jtm imity mrt.umW, bwiw, WHiNqixT, tonk , jt. -WMHtft- 4 ;uiiUiiU4UuuiU4 J V7TT" i , - miK CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD. NEWS. . - -- "FOlXTKltH FOIt riUCTICAI. FAIlMKltS." Tho Uiittctln lin Inrjtc supply of tliN valuable ami Interesting book let, which Ih written by C. I. ("Farmer") Smith and publlahcd by tho OreRott-Vw.lilnRtou nillroatl. Thewo lnM)klct will Ik sent t rnijr farmer who asks for Uieni, ami may be liml by calling nt The Bulletin office. The following Article are Included In the Ixxiklet: The Smnll Farm, Building Up n Dairy llertl, To Cheapen Fork FriMluctlon, and The Future lleef Supply. The material in all hartl, common seme, anil may bo studied to advantage by any rancher. The copies are' FUF.K, rememler. -"--- LAIDLAW (Special to The Bend Bulletin.) LAIDLAW, June 16. J. W. Drown waa In Bend Thursday. A. F. IUmsey Is reported better. Laldtaw now has a tennis club. Jamea Fatten lost a fine colt last week. Farmers will begin to mako hay about the 37th. two weeks earlier than Imt vear. Some think a third cutting is In sight. All tho bouses In town aro now rented. J. N. 11. Corking Is having hla house painted. Grovcr Is the artist on tho house while Whlty is painting things red around tho barn. Mr. Flicklnrer's two children camo in last week after the close of school to spend their vacation, also Mr. Fllckinger'a mother came for an ox tended visit. There Is a move on foot to estab lish a rural mall delivery between Bend and Lsldlaw. Only seven mall boxes are needed between the two triacea to ask Uncle Sam to take notice. The people need the service and Laldlaw needa the hack line for our commodities. Mrs. Spifford and daughter of Waltsburg. Wash., are visiting her father. Mr. McGulre. They will re turn in a few days to their old home Mrs. J. N. . Gerklng returned home Saturday night after spending a month at Silverton visiting friends and relatives. Floyd Scott passed through Satur day evening for Deschutes, meeting friends from the O. A. C. The voting people gave a dance Friday night and had a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Donlvan from Gist were trading here Saturday. Charles Mudd. formerly of this place. Is visiting old friends here. Prof. C A. McKay from Eastern Oregon Is visiting his old friend, Mr. Pinkstaf. . . , . A Urn crowd of relatives and friends wfrrVae IteMsWntM last Satur day Bight to met the Mlsees Jmi. Mien and Liter., ftww ford who were returning riW'fta graduation exer cfeM at O. A. C. Mrs. Ellsa W. hirer, formerly of lAldlaw. died at Culver Saturday, aged 3 yars. ,. JThe remains were btwMfkt here and Interment took plae) at the I. O. O. F. Cemetery Sunday, the funeral services beins conducted fcy Itev. A. O. Wafker. Mrs. Myers ws torn .it CrawfordavllW. Ind. With bur husband she came to LaldktwJti 1. living bore for four yoars. Sue tben removed to Cnlver. She was a member of the Culver Christian church. Surviving her Is W. P. Myers of Culver, an only son. Her husband died four years ago and she was laid to rest beside him In the local cemetery . a- - - . . MILLICAN (Special to The llend Bulletin.) MILLICAN, June 10. The first school election for Mllllcan will be held June IS, at P. n. Johnson's store. Tho notices have been post ed for some time. Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcan left for Prlne vilie Inst Tuesday, expecting to be gone until June IS. Mr. Mllllcan went with her but is at home now. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MotTett and William Todd picnicked on Pine Mountain Sundiy and took several views of the valley. Fred Klger went to Bend for cas ing for the well being drilled on his father's place. He has been ex pected ho"e for several days, there being soma delay In getting the cas ing from Portland. Kd While went to llend Saturday and arrived home Sunday. II. E. Davis and son John are dig ging a well for Ed White on his ranch near IMne Mountain. Mj MoNeal. wife and family moved out on their claim last week. Mrs! Bd Knpper vIMted with the A. D. Norton family Friday and Sat urday, , Mrs. H. IC. Davis was seriously III o fu .liivn last week, but Is conval escent noV, and expects to fo about again soon. Thomas Mnffett in rends leaving for Gatigda with his famljv soon. Ho came here from mere aunui eixm months ogoi taking up a claim In the valey, Another uensy rain fell Sunday, which leaves lots of moisture In the ground. ., . .jjf, --- 5 HAMPTON BUTTE ! t I (Special to The llend Dulletln.) HAMPTON DUTTE, Juno 1L Plowing Is now much In order, sum mer fallow bolng considered the prop er method In this country to .produce crop. C. W. Ashliaugh killed two wild cats with a rock recently In Hampton Ilutte. They were young onca and another young one escaped Into the rocks. Sago rats are getting to lo a peat. Several gardens have been entirely! destroyed by them during the past! week. There seem to bo thousands In the valley. H. I. Conkllng of Misery Flats re turned from llend Friday. Count Superintendent of Schools Thompson of Harney county was call ing on friends in this vicinity the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Post and party from llend wore at the Hotel Hrook Ings en routo to Callow valley, this week. 'William OITlcId Is in llend for a load of supplies. V. Schreder returned from a trip to Davenport, Wash., this week. C. Tinner, who purchased tho J. W. McClure homestead relinquish ment, ia looking over his claim. He Intends to build his house this week. He will move out this fall. He Is staying at present with Bert Meeks. Snow Creek flume, had tho misfor tune to fall and hurt his nrm. Niels Peterson has purchased a flno toam of mares from Mr. Mo Kinney. Marjorlo and Mnrcol Brower of Hedmond havo been spending n wook or ao with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Saylor. Mr. Saylcr will extend tho tele phono lino to his plnco this week. Mr. Knickerbocker waa hauling lumber from Sisters Tuesday to build a porch to his house. Mrs. Crawford and daughters Phlna and Fay spent tho day nt Mr. Strahm'a Wednesday, John 8trahm and Niels Peterson were transacting business In 8lstors Thursday. Mr Knickerbocker and wlfo wore In Hedmond Saturday. Mrs. Armstrong spent tho wcok end with Mrs. Crawford. A wator meeting was hold at Alex Loverenx's Saturday night. ----- business trip to Fort Hock Tuesday, Mrs, K. 0. Hnurk roturnnd from llend Tuesday where sho visited n few days. Glen A. Howard and Miss Frolda Hrothorson wore married In Cres cent Tuesday, June 10th, Justice of Peace (1. W. Anderson officiating. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Howard acted as witnesses. T, Jolly and mother and C. 0. Hnndolph woro Crescent visitors Wednesday. I F. Wakefield of Seattle, W. II. Ilrock of Portland, G. L. Peterson and J, It. Wenandy of llend woro In Crescont for n short time Tousday, Dr. N. E. Wlnard and family or Hoppnor, Ore came to Crescent in their car Thursday, Mr, Wlnard Is Interested In tlm- power silo .on tho river south of town. REDMOND PLAINV1EW (Special to The llend Bulletin.) PLAINVIEW. June 16. Mrs. J. Wilt passed through here Sunday with Mrs. Powelson of llend, whero she spent the fore part of the week. William Ilurkhardt has been em ployed as ditch walker by tho Plain view Irrigation Company. Mr, Clark, while working on the : P, . -- -- (Special to Tho Hullettn) HEDMOND. Juno 16. The Pres. byterlan church la to glvo on Ico cream social next Wednesday night on tho school house grounds. Terrebonne was victorious In tho baseball game at that plare last Sun day between Tcrrelranne and Cllne Falls, tho score being Terrebonne 5, Cllno Falls 2. Construction work started today on the new flour mill. Tho mill Is to havo a capacity of 25 barrels and will be In operation by August 1. The Epworth league will glvo an Ice cream social next Friday evening at the M, E. Church. Rev. D. Lorco preached his fare wall sermon last night In the Baptist church. His auccesso has not yet been chosen. ---- FREMONT . CRESCENT MM .- (Special to The llend Bulletin.) CRESCENT. Juno 13. Charles Thomas made a business trip to Ia Pine Saturday, returning Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. J. L. Howard were In Crescent Monday. Mr. Howard brought In a load of freight for E. G. Rourk. E. Austin and wlfo and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Crydcr nnd son made a (Special to The Hullettn) FREMONT, Juno 16. E. F. Poarce went over to J. I). C, Thomas last Saturday to make final proof on his homestead, J. II. Fox and Lewis Bafrelt being witnesses. Grovcr Bell went out to Bend for a losd of freight last Saturday and took out 2u cases of cheese for the factory. C. Kent of San Francisco, Cal Is In Fremont looking for land. If he can find land to suit him, there are eight more families who will follow him to Fromont. We carry a complete stock of Farm Implements and Repairs all kinds of Wire Fencing Tents, Camping Outfits Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Base Ball Goods Garden Tools-. . Pumps and Pipe for , deep wells,, Let us figure your well bill. Bend Hardware Co. M(M,4IMt4-'M44MtM'M Pilot Butte Hotel Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists and TRAVELLERS. SPECIAL ATTENTION OJVEN COMMERCIAL MEN. (JOOD DINING ROOM. J. P. TAOCJARTJ . , P. T. HODGES I ropri.tari FREE AUTO BEfWEEN HOrEL AND DEPOT. J3 X MHMI -- - Headquarters for CommercUl Men Electric Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL Oood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUQH O'KANE, MANAQKR BEND,' OREO ON -- ---- - Special Attention to Transient Travel J J : Oood Meats 1 AM arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of here FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recomiriend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come ai)d see our orchards and nursery. Office address, Prineville, Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. "- t P1UNGLE FLATS - -- -- (Special to Tho (lend Hullettn.) IMllNOLK FITS, June 5. Mr. Martin Johnson and Fred Lund havo been husy grubbing sagebrush tho last few ds)s. The twlcea-week mall for I'rlnglo Flats sUrted this week . There was a social at I'rlnglo Flats school house last Saturday night, May 30. They had a fine supper uud a Tory good time. Martin llallmeyor Is fencing In eighty acres for A. II. Taylor. Warren Llbbey has planted 13 sacks of potatoes. Ho w'll haye a largo amount of hay this year from tho looka of his field now, Tho alfalfa on 11. K vans' claim Is looking fine. Wo had a nice rain on tho first of June. Mr. llallmeyer started for llend Thursday afternoon ;or his son-lu-Inw nnd daughter. They are going to visit with Mr. and Mra. Ilnllmoyer fur n while. The Fourth of July picnic w be Said near C. A. Stevenson' plare its year. Rvtrjrlicdy Is Invited. The I'rtngle Flat wjoot will be out the IWb wf Junto. Mr. IUUnar In I tin ds to do some liaprnvRint4 on but dwwrt rlalw. I'rd Lund -aad Martin Junwien nnvv Jtmt ftulstud gmitotng tan acre.' for John 8chinr. able to ret ii mo his duties as camp tender soon, Mrs. J, M. Wilson, who spont the winter In Spokane, returned to her home last Friday. Sheep shearing Is on in full blast In W. W. Ilrown's camp. Mr Drown says on account of the low price of wool, the shearing will cost mora than the wool will bring. Itobert Kdgerton left for llend last Thursday tn meet a bunch of pros, pocttvo sottlers. Ilandll llros. aro digging a well that for alio resembles the I'anama canal more than a well. There will bo "some" Fourth of July celebration at the lluck Creek hall. A ball game Is scheduled be itween the sheep herders and others land there will be racing, dancing, re- freshments, otc. All are Invited. Fete Wysa loft last week for Tilla mook, and oxpecta to bo gone alxnit two months. William lledell sold a Urge bunch of horses last week and they were shipped to Montana, where auction ssles are being held regularly. POWELL BUTTE t (Special tit'Tho llend llultetln.) TOWKLL Ilt'TTK. June I Hov era! farmers In the nelghlKirhood aro putting up their alfalfa. This looks as If there would be three cropa. Thi grass Is very good, some going cIokh to two tons to the acre, If not better A giodslied crowd of the oung people attended choir practice at tho homo of the .choir leader, Miss Viola Truesdale, lait Thursday evening Alvln Itlggs lost a nnu young holfrr from "alfalfa bloat" last Sunday Fred I'lersnn msde a trip to Hed mond the first of the week to read ertUo for final proof on his home stead. Lee llnbbt Is baling hay for (leorge Hraiee tlila week. Last Saturday was Itnss lltmott i birthday and hla paruuts drove out, from I'rlnevlllu with a few of his I Contlntifd on mge eloven I Practical Baking Lessons rUDfilNGS In this Isseon we will tit at on r"Wlnc, bmh baVed and steamed. The seeiet ef Cdng tight, palatable pudding ii In net UUng or Ucamlng loi fast. The podSIng muat lwv a alow even heat until U has become light ami poietw. lftfiiiloftbclwsNfilewdhtiut Ij ioipeWble. ? O 7Ztr-LLi U3-Zf 77- G1ST . (Special to Tho lloud llulletlu.) ' (1 1ST, June IC Orovor IMilllam has taken a team nnd gone In work , on tho cnnnl nt Snow mountain. Mrs. Howard Olllet callod on Mrs. I Will Leverenz Tuesday nftornnon. Mrs. Hcrtha Gibson was thu guest of Mra. I'ulllam Saturday, I Miss Crawford left Friday for Cor-1 vallls where she expects to attend commencement exerclsea and return home with her sisters, Misses Lucy and Josle. Mrs. Chalfan has gono to Whlto I) luffs. Wash., where she will visit old friends and neighbors and before returning will also visit with her son, Warren Chalfan, formerly of thla community, who Is now living near Spokane, 'Mrs', J, II. Nichols and children spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mra. Will Leverenz. The McCalllslor Ditch Company Is doing enlargement work on Its ditch this wcok. Mrs, Trent, daughter nnd hou ar rived here recently from Indiana. Thoy aro visiting with Mrs, I'ulllam. Mrs, F, W. Leverenz was 111 Lald law Monday, Mrs. Armstrong spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Crawford homo, Mr, and Mrs. FUhor of Lnldlaw took Sunday dinner with Juck Illcli ards. , The I'ulllam boys went to Sisters Sunday and on returning homo the homo they wero driving bocamo un controllable and tho result wus n sniaohed buggy, John Lltrol Is now working on tho McCalllBter ditch. L BUCK CREEK --.--4 (8peclal to Tho llend Bulletin,) BUCK CHKPK, Jdne JG. $1. J. Lemons baa been very stick (or the past three weeks. He oxpecta to bo 3 cap) ftlftq! pastry flgur. 'i level toiupooiilula IC 0 Baking Powder H teupoouful chinaman )( tcupoonfut tall U nip itiear Volka of 2 eri. beaten llabt 4 tab!eHV)ufuU melted butter U Ctip Cold XthXfT White of 3 ttttt, Imttcn dry IH ounces mcltixl cbocolsta 81ft tocetber, three times, tho flour, bak lac powder, salt nnd cinnamon. To tivt yolks add tha aiisar, letter aiul waUtr. and ttlr Into tbs dry Ingredient. Add tin) white of the egg. Divide the mlituro Into two parts ana add tha chocolate to ono part. Diapoae tbo two parts In a buttered mold to give a marbled appearance. Steam forty-five minute. In rnixinc egg and eugar, utt a rotary egg beater making a light rreamr mliturn of rgg yolks and sugar. In steamlag pudding have low blasa under tbo water for at leaat the flret IS minute, giving tba pudding Urns to rue D"ior roouac. Bervs with Vaallla Bsucs. veoiV in Um isa. Have tfce prwaee cctkl teader aui remove Um hmm, I'rM tbi urutM abtu aide down. IhUt lbs tou of th I dough. Iliutli ever with mital butter. drlci with auger and etoflaittmi, nnd tNtk trti ftvn mla'itee. Srvi hoi. ritt Into a.(uitM, wltn uarj uiim or atweI pruae. VnnllU SK4 Bolt 1 cup ef sugar and M ftp ef water sis trlnutoi; add 3 teajpooufufi of butter snj a teaipooaiul ol vaoUJa extract. Chtnv uJJing 2 cop sifted pastry flour 3 level teajpooofuli K C Baking Fowder )( teaapooofut salt H cup butter 3 eggs Si cup milk (acant) Cberrie Calt or 1 ttbleanoon butter Sift together three time, tht flour, bak ing powder, and aalt and work in tho butter: best egga, add milk to eggs and atlr Into tho Hour. Half fill a baking pan with cherries, add bit of butter and pour batter over top of cherries, and bnko aliiwly for fifteen min utes, then Increase beat and boko until pastry U done. Turn on a plato with -Scnloa uppermoat, serve with bard a.vicq jr very aweet cherry juice. Other frulte, Tuch as apple, pr&chcj, apricoU, berries cr banana uay bo uacd. llarJSauc Cram H cup butter with H oup auaar end llavor to ult, puttlrs over puduan vhen puddlai U still warm. 'Prurn Kuchtn 3 ct'.ii lifted paatry flour 2 taultMooonfuU eranulated nisir ... r M . II .."- ." . J tosipooaiui n 3 level tcajpoonfuli Cinnamon to toato . If cup butr IC C IUVina Powder If cup roll1! 1 ten W nound nrunn I tableapoonuls melted butter an4 aiAVW-; ipoooful sugar for top of miction. out togetner, inree iimee, ine uour, sugar, talt and baking powdjr, and work In the 'utter Beat the egg; adJ the milk, aad Mr into tho dry Ingredient', pirn two a Tallow butter PJ W W W: trriiU UU Itf Jtfwe Ut. 0. Select materials with groat cans. Tho best of cycrythjntf bj always tho cheapest. To havo a perfect flnWioJ prcxluct wo must first have gocxl material for our foundation. In selecting materials for baking, first get a high gnujo baklns; powder, for unless properly livonl, food Is not palatable A high gratia bak lag powder U not neceAtarilv It hlijh priori one. K G Jlaking Powder Is motlium in price, but of the highest Quality, puula of tha best and outfit of material nronerl' comblned-o pfoduoa tbo best possibU results, , , cor casca aaa puirtex a sou wnoat, putry flour is preforabla. To do termini a eot wheat from a bread, or hard wheal flour, nrcai it tightly in tba hand; If thi' Xw stays packed In a mass showing thi imprints of tho fingers, it ii n pastry flour; if it fill through tlm fingers sandy, it It a broad flour, and should bo tucd only with yeast. Ehortenlag mat', brfrcih and iwoet. 8u-ir should always In b.inn suixr. Wat?r b equally goi as milk in a!! articled whero a lar? amount of suji. tl aiod, except for cookloj. Larrjcr mawes of dough requlro ion?j? Izxi for thlnz and baking. Dear in m!nJ that baking rulai are u Important m miuuring ruioj. D) no; bako oikc.1, pud ling and such pxitriei u short cako, dumplinu ami meat roili witli a hat firo at thq start. Havo a abw oven until tho dough doubles m bul!c; hen incrcoso hwt to bako anl brown. Dlscults, cut cookia and pis pastry pnulra a hat oven. llave food thorough! cooked. IWf oookpii pistrio apj lunl to Ulgost atti Inluriouj, better tqvcr-balw iiua undar- Nasi Wk-3HORT CAKE3 and APPLE IMJMrUNCS, rr