The bend bulletin VOL. XI, BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. IIUH. NO. 10 V HOG SICKNESS CAUSES M BUT PARMER SA1ITI1 SAYS NOT EPIDEMIC v O..W. It, Ai N, Agrii'tiltuiM Holds H(i'iniimicoii IiikIIIiiIc nl I.iiiI fnin'a nt I'owiil Ittillt" Hlrkm-Mt ('hiimiI by I'lilmliiiirril Itntliui. (HtnlT Correspondenco) I'OWKI.I, UHTTIJ, Jmm a. -All oxtuuipornituoiia fnrmora' lustlttitn wan hold nl Atlitn Lninlfare's yard In tlnr "I'nriimr" Hmllli f the O.-W. K '& N. Co. w,ia Hut Mtnkr niiil tlm nuilli'iini was nliuiit 8 A runners of till! IH'lnllllOrlUMIll Wild hud gitthorid on nhott iiotlcii Id loiirn wlmt they could about tliclr running prohluma niiil imperially about nick hnga, Tint iiieiitlng IihiI u unconscious lfl!ltlMI IllMt M)Xlk Wlllll! SOUK) of Mr l.iiiiilfnriiH hog wort taknii sick. No mitt could ho foiinil to pnirrllui tor tho iiinlnd) Hint 1 r. or mortt ehotco XMlliK altu iIIimI. TIiiiI nrmiaod tint iiflRliliiiro, for many of tliiwu limit talrly godsltod Invostmeiits In lrk7i Htul thty full thai If hog holrra or lh" plnguM wm awing to turn up In Hint section of lh conn tr the wantrd to know It. ! II nutif Uimh half war and turn It Itach. (ixire ll Itlw, who baa on of th lr"t hril. tlhitil to ('. H. 11'nlwm of lh Klml National Hank ph. I iol hint ot thulr rntm and mtkml for adtlro. Mr. Iludm.n mild m wi.ulil do what ho could Mini nl one wired tlif oltlclala of th l)-V. It. N 'ii Mohlnv I' Hy would IhhiI Mr. Hmlih. thr riid'n nMrt agrk-ultur-ii in iuntlgat th iriiuli Hiid ad lr a rHiiifdy. Tht. road rtuifid nt one. Mr. Hmlih arrived Moudn fill n K and was brought out thla luornlnK to lh l.audfarf rnnrli lt Mr Hudson, together wUhTho Hullo tin rttirHieiitatl. Tho lloltim lirnthitm hud telnphon il to iier)(inc th) could llnd Hint the meeting lo ho huld nnd people began lo nrrlvo about a noon na did tint missionary Ho nudn n thorough' liiaprotfon of Hut aick plga, looked over their feeding rounds, talked with Mr. l.niidfaro and limn announo d that In his opinion Hut trnuhU had oomo from reeding Hie hogs one thing only, In Ihla Initnnoii, rye, Ho1 sniggestt'd remedies lo rnmowt the I itiilltlnti lit' llm fimillnir anil' then urged llm lniiortnnct of tint balanced ration, not only for hogs hut for every fitriu nnlinal Many quca. i Hon were asked Ity Hioao present and Matlafnrlorlly answered Among other things urged upon Ilia nudlonre h "t-'iir'Her" Hmlih wan earn In feeding imlatnen at Ihla tlnin of year. All apronta, green apnta nnd deeuyed txirlloua ahould he carefully removed, he mild, an. the wnter In hlch the Npudn are 'tolled turned off. IIokm on ahould havo ono pound of grain for each 100 poundi of weight, dully, nnd If they grew ton fat tlio pnaturngn ahould hn i educed. Cowa niuat have aoiuolhltig morn thnii polntoeH If It Ih exported to iiihUii Imiliir from their cri'iiiii Thete m iiiiii'Ii otliur ttood iidvlt-n glvnii, with lliii ritpeiited ImnIkU'IU'ii on n linhi'ii'iul riillon. All tlm fitriui'iH nt Hut iiialliiK ut'iii iniiili helped hy Hut nilvjco they leielved mid wore oiy KnAkil to tho riillioiul mid Mr l!tidnn tdr nn MiHliinro In the hog Hlckueaa liinilor. KNITTING MILL PROPOSITION IS BROUGHT OP I'oitlntiil I'll iii Would Nliut I'luiit nt lleiid With Lnrge 1'ityroll If Klork Will lt- Tu ken lly l,ouil .Men. A. Mvihnr of Portland, who urrlvcd la Hem! Monday to remain pnrma ueiitly, ciiinea primed with a iroK alllon which he dvalrea to plncv be fore Hut Commercial Chili nnd Hir hiialuvaa men of lleiid. A firm known na Tint Nollnii Knit Hug Cniiipiiiiy of Portland hna mnilu n teiitutlve projioaltloii through Mr, Mealier, which, atnted very hrlefly, la that It will put In at lleiid it kult ting mill Hint will employ Iwtwoon l.'O nod 200 aklllud tt'nrkuta, provid ed n anlit of atock In lint proponed rouipnuy of $20,000 can he onglnenr ed loc ii lly TIih Nollnii K'Opk atatv that Hie) luive lnitNted In ixiulpmeiit1 130.000 and that they dealrv in get noiiif nu eh locntlon na llend. udvnn- NO BED ROCK AT SEVENTY FEET PETITION FOR BONO ELECTION DIAMOND DRILL WORKl$23,000 SCHOOL ISSUE AT BENMAM PALLS Ift'M liiilci Kurtey Pnla llotwi Three llole Willi no I ten ii 1 1. Topogra phic .Survey of Adjoining: Vullry Muilt-Onn I'uiiy nt lilillaw. PROPOSED (irmle Behind to Coot Ahout J(1!(I,000 mid lie IKiilril In ItliK-k -I of Park Aildlllon U Plan Thut .Mrvl h'n. vor Kits TeUoik lloliln. r Tho reaulta of the work nt llonhnni "To the District Hcliool Hoard of Hla- I'nlla heltig douo hy tho atato In co. t rlct No. 12. operation with Hie federal reclama- ....... . ljn,ir.if;H. re...,.nr,.i. Hon aerv.te nro ao far unaa lafactorv, ,y r ,. )m to M,mt , )0 , , iieco.dliiK in John T. Whliller of,v,or, of ,,, ,,ltr,ct tho ,Uclltlon I'm Hand, the well known engineer. of contrac,nB a iuAtA lM,t of aald who ha gi'iiurnl aupervlalon of the ' ..ihh,! .ii.irin in n... ...... nt in nnn work. Mr. Wlilatlorwni In llend laat rr le lurKIIM, of conatructlng n week on ono of hla rogulnr trlpa of . gra,lt. .,,, Uonn im IoU inapectlon. ..... 2. 3, 4, 6. C. 7 and S bf block 2i, of Tho work at llcnhnm alia l, .ark Addition, llend. Oregon, accord- oeeii in iwo puna, ono mo ooring i.y lnK . ,h rocordl.A ... ,...,,... nm, for tho further purpose of purchaa lug aald lota ahoto dencrllwd In tho aum or $3000 nod thut you will call n arhool election for aald purpouc Dated this Slat day or Juno 1913." Tho nltove petition, alened by diamond drill to dlicover tho nature or the formation and InveatlKiitu the tageoual) altiinted na regard wooli pomlhlllty of building n dam. tho aupply mid aatlafnctory power. oilier n general topographic aiirveyl Arrordlug to Ml Meitlicr. tho cif-1 ( tint valley In tint vicinity of and I nrlata of Hut c"iiimiy aay they wlll.nbove tho fnlla to Hacnrtnln the lia ulllltiw 1 4 ua fuviin rjl llm I ei In raw In I ll I'M I In lain itnnt InllH n n.t t tut ttttttnt u . of the I.h'hI atockholditra In Vnory dam would have at one place or an-1 lll?M)'. ,l'rwonttlvo taximyora and way mhmIII. bh. for Inatanr.. (rt hv-OthHr. The loKgnhlc work la JnM" . " lrwntMl to Iiik a loeal eontmlilwe or elwclod ol. now HnMied mi rar na work In the lil""4 1L , Jaw reMlr reia haw r (ham or Uttt ex-held la concerned and Ita raulta are """ ;"" , , c'' Mn "le',,,n " iwntlliuiit nt th fundi, nrlaliu foim 'eady for mw In connvetUiN with the "' !'' o or more iualin.l Ihe atcrk aab. A guaranle wwild rholw of a dam alte. Thht, how erer. ' T '.?' ... '""d ' ! further li arrang.!. it la alnliHt, In- may Im m difficult matter na th aurlng a coHllnuoua operation uf th diamond drill plant. Thoao Intetmird In the eur- or Mr. Whlatler'a vlall had tawu prliw aem uMttlve that the tliMiud barren or an)lhln( but nwgallva re fir hmcm gHHta a would Ih maim- aulta. Thre IioIm had hn put fartHivd would, at the very iMtt, down Up to that lime, Ihe deepest mre than rare for the uiaxlmmu mil- going 70 fetit without Uniting bed put. rork. Por the greater pari of the1 - IIKI'OltH HIPIIKMK COrilT. HAI.KM, Juno 23.- -The Injunc- Hon atilt brought by MrMahan agnlnut tho Tumnlo iipproprla- Hon wna urgtiod hoforo the Hu- premo Court Thuradny, and an early declalon la oxpectod. I'ran tlcnlly the aamo nrgiimonta ad- variced In the Marlon Circuit Court were naed hoforo tho higher tribunal. BIC EDITION TO BE ELABORATE MANY PEATURES FOR BULLETIN'S SPECIAL tho 18th Inatant In which you atnto that nt tho regular annual achonl election, tho notlco for which atnted that bealdoa election or a director and clerk other mattera would be trana acted, the eloctora voted In favor or fre textlokn and now the question la ralacd aa to whether or not thla action la legal In view of tho fact that It was not atated In the. notice calling the election. Anawcrlng, I would any that I am of tho opinion Hint thla matter could properly come bcioro tho meeting under tho term 'other mattcra', especially ao In view or tho fact that It waa a regular an- nunl hrIiooI mnetlnir. RtinMnt ntn. lion moat atato In the notice theit,on" hnvo hwn ,nk,n and the gn mnttera coming before the votora. cr"1 charac,cr r tM,B 'ear'8 "Pcc'al llctclopmcnt Xumlter Which Apnra In July Will Have Many llluxtrn ti.NM and n Hcorc of Hpeclal Ar ticle Written byAutltoritlcv Plans for The Hullctln'a annual Development Number are well under wny, many of the articles are nlrcadv In type, the photographa for llluit-a- Annual meetings do' not when It Is ordinary luminous llko textbooks, etc." Mlucilon will occur a mion aa io- work up lo lb nme'",,,l"'ri lh' ,f lm " !" "' Hwimni .,7 imv ..v.frrnw llHRimillllv na tion ran b taken, with inn hope of ' getting a building e recital In time for at leaat the latter hair or the com ing Hcnool year. friends or the proposal are con- WOOL PILES UP AT WAREHOUSE FOR SALE edition decided on. The paper will have at least 11 pages and probably 48. A new rea turo this year will he that ono sec tion, of eight pages, will be prlntol on n good grade of coated book pi per, Instead of the usual news paper. In this section most of tho llhmtra. 'tfons will bo gathered, thus securing ifar better results with the cuts than lMn lift ililnlnnil tr nnmwm tulel if lime S.i Mil- , ,"" """"";" - i....... ..u UUUII1K BI'VUIilllj U11IUUIIYU IIIUBirUl- ed foaturc section to tho paper, which In Iteelt will make a valuablo and laatlng advertisement of the town and country.. Many Special Article. A great number of signed articles Itfiliiioml Will Xot lb;:i Pounds Sold nt Mndrnx nnd KlmtilUo .Shi in ibiy mid Moiuluy. The omployea at tho failed Ware house have hoen kept oh the Jump taking eare of the wool which has come In during the laet week, there1 H,n ' published this year, written being a ,0,., of SMC ,.0. XSrJ on hand. A lame wart of thla earn tunate In securing the co-operation from W. W. Ilrown'a much, with the of a number or man specially quail teat rrom the country to the south. d to write upon certain subjects, The date set ror the salt hero la Jul ,hf v1bt been imlently Inter- wow ." wwi.,,mw.w W.D., ..ra, HHU Rome preliminary InveeilgallOHa of dUtance the fur mat Ion Is large!) the MnainUI ktaiiiM and btialneae hla lory or Ihe Nollan leople l lielng made, and If reeulta are aatlafactory It Im probable that the matter "III Im. plared before tho IihmI people nt an early dute FOUR TRAINS DAILY NOW Vow Hervlie by Oreuon Trunk l.lkel by Tiiurllug Publlr. With tho pulling on of night trulna Hunduy br the Oregon TrnnkXlend nnwflms four pasteiigrr tralnaV (lay two In and two out. ThercyVaa i big crowd nt tho depot HundnyVeven Ing to aei the first train "nihV tho now arrangement go out. It carried S3 paMongera, From tho other end tho first train loft Portland at 7:30 p. 111. and arrived In llend .Monday morning at K o'clock. Passoiigrro who came In on It said Hint wlicii It left tlm metropolis all the 1C lawer bertha and 5 of the iipixys woro taken. Nearly !f peoplo oaino through to llend. In addition to tho night train, tho Oregon Trunk is running n pnsicuger conch on the freight which leaves Melolliia Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nt 0:30 n. in ml, and furnUht'M un suitable fouti datloH for a dam. The (Katance to Iter nick la unknown. Kven though a Hiiltalile foMlidatlon for n dam bo found. It would be very expensive to carry wutur for Irrlgn 1 thought no it (ft Incease tho value 14 I numi hbi 11 win mwir mill b..4mim i mi the smaller bond -jaue In believed T,,e l'r W w h'd MonJnd publicity efBclency of tho edition. to be far more populir than that or .day when about 600,000 pounda wore 'Those articles. It la lielloveu. will be J45.000. proioerd before, while the disposed of by a large number of ,he ,nost authoritative and Intoreet preselng need of such a hulldlng la growora. Prlees genernlly were aat- ,nK that cvor httV0 l,eon run u" nn" moat aMrent. I Israotory. For line wool the highest m,a,J1 l,Bor1 ,n "JV6' Ju8t n .,l They hImi argue that It Is n grade price waB llfc and ror coarse wool.i'8 ""mevod that the edition n a whole ..'.... :.."....'"..... .. ' school, and not a high school, that 10 cent.. Thn lialrfwln Sheet. Rom. w w tnp largest and most hand- ..ii inn i'ui.' nnj ir.Mii lint rivur mi, . . ,, . , , , . . . .. : . .1 .. . this ixiliit ns tho aldea ot tho valley ,r mo1 tn"'tcly needed. Tho pony's clip or 140.000 sold nt U cuius, wie nnicK nunc ciiir ui present uniisiinlly dllllcult ungluuor' lug problems In connection with any Irrigation proposition. A portion or the survey party Is now camped nbove l.aldlaw, studying the river and making observations ns to tho possibility or leading oft Irri gation works rrom this point. amm to (Ki,i:nit.Ti:. Alfalfa will celobrato Ihe Fourth. At a rousing meeting hold nt the school house there Sunday, pUus for Hio day were perfected. Refresh ments of all varieties, served In kegs, hollies, buckets, tubs, baskets, sacks, boxes, bags, plates nnd cups, will bo provided In abundance, free. A pa rage and program will bo the morn ing events. Atter dinner, provided by the Indies, there will bo gamea and races, ending In a bull game. Prlien will bo provided for nil ovents. A big free danro will wind up tho res tlvltles In the evening. "Kverylody and alscMVt tho com Bn' ,c" 'our nolghbor, and bo freight loavhiK Falllirlde.. on Tuem. r n"' gorget lo tiring n well day, Thursday and Saturday nt 7 a.'n,,ot, aUot." Is tho Imitation those m. I in viinrKn nave rivuii V' BANK DRAFTS Are the cheapest and best way to remit money, mill are payable in any part of the United States or Canada, unlike Post Ofliee Orders which are payable only nt the olllee they are drawn upor. They cost much less than Post Oflipe or Express Orders, and it' lost can be duplicated without delay or extra charge. This bank keeps all paid drafts on file in their vaults, making a perfect receipt subject to your exami nation at any time. The DESCHUTES BANKING (& TRUST CO. OF DEND, OREGON present building, It Is apparent. Is totally uhflt to accommodate tho school; hit J tho erection, of a grado school would relieve It or ita heav iest pan!! population, nnd nt tho same Hmo provide suitable quarters for the) younger scholars, whose number Is Increasing 'far more rapidly than Is that In the high school. The old building. It Is proposed, would then to ndeq'il&to for the high school for some ienra td come. When tho new grnde scfiool Jiecame full, It would bo easy to construct another In a dif ferent 4portlon of town, and thereby give the best service to children liv ing In all sections and lay the foun dation for a broad plan ot city schools, Textbook Hlerllott Valid. Validity of the school election hero on June 10 so far as It concerned tho vote on frco textbooks having been questioned. The llulletln wrote At torney General A. M. Crawford at Saleiu or his opinion on the matter. Ills reply, which Is self-explanatory, Is as 'follows "I am In receipt or your letter or V" ' v ' 0 P.teggs. asm, a iu, U. I'KKKKIX, 1'rcshlent P.O. MINOR, Secretary, v K. M. I.VHA Cashier vy" DIKKCTOR3: ( n. IMUtUKl.U. V, 0. MINOR, K. M. l.ARA, , Are Ycu All For-Lawn? Tho cqul nu-nt thnt yovi need to l.i'cp 'ur ail in txcflknt con dition is sold herethe br8t Rrade at thQ boat rices MOWERS, SPRINKLKRS, HOSE, nil kinds f GARDEN TOOL?, etc. l Also, boar innind that we curry .a full- lino of BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. 80,000 pounds brought 12 centa. At Shaniko on Saturday IT. grow ers sold over 100,000 pounds at an average price ot nbout 14 cents. Tho Dalles mills wore tho heaviest pur chasers. Two of the largest clips, those of the Prlnevllle Land & Live stock Co. and tho Hilton & llurgess Co., remain In the warehouse unsold. At ltedmond the sale was given up . nit tB'Ant MM .1 t . A l .!,., H, lit. Mil V.UU, t.UII, .,ICV HIMI ACICU u. Madras. I some yet attempted In any North western town of less than 10,000 In habitants. TIne.e Win. Will Write. Tho article Include the following: "What the Tanama Canal Means to Central Oregon," by Joseph N. Teal. Mr. Teal la regarded as tho best posted rate expert In the West, Is head of the Otogon Conservation Commission and was prominently considered far the aecretarrshln of 'the Interior. "Hogs and Dairy Cowa In Central Oregon," by C. L. Smith, agricultural KTHAWIIKIUIV CHOI- A SOOI OSKfiQ? T O-'"0" nond atrawberrlea are commencing J "Lumbering Advantages or Bend," to appear on the market, and every , ,r J. p. Keves. general manager of Indication la for an exceptionally fine i The llend Company, season, for both quantity and quality j "Hend'a Sewer System." by It. E. or nerrles. Qn the P. H. Denccr Koon or Chicago, city construction ranch the big berry patch Is "loaded engineer. , to capacity," as la that on tho Mon- "What the National Forests Mean telle Coo ranch nnd other nearby (0 iiend." a detailed Interview with places. Dr. Dcncer says he expecta m. L. Merrltt, supervisor of tho Dea n record crop thla ysar, and those 'chutes National Forest, who have tried tha fjne firm berries "Tho Tumalo Project." by O. I.aur agree thnt they excel In quality nnd ganrd, project engineer under the tasterulness anything that has been i Imported hero this year. j (Continued on last page) N. P, SMITH '. T y S rni OF BEND, S HjKi' ?k I H$j m " ' TtThMbT P wm3 C mXK I k 2iwi r iyi!y i ffSy A ' ' r i y SS.m The First National Bank BEND, OREGON 0 Or. U O. COC. Praildtnt t A SATHgR. Vlc Pfssldn O. 8 HUDSON. Co.hl.r Caollal tultr paid ... S7S.OOO Siockholdtri' llabllltr SJ3.0C0 Surplus .... SIO 000 qpHIS BANK is ihe busi- ness bu omtter of tle Bend country. . The faut that our deposits are S1Q0,-. 000 more today than this date last year, shows prosperity. uhwO TR FIRST NATIONAL BANKvOF BEND l I R R C T O K S: U. C. COR K A SATHI R C. S. IfODSON O. M. PATTRKMJX H. C RLL18 15 ' savWj S