The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 18, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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run iikkd nvhhwns, nnxn, wisdxkhimy, .iiwi: ih, mm.
Wrjlsr of Old Who Dlmjy Pointed to J
, Modirn InVthtlohl.
C'tiiiiico pliniKi'H In IIhi lllenirjf work
tf oilier 1 1 1 p tlcHrrlho with tiiii-niiiiy
t I'tni.tiicMM Invention iif fnr Idler tlnnk
'" IiihIiiiiit. tto mm In tlm 'Truth"
kIoiih" of Htrmlii tin Itoiuri'ii, which
Weio ihiIiIIhIiciI In (ho .vi-iir 1 1 1 1 T. whut
llilxht In' held n eiiihod)' ii eiuito do-
, ''iiitiiiii of wiri'lfHH loU-Knipliy.
Hirwlii ii'iri'HCMlM two rrleiul n b cnr
O'hiu on ii eorreniniidem-o hjr ineiiiita of
ii "leitnlu IihiiInIiiiiii which luii mii'h
virtue In It Hint, If It toiiclifM two ni.
Hen wlicn ono of lliv iieedleM Ih'uIih to
1 move, Hie oilier, iiltliniich nt ever o
(iient ii (llnlniiie, iiioven nt the nuiuv
time mill In the aiiiue milliner,"
' In III" I Hubert llixiko inihllKtietl n
work wherein he otwerviil Unit hn
kImhkch Improve the vhdiui mi wnyn
inlulil he fiiiiml to luiprori? ouf other
Mjime "It U not ltiiHiHxlhle." wiy lie,
"i henr n whlier ii iIIhIiiihp of it fur
Joiiir. mill MrIui the online of the
IhliiK wimlil tint miike It luiiwMhlr ill
Ihiinuh Hint furoiiHHhoui I ten time
uiultliilleU." Thin ciHtiim hi bv u fair
funniM nf the teleihone.
In "(Jiilllvcr'H Travel"' Hwlfl cnuae
hi hern to rvltile In the toj-uki to Ij
iniiii Hint the ntrniioiuer there "hnvu
likewise dim-overed Hie two lewer ninrn
oroiiielllle which revolve nlxmt Mnm."
TliU Iiiih tit-en lii-lil to cuiiMilnile n an
tire mi hIihiii hIi-uiv. Never! helei
l'mrenr Awipli Hull n few yenra iiko
Olwiiveriil Hio two tlnv untellllM.
It whn iilnre tlmil l,7() yedrn nco
I tin i l.iirlnn k'nre mi ncrnnnt of the
milliner wherein the liitmhltiiutM of the
iiiihiii drunk "ulr iitivt,ll i'ir MiiuiireM
nl Into n ohlet" 6 thut It forimil n
kind of dew Thin (jlenrlr nuxswt"
Ihltilil nlr. .
The Mimo writer In "Vern HlMnrln"
hiitiiiinnil,v ntid nt annie letnrtli lr
- rlU-H mi nerlfll whip the wnlla of which
Mere liithilcil hv n whlrlwlml. Huh lin-I'l-illiif
H throiiKh .ico to the moon,
MonU Carlo Jutt Omllta at Thtm and
Ktpi on Winning.
There, nre only two kiTiho played at
tnnii. .Cnrhi-roiileiie nml n iuple
nl Kume ihIUiI (rente t iiinrniiie.
On In iiMtiired Hint tlieae ffHine urn
ilnrti ijiiHe fnlrl nml Hint lh) r
'entnv In fwvur of the tmnk I ill to
U'hntver It tuny !. ihl i-rrinlii
Tilt Paiky Joint Snakt Cltvarly Foolad
Unci Hirtty.
At tlm vlllnuu Ki'ocery the eveiilnit
KohhIi IiiiiI tuiiieil iipim niiiilieii. Thortt
linil heuii Hie iiHiml luli'n of iIciih of
replllcH iiiieurtlicjl hv oxciivnlorx, of
hoop NinlkeH tiildliu their mil In their
uioiiiIih nml ioIMiik ruplilly ilown hill,
nml tlm like. Thronuh It nil "Uncle
lleiirj'" CuriMMiter nut ulli'iit. with Ii
liMik uf loleimit Htivrlorlty upon hit
"lliivn 'ihi ever hml nny experleiice
with Himki'M, L'nclo llcnr?" linked one
of the HhIiiihth.
"WiiiiI, I dlil hnve n itie;r thlnit Imp
pen o nie iilxnit tlifriy jfeiir iito," tjii
cle Henry h-epondeil. "The iiilnlxler
liiippeinil In to illniier one ilny, nml
Hitry Ann hml me w to the ehlckeli
tit i (I nml kill our hint rooMter, While
tie witH llopphi' round, iim ehlckeim do
wit Ii their heiuU ofT, he tiirtcl up one
of Iheee penky Joint nlinke. Ill no
limit I hml 111 it broke In two nt every
joint. I'd heeril tell, tlionuh. how they
ko loitether uuiiln If ye- leave tlm
pine Inyln' roilml, ho I Jefit took Hid
piece with Mr. Himke'a heml uu It nml
Ijiiriiiil It In the Mtove.
"WiiiiI. we wnn I'lijnyln our dinner
imiiNiiiil, nml the mliilrler ivim ciilllu'
for nnother heliu' thicken, when u
niimter Ih-kihi to trow out In I ho thick
en ynnl,
"'Ijimrn enkex. Henry, nnyn Hnry
Aim. 'whnt rooter' HuitT I'm xiir
the only itt we'e wt U rlirht here on
the liililn-ulid Iiii'h III HO comlltloli to
The iiitnlter nml me. we hurried
rluht out Intii the ihlckeii ynnl. nml
xiire enough we hcenl miother crow,
ort o' lnmky like. Iiefore we pit there
"WiiiiI. It wiiKHluipleeiioin.'h when ye
xlop to thllik. The J'lntN or Hint xmiko
hml nil J'IichI touether mtnlii. nml when
they eoithln't llud their own heml they
Jet took Hie roonter'ii, which I'd left
hiylu' h.imly."
There wia n moment' llence. When
the touvernnllon wn ri-nuincd It no
louwr dealt with Mtiuken. Voutti't
lui.'l, )li) in thin uttte iik duly cor
rohoniti'il iifillrhlltin to Control And
Heciirn (In) ciiiic.elliitlon of your liomu
nteiul, Ktilry No. Hiirlnl No,
070711, imido Jnnuury 10, 1011, for
N V NK Vt , HV NI3 Vi , NW 'i HI3 V ,
Hfc, 2, T. 20, H. It. 1(1, K HH!4 Hdc
tlon II", TowiimIiIji 1(1, H., ItitiiKO 1(1,
M., Wlllnmotti) Morldlun, mid tin
KrnliiulH for hhi conlont ho iilk'Kim
thut nnld nntryiiinn Iiiih never eHtnh
IIhIiimI iiimIiIiiuco upuu nnld land; that
hu linn nwor Improved or oiilHvnled
tho uniun,
Vou urn, thoreforc, further noti
fied Hint Hie nnld nlk'irntlonii will ho
tnken hy thli olllco u ImvliiK hoon
coiifi-HHod hy you, and your uld entry
will hu cnnruled tliorotindor without
your fiiithnr rlnht to he hoard there
in, either hnforn HiIh olllco 'or on up
pmil,, if you fall to file In thin onice
within twenty tlnyn nflur the
l-'OI'UTH imhllcntlon of ihU notice,
nH hIiowii holoiv, yoilr rijinwor, under
oiith, Mpeclflcnlly tuentltiK and ro
HlxindliiK (O llieno nlleKatlona of con
tent, or If Vou full within Hint tltno
to Illn In thin ofllcfi doo proof that
you hnvu nerved n copy of your an
nwor on the mild contcntnnt cither In
pernon or hy reKlHterud mall. If
thin tervlco Ih iiiiiiIo hy tho delivery
of r copy of your nimwer to tho con
tentnnt in penmu, proof of nuch wr-
vice iniiMt he either tho nnld content
nnl'n wrlttnn iicknowledKuiunit of
IiIh receipt of tho copy, hIio'wIuk thit;
dntn of ltd receipt, or the nllldiivlt of j
the person hy whom tho delivery wnn j
Hindi) ntnlliiK when and where tho
I m unt coriHldt of tho nfmlavlt of tho
jioMon hy wiom tiio copy wnn mailed
nt nt I uu when mid (ho poHtofflcu in
which It wnn mulled, and thin ailldnv
ll miiKt ho nccompmiled hy tho pout
innHter'n receipt for tho letter.
You nhoiild ntnto In your nnnwor
tho uu inn of tho pMtonlco to which
you dtmlro futuro notlcon to ho nent
to you,
11-18 C, W. MOOUIC, ItoKlxlor.
Dntn of flrHt puhllcatlnn .lutio 11,
Dntn of necond puhllnatlon June
18, 1013,
Dntn of third publication June 2o,
Date of fourth publication July 2,
notici: von vviiuwatids.
Department of tho Interior
(J. B, Laud Oftlco at The Dullen, Oro-
Kon, Muy 28th, 191.1.
Notice I horoby given that Wil
liam l). Hell of Lnldlaw, Oregon, ho
on December 2flth, 1007, rnnde home
nlond entry No. 1&833, Herlal No.
0428C, for 8W'iNV4, ec. 13;
K'.iiiKVi and Ni:4HB4, nee. 14,
townnhlp 1C nouth, ranKc 11 cant,
Willamette mcrldlnn, han filed notlt')
of Intention to make flnul live-year
ptoof, to entnbluli claim to tho laid
a-1 vi- dencrlhed, hefvi-i tinw P
Altkcn, IT. H. Coiiimirui!ou-r, .11 hljt
o III c nt Hlntern. Oregon, on tli! lith
ilny or July, 1913.
Claimant iiniuw .is witii'iHn
Jerry lllchnrdnon of (Mat, firov.on;
(ieorgn (loll, J. I'. Ilnley and Wll-
is nt an uverngu elevation 100 feet
above the city of Uend.
Commnnds- a ehitrming view of the
cityot'Hend and the surrounding
15 minutes M-alk from business
center. Lots 50x110.
Betid. Ore.
rrtpy whh delivered;
Intered mail, proof
If inndo by rgo- llnm I full,
of nuch norvlcoj 13-17
nil or l.nldli v, On-Kon
C. W. MO Jit-:, Ilffhls-c-r.
Business Directory
A Dlrtclorr of ch City, Town n4
Vlllc, clvlnc JKrlptlm iVttch et
feb plu, location, population, lI-
Craph, Mpplnc and banking point!
alto Cl.inil Dlrtclorr, compiled by
builn.n and prorention.
Tha Way a Woman of Montantgro 8-
Itcttd a Huiband.
The Montviit-fiHu wnmnu wUhen not
imy to he the mother or men, hut the
wire or it iiimiI. Khe lioldx to n hlh
hniidtl IiiixIniiiiI. to mie who will be
rteMlM(ie in fnvr of lh. tnbl.-M over- uihkIit In hi- own Iioimv
Here Ih the ntory of the wimiIiic of
t iUnki rrntieH nt
J ut (rente et im
J lil over huh
' that ir one wi
(nun-. hII H.v.iein- Hint huiimn luui-tiuliy
mil worn out by nny inw of nvenicea.
M ItUtiic Hill iH-rmit you to pluy uuy
wny mi like. Hlid to ilntlbk- oilr l-t
un ufteli n h jnii like until It reurlie
iUKi frmie nt roulette r uii.tK"! frnuiit
ilimrwiile Theil ymi inut
ntmlti. for It Ik ipilte eh-ar
lere lierillltleil to double
indefinitely It Mould only be n (jura
tion or time ntid Miltlcli'iit money to
1 MII M lllHIK- nut Of lillnlllfM
Tlm It tMtiieii Hint M. Illiine. who
tnkex in rliMlin-. wIiih ncHliixt nil thoe
whit nre H-riuliled to tnUt- nny wirt of
limine they like. Mr lllruui Muxlm
lhpe'el of tilt ytfiit when he nhnt-tt-ied
n H(KiiMr deliilnii In thi-e wortU:
If ml but iHime up twenty Hiiick Hi
MKitMlttM it . jn.t h likely to tome
op mi Hie twenty Hrt time m It wmihl
It If It Ion I l'"l iiiuif up iH-fuie for ii
wi-i-k Ot-ii imrilnilMr twitp U uint-ru-!
nlliHtetlMT ii Km- diyttMl iitmll-turn-
eilattim ni HMt itnrtN-Hlnr ih
Mnnt Tin- ball iih nmiMt h ffrxiit
iimny 1 1 ww In n irm- When II- ut.-
IHtllltHI l lll lll MHMWltl flHtlnit
with -evernl ltt" ir lm nml NHMll.r
HtHtliW Ingi a M-ket In the wli.-.-l
whHh U riUiilliitf in an t.f" dlree
ihm. Il n h Mire ami Mintdiilii-minl
nm-lVim of elmiM... hihI it l- imt in
lloeiuiil In He- litt-l by hiivHHUI! lb it
lw ever tHhi-n w l-.-fi.rf nr Unit
will ink Ihm- in Hie I ui ur-' M-i
Hlfe iMUf-nu l'ui in HHlunUy II uu
Hit! I ''"!.
Huriluiiiie wnx the b-niitlful dnuphter
or nn Innkeeper Her aultora wen
umiiy, mid It whm time fur her to wed.
She promUel to umke her choice ituioiii;
Ibn-e xillliu-H mid hiiuiiiioihiI them nil
to her fnther'n hoiixe.
I'lrxt It whm ii youth Klnti-d nml cm
rntted who durliiB n wwli end nt Cat
tnro iuiiilrd the elei.aiirleK of elty
life. MKcir-i- me." he Mild, with u po
lite doltluu of hit liHt nx nhe met him
nt the diKirwHy, "Will you let me
imwiY HonlMiiiie xtcpix-d nulde. Imt iim
alio did xbi' tntiruiurvd. "You will
liewr Ut my htudmnd."
The -iiniid. a itunftirtnbte rurmer.
wax liM Hllle. we In." lie alil,
tin.hiiiie Mit the xlrl. "Neither nhml
jihi eer mil lite wire." imhI the tctrl to
TtotH itiliie the tlilnl. who nald iHtth
lllK. Ilt. MMtUK !'MlilOlM- by lb- HMO.
iIiiiik lirr iinhb- ami i-uli-nil tat Ihiiii
nn If iinvith it- iaitr "Tat." ita;h
iil ih. imikitiM-r' dniivtiter. "It a true
.MtititeiM-Kriu I ! i I In- iiuMnd fitr
inc ' or to-It -lurT. nfter uii. ate Hie
mtiHtt'ix ft lu-itNM iiiadt). I'artM Letter
m limbiu 'leieMrapn.
That means the
when you mention
Orlnoing Up a Dog,
A writer in 'iiiiiiii Lite In Auierlrn
:le Kiiiue ifdvhf uu I in- iinuarna- op
of II dim Ah Uf h-ll , (in. iiHt
iimiKm eiiNy eiiiiuuh The Hm mid mint
imiHiriHiil lifMin for u nii m htiru in
In t-lult illiyiblliL' be IllllV In- iIhIiil' uli.-n
.vim nny -rtiii" mid In cuiitluiie When I
you wiy "All rluhl" ir well leurued
HiN will explain to him nil future ciiiii
iiihiiiIm. Afhr ihU num-H the Ii-huii to
be ilown when .vim iiiiiimiiiid "luwu"
1 nml tit tuy iliiwu while yen leave him
l-'ur tbl miter It Ih l--t m t ! blin to
, Hiiiiieihiin.' mid then Ir he ilm-H lux drop
when ymi cull "liowu" from ilMniue
letiini ipilckly nml. Hiiddlmr, iuhIi mm
ilown forcibly, a eiireHM nml u bode or
IihiiI nbuilld be hlx lewurd If hu dovn
Old Tim Scnool Houra.
In Sroilmid. up tu the miihlie of tho
eliihteeiith century, the iihiiui ychool
lioiirn were from ii n. ni till tl p. hi.,
with two breiikMor uu boiireiieh Some
m-IukiIh npeiied uu Hour eurller mid
worked hi luiiu iih duylhiht IiimumI. No
iiltenilioii In the lumrH whh omile on
Hiitiiiduy, mid even mi Hiimhiy u ccr
tiiln muoiiut of Hi'hool wurk wiih iIiiiiu.
The hiillilu.VH were ici-iriiltil m u dtiy
ut (.'mulleuiiiti mid nt VVIiltnuu, mid u
luitniKlit In the iiiituuiu
NHTicii til' oi.vriwr.
OaiwrtiHent or lh Interior,
HtattiM IjiiiiI Oltlcu. The
OreKon, Juno 7, 1913.
To Hurry A. Hasten or Uend. Oregon,
You are hereby untitled that (1. V.
Hill, who KlVtm lleud, Orentin. iu IiIh
liUNt-ottk-u mldrum. did on May t,
'Tho Machine You Will Eventually Buy"
Underwood Typewriter
Company, Incorporated
(18 Sixth Street, Portland, Ore.
Brunches in nil Principal Cities.
Renewing: Your
Wht-n your SHOES
take them to
Wall street, Bend, Ore
"aaBBBBBjtit'tlHBSSVvaTr'U t Zoo.
Steam and Hot Water Healing
We carry the largest
stock of Roods in Cen
tral Oregon. Jobbing
' promptly attended to
The BEST all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can
be produced. Made in both
styles. The rotary makes
both LOCK and CHAIN
stitch. The latest up to
the minute steel attach
ments with each machine.
Sold on easy payments.
Send name and address for
our beautiful II. T. cata
logue free.
White Sewing Machine Co.
14C0 Market Street
San Francisco, California
1 '
Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary
;. '
Qood Time Coming.
"I tell .vim. Illiil;." nnld the million,
aire, with urent KiiHto, "inlli ulMiiit your
run! There' none to tiiiiil Hint of
eiiriiluu ii million, dollar hy dollar."
"H.v Klimer," wild little ItlnkH, "what
a lot or run theiv U ahead ur uiel"
llurier'n Weejtly.
Prttty Maak.
lllohliH-Heuiieekke niwuyn reminds
Slohlm ,niiiieiiHe! If
lie wiih iiiiythliiK Kite u uiouxe hU wife
would he nrruld of liliu.-l'hlludelpulit
i' Itnord.
-tViin of it nioiiMe.
?. .
Brick is nhsolutely fire proof in nny ordinnry conflagration.
Brick Buildings never burn, although they nre sometimes
injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork.
A brick building is absolutely fire proof if wire glass is used
in the windows and if burned elny lloors nre used,
An interior fire in such n building is confined to the room in
which it originates; no outside fire can attack it.
The proportion of burned clay in a building construction
measures its fire proof qualities.
Burned clay is the only building material that has been
through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will
resist fire. All combustible material is burned out of the brick
before you get it.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
MMMMallliaMMMhaMlMMMMMM-MMWrBMMIlliafcMMll "I I I I a , I
1 i. . .. ; i: i 1
Bend, Oregon
(I 9
General Commission
We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar,
Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster.
Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon
and Lard.
1Tb United Warehouse Company
A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon