The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 18, 1913, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    TIIK HKNtl MHilMTlS. niton. Wl'.HSKHlhW, 3VSK IH, Jfilil.
, "' A "HINDU I00C
III Strang Hlttory Cauatd Mm. Cafi
not I Ordar It Daatroyad.
U'hnu .Mum, Ciirinil, widow of Hudl
!iniiii, dltil mill liur will huh rend u
i'hiiiHU in cniipt'il I'titixlik'nililii 1'iiiii
nielli. 'I'liM wim to tin' urttrt tin C u
tultiiln m tint II IIIiiiIii IiJiiI nirvi'd fiom
it limil Htimu will, h wniilil bt, found ' NOTK'i; roil ITIII.H'ATION.
.liiionu Iht ihtH'ily iimihi 1. 1- Inlu'ii out ncpnrlnii'Ml of tho liilnrlur, I'. R
WowcomorM ahoiiM not tho tin lilt
or koIhk In Iiimch ft DavIiIiioii'ji bur
lier ahop, Adv.
A t-iiiaalllril ml In Tim lliillrtln I
iriul l ImiimIii-iU iihi oilnu dm nib
.i'iHmw kooiI ntiiiiiK rr llio 11101117
iilMli'liMlii'il lllllll niliiili'K'l;v ilcxlioyi-il.
.Milliy iiumi'li'il 111 thin iliiiiMlllly mIii
uuiiir iriin-i. fur tin' Mol xt'i'iiu'd 11
Iniiiilli-M, only Mltli llilint. hilt ln-r In
Hliiii'ttoint ui'iu viii 1 IimI out to tliu lut
Tho lilot liml Ihivii 'iriwuti'd to Smll
t'urilol yriil lii'foii' lit liml i'vit
(mill Olllcu nt Tliu Diilli'H, Oli'KOM,
Mnv 'Jiiiii, una.
Nollio Im Iioi I'liy given Hint Allicrt
lliiirjiiiiin, of IIimiiI, OriiK'in. who, on
,1 11 lie 'i lili, lUOli, Hindu Dtwiirt I. mid
Kntr), No. (lAdllS, for HKVi HK't,
Diii'tlon (!, Towmtlilp 17 Hojilh, ItiuiKO
IK KriMt, WlllHint'tlo Mnrlillnii. Iihh
tlioiiulil of Hit pitlili.1117 of finii.t' l.y ftli iintld of liili'iitlon to mnkv lliirtl
11 ftlriiil who hud hroiiulu II fnnii In
din. l.ntiT in iciiriii'il linn HiiTf him
RVki'WI lllllll'll'll lo II tllllill llmi'Ml'll
l tint wlio-iM'tcr wimiil rt'imii 11 In li
hHim-!"!! WOIIHI ll-f to Hit rillli'Kl
Ji..ilIii ..r ikniu. I. 1. 1 itin,.ii .......-.
t.'lllt r, ir".l- ill n llf--l 1IMMIV.' . , . . ..lull . tl. t(.llll..
,..,. ..... . ' .I0I111 I'. Yoiiiik. WIIIIhiii Alt, Wllllitin
ri'Mi, .1111 in.' im 11 ruin iiuilllll urn III Vl , 1.1.1 . . - . ..11 .. 11 ...1
I'lH'K Hllll JIMMI I. .HIMIIH, llll III IIMItl,
pronf, to iHttnlillnh rliiliu In llio IhiiiI
nliotu ilmtvtllii'tl, linforo II. 0. MIIIh,
I,'. H. CoiiiiiilMMlonur, nt IiIh olllci at
llmiil. Oii'Koii, 011 tho UMli ilny iff
.Inly, itus.
CIltllllHHt IIIIIIHft lift ultflftMKH:
V. MOOItH. Iti-KlMi-f.
noticic I'm I'fiu.icATiu.v.
tilt' xi'iulli of lilt t'lirtiT
M t '11 1 lint init.-d Ho liNior of tliv
lilnl mid loniiu Unit for Hmi t i'ii iv Ha
riiitTH wim liml Hiim.. 11 iniii nil
ilh'il I'll her In lut tilt in til' iixmimliiil lion
Iniiit -lull whIiihN Vii In iniiMliftl nt Di'pnrlinmil of tho liitjrlort If. 8.
Ho Htnry. mil. it tin IiicIh iiddint'd liy I "il '' Tho Diilloit, ()ruon,
lit inin h 11 iiii'tv cliiilii of loiiiPliloiu iri M' ' . 1 1 I .
mid ri'iiiliittt llu- Idol "Hi tllttl liy 11 ' NoHc' Ih hnrnliy Klw-n Hint Hrok
iIiibkit In Hit IimiiiN of mi iihhiu.Iii ' Ittl II. Iliilluh. of DfHrliiilvn. OruKon,
tiiMiiu .Mint. Cnriioi'M mnitmii riu.Mt
oIHht Hi ci Mitld contKNtnilt'11 wrltlon
nckiiowltiilKini'iit of hi rcculpt of tho
copy, hIiowIiik tho ditto of It rocnlpt.
or Hit) iilllilmlt Jif tho ponton oy
whom dollvorodf If jniulo ly roRltr
ml mull, proof of micli hitvIco iiiiihI
coiiMlNt of tho iilllilavlt or tho pomon
by whom tho copy wn mullod HtntliiK
whon mid thu poRtofllco to which It
wiih niiilli'd, nml tlilH afllilnvlt tnuitt
ho iiri'oiiipmili'd ) tho poHtmtiHtor'M
recolpl ror thn Icttor.
Von xhoiilil Htnlu In your iinnwor
tho iiiiini or tho poHtofllco to which
you di'Hlro rut 11 ro iioIIcch to ho Hont
to OII.
C. V. MOOItH, ftoKliitiir.
I)nto of liml piilillcutloii .liiuo 11.
1 Ditto Of MClOllll pillllllHllloU JlltK
is, mix. ,
Ditto or third piilillrntlnn .luiio 2h,
D11K1 of fourth publication July 2,
who, 011 Di'Cfiiilii'r IKih. lUOii, itiuilo
lionifHtiiitil fiitry No. 0R721. for
HU'l'tKKVt. HK'.HW1,. hoc 2X. ituil
SHUNWli, NWtiNK1,. Hi'itlon S7,
toMluhlli 10 milltll. rnilKn ' t'lmt.
Curloui EnptrUne In tt Clourf In , Wlltntiicllt Morlilliiii. linn flli'd nolle" 1
n Aaropian. of lulcutlou In innko II 1111 1 tliriM)nr
It 'vii it nt JliiiiriifHtcr. Arropinnr proor. to fululilluli rlnlni to tho Inndi
witw nwfplii ihv elfifn In tin' rirmilt nl.ovit dcucrlltfil, bcforo II. C. CI llu,
ol llrlliilo nii-v VitlrliitM liml InodiM, I H, (Tiiiiiiiiliteiitiir, nt hi oltlrtt nt
1' ml liiiNitlt'iit ill Hit riili-K tlnit intuit)
linn wmII tfti itiliiuli- U'fiirf mklnit up
Hit rnit', vri'iit iiImiiii JuIiImtIiik In
I'n'tii'li Otic or tin olhi'liilK rixkitl I1I111
wtut kind of n trip Iih IihiI luttt Vttl
llctid, Ori'Kou. on tho 30th tiny or
Jiiiii. r.n.
ClKlmnnt ilium n MtntMC
OiHtrRtt It. I In t tat, l.t'inuul A. limn
ili'iilniritli. I'rod A. Ilunni'll. Mlnnlo
DvpHrtiHHiit or thn lutcrlpr. United
rllHti'H l,Htid Oltlco. Tho D it lien,
OrttKOti, Mny 2H, 111 IX.
To Dnlph Mulkoy or l.nliilnw, Ort'
Kon, ('ontinl(o:
You tin horohy notlflt'il Hint Hdwlu
HolmoN, lm kIvihi lltiiid, OrcKon, iih
IiIh iioNt-olllei itddriwm, did op Mny
ill, 1IH, llio In till ollkt) hi duly
lorroiMirHtt'd Hpi'llrnllon In roiititt
mid Hccurt' tho cHUcollntlou or your
liouioatoHtl, Kntry No, . Horltil
No. 0R720. itiiido Mny 'J, 1 J 1 0, ror
N'A NKV,. Kit. 12. WVi HK't. H
NUVi, Ixit 1, 2, Hi'ftloti 1, TowiiAhlp
20 Kouth, KmiKtt IK K Wlllnmettii
Mi-rldliin. mid iih Krounil ror lit
rontciil In nlli'Ki' thnt Im I Informed
mid verily Ihiiim Hint wild etitry
1111111 lifiit fnlli'd lo ctntillh and main
titlu hi reMilriiro iikiii unit! trnct;
t tin t mild cntrymnn hn fnllrd to
cultlvntn nld tract or any part there
of a rtiulrrd by law; that wild nbovo
failure wa not duo to entrynintiH
omploymont In thn army, navy or
marine corp or tho United Htate
In (lino or war or otherwlao,
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that the wild alleKatlotm will ho
taken by tbl officii a (iiivIiik been
confeitNed by you, and your ald entry
will be canceled thereunder without
your further rlKht to le hoard there
in, either before thin olllco or on ap
peal,, If you f ii.ll Ut file In thin oltlco
within twenty day after tho
KOt'ltTM publication of thl notice,
an nIiowii below, your nnawer. under
oath, Hpoelllcnlly meetlnK and re
HpomlluK to theHt alleKatlotiH of con
tout, or ir you rail within that time
to file In thin olllre due proor that
) on have nerved h copy of your an
wer on tho until :oritttlHiit either In
peraon or by rcKlHturod uinll If
till aervleo Ih matle by the delivery
of 11 copy of your miawer to tho con
leatnut In ioron, proof of micli hit
vlce iniiHt be either the anld conteitt
atit'a written acknowledgement of
hi receipt or the copy. hIiowIiik thei
date or It recelitt. or the affidavit or!
the pomon by whom the delivery vta
made Mating when and uhorc tho
copy wna delivered: U made ly rxe
iHtereil mall, proor or aurh aervlce
iniiHt connlnt or tho allldatlt or the
tierHou by whom the copy hah mailed
Mating when anil the poHtolllce to
which It wn mailed, and thl affidav
it iniiHt be aecnmpauletl by the poU
inaHter' receipt for tnu letter.
You ahoultl xtnte In your nnawer
the name of tho pen to nice to which
you ilenlro future notice to be aent
to you.
C. W. MOOItK, HoRlater
Date of flritt publication June 11,
Date of aecoud publication June
18, lliKI.
Date of third publication June 25,
Date of fourth publication July 2,
Because we know where
and how to buy our
grain and we know how
to manufacture the best
flour that is on the mar
ket. Give it a trial.
we are headquarters for flour, feed
and grain; also farm and
Mill Machinery.
The Purest and Best Always at
Bend Milling & Warehouse Co.
MOOItK, ItcKlator.
rtiitiV fin-MiT mm to tioltl up til tiaoil ' (' tiw, Jame II, lnw, nil of De
prrlrely chute, Oregon,
lit wn unlet for many aeeond. t lit) 11 , U-lftp C. W
-I mm ulnnkefn! In cloud o that I TltACIIKHH' lE.VAMI.VATION.
niiilil not -, len ineier lNfor urn. J N()tp, , l0fl Vjn (,t ,,,
I ,I.Mv me u nothluu hut rt.lllim ml Hr(M), lllM,rllU,Mlllt f Crook
Hint Kraduiilly ttNik on all rmiririil t.ottBt will hold an examination ror
Mi.tMM 1111,1 roiom I inuuht myeir , ,, ,,ir ,, ,,,.
MKiilliiit to .l..iiiil. 10 drop wiililrtiiy , , , Wlrt r(MJlli nl
'" "" w", I1"" lo ITlutnllle. a fallow:
"tiie thlt feelliitt I Dew IiIbIht and I u
ilulu.r. niilll. ti-iiliirint! 10 ImiU ttntrti 1 ' "r "'""' ,nlK,r'
Aim. I ..ttv n mil iiL-iit. nml! CiiiiimeiielB; Vednedtiy. Juno 18. r
itiiiiimlliiil imi erlH-fori hail lNm rv "a. ' " 'ewk A. M . and win
imhl to nt- from Hie ky I aaw n ' tlnilK until Haturday. Jlmv 21.
ilntniir i"in. 11 nutiiliTfiil ininiui. Hint . 1" at t I . M.
itiiiit I uniild liHit forutitieii i-ri-rv.
tluiik' Put tli'i-f fiiiil-lif t'tiiiiitniri. rt
nit .it iu if (-. 11 nil"- ille liiiiuhitl 1
'Hill I ftiriuiiali. fur I iMfauie
eH'k-11 "Ilk n it tlmj-MHiiy up til Hit
el.iiid."-IMtMtnl I.) ell I'oi In llur
vr' Wii'kiy
U'lilitritlay I'nn'iiiHiii.
WrltlitK. I'. K. hlatory, ph)loloRy.
Wetlnexilny Afternoon.
1 l'liy hIoiiI KeoKrapti), nadlnK. com-
IKHtltlon, method In readltiK. metli
nil In arlthinetlc.
TIiiiimIii)' I'lireiiiMiu. Him. Ev.r Bald. Ariiiiiueiic, inatory or etiucniioii,
Hoiio-Hiiif mi rrior trtfp- into the ' P)choltK). method In Keoarnphy.
inilill-liitl iiniiiiiiiiit'lin-nt of 11 tnu lurf. j Tlitnituy AflrriiiHin,
due in ihi iieulluiiiii of the iinMifreailrr (Iraiiniinr. Keoicratihy. Amerlonn
or to Hie iiiiiiiMiiiir in Hie irlutliiK or liitiirnturi. ph)lc. method In Ian
ilivor tin pitiH-r It l nirely funny In I ginmo, thel ror primary certificate.
Itn n-illlH. iiIHioiibIi II mny 11 in lie tin 1 Friday roreniMiti.
iininiu rviiilliiu when tint itwiieil. t)u I Theory and Practice, ortlinsrnnhy.
day a itiMirimeiit Mure In New York
ndvertlMil "HutoirCurttl llama at 4e a
lb" Itnllifr eliinp. ynu wiy? Well, IIP)
itld M'rtiua ilitiiiuhl an too, for Unit
mhk tin uumlier Hint nakitl for the ham
ut ilit" ridn iiiiniKiy tow priii Hit morn
luu Hie ml npMiirvd. It tran.plretl
Hint Hie printiM priMir O K 'd by Hie
itrtN-ery liiiytr mid win down lo Hie
ni'tvlnn'r oitln' fur liioertluu In Hut
tluyx U-iie reeil "Iti 11 lb" The tlrxl
KiikIIiIi literature, cnemlitry.
I'rldiiy Afternoon.
Kchnol law, botany, algebra, civil
Sal 111 ilny I'orrniKtn.
(leoiutttr), 'KeoloK).
SnlmiUy AftrrniMin.
(leuernl hlntnry, iMiokkeeplnK.
I'llnuiry Tliee.
The follow Iiik am llat of Hiibject
from which to rhuoao for a primary
nuiuenil I1.11I "imply ilrnpHil out of ithuala; (a) What rhould be taiiRht
Hlullt: I .'." Rjiii tvi-re inndi ill 11 lna of
In rent Mr Miuud. Woinun' Home
Poilry and tha Child.
Iti'illl imi-lrv tu Hie ellllil llendenay.
alinple ere. rend iniii-fii-ie verxe. I Monteanrl ateut ot education, (h)
In the primary Krnde that I not
round In book? (b) Home rim)
Krnidi) In the primary grade, (c)
The line or phonic In thn flrat Knide.
(til Trlmary ro.idliiK. (e) Nature
Mtudy. (f) lluay work, (r) Thu
r'id real inr rend ixuui'iline auch
im ih "Yliillinliipi" Mild ttlta of
"I'lirnillii ltt." of ttiurw Hie ehlld
will nut tiiiiterainiid the ttnuuthi. nut
lie will eiiiy the tuxiud, mid h will
iiui'iiiiM'Inualy liMirn the wnnla. I'oelrv
Mlt lii'Vt-r tni'illit to In rviul to oueielf,
(nil nlwn.vM to le reml aloud or ret'lted
It I linrtler thiiu pnwe, Tlu onler of
Hie wttrda la often like our everydnr
nHiNh and the wortla iheui-olvea ntv
friNiiiuily illDi-rt'iit. Here flnlly 1
rhlldreii lin-tl help,
I'lay nml playxrouuda
H-lfi Btiit. Co. School.
Department or thn Interior, United
State I .an d Ortlre. The Dnllea,
OreKon. May ID, 1013.
To Dan M. Smith of Ilend, OreKon,
You are hereby notified that Karl
I.. Power, who Rive Ilend, Crook
Ir nii-v rlhil 11 ! County, OreKon, n hi pot-olllro ad-
they learn M lnv pta-lry, and Ihero ",,H ' Mn' 8. 1913. llio In
an few Ihlnux Hint wi aweeleii life aa
a renulue love for melry for Ha Ih-3 11
tlea mid for lilt hilpful lluta Hint iiiiiih
to iiue'a 111I111I tu tnird plueea. Iloiiio
I'roKreaa .Mmrnkliie.
A Good 8tov Lining.
A cnoil alow IIIHIIU. one Hull will
Iiimi two venm or more, emi tu nimlu
frnui nine t'luv llrlfk einv or one Hint
dm- lint liilltulll IIIIH'h "Hllll. I" UimmI
iiImo I'luy ftuiiiil In unit water iuurliia
im tun of Hie He"! ror "line Miiiiil'h,
Tilt t'luv nitiMt be retlueeil Hi a puate
iiliuiit 1 llu putty The imh lor lluimt
hIii tu It t bt lihlMhl'il elemi mid lllnl"lfllisl
liffnlf Hit elny la lipplleil. I'llt oil Willi
IiiiihI" miiiimiHi with 11 trowel or thin
piece of linuril -Nulltuiul Mimnxlno.
Won by Hit Qlarnty.
.Muui'tliile IliiW'til iiiii been
thla ofllce hi duly corroborated nppll
cation to content and aucuro thn can
cellation or vonr honieatead. Kntry
No. OOOr.O. Rerbil No. 01)05t, made
Feb. U ID 12, for Nfe Section 7.
Townahln 20 S.. Itn?e 1(5 K.. VII-
lamettu Meridian, nml na Rroiiud fart
hi couteal hu allege that H.1I1I Dan
M. Smith h.'tH railed to hi
reHldeuco upen nald tract; that Haiti
entrymnn lut not realded on nld
land or Improved .It In any manner
hIiico inakltiK hla entry therefor; that
mild outrymnu ha aluindnned H.1I1I
tract for upward or ah nionthtt last
pat mid thut auch nbveiice was not
duo to hla employment lt thu army,
unvy or mnrluu corps nt tho United
Statua durliiR time or war or othor
viae. Ynu are. ihoreforn. further noil-
I'.ed that l'i" an'd uileRntlnn will he
taken by thU olllco ra havltiR ' been
Do You Know
This Bear?
1-1 n(nnriii fnr
fSffllB !
' '" Xl The Standard Oil for
f xr JL itioior iars
j 4? Watch for him. He is on every
S li ZEROLENE can. He mark
ij Jf the oil that freed the car from
I h 1 put up ,n l"e v"' Fi 5
I. 'V easy to handle; also rtyr
y 4 bnarbi,rcls and haIf g'
I y A Sold by dealers ' J
I VP everywhere and at jy,.Ts ...jaSC
Jft alUgcncics of the K0?S! I
ll J Z fta, I
1f I I I i mm I
. I ai . P 1 H
u!-KiS ,-n ffc-
T L0B mm-
4 '(B
1 1 a 1
rr-Mm&rnTTng&L- Was
trCTiC3vymiiai iajF tkxz
mWatmmmmmmmmmSmmJi lf t, m-l
SFIC " wlBa.y ImW-
lit'foit iiie iteinier Aanite I'tianuer 1 onttfuHBod by you. mid your mild entry
No. jet linimr; I utvei "in lint one luro will bo cmiceletl tlioreuuder without
Hint itaiKeii like your, im' Hint wiih 11 your inriiicr nmu to ne iionni tiioro
piinpimiipii or an Irnh kIiiu .Muula
trute lUaihnrueil! Cull the nuxt uiaul
-l.oiiiiiui .ti"fra.
In, either befurn thla olllco or on ap
peal, ir you rnll to ll'e In thl olP"
within tweutv day ntter the
KOlMtTII puhllontlon of thla 'nnttco.
ns ahowii below, your uiiHwur. under
oath, epeclricnlly mnotltiu and re
Hpondlnir to thoflo allmratlmiB of con
test or if you ran within Hint unto to
Th Way It Qot.
"I want n uitf iNMtk lor mi Invnlld,"
"Rniiii'lliliiii rellifiiiua. uiiutmiiY"
"Kr no iifH imviilerteiiit."Uoaton' )" ' thin oltlco due proof tUat you
I uavo aerveu 11 ctitiv qi vmir rnawcr tin
tyn anld coptetant rdthr In perann
, ., , . ' or hy rojclstcred mill. If this aervleo
Truth la an turnout man tnt6ment Innrte JV jn0 ,ieuverv of 0 cnv of
of 11 tuct, your iwbwto t'0 cn'o'tint In per-
1 son, proof of uch service must ho
We Deliver the Goods .
Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices.
The Largest Barn in Central Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Your confidence is what
Studebaker cceks to keep
Possessing this confidence, vc hrwe never
tried to produce a cheap wagon. Wc could, but
we don't dare try the experiment. Our constant
nim has been to produce the best wagon.
And in livin:; up to tSis highest standard, wc htwo
vrn nnd hold tho confidence nnd good-will cf
hundreds of thousands of farmers all over tho world.
Studcbdcer wagons nre built to Inst, to do a day's
V"itk every day, to stand up under stress and strain
end to rr.rhs tho namo S!ud:bclier stand fcr til
that 3 best in vehicle.
Don't nsccpt cry other wanon represented to bo
junt as 3od as n S!ud:baer. Tha substitute may bo
cheaper, but it i:n't up to Stud:baker standards, end
you can't oHord to buy it.
Tor buslneia or raiure, there is a SUtdclczr veWcio
aulted loyour requlremoot. Farm vngoni, truckt, buiineis watrona,
aurreyi, bugsiea, runabouts, pony carrianea each the best of i:a
kind. 1-biraoaa alio of tho aarao higb Studtbafar atandard.
Ssa oar Dealct et icrtt uj.
STUDEBAKER South Bend, lnd.
This service is in lieu of the day trains run heretofore.
The train will leave Bend 8;30 P. M., Deschutes 8:48 P. M Red
mond 9:10 P. M Terrebonne 9:24 P. M , Culver 10:02 P. M., Metolius
10:20 P. M., Madras 10:30 P. M., Mecca 11:03 P. M Maupin 12:40 A.
t M Sherar 1:08 A. M , arrive Portland 8:10 A. M.
Leave Portland 7:00 P. M., Arrive Sherar 3:03 A. M., Maupin 3:26
A. M.. Mecca 5:18 A. M.. Madras (3:00 A. M.. Metolius 6:13 A. M Cul
ver 6:28 A. M., Terrebonne 7:08 A. M Redmond 7:23 A. M., Deschutes
7:43 A. M.. Bend 8:00 A. M.
Connections are made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley
and Puget Sound Points.
tares and schedules and details will be furnished on application
or by letter.
Asst. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. . Bend, Oregon.
R. ii. CROZIER. .
Asst. Gen. Pass: Agent.
Auto Trucks
Operating Regularly Between