It, tow&wiEwswnwMwnTC aWiili-WMfflmLg"? . 3. ....- JS-" -p r-MMfUMm mmiiiM f 'li'ftMMiMHiVMMPi PAOR 2. TIIR !IKN1 MVMiKTIK, JJKND, WKIt&SIMY, Jl'NU 1 111 til. "' ''- ' ' 11 WHAT'S HAPPENING AT THE COUNTY SEAT. SHERIFF ELKINS SETS FORTH TAX COLLETION DETAILS (Special to Tho llullctln.) PIUNBV1LLE, Juno O.Shorlff Krnnlc Elklns hns Issued tho follow ing statement explanatory of certain phases of tax collection: "As there nro n number of changes in the now tax law enacted hy tho 1913 Legislature which affect tho 1912 taxes, 1 wish to call the tax payers' attention to tho following ox tracts from tho law: "Taxes legally levied and charged In any year shall he paid before tho first day of April following. If the taxes against any particular parcel of rcol property, or the toxes on per sonal property charged against any Individual, firm, corporation, or as sociation, arc not paid before the first day of April, penalties shnll be charged on such taxes and added to and collected with tho samo as fol lows: "1. A penalty of ono per cent on taxes paid on or after the first day of April and before tho first day of May following. "2. A penalty of two per cent on all taxes paid on or after tho first day of May and before tho first day of Juno following. "3. A penalty of three per cent on all taxes paid on or nfter the first day of Juno and before tho first day of July following. "4. A penalty of four per cent on all taxes paid on or after the first day of July and before the first day of August following. "5. A penalty of five per cent on SPRINGER, RELUCTANT, PASSES - JUDGMENT ON CRAZY MAN PRINEVILLE, June 9. Judge G. Springer began last week a parolo system that's got Governor West beaten to a franle. Had It not been for the earnest entreaties of County Physician Edwards, Sheriff Elklns and Deputy District Attorney Wlrtr he would havo turned loose on the community an Insane man with the promise that he would be good and no longer carry a gun with which to get his neighbors. Sheriff Elklns brought the "bug" in from the Madras country early In the week and telegraphed tho asylum authorities at once, thinking that there woutd be no hitch In the pro ceedings relatlvo to his proper and legal commitment. The law places this power In the hands of the county judge and It Is the custom of the oeunty Judges to depend largely upon the opinion of a reli&Me phsiclan. Not so with Springer. He would not tako Physician Edwards' report that the man was Insane. The Judge endeavored to persuade the "crazy" to be good, but there was nothing doing. He was firm In his position and would not give up his weapon and make the promise the Judge desired. So after being urged that the case was one of a serious naturo that eould only be lmndled adequately by the authorities of the Insane asylum at Pendleton, the Judge committed the Insane man, but not until he had shaken bands with him, and It Is understood, apologized for his offi cial action. SAME WARDEN'S OFFICE TO PROCEED AGAINST SPRINGER (Continued from Page One) J gon song birds. The Clow letter follows: Clow's Letter btutca Facts "Mr. Clydo M. McKav, "Dend, Ore. "Dear Sir: "I am In receipt of your letter and will say that Sir. G. bprloger, county" judge, did Instruct mo to put out poison for the birds and stated that ho would order other towns to poison tho birds If It was a success ful way to dsstroy them. "I did not poison any birds. Hut on Juno second, at six p. m., tho said county Judge did put out poisoned wheat on the east and wost approach to the courthouso and on the. third of June In the morning I found three wrens and put thorn In the furnace and burnt them to keen the oats from getting them. I had found out that there was a heavy penalty for poisoning birds and I do no(-see that they do any damage, but.on the other band, they do good, for they catoh tho Insects and worms on the lawn, and they nro nice to see around nnywav, I re main yours truly, (Signed) II. II.' UJQW.v ?P. S. I heard that ho was tel ling on the btreet that it was killing-. tho birds. Well, they ore not so thick jib they were,- but they may havo changed their feeding ground sdroe.t' "f " Wirt to Btart Action. In a curt reply from Mr, Springer, HltiS1??'. 11- lnfQrmeJ, that tjhe. bjrfls In question, are English 'Spar-j rows, which the Judge considers a nuisance; Intimating that It would nil taxes paid on or nfter tho first day of August and before tho Unit dny of September following. "Provided, that one-half of tho taxes against any particular parcel of real property, or tho tnxc$ on per sonal property charged against any individual, firm, corporation, or as- Boclatlou may ho paid before the said first day of April, In which event the penalties specified In this section shall apply to and be collected with the remaining one-half of such taxes, to Xhs paid prior to tho said first day of September following. All taxes remaining unpaid an tho said first day of September shnll become de linquent. Upon all taxes so delin quent there shall be charged and col lected n penalty of 10 per cent and Interest at tho rato of 12 per cent per annum on such taxes from the day on which they become delinquent until their payment. "This means that all second-halt payments, which undor tho old law, could Ik paid before the first Monday In October will, under tho new Inw, have to bo paid before the first dny of September, nnd further, that In terest at tho rato of ono porcent per month from tho first dny of April will havo to bo paid on all such second-halt payments. "If persons who nro paying tho second-half of their taxes will tako notice of tho above and remit tho correct amount, n great deal of trouble and delay will be avoided. "FRANK ELKINS, Sheriff." "bo a blessing If your department (the game warden's) would provido for their destruction." Mr. McKay Is of tho opinion that Mr. Clow's statements, which Mr. Springer does not deny, and seem ingly cannot deny, nro sufficient grounds to procure a conviction un der the very specific provisions of the law governing tho protection of birds. Ho Is instructing Deputy District Attorney Wlllnrd H. Wlrtz, Stop JUST A" ' aj Tivssn 7?; jm ' ' f ft '' ', Oregon nt Prlucvlllo, at onco to collect all evidence and to proceed against County Judge Springer, Kluley Is At-oUM'd. When tho mutter was brought to his attention, State (Inmo Warden Flnloy replied as follow n: "Wo have your letter of tho 1st Inst, nud must say that wo nro great ly surprised nt the action of Judge Springer In ordering tho court house Janitor to set out poison for the pur pose of destroying tho song birds. It Is nlmont unhollovnblo that nny sane person would mnko such an order, especially In n territory whoro Bong birds nro not nny more plentiful than they nro In your territory . "Section 29 of tho dame Code pro vides that it shall bo unlawful for nny person within this State to place any poisoned wheat, or other grain, or nny poisoned substance, on which nny of tho gnmo birds or uon-gnmo birds will feed, anywhere In tho Stnto of Oregon, for the purposo of poisoning such wild birds protected by Inw "Wo shall wrlto Sir. Clydo McKay, our deputy at Ilcud, to mnko n thor ough Investigation of this mntter and If he finds that any ono acting under Instructions from Judge Springer, or any other person, places poison for nny such puritoso, we shall file com plaints not only against tho person putting out tho poison but also against tho person giving such In structions. "Wo believe that If you woro to give publicity through tho columns of your paper regarding such nu or der It would bring on such a storm of protest as would causo Judo Springer to feel very smnll, In en so such an order hns been made by him." liuititAii: (Crook County Journal.) Tho sheriff's office has collected I2S6.992.72 In taxes this year. There has been turned over to the treasurer $255,747.28. Tho sheriff had cash on hand Juno 2, $1240.72. In handl ing this large sum of money tho sheriff's office was "long" ono dollar and some odd cents, due, nccordlng to Head Deputy Van Allen, to errors in Interest chnrges. This record will be hard to beat. Tho county Is paying warrants as fast as presented nnd tax money Is coming In freely. Tho county fi nancially Is In good shape. Aro your razors dull? Got them honed nt tho new barber shop on Minnesota Street. Up Payifl OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN KENWOOD ACROSS THE RIVER Vttrl!MtmiJVT is only 10 min. 4lw liiicins-cc the business center of Bend Kenwood ist!;e bcsv;iew,i.,7ertj; iwl v rr on tj)e mftret unt ,s bound to be the most vnlunble residence property in Bend KENWOOD Tot"8' w"ter ""d WlTiWlllTl Pr,"ces and terms are the IIMT VY JJU best ofrered ir; ueml Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to suit you. The money you are paying for rent now will in n very short time make you the owner of u HOME OF YOUIt OWN. Land & Immigration Co. J. Ryan? Affipffi f I'M 'M Styne New Laws People Under nn enactment of (ho 1913 legislative assembly which went Into effect lust week salooim nro now pro. hlblted In nil unincorporated towns nnd villages unless they have physical connection with u bona lido hotel with capacity for fiO guests, Attorney General Crawford has held that u hotel to comply with tho provisions of this net does not necessarily have to contain 60 rooms but cnu provide accommodations for no guests with only 2d rooms providing each rooml Is fitted for two guests. This Inw will effect Sisters, 1m Pine, AMhwood nud (Inteway In this county, in sumo of which communl- ties saloon men have already at - tempted to comply with tho new law and In others have been compelled to close, Those operating under n SCHOOL VOTERS ADVISED Superintendent Mjent Kmjh WIio'n Who nud Why nt Election. PRINEVILLE, Juno 9. County School Superintendent J. E. Myers has Issued tho following statement regarding qualifications of school voters which bears tho approval of deputy district attorney Wlrtz: "I am frequently asked for nn opinion of tho qualifications of tho voters In tho Third Class Districts, I will take (ho opportunity to mnko tho following statement: "Tho qualification: or tho voters Is set forth In Section 1C7 of tho Oregon School Laws, 1811, with tho following Interpretation on several uncertain points: "In n family consisting of a man and wife, the man Is considered tho bend of tho family, which may con sist of children between tho ngrs of four to twenty yenrs. Tho widow with n family between tho ages of four to twenty years Is also consider ed tho head of tho family. "Tho man or womnn whoso namo appears on tho assessment roll for 1912, ns assessed by tho assessor. Is a legal voter at n school election. A homesteader must voto In his homestead district. "Tho nnmo Included on tho tnx list by tho tho sheriff will not hold wnlk from mi - nF Tf! g Rent That Effect in Crook County county license and whoro thev wero compelled to close June 3. tlui day the law look effect, lino apply In tho county court nt Its next session for u refund of the unused portion of tho i county license, llerenfter It will bo unlawful for nny child under tho ago of 14 ) oars to carry u gun or hunt except upon his own or the premises of his par- cuts or guardian. . It Is now n crime lo use abusive, profane or nhnotio language near or upon a public highway or in any public place. Tho 1913 legislature 1 fixed a maximum penalty of $60 (Inn lor using violent language in any public place. Tho law went Into ef fect Tuesday, Juno 3. good as n qualification ns a voter nt nny school election. Ilu must be as sessed by tho assessor." I'lllCAHMH TAMOni'l'. (Special lo Tho llulletlll) PRINEVILLE, Juno 9. Tho atten tion of nil dealers In firearms Is di rected by Deputy District Attorney Wlrtz to tho Inw which went Into effect Juno 3, prohibiting tho display of revolvers, pistols or pocket guns and prohibiting their sale to any person, nslda from n peace offlcar, unless such person present n lxirmU- slon to purchase Issued by tho county Judgo, Justice of tho penco or city recorder. The officers named nro not permitted to Itsuu a permit to pur chase n revolver unless tho applicant presents tho affidavit of two free holders attesting to'the moral char acter of tho applicant. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS DcriU That llim llccn I'llrtl For ICrconl nt PrlneWllc. (Special to Thn'llulletln.) IMMNKVII.LK, Juno 0. Anion tho deeds filed for tecord nro the following: llend Park Co. to Androw llreqk berK. It 0, blk 101, 1st Add. Iff) nd I'ark. $1.10. Helen A. Kerr to John J, Itupp, KM SKV. 51, WW NWK, 22-1'J-11. $10. llend I'ark Co. to K. O. Chrlstof forsoti, It 3, blk 101, 1st Add. llend I'ark. ISO. llend Park Co. to Swan P. Ily- strain, It t, blk 109, 1st Add. llend Park. Il&o. llend Park Co tn Olnf Vi.tmin It , 1 blk lOfl Ut' v.1,1 il-,, i pjrw l 1.. blk 100, 1st Add. Ilsu.1 Park. w IM. .. ,, l mum III IIHlirilHIKlllHI HUH IlXllirOS H- II. unK t P. J. Iouiik. l-M'ctod nt Hnd, OroKon. of nu Invwi- , intermit In Know Creww Co.'s lrrlK lion ditch. (?ik. W. Ilrown to lllsek llutto Land & Livestock Co. et nl, rlKht of way for canal across 8WV4 8W14 23, 8HUi 8KV4, , KA NKtf. 27-H-11. $200. Jos. Murroll to diss. It. Currle, N M 8W 4 , NW ,i SIS "4 , 8W Vi NK W 24-H-1S. 1. Tho llend Co, to A. J, Peters ot nl, Its 8-0, blk 6, llend. II. L. D. Wlcst to Annie II. Mnrkul, It 1, hlk R, Wlestorln. $1100. L. D. Whwt to (Jertrudo 1). .Mnrkul, It 2, blk 5, Wlestorln. HU0. The Best Buy in Crook County 80 ACR.ES, ALL FENCED Good Houso, Barn, Tank; about 15 acres ready for crop. Seven and one-half miles east of Bend on Benr Creek road, and one-fourt. mile from school. Improve ments easily worth $1200. C. O. I. Co. got $2457 for this land. $2200 Address Owner, caro of Wc Bend Bulletin. W. II. KlniilH to John P. JoIiiihoii, It il. Iilk 20, lloud. $300. H. L. HtuutM to John P. JoIiiihoii It 0, bill 2(1, llund. $1. Win, J, Mooro to John J, Hupp. NWU 20-18-11. $10. Euguulu J. U'hllted to John J. Itupp, HI N'lCVf. 1-17-1 1. M0. Kdwurd Smith to ('hns. II. TIiiih, It 5, hll( 10, llutto. $30. CIiiih. II. Titus lo (I, M, Cornet!, It ft, blk 10, llutto. 120, L. I). Wlcst to City or Mend, It II, blk 44, U'tostnrln. $1. L. D. Wlcst to Tho Demi Co., Its I-2-3-10-11-12, blk 44, Wlostorlu. $1, lloud Park Co. to Jacob L. ToIk It 2, blk 5(1, Center Add, llend. $ I0()r Tho llend Co. to John Thels, Jr.. , It 8, blk 10, Park Add. llend. fl. Msrrisgti In Durms. . A rurtoii iditi mourn tile llurmr t Unit hiiIp iHirn on the mime day off the twvk hum nut marry nnd Unit It they I r tin fnti their union will tie marked tit mneli III lurk To prevent the-e ilI'M'trou murrluue erery girl ciirricM a riMiird of her birthday In her nn me. each day of the wivk having n letter Moiik'iiiK to It. and nil children are rnlled h.v n miiu which beklu with thai letter. Otlll Worrld, "It used to worry in when the bar ber Informed me dint my hair was get ling it little thill on loii" "Hut you inn n It. hT "No, ,nw It worrle nn lnrniie tin diMMii't mention tt. I iniutt lw gutting old."-l'hllndeiptilit Pre, Juit tht Contrary, "IVoph In very cold I'lliustm nerd a henry diet " "No. they ilon'l: they hnvi- tn tinr thrill diet IMi't Hit frkiitii vnt con dlenV lliiltliinife Amem-nii NOTICi: I'Olt I'l'W.ICATION. Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Ore gon. May 28th, 11)13. Notice Is hereby Klven that WIN llam D. Hell of taldlaw, Orricoii, Alio on December 20th, 1007, madn home stead entry No. 1(833, Serial No 01280, for HWUNWU, see. U; KUNKU and NKUHKU, see. 14. township 10 south, raiiKe 11 ei, Willamette meridian, has filed nolle of Intention to mnko final fit). ptoof, to estabhih claim to the la?d n. described, befj.-i leonc I' Altken, II. H. CommliMloiior, at bis oflc nt Sisters. Oroitoii, on ll'u litU dny of'July, 1UI3. Claimant names .it wIIikimw Jerry Klohardnon of (list, Orogtin: (leorKo Hell, J. P, Haley and Wil liam llnll, all of ildliv, OroKon 13.17 C. W, MOiMW, llNlstr. NOTICIC. In tho matter of A. M. Larn k Co. ",""1' "K". bohihci oios win im received by mo up to ISo'elook noon of MoniI.yi ., , 9J for of llend, Oregon, sealed bids will m i.i.t.1. .. .....--i..-.. ,, .. ..... . .. lory valuation ns follows: Mho mi, ir.0H9.T0; men's wear, IS03H.31: dry Motids, 13317X0; tos, li.ll; hardware. $117801; Kroeorlmi, $8t6.2C, mnkliiK total merehandhw $18,021.58, toKethnr with dry icoods, shoo and Kroeory fixtures amountlnK to $234t.8U. Terms cnnh and n de posit of 10 per cent of amount offered must neoompniiy imch bid nnd tho rlKht Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory mny bo seen at my ottlco nnd property may be In spected nt llend. Dated at Portland, OruKon, Juu 7, 1013 H. L. SAULS'. No. 7 I'lrst Street. All for dv s u "'J i '-V-' 0