The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 18, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    TAGR .
T11K ni5n nUTJiKTIN, tlKNO, WNHNKHHAY, JUNK 1H, lDl!tn
JJ -
- -
KHi 'rv.'
went to tho ,M.pto4UB rlyor. $tixlA.i,r,,0, mid a umy cither be deeply
Ll.l.. 1 .b.l.l I.. tl. !.,.! ''..'l...i.l I . . ... ... . ... .. 1.
Fr.ldny to assist -In tli.lnuiUe,lassX
ftcatlon work.
Miss I.nmhorl, tho trnlnod tut ran
who has been nt the OvorturC home,
linn returned to hor lioinosloitd In tho
Sisters country.
Ths Turk In Constantinople.
Terrible m'tMiuH woio wltuemcd In
Cunatiiiitlnoplo when Mohammed II.
enptuivd tho cty In Ki, When tho
seated In tho luxly or It jjuiy jitpitear
uMin tho mirriu'tt. I ho chronic or
"cold iiIwoom" Ik tfcnemlly'nf tltlief
rtilou orlultt, wherein tho ni'iitu or
"hot iibxfoxs" Ik tho result or (in In
fection by the pu nilinilKH,
Tho iii'iilo ulwi oHH come on suddenly
with nil tho hIkiW of mvoro liiiliiminu'
tloii liont, redness. kwoIIIiik nml pies
ontly, ih tho pin rot dim, n thmhhliiK
pnlu Tho HiiilVrvr nfion feels III unit
luw n llKht deutvc of fovor In throe
or four day tho nlwicm InkIii to sof.
f. . Oiler to trnvellers the most comfortable
nuthniodem rooms in-Bend. -. --
, Steam heat, baths, hot and cold water,
hew' furniture.
lj 'Beautiful location on the banks blithe'
Deschutes River. . . . t
jJFreSbus to. find' from depot. ... ;. , J
Special ' Sunday Dinner served from SHu)
to 7:J)0 P. M. Plates 50 cents.
Spend Sunday afternoon on our green
lawns and cool verandah watching the clouds,
the river and the mountains. Then step in to
- W.'D. CURSEY, Prop.
oOUipioron entered they slew -.(HO uiul
mmlo alnu or all who tool; rcMise In (ton. uiul tho pnlu tlluiliiMp' bccnuM
tho wiiu'tuiiry "of St. Sophlii. tllldioii the siiifiiro Uln I hcliiu lctiocd iitid
rotonU tho futo or tho iSo.wM) prison- the tiiiioii upon tho sine Hpt I not
mn; "Mnlo cuptlic wore ImiiiihI with
oordi, tho roiiinlot with tholr veils nnd
ulrdlo. Tho toimtN woio linked with
tholr hIuvoh. tho piclntc with tho tor
lor or tho church am) jumtu: inoii or
-I ilololnu cIiikh with uohio luiihN
wIiono rntox I tit it liceii Invl-dhlc to tho.
inn ami tholr uonroxt kindred, mul h
c lit- common stnto of i'iiplltty tho
runkt or inlo.ty wow ifiiifotiiHtal. the
iUm or iMturo woro vut amiiulor, uiul
(he Inoxoruhlo Mihllor wu-t Oaroloss or
tho futhorV Kruiius. tho tottn or tho
uiothor ami the Iniuouttitlotm of the
John' Sathor, Bon or K. A. Stithor
J roturned fiom Cjurvaj:;s last weok.
; HUlStP01iP Roundup ploturos, in
three "rcfclB. have heen secured I'' the
Dream Theater fur presentation Sat
, urday anU.SinidayV' '
Clyde McKay and 0. W. Shrlher,
Ooputy gm wardens, a trip
up river the last of the weeR, return
Ing Sunday ntternoon.
: Tho camp- of the IHscautee river
surveying crew at Henham Palle has
been divided, part or thtOiagmnew
.'liolag campwl'Lttlow Laldiaw. -
. P. C. Garrison returned" Fdday
-tfroni the eastern part' or 'the bounty
''where he spont more Uian a week
, -with a crew ot tlinhcr' crulsera,
O. C. Henkle returned Friday Trom
Philomath, where ho nttonded the
funeral on Tuesday or his grand
mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Honkle.
J. II. Miner was dangerously 111
Saturday night, suffering from pto
maine poisoning as a result or citing
tainted meat. He has recovered.
L. M. Koss, tho new O-W. Hy.
freight and passenger agent, haa lo-
cated hero, residing at tho Altamont.
lie expects his wire here Septemper 1.
John K. Ryan came In Sunday
from Portland where he and Mrs.
Ryan were for the Rose Festival.
Mrs. Ryan remained over to visit
A. 1 French and family moved
last week Into their new home.
Robert W. Sawyer and family have
taken the residence vacated by the
"J. W. Ufcher, who has been assist
ing Ranger John Rils at the nig
River station, has been transferred
to Itlack Hutte us lookout for the
T. K Wfilnflnlil wlin !s InfarAatm!
In tho townslte of Crescent, was here '
last week, making a trip to Crescent
to see alwut disposing of the hay
crop there.
At a regular congregational meet
ing or the Presbyterian church last
Sunday Rows Farnham aad J. A.
Rrlnkley were elected elders In the:
church at Mend. ,
lforri,(to Mrantl'Mrs. Ira II. Fox,
Friday, a lioy.
T. G. Meeker was In town Thurs
day from Laldlnw.
Horn, to "Mr. nnd Mrs., NV. F.
Slnvfn. 'Sunday, a girl.
. Margaret- Wlest is homo rrom the
O, A. Q.' fpr thaj summer vacation.
I.. C. Rudnw returned Saturday
night rrom a huslneee trip to Port
land. George Mllllcan was In town Fri
day rrom his ranch southeast or
M. S. Mlltor or Harper spent Wed
nesday and Thursday of last week
In tbwn. ' ';
"Stevo Steldi. who lias been at the
University or Oregon, returned home
C: G. Seward went to Portland
Thursday, to bo gone probably tor
some time.
George Young spent three da
last week at Suttles U..;e doing engi
neering work.
Guy McRoynolds nnd L. H. McGlll
GUI got back Sunday rrom the Rose
Festival at Portland.
G. W. Arnold or the P.end MllllngH
& Warehouse Co. visited his family
In Portland last week.
J. J. Hogln came In Thursday rrom
Portland with Hugh O'Kane to visit
his sister, Mrs. O'Kane.
Dennis Carmody attended the Rose
Festival In Portland last week, re
turning to Hond Saturday.
The Episcopal Guild will meet
Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at the homo
or Mrs. C. A. Vonderhelt.
James Casey, Jr., returned Friday
from a trip to Portland. Mrs. Casey
came In Sunday to join him.
Miss Gertrude Market has laken n
position with the Rend Milling &
Warehouse Co. as stenographor.
C. M. Mudd, formerly a Contra!
Oregon resident, came In Friday
from Zlllah. Wash., going to I.aldlitw.
Raymond Thorson returned Satur
day night from Portland where ho
spent two days at the Rose Festival.
grPRP fjffiPt: r$ylifilgfc
Th Way It Forms and ,th Wty
Should D Tritd,
An nbM-erij h hwoIIIiik (hat con
tnltH pun It tuny tf olthor uoute or
mi proat Hv mid li.v tltoro only into loft, throuuh whlili tho pit-, oau
In- MM'ti Tlili thin lu,or xihiii itipiuiot
uiul tho pic OHCiipiw Itolli'f I in mo
dlato. uiul lionlliiu himiii bollux.
Whoa tho Itiiliiiiiiiintloii iloopl.v
M'ntisl tho ulTiiir N iiuuv Horlniii In
mli tiiHOA tho piH umy burrow until
it Invade Homo vital Minnttii'-ilio
HrlimiiMitii .irtho bruin. fr Iikihih'O
and a ratal niill Ih not IiiihikkIIiIh
Tho tronttiioiit of iilixcotwiv tifiH
vhaiiKiHl iiiiirh In Into yoaiN I'urnior
lj tho ariiio iiIwohh win nllowod to
furtii and lircitk without Hiintloul Itilor
renmie uiiUms (t tliroiitouod lite 01
rniiHtMl too milch dllroM S'ow llio
ptiyidWaii ilooi not wiilt for It to pnnn
through thr tuittinil ninuc. A himiii
It npMMtr ho imikoM an ItioMon uud
rOlOllrlH tllO N)IIII1 iKTon It tlllK M
cjisiit-e to rii u m tho roriuutlon of iu
X. .x.: --t--.
Aihi'itNciiionts hixcVtod under till :t loatPt nf tal- bivml fur I Or, chirk.
hondliiK ! the r.o or 'iu- tout n cu hn-inl .10o n Mtok. . Aiin-ilnui link.
iunl for each ln-oiltii, UNt-iituit oti'vry, Wall Mrrt-t. .Now lnn Ail Htl
cxtoiiilvd luoortloi. llmrges nio' . i .- u.
iMijnhtv In iiiUuiicc ovtfi fur nilwi'-' ' J ir Solo.
tl-oi liiixlnii a rojiibit im-iiuiit ultlit ...
Tbo Hullotlii. All paid iiiU.'rtNi-1 F01 Pruwo csmerk. H
iiionl). Mill In Mtl in Tho Itiilletiii ., 6( gan,,,!,,. fc nt jS,e Htu
iltlco at tbo tlnio or roCt-iiit. . i,0 q(.
-. I--VI. u..i. ..... .... .r.
run 0.11.1'. v, an' mm- iunui, !
For Rent.
James Cosoy has nt the Hotel Rend
an Angora cat which Is believed to
be the first one brought to. Rend. It
oame In by oxpross Thursday night
from Mliliy.'Mont.
Clyde HcKay and Gfark-Rhodctf, In
the letMr'B oar. Vi 'fWSW'fextewled
auto trip to tlrtaouW-iTsterday.
They will go to tfllv'erHSake.' Crescent,
Klamath Falls. Cfater I.ako nnd
.Paisley in the course or their Journey, i
Ralph Ferry and Mr. and rs. T.
U. Mowery or Alfalfa were, fn wn
Saturday and went on a ilshlnf .trip.
Will Sproat of the forest sorvlco
per hundred. M, F. Haw thorn, on II
C. Kills' ranch. 13tl
FOR RBNT Cabin near Itend Co. FOR SAI.K Smnll slxe Westing
mill. liKiuire nt Rullctlu otrico. 1.1tf , houno electric ran. i. Tclephonn B
FOR RENT-Furnlshed room. See A ast. ReHctiutos. ls-ll
A. L. Hunter at furniture store. 15-1C. .?.n 8AI.K--Tho Altamont Hole
nuiiuing ana furniture, an new urn
first class. J. A. Hastes, 4t
FOR 8A!.t-Two high gradt
JnrftnV rnini. Prt.iili .1 W. llrnttn. i
FOR RBNT Furnished cabin f&'ntllAi north or Laldiaw. ICi
a month. W. II. Lesh, lot 11, blk 15, mn aii.i .h . i...,.i vn,
nter Addition. 12tf!Cream Separator. Almost new.
FOR RENT 6-room house with Orover O. Oerklng. I.aldlaw. 16)
High grade dairy cows that an
FOR RBNT Furnished room In
modern house, private family. Mrs.
A. M. Urn. 10tf
light, water and sanitary conveni
ences. See R. M. Smith.
FOR RBNT 5-rooni bungalow In
acclimated, for sale at all tlmse. Itlx
ler ranch. Vi mile south of 10 ibii
FOR RBNT Large store, modern
front. Good location. Apply to I'ost
master. 12
We are going to
give a fine leather
bound $8 Jbasket
to the pei-son presenting
the largest redsidepaught
between Junt I and Sep-
I tember 1. with, tackle
Deschutes addition. Blectrlc lights ranch. 15-16r
and water. Inquire of S. B. Rob-j FOR SAI.K Haled clover hay nt
erta. IStf Anderson brothers' ranch three mile
FOR RBNT Threo comrortable1 ,rom Uldlaw on Tunialo road. Tele,
rooms centrally located. Sultablo for I Phone. lOtl
family. Running wutor and electric! FOR SAI.B Lots 12-13, block 5
lights. Very moderate. Inquire at Wlostorla, or would trnde ror So-
Rulletln office. Stf nttle or tort George property. A
A. Ryor, I logo llldg, Seattle. 17
FOR SAI.K Rough lumber, nt
Anderson brothers' sawmill halt wn;
between llend and l.aldlnw, on old
Tuinalo road. Reasonahlu prices. lOtt
FOR SAI.B Ono ncre, 2 two-roon,
bouses, lnrn, woodshed, wator. Clou
In on "th street. $1000, $200 down
bal. monthly. Jouos & Reuslmw, 7tl
boar, one year old, weight nbout 330
pounds. Kd Hulvornon, llend. Ctl
FOR SAI.K Wo dollver to nn
tmrt v the city. Ilond Grocery
where tho sun rises. 1 hlk oust or de
pot. 9tl
FOR B.i.-80 Boroa Irrigated
land In I.aldlaw dlstrlot. partly lm
provml, $2100. Address A-tM, enro
lltilli-tln" Rtriicn
FOR SAI.K An liloal milk cow,
large Jersoy, Just froflh. linn boon
giving ft gallons n duy on pasture
alone. Third calf. M. G. Coo, R. F.
I). , 15tr
WB HTII.I. have n largo quantity
'or clover nnd timothy hay on hand at
$11 per ton at the ranch. Haled In
WANTBD D r c h s m n k Ing and
laundry work. Drop card to Mrs.
Perry Randoll. l&p.
WA.VTBD Offora ror lot No. 1-2-3-4,
block 1C, Kenwood addition,
llend,, Oregon. Carrie Dana, 3211
S 1 t!i Ave. W., Seattle Wash. 18p
WANTBD 1 Inch nnd Hi Inch
California Pino and Sugar Pine,
common nnd upper grades. Perma
nent Hupply desired., Charles . .
Trumbull, 112-72 Wtt Adams HL,
. . W-22P
To Krliuni(
WK- HAVB Portland jiroporty to
j oxchauRA r on, llend ronl .estate, linnd
t ' Realty & Invostment Co., 022 Cham
J ber of Oommeree, Portland, Orj Itf
I.iot and l-'oiuiil.
$ Pendleton ROUNDUP, t
J Saturday, (matinee and night)
I Sunday ufj?ht, Junpt and 22'
I I'rlcaa 10 and 15c .';!
r' fl. .... ' I
i , .'jJ; :t .", yfit'f;, j --.-.... .tft tf
I --' flno shape. Star Ranch Co.. Tuinalo.
Ii I.OXT Klgln watch, ,16 Jewels, Oregon. lotf
t I sliver jaso. Reward, for return to tho, ,.nn HXI ,,. nr ,, ,
homosteiid claims, with Improve
i mcuta In Mllllrn;i vnlloy. Auply to
. I). Norton, lloud. c-o .Mllllcan P.
bought nt our store. Cull
nnd inpectJL.
lln1lMll rflpe,
8TRAYBD Dark k'ray horse,
branded .21. nnd horseshoe on rlglrt
fchoufder, t. I. Ferguson, Sink,
OroKOi't. 15-17p
STRaVKD May 31st, ono sorrel
horse with bailor nut! tope, branded
J S on left hip. Finder luuvo at Anno
barn for reward. 13-lCp
8TRAYBD One chostniit sorrel
mute, branded with horseshoe and nn
II on loft shoulder. Came to my
llsco nbout the 25th of Mnv. A. W.
Wlllard, 11 miles east of llend, on
Roar Creek road. 3tp
LOST On May '2fith, ono small,
Might brown, niuley-hendod Jersey
cow, five yours old, no brand. Was
giving two gallons of milk per day
when she left homo. 12 miles oost of
Mllllcan's, Five dollars reward ror
Information that wll load to recovery
Of same. B, J. Moore Hond, Or. 10p
O. IStrjb
BHVKXTY dollar kitchen range for
sale for $ 10. Is n six hole malleable
Htuol range, used only about six
wodks uud Ih tilmolutoly n good iih
now. Seo Roliyrt H. Gould. 12tr
FOR SAI.B All kinds of common
lumber nt McNaught & Gertsou'
mill, on Houd-lluriiH road. Also, wk
cut any kind of orders on short
notlco. Wrlto or cull on us for
prices. lstf
FOR SAIB First patent Hour at
$1,25 sack, tomntnes 10 cts oan,
homomnilo catsup 20 cts bottlo. gran
ulated whlto augnr $5.40 per 100 lbs.
We want your IiiisIiiosh. Hond Oro
cory, 7th and Kir, oast of depot. 12tf
FOR SAI.B Four flno lots In
Park Addition In block 13. Water. I
ugui and Hidown ks; attractive
nouses occupy
adjoining iironerty
MIm'pUuih'oii!, ifiaino prlceH you pay for unlnn'rovcd
,---. .i i jlots fur out. "Inqulro "Dargaln", nt
hix lonreh oi'vt rvaii ior -oc, nuiietin oi)iiq.
June 10th
Greatest of all picture plays
Will continue ahowlntr Intent nnd kst plcturon iipmIiicimI
fie rlfnii llu rnvlty tliumuulily and
tii'lH It itiniliiiiiilly molxieiutl with an
llltl'epH'' oltltloti It tntlxf In allow.
nI to drain frrcly. tittil umlKt Miill-t-lc
dn4int.' should tx1 uppllnl whit
the wound U linulliix. Youth's Com.
Mtdieal Noli.
"Hello, June. n.-iir you wrre
tifk "
"ri I wn iliri'ittciiiil with a rver,
out tiiH'd.Mtnr itiiit-vt-dtnl in iirrt-xtitic
"Ah, to nrntl It fur iiniklnii
IlinviU, filpNw." Ibmtoli 'J rule
bnldbiw Clufi-e I'ni'lory Not Clooril,
Hut U MKrerillnu, Siijm Wliucr.
ro tltw Kdltnr of The ItnlMIn
To the iwrtles who timk the HlKTly
to lire ills I e tho rexrl that th Laid
aw 'litH factory had cIihxmI. and
'O tllfM WllO llHe liffll HllVllMd tlut
), I take this opportunity to my
hat the report Is not true. The far
ry Is running i-ver) ih and turn-
It HP fill M tlfal fllull Uddlllt t nlliual
which commands the miiii prlro In
t'ortlnml as dues the TlllnmiHik
:hetse. We are riiHlttil with orders
mil every order ww fill ctills fur nil
Xher. While wo could hniidle lhre
hues the amount of milk we are get
ting now, wo expect to be running
full capacity In n short time.
Since this report has been circu
lated and Is supposed to have been
iv pnrtles working against the far
'ory In the Interest of other propo.
iltlons, t wish to mihlUh the rerords
if the factory for tht months of J
March and April and compare them
with Tillamook rerords.
Wo began operation March 17 and
in May 21 the farmers worn paid!
for their March butler fat at the rate
or 31.16 cents a pound, tho milk de
livered testing rrom i to 5 per cent
luttir rat, On Juno 13 tho farmers
woro paid 32 15 cents a pound for?
April butler fat, test running 3 . to
r.,2 per rout lint tor fat Conipnru thin
with tilts tuport of tho Fnlrvlow lnir '
Association of Tlllumook, as follows
Prices paid for hotter fat January,
1!U2, 2N.3, I'ebrtinry. March.
30.2; April, .IS; May, 33; Jum.
32.31; July, 33.34: August, 32; Hi-'
lumber, 33,i!l, October, 3&.M; N.
tomber, 31). 7,
Comparing the nboto prices wlib'
the l.nldlnu cheese factory prices, tho
farmers feel- well sutlslled that they,
en n iiuike morn out or their milk hv
hauling It to the choose factor) l It tin
by separating It and smiling tho
ori'Hiti to m rrwiuiery. as lhe are g'
ting nlxiiit fi cents n pound more for
their luitler fnt at the rmtory tlisu
at the rreHiNerlmi.
The prices quoted nMto are net in '
the farmers after dtHliirllng the ex
lieime of running the factory I hope,
(hi will lie miltlilont to correct an
erroneous reintru cln-ulatml and
sbow the farmer where he ran set.
the lient insults from his milk and -sure
HHyone who wishes lit bring liu
milk to the ehfee fsilurr Mini !...
will RtH a stuar desl In etery rep- t
and top pelrHN for initler fst.
lhtUw. June 17. ll.
If JOIir KMH'COIIIHII M" lilt) llHn'
ItlncMeni Itlrnil Hour. ilmiie tm, lU-ml
Milling .V U'liieliitii-c To. Ailt. I.Tlf ,
Notice Is hereby given that I have
III my possession, pursiinut to the
prntltlotiH of ordinance No. 32 of tli
City of Rend, one sortel mart'
brand, right html foot white, left
bock wire cut, weight about lino'
pounds. No clntmnut bus npnoared
ror this nnlmal nnd unless clslmed,
by owner within ono day after two
publications or this notice, I will wil
same to tho highest bidder pursuant
to tho provisions or ordinance N.
Dated Juno 17. 1913, llend Ore.1
Ron. 8. B. ROHBRTH.
lS-lfi roundmaster.
!OU CAN reduce,
the cost of liv
ing by buying
your Groceries here.
Our lino is fresh, our profit small, with the
advantage yours. ...At tho same close prices
we ore selling DRY GOODS. Come in and
seeour lino. Special bargains for tho ladies.
E. A. Sather
with a 10c counter
of all the values you find In lurtfo diles.
'S(iuai;eTDenl for flvtjry Customer."
Next door to Hend Hanlwaro Co.y. BOND STItEBT, DEND.
ft r Jih
I. 4. J- ..!. i
'a., it
1 i alf "((
hoiyf i$ if uf-
1 Vi
' yjitvnMO.).
U tfWJpHgfuV
' " ar