w .'r?M9 rAGK 4. TIIK nKND 11ULLKTLV, tlKND, WKINK1A JUNK 11, 10M. THE BEND BULLETIN GEOUqH PALMER PUTNAM Editor nnd Publisher. U. N. IIOKKMAN Managing Editor. 110UBRT V. SAWYER ABsoclnto Editor. An Imloncndont newspaper stnnd Ing for tho square deal, clean busi ness, clean politics nnd tho best lu ercsts of ltend nnd Central Oregon. Uno year $1.50 Hlx mouths SO Thrco months .50 wMl subscriptions nro duo and PAYAIILK IN ADVANCE. Notice nf oxtilrnllon will bo mailed subscrl bcra nnd If renewal Is not made with in reasonable tliuo tho paper will no discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to ro celvo tho paper regularly. Make nil checks and ordors pay nblo to Pond Bulletin. The Hullctln hns lieen designated by tho County Court of Cnxik Oumty to publish olllcliilly nil the proceed Iiirn of tho court. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11. 1913. THE COLUMniA SOUTHERN. ,.Tho bombnholl that burst In the midst of tho plans for the completion of the old Columbia Southern project was, jve suspect, chiefly loaded with gas. At least, we. together with every Oregonlan who desires a square deal for tho Laldlaw settlers and n speedy development of tho state as n whole, sincerely hope so. Put vaporous as were tho bomb's contents it is n poisonous gas so charged with secret spite and pettiness that Its stench Is disgusting. Mr. McMahon's contentions that the utilisation of tho funds, placed at the disposal of the project by tho legislature, is purely for a looal benefit, seem Ulfouuded. How bet ter could a stato spend money If tho cash actually were being Invested permaueutly, which It Is not than In aiding tho development ofa great project that must bring prosperity to a considerable body of Its citizens? How better than In finally erasing tho blot of shame that has so long darkened this special phaso of Ore gon's irrigation history? How hot ter thuu by finally acknowledging Oregon's responsibility to Its settlers, and undoing tho Injustice that has been done them? And, esieclHlly, how better can money, thought and time be expended, than in success fully adopting a course of broad, far Blghtttd develop:unt that must moan a revolution In reclamation matters in the Pacific Northwest, renew a faltering confidence In Irrigation enterprises and set an example that will place Oregon In the front rank of western states actually working for tlNs good of their settlers, and of fering those settlers real opiwrtuHl ties? Even If these questions could be answered, Is not the very backbone of the MeMahon complaint hrokon at one stroke by the bare statement of the true fluanclal faots? His conten tion, It appears to a layman, is chiefly based on the assumption that the state Is pndiiiK money for the upeolal benefit of a special district. Hut the facts of the matter are that the stato is p;rinuneiitly spending no money at all. Oregon la simply lending the funds to the segregation; every dollar advanced Is amply se cured; every dollar draws Interest, thus actually creating profit for the state; every dollar will return to tho treasury. How oould Oregon's funds be better utilized? .Mr. MeMahon may have the best 'Intentions In the world. There actually may exist some reasonable and honest excuse for this eleventh hour attempt to hold up the Land Board lu its effort to bring the long and dlsgracoful Columbia Southern history to a huppy conclusion. Put If so, we aro unable to discern It. And If all this fuss and feathers is fathered by political ambition, If, perhaps, the sudden ory for economy gomoB front throats simply desirous At oinbaiasbing the Governor and members of tho Land Hoard, let us slucei ely hope that tho dirty work, if such It be. prove a boomerang fatal to the political aspirations and public icbpiict of those responsible. rccommondntton to honors nt tho hands of President Wilson, Mr. Springer stands n splendid chnnco of high political reward, tor never wns there such n persistent nnd volumi nous author ns ho. It is nu open secret thnt Crook County's Judgo nsptrcs to occupy tho circuit bench; but why stop thore? Does not his literary work wnrrnnt greater recog nition? Put that brings upon n painful commentary. Last week thnt cxcollcnt letter written by Mr. Springer nnd sent to most of tho papers In tho county, was published by hut three ofthein; Buroly thnt shows n distressing Inck of editorial appreciation. And tho most humor ous part Is thnt Tho Hullctln, which wns ono of tho papers thnt pub lished tho letter, was tho ono paper to which Mr. Springer carefully did not mnll a copy of tho communication. CO-OPERATION. K. R. Hill, president of the La Pine Commerclnl Club, Bays: "Wo nre going after publicity of tho proper sort nnd every othor thing that con benefit our country, not for getting thnt 'our country' Is large, that wo have- neighbors whose Inter ests are identical with ours In ninny respects. Wo want tho co-oporntlon of The Hullctln nnu tho citizens of Pcnd generally nnd trust that our relations mny be tho friendliest nnd thnt our efforts will result In good to all." That, gentlemen of La Pine, is the proper spirit. Pond's Interests truly ore Identical with yours, nnd Tho Hullctln nnd tho people of Pond stand ready to aid you ns best wu can, With n ucholnr In tho presidents chair, the dny of political recogni tion of lltornry ability noonin to bo dawning. Witness tho nppolntmnnt of Wnlter 11. Pngo to tho Court of St. Jnmes, ThomnB Nelson Pngo to Italy's nmbnssndorshlp, muP Morldlth Nicholson ulllclnlly slated for somo diplomatic plum. Wo seem to bo returning to tho rnro old duys when tho United 8tntea wns represented uhrond by such men us .tames Rub soil Lowell. Washington IrvlnR nnd Penjnmlu Krnnkllu, Tho endorsement thnt County Judge Wordon nf Klnmnth County re ceived In tho recont recall vote dem onstrates thnt tho taxpayers wnnt progressive administrations nnd good rond building, even If tho lattor costs much. Conversely, It mny bo tnkou as an Instructive Indication thnt odlclals who carp ngnlust good roads movements may expect llttlo sup port nnd perhnps thnt shoe fits a foot close to home. In his letter setting forth tho qunllflcntlons of n school voter, Sup erintendent Myers solemnly assorts that "lu iv family consisting of n limn nnd wlfo tho man Is considered tho hend of the family." Perhaps Mr. Myors knows what ho Is talking about, but we can't help wondering If ho himself is married. It nt least sounds as If ho wnsn t. W- it -. L ,ca KX 3H c0,ust7 Of jrljkt 17 br 0ml AtrtnttUt C., CSj June 11, : 1913 Dear Friend: Tea is good if you get good tea. You can get good tea at our grocery store. Good tea makes you feel good when you are tired. When you buy your tea at our store you get good tea at a moderate price, and the whole family likes it. Come and try our tea. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. Our store is McCUISTON'S GROCERY BEND WINS TENNIS TOURNEY Three of Four Mntche With Itcd inond go to locnl Player. In the tennis tournament held bore Sunday with Redmond tho local players canto off victors, winning three of tho four matches played. Although tho rnlns enmo nt noon, tho morning was cxcellont for play ing, tho two courts were In good shape, and visitors and homo mon found much enjoyment lu what Is expected to bo tho first of many matches. lit doubles, J. P. Koycs and W, R. Sproat for Pond, defeated J. Parr and W. S. Rodman, C-3, C-4. Donald May nnd (3. P. Putnnm won from J. A. Moore nnd J. V. Hosch, 0-6, 7-5. C-3. In singles Kcyes defented Hosch, G-2.C-3, nnd Moore wou from Putnam, 7-D. G-l. Tht Redmond tennis entbuslnsts sny thnt thoy will liulld two good courts nt Redmond Immediately, and the local men hnvo agreed to gu there for matches on July Ith. Pcnd players nro trying to nrrango a tour nament with Hood Riser, and, prob ably Iq Soptcmbor, n free-for-all tournament will be held here. In which handsomo Cutis will be offered far tho singles and doubles winners. It Is expected tliHt such a tournament would prove of general Interest, nnd probably bring players from outside points ns well as from Crook county towns. REDMOND CKLItllH.VritH FOURTH. RHDMOND, June 0. Last week Redmond business mon wont to Prlnevtllo and ns a result of their efforts the county seat town has con sented to coll off Its Fourth of July celebration nnd Instead to Join lu with Redmond. A largo dolngatlon Is expected over from Prlnevllle, nnd ns Pond and othor towns are plan ning no celebration, It Is expected Shingles Mouldings LUMBER CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. : : To confound tho sublime with the ,rldIoulouB, wo. wonder If the current political recognition of writers see llfc nt Mnnj.M, .1 l..1.t.n,l.. annnlnt- 1181 i, IPbCU, Ulituiumiv .f'w,- tnntH ,lniHn't tint )ipart In our county Judge. Surely If writing le a l thnt tho olnliornto prngrnm that Is being planned hero will ho noon nnd Joined In by n record crowd, You will Itavo no Irrltnlod fnco If you hnvo your shaving dono nt In noH ft Davidson's bnrhor shop. Adv. Hot rolls mill lutwl nt tlio Ainr-rl-mil Itakri-y every nftn-nooii nt n oVlork, New Mnrmin Wnll street, Hltf litVOUR OPPORTUNITY Hos in pur- I chasing land that, will incroaso in Lvalue No investment on earth is so safe, so sure, so certain to enrich its owner, ns un dovolopod real estate.'1--Grover Clovoland. RIVERSIDE AND LYTLE ADDITIONS ARE BETTER YET tt Because they ARE developed. Close in and located to the best, advantage, being close to the river and the railroad. There is no question as to the increase in value. That will come as tho town grows. No investment could be safer, surer, or raoro certain to prove profitable to tho buyer. , '. Bend Park Company 15.1 Empire Jhiildiug, Seattle, WilsIi. First National Dank lluilding, Haul, Oregon. Descriptive literature on Hend and Central Oregon mailed upon request. 11 J f UiaHi'' ttiBj I "" I I aaa oaaaaaaaaaM BeaaaawBBaal I .Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav " m imMiHsj -gp-ggj r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Most roofing guarantees arc a joke. Experience teaches the longer a roofing is guaranteed to last, the poorer it is. Manufacturers inexperienced in making roofings without knowledge as to their dependability without responsibility as to their own financial standing, will very often guarantee their roofing for any number of years simply to get the order. The roofing generally fails and so docs the firm that makes it and they never live to make good their guarantee. Malthoid Roofing is made to make good and while its manufacturers guarantee it, their guarantee is unnecessary because the roofing in itself is sufficient to do all that is claimed for it. For twenty-six years, the makers of Malthoid Roofing have made and guaranteed their roofing and not one single purchaser can ever say that this Company has failed to make good a guarantee. You can depend upon the responsibility of the makers of Malthoid Roofing. and you will never have to bother about guarantees if you use Malthoid Roofing. It's free MIL A Mw 4 ttloW. touk m U "C.r. of Hooting." N.euit,rk,l IMirrW 11 bM i vktllo4.( MkltM4, lbilt.nl oill r.ihlf riu uwbnur citiol 11. Klllf Hade by the Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco and Everywhere Skuse Hardware Co. Bend, Oregon