If. Odds and fends from balem Would Drain Malheur Lake Yoncnlla School Girl Raises Many Chicks jQpvcrhor Appoints Attorney Ernest Rltigo Vice Agent (Special to Tho llultctln) hna been appointed n special nttttttt ' SALtiM, Juno 28. An application" Lf t,0 stato liy Governor West nml ha will servo as n special prosecutor Who hasn't had dtillculty to tllnpljr Ing n clmlor from thu uyaT Bumatlmos. un enn suevovd with n curuur of n, hiintlkvrchlpf. hut frotjueutly tho cinder In too deeply Imbedded U he Kt out In that way, It would ho hunt to (1ml iv more. Htlck.v snlntunee than chowlnjt Kiitn. The next time you see nny ono with n cinder In hi eye Jiwt chew u piece of KUin till It liecmne soft unit lllurstem Mend (Jour, phono I lend Milting & Wnwlioiiso t. Adv. lfstf WKKKIjY MAUKKT HIJI'OHT. NORTH PORTLAND, Jumt 80.--Receipts for tho wuok hnvo boon, cattle 112(5, calves 170, hoitn 1MH17, sheep 4418. Market steady to Rtroiutor this wuok, Host nrou pmint. twiit it to it ii in- point n mi you t,,or8 B0,i imjk $s lo 83B W,t, win iiiui iin tiiNui iih .run iiiiu'ii im im- : for n contract with tho state, land lioanl to drain Mainour lake, which covers nbout 46,000 acres, and con vert tho land Into farms, has been made by C. II. McConnell of Hums. Ho estimates tho drainage system Would cost $2K,124, and agrees to begin work within ono year. Tho plan Is to drain the., lake. Into Har ney Iako and tne south fork or tno Malheur river. Mr. McConncll rep resents tho Harney ftasln Reclama tion Company. Miss Anna Huntington, a tonth grade pupil at Yoncnlln, In Douglas county, has inado a record of 100 per cent from January 1 to Juno 1 this year In raising chickens, accord ing to a report received by Stato School Superintendent L. R. Alder man. During this period she hatched 294 chicks nnnd kept every one of them alive. They aro llarred Ply mouth Rocks, S. C. Rhode Uland Reds and S. C. White, Leghorns. Attorney Ernest lllngo of Salom and hnvo general supervision over tho vice crusado mattors that conto to tho governor's olllco. Under tho new laws tho Governor has consider auto more authority, nml tho lawn governing liquor selling arc more f strict, so tho governor Is evidently preparing to keep steadily on tho Job of law enforcement. der with It out the i tinier will wme. Leslie's. Her Reauett. "Father," mild tin fnlr. timid yniuw girl, "Uiy WIIIIiiiii Ik eoiulim to ,ou thW evening, unit I lu-u .vim will ulluw me In lib ease tu reverwi my iimiihi n pient to you " "What In Hint" nuked ttie father sine plrloiHtly. "When In eiiini'd," she kIuIiimI. ns n (Hiirly drop mlltM down her cheek, "pleuxe iloii't riKit till Hill." Haiti more Amertinu. an occasional wind Outlet In somewhat lend at $8,50. limited hut re- ---- --M.. , There is no use to j advertise the X Coluo to n glut. Good cows nml holfers woro offering freely, but one bunch of cow brought $7, tho ro- malnder bolng poor iiuiillty, Prime light veal cnlveR at ft). on featured. A steady to higher lioK triido. Ro actlon In prices set In early Monday morning. Tops quickly reachod $8.ar., $K,no, $H.:m and ilimliy fMti. Continued light recelpln would J Modern Folding Machine Added To The Bulletin's Equipment ! Hereafter when customers and. tho 1600 edition Wednesday after- visitors drop In at The llullotln offtco uoon without delays to subsorlburs. ' Wednesday afternoon they won't Unit The uinchtne which has been In- J three men folding twpars. And .stalled U an Omaha, manufactured Horticultural r H BKBammmmmtKL TO IMPROVE M'KENZIE ROAD Knglneer nml CYexv Icnve Kugene '' to Start Work. (Portland Journal J EUGENE. June 'KRaTph n. Hunt, a civil engineer, left Eugene today, accompanied by a crew of' ten men. for the upper McKenzie country to lay out a new rood over the Mc- Kcntle pass across the summit of the Cascade mountains Into eastern Oregon, which promises to become a popular route for nutomoblllsti, as the grade Is much lighter than by the old routo and tho road can be made much smoother than the other. Dan Linton, who has been up there all spring In the employ of the jtn.iv4 lnnnldM a Uit InM r9 1 ft vmi f . .1 luuk,1.K18.1.HUuUl .uc.. ThUr8dtty, the proverbially Irate sub- In Omaha, Nebraska. As pictured In repair, accompanies tho party as scrlbcra won't need to phono asking above. It connects directly with tho guide. He says that portion of the where In blazes their copy of the press and takes and folds the papers road built last year is In good con- PaDCr ,8 n,:h hould have ben a8 they aro delivered from It. Tho dltion and practically as good as mailed Wednesday, but wasn't. press runs out nbout 1400 papers an wuen mm uui. mete is bum iuucu rur me uuueun nna iiurcnnscu a hrviir ,. ,i, , ki.i...i .. ....in.. nnw nn ho .nmmll nf h tr,m,n. mnnrn fnl.lln., mnrhlnn hl.h -,, , DOUr, and HlCSO re ffallled US Mpldly tains, but tho surveying crew will do tho work of three men In folding ,n" Prln'cd Operating by hand, as work on tho lower levels till the hot the papers, and do It so quickly that i hitherto, tho folding has taken thrco weather melts all of It off. It wit) be possible to get out all of . men nbout half a day. JHire PeHef Roofing of nil klniln. lteimlrlrur promptly ilium. J. A. HacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor (iiitteriiiK, Spoutlnir, CornlcoH nml Skyllghta, hmmo draky. Prlinn yimrlliign fnltnil to sell liuttnr thuit $5; qwen $4.r,0 mid lamliK IG.fiO nml l).7n, Mucli thin stuff Ih coming In thin Hnr and Imyorii nra nut anxious for nny but good frit mutton and IiiiiiIih. You Will hnvo no Irritated face If you havn your shaving iloiiu nt in. hum & DuvIiUoii'h liiirbnr Hliop.Adv, Vienna Cafe I J. Jllf Stfl" I T'll'J- 'l' Wall Street (linxl MeiiN, Pii'iiaiiil with v.lt'iiiilliiex.1, at Mwlinute ItlllOH IiiiUii I ,m von of Wliolimomo ' Brcnd 5 c Each A Trial Will i'ouvliiuu. t as to its reliability, t promptness and t j accuracy in pay- ing losses, but it i r' is necessary r o r you to know that I J.B.Miner Shingles Mouldings i t bUl?lllJuI is the official agent t of this territory. i Bend, Oregon. t I CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. t : : : i : : - . ...-. i fr- ,,I,,I,H,MH,M,, .. IMIMMHMMHHIMIIIH -- iff OlrlAv. 4 " - i - -1 -.'. -i lit TZZZ J::! "-. r If n " " t B H " " T n 1 " " T 9 " " . II ::::- i ' "T K 1 "" i Be " r 1 r . , ; t 111 " I " " I " ,.' , , a I ' ' t . ' 9 t . f .... T """X "'it - ii f i. i t HI ilk - ss -----.--. - - '''-' ----..,.. .A -- -- . -.-t- ---- gfi , ft. .. vl WANTED We have so many inquiries from people, wanting to rent small houses, which we cannot furnish them, that in order to encourage building to meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on very easy terms of payment: 20 Lots in Park Addition at . $ 1 50.00 Each 20 Lots in Center Addition at $200.00 Each WIWIf J I These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them 140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come and see us about these lots if you want a bargain. The B e n a to m D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager : It " ::Jt ::J! " " " lit .I 9 i. :!i 4 t t 4 r : t ' t f I 4 1 . . . . " - w w i r i t . ..-.,..,.,, ?&? 'JLf , M .. 9 -.. -- - - - - -r . . T" . .. . . . . . "- t j , , - w- - - l"k 7- -Y-TT. -'.7-""-y '.'""'" ja j 1 1 m i rn i .;? .---- ,.- II! t a t . ryi,:' ,"rV!yy,.)i?Wll'r'r' ?'. ;l ' rr,"?,"' s!ffTwvr t ihfC W - rf JLr m V .- ti , v js- ." t r , 3B , '" . l fUHsTJ'ls1ft8 JT . .iWi .. --- . -- ..- ifcifc ---; ' ' -,-. 9-9-99-9-9-9-9-9-4-9 EtW i v fer ?