The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 11, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    wrff -4 nUWn.
VAan A.
TnK nnvn nur.T.KTiN, nntfn, Wednesday, ii'NK it, loin.
' J. A. Hllsa of Lako was In Ucnd
list Friday. '
. J. J. Stephen was down from Ln
IJlno Inst woelt.
' Earl Austin of Orescent was In
town lust wook.
Tho Urldgo Club meets this week
with Mrs. Faulkner.
Fred Ilosoll wob here Sunday.
coming tip from Hedmojid.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I Whlto of Fife
were In town on Saturday.
IlornT to Mr. and Mrs. Wlltlam
Coiujttook, on Juno G. n girl.
V. a Cecil and H. C. Cecil of
Riley wore In town last weok.
Chester Gotlow la In town, and is
nctlng ns nlnnlst at the Rend Theater.
"11111" Urock, a jvolt known old
tlntor. has recently returned to ltond.
The V. C. T. U. will meet Thurs
day with Mrs. Ford at 2:30 o'clock.
Tho grndlug on Wall Street Is prac
tically completed as far as Or agon
"Excavation for a basement Is going
on on the Mutxlg lot on Oregon
Btreet. -
Regular services will ho held at
tho Cothollc Church next Sunday;
Guy Martin, Jim Lano and Lloyd
Maxell of Stiver Lako were In town
Inst week.
Members of tho Deschutes survey
party are working on tho river near
town today. ,,
''John CrampHton, George L. Autt
nnd Ben II. Cutter ot Fort Rock were
In town last week.
tA now cement sidewalk' Is being
laid 'in front of the Hotel Wright on
Greenwood Avcnuo.
; Last Friday a girl baby was lorn
to Mr. and 'Mrs. Comstock, who llvo
In Center Addition.
' Tho Itend Hotel Is refurnishing Its
rooms and making a numler of Im
provements. Jones & Reusharr are
ropapcrlng, tljp rooms. rt t ,
V. Schrcdor returned from Daven
port, Wash., Sunday, nnd has gono
out to his Hamilton homestead,
Mrs. J. C. Morson, Mr. and Mrs.
Kv It. Hilt and H. It. Riley came
down from La Hue on Saturday.
Jullcsson has sold out his
Interest In tho tlrm of llllllard, Olbb
and Jullesscn and returned to Port
land. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. A.NM.
Lara gave n dinner lor Mr. nnd Mrs.
It. Catlln nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Linn
of Salem.
Miss Winifred Klyon returned last
Wednesday night from hor vacation
trip spont In Eastern Washington nnd
In Portland.
C. 11. McConnell, a lending rancher
of the Hums country, was hero Inst
Thursday, returning to his homo
from Portland.
Deputy Gamo Warden Shrlner left
Sunday for Crescent to bring down
nsh spawn to bo shipped to tho Hon-
ncvtllo hatchery.
Rev. K. C. Nowhnm has recovered
from his recent Illness nnd will eon
duct services nt tho Methodist church
next Sunday ns usual.
L. D. Fox. the nuto driver, nne"
Gonevlevo Geor wont to Lakovlew
last week ind were married, return
ing to Ucnd Wednesday.
On Friday the 20th. the Presby
terian Ladles Guild will give nn ice
cream nnd strawberry social on the
Ford lawn. Everybody Invited.
Mrs. G. V. Shrlner nnd Mrs. II. G.
Fnrrls left Sunday for Portland, go
ing down as delegates from tho local
lodgo to the Eastern star convention.
The Skuse.'llardware Company Is
making alterations In the shelving In
tho front of Its store to tnko caro of
a Inrge now stock of guns and rifles.
D. T. Hodges of the Pilot Ilutto
Hotel with his son John, J. S. Smith.
Myrtle Chapman and Mrs. Moycr left
on Monday for an outing nt Silver
Word has been received In Ucnd
that a boy was born to Mr. and Mm.
J. 'F. Arnold, formerly of Ucnd. on
Ma'y 10. '" They 'aro living now at
Offer to travellers the most comfortable
and modern rooms in Bend.
- .. Steam heat, baths,--hot and-cold-water,. .
"new furniture. " -
Beautiful location on the banks ot the
Deschutes River.
Free bus to and from depot.
Special Sunday Dinner served from 5:30
to 7: 30 P. M. Plates 50 cents.
Spend Sunday afternoon on our green
lawns and cool verandah watching the clouds,
the river and the mountains. Then step in to
Tho annual school meeting occurs
next Monday nt 4 p, m. A director
nnd clork nro to bo olectod. 11. J,
Overture Is tho director whoso term
F. A. Hand of McMlnnvlllo hnn
taken n position with tho Patterson
Drug Company. Mr. Hand tins re
cently been Instructor In tho school
of pharmacy nt Uorvnllls.
J. W. Gouohor, n Jowelor of Btltes,
Idnho, arrived In llend Inst week
with n view to loontlng. Owing to
sclatlo rheumatism hu Is seeking n
higher nnd drier climate than Stlto
The fow who came up from Red
mond Sunday oxoeessed groat lORret
that tho baseball game had boon
called off. They said moro than ftO
Hodmondltes had planned to coinu
hero with their team.
J. W. (lonelier, formerly of Stltes,
Idaho, has routed the middle store
In the new Ktirmott building on Uond
street nnd will open ft Jowelrystoro
thotc about July 1. Mr. Gouohor
nrtlvod lu Mend last weok nnd will
l Joined by his wlfo and dnughtor
Tho Knights of Phythlns last Wed
nesday evening elected tho following
odlcora to serve during the next
nunrtor: Chancellor commnndor.
ltnlph Hartlctt; vice chancellor, O.
A. Thorson: prelate. J. E. Engebrot
son; master of work, Howard Pal
mer; master at arms, Martin H.
Lund Damage ik Well hn Construc
tion Included Work to lie l-'ln-MkM
by Middle tif July.
HetnlN of May Report.
That tho sewer work Is progress
ing finely and will bo finished within
the estimate was tho sulwtnnco ot
tho report made by Engineer Koon
to the city council on Friday von
lug. lunsmuch ns this statement
coors not only the actual cost of
construction but also Innd damages
which may have In bo paid It should
bo very gratifying nofcs to tho tax
payers of tho clt).
At the tlmo ot making this state
ment Mr. Koon also presented the
formal report of tho construction
work to June 1. This shows 1700
feet of sewer completed while pipe
Advertisement liiHcrtcil under this
heading at the rc of uc cent n
won! for cucli Insertion. Discount on
extended Insertions;. Charge me
payable In sdinncc except for adtcr
Users having regular account ulih
The Ilultrlln. All paid advcrtlM
inentt will lie potted in The Bulletin
oillcc at the time of receipt.
For Kent.
W. D. CURSEY, Prop.
Hotel Oregon
Newly Furnished
Clean Beds 50cts
Meals - - - 25cts
Home Cooking
t . 7 r ; tA '
FOR RENT Cabin near llend Co.
mill. Inqulro at Ilulletin office. 13tf
FOR HUNT Furnished room In
modern house, private family. Mrs.
A. M. Lara. 10tf
FOR RENT Furnished cabin $5
a month. W. II. Lesh, lot 11, blk IS,
Center Addition. 12tf
FOR RENT G-room houso with
light, water and sanitary convuul-
oncos. see u. M. amitu.
FOR RENT Three furnished
rooms suitable for light housekeep
ing, closo In. , Call or tolcphono tho
ltoyd meat market. 14
FOR RENT Threo comfortshlo
rooms centrally looated. Suitable for
family. Running water and electric
lights. Very moderate. Inqulro at
Uulletln office. Stf
Mllllcan's, Flvo dollars reward for
Information that will lend to recovory
of same. K. J. Moore llend, Or. ItJp
1 .i . ..N . -,
.SK lonten of frcdi breail for UTc,
lontr of htnlo biead for 10c, chick
en bread .10c a Mirk. .Auicrlrnn link
ery, Wall Street. New torf. Ail Htf
For Sale.
FOR RENT -Urge store, modern
front. Good location. Apply to Post
mastcr. u'ASTHn Man and wlfo want
work on ranch or In mill. Inqulro ati"' "end Co. Mill
FOR SALE Two good milk cows.
Inqulro of P. II. Dcncor. 13.
FOR SALE Prcmo camera, 34
by tYi, complete Call at Ellto 8tu
dlo. 10tf
FOR BALE Cabbage plants, 35c
per hundred. M. F. Hawthorn, on II
C. Ellis' ranch. 13tf
FOR SALE Small slxo Westing-
houso electric fan, IS. Telephone E.
A. Cast, Deschutes. 13-15
FOR SALE The Altamont Hotel
building and furniture, all new and
first class. J. A. East us. 4tf
FOR SALE At a bargain. Empire
Cream Separator. Almost new.
Grover O. (Jerking, Laldlaw, 16p
FOR SALE-FIve dozen folding
camp chairs, 60c each, less thaa half
price. Apply at Star Theatre. Up
FOR HALE Haled clovor hay at
Anderson brothers' ranah three miles
from Laldlaw on Tumalo road. Telo
phone. 10tf
FOR SALE Good team, weight
1300 caohr 7 and 9 years old. Also
wagon uiul harness. Seo T. Elleff,
Uulletln Offlco. 13-np FOR SALE Lots 12-13, block ft,
WANTED Dress mak Ing and , Wlestorla, or would trado for 8o-
laundry work. Drop card to Mrs.,nttlo or Fort George proporty. A.
Perry Randoll. - IBp. A. Ryer. Hogo Rldg. 8oattle. 17p
WANTED Gas engine wood sawj FOR 8ALFJ Rough lumhor. nt
to cut about eight cords of wood to'Andorson brothors' sawmill half way
16 Inch length at rosldenco. G. I between llend and Laldlaw, on old
Putnam. Tumalo road. Reasonable prices. lOtf
WANTED Offers for lots No. 1- FOR SALE Ono aore, 2 two-room
2-3-L block 16, Kenwood addition, houses, barn, woodshed, wntor. Closo
llend. Oregon. Carrie Dana, 3Zii'" m sircei. siuoo, ssou uown,
31th Ave. W., Soattlo Wash, 18p
To Exchnngf.
WE HAVE Portland property to
exchange fof Rend real estate. llend
Realty & Investment Co., S22 Cham
ber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. 4tf
LoMt nnd Found.
LOST A desk chair scat In or
near Rend. Flndor pleaso return to
Uulletln oinoe,
bal. monthly. Jonos & Ronshaw. 7tf
hour, ono yoar old, weight about 330
pounds. Ed Halvorson, llend. Stf
FOR SALE We deliver to any
part of the city. Uond Grocory,
where the sun rises. 1 blk oast of de
pot. Olf
FOR SALE-30 acres Irrigated
land In Laldlaw district, partly Im
proved, 2100. Address A-04, caro
Uulletln. Btfbcp
WE STILL hnvo a largo quantity
or clover nnd timothy hay on hand at
On Saturday, Juno 14th, will bo produced
Millionaire Cowboy
Ono of tho most tlirllllnirs)oclnclo!i over produced In ni'ivinir plot tiros
ON WEDNESDAY, Jl'NK 18ili, will ho produced
Lntoat nnd most Intorentliitf plcturo i Iny over pretcnted to tho public
has been laid ns follows. X Inch,
S070 feet. 10 Inrti, 375 feet; U
Inch, 2307 feet, and 10 Inch, U. 12.
Tho onrth excavation now totals 3071
feet and took AIDS. 18 manholes
hnvo been completed, ono lampliolo
and two flushtnuks.
During tho month of May thoro
wore 72 men mplnud on nn averngo
and Iho average, wage wns 30 cents
per hour. Tho total of nxpetidltures
to Juno I was SI07G.3? of which
113,443.6.1 represents completed
work and $tr3I.7l material on hand.
No ttork has been doint on tho out
fall sower but work on the remainder
of tho system Is moro than four-rUths
completed and will probably bo all
finished about July lu,
new iir.vmn iw.
Last Tuesday tho now hunting
license law wont Into effect. No
person Is now permitted to carry a
gun or rlllo for hunting without u
hunting license and no child under 1 1
roars of ago Is permitted to hunt or
carry n gun.
Tho good crop smllo Is sproad-
- Ing throughout Central Oregon.
thanks to the line rains thnt fell
- riuudn) and Mnnday. At Uond
moro than half sn Inch of rain.
- gently distributed over about 21
" hours, fell, and reports from
- Powell Huttex, tho Hampton
country, Crencent, Hirers and
- the dry grain land districts In
northern Crook oounty Indicate
that Its beneficial effects aro
- widespread.
Ths Spirit el Lev.
Vnu will tlnd nn f smo: hark upon
your life tbnl the umiiieiitu Mint tsiU
out adore -vryitinm H niv Hi iiio
nients when yim iinv- d'un Ibhiiw in a
spirit of lorw lleiir) liruiiiiixiiKl
DUpritch Is the mmii of ImuIiim., and
autliliut futitrlhiitf innri to iiati'0
than uirthod Mint CliMiortlWd
The library has recent I riilu-d
two gins or iiookh, one in meiuorv of
Enrl McC'luro and the other from
Mis. J. o. Johnson. Tho titles uto
as follows:
III memory of Karl MoCltire.
HJornson, llJoriiHtJerup, I'UIiit
Maiden; Preying, (lustav, Ingo,
tlolche. Wolfgurg Von, Elective Allln
llles; Jokul, Mauris, Poor Plutoerals,
Korao, Matilda, litid of ('ockuyiio,
Kiidermann, The Cats llrldge; Tol
stoy, Leo, Tho Cossacks; Turgeulv,
Ivan, Fathers nnd Hone; Valero,
Juan, Peplln JlmeiieJ.
From Mrs. J. O. Johnson.
Adams, Digging off the Top; Alr
llensou, Arthur. Ten Nights In n llnr
Itootit; llarou Munchausen; lloiisuu,
llsynrd'a Courier; Holes, tho llonif
steaders; Doyle, Tales of Sherlock
Holmes; Emerson, iho llulldem,
Forman, Jssnn; dale. Romance Is
land; lUrraden, Things Will Take a
Turn; Howott, Stooping Lady, Mor
ton, Tho Hdgn or Hsinrd; HoiirIi,
Story Of tho Outlaw; Klnknld. Man
of Yesterday; Knapp. Well In tlm
Desert; livtrj Handy Andy, U
Qiioiix. Cloned- Honk; ManuorlNK,
Little Maid of OxImiw. Mason. Four
Feathers: Meade, Palace
Sweet GUI Graduate. World of Girls.
Oppenholm, The Poor nnd the
Woman; Itlee. Old Jim Case: Itsn,
Flowor of I'raHro; HI hi ins. Tb
Yensssoi Vanee, lllaek Hag; Whli,
Tho Slave of Hlloncu; Wlhgtman, Thn
likt Kgrptlna.
Nou Fiction. Ilomons, J. E., Self
Propollod Vehlelos; Ulley. Capl,
James, What Ho Saw In Darken
IIDRNH, Juno 0. Sam Mothers
head Is now receiver of the United
States 1-and Office here, having sue
ceeded Frank Davey In the office,
Mnthershead Is also mayor of Hum.
Miss Mamie Wlntors, democratic ap
pointee, will soon succeed J. K. Mg-
gan to the postmastorshlp, or,
rsther, postmistress ship.
We bavo just received a beautiful lino of
and COLLAR STOCKS for tho Ladies.
This is a nice assortment.
And don't forget our Dry Goods
nnd Groceries which wc nre sell
ing nt "Hard Times" prices.
E. A. Sather
O-l-iii'Sll I"r (on nt the ranch. Haled lu
LOST-Elgln watch, 15 Jewel.. ;"' B'n8J,- Star Ranch Co., Tumalo
iror enso. Reward for return to tho urcson 10tr
Hullotln offlce. 12-16p
STRhYED May 31st, ono sorrel
horso with halter and rope, branded
J 8 on loft hip. Flndor leavu at Auno
barn for roward. 13-lCp
LOST Hay driving maro. wt 900.
branded W on right stifle. Red wob
halter on. Last seen going toward
Redmond. Reward. Flndor notlfy
Cloverleaf dairy at Rend. 13-1-lp
STRAYED Ono chestnut sorrel
mare, branded with horseshoe and nn
H on left shoulder. Csme to my
place about tho 26th of May. A. W.
Wlllard, 14 miles east of Uond, on
Hear Creek road. 3tp
L08T On May 25th, ono small,
light brown, muley-hoaded Jorsoy
cow, Ave years old, no brand. Was
80 ACRES -Irrigated Control Ore
gnn ditch Innd, deeded, Improved, 3
miles from railroad. Less than cost,
terms. Ed Markhom. D28 Chamber of
Commorco, Poitlnsd, Ore. lip
SEVENTY dollar kitchen range for
sale for $40. Is n six holo malleahlo
stool ruuge, usod only about six
weeks and la absolutely ns good ns
now. Boe Robert H. Oould. 12tf
FOR BALE First patent flour nt
11.26 sack, tomntoes 10 eta can,
homemade catsup 20 cts bottle, gran
ulated whlto sugar $5.40 por 100 Ilia.
Wo wont your business. Uond Gro
cory, 7th and Fir, oast of depot. 12tf
FOR SALE Four fine lots In
Park Addition In block 13. Wntor,
light and sldowalks; attractlvo
houses occupy adjoining proporty.
Some prices you pay for unlmprovod
giving two gallons of milk per day , lots far out. "Inquire "IJargaln", at
when she left home, 12 miles oast ofiOullolIn office. 2tf
Up-To-Date Furniture
Down-To-Date Prices.
Sotlnjr Is noHovlnjr. Call nnd Sco.
10 Cent Counter
and Sundries.
AH tho Necessary ArtlcleH for Camping Trips,
"Square DenI for Every Customer,"