The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 04, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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O. n. Allon was In town yesterday,
John Cnrmody went ,to Tho Dalles
Miss Ida Anderson Is tip from Des
chutes visiting friends.
A. M. Clwney of Minneapolis has
l'cen lu town this week.
Ililrn. tn Mr. ninl Mm. Antmi
linlua, on Juno 1, n girl.
J. H. Itnner was over from Prlnc-
vlllc the first of the weak.
Clyu McKay weift to Terrebonne
on tmatnB this morning.
On Monday n girl was born to
Mr. ami "Mrs. A. H, Coopor.
Myers & Wllkey moved Into tholr
now BMIdrhft'lnst Thursday.
Vernon A. Forbes went to Prlne
vlllo this morning on business.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. It van wore
down from tho ranch Monday.
Chns. lloyd left Sunday for Seattle
to be gono a wtek or ton days.
Miss Mildred Scss was In town
from her Tumalo homestead from '" n 'w days to occupy n houso lu
Friday to Susday. I Kenwood. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Gould
win taKo tlio moss oottngc.
Ingr at tho corner of Clrconwoodnvo-
nuo and Ilond streoL
C. A. Holmes left Saturday for
Mnrshflctd. Mrs. Holmes rocs to
Harlem. Mont., to visit relntlvcs and
later to Duluth. Minn.
' 'ChlldrcnVday will bo observed nt
tho Haptlst church Sunday, with n
Bpi'dnl program nt 10:30 by tho lit
tle folks. The public Is Invited.
Miss ICatucrlno Trnutner plans to
go down Sunday to Portland for the
Rose Festival, MIm Anno Mnrkel
will tkkc hor place nt Mnnnhelmor's.
Mrs. J. l Johnson has gone Kast
to visit her daughter In Duluth,
Minn. She was accompanied by her
nephew who has been visiting huro.
Kcv. H. O. Judd has bought tho
Ceorgo Gates place of ton ncres oast
of town nud is building n house pre
paratory to tho nrrlvnl of -his fnmlly
tnis month. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Illls arrlvod on
Saturday -from Massachusetts, and
yesterday went up to tho Dig Itlvor
ranger station where Mr. Illls Is lo
cated for the summer.
,,-H--in m
Mr. and Mrs. Walsh and K. J
Greene will leave tho Uloss cottage
Mrs. Hugti.'O'Kano returned Sat
urday from Portland where she vis
ited for several weeks.
The First National Hank's 25 head
of dairy cows arrived last wcok and
Ytnll )ift fertlit nt ftttA Innni ilnlrv cntinli
Tho Hoyal Neighbors will give a mn-. n-w .... i,ii. ' ,,.
dance In Snthcr's hall Friday night, ., cunr,.lto0l, to ,, .,,,, .,,,
to which tho public Is Invited. ' spring
Mr. and Mrs Hugh K. Ollmour DurjnK ,ho ,a8t wcck , M tho
were In town Friday from Paisley. nend Mn & Warehouse Co. hn
rcglstered nt the Hotel Wright. jdcd 60 ton8 of fccd graIn nm, w
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. French return- unablo to supply nil the demand ow
ed Sunday night from Mcdford and ing to Inability to get grain shipped
Grants Pass where they visited. i In promptly.
The Episcopal Guild will meet on I E. R. Post and II. It. Ford have
Thursday afternoon at the home of withdrawn from tho Oregon I.nnd &
Mrs. Naomi Trlplett, at 2!30 o'clock. I Immigration Co., which Is now com-
x nr. r n -.,., pi, . ..! losed of O. C. Henkle and James
Advortl.-oiiients liixoitetl under tltli
heading Ht the ir.o of one cent n
word for cadi Insertion. UUcouiit on
extended Insertions. (."Imruct me
imjitbtc lu advance except for adver
tisers lint lint u iruular m count with
Th lltillellii. All puht mlterlNc
ments will Ik? potcd lu The Ittitlctlu
ulilcu nt the time of receipt.
- jl ii i
For Kent.
For Sale.
Standard Oil Company's plant Int.
J. Alton Thompson was up from
Itedmond Saturday", on business In
concctlon with. tho, water users' ns-
A 12-foot cement sidewalk Is be
ing laid in front of the Doyd bulld-
locatlon. Tho change was clfecttvo
June 1.
Mrs. J. S. Logan, manager of tho
96 Ilnnch, has purchased from I C.
Roberta, who recently purchased the
McGlllvray ranch southeast of Ilcnd,
all the bull ealves from a herd of 18
blood Aberdeen Angus cows, nt a
price of JG5 per head.
FOR KENT Cabin near Ilond Co.
mill. Inquire nt llullollu ollko. 13tf
FOR KKNT Furnished room In
modern houso, private family. Mrs.
A. M. Lara. lOtf
FOR RUNT Furnished cnbln $3
hi month. W. 11. I.esh, lot 11, blk 15,
Center Addition. 12tf
FOR RKNT Part or nil of tho
Central building. Offices or living
rooms, ii, J, Ovorturr. li'tt
FOR RENT Furnished four-room
cottage, Kenwood nddltlon, il" a
month. Wllllnms & Crandiilt's sec
ond hand store. 13p
FOR RENT Three furnished
roams suitable for light housekeep
ing, closo In. Call or telephone tho
Doyd meat market. 13
FOR RENT Small house, partly
furnished, near depot; light house
keeping or sleeping room tor two;
$6 n month. Inquire at Bulletin, lltt
FOR RENT Threo comfortable
rooms centrally located. Sultablo for
family. Running water and electric
lights. Very moderate. Inqulro at
Bulletin omcc. fitf
! I II II Uk-
"OiTei",t'o travellers the-most comfortable
and modern rooms in Bend.
Steam heat, baths, hot and cold water,
new furniture.
Beautiful location on th(banks ot the
Deschutes Kiver. "' '
Free bus to and from depot. '
Special Sunday Dinner served from 5:00
to 7: 0 P. M. Plates 50 cents.
Spend Sunday afternoon on our green
lawns and crol verandah watching the clouds,
the river antf the mountains. Then step in to
WANTED Girl for houso work.
Phono Stanley ranch. 8tf
FOR RENT iJirgo store, modem
front. Good location. Apply to Post
master. 12
WANTED Position as cook lu
hotel or restaurant, experienced. In
quire nt llitllotin olllcu. 12-13p
WANTED Woman for general
housework. Apply to Mts. F. Ewlng
Mnrtln, log house next C. S. Hud
son's. 13
WANTED Union Pacific Llfo In
surance Company of Portland, Ore
gon, with a paid up capital of $100,
000, and having 350 stockholders In
Oregon, most of whom will tnko In
surance In tho company themselves
and will assist tho company's agents
In writing Insurance desires a strong
representative In Ilond nnd vicinity,
and also at Hums and Metollus. Ad
dress Mark T. Kudy. superintendent
of ageuoles, Portland, Oregon. 13
v4.c.3P" jk ee
To Exchange.
FOR 8AI.E-- Two good milk cows.
Inquire of P. II. Doncur. 13.
FOR SALE Second hnud huok,
chonp. Call at Forestry Olllco. 7lf
FOR SALE 100 young linns. Boo
Roy Allgood at Mend Co. mill. 13p
FOR SALE Promo camera, 3U
by rU, complete. Call nt Ellto Stu
dlo. 10tf
FOR SALE Cabbago plants. 36o
per hundred. M. F, Hawthorn, on It.
C. Hills' ranch. 13tf
FOR SALE Small size Westing
house electric fan. $3. Telephone E.
A. Cast, Deschutes. 12-15
FOR HALE Tho Altnmont Hotel
building nnd furniture, nil now and
first class. J. A. Eastes. -Itf
FOR SALE 4x5 high grade pinto
camera, with extension bellows. In
quire nt Forestry Oltlce. "tf
FOR SALE Flvo dozen folding
camp chairs, fiOc each, less than hair
price. Apply nt Star Theatre. Up
FOR 8ALE Haled clover hay at
Anderson brothers' ranch threo miles
front Lntdlnn- on Tumalo road. Tele
phone. lOtf
FOR SALE Good team, weight
1200 each, 7 and 9 years old. Also
wagon and liaruest. Ueo T. Ellen, nt
Hfliid Co. Mill. 12-I3p
FOR SALE Hough lumber, nt
Anderson brothers' sawmill half way
between Ilond and Lnldlaw, on old
Tumnlo rond. Heasonablo price. lOtf
FOR SALE Ono ncro, 2 two-room
houses, barn, woodshed, water. Closo
In on 7th street. $1000, $200 down,
lull, monthl). Jones & It ens haw. 7tf
boar, one year old. weight nlmut 330
pounds. Ed Hnlvorson, Ilcnd. C((
FOR SALE Wo deliver to any
part of tho city. Ilond Grocery,
where tho sun rises. 1 blk east of de
pot. 9tf
ALFALFA and clover nnd tlmo
thy liny mixed, at Powell llutte. Ad-
ilrcsj G. L. 1 1 razee. Redmond, Ore
Ron. 4-13p
FOR HALF-80 acres Irrigated
land In Lnldlaw district, partly Im
proved. $2100. Address A-Gt, rare
Ilullctln. Ctfl.cp
WE STILL havo n largo quantity
of clover nnd timothy hay on hand at
$11 per ton nt tho ranch. Haled In
fine shfi'pe. Star Ranch, Co.. Tumalo.
Oregon. lOtf
I "I
Your S (Inert 1
Thp Naw firnrprv
J. XIV JLiVTT UIvWWIJ , iih rflriliest
2 Impound tins Salmon liSo
) pounds Haisins Ufio
'Ji'pnund can Toinalocs I Oo
1 Mick good Flour for $1.15
Jl ii)u j sacks Salt for lilo
Bring your Butler and Eggs to us,
Pilot Butte Cash Grocery
Cor. 0th and Fir Sts., Center Addition, Bend, Oregon
row whq wAn.'
M Looktd Llko a Ours Lour, but Was
Itsslly Esy Monsy,
Thero wm it queer bet, one tluil
leoiiu'il hiiuiuwhnt foolhardy, iiiudw by
'. iHdltti'laii u few weeks lefoitt llui
election lu HMM. when It xxiih npHiri'ht
that McKlnley would xwevp the ionic
lie hud Ihhui nppnhirhed by n man
iv ho olTered to make a "mujnrlty"
wnger. "I'll lell ymi what I'll tin." Ilu
politician nqillel, "I'll bet you $)
that I enn write down (he iimum of
llilrly sliiles Unit MeUluley wlllcMrry."
The man hiiiipixhI up the bet cugerly,
slid the pollllclmi wrote the lint of
nn men and gave them to n friend to
keep, simiIisI, until Ilia day after elec
tion. "Now," he snld. "Jimt to show ymi
how big n t liuh McKlnlcy Iinm, I will
bet you $.V Hint I can uniiie Iru ad'
llllitnnl tn(c that he will esrry."
The mini uhn linik Hie tlrxt lnt Jump
1 at the second t'lisiu'ii. feeling cr
tain that forty atnl.Ht would not go
When the election was over nnd lh
role counted the enrelope4 were open
fit. In the list of thirty state (he
politician hsd imnint all lh solid
oulh ami the doubtful slate, lis lo-t
f.Vi. Hut In the tlt of leu he iinmed
Mute Hint did not b Hcmovrntlc lu
twenty yean until the election of 1011!.
-IauUvIIIu Times.
Into the MHir baiit lu ruurcliT I gnre
him sHpeme to put In (he bug Hie turn
HiiiulMy he uetit loehurrli, ntul ImteMd j
of puHluit II In he kepi It to spend, He
mid me nhotit ll More he dliil, hill I '
did ti"l know when he had hidden II "
The leiiiiiil Hiiirelietl nnd found (he
sUHiiie In ii llllle ehliui Jug. Hhe put
It Into IIik MMir Iniu-iiiiiI wih never
ngnlii veiled by the nppurltluii,
k WB- HAVE Portland property to
sptftQNgtt ibr Ilond real ostato. Ilend
rtesmy,'&r Investment Co., C22 Cham
ber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. -Itf
Irftxt ninl Found.
Hotel Oregon
Newly Furnished
Clean Beds 50cts
Meals- -- 25cts"
Home Coo kin or
i 4
$t it.
ii i i 'ii ' "" ii" ii Ii m i
LOST A desk chair sent In or
near Ilond. Finder please return to
Uuljetln ol!c. 9-Hp
"IX)ST Elgin watch, 15 Jewels,
silver case. Reward for return to tho
Hiillotln office. 12-lKp
LOST Illack silk watch fob. gold
mounted Elk's tooth. Return to A.
M. Larn for reward. 13p
STKhVKJ) May 31st, ono sorrel
horse with halter and rope, branded
J 8 on loft hip. Finder Icavo at Auno
barn for reward. 13-10p
LOST Hay driving maro, wt 900,
branded W on right stlflo. Red web
halter on. Last seen going toward
Redmond. Reward. Finder notify
Cloverleaf dairy at Ilond. 13-Hp
LOST Two hay marcs about tho
49th mllopost on llond-llurns road,
one branded D, other with II and In
verted V Joined. Finder pleaso no
tify S. Orgler, Hox 177, fiend. 13u
Klx lonveH of fresh liiriul for ii!iet
:i bmvcH of stule bread for 10c, chirk
en brcjul fSHc n sack. .American link.
Willi Street.
New Mote. Ad Htf Co.
SO ACHK8 Irrigated Central Ore
gon ditch land, deeded. Improved, 3
miles from rnllrosd. Imm than cost.
terms. Hd Mnrktnm. 92S Chamber of
Commnree, Poitlasd, Ore. lip
SEVENTY dollar kitchen ratine for!
sale Tor $ 10. Is n six hole malleable
stoat range, used only about six
weeks nod hi absolutely nn good as
now. See Robert H. Oould. I2tf
FOR SALE- Maro wt nlMiut 1100.
horso wt aliout 1200, lioth nlmilt f
voars old. Douldo Imrness with team
U wanted. Will trade for heavier
team. Time on good security. Call
at Kvergreon Rooming Houso. 12-13p
FOR SALE First nnlent flour at
$1.26 sack, tomatoes 10 els oan,
h'Mneinn"" cntsuii 20 cts bottle, gran
ulated white sugar $5.10 por 100 lbs.
Wo want your businoss. Ilond Gro
cery, 7th and Fir, east of depot. 12tf
FOR 8AI.E 100 acre relinquish
ment, water right worth $30 per aero,
all fenced, nearly nil plowed, so mo
crop. Fine location IVi miles from
town. $1000 below value for this.
Need money. Address Owner, Hox
302. Ilcnd, Oregon. 10-13
FOR SALE Four fine Jols In
Park Addition In block 13. Water,
light and sidewalks; attrnctivo
houses occupy adjoining property.
Snnio prices you pay for unimproved
lots far oat. "Inciulro "Harguln", nt
Jlullctln office. 2tf
FOR HALF; 160 ncres undor
ditch 8 miles cast of Ilend. School
on place adjoining. Good huoso nnd
barn. Eighty acres fenced, several
acres cleared and about 15 acres
partly cleared. Over $1100 of Im
provements. If sold soon will take
C O. I. prices. Ilend Ilrlck & Lumber
Th Story of a Ohott With a TroubUd
The folhiwTiui well ntilhriillrittrd
ghmlly hiippeiilng Ik recorded III Jessie
Adelnlde Mbldielun's "The drey (Iho.t
A Isdy hud tnken n fiimlsheil hnue
lu Hurfolk, Kiigbiud. from u widow who
had lately lo-t her sou. One day she
was Kitting In the drawing room when
the rigure of n ly of nNuit thtrliHUi
wnlkiil nrnixs the room, halted op.
lie a table mi which was some china
and began to w'i bitterly. When she
got up nnd hsxteiietl lowiinl the Isiy to
comfort him he at euro rntiUhed. As
the same thing necum-d rvealedly, the
ludy wrote to the owner of the houoe.
mi-king tr uiuie uxptniiatlou. This
wiim hor answer:
"Will ynu kindly searrh (he table
with the ilnii oriuiii'iit on It. nud If
voti llud hIxik'Hi-c In miy of tlmiji put It
"Psylng Throuoh tho Noi."
"I'rt)ln Ihruugh the immo" Is i Im,
Itntlreelly swtitilleil lu n lirtiixiicllon or
lo pay mi exurbiliiiit prtro for a Ihliig
In iiiiiMhlemlloii uf long credit. A
variant In "to In bored through (he
luxe." 'ImhhI'' here having the menu
line of cheiiteil, deelvel!
At thli lnlnt hi Imrv m wlOi Mm
irlch. "Ilrnry VIII.." I I, l.
Mo Hint hxtli aullrd you, llnl luln
borwl you, lr.-"U( of T. Cromwfll,'
ISU. II. II. lai
And Howell In Ids "limlrticllnn For
Fori en Tmvell" HiWli. Mge M, "hud
known divers Dutch gentlemen gnwly
guld by Hits cheat (the selling of forged
iiiauiiscrlpU lo young Hnvelem lu
llnlyi. and sum KuglUti IxtrM alt
IhMugh the iioe Hits way by paying
exce-nlve price for 1110111." Ixiudoti
Nvtos ami Qiicrlen.
Couohlng In LUu of Oratory,
A uluguhir fashtoii whlrh prevailed
aiiioiiu the preadiers uf Uromwull's
lime win. Unit nf coughing or tiemmliu
In the middle of a rtitcm III order
tu attract the Hileutluii or the cyu
Ktepitloii. The neicy of eonlrnunlly
nltrncltug the attention of the listeners
could uul tuivo nrsueil nell for the
hrllllnni-e of Hut oeruinn Koine im
lliurllles nny Hint Hie pniirliern rotiBh
ed merely as an ornament lo. specdi.
At nuy rale. Mlieii the sermons were
printed, as mniiy of them Men, the
cough mid hems were nlwny ludlcnl-f
ed on Hie uiHrglu of the wge. HL
liuU Republic. '
String Osqustts.
Ill Ills will rlleplieil Hwnlll of the
pnrUh of St. Olave. riouilnvnrU, guo
tu John Ablsitt mid Mary, lit wife.
slxM'iici eiti'h "to buy for each uf them
a halter for fear (he sheriffs should
not be provided." nud John AylFU
Stow left the sum of A guldens for tloi
pnnliiie of the phltire of u vlier bit
ing I he hand of his rescuer to Ihi pro
seiiteil lo nil emlto'Ot K V. us u n
minder or -liN lugmtltiidu and Iiiho.
Icui'O." IrfiHihui Mull.
The Manugers of the Bend Theater wish
to announce to the Public that they will
furnish new pictures daily, and the be.sf
that can be secured from the, General "
Film Company. Also other attractions
to please the public, Daily at 7:00;
Saturday and Sunday Matinees 2; 00 P. M,
Wo havo just received a beautiful line of
and COLLAR STOCKS for tho Ladies.
This is a nice assortment.
And don't forget our Dry Goods
nnd Groceries which we are sell
ing nt "Hard Times" prices.
E. A. Sather
Up-To-Date Furniture
Down-To-Date Prices.
Setlnir is BollovitiK. Cnll and Sue,
10 Cent Counter
and Sundries.
All tho Necessary Articles for Camping Trips,
"Square Deal for Every Customer;"