ypv,y Wj '....J,tu3tMm!toiiWi$tlitiMU.i.ir4. rt& ritimnm --sJttoOMG 44M$Sia&4tfc&3i ?"- n PAOK tfl. THK I1KNO RULLF.TIN, 1IKNI), WLONKHDAY, JUNK II. MM. ,f't i a I Farmer Smith to the Ladies Agriculturalist Tells How to Get the Best Result With Flowers in Bend C. L. Smith, agriculturalist of the Oregon-Washington railroad, more Intlmntely known as "Former ' , Smith, has good ntlvlco for the Indies 'who help to beautify towns with flower shows, ns well ns for tho far-, mors who bullil up countries and communities with the products of the soil . I lie wns mucn iniercsieu wncn ioiu of tho excellent showing mndo in tho past by locnl flower enthusiasts, nnd stated that with proper care almost any flower that grows In temporato climes may be produced here. "In almost every Instance you will do better by preparing your own flower seeds," snld Mr. Smith. "What I havo said so often about corn and other commercial products holds equally true of flowers; that Is, uso acclimated seed. For Instance with popples, asters or even sweet peas, try this schem.a and ceo If each year, you do not get better flowers, and especially f!oors that bloom earlier longer. jlMMMWppi-rT-ii.iijr- - j Improved," I'slng slips from home-grown roses ho also urged, as well as cover ing tho bushes with earth and cow fertilizer during tho winter, nftar pegging them down. This latter ho advised not so much to escape winter killing, which ho Bays Is unlikely here, ns to make stronger plants and to obtain earlier blooms. When seeds arc started Indoors in boxes, to raise plants for sprlug transplanting, Mr. Smith offers a practical and vnluablu suggestion. SCENIC ROUTE W BE OPENED OUTLOOK OOOD FOR ACTION THIS YEAR KfTort in llclug Made to Secure IN oHrttloii of County nml 1m not Her Ice Territory Now Innrvcs slblo Would Ik) Opened. First gather all your small tin cans nnd withstand tho frost and nut thorn In a Are. which 'will Watch the plants carefully, melt oft tho solder. Then sink tho and let the first blossoms that np- unsoldered enns In tho box as closo pear mature, picking off all other together as possible, and plant tho buds on thpso plants but tho selected cceds. Thin tho plants bo that one bloom. When those earliest flowers is In each boy. and when tho tlmo raaturo and wither, which they will comes to set tho plants out, lift the do especially quickly becauso by tin out with tho plant, set It In tho picking off other flowers you will ground, and then roll tho tin away, force them, pick the seed pods, put J thus leaving a solid and undisturbed mem in paper oags, and nang tncmimass of earth nbout tho plants root, In a warm dry place, lly planting and insuring that It lives and will theso seeds next year you will havo not bo set back by tho transplanting, earlier and hardier flowers, and so as often happens when the roots aro each year your flower stock will bo practically shaken free from earth. A scenic roiul westward from llend up Into tho Cascades It In n fair way of becoming n reality this summer, according to Clyde McKay, who has been working on tho proposition for more than a year. It will extend for SG miles nnd glvo ono of tho finest possible approaches for tourists to tho mountains. Tho proposal has been put up to tho United States forest service and to the county court, nnd It Is believed that favorable action will bo obtained for whereby tho county nnd tho govern-, would pass throtmh heavy timber and ment will build tho road. Mr. Mo- the cost of It nut bo great. It would Kay stuton that tho county commit)- open up it territory that Is at present sloncrn havo endorsed the road and Inaccessible, and bring ninny tour It Is iH'llevcd that tho forest service tats here every summer." will cooperate, inflsmuoh ns it will glvo I) rond thnt will bo of grent aid In tho lire patrol of the Deschutes forest, Tho rou to ns proponed In (o start nt tho honilKittcfl of tho Columbia Southern piojeet on tho Tuinnlo, thora nlromlv being n fnlrly good road from llend to thut point. From tho hendgnten tho lond would go up thn I'untnlo toward llrokon Top inotin tain, miming along tho mint ntdo of that peak. It would then puss Soda Spring nnd down Ulnolor creek nnd on to Spnrka lake. It Is not pro posed to extend It farther than to thnt point this year, hut Inter on to open tho rond to Klk Inko, l.uvn lake, Little Lava lake nnd to connect with tho nutu load from Huud to Crnuo Prairie, "This would bo ono of tho finest seonte roads In tho country," said Mr. McKay, who with J. Hoy llnrvoy went over the routo Inst summer. "Soda Spring Is n most remarkable natural water resort nnd would be n gront attraction for tourists. Why, nil they would havo to do to mnko bread would bo to pour n little wnter from this spring Into flour, put In n pinch of snll nnd bnko it. "Spnrks Inko Is ijenr thn south base of South 8lster nnd would bo n lino plnco from which to start on a climbing expedition up thnt penk. Then, to tho southeast, Is Old llnch olor Hutte, another great attraction tho slghtseokers. Thn rond A rlnNodlM ntl in The llulletln In rend by hundred nnd nrlngs tho nd lertlsep good returns for tho money Invested. $ Vienna Cafe Wnll Street (Jowl MonN, Prepared with I Into i ii'iiiillnovi, itt Modurntu Large leaves of Wlioltouio Bread 5c Ech X A Trial Will Convince. ---- - WKKKIjY market retort. PORTLAND, Juno C, Receipts for the week haye been: Cattlo 1675, calves 49, hogs 0189, sheep GS27. Tho cattlo market is very slow. A combination of circumstances has beared prices and there Js not as . strong demand for beef as tho pre vious week. Extreme high water has caused many cattle In tho vicin ity of Portland to be liquidated be fore tho usual time. Heavy ship ments from California and Utah has f filed the yards. Heat steers aro sel ling at $7.25 to-$7.50; cows JG.25I to J6. SO; bulls $5.50 and calves $8 to $9. TtTe hoe trade held strone until Friday. Receipts havo been very libera! and tho market is from Cc Id 10c lower. Rest light swlno steady at $8.40. An uneven sheep market ruled for the six day period ending Saturday. Tbero Is a fair demand for fat mut ton, which Is very scarce Tho bulk 4t receipts contained nothing but poor sbeop and lambs, which aro slow to move. Yearlings are quoted at $1.90 to $5.75; two year olds J.0: ewes $4.50 to $4.75 and boat spring Iambs are steady at $0.60 to $6.71. In person or by registered mall. If this service Is made by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho con testant In person, proof of such service must be cither tho said con testant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing the dale of Its receipt, or tho nflldnvlt of tho person by whom tho delivery was made stating when and whero tho copy was delivered; It made by registered tnall. proof of such ser vice must consist of tho aflldavit of tho person by whom the copy was mailed stating when nnd tho post ofllco to which It was mailed, nnd this nflldnvlt must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should stato in your answer tho name of tho post office to which f von deslro futuro notices to bo sent to you. C. W. MOORE, Rcglstor. Date of first publication May 21, 1913. Dato of second publication May 28, 1913. Date of third publication Juno 4, 1913. Dato of fourth publication Juno 11, 1913. A MOT OF BLOOM SEVENTH ANNUAL ROSE FESTIVAL Portland, Ore., June 9 to 14, Inc. LOW ROUND TRIP Fares from all O-W.R. (Sb N. stations 1o PORTLAND and RETURN VIA TICKETS ON SALE tfwrWV2. (of KjKPrat tf.l JUNE 8,9,11,13 FINAL LIMIT JUNE 16 A Carnival of Fun, Beauty and Vholesome Enjoyment Bring tho folks and witness the gorgeous event. Full particulars cheerfully fur nished upon application. DON'T MISS IT J. H. Cor belt, Agent first shkki coming. Tho first bands of sheep to pass through Rend for the summer feed ing grounds In tho reserves are duo hero the latter part of this week. The sheep belong to O. Campther. and three bands of them, each of about 1100, will bo shipped from Gateway, arriving here almut the 15th. Last week J. McKlney of Gateway, who will be packer for tho outfit, was here nnd made a trip to the range. He says that the grass Is the best that it has been for many years. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, Unitod States Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Oregon, May 17, 1913. To Jacob Schmidt of Hillsdale, Ore gon, Contestee: 4 You aro hereby notified that George G. Hodson, who gives Rend, Oregon, P. O. Box 3-17, as bis post- office address, did on May 17, 1913, file In this office bis duly corroborated application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your homestead, En try No. , Serial No. 0CC81, made May 7th, 1910, for west half, section 10, township 20 south, range 16 east, Willamette Maridlan, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Jacob Schmidt has failed to establish his residence or rosldo on said land, nor has he made any Improvements of any character there on; that ho has fnllsd to cultivate said tract or any part thereof and that suuh failure has not been duo to his employment in the army, navy or marlno corps of the United States in time of war or otherwise. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will bo taken by this ofllce as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thoreunder .without your further right to be heard therein, either before tljlLofe 'flce or on appeal. If you fall to file in this ofllco within twenty days njfter the, FOURTH publication of thlsj notice, no buuwii uuiuw, our answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of, contest, or Jf you fall wlihln'that tlmoi 'to flip In this ofllce due proof that you have served .a copy of your Ciwor on the said contestant either The Efficient Stove '"' 5, ifa" Oil Cook-stove COMPLETENESS It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts just as well as a regular coal range. CLEANLINESS Bums oil the cleanest fuel. No aches. No dirty coal or wood. No odor. CONVENIENCE Gives full heat instantly. No waiting for fire to "start." Just the heat desired in tense, medium or slow. ECONOMY Bums oil the cheapest fuel. No fuel con sumed when stove is not in use. EFFICIENCY All heat is applied at the cooking point. None wasted in henting kitchen which you want cool. FOR BEST RESULTS WE RECOMMEND PEARL or EOCENE OIL Sold In bulk and (mil Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Our nearest agency will glue you further Information. PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO There is no use to advertise the II orticultural W VJ.MVf. V. -J IOVlLG FltATKKNAh HOCIINIHM. I. O. O. I-', llend Udiui No. UIM Regular Meeting uvcry Monday iilKht Visitors welcome. V. L. WIiik. U. N. Iloffiiinn, N. 0. cy. Pire DeW M. W. OF A. l'llot Hullo Camp No, 0701 Meets overy Tuesday In Hnthor llnll. VIhIUiik Nulghbois always wuluuiif. V. W. Oratitt, Consul. Mnrlln R. Knulsoii, Olurk, IIKKCIIUTIM LOIHW NO. 10 It K. of 1. Meets overy Wednes day evening nt H p 111. In Cnstlo llnll, 1C. A. Ilnthur UldR. Visiting Kutghts ttolconiu. Jim Iniios. C U. L. M. Moltnyuold,. K. of It. U M. as to its reliability, promptness a n d I accuracy in pay- : ing losses, but it is necessary for j you to know that t J. B. Miner is the official agent I of this territory. I Bend, Oregon. --- hum) i.oiioi: No. i:n, A. I'.'.V A. M. Meets on Thursday 011 or be. ' fore tho full moon of erh month. Visiting brotlu-rw nlwnys welcome. J, D. Duvldsou, A, M. l.nr. , V, M. Secretary FRATERNAL llltOTIIItlUIOOIt. . Regular meutliiKa hold by Hml Lodgu No. 897 In Hathor's llnll on tho first and third Thursday ovonhir. each month. Visiting members of order always welcome. ' J. II. MINKII. Vrt. FRED IIUEY, Hoc, , REIIEKAIIH. Rend 1idKo No. SOU meets ovry second mid fourth Frlduy eveulu, nther's Hall. VIsltltiK brothers and sisters welcoimd. ' Mrs. Lucy French, N. (1, Miss Luis V, Force, Rcc. thtr. ROYAL NHIOIIIiORH ReKulnr uiuutlnic on first sml, third Friday eveuliiRs at HntkerM llsll. Mrs. Marcnret Hates, Ornoln. ' Mrs. Alfnruttn Oreutt, Reeordsr ouDimTTr ILThtiIiIn ktaiTT ' Rend lodKo meets In roRulsr ses sion on the Hecoiid and Fourth Mon-, day HvonlnK cneh month, in Mnxnla Hall. Fiinnlo Fnrrls, W. M . Arrlu Illaok, Kecy 1 IURHCTORV OF OFFICIALS. Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices nnd Hkylighu, N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. EHtlmntcB on Wnll I'nper at application Portland Prices Cheapest nnd Host Wall Paper Samples in tho county. fJot My Prlcos. Shop on Orribn Hlrrtt, Kr ol I)Kliult lunik IIOXm ItHNI), OMlfOON Clover Leaf Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAM THI.ni'llOMJ and wo will deliver S. L. STAATS, Prop. a?v3KlVw (RisHsV SEEDS fttth, Rillibli, fur CutrtnludtoFUiu Krrrrflii(lnernd runUriliuuMuitUii futilrlar niarltiol f)ur Noitt.orDOrowutmJi. PKciAi. errKR FOR 10 CENTS we will lead potnll our PAMntlR rfti 1 pr.xinM ;,.MD.rl.,U , , , , to. iJ. IU4IA , , , ,10. tt(.tUr.UUl.rT , , ,IO I l. Kiilf irr.-t,44 UVt. , , ,11. k. r,!UrUalf,rk.l!.4ll,, .,,101 AlMllTwUUMU.U.IflwM . . ril, 11.00 Writ toitft S4 10 tU U balp fr Mtl.. u4 V tv ItWITt ,. IIJOT. 'T.W0U. UU1IMUOII. Hr. "r.BMiua Dull.j ,.9iiKAr WOUTliKK BKIIDCO, ' Mi UotoBU JlockforJ, Illinois United HUU. I'resldont Woodrow WIImxi. Vice I'rosldont. .Thouins It. Marshall geeretary of Htnte W. J. Ilru Heerutnry of Navy . . Joihu Dsmnlm lecrutary of U'sr . . . . L. M. Onrrtsoit Heeretary of Interhtr . . . .1'. K. Lsn 'Kecretsry AnrlclturH I). F. Iliuton' HMreUry of Trensury ,W. F. MeAdiMi Secretary Onmmttrse . . W. 0. HtNtflllt Meeretary of I.nlMtr .... W. II. Wlls u Attorney Uuiirl ..Jus. MaltuyuoIdH Fostmnster (lenwrnl .A I burl llurltMwui Htiiie. Oovernnr Oswald VVrnt Heorotnry of fltnto ....II. V. Olclt' Treasurer Thos, II. Ka Atty (lenonil A. M. Orivford Suierlntndnt I'ublle Instruatlon I R. Alderman fitnto Frlnlor W. H. I)unlv.iy CommlHslunor L.itior Statistics . . O. V. Holf Onmo Wnnlen W. L. Flnly Htnto KtiKlneer John II. mI United Htuus Sonntors , ....(Icorco K, ChnmberUIn Hnrry W. Uo.t ConKrcssmeii A. W. Lnffvrty' N. R. Hlnnott .,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, W, A. Jlstt ley Seventh Judlrlnl OUtrlrt. JtidRo V. L. Ilradshsw Attorney W, II. HU, Crook County, JiuIro 0. 8iirliiK,r Clerk Warren Hrow n Hherirf Frank Klkl.m Trensuror Rnlph JoriUn, Assessor ,11. A. Fi tr Bohool Sunt , J. H. M)rH Coroner l, 1). I'olndexter, Surveyor Fred A. Il"u Commtuslonors R. II. liny ley Willis W. Hrown. lhu Courts, Circuit Meets first Monday In May nnd third Monday In Oetolmr l Probate Moots first MoniUy In each month, t Commissioners' Meets first Wed nesday in Junuary, March, May, July, Soiitomher and Nnvomhor. Ileuil School IHHtilct No. It!. Directors II. J. Ovorturf, Ohmn F. M. Kay Clydo M. McKay Clork H, 13, Allei City of llend, Mnvor ,. G. P. Putniuu RecoiMor , II. O Hill Troueuror II. J. Overturf Chief of Pollen a. K. Roberts . ...OoorKo S. Young ,.,,.IL 13. Alton , ,.A. L, Frcnol) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,A, S. Collins I ....,,,, ,,.,11, I). Ford ' ,..,... i ,,,,, . Johu StchJLV, I ....... JV, , DIIIBVI Justices of tho Pence Rend Procnct "Ward H. Coblo Deschutes Precinct . ,,W, W. Oreutt City Knglnoor Councllmon ,,,,,, i I