The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 04, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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. 4-X.giLnKNiV imvumtii BKJty.jWin&MUA, wav, 4ultl?k.
I il
4 - a -- -
(Special to Tho Rend nullctln.)
hAIDLAW, Junu 2. Mrs. Nichols
has rented her homo on Cook avo.
Frank Wallace Is reported sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith were In llend
trading last week.
Laldlaw Is soon to have n danc
ing club.
Tho Ulvcreldo lun Is crowded with
j. C. Thorp has rented his resi
dence to a family from Portland.
The hutcher shop will lo discon
tinued tor a time until Improvements
can be made.
Hccker & Payne, .north of town,
hro planting '600ft cabbaRO plants.
R E. Dayton returned last week
to the mill on tho Metollus.
The farewell part given In tho
Odd Follows hall last Tuesday night
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Murk and family was well attended
"by old friends and others. Candy
nnd nuts were served.
Mrs. Cady nnd Miss Fay Clerking
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
FlicKlnger Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ruth Dayton has finished a
very successful term of school in
Washington and returued to her
home north of town. Miss Ruth Is
going to establish residence upon her
homestead near Black Rutte.
Mrs. Rallah from near Deschutes
has opened a restaurant on Cook
Ncal Ray was In Rend Saturday
lifter freight for J. n. Wlmer.
The telcpUoneJcom'pany Js4 putting
In a line from here to tho main camp
of the Tumalo project.
Mrs. Laurrtanrd and children arri
ved last week.
A. O. Walker preached hore Sun
day morning and evening.
Severn! farmers will go to Rend
Thursday. June G, to buy dairy cows.
It is good oven to get a chance to
buy cattlo nowadays.
Decoration Day was observed as
Xisual. Flowers were In evidence
upon the graves of those who have
gone beyond.
A. J. Harder spent Sunday with his
wife and friends. Jess Is running
his auto out of Rend.
G. W Horner has sold his Tumalo
ranch to the state and will leave In
n few days. As yet he has no defi
nite place as a location.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murk and
family left last week for Canyon City
Jo snend the summer.
"Uncle" Marsh Aubrey lost a valu
able mure May 30.
Mr. Billiard has bought G. W.
Horner's auto.
Jay Nichols and mother passed
through town last week for Rend.
A. F. Ramsay, who has been con
fined to his home for several days.
Is reported Improving.
John Couch, who came In after his
car snd to Ibok after business affairs,
left last week for Washington, to be
absent all summer.
(Sieclal to The Rend Rulletln.)
CRKSCBNT. May 20. Ed Mann
Was In town Saturday.
Tom Bracken went to work Mon
day morning on the telephone con
struction work. The forestry service
Is putting In a lfne from the main
office here at Crescenj, to Walker
mountain, where they will have, a
man stationed during the summer.
J. L. Howard brought in a large
load of freight Monday.
T. F. Hauiner went to work for
the forest set vice Tuesday.
Miss Emmallue Meade came up
from La Pino Monday. She Is doing
dining room work at The Crescent.
Chan. Graves, Sr., Mrs. J. L, RIngo.
her son and two small brothers came
up from Klamath Falls Wednesday.
Mrs. Riugo's mother expects to come
up shortly for an extended visit.
E. Austin' look V. W. Cryder U
Rend Wednesday, returning that
night. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Cryder
nnd ton made the trip with him.
Dr. Connol! and wife and Dr. Long
nnd wife, all of Portland, and Alfred
A. Aya of I .a Pine, composed an auto
(tarty coming to Crescent Wednesday
C. Heard of Lonroth left for La
Pine Friday morning. He will go to
tho Agricultural College In Moscow,
Idaho, to write on examinations.
Charles Graves, J. L. Rlngo and
V. M. Gleavs made a Vusluess trip
to Fort Ruek Wednesday afternoon,
H'l amine Thursday morning.
Dr. Collins, who has lately moved
onto his homestead near here, went
through Crescent last week on his
way to Sliver Iake.
. -- - ---
(Special to The Rend Bulletin.)
PINEHUH8T. May 31.- A heavy
rain fellJigieMonday night aud Tuosr
day wotnwt&and vas' heartily wel
comed by" tho I armors. This eiqn
has received a great amount of pre-
clpllatlon In tho last fifteen months.
G W. Homer and family went to
Laldlaw Monday In their car.
J. L. Couch took n position with
tho Irrigation Co. and left Wednes
day for Tumalo.
Mrs. J. 11. Hnrlor spent Saturday
with her mother. Mrs. 0. M. Couch.
Mrs. Delia Nichols spent Wednes-
!day at Tumalo, the guest of hor
sister, Mrs. F. W. Lcvercm.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher passed
through hero Sunday on tholr way to
A. Hess and family nnd Mrs.
Marlon and family spent Sundny on
the Deschutes fishing.
J. R. Couch made a business trip
to Bond Friday.
U II. Root had a orew of mon
working on the roads this week.
A serious break In the Irrigation
canal occurred Weduesdny and Fred
Wallace left Immediately with men
to rebuild the canal.
Mrs. F. W. Levrreni was a Plno
hurst visitor Saturday.
G. W. Horner mado a business
trip to Laldlaw Friday.
Mr. Minor, Mr. and Mrs, Shaw and
Jay Nichols went to Sisters the first
of tho week on business.
Jay Nichols killed a fine beef Ft I
day which he sold on tho Rend mar
Miss Kdna Root and Mrs. Delia
Nichols went to Laldlaw Friday.
Mrs. C. E. Nichols went to Rend
on business Saturday.
(Special to Tho Rend Rulletln.)
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
William R. Randies has purchased
the H. P. Smith ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Smith expect
to make tho trip to Hartllne. Wash.,
In their machine In the near future.
R. M. Elder and family had their
first fried spring chicken of the sea
son Sunday. Colo E. Smith picked
ripe strawberries Sunday, the first
for this year In this community.
R. M. Elder went to Tho Dalles
Monday In the interest of the water
users association,
Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Dotts enter
tained Sunday, the guests being Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hoech, Mr. and
Mrs. Owen Dotts, Dick Hunsley and
George Hoech.
The Ladles Juniper Club met with
Mrs. Ernest Havcmanii last Thurs
day. After the business of tho meet
ing was disposed of delightful
refreshments were served by the
hostess. The next meeting will be on
June 12 with Mrs. O. C. Cardwcll.
(Special to The Rend Rulletln.)
Cornett Is cleaning up ills ranch
across from the station. Ho plans to
summer fallow the whole thing and
seed It this fall. Ho will move his
family out front Prlnevlllo Immedi
John Wolfer Is working for George
Morgan pulling troos and cloarlng
brush. Mr. Morgan Is clearing most
of his place this year and expects t
Pilot Butte Hotel
J. F. TAtJCJART, Prop.
Good Dining Room
Headquarters for Commercial Men
lifectrlc Lighted Throughout
flood Rooms BEND, OREQ ON flood Aleals
Free bus fo
and from trains
-- HHI
Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles
east of Henri. Our trees are the kind we recommend
after over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will
please vou. Catalog free on request. Come and see
ourorcimrdsam nursery Office address, Prineville. Ore.
- - -
farm In real stylo nta year.
K. A. Rusactt aim family mado a
trip to Sliver Lako last week, return
ing Sunday. They toll of a flue trip
nnd say It Is a great country.! Mrs.
Russott Btupped off In Bond tor n
fow days' visit on tho return trip.
Tho Powell Butto Sorosls Club mot
with Mrs. Foslor last Wednesday.
An oxcoltont mooting nnd a very on
Joynhlu time woro experienced by
thoso present.
Misses Alma Johnson, Viola Trues
dalo and Gladys lluyn have returned
to tho buttos to spend vacation, after
a hard yoar's work In tho Crook
County High School nt Prlnevlllo.
Clark Morso spent several days
In Prlnevlllo Inst week, taking In tho
high school commencement exercises.
Some time ago n man on the lower
Doschutos made quite n splurge over
n stalk of alfalfa that was raised on
dry land nud that was 1914 Inches
high. Oris Slots has a patch of dry
laud alfalfa on his homestead which
averages from '.'8 to SO Inches.
Mrs. Charles Charlton mado n trip
to Prlnevlllo Thursday. Carl and Har
old, who have been attending school
there, returned with her.
A very enjoyablo evening was spent
by somo of the younger set under the
leadership of George Beckman, when
they called on Nathan Beach and
hrldo for tho usual stick of candy
nnd cigar. Mr. Beam was totally un
prepared but after nn undue amount
of persuasion he loosened up for n
box or cigars. He In still worried
over tho useless expense.
Jack Walter was tho last ono to
got stuck In the ditch In front of
Qrls Slstz's. Perhaps tho road super
visor will sco his way clear to put
n bridge in there after a few more
ijt-t stuck.'
continued warm weather Is causing
crops of all kinds to fairly Jump. Al
ready some of tho alfalfa In tho river
bed Is In bud, nnd will be ready for
cutting In two or three weeks. Clover
Is making tho same good growth. Rye
on dry land Is now about a foot high.
Married. May 24, Mlas Hattle Frost
and Nathan R. Beach. This wedding
was something of a surprlso to their
friends and general knowledge of It
brought nn old.faahlcned charivari
party who serenaded lustllv with tin
cans and cow hells, aud tho dogs of
the ticlghorhood still have a hunted
look nnd a coyote hasn't been hoard
since. Mr. and Mrs. Bench will live
on his homestead .icre.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Davidson moved
to Bend Inst weok.
The annual school meeting In dis
trict 72 will be held at tho school
house on Juno 11. A clerk and one
director will be elected. The school
board as It stands now is J. I. Jones,
clerk: A. D Morrill, chairman; Chas.
Frost and N. B. Bench.
(Special to Tho Rend Rulletln.)
HAMPTON Rl'TTB. May 31. The
weather Is hot now, the tempornture
during tho day going as high as 90
C. J. Stauffcr enme In from llend
with a load of supplies and farm ma
V. D. Harris of I .oat Creek Is mov
ing his homo. Ho recently dug n
new well and secured a good supply
of water. Mr. Harris will move his
buildings to the new well.
James Wells eamo In from Bond
with a load of lumber for his house
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
All arrangements made for persona
desiring to go south and cast of here
- - 4 - -
nnd Intends to build soon.
R. R. lhirlo of New York nnd L.
W. McDowell of St. Paul woro In this
locality recently taking photos, Tho
views will bo run on n film for mov
ing pictures. Views of homesteaders
olunrliiK sagebrush, plowing and tho
llko and also vlown of tho roundup
at tho llnnley ranch noar Burns will
bo shown In tho "movies."
Mr, l.csck of Portland tins pur
chased the rollmiulshiucut of Mrs.
J. W. McCluro nnd Mr. Tinner of
Bond thnt or Mr. McCluro.
Mr. Carter of Silver Creek was
calling on friends hero on his way
to Bond.
C. W. Ashbaugh la In Bend on bus.
In ess.
Mr. Addlnglon, who lives hear
Null, passed through Hnmpton Butto
on his way to Bend.
Miss Elvn McFnddon experts to
build on her claim this week. V. I).
Harris will do tho carpenter work.
John Perry and son Marvin have
purchased a well drill nnd suttlclont
apuaratua to drill to n depth of ir.00
Miss Mary Mo.Mullln has been 111
with ait attack of muscular rheuma
tism. Mrs. Kd Street, after a cotipla of
weeks' visit with relatives here, re
turned to her homo on Buck creek.
Her husband drove over and returned
with her.
O. W. Stone and daughter Besslo of
Davenport, Wash., were cnlllng on
Horace Brookings and family. Mr.
Stone and Mr. Brookings were old
neighbors at Davenport sovoral yearn
W. C. Cecil and II. D. Cecil and
wire or Silver Creek passed through
hero on their way to Portland via
Bend. Mr. Cecil's daughter is to be
married In tho metropolis on Juno 4.
-- --
(Special to The Bend Bulletin.)
Tl'MAIiO, Juno 1. Tho woods aro
full or survey crows at present do
ing preliminary work an tho Tuma
lo project.
All crops aro now showing a fine
growth nnd this should bo a bumper
year, from present Indications.
Charles L. Wlmer wns a business
caller nt Bond yesterday.
Mr. Phoenix or Redmond, engineer
on tho project, with n crew, is stay
ing at tho Star ranch at present.
G. W. Horner and family leavo for
tho Mctollus tomorrow for n cani
Ing trip or a month or more. They
havo sold much or their househould
goods, slock, ccops. etc. Mr. Horner
has contracted his Innd to the state.
Mrs. L. J. Wlmer, who. for somo
time has been staying at tho Star
ranch, has returned to her homo at
(Special to The Bulletin)
RKDMOND. Juno 2. Tho Red
mond Feod & Fuel Co. will put In a
If). barrel flour mill In this city nnd
hnvo It in operation probably about
July 1.
Commencement exerclaes of the
Redmond High School worn hold In
lint Hnnrk thuatrn bmt l-'rlitnv even.
.uB There was very largo attend-
The baseball gamo which was to bo
played hero Sunday between Red
mond and Prlnovllle wns postponed.
Tho Redmond schools closed for
tho summer vacation last Thursday.
Kxtenslvo preparations aro bolnx
mado for tho IjIk Fourth of July cole-
bratlon which Is to be hold hero. Tho
oration winch Is to be hold noro. Tho
4th and nth will be tho days for the
Tho Raracn nnH Phllnthea Snniliv'
school classes of tho Methodist
church spent Sunday on tho Des
chutes near l.ower Rrldge.
A number of Redmond people at
tended tho rabbit drlvo on the pen
insula between tho Deschiitpa and
Crooked rivers, about 18 miles rrom
hore. About SO rabbits were killed.
It. L. Bchee has been elected sec
retary or tho Redmond Commercial
Club to succeed A. J. Hanoy. resign
ed. M 11. Olllote wa down rrom Rend
last Sunday. Ho and his llltln iion
Ralph returned on Monday's train.
Department of tho Inlorlor, IF. 8
Lad Onice at Tho Dalles, Oregon, I
May Cth, 1913.
,, , , . '
Notice Is haroby given that Niun
l. Ulllott, usslgiou of Dona Mc
NauRht, asslgneo or Corn A. Swlgur,
or Paisley, Oroson, who, on Juno 1st,
1909, mado desert Innd ontry No.
010312 for KV&NWH, section 13,
townsnipe is south, rnngo 12 east,
Willamette Merldlau, has (Hod notice
Of Intonllon to mnkn flm.1 nrnnf in
Va Uhluim.f.?'
establish claim to the laud abovo des
crlbod, bororo H. C. Kills, U. 8. Oom-
mlsslonor, nt his omco at Rend, Ore
gon, on tho Htb day of Juno, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
I. A. Eastcs, Georgo 8. Young and
John SwJger. of Rend, Orostun. and
1 , M," Q' I'slsloy. Oregon.
M3 o. W. MOORB, Register.
We carry a complete stock of
Farm Implements
and Repairs
all kinds of
Wire Fencing
Tents, Camping Outfits
Lawn Mowers
Lawn Hose
Base Ball Goods
Garden Tools
Pumps and Pipe for
deep wells.
Lot us figura your well bill.
Bend Hardware Co.
A low or Mr. and Mrs. E, A.
Knotts' friends gnvo (hem n genuine
surprlso last Wednesday evening nt
tbnlr homo southeast or town. All
hnd a very enjoyable time. They
had music, dancing and cards. Re
freshments .of onko nnd coffee wero
served. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Slack, Mr. and Mrs. Suttong.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. nud
Mrs. B. lowcll. Mrs. Doyarmond,
Mrs. G. liwell. Miss Fay Doyarmond,
Miss Vera Knotts, Mrs. Pierce, Bird
l.ooll, Roy Pierce. John Dovrles,
Everett Mare. Everett Arnold, Mr.
Castle and Ivan Knotts.
Practical Baking Lessons
Whit C,
i tup butter
l cup granulated sugar
cup milk or water
tr of throe rfif
U puniftn naitrv flour
3 level teupoonfule A O Raking Powder
1 tcuooonfiil vanilla extract.
To mix white rake, meuiire thu (lour nnd
sift it at Imut threo tinies with the baking
powuer. Neil cream tiie butter and sue
' toicthcr until erramy and white! then tul
K&Sftti&fi; Sj
mUtute, stirring it all tho time. After oil
i fnoUturs nud flour sro Kided snd tho bitter
la. perfectly amooth and Blowy, beat the
whites of the ttt untd they nro very atill,
adding tlwieo to tho batter Int. JJako in
two medium elied layer pans and put in
pjtber with chocolate, pineapple or plain
Slmplt Chotclali Filling
1H cups of powdtred or confocttoofr'a
wear ana enouxn mine or water to uiaeoive
!".lff!fl. Ai5tAB.,ff,.th 2,$)?.
Mgar an
eooklng chocolate and when smooth, spread
upon the cake. . To, melt the chocolate
- I aw fltl lilitina
npe. pueo in a cup eet In boiling
rr the ateam or tho too, kettle.
water or over
Uncoolcid PlMapfi Icing
ft cup grated pineapple
1 egg white (unbeaten)
S etipe powdered or confectioner's auger
Icing ie improved by long besting and addln
Buaar crai
ally, not much'at a time. Thl
rrcipo may bo varied by ualng H cup
no may U) varied liv ualca If eun o:
i any
Und ol cruaticd fruit, such as grated sour
at eruahed fruit, auch aa irrati
apple, etrawberries, pesrhee, hananaa, orange
Juice, or lemoo Julco diluted ono half with
' H cup boiling water Whits of 1 egg
I 1 cud ernntitatcd auxar.
Stir augar and boiling water until auger
la uiaaoivcus put over nro ami cook without
1 stirring untu tho
syrup win form a soft
will form
ed in enld
spongy ball when
dropped in cold water,
lien pour into tho whito of egg rlonl
jeatlne rnnitantlv until tiff onotieh I
epread. Ilavor to suit and apreod upon the
cakej n littlo lemon Julco nddod to tho syrup
makrsthoiclngsnongy. This makrs enough
(or two layers. Jnatcad 01 )l cup wntur uso
If rim of nnv fruit lulca to mako illftrtnt
hlagt. Nut, raitlns or flga can bo added if
Egglat Icing
2 cups powdered or confectioner's sugar)
Julco of ) loinon and water, croam or milk
to soften aurar to conalatcucy to apresd. This
r!,rnP!y nUift ,JJ,,ta Ino,ro fus?'- Xl,lf n'
lo bo mado th onv kind of fruit Juioo to
"!!Sa W "lrol water, crcsa, w
ranno ion lor ii ono anouiu got it too suit,
(hid Cab
it cup butter Yolka of A eggs
i cud sugar
)i cup milk or water
.4 2 ifirilafwvnfnlil
2 level teaapoonfuls IC G Raking l'owdcr
l cup uour, leas
Grated rind of orsngo
Th. next leaao wW ! o
?jr,.caJfu:i dJitl'a Iw
Iuv'Zg white in bowl with tho pineapple)
take a rotary egg beater and beat tho augar
la a very littlo at a time and continue beating
Until iclns la stiff enoueh In anreail. Thli
I have dlnposed of my Interest In
tho Oregon Land & Immigration Co.
and am no longer connected there
with nnd therefore not responslblo
for any Indobtodnoaa contracted by
tho company. I will continue In bus
iness as In the past, making a spec
ialty or government and other raw
13 8lgned) E. II. POST.
( Advertisement.)
Hlectlnn of officers this (Wednes
day) evening. All members
quested to b present.
13 IC. of R. and H.
CAKES, (Continued)
In Uit wtck's Uiion, I (v full directions and
and two simple rtdpes lor cake halting. The great
essentials In making cakes, are to use good materials,
to maasars caiafully. and to uae care in Baking. A cake
should look appetlaing. A carslass cook wilt seldom
make a good cake or one that looks good. It Is worth
while to ue a little eitra cate and attention In order to
have a nice arpeailng cake.
yiuirauu. CELyto
To mix Gold Cake, lft flour and Inking
powdrr together threo time: trnim litlr
and sugar, brat yolka of ecgt, add thM t
creamed ml iture, snd laady add the moil,
turo and flour alternately, twatlng battr
until amooth. Gold Cako nan only ho mad i
(ureeifully by Iwallng yolka of egxj vry,
very creamy end Uxtil lemon colored, twin.
a rotary ixuitrr. Tim rotary bratr la th
only bcatrr that will do iuatlco to thn yolk
of rot. Tho beating kills nil cc tuto an 1
Improves tho rturo of tho cake. Got I
Cako can Ixi baked in & mll IiiIm nan or
o can Iki baked In a small Mln pan or
In layers, ualng the aamn direetlone for be
of tho ovcu asln tho whito cako abovo.
OdcoUU Caki
Ilcupbuttcs M teatpoonful salt
1 cup euRor Ui cupa paatry tlous
. . . Y:k 3 Wi beaten light
2), leyrl , teaapooofula IC O Ilaklng IVjwder
Whltoa of a mma: tvolvn rfrv
3 SQUarca ordinary cooking chocolate, meltej
1 tcajpoonful vanilli extract
i enp nunc or wates
To tnlxl Hlft tnvAlhfr Ihnu (fn.. K
flour ami baking powdorj cream butur and
augar, add beaten yolka of tho eggi and ad I
tneao to tho erraxned mixture, then th l
melted cliorolate, and alternately tbt
mo .turn ami flour snd tho wetl-Wten
whites of thoegwlaat. Ilakoln layers, or loaf
Thlnst to Remember
Always bavo tho cako batter so It will
drop easily from thn spoon, adding mom
moietum u tho amount called for by thi
rcclpo doesn't mako It soft enough. Cako ,
batter that id reasonably aoft will bcoomo f'
much lighter.
Always uso a doublc-ralso baking powdrr
to guard ngalmt cako falling, and to hi
assured of a liglit flno-toxturwl cake. K O
Raking Powder is n modorn double ralso
baklnn ppwdcr, always giving uniform
results. It 111 A haklntr nnwilrp nlli inn
distinct raUcj, firjt when molsturo id
jwdoil, and again when heat is applied.
This sustains tho ralalna? until thn Mtfor Ii
cooked, wlicn, of course, it cannot fall,
olka and whites of egg should bo
beaten ncnarutelv, Uso a rotary beater
for tho yolka and o flat or spoon whip for
tho whites.
Novcr groaso tho sides of tho cako tltut.
Let tho batter stick to tho sides and cut Is
looso with a knlo when bnked. This keep
tho layers oven, If tho sides of tho pan am
greased, (ho cakp will pull away, making
tllO ton Of ilia liver Mrmwur flmn llm
bottom, nnd making It Impoeslblo to staclc
tho layers evenly.
Dear In mind that bakod dough cannot
rise. Alvrays start baking with alow llamo
ir wpderato oven, and allow tho cako to
douhjo in elro before Increasing tho heat;
then bako with a hot oven until tho top Ii
brown, And tho center rcspondd to tho
To CUt A eaka when ntlll viim n, nultn
fresh, dip tho blade of thu knlfo in hot or
cold water and out with thoularop blodo.
TlUs pro,venta ealco fronj oUciias to
Muffins wltla aaTerU xce)Ient
a1 TOKul