe maiitio Ix lUv nuthtiiu
i'lxe lull llx iiwii llieiiuiHirahle Heir. It
nix all tltt"w dinvivn taxtex ut oulv.
Warmth In 8now,
Snow k warm hy virtue of Itx llirlif
1 1 til wimiIIv teMiire Hut II la axu wnrm
in iieeiiiim of Ih v'jliciiesx Mad xnitw
net'ii liiiiek II wiiulii nine aliorlnsl Hit)
mm or the xiiii and melted iu-klv
ui-tead. It relUx't heat, and Hie reileei
-i I heat full iiin Ixnllea nliite the
-iinw, while the warmth of the en Nil Ix
nlvxerM-d helleath It.
A Watch Under a Tumblsr,
IMai-luu a watiii under a tumhler
near the hed of a alek perxon will mve
lilm relief from the tiekluu whli-h "x
frequently very tryluu to IiIkIiI.v hemi
live tiurroa-Womaua Momo Compan
Mnrnrle Me pmpoxed nn noon n he
heard me wiirlilo JJdna I'd hate to
admit I cot my hiiHlmud for a hour.
An Htunll let tern wenry tho eye mnt,
xn nlxo the xmallext utTalrx dUturb im
Had Htr Ginning.
Landlady (lutlliiK rootni-Of courw 1
exiHt't the rent punetnnlly every wenk.
New IKlcer-Juxt no. nmduiru ly njlo.
I ellher punctually or not nt allHoa
ton 1'rrtr.xcrliit.
A mnment'n pntlenro U ten years'
romfort tlreek I'mverb.
In buying colored
You can t stop to try
tho ahlrt on
to tcit tho color or
or to cxnmlao the
but you can
look for the
and if you find that on
a shirt you know every
thing is right.
$1.50 and $2.00
Summer School
GUISHED EASTERN EDUCATORS added to regular faculty.
Univcralty Dormitories Open. Board nnd Room att3.H0 per week.
Reduced Railroad Rates.
For complete illustrated catalog, ruJdrcia THE REGISTRAR,
University of Oregon, Eugene.
The Dairy Commissioner rules that
Butter Wrappers
Dairy Butter full weight given in
ounces and the name and address of
the maker. Do yours comply with
the law? If not, have some printed
1 that do.
Clothing Co.
"Everything to Wear for Men
Who Care."
Are In Season
And with them come
The suggestion of a trip to
By The Pacific
Reached Via
O-W. R.. & N. Columbia River
Steamers Beyond
You will always be glad you spent your summer at
this splendid resort, where waves and trees com
bine to add pleasure to your outing.
J. H. Corbett Agent, Bend, Ore.
I .r - ; : J
$7.50 A DAY
Net Profit
TPHAT'S THE RECORD of just one
man who bought a second hand
automobile and is now operating a
stage line.
YOU too can make good money with
an automobileund build upa nicebusi-
, ness along many different lines.
We have no cheap cars but a comprehensive assortment of high
grade cars tradsJ in for new White touring cars on which we will allow
you 10$ special discount from our net price on these cars in return for
the missionary work they will naturally do for us--providing we receive
your order w ithln 10 clays from this date.
You can select from the largest and finest assortment of used cars
in the city cf Portland.
The White
E. W. HILL, Algr.
(Fill nut this coupon if you want a special offer.)
Answer tlieo ouestlorn franklv. You are noi obllff
at nr voui-solf in un.v wa but it 111 tflve- us u olmnce
to save you time, bouauso we fun tell ox ubout juu
tho car you want.
What muko cur do you profei
What amount of money do you w ant to invosiV.
What slxe In power? , How many jmssontrersV. . . .
Namo ,v..