THK 1IE.VD 1WUAWX, IWHD, ViKUSKHUAY, JUNK J I, iOttt. PAGE 7. 4 4: Just Received New Shipment HARMONY GLYCERINE SOAP ( Hose and Violet) LAUGH tf-I-B. CAKKS ATTIlKSI'KCIAIi I'UICB OK 2 VOW 25c I!HSTSOAI'MADH.Try and HKCONVltfClfil). (Sou window (llgpluy.) Patterson Drug Co. The faxaSl Store Mr. and Mis, J, W, Tlioiifaml Mm, , rotnry-tninsuror, i. it. rotter or Hllvor l.uKo ciuiio up to llniut on Thumilny. LOCAL NEWS ITEAIS Clarence 1. Mniuiholmor In nttond liiK tliu Hone Festival thlw wo ok, Maying nt tint Por'tliind Holol. A. H. Collins wont to Portland Hun ilny mill will iiuiku u (rip U L'nllror iilii before returning to Mo ml. Henry I.lnstnr nnil M. II. DsvIhn wont iluwii (o HmlmoMil fliiturdny to llttmill llll) WBtlir HtlDIM' llllltllMK, Mm. I.oiiIh Mil lor, ilHiightsr of Mm. Hodoll, loft ffuinlny for liar homo In Ktigenn, iiflor n visit hnre. Mm. J. 14. Hnwhlll with her two noils left till moriiliiK for Olovslmid, Ohio. Mr. Hnwhlll him preceded litr. Thomas Hiiukup, who npoul tho wltitur In I.oh Anyoltm, In now In I'ortlniul whore he in employed In n Kiiragu. Mr. nnil Mm. C. N. Hudson. Mrir. Hull, Miss Slnwtwr mill It, M. I.nrn toiit Htuidiiy lit Helslnits an thw Metollim. .Miss Gertrude Streeter. who linn boon visiting Mm. O. 1'. Putnnui, ItMiVi'M for her homo nt Olouns I'iiIIh, ,S'o,w York, taiuoirow. Mr. unit Mm. (!. I). HimnI of Walls yllle. Mo., who have proprty Inter ests hurt) are expected to iirrlvo abort ly for n visit of n few weeks. P. II. Polndoitar of Prliiovlllo camn ovnr'on Hnttinlny to try (lio fishing with hln on Itnlph. They caught tho limit In about half a day. A shot In thn sower hroko tho hank, of tin canal In l.ytta on Saturday, ' necessitating abutting o'lt tho wnttr until the break could ho iirnparod. K. A. Miller, nn nttnrner of Ix Anicnles, wan hero lout week In con nection with tho settlement of the estate of tint Into J. Anthony Mitch ell. II. II. Jackson or Ilurnn wai In town last week for tho first time In IS yearn. Ho said ho waa "com- ptotoly twisted" ly tho changes he found here. U. N. IlufTman went to Portland Saturday aa h guest of It. II. Miller of the O-W. It. & N. Co. In hla prl vnto car, mid I registered at the I'ortlnnd Hotel. Thoro arc nhout othom, nnd nro oniimly Important to zo inoniiiom, locitl milling,, nrrect tho westward C. II. Dimoiibury, who roturnod ""iwrtntlon of mill ciiulpmciit. from tho south n few days ngo, Is """" (, t,, "w rn,c n " M- tiiueh dlHiurlaid ovor tho dentil of hln low"! v'"l CM nil, iim- lino setter iIok "Duke," which wna ch'.ory $1.70 per cwt., rolls 119.50 rim ov..r l.y mi mitomolillo driven hy " ut'llU'l "u "''O"1 20, John .Mourn; during hln ownor,;I,,,i,l,,h !' Hw"l. molilnory. Il.flo per nlmouco. Mr. Diiioiililiry, who clmrKOH 'l".,. ,17,81 l'."r '?"' n,,tnnK Hint Mooio klllod tho doir willfully, '" v "' u" l"" '""?r lw" mio'fi Unit he lo mnrtliiK Hint to noi liiet dainiiRtw. Ho hii)u ho vnluud tho iIok nt J 100. Iteum C. M. McKay tiayn tha old rnt wan about 'i. Nl frfu-iil TorllT Hirect. Under tho new rnton, oxcellont iimrkolit hnvo nlrondy liion tfMtud Dlirstll nd Fmt. I"1 wlut inmiior nimiiiraetiiroa iioro. mhp imtit mi Hi., L..111I1M who mixtook n" It ohm liou oHlRlillNhod both that WliMtor for 11 ntnr IiuIIIiir from tho ' J00"' l""lor enn prolltnldy (xjmpcto iiiiihIo '11IH roniliuU 11 correspondent, of. ,' l" 'lliiK territory and that It n Mill mure weird Identification. Lord ; J"'i" " mmi-m, fr W. A. Nonney of Dciichiitca wan In town on Haturdny. I'. HwIiir Martin went to Portland I'rlday on liiinlneim. Mr. mid Mm. lid. Roberta loft for Now York yetcrday. Mr. and Mm. Floyd Dcinont upcnt Uituday at lloduiond. MUa M. 14. Coleman waa hoateiia to tho Ilrldeo Club lait Friday. , . .. ...... .1 The Ilev. larael Putnam of Madrai lorn Triple t and John I lyom of , ,,ero anB0MnTO, ,hat j10 w)1 Tumalo wen. In town yeaterday. , ,,,,, ncw ,,ook,H, of vprPii Paul Petemon loft Hunday for I'rl- Ho la now uridine eoplea of nnolhur iny Harbor, Woah., hla old homo. ,book of vcraea. Mr. and Mm. It. II. flould aro inovlnR Into tho John Mom Iioiibo. H. It. Poat haa opened lompornry (irtloea In the Jonca building on Wall Dtreot. Thomaa Tweet left Raturday on n trip of aoveral wecka to Portland and Seattle. Mr. and Mm. K. U Younp nf PaUloy left on Sunday'a tralu. for Portland. Thomaa Hawthorn of tlto Deachulea Mr. and Mm. T. II. I'oloy left for tho Willamette Valley thin morning. Mm. Foley will remain In Kuicnr and Mr. Foley, he atatea. will visit aoveral valley cltlea. HtiKb. O'Kane, Father Hhoehan and Father llutler went to Portland Haturday to attend the Initiation of a targe cliua of candlditea Into the KnUhta of Coltinihua order. purvey oamo down from tho camp on Haturday. Mlta Ida Andemon returned Rat urday to Uracil u tea, after a. visit here with friend. Mr. and Mm. If. It. Allen left for Portland yeaterday to ho ifbne a week or ton daya. Ivan McOlllvray left Sunday for noon and chnoie a name. MUa Kva Pasadena, Cat, atopplng in Portland (iravea la president, Mm. M. 0. Coe, for tho Koso Featlval ivlco president, Mm. K. It. Poat. sec- Atnonx those nolna to Portland from I lend flundar for. the Hose Festival were: JHJTWonand.y. Ouy aiciioyiioias, .Mr. ani' Ajm. , jJorRc. Ilrosterhoiis, Mlsa Katherlno Tratit ner. Mm. U. F. Martin, Mm, F. Kwlna Martin. Mm. 11. W. Skuse and It. II. Mutslft. A muslbal club waa organized last week by a number of younx people. It will meet at Mm. l-ara'a this after- GH2?0& -Zs 1 1? VbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBL Tl aSBBBBSBBBBBBBByBSdL lloiiulitou told tint atory: "I wnlkwl with Olndsloiie on TuiMdoy. mul when he left me 11 coiitleuinii mine up mid mild. 'MfKht I nak If that was Mr. DM melir Hiirh la fnuier (tool fume, however, wna onro the portion of DlnrHell Ijidy Dorothy Nevlll riYflll" bow lencoufleld once told her of nu eiieotiuter wllh u ciilf man. lie Jumped Into the enb. mid the driver it f oiuv oimmk-iJ the tmpior mid reniNrki'dt "I know wlw you lire. lr. mul I hnvo lend nil your lomka bur IithHlr.'" Tl iUf.r.y" UuaUt of rmuu: trillion Htttutfard. His Oistss. When luii rimiMcllor Campbell, then pliilu CniiipU'll. ninrrli-d Mbut Heiirlett mul ilepitrtcI 011 ill weddluc trip. Jiixtliv Ali"ilt olwrml when a emice won cnlN-d on In the Iwiicli: "I llTiiiiKlit. Mr. Ilroimlmm. Hint Mr. C'uiupltell was In thin tttiu'." "Ye, my lord," replbtl HroiiRham: "but I uuderxiuiid he l HiifrerlUR from Knirleti eer.";blea:o lteoni Her ald Would B Tarrlbls. "Tho doiiora nrw uoliitf tu operate on her.-, "Wliat'a wronRr "AHlielhliiK atMilit Hm coat of her hIimiiiii'Ii, l uiiderptmid." "I bp llif) ibiiit find Ita out of Myle. Jli if never Rft over that." KaitmiK I'lty Jouriiiil. --- MOItK IIAIUHK! - Horn, another pair of twins! Thlnga ore certainly coining - fast In tho llend nelRhborhood, but this time n local bank doesn't need to sign and pas out that two dollar bank ao- count Instead of Juat ono green- back. For It wasn't babies, you see, but baby calvea. Jersey twins, Itorn on tho Dr. P. II. - Dencer place, and they aay Doc Is pretty proud, too. Thla la the third case of calf twins In - tho vicinity recently. Not - such a bad outlook for the dairymen! .. ... - 24 COWS ARE SOLD Firot National Hank Will Import More and at Ixitrer Price. Tho First National liank cowa sold last week went to tho following persons: O. J. & O. J. Doppa, llend 3 U. II. Itoot, I-aldlaw 1 J. J. Coe. I.aldlaw 2 Niels Petemon, I.aldlaw 2 F. Ilurwltx, llend 1 Watdomar Peterson, I-aldlaw.... C F. U Young, llend 2 II. Ilrooklngs, llend 1 O. McAllister, lildlaw 1 Jane McAllister, Laldlaw C Total 21 The bank expects to ship In two or three car loada more, but will try and get a cheaper grndo of ouuk cowa that can bo sold around $75. BROOKS BELIEVES KILL KILL BE STARTEOTHIS SUMMER (Continued from.pago ono.) --- - )eaA flmyi- of Aan Lnio a jciy(io r iiAoupfx. Kit liackvay iht oiheA clay, 7Ry! dt wo.4 jAocfc inp 0 Jee he aid, JiaiieAcd ice-Lox A he had, off of cltcln'i have nnyiiino. die af'd have a new ifjio-daie icC'-Loxi for a AaniiaAy, Tr cjtecxn Lce-Lox means a healthy family, 21$ VSould you a Aujjy ice Lox if you uere able to iuy a new one? Jlotforme, Haliu Johrx'A milk mwAt he pAoperly kept, Qn unsanitaAu ice Lax endanpcAA the health of the vhole family, , frood 6ye, Xou, 6, S, 2ou act the nxaAt AeaAonalle fiAiceA on ice lioxei, and the kind you can'i incl anyvhere cl&e, fAom & J(. Ju nompson Whore Your Dollar Doca Ita Duty. In thla romitctloii Dr. 1 1 rook a called attention to the fnet that the proposed tariff chaiifjoa placing lum ber 011 tho free list, while affecting American lumber mmiufaeturlng heavily, would have no etTeet locally, an the Deschutes pine has no direct couiK)Htlon from lumber from Can nda, no audi plno existing thoro. Klerlrlrnl Deielopinent Hlgiilflrmit. A mattor of Intorest dovolopod In talking with Mr. Muollor and othom la that nil aro agreed that tho largo mills will bo oporated hy electricity. Mr. Mueller stated that their own, when constructed, would use elec tricity. It la pointed out that tho recont very heavy Investments of the llend Water, Light & Power Com pany hnvo much significance; K. H. Miller of that organization hna given llend n plant capable of developing enough power lo supply a town many times tho alzo of llend. Therefore thn supposition that In making his Investments he was assured on an Immediate market seem well found ed. Will Mueller, or tho Mueller Land tc Timber Company of Davcnixirt. Iowa, one-third owners of tho llend Company and extensive holders of Central Oregon tlmter, spoke on be half of hla company. Will Mill Here. "Tho Mueller Interests will mill at llend. That you can stale osltlvo ly," aald Mr. Mueller. "I am aorry that I cannot say Juat now exactly when our oteratlona will commence. but you may real assured that we will commence Just as soon as wo possibly can. The only present causes of delay nro the rather tight money market and the fact that our financial resources have leen heavily drained by large Investments and de velopment elsewhere." Mr. Mueller reviewed the local lumbering situation, and spoke opti mistically not only of the great futuro that Ilea In atoro for the Deahcutca tlmbor bolt, but also had a lot of good things to aay about llend, con cerning whose future he seems to Ikj even more enthusiastic than the most ardent local boostcni. Mr. Mueller, together with D. L. McKay, had much to say comparing the situation of the local timber with that of La Grande and Ilaker City territory. They were agreed that the Deschutes plno ran be placed on the cam as a finished product for probably about $3.00 a thousand less than Is tho case In far Eastern Oregon and Idaho, and at that Hend mlttod lumber will have a higher commercial value, aa It will he of better grade. According to Mr. Mc Kay logs are brought to Ia Grande from a distance of more than 3S miles. Investment Justified. "In other words." said Mr. Muel lor, "every Indication today Justifies our Investments of seven to ten years ago In Deschutes timber. We are entirely satisfied. The recent reduc tion In freight rates, while not yet entirely satisfactory, on tho main places us In a position to competo protltably with competitors In the big mlddlo western and southwestern marketa. For Instance, wo are only ono rent hlghor than tho linker and Spokane points. Hut even at that an eastern Tallroad la an Important factor, and ono that will aid llend lumber manufacturing immensely. Such a road would not only supply a direct oastcrn outlet, but especially would develop n large market close to us, and such a market Is almost essential, for the poor grades of lumber, of which thero la a tremen doua output In a largo mill such as oura will be, canuot atand transpor tation charges on very long hauls, and must be aold comparatively closo." Mr. Munllor stated that tho finan cial outlook all over tho country la very encouraging. The tariff ne considers will effect tho far west practically not at all, and, for that ntattor, will affect tho country nt to the mlddlo and southwest. We havo partly arranged with Tho llend Company for u satisfactory mlllslte." It will bo remembered that Inst Juno Dr. Ilrooks said that "unless very unfursoen conditions arise, con struction of our mill will 'commence within IS months." That cousorva tlvo statement now seems quite sure ly about to be llvud up to. Tho statement of Dr. , 11 rook a printed above was submitted to him for n proval. and ao la nuthoratlvo; and It should bo romeuihercd that of all tho big tlmbermuu In the country, j largo very little. 110110 benra n roputatton for Baying Tariff Talk Idle, less mid doing inoru than doea Dr. j "In my opinion most of the tariff Hrooka. Hero, mid else win re, ho talk la purely manufactured to ob- hus always fought shy of saying any- tain selfish ends." b cnnUnued. thing, or Intimating anything, that "Wilson and hla ndmlnlstratlon'aro ho might ho uunblo to fulfill to tho nil right and I'm a good Hopubll- loiter, especially where others' oc- can, too! Yes, Just at present, as I tlona would dopond lurgely upon hla anld before, money la a llttlo tight. own. 1 nut tho crop outlook la excellent. Freight Ilutit llcdured. Automobtlo factories nro working In regard to tho freUht rates, It ovortlmo: Just across tho river from' will be rucallod that on March 2 1 the us nt D&vonport la Mollno. mid tho revised tariff wtnt Into ofTeot. giving farm machinery plants thoro nro Doml-mnmifnctured lumber prolltablo swamped with orders. In other access to mlddlo and southwestern words,, thoro you have n luxurv marketa, on n basla only ono cent nutomoblles nnd a necessity, llko hlghor than that of Ilaker City. This farm Implements, and both aro In reduction was tho result of a long remnrkahle demand. Could thero bo fight mndo by Deschutes timber hold- bettor testimony to the real prosper- era, and, so rar as transportation Ity or the countryr ino lumner om cost Is coucornod, places llend inami- look la also vorv bright. Our own fncturem In exactly the uaino post- yards In Iown and Illinois are doing tlon thoy would ocoupy should thero well, nnd there fa every Indication of be a direct onatern rail outlet from .nn excellent demand for at least a hero, or as If liend -rraa situated on couplo or years. So wo, and our the Columbia river, Instead or somo associates intoreated In llend tlmbor, 1110 miles south of It on what U now aro reasonably assured of good njar- a branch railroad. Other freight re- kets when we gel our mill started." ductlona which have been accom- .Tho holdu,ga,jof the. Mueller Infr pllahed by the u rook a. Muellers and esta In Centra! Oregon comprise TpHE FACT that everyone finds our shoe section the best and most complete is an advantage to you. For your children's shoes for summer you'll want our FOOT CULTURE SHOES. In Sizes 5 to 8... $J.60, $1.75 In Sizes 8J to 12.. $ 1 .90, $2.00 Our Special Ranch Shoes, all leather, great val. $ 1 .90, $2.25 We have many other values that'll surprise you. If you want Quality, Style and Fit4 in shoes, go to Mannheimer's Walk-Over Shoes Star Brand Shoes HIGHEST IN QUALITY LOWEST IN PRICE about 25,000 acres, nearly all of which Is within 13 miles or Bend. C. L. McKay la the local representative of tho Muellers. D. K. Hunter Optimistic. D. E. Hunter, of tne D. R. Hunter Realty Company of Dayton, Ohio, one third ownem of Tho Rend Company, expresses absolute faith In mill con struction this year "unless some un foroecn and heavy financial disturb ance prevents." He adds that for some time he has known, as have the other members of the organization, that all plans were completed for mill construction, and that the only cause of delay has been an unsatis factory financial situation, which has made difficult Investment of more. than half a million dollars, which would be the Initial outlay on a mill' here, such as la planned by either the Ilrooks or Mueller Interests. "Once the mill starts nothing can atop llend." said Mr. Hunter. "I never was more certain that llend will make a big city than I am today." Tho officers elected are as follows: President, D. F. Hrooka; vlce-prca., C. M. McKay; treas.. D. E. Hunter; sec and general manager, J. P. Keyca. Hoard or directors: D. F. Ilrooks, II. W. GIpBon, D. H. Hunter. A. O. Hunter. Ed. C. Mueller. D. L. McKay and C. M. McKay. The ex ecutive committee la composed or C M. McKay, J. P. Koyes and D. E. Hunter. Fisherman's Lunch Put up neatly in boxes that are light and' easily carried. individual; LUNCHES 25c or 50c fEfc yVAPrl v --- S7AVSsfl " HM BSSl7lWAsV3 fir r K?3l mi NHLI Till will l1 ;mk I h--Ai ' ',;v JJ LET'S START NEXT WEEK RIGHT. OUR MODERN WASH TUB. PATENT WRINGER AND OTHER WASH-DAY NECESSITIES. LIGHTEN THE BURDENS OF BLUE MONDAY. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER SHOULD COME TO OUR STORE AND LOOK AT OUR LINE OF WASH-DAY THINGS. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER- WE'LL FEEL BETTER. AND THE DRUDGERIES OF WASH-DAY WILL BE CHANGED TO PLEASURES. WE SELL, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. fJnl it i II w i i ti i!jy We will give a $5 casting: rod for tho largest trout caught this seaso. Skuse Hardware Company. We Repair-Otitis of AUKluds, "