Tint nic.vi) iiullktix, ijknd, wkdnk-hdav, junk u, 101.1, PAfJK, B. ! fr SEnLERS PUSS DEAUND LAND BOARD ACTION Urgo Tlmt Conlrmi, Whltli Tliey Allege Arn Unfulfilled, Jlo Citiicejleil, n ii il no Mure Tf Wnlfi' IIIkIiIn Hold. At n mooting of (ho Water Uso AHMoolntlon linlit nt Ittiiliiioml Hntur- lny resolutions wuro passed iloinninl lug action liy thn Desert Land Hoard i In tlio matter of iilli'K"l unfulfilled contracts of Ilia Central Oregon Irri- khUoii Company. AcconlliiK to not Hers who worn III iiltiiudntieo, tlio ( mooting was crowded mid onllinul imtlonlly endorsed tlio notion recorded In tlio resolution, which wnii signed hy 32 wnter users. According to tlio eltlors n determined fight to force tlio lam) hoard to mend cortnln nl luged nbusos In to ho commenced. Copies of tlio resolutions, with tlio HlKiinturc appended, have boon sent lo tho land ttoard, and othar copies 'ro being distributed throughout tho M'KroRntloii for tho signature of wcttlors In sympathy with tho do- '- ' ... ' .'All. J I JLl mauds and animations mado. Tho toxt of tho resolution la nn follows; "Resolved, that wo, tlio moinliorii of th n Co ut nil Oregon IrrlRatlon C'ompnny'H Witter Psora' Association diMiinnd that tho Desert Land llonnl forthwith compel tho 0, O. I. Co, In Imiilndlaloly proceed to fulfill ouch mid ovory mifuinilod contract with mild l.nnd Hoard to nicliilm limit tinilor ltd segregation, and If Maid 0. 0. I. Co. fall lo do no, to liniiuidlatuly forfolt nil wild contractu mid bonds. Wo furtlior doniand Hint tho mild Lund Hoard positively refuse to nl low said C, 0. I. Co. to hoII any moro wntor rlghln until mild con trnatH nrn completely fulflllod." TELL US OVER THE PHONE WHO I M does J Tb.n plll ntil wmIi'i wh Compr Our half wild tha otliar (.How's Thl LOW PRICKS, UmTDRSPRVICn Bend Steam Laundry. Cut Your Dudi In Our Suds" fr BOOTS AND TSHOESJ- We lwive n new stock of CHIPPEWA SHOES, LOGGERS and PACS. Also Eltokin Shoes fit $2.25 Moleskin Shoes at $2.00 Get a pair for that camping trip. NICE LINE OF STRAW HATS. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Uvcrythlng to Wear for Men Who Care V - While Ringing the Alarm is no lime to wonder if your insurance is all rigliL You sliould know now. Don't put it off for a day. Look up your policies. If you arc insured in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., you need not worry. For 100 years it has promptly paid every honest loss. The "Hartford" insures all classes of property. It also serves property owners by telling them how to guard against the dangers of fire. It has published a book on the subject.vith separate chapters for householders, merchants, and manufacturers, that will be sent free to those who apply for it. If you are not now insured in the "Hartford "see to it when next Joii" insure that you get a "Hartford" policy. M. S. LATTIN 3b CO., Agents BEND, OREGON fl !vt?T"i O'Vss if ml r iw 'mt99 ip, sJaStsfc ws PLEASE SMI EXPERT SAYS HAVE MANY CROPS ('own mill Hon, flood InvefctnioulM, mill Corn Will l';iy Too, tinyn ()-V. AKrlciilturulUt h. .M. Kos Iteplure WIImui. Well Drilling I nm In n position to give best possible terms to anyone who needs either nn artesian or a pump well. Speed In drilling is our specialty and any well . considered. Inquiries solicited P. A. GRABLER, Bend, Oregon !; ,vvvl It. II. Miller, trnltlc inanaRor of (ho 0-W. It. & S. Co., C. L. Smith, tho road'H aRrloulttirlat, and Ii. M. Kom, travolliiK frolKht iiuont. woro horo Inut Thnmilay. Mr. I'oim. who linn had frolKht dopartmont oxporlonco In tho mlddlo went, will tuko K. J. WIInoh'm plnco horo, nnd after July flrnl will fiiuko llciid IiIm homo, lirliiK Iiik IiIh family huru. I'rof. Hmlth Miiont n portion of Ills tlino look I iik oyer tho dairy cow Im ported hy tho Drat Nutlonul Hank, which woro IioIiik Hold nt tlio time of Ilia vlalt. "Thoy nro tho lct S cowh I linvo kooii Kathorod toficthur In cantorn OroKon," ho onlil, nddlnK tunny on- thiulaitlc romarkii concornlnK tho pronrrflolrcocni of tliouo roipotiBllito for thla apoclnl uld to local ttKrlcnl turnl dovolopmont. Ho anld that ho ha nlwaya nialntnlnod that tho moil profllJililo rcmilli In Control Oregon farmlnx will ho.olitnlncd from cow and hoK. Corn Will Vny. Uowover, "Farmer" Snilth'a ec- lal Interest Just now la tho produc tion of corn. Tho O-W. Company In Km corn Hhow content work haa 1U trlhutcd ton pound paokaRcs of c- looted corn lo thousand! of fnrmcra throughout tho Northwest this year. Tho last of these package wcro filron to locnl mon. 0. U. llrnndenhurK and O. A. Jones, hoth of whom will ralso It exactly TiccordlnK to M.r Smlth'H directions. Tho railroad nicrlculttir 1st warned aicalnst tho danccni of tho one crop farm, showing llto danger of putting "all your eggs In ono brisket." Ills urgent ndvlco Is to dlvldo tho risk ns much a possible havo sorcral dlfforout crops, so that drought, frost or boiuo special set back. If It comes, will cripple only one Itom of the farm's Incomo. Mr. Smith believes that corn will do very well horo, estieclally as a feeding crop, If thn grain does not innt nro. In connection with it ho called attention to tho following paragraph from his leaflet entitled "Pointers to Practical Farmcra:" Tho corn plant produces the larg est nieastiro of food per area of land and lalMir Involved of any plant, ox cept nlfalfn under Irrigation. The corn plant nlno utilises a heavy ap plication of barnyard manure inoro rcndlly than nny other plant. Pre sutnnlily tho farmer who makes live stock n loading factor In his system of farming will have nn abundance of barnyard manure to apply during th winter months io tho land that Is to bo planted to oorn tho follow ing Hormm. Tho plowing to tie done an onrl) ns tho charnctor of tho land will admit, nnd as doop ns the weight of the team will permit; harrowing and cultivating at Intervals of from live to seven days until tho mlddlo or last of .May, whloh will put the ground In good tilth and destroy must of tho weed needs present. Nothing Is to bo gained by planting corn too enrly. Tho ground should bo warm enough ho that tho corn would come up quickly und grow rapidly without nny chock. The stunted corn plant, like tho stunted pig, will sotdom mnko n profitable growth. From July until Decomher tho corn can bo fed green direct from tho Hold. Experience has demonstrated that tho silo Is the only safe and satis factory plnco to utoro fodder corn. Corn silage Is goon reed for pigs, cows, sheep, young growing stock or fattening steers. I INSPECTOR PRAISES UUNORY Ibil.lcl Calls Attention lo I,nv Itc- KnrdiiifC KuiployiiK-iit of Women. Wni. A. Dnlzlol, deputy labor com missioner, who was horo last week, hud many good things to say Hoard ing tho condition of locnl innnufnct urlnK plants. Ono about which ho was specially enthusiastic was tho IJcnd h tea in Iwiiindry. "I bollovo your laundry Is tho best equipped and tho most modern plant In Km lino of any In onstoin Orogon," said Mr. Dnlzlol after Inspecting J. IC, Lnrson's laundry In Its now brlok building. Mr. Dalzlol called attention to tho provisions of tho femnlo labor law, which prohibits omploymont of women for moro than ten hours In n day, or more than sixty hours In n week. Ho said certain violations of tho law woro found horo, but that ho look no action now, first giving warn ing to employers. Tho penalty Is a lino of from $2S to SI 00, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Summer School JUNE 23 AUaUST I, 1913 TWENTY-FIVE INSTKUCTORS-FIFTY COURSES DISTIN GUISHED EASTEUN EDUCATORS added to regular faculty. Univcrnlty Dormitories Open. Board nnd Room at $3.50 per week. Reduced Railroad Rates. For complete illustrated catalog, address THE REGISTRAR, University of Oregon, Eugene. Th. Dom.ttle economist. There lire other housewives who are ns calculating ns she who Is celebrated In the MiiiifliiMliT (lunnllnn. but not ninny of them huvo tho daring to carry off their frugality no triumphantly. An excellent Manchester lady fre quently Invites her friends to lea. but she does not furnish her table lavishly. When her guests have eaten ull the bread nnd butter and cookies and real ize that the men I Is over, sho lookn brightly nt the empty dishes. "Well, iioh'.m she says. In triumphant tones, "haven't I Judged your appetite exuetlyf" NOTICK OK CO.NTIvKT. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Ofllco. Tho Dalles, Oregon, Juno 7, 1913. To Horry A. Hossott of Ilend, Oregon, Contestco: You nro hereby notified that O. W. Hill, who gives Ilend, Oregon, as his liost-offlce address, did on May 2, 1913, file. In this office his duly cor roborated application to contest nnd sccuro tho cancellation of your home stood, Kntry No. Serial No. 07973, mado January IC, 1911, for N'4 NBU.SW'i NKH.NWU SE, Sec. 2, T. 20, 8. It. IC, K., 8Bi Sec tion 35, Township 19, S., Hange IC, IC. Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that said cntrymnn has never estab lished rcsidenco upon said land; that ho has never Improved or cultivated tho same. You aro. therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will be taken by this oIMco as having leen confessed by you, and your said entry will bo cancolcd thereunder without your Manor right to ho heard there in, cither before this ofllco or on ap peal,, If you fall to file In thla office within twenty days after tho FOUltTH publication or this notice, as shown bolow, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to theso allegations of con test, or If you fall within that limo to file In this offlco duo proof that you ha''o served a copy of your an swer on tho said contestant either in person or by registered mall. If thla sorvlco is made by tho delivery of a copy of your answor to tho con toitnnt In person, proof of such ser vice must bo either tho said contest ant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of tho oopy, showing tho datn of Its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom the dollvery was made stating when and whero the eopy was delivered: If mode by rgo Utorod mall, proof of such sorvlco must consist of tho nuldavlt of tho person by whom the copy was mailed stating when nnd tho postofflce to whloh It was mallei), and this affidav it must bo accompanied hy tho pout- master's receipt for the letter. You should state In your answor tho naino of the pM)!o(!lco to which you desire future notices to bo sent to you. 14-18 C. W. MOORE. Register. Date of first publication Juno 11, 1913. Dato of second publication June 18, 1913. Dato of third publication Juno 25, 1913. Date of fourth publication July 2, 1913. Sash and Doors We have now a full line of Sash nnd Doors in stock. Bring us your odd sizes. We meet coast prices. Doors $1.60, $1.75 and up Screen Doors and Windows. Let us figure with you. Bend Sash and Door Co. The Dairy Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED Dairy Butter full weight given in ounces nnd the name and nddress of the mnker. Do yours comply with the law? If not, have some printed that do. ' THE BEND BULLETIN H Bend's Modern Steam Laundry is Model of Up-to-date Efficiency "Tho hcBt equipped and moat nodoru laundry In Contra! Oregon ' 8 tho description of tho now plant if tho Horn! Steam Laundry given by Win. A, Dalzlol, Deputy Uibor com nlaslonor. Men of vvldor oxitorlenco. loeaUBQ tholr business takes them to laundries throughout tho Northwest, lay it la tho best plant of Its sice, In either Oregon or Washington. Tho nowly completed building of tho Hond Steam Laundry is a struc ture 40 by 50 foot In sUe mado of Dcnd-miinufncturod brick. It stands on a lot by Itself with windows on all tour sides, thoroby affording the maximum of light, air and sunshlno. The ofllco entrance Is on the south sldo and on the north la a wide door at which all work Is received from tho wagon. Tho Interior of the building Is ono lnrgo room around which nro sot up tne different machines used In the various processes. Standing by tho ofllco entrance tho visitor sees nt a glance tho entire plant nnd realizes how carefully It has boon plnnnod for otllclont utilization. In tho whole process, from tho time nn nrtlclo arrives at tho receiving door until It has completed Its eourso nnd reached tho door on Its way out to delivery Its direction Is always forward, novor turning back and never crossing tho path of another article. Tho equipment of tha plant In cludes washers, nn extractor which, revolving at the rato of 1600 revolu tions per minute, throws tho mols turo out of tho clothes In much tho same manner that n croam separator 1 throws off tho milk from the cream, tho big new Asher mangle for drying , ., -jfi and ironing flat work, tho starcher and Anally tho five Ironing boards wth electric irons for the hand work. Hot water and steam for the washing are provided by n 16-borse power bolter in a shed nt tho -rear, while power for driving the machines Is furnished by two motors. Tho cost of tho building and ma chinery was about $7S00, Bays J. Hdward Larson, proprietor. Shoos Bhlned at Georgo's barber shopJDregon street. 14p A rlasxlflctf ad In The Ilulletln is rend by hundreds and Brings the ad vertiser good returns for the money Invested. DAILY TRAIN SCHEDULE. Joint Oregon Trunk-Dcschutea Line. Arrival ....8115 P. M. Departure . . . 6H5 A.-M. Sand and Gravel Plastering . Sand. Concrete Sand. Roofing Gravel. Concrete Gravel..' Road Material. . Sidewalk Material. All Material Washed nnd Screened, ' i ' - ...-. ii..- fim m Bolton, ftuetenik and May Bend, Oregon "f '". V r v l3& ' "iWKIC