The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 11, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 14
iiigit nc nniiMTV nccinim c t,,t Hl""" t.oo.oo pound or wool
Site Is Secured, Rnll Rules ! "lull Or uUUIilI UrrlulRLu win i handled i...r.
anil Market are Satis-!AhM".Mir, Deputy, Kiniiir nmi Tim.
iimt nmi I'rliictllle Mii)nr lime.
factory. Money Tinht
iiess Now only Possible
Mr. nmi .Mtm. Itnlii Jordan mill
Mr. mid M.r. (I. N. Clirton of I'rlno-
I). A. lloyd of Seattle linn pur
dinned fn in Mnrlcy mid Simpson 1 1 1
Mono building on Greenwood Avonuo
adjoining llio Hotel Wright which ho
V t . . .. unjoining ii ii noioi wngiu wine
vHl wro lir yi.trdiiy. Mr. 4or- nrelll,y UWM T)( purcllBW
PlnnlAnnounccrpcnt I'rmtiHrnnki) Tim sheriff
dun In county treuHiiror, Mr. Ullfton
Ik imiyor of I'rliiuvlllo. Hhurlrf Frank
Klklu wim iiImi here, mid with him
AsseiuHir Aildlu Foter, with deputy
., N. llrowii,
Mr. i"'otor any the nnoioiliig In
il.iinl ....... a.t..i ...I n .1 iliul at... iiilal
IIIHJI1I l'WIIIJimUUt HIIU IIIIIL III'J ,,M" I 1 1 iiiiiiir Tlllll
fur Itntut will In film ill utint If wnul
I nut u.iir u'lfli ii nl It lit If ftlrTjiritiif 1 'l,( '
,..i- "" "" " -
mill, It In Imlluvcil, nioru wjuuhlo din-
Mr. lto)(lH holillnKH to a full
Nlithl Trnl ii U to lit:
In t'liroiiiiitfil.
OHTLAND, Juno 0. Tlio
! train between Portland ami Hand,
I over In connection the putting on of which him been
Promised In n Few Week
Mill Will Cut 50,01)0,000 I'cct
n Vcnr nnd limploy 500 Alert
Com Over Half Million
Tha result of tlm miiiunl intuiting
of Tha Mend Compnuy, completed
hern Inst iilithl. of greatest Interest
to loon I pooplu nro tint iiuuounco
tiientH thnt Dr. Ilrook. representing
the Ilrookii Hinder Intercut, hope to
Mart mill construction thin mi miner,
thitt The llvnd Company' mill nIIo
properly linn hern divided up lm
tween the HrookN and Mueller Inter
Kim, u ud that the Mueller posltlvuly
ulnte Hint they lll mill here.
Dr. D. F. HrookN of MlnnenolIi,
Will Mueller of Dnveliport, lown and
I). I.. McKny were the out-of-town
director present for the meeting,
nil lunvltiK thin momliiK. Dr.
HrookN spent iiiuoh of hU time, when
not In Reunion with the other, In ex
amining the mill Nlti'M.
"I fully nmllui thnt whnl Ilend
need moNt of nil I n mihitnutlnl
payroll," Maid Dr. Ilrookii, In nn
Interview Iimt night. "With onu
good tmyroll nn n Htnrtcr I helluvn
the town will Kill n nn Imptitu thnt
will rnrry It forward Into u city with I
n speed Hint will ntoillh even your
dent Imostnr."
After roiiimentliiK very fnvornhly
upon the Krowth of the town during
the )imr, Dr. HrookN continue!:
"I hnvo every mnHon to believe
Hint we Khnll he nhln lo Ntart milt
construction thin yenr. Wo shnll ho
ready to mnkii detlnltu unnotince
HientN perhaps In n few week, nnd
rertiiluly In n couple of iuoiiHin.
with the nrreitt by IochI tifllcliil Mon-1 rumored throughout Central Oregon,
dny evenliiK of Walter Commit who! I r,,r fr"m n reality, according to
I suspected of complicity In the roh-1 Informntlon obtained today liy Tim
hlng or lioiuvNtofldHrN' cnhltiN at l.n Hulletlii or local rnllwny omclnlH,
I'lue. (In nlNo hnhInIviI In the Nettlt- Huch n iiiMiiiKcr nervlco Iuih heen
meiit or n local domestic Niiiiahhle, J under rotiMdvratlou for trinity moutliH
McMahon's Attempt to Hold Up Utilization of Col
umbia Southern Appropriation Fought by
Officials and Condemned by Settlers.
It In wild.
I'lHST WOOl, (tlMHM.
The unit wool or the Nunmin l ex
pected to arrive nl tho fulled Wnri'
Iioiini) thU ufternoou or tomorrow.
AImiiiI 40,000 ikiuikIn Ih expected, nil
of which come from Hllver ImUi:
Mnnnxur I'rltiKlo ) ho iHilluven
hy tlio OrvKon Trunk, hut W. (
WllkeH, iiMlNtnnt frelfsht and pnmieu
Ker iiKfiit, Mild todny Hint no definite
decUlon hnH yet heen reached. There
nro n nuiuher of (IiIiikh nRuliiNt It,
piirtlrulnrly Inck of trnlllc to Jimtlfy
It, hut on tlm other hand ureat ire
lire In ImIiik hroiiKht to henr to Kt
the nervlce intaldUlied.
Jolin Stelill, Who Wim DrMiiK Cir,,ja
HxohetnfiMl liy (Vironer'n Jury ut
luiliieht Held 'I'llli Mortiln.
IHueM u v Collier lleie.
There Neeiim muall dotiht thnt Crook County In lo he treated lo an
other plctureMtiii mlx-up In connection with lu JudKe, which may pala
to liilKniricnueu inch now-hlHtorlcHl Incldeiim nx ceiimnt ynrim, nuto ntll
diivltN, culvert controvvnleN, county cenlnK contractu, AnnnlnH cluli
letli'm and the hom or other oniclnl tldhllN which have koiio no fnr to
tunke tlio nnmo or Bprlmcor uotorloiiN, .
TIiIn time It appcnrN Hint n cleur cna In proved nRnliiNt JudKe
RprliiKer tor the wlirul destruction or none hlrd. nnd the noiHiik out
of, HiUoned wheat contrary lo a Npeclflc provlnlon or Inw. Tlio state
Knine nuthurltleN are procuedlnK nicnlnit Mr. Springer, nnd tr tlio cano
hn proved, Crook County will hnv n county JiiiIko convicted or Inw
lirenklnK and, In nil prolmhlllty, one poorer hy n goodly num nfter the
oxpected Inn In paid.
I'ltlNl'VII.I.K, June !i. KjiIIIiik to of the poUon. drunkenly ntnKRcr
piirNtindo Jnnltor Clow to put out Inrouiiil over the UnKKliiB for n row
uilnuteN then topple over nnd die.
Ho picked up three wrcim nnd Is or
the opinion Hint ninny other took
poUon tor the Nomc-ulrdii thnt live
Artunl ronitrucllou would Ntart nl-mhuut Crook County' plimnnl court-
moHt Immmllalely ntlor niioIi nu nn- j ,, ,troundll, ju,K SprliiKer put the iolno,, nnd How nwny to die
Mouncement. Our plan hnvo heen l , . , .. .
under winildornilon for ,nny , i- ,
iminlli. and niiBOMiicemenl will he henrtlely murderiMl vernl htirin- Wnnlen .McKay (,ct Hiuy
made when (hey are all lined up. IIom wren, accordlMK to Mr. Clow. Deputy (Inmo Warden Clyde Mc-
Th mill wB hlinll hulld hio will T1M jumtor informed tho Judg KB- lwtt no "lMlr,, Jude
rut nt lHt 10.0110.000 reel h ywir. ... . .. ,MW11.(1 UM , . ,niv Sprlnimr- alleged lilrd-iioloiilnB x-
and employ about 500 mM. I
would Ilk lo toll you now tlAnlttlv
that wo hall Ntart roRMtrurtlou till
KMitiiner, and the only reamm I do
not do mi la honauim there In a mhwI
tdllty or hllch, nod I do not want lo
ralne any falfo hope and allow the
poHolldllty of future dlaiMilulmHnt.
Ho far a trauiorlatlon mattHr am
niureriied, nil olmlnrloM lownri, ran
ittrurtlon or n mill nt Hand hnvo hem
removed: after wo look the inV'ori
with rferHre to th order to
Itolw'tt the imiiix bird and had found
that Ii vva a criminal offeuiie, nnd
tftfiiftod to exerul thu Judicial man
ditH. WheriuiN.n. uixin rHuent,
Cumodlnu Cow dttllvored the pohon-
ed Km In to tlio Jud who NeatteriHl
pkilt. Immmllntely hulwl hliinwlf
with tlm cao. Il wrote to Janitor
Clow to awertalu If tha reHirt wore
true, nud to tha Judge HdvlnlnK him
or the lllnllty or til action and
riMiueHtlm; an oxplanntlou.
The letter Mr. McKny received
rrom Clow mnturt clearly thnt JiiiIko
on iiuttliiK out
Knrl HlnoN, who enmo to Ilend
rrom KnitHn City three week ago,
won struck nnd limtfintly killed hy
an nutomohllo driven hy John Steldl
nhout nine thirty hint evcnltiR. Mr.
Kteldl, who hn nlwnya lieon known
on n carcrul driver, wuh returning
home from the thenter with a party
coimlitltiK ot Mr. and Mr. Frank
Smith, Mrs. Steldl, Mill Krancci
Hteldl and John II. Steldl.
The accident occurred on Wall
Street at the depression south or the
railroad sldliiK where a fill Is belli
mnde to mine the grade. Mines nnd
a companion, i;iu Weaver or Hear
Creek Hutte, were walking toward
town nud had reached a point whera
the rock till blocks one side of tlio
According lo Weaver they were
talking nnd did not notice tho ap
proach ot Uie enr until It was about
40 root nwny. Then, although they
wero on tho right hand side of tlio
road, they feared being caught
ngulnst the rocks, and Jumped to the
left directly In the path or the car.
Weaver got across but Mines
Mumbled nnd roll In front of tho car,
which passed over his body. Dr.
Kerrull, who was called at once, pro
nounced tho man dead.
CoronrrV Jury Cnllrd
Doing unnblo to reach Coroner
I'olndaxter hy telephone Justice of
the I'euco Ward Coble nnd Deputy
Sheriff l'ox called a coroner's Jury
rrom among the bystanders who had
collected nnd they viewed tho re
main nt the place or tho accident
and then ordered them removed to
NIswtiuger'H undertaking rooms.
On telephone direction front the
coroner tho Inquest wan resumed In
tne old Commercial Cluh rooms Hilt.
(Kdltorlnl correspondence.) (Special to The Hullotln.)
LAIDLAW, Juno 7. Tonight 8AI.K.M, Juno 0. For tho purposo
Micro wn n meeting of settlers heroor blocking the expenditure or 450.
In I.nldlnw, nnd ir there I one par- 000 appropriated by tho last legls
tlculnr place where U. II. McMnhon , Inture ror tho completion of the old
had better not be, If he value hla Columbia Southern or Tumnlo Irrl
lire. liberty nnd happiness, It Is Iild- gallon project, h. II. McMahon. a
w, Crook County, Oregon. For Salem lawyer-rnrmor-nomfrlan. nte.l
while the meeting had little to sny on injunction suit lnst,wcck against
regarding Mr. McMahon officially, Its i Secretary of State CTfcott and State
members had a whole lot unofficially; I Treasurer Kay to restrain thetn from
so much so, in ract, that It Is uur-i paying out this money. The result
mined the ear or tho Snlotnlte with Is that practically all operations on
tho Injunction Itch may have burned tho project have ceased again, pond
conslderably between the hours of Ing tho outcome ot tho suit,
eight and eleven this Saturday night. , hIs cornp,ant, McJfanon aege
Indeed, a visitor is led to believe .,, ,h ..,.i..i i ?..
that, taken ns a whole, the good-1 ifl nn ,h ,,, h, i, ,. , ,
nntured, optimistic, Inw-nbldlng cltl
zen of the Tuinolo project would en
Joy nothing bettor than an opportun
ity to douso Mr. McMahon In the cool
water ot tho Deschutes; and If It
happened that they could Immerse
"Old Man" Lnldlnw at the same time,
why, their happiness would lie com
plete. Tho purpose or the gathering was
to discuss the situation arising rrom
Mr. McMalfun's effort to enjoin the
expenditure of the state funds appro
priated ror the completion or tho old
Columbia Southern, now the Tutnalo
project, and to tnka cny steps Which i pose.
uiikui icjiu iu uitxuaru inu inter
ests or the Bottlers and bid the Land
Hoard in Its fight ror them.
Resolutions were adopted reciting
the facts of the case, endorsing the
Hoard stand, and deeply deplor
Ing" McMahon' action. O. Ijiur
ganrd, project engineer, who had Just
returned from Salem, reviewed the
status of the situation, giving an
optimistic view. Me told ot Gov
ernor West's confidence that the
state would win Its case speedily. V.
A. Forbes made some suggestions, n
did Fred Wnllace. J. N. H. Oerklng,
W. D. Karnes, C. S. Hudson nnd
others. G. I. L'utnam presided.
The outcome or the discussion, In
addition to the unanimous passage
ot the resolution, was the slgnlng-up
ot n subscrliKlon list ror funds which
wore to be used, should occasion
arise, ror tho employment or legal
advice, or In othor ways. Tho
amount subscribed at tho meeting
was closo to 300. About SO Ilend
int)H were prtwent, all contributing
or special legislation and will benefit
certain private citizen. Mo cites hla
victory in tho Crater Lake case,
wherein be was successful In having
tho expenditure of an appropriation
Hut Attorney General Crawford
and Governor West declare there Is
no comparison between the two ap
propriations. They point out that
there la a definite constitutional pro
hibition against any appropriation
for n special road, white there Is no
mention in the constitution of an
appropriation for reclamation pur-
A committee consisting
(Jerking,- Fred Wallace
11 i-arnillliy Oil tn uhumhi appronciio Siirlmrer listHte.1 nn niittlntr
at the east and wost ind or tho polwiued whont ror tho bird, oven
iHinrthouso, according to Clow. .f.,,- Ci0-. iin,i nnd nnltod
Cl(iw ny ho round several dwid n8 nttuntlon to tho llluunlltv of the
. .i. n .. .,.. wrmiH ivinir muir nut immfiiieii criun ...!,... ..., .1.... .t t . ..
. Up Willi IIIOIII, 1110 murium H-n- win ,. . '" -- " - muwii, mi nmi uie iioiiHiu Hcuiiiiiv
JiinHph or our request and grunted "''' ,'u Ktherod up and cromnted K,j at lenst Ihrvo wron. ono or
wo nuked Mr lu rnlo on lumhor " lo furnace that heal tho build- , ,mM(t atlractlvu of Control Ore-
1. ll'K. II" miihj llini lie nw iiiiu
(Ciit'Unued 011 I'ngo Hoven)
little wren sicken under tho effect i
mornlag bofore Mr. Coble. The K"erousi.
wltniMiSDii who IfMtlfliHl wora .Mr ' J. "
Steldl. Old Weaver. Frank Smith. andB,,iv- A- Porlies. was apiwlnted. on
iiiiiuiiii, iu ihhi. up 1110 niniier ui
settlor' eooperatlon with the Attor
ney General and the land board
members, and, If necessary, lo handle
tbj expenditure ot tho money, A
uhcrlptlon list was to be sent to
Iledmond. to give merchants there an
opportunity to aid in tho work, no
Itudmond representatives
The full
Mr. Gld Weaver. It was brought
out that Mine had baen drinking
before the accident and a not in
mil control of himself at tho time.
After hearing those wtneen and
viewing the Inidy In the proMiic or
Dr. Coo and taking hi testimony nnd
thnt or Dr. Ferrull Hint Mines had
sustained u fractured skull the Jury
brought a verdict stating that "It Is
the opinion ot thn Jury thnt tho
(mime of death was unavoidable. We,
tho Jury do hereby oxonornte John
Certificates of Deposit
WHEN you hnvo money you wish to got Interest
on, cull for u CortlOcnto of Dupcult. Wu issue
those on (1 or 12 month) timo nnd pay -I per cent In
either case. Thu certlflcnte U nlso u negotiable instru
ment nnd mny ho tiHslKned, Hold or cashed anywhere,
thu Hiitno as u note. Certlflcntes boin transferable
cannot be checked riRnlnst. They should be presented
for payment or renewal whon duo as wo do not pay
InteroMt nfter date, for obvious reasons. Wu are not
obliged to pay thono certidcatoa before matuiity nny
more than you could bo forced to pay a noto before it
wim duo, but wo huvo never refused to cash n certifi
cate, whether due or not, and wo expect to continue
thin policy. Do you know of any safor way you can
make your ptoney work for you and at the suinu timo
have It unquestionably available nt any time?
Governor on Deck.
"This appropriation was mnde In
conformity with a broad, general
policy, adopted In this state for de
veloping and reclaiming the arid
lands," said Governor TVcst. "Every
dollar spent on the Tumnlo project
by the state Is to be returned to tho
state with Interest; so tho cost to the
state will bo nothing." In order to
bo on hand to tight the case, Gov.
West did not attend the conference
of western governor at Salt Lake.
Every effort Is being made by the
state officials to expedite the case so
a decision of tho supreme court may
bo obtained hy the end ot this month.
If tho state wins In tho end, every
day's delay at this soason la a ma
terial loss to the project. An agree
ment hns been made between tho
state officials and McMahon to havo
the case ready for circuit court this
week, when a decree ngrc'ed to by
Iwith sides without argumont before
the court will lie entered, so the case
can Iks immediately appoalod to the
supreme court. Arrangements have
been made to argue tho ease beforo
the supreme court June IS.
(.'run ford Is Conllilent.
"I think we ean lick thorn off the
face of the earth." declared Attorney
General Crawford. "I think Mc
Mahon has gotten off on the wrong
root, and that he will have no ground
to stand on. This iff not looal or
being BI,ocIa' legislation In tho tonse that
i.MCMinon seem to minx. ine
. . ... ... question Is whether tho legislators,
text or tho resolutions. oJectea ,0 reuro80nt the 00ie of tho
copies ot which have boon sent to tho state, can adopt a state policy of
Ident V. O. MINOR, Secretary
It, M. LAttA, Colder ,
I On... 1... in. I .... ...a ...... ,-..,....... I t . . fPnntlntimt nn nnpa IwaIv. 1 .ft......... 1 .... I....... ti 1 .
tVlllUllll'il Mil MlnU lU. IL.IIIIIIIIUVU Ull HBl IIUKU'J ix........... w.. ,...... I..U..V., . till Mill I'll (111 I IIJJW lirIT
, I -.---..
v $M TEe First National Bank
I M "2? T wiliiAL """ C tES Dr, U. O. COE. Pmldtnt E A. 8ATHER. Vlc r5
r TTlC-? rj Soil) 0, 8. HUDSON. 0hlr if gg .1
I IP. V?Urffrr,?T'iA V Capital fullr paid . . . 825.000 -S
lf S UiJ tvifijItiL f 2? BtPCkholdtri1 liability . - 835,000 5Zf
(V ' 4& Wl llll S (fW 8urP'u 8IOO00 C&
I u IfS nza$B2x$ HIS BANK is the hmU
nADMRDCHumRMCMTci' Mi Sf ness barometer of the rsS
I LJAKAlbRS liYlPLEAlENTS tor field, uSij D , . r . um
) a i ,. S tsj "end countrj'. The fact
s uxvnx or dairy, we carry i" creiit vn- & . . , .. , K
I .... , i . . , ,,,, , t , J wSSiii that our deposits are $100,- (J
i riety ot grade and kind. The best made S SS nnn i t .i
s f i T'i'L ii . n l I "4f 000 more today than this p
) for durability and long, satisfactory ser- (f$$ , . , . J . f
I ,.:.a v i i ii i kjii? date last year, shows pros- wy
t vice. You ean save money by buying all i ,.. , r j&
S your Hardware, Tools, Utensils and Im- r) (H
s plements here, and our large stock affords jjf r
you the best assortment to choose from, ( k) kjpy
? .. Car Sash and Doors Just Received , I W) ((j)
C ' " w mwm " U. C. COB K. A. SATHRR C, S. BTJDS011 j
( I (W) ' Mt PATTBRSON H, C. KLU3 fis)