r TAGB 12. TI1I5 UK.Vn mJW.KTIN, IKNI, WKHNKSDAW .H'.NU It, 1 0 1 tt. 1 1 fl. R. ACTIVITY IS EXPECTED CENTRAL ORE. CLAIMS ATTENTION times Inrgcr and moru protltnhlu thnn the building nml two locomotives, It exist today, JiiBt ns tho rnllronda would liuiko transportation simpler between thu purchasing ami produc tiiK territory, and llontl. In describing thu Hill Central Ore la supposed tliat thu hlnxu Htartoil from sumo Impropor MrliiK of thu oil- ImrnliiK locotnotlveH. My hard work pnmtonRei' conchon mm mull enrn pttuiillng on tho trnckn nonrby worn eon trip Portland pnpois contain thu 'saved, their escnpo being chlolly dun following pnrngrnphH; to tho hurole orforis of Traveling Sottk'iN Make- CJtMid. Freight Agent Oliver, who sustained Tho Central Oregon Bottlers nnd n sovoru hcoicIiIiik whllu plit)lng u Indications Hon-e Hellef In Portland That Southern and Kitttcrii ItoaiN l'ront I loud An1 Probable In Near Future (Stnff correspondence.) PORTLAND. June 9. While tho recent Central Oregon tours of I.. V. Hill, chnlrmnn of the hoard of direc tors of the Great Northern Hntlrond, President J. H. Youiik of the S. P. & S Chief Engineer Lupfer of the B. P. & S. and others, has resulted In no announcement of construction activity, a very strong belief Is cur rent hero that this summer will see Important railroad developments In the stnto oast of tho Cascade moun tains. Tho convincing views of Harney county development and iHissihllltlcs. homestotulurs aro making good. This Is tho encouraging report brought home by President J. II. Young nnd western mumhorri of tho imrty that accompanied Loula YV. Hill. Crop conditions are excellent, thu people are happy and Indications aro for a bountiful crop this your. De velopment work of nil kinds Is being pushed with vigor nnd new people are steadily arriving from tho oust and estnhllshliiR themselves. "This whs my first visit to Hums," said President Young this morning, "nnd 1 want to say thnt I wns mightily pleased with tho country. It was a revelation to mo, and the possibilities for thnt vast stretch of laud aro practically unlimited." Hill Talks at lluriiH. "I am satisfied with Central Ore gon," Mr. Hill told the people of Hums. They called utteutlon to the fact that ho Iiob visited Hums now three time within three enrs, but that minis still Is without n Hill rail- road. Mr. Hill laughed nnd told them thnt If Improvements continue In future ns they hnvo In thu pnst business of the country will force them to build Into Hums. Illustrative of the way tho country hose on thu cars. liwn, , .... . , , .. ,..n ,. m.ii..w,........ i... m- mil i"iK ii n mu ruiiun n-i.ru uu of tho tremendous timber resources ?l "T ""I Sa'000 nclrc" "f ,,,,u, south of Hend, hnvo evidently made ,h' l'00' " under the now a strong Impression upon the Investl-IS ? Z .'T.-1'-" M' .... n,,uo Ul llllIIUlUIIIUIIia IUU 4H progress, gators. It is apparent, from what ho said to others nnd from his nttltudo to certain Hend men whom ho met, that Mr. Hill entertains a far livelier respect and liking for Hend thnn ever before, and a warmer regnrd for tho tonnage-producing possibilities of tho country east and south of It. Tho reported purchase by Hill in terests of extensive terminal faclll-i ties In San Francisco, the 11111 activ ity In tho Cascades west of Hend, the I'mUci Hood .Movement. In commenting on the trip Krcd V. Graham, Western Immigration Agent of tho Great Northern, said: "At Hrooklugs, In Crook County, we met last Sunday tho Crook cpunty good roads delegation in two nutos. They wcro making a tour of Crook county In tho Interest of good roads. This trip was tho result of tho re- NOT COAL lNI. NOTICK I'Olt PIMILICATION. Dupnrtmeut of tli Interior, U. St Lund Olllce, Tho DhIUm Orogon, Juno io, nm. Notice Is heroby given thnt Onto M. Stephens, of Los Augelos, Cali fornia, otto of the heirs mid fur thu holm of Jniues A. Mitchell, docotmul, who on October 17. l!0il, mnd homestead entry No. l'llltil, Sttrlnl No. 0-1 009, for South West Qiuirtor (SWVi ) South West Qunrtor (SW 14 Sec. IT, North Hnst Quarter, North Knst Quarter (NK4 NKU1 Sec. 11 nnd North Hnlf, North Wt Quarter (NH NWUl Sec. 20. Tp. Ill S., It. 11 K W. M hns tiled notice of In tention to make live year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, claimant nnd 0110 witness, before II. C. Kills, I'nltcd States Commissioner, at Hend, Oregon, mid one wit ncus bnforo tho Register & Receiver of the I'nlted Stntes Land Olllce nt Tho Dulles, Oregon, 'on the K.tli day of July, 1913, Claimant names nn wit ileuses: John I. West, of The Dalles, Oregon, Krnnk O. Minor, Heorgu W. Unlet nnd Levi I). Wlest, nil of Hend, Ore gon. (Signed) C. W. MOOilK. M-lScg Register. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED (Continued from page one.) ..nti.....n...... .1 ,....-.'..- nt organization thoro of the county lino that Is to build east from Salem sood "oc Ullon for the pur across the mountains to Hend. nnd ,,osf tknR advantage of tho re tho heightened interest of Hill rail- cently enacted state law which makes road officials In Central Oregon, are " l10"1'" cou?tl!" to '"'l'"11 to, all considered here as strong Indl- ? vo.,.e offthfl I'eople the question of cations of new plans, which. It Is ,K)nd nB for mtt,n, hwa'8; believed will mature this summer. I '"'" Wed of N A. Lynch Should the road build south or ,'r.c8,de"t ,f Vmi0"' n east of Rend, or both. It is pointed " MSKn- JJ n',n, ""; out by Uend men here, in talking, " X?' ,J.Ul,KU "' C E,",'f a,nd with Portland wholesalers, that .? M. " V"J f i " greatest benefit would result fori "".," ...r.r'. . J .7' .7 ' . " . tt.c fiuuu luiiua iiiuiu- Bend as well as for Portland. The point being that while Uend today Is tho distributing center for tho enormous southern and southeastern territory, the construction of rail roads into It. and the resulting set tlement would develop markets many Interest ment." FIltK AT SIIAMKO. SHANIKO, Juno 9. Last Thurs day night fire in the O-W. R. & N. roundhouse here, totally destroyed Steldl from all blame." (Signed) II. Korstcu, forumaii, IajwIh Doonnr. Charles A. Voudcr helt, John A. Moore, Frank Dibble. G. W. Jones. lllnes, who wns unmarried, hnd a brother living In Portland who Is ex pected to arrive In Hend tonight, ills father In Kansas City has also been notified of tho accident and n sister in Silver Lake. wco .. r cr - L a C Y S . ? t y r r - j ' JJ- : S A V Qjg& ' 1 ?"S lUp'illJf'X'feo f " DlirlBUTlM cint I ( 5.. f iM J ''if t( Yfl- s tMBf WILL I N "S,! C H u Wyh XMMco?crvif I 1 f h . - 1 - 1 m RinrarMnir) at 1 Q a 1 c- 1-1 . . Nv 1 oavMHPiai ov Vqve: this MflpaSffuoy it-investicate. LAIDLAW MEETING (Continued from Page Ono). Land Hoard and to Mr. Mc.Mnhon, Is as follows: ' Whereas, ono L. 11. Mc.Mnhon has seen fit ' to attempt to enjoin the utilization of tho funds provided by tho Inst session of the Icglslnture for the completion of tho Columbia Southern Project, adjacent to La Id law, nnd Whereas, It Is tho concensus of tills meeting that tho purpose for WMOPUbPMiUS VClf H NUIJ . .. txujtt rot7tTMnJnAr'Mi 4IIMMIB C0HTJ ,lwr C1J Co I f) . nOilHitiMiiKiiinrniMli)r. TliclniUta kh, li lonik li fuiiii I Oil OHOhIQ O66 L3 ftlT16 . miW.I krl. Ii .-l .lr.lii'. il ru.llnil ililnVlns l-i urttr ilrr lhn wfrrt ThrlfilgatrO linl with iwtul wiltr fihl cn lf Hiichitil l JV w) i-tr nctf 011 ) lrm Tlir iittumnlliiK i.lnr Mutlrtt miHiiUlnir full ul nliill wwmlrit nml Jm Itit pUc fur Tntlon t. I'lnt l mily Nnil lu )! (iM l.ul xiunIiik ily II h Ulrpliunr )lni. (mu guud liulcU, mu lilf tfimtl iiiclchKtnlltUrt', Rtt cluxlntfy ml Ic.l ll.tr u xtllnt HwH,r (Hit l. lliir Inlrr MuuiiUlu). uttr ot t iiiu .tgilrr ctimttfll cllll)lll thcitalr mlOililulj .ylhry ha. lliuwii piuiwily hI the )nf Milll IhMruii ! Illcllf clalt bumf Ttitfraicltirtr mill uw nillli in h vuuilly i.f l I'uir Mhl li I. jiul thf lnnli.g iillh IH IiiimImiImc ml mllllns Inuliir. Dial will ! tluiir hctr Thuc air hixJ uiiilDt In inaniifiidu t at ami ullur ilnr lliir- hrcr In nluiallunal inallira M line It iuuiitl. It tia a tnctr Khiol hik 111 Ihr hiatl of Ihr Ir.Wtmr Moin. anil mm ltcht.Mi lolhr Iw.llth l.lr A HlholM-chultti Hill Iw Imltl lirtp IhH l.lliiK.ail.lolhtr thuuhf a air tilaniilnif lu nlalilhh thrniarlmta l. lliir haa uttt lluutt avallalilr rlrtltlc huiar Mir whkh tlir nwufta hr omilntlictU leiltrrlup anil wlilch alunr huuM Imllil (awl alirtl city Thr U air nfl.nn laml Kltmlaiy It l,a IMnr wvul alunr tuilO ami trainlalnn m.I tit tO illy Thr val UacU of lilnt-r Intrulaty Io La I'lnr wunlil algnr ImlM a il almt rllf Willi Itif cumlnc oflhr toUm ratl'twil ayatrmt la l.a I'lnr wMttv nllltw tui ilf .lopiniil In ail J aiu.in.l l.a llttr will U lai.l.l l.a tin can I rtacnrO via Hi Nar N - W M H N ami t V Kya Vwu ran maVr moury by ImiIii( lllty at Ij, I1h In a.itf oflhr lallioaiU IMhriiatrdiHni II. why not VOl ' WaKK I'l" lothr frt lhal a autnl. writ IwaWd tuli ,u our uf thr nrtl anil !! arrtloua oflhr Norlhwcil ! twintl tugruw lapLlly ami that ptuprlly ralur will climb arratdlnfly I'U nnw fruin juwup Thr Irfuia air ray only a frwOullaia .rr uuuthun cachliil "uuttoii I lulaathr inuury hut vm auon aniulir yalnaMc pmurity Willc Iwtay (t plat, inkta anillrinialu LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pine, Oregon. Htllablr airnti, will, tinA bank irfrrncra, wantrd In all ltof thr Unllnl hlatra. which said money wns provided, and for which It wns Intended to bo used, Is tho most Important piece of legis lation over passed by any state In the Pacific Northwest for develop ment, and Whereas, It Is not only a mntter of local Importance, but one ot Statu wldu benefit, nnd Whereas, tho proposed action Is but fullllllng n moral obligation to tho settlers now on tho segregation, and thereby Is setting an example of Incalculable value to present and future irrigation enterprises, nnd Whereas, tho money provided for by thu said bill, Is simply advanced by thu stnte, bearing Interest nt tho rnto of six per cent per annum, nnd AlcAlAHON BLOCKS APPROPRIATION (Continued from Pago Ono). wilt eveiitunlly ho returned to tho Statu Treasury, mid Wherens, wu nr unable Io seo any legal or moral logic In the conten tions of Mr. Mc.Mnhon, therefor, lie It resolved, that this meeting en,ng the stntes credit for Urn does hereby unanimously go on purposo of reclaiming the arid land record ns deeply deploring thu nt-i0f thu statu and pulling cltUmis on I''' Mllon of Mr. .Mc.Mnhon In produotlvo fnrius. I think they otn endenvorlug to block this project.) Following tho filing of thu suit tho nnd heartily endorses mid commends .insert land board called In Project thu nctlon of the Desert Uml Hoard ' Knifliieer O. Uurtfasril and Instruct. of thu Statu of Oregon In Its tight for tho good of thu settlers of this section nnd of thu citizens of thu en tire stntu, and ho It further resolved that copies of tliesu resolutions be mailed Mr. McMnhoii mid thu Demirt Land Hoard. ml him to lay off all tho men iiiii ployed nicopt the outside engineers liii hnd brought from other project In perfecting his working orgmiltn Hon. Thu expenses Incurred now will be paid out of thu. regular desert land iMiard funds. . afe aSk afawft .aSkaWfe Wkafthfc.Bfe-ti.a1to AfhbiaWbalfcBhaw.ah.febh-ASfehthhhtakhta athkaA Afe-bbhASW .Btok-fe. ak L. a aa aWk pfkk, m P T" rr arppF S"a-aa,arpaaaa-P'pal-papaap-a-p-w pp-p. -BpBtaprap p-aa-p T1 P-1 r-r B5S klU kSk.afkaWbhfta.kifeaWSjpaaVk.aawfe.afakbk-featak -.AA---AA. ..a. a aak.. SkkB-.ataS -hk fe ..-. f FSPSSapapw BB.Bpw. B-BBB. BMpBPBp.PpBBh.BhBp-ptaiBBrB-p Bf P PPF PPaBB - p VP FPP W W T PF IbH( lff?X P'BV-PBVBBVBVBVBVBVSBVBVPBVBBVBBVb lB jVaaVtoBP"BV.-aB-BVBaBV-aBV.aBV p pta49VPBVBWBfeB b Pb P b- --sV P atV PtbV P ;m ---- , t :j; XXX t ' HOUSES WANTED 1 We have so many inquiries from people wanting to rent small houses, which we cannot furnish them, that in order to encourage building to meet this growing demand we have selected a limited number of our inside residence lots which we will sell at the following prices and on very easy terms of payment: ' T :t: H 20 Lots in Park Addition at $ 1 50.00 Each 20 Lots in Center Addition at $200.00 Each H n ?: i m rm1 . -1 These are all nice large lots 50 foot frontage and most of them 140 feet deep. Large enough for a home and a good garden. They are all available to city water and electric light and close to sidewalks. Come and see us about these lots if you want a bargain. The Bend Company D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Manager i x n . t Mr til i li t xt xt i-BgB-jBB0B..anaaaaaaar--" -------- '--. f ... MMIMIMIDMMMMMMMM - - --- -.--44. u 55