Till! HKNI IHfM.KTIN, BKND, WKHNKHIJAV, 3VM 4, 1J. PAQR 9. tt! HUMS STATES IIS USE At((iriit').Hol(lrf Admits Innt tlonnl ' find t'oiiijimi)'. Tu (liu IMItor or Tlio lltillotlui il i.uto (hut In tlio liiHt iHHiin of oiir impor you print uxcorplH from h oomuimilciitloii from (lov. Vst re litllvu (o (hu proposed itnlloii HKiiliiHt tliu Uestirt Uuil llOunl to compul It In, forcn tlio Uompnny (tliu 0. 0. I. Co.) (o fiilllll IIh contnuit with tlio Blritu (o (ho oiiil (lint IiiiiiIn how iiii imUuitnlilo umlitr thn Cmitnil OrKoii Cniml oak ha putulitiul. TliO nXtritotH from (ho Oovmnor'a luttar Imlnjf to tliu orfcot thiit niiy pniMHiiro linulit on (ho ColHpnuy nt IhU (Imo would In niilohlnl. 'Now this In a iiuitlor or moHt vllnl liiipflfffiicii, not only to (ho soUlers, diit tliu rou ii ty ut InrKo. mid I ilo nlio iikkw( Hmt I' )'""r "l,no" I"" iiiIIh you print moiiio of (ho issoutlitl iirtM ooiicornliiK tlio proHuut status of MfTiilrs. t0n Juno 17th. 1007. (ha Compnuy itml tbM Htnto imturod Into n coiilmcl, one of III" I'UHtnitliil Inrins of which una Hint llni ('(ttil rill Orosntt Cnillll Itthoulit tin (HilnrKi'il no its lo hnvo it fflfrt onrryliiK cupuolty or onn oulilc loot of wntnr for ovury mvuily ncron liiylne under the respective portion ut thu oiinnl. According to tho tttrms of tho coutrnot till work hhoulil hnvo hmm coinplotoil within Mur yi'iim from (hu ilnlo of thn con truut. or hy Juno 17th, 1011. Hut lu 1010 HiippluiiuuiUt contract gnvo tlio Compnuy until tho foro pnrt of lt13 to cornplota tho work. (On rl. nth, 1011', the Company unit Htnto entered Into another con tract whereby tho Company put up n$2R.0OO hcinil to Kiinrnntco tho mi liirKtitiiMit or tho Coutrul Orogon ('anal nrconllnic to tho contrnct or 11107 nliovo rorerrml to. Tim tlmo lnrlnc which thli ennnt should hnvo li'n cnlnrRod hnn expired. Tliu Compnuy I In default on both tho contract nml bond. An n result ap proximately S00O-acres or land In tho Powell Unites In unpntoiitcri, nnit uu Mtintahlo, hcsldcs a tnrxo area cust or llend. Thn question now to drolilo In, ulintild thn Desert tand Hoard Im compelled (o deolnre n forfolturo or contract nml bond nnd unn tho money hVp ruing from tho bond for tho on InrKouiont of tho Central Oregon fHiml tt m.ttilrnil lv fllin tatm rtf Oregon nml tho terms or tho con- tract or 1012, or nhould tho com lony bo kIvcii nddlllonal tlmo In mIiicIi to endeavor to raise monoy to comi!itc tho North Canal, tho com- illetlnn or which tn tho Htnto ripe lliimo would rollnvo tho I'owoll "Villi IIioukIi not tho soltlnrn onct if llond recclvlnu wntor from Utnrnla diverting rroin the Control Oregon t'nunl east or thu ft mtln station. Tho Company claim that thn re ntilreil enlnrgemont or tho Control Itri'fton Csnal would rout 'only 111, r.00. I nubmlt thnt It In unronnon qlilo for tho l)nflrt Land llonrd to compel tho noltlora In tho I'owoll Hullo nnit esnt of Hond to nubmlt M the Inconrcnlrnco nnd Jeopardy or botdlng iinimtcntcd Innd. In order to relievo thn C. O. I. Co. Iroin thn ex fHtudltiim or tll.nQO. I any Jrop nrdy, brenune If tho unpatented Unit in quontlon I not no reclaimed by ho eomplednn or Ihn Nnrtli Cnnal or tho anlnrgomunt or tho Central Orngon Cnnnl within n period ending l'eb. U, 1018, then tho nogregntlou 1Iimov, and the land will bo ul Jict to publlo entry. I rerek" nkoptlen 'n tblH iiolnt to tho nmendmnnt to jho Cnroy Act extending the tlmo In whlnh ntnten can melnlm land nogro KntiHl under thu Carey Act and np j.rovl by CongroM March 3rd. 1001. Will nomo one imnwer tho vorv iiertlnont liKiulry. In It unronnounblo in unk thu llonrd lo compel tho Com I any lo perform Itn contrnct with the jllnte when nuoh perfnrmunco In nee eimnry to ennblo nottlorn to procuro patentn to their land. Kettlorn buy 4hln land rolylng on tho porformanco or tho contract' between tho Compnuy Vjid tho Htnto providing tor Ha recla- 1 lnitHnn Ir tlin llMrl Lntiil flfinril ran chango, niter and modify thnne outrnct with tho Company. It can nhrognte (horn allogolhor nnd thoro by make It ImpoMlblo ror the nottlorn Jo ever got a patent. 1 In nuaiiinlng thn nttlludo thnt It doea, thn l)oort lnnd llonrd la mak ing Itnoir n pnrty to a conspiracy to ohtnln monoy from aottlera under .fnlao pretcmen. 11 private Individ mla would renort to tho mlnrupro Hentntlonn that tho Desert Land dlnnrd doea In Inducing nottlorn to pmrhnio land on thin aogregatton, they would be punlthed criminally. 4 Thn Hoard weakly JuitMo Its ac tion In granting proinlacuoun nxton nlonn to tho Company, rogardlenn or Hho effect on tho nuttier, by niotert lng thnt what It In doing In, In Itn Judgement, for tho bent Ititcrontn of (ha completion of (ho projoct. Would It not ho bettor to make u completed I iproject out of what wo hnvo, than to f go nhond complicating nn alrondy emharraHHlng Munition hy Inducing I Vottlnra to purchnno mora land to Mhlch potentn may bo long over duo lu nrrlvlng. It Ih well known thnt tho nhnnnco or pntonta on this project makca tho t Maud uimalenlilo, unavallnblo nn ho r curlty ror loans, nnd gonornlly re I .tnrdH tho dovolopmont and proniiorlty f for tho country.' An nmoolntlon has nlrondy boon Lyrormod In tho I'owoll Hutton tor tho fliurpofle r bringing approprlato pro J ceodlnga iignlnat tho Donort Land Jv'lloard to rompol It to enforce tho contrnct with tho Company, nnu pro ceed In accordance with tho la,wn of Oroffon relative to Carey Act Con ntruotlon Companlea falling to com 4py with contract with atatea. Trusting that wt may have your co-operation In thin effort tn natfurn wlmi wo urn entitled to by vlrtuo of our contract with tho Company, mid Ita contractu witu mo ritnto, i roinuiti, Yourn very truly, KDW. II, WIM.IAMH. Itodmondt May 31, I.KHH IIOVi:i( TIIOt'Hl.i: IX IICNIK lli'inl people hnvo round out thnt A Wivm.l." I If) Ml.' i,t Inn. In Imnbtliiim bark, glycol Inn, o(o, nn compounded In Adir-l-)(ii, tlio (lormiiu niipoudl ultln romedv, rullovixt rouMfpnllou, Hour ntoiiinch or gun on tho Htomnoh INHTAK'TI.V. Th III klniiilii lulxllirn autlHeptlaUen thn dlgeiitlvu orgaun nun uniWH orr uie impiiritioM nun ii in mirnrlNliiK how Quickly It holpn. Thu rntturnoti urug uo, (AdvurtUouiont) Hot tolN nml bifiul nt tlio Aincrl rim linker)" vxri-y iiltciiMioii nt fl oVIock, New hloio on Wall MivH.Kltf NOTICK I'Olt I'flll.K'ATIO.V. DepHrliiiKiit or tho Interior. U. K. J.nnd Oltlce nt The Dnllen, Oiegoii, May XOth, 1013. Nollni I heieby given that Albert llnrrynimi. or Hond. Oregon, who, on Juno Stth, 1000, mtidn Denert hand Kntry, No. 06010. tor AMVt 8H', Hectlou t!, TowiinIiIp 17 Routll, Hauge 13 IJnul, Wlllnmntln Meridian, linn IUimI notice or lutentbui to miiko final proof, to imtnbllHh iilalin to thu Innd above described, before II. C. Kills, V. H. CommlsRlonur, nthln oulrn nt Hond, Oregon, on tho 12th day of July, 191.1. Claimant name nn witnesses: John I'. Young, Wllltnm Alt, William Peck nnd John I. Mooro, all of llond, Oregon, 13-17 C. W. MOOIti:. ItogUler. NOTICK OK COXTI-T. Department of tho Interior, United Htaten laiid Otlloc, Tho Dalle, Ore gun, May 0, 1913. To tho heir of Jamen A. Mitchell, de ceased, or Prlnovllle, Oregon, Con tcsleo: You aro hereliy notllled thnt Mlmer I. Gardner, who gives Hond, Oregon, an hla ixistofTlce nddro, did on May feth, 1013. nio In tht nlflco hi duly eornilMirnted applloatlon to contest mid neoure Ihn cancellation or your homestead, entry No. 1D3CI, aerial No. 0(000. mado October 17, 190C, ror HV V KV V, . oc . 17. NB V, NK H , noo. 10. NtyNWlii aootlnii 20, (own nhlp 10 aouth. rango 11 eisl, Wil lamette Meridian, and a grounds ror bis contest ho nllegu thnt James A Mitchell died on or about tho month I of July, 1011, that tho holm or said JnmcM A. Mitchell have not cultivat ed or Improved said land or nny part thereof nn matured by law or other wise or at all nor have either of them. That tho heirs or snld James A. Mitchell and all nnd each of them hnvo neglected and denerlcd anld land nnd failed and neglected to Im prove or cultivate thu samo or nny part thereof tor n period or morn thnn one and one-hair year Inst past. You are, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allocation will bo I taken by this office a having been I confessed by you, nnd your snld entry I will be canceled thereunder without your further right to bo heard there in, either before this office or on ap peal., If you fall to nio In this office within twenty days after tho KOl'ltTII publication of this notice nn shown below, your answer, undor oath, specifically meeting nnd re sponding to those allegations or con tent, or U you rail within thnt tlmo to file In thin office duo proof that you hnvo rorvod n copy of your nn nwer on tho snld contestant either In porno 11 or by registered mall. If this service In in nil 11 by tho deliver) 1 of a copy or your answer to the con testant In person, proof or such ser vice must bo elthor tho anld contest- aut'H written acknowledgement of hi receipt of thn copy, showing tho date ot Itn receipt, or tho affidavit of tho porson by whom tho delivery was made stating when nnd whero tho copy was delivered; If mado by rgo latered mall, proof or such sorvlco must consist or the affldnvlt ot tho person by whom the copy was mailed slating whon and the postortlco U) which It was mailed, and this afndav It must bo accompanied by tho post master's receipt for tun latter. You should state In your anawer tho name or tho postofflce to which you desire future notices to ho sent to you, C. W. MOORK. Register. Date of first publication May 14, 1913. Data or second publication May 21, 1913. Dato or third publication May 28, 1913. Date or fourth publication Juno 4, 1013. tho army, navy or marina corps of thn U, H. In. tlmo or war. You nre, therefore, lurthor noti fied that the said allegations will bo taken by thin offlco nn having boon confessed by you, and your snld entry will bo canceled thereunder without your riitthor right to bo heard there in, either heforo this office or on ap peal.,, It you rail to llln In this offlco within twenty days utter tho KOmiTII publication or this notice, nn shown below, your answer, under oiilli, specifically meeting nml re sponding to these allegations of con test, or K you rail within thnt tlmo to tlio In this offlco dun proof thnt you hnvo served h copy or your an swer oil tho snld contestant either in person or by registered mall. It (hi servlro Is iiiiuIh by (ho dsllvery or n copy or your answer (0 tho con- Innlfiiit III lw.ruin. iirnof of Hliell Nor- vice must bo either tho said contest ant's written acknowledgement or Ills roculpt or thn copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or thn affldnvlt of the person by whom the dollvory was tniide stilting whun nod whero tho copy wns delivered: If tnndo by rgo Islfire,! mnll. nroof of such service must consist or the affidavit or thn nnrumt liv wbrim tbo eonv was mailed slating when nnd tho postolllea tn which It was malloa, mid tins muunv It must bo accompanied by thu post- mastor s receipt ror too loner. Vim alimilit kisin lii rour answer tho name of tho. postofflco to which you deslio future notices to bo sent to you. C. W. MOORK, Register. Dato of first publication May 14, 1013. Date or second publication May 21, 1013. Dale ot third publication May 28, 1013. Dato ot fourth publication Juno 4, 1913. notici: ron puiimcation. Dopartmont of tho Interior, V. 8. Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, April 2fllh, 194a. Notice Is hereby given that Wilbur X. Huiiiiell, of Lnldlaw, Oregon, who, on December 3rd, 1009, made Homo stead entry No. OCfiGf, for HKVi Hli'A, Hec. 32 mid tiW'A NW1., W'4 HW', Hectlou 33. Township 10 Koiith, Rango 12 Kast, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to mnko final three year proof, to establish elnlm to the Innd above descrlLed, lioforo II. C. Kills, If. 8. Comi.ilrslouer, at his office at llond, Oiegon, on tho Dili day of June, 1013. Claimant names as witnesses: Jnmes It. Honlinm, or l.nldlaw, Ore gon, Krod N. VnnMatro, nnd Lavern O. Itd, or Itond, Oregon, nnd I Lemuel A. Ilrandonburg, or Des chutes, Oregon. 0-13p C. W. MOORK, Ilcglstor. NOTICK OI-' COSTKST. Dopitrtmont or tho Interior, United States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore Con May 0, 1913. To Charles M, Duv ot Rend, Oro gon, Contestou: You ui'o horoby notified that Unils A, 1 Ir 11. who given llond, Crook coun ty, Orogon, nu hlu postofllco nddress, did on April 23, 1013, fllo In this of flco his duly corroborated application to content and secure thn cancellation ot your homestead, Kntry No. Horlul No. 08333, made March 13th, 1011, fo- North Kast Quarter (NKK ) sor. 10 anu North West Qunrtor (NWH) aoctlon 11, .nwnahip 20 south, rango 1C uaat, Wlllame'tu Me ridian, and an grounds tor Ms con test hu alleges that said Charloa M. Davis has novor established his resi dence upon said tract! that ho has not resided upon or cultivated said tract and that ho has utterly aban doned said homestead lor upward ol six months last past, na I am In formed and verily bolloro; that said absence Is not dtta to employment la NOTICK I'Olt PUIILICATIO.V. Department ol tho Interior, V. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Mny 16. 1913. Notice In hereby given that Kr.ek lei II. Ilullah, ot Deschutes, Oregon, who, on December 18th, 1909. mado homestead entry No, 0C721, tor HWViBKK, HKHV'. sec. 22, and NBHNWVi, NWHNK'i. section 27, I township 10 south, rango 12 east, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco or Intention to mnko final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo descrllied, bcroio II. C. Kills, U, 8. Commissioner, at his offlco at Hond, Oregon, on the 30th day ot June, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: George R. Hutu, Lemuel A. Ilran denburgh, Fred A, Uiinnell, Minnie C. Low, James It. Low, all ot Des chutes, Oregon. jll-lSp C. W. MOORK, Register. Newcomers should get tho habit or going to Innes & Davidson's bar ber shop, Adv. Ilond's Rest Harbor Shop, aa woll as tho oldest, Is Innes tt Davidson's, on Oregon street. -Adv. Hi B 5 91 s I LOOK We added 300 new cus tomers to our already long list of users of the BLUESTEM BLEND FLOUR, in May. We pleased these, let us pleaseyou. Wearehead quartersfor steam rolled barley, oats, wheat and millstuff. Come and see us and get our prices before you buy. E B i. ii B 5 I a. i 31 Si B Si Your Car Will Run Beit On 'Llf&SkaQsBVsBBBBBBBBBBBnlllUSBBV tm wll" ImbV'h -SitH tm 'JIBbwsssi The Purest and Best Always at Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. rtimmmrimmmirimr.ftmmmmmi The Standard Oil for Motor Cars What lubricating cylinder oil is used on your car? It concerns evey sutomobila owner to know tht his csr U properly lubricated. A good car xn be ruined in a short time by poor lubrication. If you ar not already uiins; ZEROLENE, communicate with our nearest sjency. We believe t?D Ch that we can demonstrate to you in g&jL''Gfo. nMin nr tv nfrunil lellrr hv U-J ZEROLENE is the best motor lubri cant you can ute. ZEROLENE is sold by dealers every where and at all agencies of the P S!&tSP PORTLAND SAN TRANCISCO We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE . LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, OnU, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. The Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOXJ 2E Excursions East DAILY. MAY 28 TO SEPTEMBER 30. RETURN H LIMIT OCTOBER 31. CHOICE OF ROUTES AND D STOP OVERS IN EACH DIRECTION VIA Sr3HI?775 lYil.12 OregonTrunkRv. CENTRAL OREGON LINE "My New Studebaker" There'a n note of pride in tlio remark. To own a Studebaker buggy is to own the finest, classiest looking, .lightest running vehicle on the road. Slender, yet sturdy wheeta, flexible bent- reach gear of the new Studebaker pattern, well roportioned, graceful lines, upholstery ot the incl that makes vou want to lean back and enjoy yourself, nnd the Studebaker double ironed shafts, strong and shapely. Why wouldn t any man be proud to own a Studebaker? 1 TvhWmwi Trk tVay CuiUsm 5m pur DaUt or will ok STUDEBAKER. South Bend, InL wawrots: crac&oo . palias kaniascity mnvm UimiiAjouj SJU.TUucs.crrv SANnuxcitco rosruuD.oax. ItwrnM LOW ROUND TRIP FARES Baltimore $107.50 Boston 110.00 Buffalo 92.00 Chicago 72.50 Colorado Springs 55.00 Denver 55.00 DesMoines G5.70 Detroit 83.50 Duluth 00.00 Indianapolis 79.U0 Kansas City 60.00 Milwaukee $ 72,50 Minneapolis GO.OO New York 108.50 Omaha 60.00 Philadelphia 108.50 Pittsburgh 91.50 St. Louis m 70.00 St. Paul ,n 60.00 Toronto 92.00 Washington 107.50 Winnipeg GO.OO LIMITED TRAINS EAST Tho train leaving Fiend 6:45 A. M., Redmond 7:21 A. M Terre bonnu 7:3t A. M., Culver 8.-01) A. M.. Metollui 8:0 A. M., Modras 8:40 A. M.. Maupln 10:48 A. M., makes dlivci connection at Fullbrldo with llmltod train Eazl via Spokane, Portland A Seattlo Ry. Train schvdulos and other details will be rurnlshed on request. RairKaire checked and sleeping car accommodations arian'ed thiough to dosiinatlon It denlrvd, J, II. COHUKTT, Agu, Rend, Oro. R. II. CROZIKR, Asst. Gen'l ttu, Asrt. W. C. WILKKS Portland, Ore. Asat. Oea'l Frt. Jc Pasd. Agt., Portland, Ore. SS BO (F WE ARE BUSY. Why? Because our Stock is fresh and our--PRICES the LOWEST in town ' . Mr. Homesteader, it will pay you to get our -, prices before buying elsewhere. . SMBHSSMSMBMSBSSBBSMSBBBBBBBBBBBM L. B. M1SENER CASH GROCERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ' TELEPHONE. Bend, Oregon.