The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 18, 1913, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    rAOK 10.
Wlth.ailmpaa of Rio
da Jantlro'a
'Twanty Foot Wlda Broadway.
; 'Downtown tu tlio commercial part of
Itlo do Janeiro Ik the noisy, vivacious
Hun do Ouvlilwr of nil thlnn ltlo tie
Jniielrtiti the ono Unit ptmscwea the
irioMt liiillvldtmllly, the place wberp
everybody who Is auybody la to be
It. Is only nbout twenty feet wide.
Just think of U-the llromVwny oTn
Ktvut city like Illu! ao harrow' find
crowded that, vehicle pro not allowed
to ko through nTccrTuln hoursu7 TTii
dnyjbiU juost 0 the somber Portu
Ktieso" style buildings hnvc been re
placed, by modern ojic, rtnjl JJYJmt It
Ipcks In width Is coin fie h sa t etf Tor by
the nttrnctlvoiiMs of the stores nnU
Those cafe, principally devoted to
the Kcrvlce of he leniltnac, are every
where In Uracil, but here particularly
they nrv the rendevoira for the otllcinl,
military, profedonal and more prtfs
IicKiur commercial clae-, who drop In
nt nil hours to tnlk thluRs over to the
music of the orchestra everything
from bunlne;, reunion and politics to
Uie Idlent society j-o5p. ouly they sip
coffee, for Uie most Krt, Instead of
highballs mid tievr.
And such coffcel A North American
never realise what n erfectly dolecta
hlc llnvor coffee really l capable of,
how dcllciously rich and Mrupy It Is
When brewed by those who know bow,
until he linn drunk It In the orient or
down here In Uracil. From 'TbrouRli
Pouth America." by Hnrry W. Van
Victor Hugo'a Viawa on the Immor- I
"' lalliy of the Soul.
Victor Hugo's opluiou 011 the question
otlirisliejond the crave wan a remark
nblc one. The trent Frenchman was
firmly convinced that be would meeta
nil hi friends Fn n future wold. lie
was equally 'sure that he had Always
existed from the nntedllnvhin times,
when, the Creator placed him on earth,
lie believed that he would exist for
ever. Inasmuch ns he felt In his soul
thousands of hymns, dramas and po
ems that had never found expression.
When the atheists would say to him,
The proof that jrou will not exist lu
the future l that you did not exist In
the past." Hiiro would answer:
"Who told you 1 did not exist In the
past centuries? You will say that Is
the legend of the ape. The poet has
written. 'Life Is n fairy tale twice writ
ten.' lie might have said a thousand
times written. You do not believe lu
the doctrine of surviving personalities
for the reason that you do not recollect
your anterior existence. Hut how can ;
the recollection of vanished new re
main imprinted on your memory when I
you do not remember a thousand and
one scene and events of your present
life? Since JMK! there have been ten
Victor Hugo In me. Do you think
that I can tvcnll all their actions and
all their tbuuuhtK?
"The tomb Is dark, and when I shall
hnve k'issed 'the tomb to emerge Into j
light once more nil these Victor Hugos .
will be almost wholly stranger to me,
but It will always lie the.aame soul."
The Montenegrins.
i. ,.. . ..... .. fc . .a
it i uiiir in nirm jim nun niiiii- r
j ti. i . I. ... .1.
ir-pi.iM Miir .n'uii tu af.iifi.Hic liiv
of tu lio-i Ital. Ilnlme Hen-
fter vlfliitig the country' In 1&S9.
He vury; little
rtufmi tj.lmr, ajiBdrcB. nud only (lie
tmta and stroug prow nh. Ih nftnr
Iir- 'i.J. A.... .... ..,.-..,.,..1 ...... .
...i.nn. r.r.I......n. 'n -...
. .ti v. i . i . . W
.n ,um .',TSr,n,"w!,,OH
he at once gives bliBoclf up and. If he '.
re-overs. Imks uu It as a curioui
frentt lu tfature's laws, The few who
reluctantly submit to nn ann or
u leg Invariably refuse anaesthetic
n ml converge with their frletids. smok
ing n cigarette while the knife and
saw ure at work."
. - .
A city man who hud made good finan-
chilly and socially was showing his
country friend over his newly built
bouse. It was furnished most luxuri
ously, and ns oue room after another
was Ylilted the farmer's silence In
creased. The city iimn. thinking hU
old country friend was too full for ut
terance, ast cd him when the last room,
with its heavy furnishings, was In
spected. "Well. Jostnh. what do you
think of it alir
"I've been thlnkln', Henry." replied
the farmer, "what an all fired Job you'd
hioe If you hud er move."--Judj:e.
-' One o'F Eraklne'a Puna.'
Iird Krsklne rather prettily com
bined pun with compliment In nn epi
gram he forwarded to I.ndy Payne In
bnswer to her vicarious Inquiries a to
his health:
T1 true 1 am 111. but I nfi not complain,
Kor lit never knw plea q re who never
knew Payne.
Hoaton Post,
For Economy.
The Farrier Your horse' shoes ar
badly worn. He needs a new set all
round. Mrs. I'ermywlse Dear me!
Can't you half sole them aud benr up
the tlpsV Exdhauge.
"The hired man fell off the fence
down In the meadow lot Just now."
"Had he hit the ground when you
left?" Louisville Courier-Journal.
' "What does the busy beo teach us,
"KoV to in too near the iiife, uncle."
Loudon Tntler, , "
Or. Wllay, tha Food Expart, Saya a
Dug la tha Cauaa,
All sort-i of rvtiHuiiH nix- ndvnnced
fur the turning yellow of alfalfa.
Some inny In correct niul some not.
"Uek or bacteria In the soil." ways
une. "The (-ruiuul peeds. lime." any
another. "Poor it iiUi-Ti'ti I in.,J sitys
11 third. Hut here conies II. W. Wiley
jf WiishliiKton, the fnimuiH food ex
pert". wTio tells lis In the Iturnl New
Yorker Hiajil U due to 11 peculiar sort
jTlomieUiiif JE veryTo'mi of fcedltii:
hi nlfiiUn. flere In whiit he snysi
"A year aj-'ohiM hpHuki sowed four
icn of afiiTfiTon" my farm In I.ou.
(I01.11 county, vn. Ttie piot IVJirinj(
the ul fulfil llrj lust nt the foot of the
Hlne Ithbrk on the east side, and Is n
good quality of soil. The plot wn
carefully prepared by, deep plowing,
thorough fUlrrlitg of Ihe surface- mid h
orviloiis treatment with two tons of
lime cr nftv. The germination was
almost iH-rfct-t 11 lid the growth phenom
enal. ".Suddenly. nlmht the first week In
June, when tlie jmuiik nl fill fit was two
lirtHrvT Iticlie high the whole plot
U'gitii to turn yelluw. I thought It
was due to fungus and brought sam
ples to the bureau of plant Industry at
"It Was examined by the specialist
on plant pliyslology. but no fungus
could lie found. They did say. how
ever, that Innumerable Insects were
found among the leave and stems. I
Jherefore took samples to Dr. Howard,
entomologist of the detwirttncnt. He
Wits delighted In illsroverlng n !peelal
nlfalfa louse, of which he Jtnd often
hennl hut never hud seen, In his opin
ion the production nf Ciiuthophyll was
due to ImiMivertshiiieut of the plant by
the extraction of the. sap by these lice.
I would suggest to fnrmers who notice
thl nptKNimiice to examine their alfal
fa for lice."
Hare'a an Eaaily Made and Slmpla
Feeding Trough For Poultry.
One of the greatest tutiU In n hen
boitxe Is n dry. clean tmugli for feillng
shell, grit, bran or the dry ration. The
mini who has 11 relied house ran try
niy methisl and I'll piarautiv be will
like It. says 11 Michigan corrctqiondcut
of the American Agriculturist. Cut
through the celling Ismnl tietween the
studding and take out the hoard. Put
two small hinge 011 It. replace and tlx
a button to hold It tu place. Next cut
n silt nbout two Inches wide mid near
ly to the studding on both stdes. alxitit
IKroin American Ai;rlruHurlt.
i . r .1... . t. . .. ...-!.
. . . ....... . ..
rniHrtnt: Iwck mid slanting to the out-
iinii iimiir i- uwr. iiitvi i 11 timifcu
Idc t-uip4irds. Allow the front i-dge
uf Uie troHgh to roiiie a little alsive
tlH iipoaltis? ill the wall mi the feed will
not orfiTiui. With n itml seiittle the
I rough may be easily tilled, ami the
Iich ciiiiiiiit wnj.(i' iir get on toil of
iH'? transit and foul It
I have three In my house for grit.
" "' '" "'lB w "inter,
. . , .. ..,.... ..... ,.....,
ITI lJ rti l ll"!!"! Ij"l- !! l9t
all the time this plan will be llkel, as
I It takes up, no room whatever. If one's
lioiixe is not celleil llie lixc limy be
put on the outside of the house with
troughs running through. The tops of
the boxes should slant so the ruin will
run off. These, of course, will have to
In tilled from the outside. With this
plant Hit feed drop down as fast ns
t,v liens remove It from the troughs.
Oood nelghlsirx may sometimes
W evolved from tvir ones by
properly planting and caring for
n few nls of fencing.
Around the Hennery.
llere Is where so tunny Hiiple fall
down In the hen Imi-Iiichh They will
not feed well while the hens ure "dry."
-o-Uliinvoul'U iMit-n fol. though fowl
gain ii Hesh and eggs during Its use.
It simply puis them nud keeps them In
ii gisid condition for work.
Impure ulr. ns well as dnmpuestj.
Is n danger to any Hock. Separate
the Hock in nuui'hi's of twenty-live or
fifty nud feed them separately, aud
they will make much belter gain.
With the pussllile exception of broil
ers, capons prisluce the hlghrst priced
i-hlcken tueiit on the market. They fre
quently bring as high as -10 cents a
iMiuud and never less than W cents.
I Hiring the wjutcr months the oiil
try houses are apt to gel dump, am)
some kind of absorbent material should
lf ued on the floors of the ioultry
bouses and under the nsists. .Nothing
rxcels dry dirt for tills purisise.
Iteiie)uber that If the hens do not
have n full supply of grit the food will
not jjiiss through the gizzard as It
should. The gizzard and the passage
way froiii the crop to the gizzard be
come clogged, anil many a fowl dies (r,""l want of mnterhil to grind
itli food,' Keep grit l-ef -e tU fwl
nt ull tiluei
H - If
j 1 i ' )
r5S -"
. T r V TaJ f
Sand and Gravel
Plastering Sand.
Concrete Sand.
Roofing GraVel.
Concrete Gravel.
Road Material.
Sidewalk Material.
All Material Washed n nd Scrbenctl.
Bolton, Ruetenik and May
Bend, Oregon
Oil CQoh-stovc
vK MaJjX IjMwfr
Far Bfil Rti:u W Rc.aJ
and a0
Sold by dealers everyohete.
furnish further
Tr--TrirTrrr-r T i HI' 'i I In l,ri"rriia-aiavr"'f
m4 wtiti 1 1 r :$ i H ip m w n i .t mm
imA'ffll W rfW
Covers buildings in every part
of the world.
You will find it in Japan.
You will sec it in Russia.
It protects buildings in Alaska. ,
It covers houses on the plains
of South Africa.
It is Used extensively in Australia
lnousancis ot rolls Jiave
shipped Indo China.
Ybu see it in nearly every
South American port.
Is very popular in Canada.
It roofs the best buildings in
every large American City.
The magnificent buildings of
the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition arc
covered with it.
The St. Francis and Fairmont
Hotels in San Francisco are ,
protected by it.
Malthoid has a world wide ' .
This is so because it is
the original ready roofing.
Its makers have been making
ready roofings for twenty
six years.
They have always made roofings
that make good.
Hade by The Paraf fine Paint Co.
Docs all kinds of
cooking just as
well as a regular
coal range.
No Odor.
No Tainting of the
Our nearest agency oil!
Ilk tu Mix
til limi
A ltk ir
Mi I!.
IfM lie"
Bend, Oregon
You will have up Irritated fnco If
you hnvo yuur nhavliix tlouo nt In
lies & DavlilsOll's hnrhor Mhop. M1,
Hot mils ami bread at the Aiucil-j
can llahery ineiy ufleiiiooii at fl
o'clock, New sloio 011 Wall street. KMf '
Vienna Cafe
l !. .Hill I '! 1.1
NNall Street
flood Meals, Prepared with
ilfiiulltici., at ModcrntM
Ijirgo Ixmve of 'holes)ino
Brc&d 5c Each
A Trial Will Convince.
l There is no use to
advertise the
I as to its reliability,
promptness and
: accuracy in pay-
ing losses, but it
is necessary for
: you to know
J. B. Miner
is the official agent ;
of this territory .
Bend, Oregon.
J L.
KoofitiK f nil kinds. Kuimlrini;
promptly tlone.
Furnace Contractor
Guttering, Spnutlnc,
Cornlcoa and Skyliirtita.
rtltnntcB on Wnll Paper nt
application Portland Prices
Cheapest nnd Dent Wall Pnper
Samples In the county.
(let My Prices.
Khbp ou Ottkuu hllftl.
Ktur f DtKliulc. Uouk
Clover Leaf Dairy
and wo will deliver
S. L. STAATS, Prop.
rmh, Itilltbla, Pur
auD.tlAr m.rlti of Our
w Mill ,CDd pottpaid our
rAMnus rni i rnTiniM
I . ao Pif T.M4U , ... 10.
I ly. frlaxu lu.Uk , .10.
I lf a.lMJraol.1 Ulwr ,,,.
1 l. (rlflrr.kar.VV.. . , .11.
I l. r.lUrUa H.rt.l UUih . , , 10.
AIllMUUMC4UriwM44 , , l(
Writ, todiil tnt 10 lull U Ut M Nilw.
Mkini u4 nolo tkw. "ruuA. CoMuUtM."
(. wiia o 17a laiirurm. utra.H uuia m
uiioat fliiujunnii or,r.ii jt, -ITMltoaa
Hi, HKkfur4. IlllnoU
iJ rZvTjm5wVVs9V9VHPVafl laWfam
jFjlr gVjggLaLJ
I, ' I III II l i III I ' t
I'ftA'DCllNAI' HiK'lliTlKH.
I. (). O. !'.
lleiid liilge No. Ulrt
IteRiilar MeetliiK uvury Monday nklit
Visitors wnlrdtiin.
W. 1 1. WIiik. U. N. Iloffinnii,
N. (I. Heoy.
M. V. l' A.
I'llut IIiiUu Ciuup No. 0704
Meota every Tueaday In Halhnr Hifll.
VliltliiK NolKhhora nlwaya wulcumo.
W. W. Oruiilt, Cdiiiul.
Murtln It. KiiutHuii. Clerk.
i,oixii: N o. i o it
K. or i.
Meet every Wediina.
day eventiiK at K I', in.
In Unallo Unit. K. A.
Hutlier IIIiIr. Vlllln
KnlKliU welcome.
Joe I illicit, C. O.
I,. .M. Meltitytiold,.
K, of It. & M.
A. I H A. M.
Meota on Tlmrndny tut or he.
forn thu full union nf cacti
month. VUlthiK lirotheta
nvu)H vieluoinu.
J, U. IMvldaoii, A, M. I.urii,
W, M. Heorolnry
riiATi:itNAi. iiitoriiiiitiKMin.
IteKJlnr nieutliiKM hold hy llond
UidKu No, bU7 In Hnlher'a Hall on
thu flrat uud third Thuraday ovcmIhk
each mouth. VlattltiK iiiuiuhora ot
ordvr uUa welcome.
J. II. MINKI1. I'rea.
Head I)(Iku No. SDK mrcta every
aecoud and fourth I'rldny uvohIuk.
Bihur'n Hull. Vlaltlui; hrotliern
and alatom welooiunl.
Mr. I.uoy I'ninnh, N. O.
Ml l.ola V. Force, Iteo. Kecy.
ItcKUlar mootliiK on flrat and
third Friday ovenlnica nt KnthorM
Mr. .MnrKnrnt llalim, Oracle.
.Mm. Alfttroltu Orcutt, llocorder.
OuTil -lit Ol ' ICASTKItN STA 1 1.
lend lodge nieutfl in remilitr aim.
alon on th Hecohd and Fourth Mmi
iluy livmiliiK each uioiitti. In Mnaonlo
Hall. Faiiiil,, Farrla, W. M..
Arrlo lllnck. Hocy.
DlltliClOHV til' OITICIAI.S.
I'nllrd KtatcK.
I'roalilont Woodrow Wllaon ,
Vlco I'rtNildvnt. .TIioiiirm It. AlnraliHll
Kecretnry of Htate W. J. Ilrymi
Seoroinry of Navy . . JihwiiNun DbmIhIb
. Keerutary of Wiir ... .1.. Al. (Inrriaon
Hecretary of Interior . . . . K. K. I.ah
Mecrotary AurlcHlturn I). F. llonatoii
Ktfcrotury of TreHatiry ,W. F. MeAdon
Heoretur) Commercn . . W. 0. ltdnld ,
Uecrnlary of UUur . . . . W. II. Wilaon
Attorney (lenerHl ..J. Mcltoynohln
I'oMtiunater (imioriil .Alfaurt lliirleaon '
I .Mate.
Oovernor Oawnld Went
Bvarvtniy of Htnto ....II. W. Oleott '
Trauaiirer Thoa. II. K.i
Atty (loooral A. M. Crawford ,
'Siiiirliittii)ont i'uhllc IiiHtriictli.ii . .
U It. Aliloriunii
Htato Printer ...... W. 8. Iiuul.iy
Couiniliialor.jur lvbor dtatUtlca ....
O. P. Holt
(laiiiu Warden W. I.. Flnley '
Stnto KiiKlneur John II. Imh
united Htula fieimtora
Ueorxo K. Chuinhorlalu
, , . Harry W. l.ani ,
ConKrceanieu A. W. Lafforty '
..., N, H, Hlunott
, W, A. Iluwloy
Heveiitli Judicial HUtrlct.
JihIko ........... W. I.. Ilradahnw
Attorney , V. II. Hull ,
Crook County,'
JihIko , (J. HprliiKer
Clerk ... Warren llrown
Sheriff Frnnk Klklim
'IVeaHiirur , Kalph Jordan t
Aaaeaaor , ,, 11. A. Foater
Sohool Hiiit. J. U. MyerH
Coroner ...I1. II. l'olndixti-i .
Surveyor Fred A. Illco
ConunUalonorH ...... It. II. llnylcy
Wllllit W, llrown
llio Court.
Circuit Meota llrttt Monday In
May and third Monday In Ottohor. '
I'rolmto Moots Ilrnt Monday In
each month. ,
Commlaalonors' Moots llrst V.'cd
ncsduy In Jununry, March, May, July.
Soptomhor and Novomhur.
lleiid Kcliool DUtrlcl No. 1U.
Directors II. J. Ovurturf, Chmn
F. M. Itay '
Clydo M, McKay
Clerk ii. K, Alien ,
City of lleiid.
Mavor G. P. Futnnm
Hocordor . , II. 0. 12111s
Treaeuror II. J. Overfjrf
Chief of Police S. K. KoliortH
Git KnKlnoor ....Ooorge 8. Yoiiub
Counclltnon ,,,,i, k. Allen
... ..,,,,,,,, A. Ii, French ,
,.,,,,,,,,,.,.,, , A, B, CollIiiH
......... ......., 1 1, II, Ford
tfl A BnMiiA.
JuKtlcc of tlio I'wice
fiend Precinct Ward H. bbblu
Deschutes P'r'eclncl ...W. W. Orcutt
Ii w
j T