th wiyn rwiitkrrti, wyiwn, WgngKHDAy, jjgyK ifr, mm. &&'& ' I . .a 'i. FORESTRY MEN no PINCHOTISM RESENT ED AT LA PIE lUiiKiimit llrcwMcr of ('oncrvnHnn 'niiiiiil.lini Tolil That Mark I'lnn IiiiIk are Needed for 'AKrlrul l line, l'elr for Foirat. tl.a I'lno lntnrMountnln.) Ai n result of thn constant asltn lion on th part of, rcaldvnta ul the Walker lUnln, whlab nurrounda I I'lno, Klnjjiunii llrowtter, aUtant aecrotary uf ttio Onmou conservation f'oiiimlloti, vtillml tlio ilttrlct last Thursday, nrcompanlnd by J. V, Hock of I'ortlntid, altant district forel r. anil V, W, Crydnr of -Crescent, thu I'nullna forest auporvlsor, and local ranger. Thu "smoker," given by the Corn utorclnl Chili Thursday nlslit, devel oped Into very much of nit "eiporl once mmitlnic." Mr. JlrownUT stated nt thn ii ut not that ho wanted lo hoar from ovory pnraon present concern Inn whnt croi could Ixt tiroducad on (lilt Und mid tliolr experience In gen rnl In Ilia innttor of trying for llOlllestflail. Opinions of ejperls worn submit Inl to thn effect Hint the Jack pine rornrlnK almost nil of the land In tho Walker llnnfu hnd no vnluo except for fun) and foucliiK- that In a Journey of C miles or more only one tree wa found Hint might produce tie timber, and tint forest ofllcora ad mitted the Jack pine hnd no mcr cliantnlilo value. mport opinion nlo wa quoted allowing that yellow pine, which wan merciantatile. would not Rrow successfully on Jack plnn Innd, nnd the forest officer were forced to acknowledge that fact, he ontuo experiment hnd heen mada In the lUnln and to the knowledge of the realdiuita hnd heen dismal fall lire. One Instance In particular waa mentioned something over I 00 ncrca plnnted to yellow plnn, nnd to keep thn squirrels away, polioned Krnln iprcnd all around thn tract. After aouio three or four month the yellow plum died, hut the poisoned grnln took root, grow nnd formed n bund of waving groan around tlio gram of the dead yellow pinolnta, forming one of tlio moit convincing proofs (lint, tltla Innd la ngrlculturnl, not timber Innd. Not wlthatiindltlK thin and other ovldon con, the substance of thu reason for rejection of applications for llntlnx niich Innd U Hint the land la inoro vnliuihln for tlmhitr or forentry pur poses llinii for iiKrlculturo, or, per hnpa for tint piirpoo of lending vnrloty to their atntementa, the for eat oftlccrn auy they want thn trnct In question for "admlnUtrntlou purpose," There nro now nmpln reservation for rnnger station nnd tlio like. The government men ntatod, then, tltnt their ditclalonn were haied upon re porta of their so-called aoll export, which nppnrontty Indicated Hint the aoll wna not productive, nnd tltnt tlio service wn nltrulatlc enough not to wnnt a innn to take n piece of Innd on which ho could not make n living, When confronted with vlmml evl denco Hint the aoll grew thing nliiinilnntly when given n chnnco, no matter whother It wna low land or upland, the ropreaentntlven of the forest aurvlcn hid hohlnd thn atate merit Hint their aoll expert hnd not nnlahnd their Inveatlgntlon nnd they did not know whnt their final report would he. Meanwhile, hundred of tliouHHiidn of acrea of land absolutely useless to tlio service for forentry iurporn, hut perfectly good for agricultural purpoie. are lining with held from the cltlxon. A ln I'lnn Itroldrnt'a l'perlcnre. V. II. Clow, ahout a year and a half ago, applied for 10 ncrcn In Town ship 31, ndjolnlng the homeitend of J. H. Ilogtie, nn old rcaldnnt, farmer nnd a lending merchant of I. a I'lno. I'rohnhly ft to 7 ncrea of the 40 had hien In Mr. Iloguo'n meadow for year, nnd he thought hn owned Hie Innd until n rcaurvey wa made. There la not a yellow pine tree with in a mile, and there I not n Jnck pine Ireo to exceed If! Inche Id diameter at the base on thn whole 40. Mr. (Mow anld ho waa not an expert axman, hut ho helloved he could clear all of thn 40 In 90 daya. The application for listing waa thrown out because thn land wn MOKE VAI.UAIII.K KOIt TIMIIKIt lUH I'OHKS THAN I'OIl AOIUCUI.TUIIK. Clow'a experience I typical, many of the pcreon present relating almllar Instance. MoriMin Tell of I'nnncr Trouble. J. K. Moraon, president of the Oca chute Land Co,, which hna a Carey Act project In the llaaln embracing pome 31,000 acre urrnundlng I.a I'lne, related hi experlencea covering a period of 10 or 13 yeara when ho wa endeavoring to accure the aegre gallon of the trnct and later defend ing contests. Mnny examination were made of the anil nnd tlmher and other condition, expert from vnr lou department visited the valley nnd thn main point brought out were Hint tho Jack plno which cover ed tho Ilnnln had no merchantable value, that yellow plno would not grow on Jack plno Innd, nnd that tho Innd wna more valuable for ngrlcul turo than for forest renrvo purpoe. Mr, Moraon stated that tho Innd hero hnd once been thrown open nnd then Inter under I'lnchotlxm wna placed buck In the reserve, and concluded with the statement: "Tho forct norvlce officer do not want people to como Into tho nntlonnl forest- If poHlhle they would exclude Ood Almighty from tho reserve. They feel It la nn lntrulun upon tho pre rogntlvo of tho forest men, to enter thn ancred precinct of tho nntlonnl foreat and endeavor to soctiro a homctead uion which to make a living nnd aupport a family." "McXICANBRrQ'AfJDS. "" Pfassant Sort ef Paopla That Maraly Robbad fravalars. "I wn oih-v for iiue week at a augnr iihinluiloo, near n run 1 1 provin cial town in Alex), ii." wrote Hie Into Mr LrilMHirtjprV In In7U "In the town lived n brigand He wa highly ea teemed hy tit uelKlilr. ami I paywd many a plenwiut evening with him and bU fnmlly. Ill ilaiiirfiier wbk n oeiii ty. ud thu pMllmahle fwreiit waa amiiKxIiig little fortune for her. "Ill habit won to ride at night to tw rMi 1-ti.rfii Jlexlro and Vera Cnia with two or Hire uMmx-lafen and to levy mntrlbiilluiin on tbv dlllgeuiv. When I left the town I wanted to mrlke till road, and I went with blm and HI friend. We rvnehnl It a( NtMHit d In th morning. Having iwr taken or etimiilate. the hrlKNiiil KMt rxl themelve liehlml wmii rtM'ka, and I liHihnl on fim the diligence wa nrrii appnuirtilnK The brlg-ind emerg ed, tho coHi'bman topeil. the iaen gem wire requested to dennnd and were iNilltHy ruMl of their money, The iw-JM-nger then look their ptacen aunlii lu the ruaeli. and It drove off, while the tirlcand rourteouly bowed to them 8 buuet wew tbey lb their Mrullar way (hat they wlxheit me I" take my mIiihv Hi the KII, hut thl. uf eourw, my einudanl of mo nil Ity tein different from their. I de clined, and I them good by. "HldlD on to IVneln I dined at a table d'hote that evening with the de Miilet traveler and ,wa greatly amiiM-d In lienr tbem recount the val nniu) manner lu which they had de fended tbemelve riod bow they at lat bd to Biiirnmb to oimibcm" BOOTS AND I SHOES r wn . K& Wo have n new stock- of GUITPEWA SHOES, LOGGERS and PACSrlso KlkSkin Shoes nt SSjllt Moleskin Shoes at S'J.OO , Get it pair for that citnipinj trip. NICE LINE OF STRAW HATS. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Everything to Wear for Men VNho Care While Ringing the Alarm is no time to wonder if ypur insurance is all right. You should know now. Don't put it off for a day. Look up your policies. If you are insured in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., you need not worry. For 100 years it has nromntlv naid every honest loss. The "Hartford" insures all classes of property. It also serves property owners by telling them how to guard against the dangers of fire. It has published a book on the ubject,vith separate chapters for householders, merchants, and manufacturers, that will bo sent free to those who apply for it. If you are not now insured in the "Hartford," see to it when next Jou insure that you get a "Hartford" policy. M: $, LATT1N & CO., Agents .., '"' i WtNA. OJUtGON iVfel IVaS I!, QoxdI mb fSS. QUEER BURIAL SERVICE. Hew Adiman lilandt Prottct Tholr 0ad from Evil Soirita. Htratme i tlie uunui wrvtif amuoR the Ailrtiiirtii tlMinler It I the eu loin of the iMluuder lo ilri the ImmIIi-m of tln-ir iHireiil nun the 4-u at the end of mH mill leute llieui flietv until liothlllK relllillll- lint the lMilli-4, .U'lilrtl the llieu CUlliiT llliil Iiuiik fnim tilt riMif iii tiii-ir lint It'lx ii niiniii'ii njtiiiii for n retitlre til hit l Hie iHMir HIHl Wlltl'll HietMilie nf wiliie remtUe Thl I the Hill they iMVeut iitnwliiic their Inn-mihI ri-H-,-t. I'lle lnle ale ireeleil f ltd" faun leu mi that the evil iiHt itmnut teae HIHl HIMli litem AM I Mat I left are llH lllhil InrtHw, HHil tht-M' Hie iMiel IhkIi mi Him i 1 the evil hHrll wmimIit lliltt the Iihi they nlll luie ii Imnl tilde lu llMl I hem If II IxHle I etirrieil HHIir It llllll Willie I Mil lrlt lMI'4 M'lFeil It. nnd tbl uiemi Hint Millie terrible I'lilmuily will lifiill the tuui lly In Hie Kiitnntn ilMrVt of rentrnl Afrien tvlieli il hlet it ml til wife dh- there Ik creel feilMtlllll mill i-eli-lirHtllli: Siillle nf Illi-M- feNthnl mi thrv- or four il.iy After the lHe ere iitld to rext with iliinelui: mid rejuleliu tniiinie they are itolm to rule over a lusher ihere their relative and friend do nut depart until thev leave one or more cluilr and a iiiily of riot he, Thl I dime lie-mum- the imulu arv exHMted lo i-ome out and wander about their Knivv) Chh-airo Trlbuuo. What. Sharks. While whale aiv the larceat of ma line animal, yet rermlu dh ktow tu aliuot a clemitlt alxe The lan:it nf true tin lie are found amntiu the atmrk and the lart!et nf thee tur mldiihle rlhe are the whale hark Thene iiiiL-e rlnh iMViir In tbv water of India, Jnhiii. Kutti Atuerfen, luiiaiuu. Cullfornla and the Wext ludlea, The hne I very hniid and blunt and ie mouth, (ilthouuh very wide. 1 armed oiii win minute teeth. It la a dark iiiwnil 'reiit,uf. markHl with Hiuall. whlnli Mit and I iierfeetiy biirmle to mmi, teedluu eielil'lvely nu mnll hh It'- iniuv hulk makeri It diiu cemu when wounded. I'hl urvat rt.ti reuene a maxlmuui lentrth of aeveuty feet WhlU Robtd Olaaktmith. Kxlninnliuiir) iireeiiuiinii mv tnken h Hie Knritili tilnekmlth before he Htteiuit to ihie mi) Knrviiu noie whieh i iniiiil for il Imd teiuier ami likely to rtnurlHh It tu-,i if imt e rureiv tied ui tlrt. Slk-nt nr one ur lilt Hlllllll Hllllrl trilrtNed lll lo the lienvv Whiter trilliiewiirK I UlilieMii. huwever, nnd in a wnv iiuiv he termed 'liorhiieiif nu the wifely pliiii " White eoitume would iik nut of Hinv for h hliiekmltli mh tiinioni mivvrtiere hi hut in Korea nil men wear white mir nieut Youmt men 1110 wear their luiir lu-reweil up lu hanl knot nn the top or their head it a uli'ii they are uiurrivd. mm?. .iHl'M F,(HTS' And the Pl.atlng V.leano. ThtWr CalUd "Infarnal Noihlnu In the thrilling narmUrr of many old e rltit hihhI mora trungly to the uiiMlern Itnnulnntloa Hi ii Ii the doltiK of the flrrhlp. The Men of ulm Incendiary feel for the di'xtrUitlmi of a himtlle fleer wa of Krenl Miilliiilty. They are aald to hiite Imhio euiployed at the alrgo of Tyre In .133 II C. and nrnln hy the IthiMlInn ahout a i-eutury and a half Inter y the KmkII'Ii. however, tbey nere tlrt lliu'd In 1370. and two ren in tie Inter hnd eoma to be looked upon a n leultliiinie nnvnl wenmn, their at tnck beliiK reM riled and dreaded In mueh the name way a are thoe of the tnrH-di craft and aubmnriaei at tt'r prexent time. The extiliMlun ree, or infernala. luieuteil hy the lliilliin emtlueer (Hani-' belli were the iiiim! formldnhle. The delner pna-ured two veel of about elxhty ton eiirh and laid nlnme their hoflom a fiiuudatlnn of brickwork, Uin thl he ereeteil n tiiNrhle rbam her with rive foot walla iiuiiMlnlnx .IKiO ion nf Kouimnder. while on the tfjiif thl rhmuber wn a lx foot layer of aravexioiie-i plneeil rk'ewi-. A marble roof rime over Hiee. and upon It waa piled a qunutlty of round tit. rbaln mU mUlMfmie. hlnekM of alone. Iron hod Immiiii and nnyihlnR benvy which would ciiue the exiliwon to take a faternl effect. The efi of thl float Init volcano wan appnlllnc. for th mae of Htone and allot. dllntegraled and fluni; nkyward hy the expfoalre, fell nnd dent my ed any veela, build lutt or men n the vicinity. Three yenm Inter the Hpnnlvh armada befomCnlnl waanttneked hy flreehlim prepared hy tbe KniclUh Kljcht veaela werr eelected. and en Brent wna th hnte that not even their iron or Btiirea ere remiiveiL They were Itnlted and launchrtl and wltb the wltKl and tide in their favor advanced trali:bt for the (-enter of the nnehored armada, flblp fouled ablp amid the ctle of ter ror and the cmxb of fnllluu pnra. alio, though the Hpnnlnrd tlmilly MUcceedt-d lu Kvttlnjr to m-1, the tirt-blp attack completely dlwirpililxed and demurnl Util thiii nnd bept-j larKeiy to make Ibe eteuliinl buttle or llrarellnea tbe aucce It wa. The mot recent and at tbe same time one nf the mnt lnteretliiK Irw bli extilolta which ever took1 place wna Llhat carried nut ainlnt the Krencb fleet In llnaque Itoud In 1HUU by Lord Cochruiie. lit expliMlou veel. in tended to dentroy tbe boom hehlnd wblih lay the Krencb fleet, wa a truly aful i-intrlviiiii-e. Cm-brane pll)ll the ti-MMel and lit the train at tbe lat moment, mid nn the evidence of a French iiipinlii wboe blp wn cloea by It did It work well, for tbe air wn llllnl with ehell. Kn-uiide and blaximc debrl. nhlle the ejpi.wlon tutv a Uuiu reut lu tbe Urjiu liudou tllobtj. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Summer School 1 TWENTY-FIVE INSTRUCTORS FIFTY COUItSES DISTIN GUISHED EASTERN EDUCATORS added to rcfrular faculty. University Dormitories Open. Board and Room at $ 3.50 per week; Reduced Railroad Rates. For complete Illustrated catalosr, address THE REGISTRAR, University of Oregon, Eugene. Th Prelidtnt Saw Him. A dcir old lrtiti woiiiun in Oilmen I the proml iimihi-r nt n lelvJrll jHilltn Inn, who, no mutier how imv he iim !. in-ter full tu write to the old lady retrularly When he h In Wahlru:tnu lnr ) he kept Ml liinthci IhII) hiIvImiI a In e erj I hint tliMt wm piliu: mi. Iliiallv lln-te eante n i-iter wlicrnin In- iU-erlU-l In poeMMttnN in Ihe irei)OViit 'be "! tadt reed It Willi eiiuernewi. Imnlh Mine tn ri-nlrmn lice hi( tililll ilie Imd titut Mtiue iMie wlwl bail baH'cltl. Wle-H at W-l he imt thmuwb I In- letter U twi-leinil tn a mtlilr ihoim- mimI hiiimwim -it: "I lMe )nt unt ii lelli'i Iroiu Wnh llltftno. HIHl. dn Villi KlluW, I lit- prvKl iluut ho wen Itlcluitd " l.ipMUcoll . The Dairy Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED Dairy Butter full weight given in ounces and the name and address of the maker. Do yours comply with the law? If not, have some printed 1 ' that do. THE BEND BULLETIN PlnUa 8urgry. Mnnntrr 111111101 Ik. unlit tit h nllil nnlillMui until the diH-lnr iiiimi ah in ije(tietlA when preeeuUon Wa tUl - - I, V k A Story With a Moral. Hen- I 11 utile Mor with a moral. A yntmu mini li" wn kihiwu miMiuc III fellnw worker 11 iuievhnt nt a inviiricmor, did imt apieiir one day nt hi dck lie r-iil n letter, how ever, to the mnuuk'er iiiiiuiuiicIiik tbnt III aheuee wu ciiiimiI oy one of hi children lliivim; eiiirlet revrr. lie unt In reply a imte which dive hint two week' lenve of nlweniv without pay, the iiiuiniL-er x.viiipiiiheiKiill.v explnin Iiik Hut be fenreil the i-outnKliiu uiutbt pn-nd Into the hoiueK ot nouie nt Hm other empluyetM. 8L UmU Hjole-leiu-ocruL Baboon and OyiUr. A llkluit for uyler i i.ii)iwel foln dlente a uuewhiil ndvmirvd KUtntnry lnte. mid jet, aoiirdluu to a tnk en-Ittb-d ".Moukeyfnlk lu South Afrlea." Ii) K W r'lUlumUH. uuliua abnro thl prvdllectliiu with unriniinil Mbett flh nf tilt kind are welcome fond" to llieui, nud,irioi "f ImiInxhi orieo llliue exeilOUnil In the eulle to net tliene aiilty deleiii-le. nielillia the heil either with their 'roii teeth or hy atrtkliiK tt.eui on the mcka. A Long Padlgra. Hlr William l-ver. the well known onp nimiurai'turer, mnv reiiiurkeil that when he imt hi imrniicicy, the cnllecit nf tienild hud nn diiUcuity nUuit nt.i iHilhjn-e "All they hnd to do." he hiiIiI, -wna to inke nwiiy the !.' In from of uiv inline mid the 'It at the end, nnd thera It wu: Kvef' IiiiiIiiii Aunwera. 80 Say W All. "Whnt kind of iiiiiale eulta your tnwteV" ' "Well, I'm not uirtleular I like It either ruru or welt dona." I.lpptiicotfa. Barbarum. Willie Pa. what are the crueltle nf hnrlMirlHinr ra-Havlmj the tairtver cut you and then ctiurve you a dtua for BtlekluK plaater. tixrhamto. BEACH THOUGHTS Are In Season And with them come The suggestion of a trip to DELIGHTFUL NORTH BEACH By The Pacific Reached Via SPEND SUMMER BY THE SEA TO PORTLAND O-W. R.. & N. Columbia River Steamers Beyond You will always be gld you spent your summer at this splendid resort, where waves und trees com bine to add pleasure to your outing. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT IT ,1. II. Corbett Agent, Bend, Ore. Vry Cautlou. "Mra Wetiunre I one of the moat rnutlnu lie-win I have ever known " "e tfhe wn lelllui: me the other day Hint he never kept a trtktui clock (li the kitchen lmiue lle thmij-ht thm ir he did o the rook mhxhl niiitlrv the habit Cblcajro Hoc urd-Ilerald. Qhe .Coulr) H"dJy PHva tt Huh l with uewvHiH-ri l.lnten tu thK wlfey; "For every udnoliHinry eut ahriwtd Inet yenr ChrlHtiuu Amerk-a eent UIA chIIiiii nr lhiior" Wlfey Merciful KixidneH, Who'd ever think mlMHioimrie were Miieb dnukerat lto-t-Inn TnuiHcniit. Idleueea la thn wfiiare of weak mtoda ad , bolklay o fooB,-l4hstxJiid. TELL US OVER THE PHONE 1 BBBaBaBarKTc-Ta-aacna0 WHO mmm i IIW IHi 1 1 iniumi nit Than split nut week a wxh CompArT our half with tha othat fllow That' all LOW PRICES, BBTCERSFRVICE Bend Steni Laundry. NOT COAL LAM. NOTICK FOIt PUHLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Mnd Office. Tho Dallos Oregon, June 10. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Grace M. Stephens, of Los Angelea, Cali fornia, one of the helra ajid for tho heirs of James A. Mitchell, deceased, who on October 17, 1906, made homestead entry No, 15361, Serial No. 01009. for South West Quarter (SWVi ) South West Quarter (SW . ) Sec. 17, North East Quarter. North Kast Quarter (NEV4 NBU) Sec. 19 and North Hair, North West Quarter (NH Ntt'Vi) Sec. 20. Tp. 19 S.. It. 11 E W. M has filed notice of In tentton to make five year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, claimant and one vrltaesa, before TI. C. Ellis, lulted Slate Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon, and one witness before the Rotfster & Ilocelver of the United States Land Office at Tho Dalles. Oregon, on the 15th day of July. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: John I West, of The Dalles, Oregon, Frank O. Minor, Oeorse W. Ostes and Levi D. Wlest, all of Hetid. Ore gon (Signed) C, V. MOOrtE. H-lScg Register, POLK'S' rut tour nuu. i In Our 8ut4M I OREGON and WASHINGTON jn- Business Directory A Prectorr t ah. CUr, Town an4 8 Vlllac. (Ivlnc daaerlpUva akatob ot aacb pUct. location, population, tat rraph. attlpplna: and banking- point t alaa Claita4 Directory, compll4 by builnaaa n4 proiaauoa. , b. u roue oo. ftUTrta TVBMUUJIWU , tff